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01․ Length of the cable is doubled, its capacitance C will be

A. one-fourth.
B. one-half.
C. doubled.
D. unchanged.
Answer: C. doubled.
The length of the cable and the capacitance of the cable are directly proportional to each
other. Hence, if the length gets doubled, then the capacitance also can be doubled.

02․ Tarapur nuclear power plant has which type of reactor?

A. Pressurized water reactors.
B. Boiling water type.
C. CANDU type reactors.
D. None of these.
Answer: B. Boiling water type.
The Tarapur Atomic Power Station (T.A.P.S.) is located in Tarapur, Maharashtra, India
has initially built with two boiling water reactor with the capacity of 210 MW on 1969. But,
now this plant has two extra pressurized heavy water reactor with the capacity of 540 MW
on 2006.

03․ Which of the following rotor is used in thermal power plants?

A. cylindrical rotor
B. salient pole rotor
C. either of these
D. squirrel cage rotor

Answer: A. cylindrical rotor

Cylindrical rotor is also called as round rotor or smooth rotor, there is no projection, there
a closed portion contain field winding which is distributed and unslotted portion also acts
as poles . It has large axial length and small diameter, resulting high peripheral speed. As
the air gap is uniform throughout the machine it is more suitable for high speed operation,
employed in all thermal, nuclear power plants containing turbo alternators with two or
maximum 4 poles only.

04․ Four identical alternators each are rated for 20 MVA, 11 KV having a sub transient
reactance of 16% are working in parallel. The short circuit level at the busbar is
A. 500 MVA
B. 400 MVA
C. 125 MVA
D. 100 MVA

Answer: A. 500 MVA


05․ India’s largest thermal power station is located at

A. Kota.
B. Sarni.
C. Chandrapur.
D. Neyveli.

Answer: C.Chandrapur.
The plant was officially inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on 8th
October, 1984. With the total capacity of 3340 MW and this plant is largest thermal power
plant in the India. It accounts to more than 25% of total Maharashtra needs.
06․ Oxide film arrestor has which of the following properties?
A. Does not require daily charging.
B. Installed at points of transmission line where daily visit is difficult.
C. It is expensive.
D. Both A and B.
Answer: D.Both A and B.

The both properties are essential properties of an oxide film lightning arrestor.

07․ What should be the minimum depth (in metre)of cable trench to dug for laying of 1.1
A. 0.75.
B. 0.90.
C. 1.05.
D. 1.20.
Answer: A.0.75.
The below diagram show the length and depth for different level of voltages and different
number of cables. Hence, for a 1.1 KV line, the depth range is 750 mm or 0.75 meter.
And side space between the wall and cable is 25 mm or 0.025 meter.
8․ If the fault current is 2000 A, the relay setting is 50% and CT ratio is 400 : 5, then
plug setting multiplier will be
A. 10.
B. 15.
C. 25.
D. 50.
Answer: A. 10
The current transformer ratio is 400 / 5. So, the CT can be provided a rated current of 5
Amps to the relay coil. Thereby the rated relay current is 5 Amps. If the relay setting is
50%, then the relay can be operated for 5 × ( 50 / 100 ) = 2.5 Amps. This is the pick-
up current of that relay. We know that the fault current is 2000 Amps. Hence, the fault
current in the secondary of the CT is 5 × ( 2000 / 400) = 25 Amps. Hence, the plug
setting multiplier = 25 / 2.5 = 10. That means the fault current in the secondary of the
CT is ten times greater than the operating current of relay coil.

09․ Galvanised steel is generally used as

A. stray wire.
B. earth wire.
C. structural components.
D. all of the above.
Answer: D. all of the above.


If the wires are made up with some other ordinary steels, rust and corrosion attacked the
wire after some time due to the environmental wet conditions. A layer of zinc oxide can be
provided on the steel wire by some chemical process. This zinc oxide layer protects the
steel wire from the rust and corrosion effects. That’s why galvanized steel is used in many

10․ Plug setting of a relay can be altered by varying

A. air gap of magnetic path.
B. no. of ampere-turns.
C. adjustable back up stop.
D. none of these.

Answer: B. no. of ampere-turns.

