List of Goods and Delivery Schedule

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List of Goods and Delivery Schedule

[The Procuring Entity shall fill in this table, with the exception of the column “Tenderer's offered Delivery date” to be filled by the tenderer]

Lot Description of Goods Physical Final Delivery (as per Incoterms) Date
N unit Destination as Earliest Latest Delivery Tenderer’s offered
specified in Delivery Date Date Delivery date [to be
TDS provided by the
Kwale Water 7 days 15 days
Lot 1 Water Treatment Chemicals Company Head
1 Chlorine Kg
2 Soda ash kg
3 Aluminum sulphate ( Alum) Kg
DPD number one Tablets (500
4 tablets) Box
5 Phenol red tablets (500 tablets) Box
6 Disposable mask Pc
7 Disposable gloves Pc

2. List of Related Services and Completion Schedule: N/A

[This table shall be filled in by the Procuring Entity. The Required Completion Dates should be realistic, and
consistent with the required Goods Delivery Dates (as per Incoterms)].

Place where Final Completion

Service Description of Service Quantity1 Physical Unit Services shall be Date(s) of
performed Services

[insert [insert description of Related Services] [insert quantity [insert physical [insert name of the [insert required
Service of items to be unit for the Place] Completion
No] supplied] items] Date(s)]

1If applicable

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