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- a piece of glass or plastic that refracts light. A lens forms an image by bending
parallel rays of light that pass through it.
- A lens forms an image by bending parallel rays of light that pass through it.
- t is a basic optical device that uses refraction on two surfaces to produce images.
- It has two surfaces. Each of these two surfaces may be curved in a different way. So
each surface will have its own radius of curvature. But together, they work to bend
light a certain way and, therefore, gives the lens its characteristics focal length.
- the thickness is small relative to its focal length, the radii of curvature of its two
surfaces and to the object and image distances.
- combination of diverging lens & converging lens
How does light behave when it passes a transparent medium?
- when light travel in a vaccum and enters in a transparent medium such as air, the
speed reduces in a refracted material
- it is being refracted when it passes through.
- diverge after refraction
- Always produce a virtual image in a plane mirror.
- also known as a concave lens, is thinner in the middle, causing the rays of light to
appear to originate from a single point.

This group of lenses(concave lenses) separate light in different directions. In general,

diverging lenses are thinner in the center than around the edges.
- usually produce a real images

This group of lenses(convex lenses) bring light together. In general, converging

lenses are thicker in the center than around the edges.
- increase the refraction and reduce in focal length usually for farsightedness
people(vision condition) wherein the far object you see is clear while when the
object is near you its getting blurry.
How does a Lens Produce an Image?
- The type of image formed by a lens depends on the shape of the lens and the
position of the object.
Where do images form when we use a diverging lenses and what are the
characteristics of the images formed by converging lenses?
- When a diverging lens is used alone, the image is always virtual, right-side up, and
smaller than the object. It makes no difference how far or how near the object is. A
diverging lens is often used for the viewfinder on a camera.
R a y diagramming and equations can also be used to locate and describe the images
formed by the converging lenses.


- light passing
Through the lens
And bouncing in a
Mirror and freezing
In a camera.

This is the position of the virtual image. The image is nearer to the lens than the
object. The image formed by a diverging lens is always virtual, reduced, and right-
side up.
- gives us a more qualitative way of locating and describing the image formed by a
thin lens. This equation looks exactly the mirror equation.
f do di
Quantity + - Focal length(f) Converging
lens(convex) Diverging lens(concave) Object distance(do) Real object
Virtual object
Image distance(di) Real image Virtual Image( same side
(opposite side of lens as the object) of lens as the object)
Image height(hi) Upright image Inverted image
Object height(ho) Upright object N/A
Magnification(M) Upright image(Virtual) Inverted image(Real)
The lateral magnification of a lens can also be calculated by the equation we used in
M= - di/do, M= di/do
A 5-cm high object is placed 15 cm from a 30-cm focal length diverging lens.
Determine the image distance, the magnification of the image, the image height, and
properties of the image.
Solution: We are given the focal length f= 15 cm, and the object distance do= 30 cm.
Take note diverging lenses have NEGATIVE focal length. The minus sign indicates that
the focal point is virtual or the rays do not pass through the point.

DLA 12
- flow of electrons
- the study of magnetic fields and their effect on materials
- like a force, gravity that can found in a nucleus of an atom
1. Magnets have the ability to attract materials that are magnetic in nature.
- material that magnetic in nature
- strongest at the end compare to center
- magnetic materials called as aspero magnetic
- Difficult to magnetize however, - easy to magnetize but they can
It does not readily loose its mag- readily loose its magnetism
Netism - Iron: example
- Steel: example
- considered as non-magnetic


- one factor that can affect a magnet to lose its ability to attract is when they are
getting smaller, through heating it. Can be thrown out of the line.
2. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other
- they repel because they have the same direction
|N | S|

Move away from its end move toward to its end

3. When allowed to hang freely, magnets always align in one particular direction.
SOUTH TO S - tend to repel
NORTH TO N - repel
S TO N - attract
4. Magnets always occur in a pair
- always have north and south. Kahit mahati sila sa gitna magpepair pa rin sila.
| S|N |
- is a region around the magnetic pole where magnetic force can be detected.
- Imaginary lines
- pag madaming lines, mataas ang magnetic field
TESLA - unit used to determine magnetic field
- relationship between electricity & magnetism. Example: Fan
- Example: Compass needle
- tells the direction of electricity & magnetic field
- Electricity to magnetism
- enducing electricity, Magnetism to electricity
- electromagnetic induction
- called as temporary magnet
- consist of electromagnets, permanent magnet, commutator

- called as amature - NS
- nagrorotate sya dahil pagtumama yung north iikot sya.
- use to measure electricity
- control the pointer
- discussed by Michael Faraday
1. When he thrust a magnet into a coil of wire, current was induced in the coil while
the magnet was moving relative to the coil.
2. Moving the magnet away from the coil caused the galvanometer to deflect in the
opposite direction.
3. Moving the magnet toward the coil had in the same effect as moving the coil
toward the magnet, only the relative motion was important.
- UP - different direction
- DOWN - diff. direction
- states that electromotive force(EMF) induced in a loop of wire is proportional to
the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil and is presented even the circuit
resistance is infinite and the current is zero.
1. Step- up transformer - it can increase the voltage & it can decrease the current
2. Step-down transformer - opposite of step-up transformer.EX: 220 OUTLET - then
pabababain nya yung voltage.

