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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District



The Parents’ Association is a valuable component of the Bancil Elementary

School Community. Working in close cooperation with the Head of the School, it is
a vital communication link between parents and the school, bringing issues and
importance to parents and their children to the attention of school administration.

The association will operate as a non-profit organization with no personal

benefit accruing to members.

The business of the Association will be unbiased in respect of race, religion,

gender and politics, sexual orientation, and physical or mental ability.

The Aims and Objectives of the association are:

 To provide financial assistance to the school through

various fundraising efforts;
 To hoist special events and extend warm hospitality to
visitors, guests, and new parents;
 To coordinate a team of volunteers and communication
systems to facilitate the various activities in school;
 To manage several awards and contributions to the school.

Voting Members

1). All parents and guardian of pupils registered in Bancil Elementary School are
voting members of the Association.
2.) Administration and staff (teaching and non-teaching) of school may be invited to
become non-voting members of the Association. The Head of the school or
designate will be a non-voting member.
3.) Members of the school community who are not parents of pupils registered at
Bancil Elementary School may be invited to become non-voting members of the
4.) At no time will the Association have more non-voting members that voting

Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113396
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District

Compliance with bylaws

5.) Every member will uphold the constitution and comply with these bylaws.


General Meetings

1.) General meetings will be conducted with fairness to all members;

2.) General meetings will be held quarterly during the school year. One of those
meetings will be the Annual General Meeting.


3.) At General meeting, members will not discuss individual school personnel,
pupils, parents, or other members of the school community.

4.) The Association will refrain from partisan political action or other activities that
do not serve the interest of the school.

Notice of the meetings

5.) Members will be given reasonable notice of general meetings.



1.) A quorum for general meetings will be no less than five (5) voting members in
attendance at the meeting.


2.) Except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws, all matters requiring a vote will
be decided by a simple majority of the vote casts (50% plus 1).
3.) In the case of tie vote, the chair does not have a second or casting vote and the
motion is defeated.
4.) Members must vote in person in all matters. Voting by proxy will not be
5.) Except as provided elsewhere in these bylaws. Voting is by shown of hands, or
where requested by two voting members present, by secret ballot.
6.) Voting will be taken to destroy the ballots after every election,

Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113396
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District



1.) The executive will manage the Association’s affairs between general meetings.

Executive defined

2.) The executive will include the chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, immediate
past chair and such other members of the Association as the membership decides.


3.) any voting member of the association is eligible to serve on the executive, except
employees or elected officials of Bancil Elementary School.

Election of Executive

4.) The executive will be elected at each annual general meeting;

5.) Elections will be conducted by the Chair.

Term of Office

6.) The executive will hold office for a term of ONE YEAR beginning immediately
following the election.
7.) No person may hold the same executive position for more than four consecutive


8.) If an executive member resigns or ceased to hold office for any reason, the
remaining executive members may appoint an eligible member of the Association to
fill the vacancy until the next annual general meeting

Removal of Executive

9.) The members may, by a simple majority, remove an executive member before
the expiration of his or her term of office, and may elect an eligible member to
complete the term.
10.) written notice specifying the intention to make a motion to remove the
executive member must be given to all members not less than 14 days before the
11.) If any of the executive misses three (3) consecutive meetings, the member may,
at the call of the Chair, be asked to resign from the executive.

Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113396
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District

Renumeration of Executive

12.) No executive member may be renumerated for serving the executive, but may
be reimbursed for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred while engaged in
the Association’s affair.



1.) Executive meetings will be held at the call of the chair.


2.) A quorum members will be a majority majority (50% plus 1) of the members of
the executive.


3.) Executive members will be given reasonable notice of executive meetings.


4.) All matters requiring a vote at executive meetings will be decided by a simple
majority of the votes cast (50% plus 1).
5.) In the case of a tie vote, the chair does not have a second or casting vote and the
motion is defeated.


Code of Ethics

1.) On election of appointment, every executive member or representative must

agree to abide the code of ethics as referenced by this document,

Representing the Association

2.) Every executive member and representative must act solely in the interest of the
parent membership of the Association.


3.) Any information received in confidence by an executive member or

representative from school personnel, a pupils, parent or other member of the
Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate
School ID: 113396
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District

school community is privileged and must not divulged without permission of the
person giving the information.

Disclosure of Interest

4.) An executive member or representative who is interested, either directly or

indirectly, in a proposed contract or transaction with the Association or school
must disclose fully and promptly the nature and extent of his or her interest to the
membership and executive.
5.) Such an executive member or representative must avoid using her or his
position on the Association for personal gain or self-promotion of private business.


The Chair will:

 Speak on behalf of the Association

 Consult the Association members
 Preside at membership and executive meetings
 Ensure that an agenda is prepared
 Appoint committees where authorized by the membership or executive
 Ensure that the association is represented at school functions
 Ensure that the association activities are aimed at achieving the purposes
set out in the constitution be a signing officer

The Vice Chair will:

 Support the chair

 Assume the duties of the chair in the chair’s absence or upon request
 Assist the chair in the performance of his or her duties
 Accept extra duties as required
 Be a signing officer

The Secretary will:

 Ensure that the members are notified of meetings

 Record and file minutes of all meetings
 Keep an accurate copy of the constitution and bylaws, and make copies
available to members upon request
 Prepare and maintain other documentation as requested by the membership
or executive
 Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the Association
 Ensure safekeeping of all records of the Association
 May be signing officer
Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate
School ID: 113396
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District

The Treasurer will:

 Be one of the signing officers

 Ensure all funds of the Association are properly accounted for
 Disburse funds as authorized by the members or executive
 Ensure proper financial records and books of account maintained
 Report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive meetings
 Make financial records and books of account ready for inspection or audit
 Ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and
books of account in the treasurer’s absence.
 Submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting.


1.) The membership and executive may appoint committees to further Association’s
purposes and carry on its affair
2.) The terms of reference of each committee will be specified by the membership or
executive at the time the committee is established, or by the committee at its first
meeting, as the membership or executive decide.
3.) Committees will report to the membership and executive at each general


Financial year

1.) The financial year of the Association will be June 1 to March 31 of each year.

Power to Raise Money

2.) The Association may raise and spend money to further its aims ad objectives ot
this document.

Bank Accounts

3.) All funds of the Association must be kept on the custody of the treasurer.

Treasurer’s report

4.) A Treasurer’s report will be presented at each general meeting.


Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate
School ID: 113396
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Masbate Province
Aroroy West District

1.) The members may, by a majority of not less than 75% of the votes cast, amend
the Association’s constitution and bylaws.
2.) Written notice specifying the proposed amendments must be given to the
members not less than 14 days before the meeting.
3.) where the proposed amendments exceed one page, they need not be given to
every member, but must be posted in a conspicuous place in the school or made
accessible to all members.


All documents, records, minutes, correspondence, or other papers

kept by a member, executive member, representative, or committee member in
connection with the Association shall be deemed to property of the Association and
shall be turned over to the chair when a member, executive member,
representative, or committee member ceases to perform the task to which the
papers relate. A documents are the property of the association and will be
available for viewing by any member.


1.) In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Association and after payment of
all debts and costs of winding up or dissolution, the assets and remaining funds of
the Association shall be distributed to Bancil Elementary School.

2.) In the event of winding up or dissolution, all records of the Association shall be
given to the Head of the School of Bancil Elementary School.

Address: Sitio Bancil, Cabas-an , Aroroy, Masbate

School ID: 113396

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