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Vocabulary Notes Progress Test 1 Class 8A9 17/09/2021

Words/ Phrases Vietnamese Meaning Examples

1. to wrestle with st vật lộn với cái gì Inventors had first begun
to wrestle with the
challenge of coming up
with a human-powered
vehicle in the 17th

2. to emerge nhô lên, nổi lên, nảy The beginnings of the

ra modern bicycle emerged
in 1818 when Karl von
3. eccentric (adj) kỳ quặc Drais, an eccentric
German baron, invented
what we now know as the

4. sought-after (adj) được săn đón, được At £8 - equivalent today

ưa chuộng to £500 - the hobbyhorse
could be afforded only by
5. a status symbol (n.p) biểu tượng địa vị true gentlemen, and it
soon became a much
sought-after status

6. to die out lụi tàn dần But the craze died out
(to become less after a year following a
common and finally statement from the
stop existing) London College of
Surgeons, which said
darkly that the hobbyhorse
could cause “internal

7. to make slow progress tiến triển chậm Brilliant minds continued

to wrestle with the
mechanical horse but
made slow progress.

8. stunt (n) trò gây sự chú ý

Michaux was soon
9. to boost st thúc đẩy, làm tăng producing 20 bicycles a
lên day, and decided to
organize a women’s race
Vocabulary Notes Progress Test 1 Class 8A9 17/09/2021

as a stunt to boost his

sales further.

10. to win by a nose thắng sát nút A contemporary report

recorded that Miss Louise
took an early lead, but
Miss Julie made a
“superhuman effort”,
passing her on the home
straight and winning by a

11. to outdo sb làm giỏi hơn, làm Not to be outdone by their

nhiều hơn ai French counterparts,
British engineers set about
12. counterpart (n) người đồng nhiệm improving bicycle design
with wire-spoked wheels
13. to set about st bắt đầu giải quyết cái and solid rubber tyres.

14. gear (n) bánh răng, bộ số Gears and chains were

still thought too heavy and
15. chain (n) dây xích complex to be fitted to a
bicycle, so designers
could increase top speed
only by increasing the size
of the front wheel.

16. to bar sb from st/doing st ngăn cản ai làm gì Speeds of 20 mph were
now possible, but the
rider’s seat was directly
above the front wheel,
which made riding in a
skirt impossible, so
women were effectively
barred from bicycles.

17. drawback (n) nhược điểm, điều bất The penny farthing’s
lợi biggest drawback was its
danger: the high seat was
difficult to climb into, and
once up there the driver
had a long way to fall.

18. to launch st mở, phát động, tung In 1885, John Starley

ra (một cuộc tấn launched the Rover Safety
Vocabulary Notes Progress Test 1 Class 8A9 17/09/2021

công, một phong Bicycle, the first model to

trào, chương trình, adopt what we now think
v.v…) of as the traditional

19. to refine st - trau chuốt, Between 1890 and 1900,

trau dồi the bicycle was refined
- tinh chế until the basic design
(nguyên became very similar to the
liệu…) featherweights that
modern champions ride in
the Tour de France.

20. to be bound to V chắc chắn xảy ra Kelly is bound to do well

in the talent contest.

21. to be/go on sale được bày bán Tickets for the concert
will be on sale/go on sale
during the lunch hour.

22. to make an impression on gây ấn tượng với ai That play really made an
sb impression on me.
= to affect sb

23. to keep an eye on sb theo dõi ai, để ý, chú - The patient will be
= to keep sb under ý tới ai kept under
observation observation for the
time being.
- We’ll be keeping
an eye on the
patient for the time

24. to call sb names xúc phạm ai You have no right to call

= to insult sb me names just because I
don’t agree with you.

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Vocabulary Notes Progress Test 1 Class 8A9 17/09/2021

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