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The Watch

My dream started like this. I was having dinner in my dining room and
then went for a walk with my dog. I think it was around 6:30 PM and a
little bit cold outside and dark as it was winter. Wind and rain ripped at
the palm trees along the sidewalk. I was thinking what I should do when
I arrived back home. One thing that weird was, I’s taller than I am now.
Besides, I was also heavy. Even to walk through the door, I was so fat.
The house is also not mine, it was bigger than my house. Then I heard
the car’s horn unexpectedly and caused accident. After that, I was in an
ambulance with a girl and a boy who did not know where they came

That’s what I dreamed that night. But I don’t worry, I don’t believe in
dream and also it couldn’t have been real. As usual, Firstly, I heard my
mom’s voice, “Son, wake up” and I jogged downstairs to have the
breakfast and also to catch the school-bus.

It was November 29. Very exciting to participate Tazaungdaing festival

which is held on the full moon day of Tazaungmon so that too many
people are around our school as the festival will be held near it. It only
held at night. There are also small shops at the platform and my mom’s
bakery shop is there as well. Nevertheless, my dad was not there.
Currently, he is in Mandalay.

I was thinking about the dream that night as it was the worst dream
I’ve ever had. Now, I am 17 and I was not a good guy. But now I am
fixing to be a good guy. Once, I was indignant with my grandpa and did
not talk for a long time. Now, he was dead and I even didn’t say the last
word. Sometime I wanted to go to my childhood and fix my false.

At 4:00, I came back to my house but Mom has not returned yet. For a
while, I found the present on my study-table. I immediately unwrapped
it and just saw only a watch and a little cell phone. After that, I got a
message from it. It said, “Here is a special thing for you.” I didn’t
understand that. But the watch was like a new one so I wore a watch
on my wrist. The time was wrong. It was 6:30 so I changed it 6:15 but
my hands slipped. It was 5:45 and I was sitting at the dining room and
having the dinner instantly. “What the hell”, I said. I didn’t believe my
eyes. Then I changed the time to 4:00 and I was on the school-bus.
After a moment, gradually, I realized that I can change the time with
this watch. I’ve only seen such thing in movie.

The next morning, as usual, I had my breakfast with my mom and went
to school. When we arrived near the school, I heard siren and there
were four fire trucks. They were trying to put out the fire along the
sidewalk of our school. The accident was caused by a gas tank of one of
these shops. Fortunately, no one injured and I found the perpetrator of
the whole accident. He is neither too old nor young; I think he must be
around 55. On the other hand, the school was almost starting so I
looked at my watch and it was 8:55. One thing I noticed that I had a
watch which can change the time easily.

I changed the time into 6:00 and then I was in the bed directly. That
time is early and no school-bus hadn’t arrived yet. So I used my bicycle
to go to that shop. When I reached there, the door was still closed so I
cried, “Hey, are you there, you will need to check your gas tank back”.
Few minutes later, the shopkeeper came out reluctantly and said, “
What’s up”, what are you talking about”. I explained him the whole
process in detail. He didn’t believe but he checked his gas tank. In fact,
the electric wires from the roof were dropped down near the gas tank
as the roof are quite decay. In this way, I was able to prevent an

Just this way, my ideas came out of my mind again and again. Then I
decided to do the biggest plan that I will go back to my childhood.
Immediately after planning, I changed the time and it took about 45
minutes. At last, mission completed. I was grade (3) student and I saw a
lot of my old friends. So my grandpa was also in my house. I tried to be
the best guy I could be, unlike before. A watch was still on my wrist and
cell phone was in my pocket as well.

This time, I tried to travel my whole life. Everything still normal. I

received a message from the phone. But that time, I really wanted to go
to my future so that I decided to read that message later. It took about
one hour.

Afterwards, I woke up from one of the rooms of big house. Everything

was different from my house and there were many luxuries and
beautiful pictures on the wall as well. Then I jerked the mantelpiece
and saw my mom and dad photo. Suddenly the boy who is about 22
years old made me shock. He called me dad and said, “Mom is calling
you, go and have your breakfast”. From that time on, I started to know
that I was in future. I don’t want to be like that so I looked my watch
and tried to change it back.

The problem started from here. I lost the control of the watch and my
own life was controlled by a watch. Sometimes I was young and
sometimes I was old and it was happening like past and future and
there was no my real present time. Day after day, week after week, I
became depressed and depressed. Now, I remembered the message
from my cell phone and it said, “Don’t change the time too much”. With
many regrets, I went outside for a walk and caused the accident which
had dreamed the night before the festival. A boy and a girl who besides
me also were my children and finally I just saw only dark without seeing

I woke up again. I woke up from my mom’s shop. I think it is as if fate

had favored me. Actually, at 4:00, I must be in my mom’s shop. I slept
from that time until morning without having dinner as I got a headache.
Now it is 5:30 and I should go to the place where accident will happen.

In conclusion, it’s all about my dream and anything didn’t happen. Op,
there is something in my pocket. It is the cell phone in my dream and
there is also message, “Here is a special thing for you”.

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