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Name: Charles Jeremiah A.

Lipura Date Performed: 9/13/2021

Section: BSN - 1L Date Submitted: 9/13/2021

Communication Arts: Importance of Listening

Culture is the entity which separates and distinguishes us from other groups of
people. I believe that the message behind the selection is to promote peace and unity
towards individuals by setting all differences aside particularly in the personal and cultural
aspect. The video also signifies respect and acceptance to be a top priority for the
betterment of one’s workplace. In a sense, respecting others and accepting all individual
differences will ultimately result into having good relationships with your colleagues and
your prosperity as a group. I believe that the purpose of this message is to constantly
remind everyone that we are born and raised differently. We all come from different places
and we may not have the same beliefs but I suppose that it is still possible to work as one
and succeed. Moreover, equality is also an essential aspect in cultural sensitivity as it
signifies mutual respect among the people regardless of their distinct traits and
perspectives. For instance, my friends and I differ in our set of beliefs religiously for some
grew up believing in Christianity, some are Muslims while my family are all born again
Christians. However, that didn’t stop us from having a good relationship and bond for we
choose to accept and respect each and every one’s own culture. All in all, cultural
sensitivity is significantly vital as it lets people learn how to deal with diversity and live in
an environment full of people without judging and discrimination.

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