T-ENGM110 Final 2021 (2)

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De La Salle University - Dasmariñas

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology


T-ENGM110 – Applied Engineering Mathematics

Final Exam – Part 1

Name: ____________________________________________ Rating: _______________

CYS: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________

General Directions:
1. Show your solutions in a clean sheet of paper. Use blue or black inked pens ONLY.
2. Write legibly, neatly, and in an organized manner. Box your final answer/s.
3. Take a photo of your solutions and upload in the dropbox in this assessment.
4. Cheating in any form would merit a grade of 0.0.
5. “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” ~ Proverbs 16:3 ESV

I. Evaluate the following and write your answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. Two angles are adjacent and form an angle of 120O. If the larger angle is 20O less than
three times the smaller angle, find the larger angle.
A. 75O B. 30O C. 85O D. 65O

2. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point A is 55O30’. From another
point B, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 23O30’, which is directly
west of A. The points A and B are 117.45 m apart and on the same horizontal plane as
the foot of the tower. Find the height of the tower.
A. 90.6 m B. 86.7 m C. 89.5 m D. 53.5 m

3. A pine tree broken over by the wind forms a right triangle with the ground. If the
broken part makes an angle of 40O with the ground and the top of the tree is now 30 ft
from its base, how tall was the pine tree?
A. 35 B. 45 C. 55 D. 64

4. Two towers are 60 m apart from each other. From the top of the shorter tower, the an-
gle of elevation of the top of the taller tower is 40O. How high is the taller tower
if the height of the smaller tower is 40 m.
A. 90 B. 100 C. 90 D. 70

5. Evaluate arccot[2cos(arcsin0.5)].
A. 20O B. 45O C. 60O D.30O

6. A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of depression of the top
and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the PLDT tower at 13 o and 35o
respectively. The height of the tower is 50m. Find the height of the monument.

A. 29.13m
B. 30.11m
C. 32.12m
D. 33.51m

7. The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150 m each, respectively. The angle opposite
the 150m side is 26o. What is the third side?
A. 197.49m
B. 218.61m
C. 341.78m
D. 282.15m

8. The sides of a triangle are 195, 157 and 210, respectively. What is the area of the
A. 73,250 sq. units
B. 10,250 sq. units
C. 14,586 sq. units
D. 11,260 sq. units

9. A truck travels from point M northward for 30 min. then eastward for one hour, then
shifted N 30° W. if the constant speed is 40 Kph, how far directly from M, in km. will be
it after 2 hours?

A. 43.5
B. 45.2
C. 47.9
D. 41.6

10. Points A and B are 100 m apart and are on the same elevation as the foot of a
building. The angles of elevation of the top of the building from points A and B are 21°
and 32°, respectively. How far is A from the building in m?
A. 271.6 B. 265.4 C. 259.2 D. 277.9

. Evaluate the following (show complete solutions).

1. At one side of the road is a 25 ft pole fixed on top of a 15 ft wall. On the other
side of the road, the flagstaff and the wall subtend equal angle. Find the width of
the road.


2. The sum of the two interior angles of the triangle is equal to the third angle and
the difference of the two angles is equal to 2/3 of the third angle. Find the third


3. The sides of a right triangle is in arithmetic progression whose common difference

is 6 cm. its area is ____


4. From the top of a building 100 m high, the angle of depression of a point A due East
of it is 30°. From a point B due South of the building, the angle of elevation of
the top is 60°. Find the distance AB


5. Find the distance between the tip of an hour hand and tip of the minute hand of a
clock at 5:40PM if the minute hand is 9 inches long and the hour hand is 6 inches


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