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Name: Stephanie S.

Delos Santos Date: February 3, 2022

Section: CBET-22-201A Prof. Ma Del Carmen


Assesstment #1

Answer the following questions in three to five sentences only. (5 points each)

1. What new ideas about Mathematics did you learn?

● The new idea I've acquired for this course's introduction is that we use
mathematics in our daily lives without even realizing it. From the time we get
up to the time we go to bed. I learned that by studying mathematics, it
improves our analytic, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, which allow
us to solve problems and make decisions in our everyday life. Though I am
aware that we use mathematics in our daily lives, seeing the video presented
in this topic made me amazed at how our world was constructed with patterns
that exist in numbers, shapes, and the elements around us and how
mathematics plays a vital role in our lives to keep disorder in order and
prevent confusion and chaos, resulting in a better world to live in.

2. What is it about Mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?

● As I grew up, I experienced anxiety when doing mathematics. When I see

numbers or solve problems, I easily get scared, but after learning from this
mathematics introduction that is being discussed by Prof. Carmen, it is slowly
sinking into me that we don't need a lot of equipment to do simple
mathematics. Our minds are enough for us to understand this course. That
the course in mathematics was not hard if it was being taught by the right
professor, and that mathematics was not all about challenges, but also about
fun and exercising one’s mind. I associate math with adventure because it is
difficult yet fun. Math, like an adventure, has many challenges, but both
provide us with enjoyment once we achieve our goals. Which is to say, in
order to experience the most basic happiness, we must engage in a path that
appears challenging yet exciting.

3. How useful is Mathematics to humankind?

● Surprisingly, even if we don't realize it, everything in our world has a deep
mathematical connection. Mathematics is useful to all humans since it
enables them to solve problems in specific fields, such as weather
forecasting, technology creation and course’s foundations.Mathematics is
useful to all humans since it allows them to address problems in specific fields
such as weather forecasting, technological development, and course
foundation. Math is everywhere. The fact that it is so widely applicable.

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