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Considering Inclusion in

NIH Grant Applications and

Contract Proposals

Dawn Corbett, MPH

NIH Inclusion Policy Officer
Office of Extramural Research
Goals for this session:
• Lea rn how NIH inclus ion policies a re a ddres s ed when a pplying for or
propos ing NIH clinica l res ea rch
• Unders ta nd how peer review eva lua tes pla ns for inclus ion
• Recognize requirements for reporting a nd monitoring inclus ion in clinica l
res ea rch

NIH Inclus ion P olicie s
• Inclusion of women and minorities in all NIH funded
or supported clinical research is mandated by law
• Additional requirements for NIH -defined Phase III
clinical trials to consider whether the study can be
expected to identify potential differences by
sex/gender, race, and/or ethnicity
• NIH policy requires recipients include individuals
across the lifespan when conducting clinical
research, unless there is a scientific or ethical
reason for their exclusion.
• Goal of policies to ensure individuals are included in
clinical research in a manner appropriate to the
scientific question under study.
Wha t’s Re quire d for Inclus ion Whe n
Applying for NIH Funding?
• Plans for inclusion of women and minorities
• If proposing an NIH-defined Phase III clinical trial, address
plans for valid analysis of differences in effect by
sex/gender, race, and/or ethnicity.
• Inclusion enrollment report
• Data on sex/gender, race, and ethnicity of the sample
• Planned and/or Cumulative (actual) depending on the
study design
• Plans for inclusion of individuals across the lifespan
• Age limits (if applicable) and justification

Inclus ion Enrollm e nt Re port

P e e r Re vie w of Inclus ion
• Each reviewer will assess
the inclusion plans
• Peer review group will
determine overall rating of
“acceptable” or
• Projects considered Picture courtesy of the NIH Center for Scientific
“Unacceptable” may not be Review

funded until resolved!

Com m on Inclus ion Conce rns
• Inadequate information describing the sex/gender, race, ethnicity,
and/or age(s) of the sample

• Inadequate justification for proposed sample

• Sex/gender, race, ethnicity, and/or age(s) breakdown not
appropriate for the scientific goals of the study or not adequately

• Unrealistic sampling
• Appropriate from scientific perspective but not realistic
• Collaborations and outreach plans may help
Afte r Funding…Now Wha t?

• Investigators/recipients provide actual inclusion enrollment data

in progres s reports
• For NIH-defined Phas e III Clinical Trials – report status/results of
analyses by s ex/ gender, race, and ethnicity
• For applicable NIH-defined Phas e III Clinical Trials , report
res ults by s ex/ gender and/ or race/ ethnicity in Clinicaltrials .gov
within 1 year of primary completion date
• Inclus ion enrollment progres s (or challenges ) reviewed at leas t
annually by NIH s taff
Individua l- le ve l P a rticipa nt Da ta
• De-identified individual-level participant data on sex/gender, race, ethnicity, and
age at enrollment required in progress reports for applications submitted for due
dates January 25, 2019, contract solicitations issued after that date, and
intramural studies initiated after that date

Inclus ion Re s ource s

• Inclusion of Women and Minorities

• Inclusion Across the Lifespan

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Sum m a ry
• NIH applicants/offerors proposing clinical research
must include plans to address inclusion of women,
minorities, and individuals across the lifespan
• Inclusion plans are evaluated by peer review and
determined to be “acceptable” or “unacceptable”
• After funding, recipients report progress of
enrollment by sex/gender, race, ethnicity, and age at
least annually

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Que s tions
1. If peer review finds inclus ion pla ns to be una ccepta ble, the
concerns mus t be res olved prior to NIH funding

2. If funded, NIH recipients will need to provide da ta on

pa rticipa nt ra ce, ethnicity, s ex/ gender, a nd da te of birth

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