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Either ethics or profit is necessary for a business to survive; one or the other is more

When the prevailing management philosophy is based on ethical practices and behavior,
leaders within an organization can direct employees by example and guide them in making
decisions that are not only beneficial to them as individuals, but also to the organization as a
whole. Building on a foundation of ethical behavior helps create long-lasting positive effects for
a company, including the ability to attract and retain highly talented individuals, and building
and maintaining a positive reputation within the community. Running a business in an ethical
manner from the top down builds a stronger bond between individuals on the management
team, further creating stability within the company.
 Employees make better decisions in less time with business ethics as a guiding principle; this
increases productivity and overall employee morale. When employees complete work in a way
that is based on honesty and integrity, the whole organization benefits.

2. All businesses should act with environmental responsibility.

● Thesis statement: Businesses will benefit from acting more environmentally responsible as their
brand image and reputation increase, firms will benefit from substitutions and shareholders can
be attracted.
● 1. Mainpoint: first, improved brand image and reputation (can serve as a competitive
advantage).The Shell Group, which will be serving as an illustrating example, is currently working
on improving their reputation to enhance their organizational performance
● · 2. Main point: Second, Business might get substitutions and financial support when
becoming more environmentally sustainable → Guides for companies to receive substitutions can
be found online and can reduce costs of businesses
● · 3. Main point: Attract new shareholders: Example: Royal Dutch Shell → Shell will move the
HQ to London, get rid of the “Royal Dutch” in its name. These actions are linked to the aim to
become more envirnonmentally responsible. Shell expects as a result that these measures will
attract new investors.

● In conclusion:
● Being more environmentally sustainable will be beneficial for firms in multiple ways. Increased
reputation, substitutions and the attraction of new investors will result in an overall increased
performance of a company.
3. Online presence will never fully replace brick-and-mortar businesses.

● Thesis statement: The future of brick and mortar business is threatened due to effects of the
current global pandemic; Shopping is done online;
● 1.Main point:
Effects of covid-19 mirror in changing shopping habits: The popularity of online shopping, for
example, is increasing: instead of buying clothes physically, we received them in front of our
homes, which is easier, faster and no time consuming.

● 2. Main point:
Due to corona virus pandemic, brick-and-mortar stores are mandatory closed to reduce the
number of people infected, which is why they are supposed to change their strategy and sell

● 3. Main point:
● Even if we want to accept or not, shopping online is way faster and no time consuming. Doing
so, we can use the time spent in the stores in many other ways, like spending time with family
and friends.
● Conclusion, there are tons of changes in today’s environment and wheter we want or not, brick
and mortar business could be replaced by online shopping very easily.

-ability to test products

-immerse customers in their brand culture and create lasting impressions

-ability to give alternatives to customers (Costco membership + pick up in store which is an

advantage over Amazon)

4. Current trends in international business and their global and national impact affect success.

5. Impact of the virus on future international business practices is inevitable.

● Thesis statement: International business practices will never look the same due to the current
pandemic; business travel will be lower, working from home will remain popular and firms will
choose regional suppliers rather than overseas.
● 1. Main point: Business travel will decrease, because Video conferencing will gain more
popularity → It is cheaper, convenient and eliinates coordination problems of international
● 2. Main point: home office will gain more popularity. The pandemic has shown that working
from home is possible and has therefore contributed to the firm-wide acceptance of home-
office. Consequently, the amount of employes working from home will remain in the long-term
● 3. Main point: outsourcing will decrease, because the disruptions of supply chains which
happened in the beginning of the pandemic, threatened a lot of firms. For example:
Manufacturers with overseas suppliers needed to stop their production because raw materials
could not be delivered. Choosing therefore regional suppliers would result in firms becoming
more resistant to such disruptions.
● Conclusion: In concluding remarks, the influence of covid on international business preactices is
vital: Business men will choose video conferencing over business travel and employees will
remain working from home as well as the degree of sourcing business practices overseas will

6. Business owners as well as employees should constantly learn new skills.

7. Monetary incentives function as the highest motivation for employees.

● Thesis statement: Monetary incentives boost emplyoee’s motivation, but non-monetary

inducements such as a pleasant work environment and job security are equally important.
● 1. Main point: Bonuses (WE LIKE MONEY)!!!!! Bonuses, insurance and stock options can be a
profound way of motivating employees to increase their work performance. Monetary
incentives are however not alone decisive for motivated workers. Which leads to the second
main point.
● 2. Main point: Work Environment is also an incentive for high motivation. for example studies in
the subject of organizational behavior have shown that the work environment can also have a
positive motivating effect on an employee’s attitude towards work contents; A company can
achieve this for example by valuing Work-Life balance. As a result, the workers are more
● 3. Main point: job security is an integral part of employee motivation. Several studies have
shown that a higher job security has a positive influence on decreasing mental tension of the
employee. He consequently feels more comfortable in his working environment which leads to a
higher motivation
● Conclusion
● In concluding remarks, monetary and non-monetary incentives for motivation of employees are
equally important. Money, such as bonuses can be as motivational as creating a comfortable
work environment due to job security and valuing work-life balance

8. Affirmative action is not right if someone is hired purely on race or gender status.

9. A business plan is beneficial for a company’s success.

Thesis statement:

If you are thinking of starting a business it is crucial to start with the most important step: the business
plan. Reviewing the business plan can also help you see what goals have been accomplished, what
changes need to be made, or what new directions your company's growth should take.

● 1. Main point: Business plans are made exactly for people to put their ideas together and
understand the whole picture of their business in order to seek success. Many ideas can be
effective and successful, but without a stong and analytical plan, it may be impossible for the
firm to survive.
● 2. Main point: Even if the company is on the market for many years, the business plan should be
redesigned in order to meet the new requirements and targets. Every aspect is changing rapidly,
from political to economical and so on. This is why, successful firms must keep up with new
changes and build the most effective plan for their benefit.
● 3. Main point: Without a polished business plan it is complicated for firms to resist in today’s
unstable environment. It is well know the importance of a business plan, but most important for
the business members is to respect and stick to the plan.
Conclusion: As Yogi Berra once said: ,,If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up somewhere
else”. This is why every business should design, prepare and stick to their plan in order to become

10. Every business person needs a mentor.

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