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This’s Saturday morning at a café. I shake the tiny paper tube

of sugar over and over. But I don’t use it. I always drink my
coffee black and bitter. I am waiting for a friend to discuss
about our project. We set our time at 6pm because it is the
best time for us. While I am waiting him, I use my phone and
then thinking about project. My eyes dart over the needles of
the clock on the wall. It’s almost 5:45. That’s a little bit early.
As usual, my friend is a busy man. He takes a long time before
he goes out. He always late for every appointment. But I
understand him.
For a while, I check the time again. It is 5:48. I don’t know why
I feel the time is too slow. Soon I see a man who is wearing
blue shirt , short pants and black hat and brown hair. He looks
like a joker. At first, I think that he is mad. I order some snacks
to eat as I am a little bit hungry. While eating , that strange
man stands in front of me and says “ What’s your name?” .
“Why are you looking at me”. I am so afraid and looked up his
face. He is a very old man. I have a piece of snack and look up
him. Suddenly, he disappears. For a moment, I see him at the
corner of the street and he is also holding a small board.
Actually, he is making a joke for kids. Then he gets the money
and goes to the narrow street, beside the book shop. Then I
also follow him. My legs are very active in that case. I see an
unbelievable scene.
That man is donating all the money he got from children to
poor. I can’t believe my eyes. I feel very surprised. That
strange man is unbelievable. He shows me that his kindness.
OMG, I am too late. That time is over 6:20. When I reach café
back, my friend is waiting for me. He says angrily , you’re too
late today. Then I smile him without saying anything.

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