- one of the longest standing and most famous stories about Gods
and Goddesses in history. In fact, its popularity allowed it to be the topic of various
written and movie adaptations. The names contained in its various tales are still the
subjects of discussions in literature classes.
Listed below are the twelve Olympians of Greek mythology:
1. Zeus – He is the King of Mt. Olympus, and the God of thunder. He is the reputed
of Athena (with Metis) and Apollo and Artemis (with Leto).
2. Poseidon – He is the God of the seas, and owner of the Trident (three-pronged
3. Hades – He is the ruler of the underworld – this was so because he drew it when
they were distributing the different domains.
4. Hestia – She is the Goddess of the hearth. She protects households, and is one of
the few virgin Goddesses.
5. Hera – She is the Goddess of Marriage. She is the reputed wife of Zeus. She is a
punitive Goddess who sanctioned any woman, Goddess or mortal, who had an affair
with Zeus.
6. Demeter – She is the Goddess of Agriculture, and the mother of Persephone.
7. Athena – She is the Goddess of wisdom. Coincidentally, she came out of Zeus’
8. Apollo – He is the God of music and poetry. Some versions also suggest that he is
the God of the Sun.
9. Artemis – She is the Goddess of the hunt. She is one of the few virgin Goddesses.
10. Hermes – He is the messenger of the Gods.
11. Ares – He is God of war who uses the skin of his defeated opponent as part of his
12. Dionysus – He is the god of Wine.
Three arguments about Greek Mythology
1. It is one of the oldest systems belief. Its characters were even mentioned in other
religious texts.
2. The Greek Gods were not omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
3. Greek Gods reflect human flaw. According to the Greeks, in the beginning there
was only a chaos, an immeasurable void or emptiness. Chaos gave birth to the
primordal deities, the entities that represented the elements. The most significant
among these deities was Gaia(Earth) who gave birth to Uranus (sky), Ourea
(Mountains) & Pontus (sea). First sila.
Gaia (mother) & Uranus(father) gave birth to titans which is Prometheus.
The union of Gaia and Uranus created the titans, the first rulers of the earth. Asude
from the titans, the Cyclops and hecatoncheires came into existence.
1. Coeus - questioning
2. Phoebe - prophecy/ oracular intellect/ grandmother of the artemis and apollo.
3. Oceanus - sea
4. Tethys - mortality
5. Lapetus - mortality
6. Epimetheus - afterthought and excuses
7. Prometheus - fire
8. Atlas - the titans who bore the world on his shoulders
Cyclops Hecantoncheires


While the titans reigned over the earth, the cyclops one-eyed giants) and
hecantoncheires(50 headed and a hundred armed giants) were sent to tartanus as
they posed a threat to the titans. Gaia did not like this so she asked Cronus(her son)
one of the titans, to castrate uranus using a sickle( remove sexual organ of uranus).

