Approaching The Essay Question

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Suggested Steps:
1. Read the question and understand the requirements
Every question will be focused on: Theme, Character, Setting,
Plot, Conflict or Point of View
2. Examine the element of the poem the question is focusing
on. That way you can formulate your thoughts and recall
supporting details
3. Dissect the question. Normally, the questions are written
with a three part requirement
4. Jot down as many points as you can remember for each
section of the question

The poems ‘A Stone’s Throw’ and ‘The Woman Speaks to the Man Who has employed
her Son’ are about how women are treated.”
Write an essay in which you briefly describe what is taking place in each poem. In this
essay you must also discuss the speaker’s attitude to the woman. Finally, identify ONE
device which and discuss its effectiveness in conveying the treatment of women.
1. Describe what is taking place in each poem

2. Discuss the speaker’s attitude to the woman

3. Identify ONE device which and discuss its effectiveness in conveying the treatment
of women
Discuss the effectiveness….
Identify the device ( Simile? Metaphor? Allusion? Personification? Special
Establish whether the device was used effectively or not (Very effective?
Effectively? Quite effective?)
Effective in doing what? (Highlighting? Emphasizing? Clarifying? Creating?
Stressing? Contrasting?)
The poet Dennis Brutus effectively uses special diction to highlight the plight of
the persona. The persona is trapped in a situation where he feels guilty for
betraying his female companion. He therefore paint the picture of himself being
scrutinized and chastised by his conscience. Special vocabulary items such as
“treachery, ” “convicts” and “treason” help to emphasize the guilt and betrayal that
the persona is experiencing…..
1. Establish your introductory paragraph
● Start with a strong topic sentence that relates to the
question (One sentence)
● Write two or three supporting sentences- name the work,
the author, give a brief summary of the work
● Establish your thesis STATEMENT. ONE sentence that
captures three main points to be developed in the essay.

2. Develop your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph will

develop a point outlined in the thesis statement. That is why a thesis
statement is VERY IMPORTANT.
● Write a topic sentence from a point in the thesis
● Develop this point with one or two supporting sentences
● Use SUPPORT (a quote, examples, paraphrase) from text
to support your discussion
● Write your closing sentence.
3. Write your conclusion
● You may restate your thesis statement
● Summarize your main points
● Close the paragraph


The poems ‘A Stone’s Throw’ and ‘The Woman Spe
the Man Who has Employed her Son’ are about how wome
Write an essay in which you briefly describe what is
place in each poem. In this essay you must also discuss the
speaker’s attitude to the woman. Finally, identify ONE devi
which and discuss its effectiveness in conveying the treatm

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