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Activity 1: Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations. Write your answers on the space provided.
______________________________________________1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
______________________________________________2. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
______________________________________________3. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
______________________________________________4. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
______________________________________________5. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
______________________________________________6. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
______________________________________________7. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
______________________________________________8. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
______________________________________________9. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
______________________________________________10. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.
Activity 2: Cite an example situation where you used the given functions of communication. Example: Control – My mother scolded me.
Her anger made me keep quiet.
Control: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Social Interaction: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Emotional Expression: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Motivation: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Information Dissemination: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Activity 3: Fill in the table below with the information discussed in pages 33-34 of the module about the purpose of communication.
Type of Communication Description Best to Use Purpose/s
1. Small talk





Direction: Write your answer in the space provided before each number.
_____1. It the environment where communication takes place _____11. This function of communication facilitates people’s
a) Encoding c) Decoding expression of their feelings and emotions.
b) Context d) Feedback a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression
_____2. It is the source of the information.
a) Speaker c.) Message _____12. It is the one who decodes the message.
b) Receiver d) Channel a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel
_____3. Communication allows us to act and react to the
behavior of people around us. _____13. In the communication process, decoding takes place
a) Emotional expression c) motivation a) by the sender
b) Control d) social interaction b) when dealing effectively with the element of noise
c) within the message
_____4. It is the source of the information. d) by the receiver
a) Speaker c.) Message
b) Receiver d) Channel _____14. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the
grocery store. Who is the sender of the message?
_____5. Which is NOT an element of the communication a) Kyla c) grocery store
process? b) Margie d) ingredients
a) message c) technology
b) sender d) receiver _____15. It is that type of talk serving as purpose of
communication that refers to the tactful use of power to get
_____6. It refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts results and may be used to motivate people.
conveyed. a) Straight Talk c) Light control Talk
a) Speaker c.) Message b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Search Talk
b) Receiver d) Channel
_____16. The Principal of a certain school gives a speech on the
_____7. It refers to the medium used in communication. first recognition program to the students. Who is the receiver of
a) Speaker c.) Message the message?
b) Receiver d) Channel a) recognition program
b) Principal
_____8. It is a function of communication which refers to the c) the words and movements of the principal during his speech
energy that influences a person’s behavior in different ways to d) the students
his pursuit of his goal or objective.
a) Social interaction c) information dissemination _____17. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want
b) motivation d) emotional expression to gather data or the consensus of other to be able to provide
_____9. This is one of the most basic functions of a) Small Talk c) Light control Talk
communication that provides data and information for effective b) Search Talk d) Heavy - Control Talk
completion of tasks, solution of problems, and elimination of
uncertainty. _____18. It is designed to place blame and to control or regulate
a) Social interaction c) emotional expression people. This creates defensiveness on the part of the receiver
b) information dissemination d) control and is rarely, if ever, appropriate.
a) Heavy - Control Talk c) Search Talk
_____10. One of the basic functions of communication is to b) Light control Talk d) Small Talk
exercise restraint or direction formally or informally.
a) Control c) motivation _____19. The researcher reads and discusses classroom policies
b) social interaction d) information dissemination to her students.

a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction

b) Motivation d) Emotional Expression _____25. The President delivers his State of the Nation Address.
a) Emotional Expression c) Information dissemination
_____20. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher b) Control d) Social Interaction
education to a group of high school students. What is the
message? _____26. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical
a) high school students? c) importance of higher education concepts.
b) you d) your voice and language a) Social Interaction c) Emotional Expression
b) Motivation d) Information dissemination
_____21. This talk is good for problem-solving and conflict
resolution and may be used to facilitate emotional expression for _____27. Rex shares his insights on how to live peacefully
catharsis, which is the act of purging, cleansing, and unloading despite a complicated life.
of ideas and emotions. a) Emotional Expression c) Motivation
a) Small Talk c) Heavy - Control Talk b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction
b) Light control Talk d) Straight Talk
_____28. Mona shares her personal frustrations with Chona.
_____22. James greets May; then, they start talking about their a) Emotional Expression c) Control
plans for the holidays. b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction
a) Motivation c) Social Interaction
b) Information dissemination d) Control _____29. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the
plans in a public forum.
_____23. It is an example of an audience feedback? a) Emotional Expression c) Control
a) laughter c) half-closed eyelids b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction
b) silence d) all of the above
_____30. Josie delivers her farewell speech.
_____24. This purpose of talk is a form of nonthreatening a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction
communication that may be used to effect social interaction. b) Emotional Expression d) Motivation
a) Search Talk c) Small Talk
b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Straight Talk



Activity 1: Comic Strip Analysis
Comic Strip 1 Comic Strip 2 Comic Strip 3
Damsel: Hello Chaesa, it’s me, Damsel! Damsel: I miss you too, Chaesa! Guess Damsel: Not yet. Why don’t you do it
How are you? what’s new? The batch reunion will push yourself since you have better PR than
Chaesa: Oh, hi Damsel! I’m doing great! through on summer next year. me. And besides, I’m busy. A cup of hot
Yeah. It’s been a while. I miss you. What’s Chaesa: Really?! I can’t wait! Been dying to choco, ok?
up, girl? see the rest of our classmates again. Have Chaesa: You’re making excuses. I know
you told the others already? right? You’re just trying to evade
Comic Strip 4 Comic Strip 5 Comic Strip 6
Damsel: Come on! I know what you’re Damsel: Stop it okay? I have an incoming Damsel: Whatever, bff. I hope majority
trying to say. Everything between us is call you know. Anyway, just get your job will attend. I bet Mr. P.I.O. is gonna be
water under the bridge so stop teasing me! done miss P.I.O! there for sure at your service.
Chaesa: Whoah! But why do I get the Chaesa: Okay. Miss Presy, don’t worry, Chaesa: You never have changed!
feeling that you’re blushing right now? H- Prince Charming will be the first to know! You’re still great at getting even with me

hello, you sound choppy. You there? Or are How’s that? Princess Damsel. Wait ‘til I call the
you stuttering? charming Prince. Bye for now. Call you
back soon.

Study how the process of communication is shown in the conversation transcript of the comic strip on page 13 of Module 2.
Answer the questions posed below as direct as possible.
Analysis Questions:
1. In comic strip 1, who is the source of the message and what is the medium of communication?

2. Which comic strip shows the message of the conversation? Cite and explain.

3. Are the elements such as noise, feedback involved in the process? Cite and explain

4. What do you think is being talked about in comic strips 4? Is there any sharing of field of experience? Cite and Explain.

5. Can you say that this conversation depicts a good communication model? Why or why not?

Activity 2: Fill the matrix below with the necessary information indicated in the first column.

Communication Models of Communication

Features Linear Transactional Interactive
Common Features

Striking Feature



Best time to use


Activity 3: My Communication Model.

Make you own communication model and explain it in five sentences.

(Name of the Communication Model)

(Draw your model in the box)




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