The Curse of the Supreme Ruler

- the union of cranus and rhea gave birth to the olympians, the elder Gods and
Goddesses. However, a prophecy had convinced cronus to eat every single one of his
- The alone survivor was Zeus because of his mother Rhea.
1. He was left dangling from a tree
2. A she- goat nurse God named Amalthea raised him
3. An army of skeleton named Kouretes clashed their weapons every time zeus cried
to prevent him from being heard.
METIS - wisdom
LOOP - one
- A goddesses named Metis helped zeus to pretend as a cupbearer to the titans.
With his, he made cronus drink a potion that made him disgorge zeus siblings. With
the help of cyclops, who made the weapons of the elder Gods and hecantoncheires,
the olympians won the battle and now called as Titinomachy.
DLA 11
According to Francisco (2015), humans are social beings who have created a set of
symbols called languages. She added that when these symbols are spoken, they are
called oral language.
What is interpersonal communication?
- According to Francisco (2015): Sending the message verbally, using spoken or
written word Sending it non-verbally, using what is called body language. According
to Francisco (2015), interpersonal communication happens when 1) sending the
message verbally, using spoken or written word, or 2) sending it non-verbally, using
what is called body language. Francisco (2015) also shares that to be an effective
interpersonal communicator, you must: 1) must really want to share your thoughts
with others, 2) must want to communicate honestly and sincerely, 3) must send a
message that your receiver
can understand and respond to.
Effective interpersonal communications involves:
1. Desire to share thoughts with others;
2. Desire to communicate honestly and sincerely; and
3. Desire to send a message that your receiver can understand.
Advantages of Oral Communication
1. The speaker can use stress, pitch, inflection, and volume to clarify or emphasize
a. Stress – emphasis placed on a word
b. Pitch – highness or lowness
c. Inflection
d. Volume
2. The sender can immediately evaluate the receiver’s response.
3. Oral communication makes sharing experience more personal.
Communication happens in the presence of two key elements namely: sender and
receiver. The sender is the person who tries to communicate. He/she may modify
the language through the use of actions or variations in tone. The receiver is the one
who understands or decodes the message of the sender. If the receiver gets the
message, he/she may give a feedback depending on how he/she feels about what
the sender said. Failure in the communication cycle also happens when there are
interferences. These may come from the environment (i.e. noise), physical condition
of both sender and receiver, and difference in language.
The Process of Communication
Sender – Message – (Interference)
Receiver –Response – (Interference)
The figure above shows the natural cycle of communication. The process starts with
sender giving a message. This message may be affected by an interference before it
makes it to the receiver. The receiver decodes the message and gives a feedback.
The feedback may once again be affected by an interference before it makes it to the
The table below shows the communication cycle diagram. It highlights what happens
on the part of the sender and receiver when a message is sent.

Sender Interference Receiver

Thinks External: Outside distractions (noise) Receives messages

Encodes thoughts Conditions causing discomfort Decodes message

Into The message (low signal)

Transmits message through Internal: Negative mindset Interprets message

oral language

Modifies message through Physical discomfort, reacts to message as

physical an vocal action physical limitations, a interpreted
Inattentiveness and lack of interest

Becomes a receiver Language: language becomes sender

Differences, poor and limited

When we communicate orally, we include ourselves in the message that we are

sending. As much as how oral communication regressed given a number of
reasons, it still has its advantages such as:
1. The speaker can use stress, pitch, inflection, and volume to clarify or to emphasize
 Stress - emphasis placed on a word
 Pitch – highness and lowness of sound
o Low pitch suggests firmness, assurance, and confidence
o High pitch suggests nervousness, excitement, and lack of assurance
o Series with a steadily rising pitch builds suspense and force
o Word suddenly spoken with a low pitch is greatly emphasized
 Inflection – blending of two or more sounds to express a single vowel
 Volume – loudness and softness of sound

2. The sender can immediately evaluate the receiver’s responses, including the non-
verbal ones, and he or she can make adjustments as needed.

3. Oral communication can make the sharing experience quite personal through eye
contact, body language, and use of a direct style.

DLA 12
- one of the popular epic poems included in Greek mythology.
- series of unfortunate events manifestation of flaws of Gods and Godesses.
- known poet during ancient time
- he was blind, it was said that he involves the holy muses whenever he tells story.
- long narrative poem centered on a larger than life hero
- Iliad and odysey are example
- epic poems are traditionally observing dactylic hexameter
- ul - ul - u - ul - uul - x
- first beauty pagent in history
- said to be the reason why the trofin war was fought
- paris is a prince of troy, he was vanished from his kingdom because there is a
prophecy that he will be the cause of his kingdom’s downfall.
- king priam way thrown paris to Mt. Ida to prevent the prophecy from happening.
- the cause of this war was when ERIS(Goddess of Discord) among all immortals was
not invited to the wedding of king Peleus and sea nymph thetis.

She ruined the marriage

- She devised a plan: to thrown an apple with an inscription, “To the Fairest”
|_ goddesses fought over this apple:
Hera, Athena and Aphrodite
- they went to zeus but zeus absurb from judging because he know there will be
trouble in doing so.
|_ the told the 3 Goddesses to go to Mt.Ida and look for Paris who is an excellent
judge of beauty
|_ 3 Goddesses offer bribes.
- Hera offered the europe and asia.
- Athena offered victory over the greek and said that he would lay them in ruins.
- Aphrodite offered the most beautiful woman in the world (Helen of sparta)
|_ married na sya
|_ ito yung pinili ni paris.
- daughter of zeus and hera
- her reputed father was a king Tyndareus of sparta
- madaming suitors so king tyndareus was always reluctant to choose
- he made an suitors swear to an oath that they will protect the marriage of the
Chosen one and helen.
MENELAUS (the chosen one) (king of sparta)
- king tyndareus choose menelaus and made him king of sparta.
- Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite. In turn aphrodite led paris to sparta to take
helen (some versions suggest that cupid made helen fall for paris)
- Mereland knew the deed of paris and called upon all greece to help him. However,
2 gereras were missing;
Odysseus and Achilles
|_ including Agamemnon his brother
|_ commending general of greek
- did not want to join the war kase faithless woman na si helen,
- Odysseus pretend to be a mad man; plowin the field and sowing it with salt.
- the messenger knew about odysseus and took his child Telemachus, placed him
Directly in the way of the plow
|_ first mission ay irecruit si achilles .
|_ Achilles was in the court of tycomedes, the king who treacherously killed theseus
|_ achilles a son thetis and king peleus and his mother nung baby pa siya nilubog
Siya sa river Styx sa underworld but yung heel nya ay di nalubog kaya yung ang
Vulnerable part nya.
- Achilles was dressed as a girl for his mother, Thetis was afraid that greeks would go
Looking for him to join the war.
 Odysseus disguised as a merchant selling clothes and weapons at the same time
 While most women flocked for clothes, achilles toyed with the weapons
 Odysseus convinced achilles and it was no trouble to make him disregard what
her mother told him
 His mom told him na mamatay sya pero he is so hard headed that he even said it
Is better to die with glory
 2 warriors knew that they will be killed.
- achilles had been told by his mother: “Very brief is your lot. Would that could be
free now from the tears and troubles, for you shall not care.”
- Hector told his wife Andromache: “ the day shall come when holy troy will be laid
low and priam’s people.
- agamemnon took for a slave (chryreis) a daughter of apollo’s preist
- when agamemnon refuse to return chryseis to her father. Apollo preist prayed to
Him and the nod shot fiery arrows upon the greek army
- Calchas told the army that chryseis must be given back
- instead kinuha ni agamemnon yung slave ni achilles (Briseis) at nainsulto si achilles
Dahil dito.
- With his concubine taken and pride dented. Achilles decided he will no longer join
the war in behalf of his mother.
- tethis sought a favor from zeus to five the victory to the trojans, to avoid the
premonition from happening. However, zeus was very reluctant because the other
deities started to take sides.
Greeks Trojans
Hera Apollo
Athena Artemis
Poseidon Aphrodite
Zeus on several occasions
 At this point the gods and goddesses were reigned against each other
 Zeus heeds thetis request
- zeus sent a lying a dream to agamemnon promising a victory if he attacked
- Helen sat with royalties of troy and pointed out the heroes of greece
- the war ceased between armies and in the middle were and Paris and menelaus
|_ they engaged in one-on-one revel
- menelaus got the better of paris and dragged him by hid helmet, only formparis to
be saved by aphrodite who unstrapped the helmet and took paris back to try.
- the war should be ended then but the hlera was convinced that troy must be in
ruins. Meanwhile, Athena persuaded the foolish padarus to shot an arrow at
- terror, destruction and strife prevailed
- Hector turned aside to see once move, perhaps for the last time. The woman that
he tenderly loved, Andromache and his son Astyamax.
 THE MIGHTY HECTOR - killed Patroclus kaya sumali ulit si achilles sa war.
- Zeus ordered the gods and goddesses to stay in Olympus
- hector led the army to drive the greeks back to their snips
- Agamemnon tried to appeare achilles
- the ff. Day hera caught zeus watching from Mt. IDA
- Hera seduced zeus to prevent him from giving favors to the trojans
- Ajax hurled hector to the ground but Aeneas was quick to survive
- Apollo revived the fainting hector before the two, the God and the Hero, the
Greeks were like a flock of ships.

The Iliad highlights the lives of early Greek soldiers and generals. The Iliad also covers
the historic Trojan War. The bloodshed that it caused sprang from the deed of the
Prince of Troy, Paris, who abducted Helen, the most beautiful woman in the planet.
Menelaus, the husband of Helen, upon knowing the actions of Paris called his
brother Agamemnon to launch a war against the Trojans. 50,000 men went to get
Helen as they swore an oath to protect the marriage of Menelaus and Helen. Some
of the famous who took part in the war from the Greek side were: Odysseus (wisest
general), Ajax, and Achilles.

As the war went on, it became clear that no side was winning. It took interventions
from the Gods and Goddesses to force drastic events to happen. One of which
transpired when Hector killed Patroclus, the best friend of Achilles. Prior to that,
Achilles was decided not to join the war because of his anger toward Agamemnon.
Hector’s deed spelled doom for him as the following day, Achilles came for him to
exact vengeance. The Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector.

The Trojan War ended when the Greeks faked their surrender by offering a giant
wooden horse to the Trojans. As hesitant as some people were to accept the horse,
majority rejoiced over this. The same night, after the celebrations in Troy, Greek
warriors came out of the horse to slaughter the sleeping Trojans. In the end, Helen
went back with Menelaus. However, the Greeks will be followed by the ghost of their
hideous deeds in Troy.

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