The minimum pick up value of the deflecting force of an electrical relay is constant. Again
the deflecting force of the coil is proportional to its number of turns and electric current
flowing through the coil. Now, if we change the number of active turns of any coil, the
required electric current to reach at minimum pick value of the deflecting force, in the coil
also changes. That means if active turns of the relay coil is reduced, then proportionately
more electric current is required to produce desired relay actuating force.

11․ Objectives of power system is/are

A. Cost of electrical energy per KWh is to be minimum
B. Rated voltage and frequency has to be supplied to the consumers
C. both 1 and 2
D. nether 1 nor 2

Answer: C. both 1 and 2

Objectives of power system are
1. Cost of electrical energy per KWh is to be minimum
2. Rated voltage and frequency has to be supplied to the consumers
3. Reliable power has to be available
4. Effective protection system has to be used for isolating the faulty section and keeping
other sections healthy.
5. More stable generators are to be used, so that it should not lose synchronism under
faulty condition.
6. Flexible power has to be available.

12․ Objectives of power system is/are

A. Cost of electrical energy per KWh is to be minimum
B. Rated voltage and frequency has to be supplied to the consumers
C. both 1 and 2
D. nether 1 nor 2

Answer: C. both 1 and 2

Objectives of power system are
1. Cost of electrical energy per KWh is to be minimum
2. Rated voltage and frequency has to be supplied to the consumers
3. Reliable power has to be available
4. Effective protection system has to be used for isolating the faulty section and keeping
other sections healthy.
5. More stable generators are to be used, so that it should not lose synchronism under
faulty condition.
6. Flexible power has to be available.

13․ The main objectives of electrical power transmission is/are

A. Transmission system must be more efficient with minimum line losses
B. Voltage regulation of the transmission line must be zero or minimum
C. both 1 and 2
D. nether 1 nor 2

Answer: C. both 1 and 2

Objectives of electrical power transmission are
1.Transmission system must be more efficient with minimum line losses and maximum
power transfer capability
2. Voltage regulation of the transmission line must be zero or minimum

14․ Advantages of higher transmission voltage is/are

A. Power transfer capability of the transmission line is increased
B. Transmission line losses are reduced
C. Area of cross section and volume of the conductor is reduced
D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Advantages of higher transmission voltage are
1. Power transfer capability of the transmission line is increased
Pmax = Vs*Vr/Xs
Where, Vs = Supply voltage
Vr = Receiving end voltage
If Vs = Vr,
Pmax ∝ Vs²
2. Transmission line losses are reduced
Power P = VI cosφ
I = P/(V cosφ)
Transmission line losses Pl = I²R
Therefore, Transmission line losses Pl∝ 1/V²
3. Area of cross section and volume of the conductor is reduced
Resistance R = ρl/A
Where, ρ= resistivity
l = length of the conductor
A = Area of cross section
Therefore area A ∝ 1/V²

15․ Which of the following statement is true

A. At higher voltage, cost of transmission is reduced
B. At higher voltage, cost of transmission is increased
C. efficiency decreased
D. all of the above

Answer: A. At higher voltage, cost of transmission is reduced

At higher voltage, volume of conductor is reduced.
Area of conductor A ∝ 1/Vs²
Where Vs = Supply voltage
So that material requirement is reduced and hence cost of the material and transmission is

16․ Maximum power transfer capability of transmission line can be increased by

A. Parallel transmission lines
B. Using series capacitance
C. Using bundled conductors
D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Maximum power Pmax ∝ Vs²/Xs
Maximum power transfer capability of transmission line can be increased by either
increasing voltage level or reducing the line reactance value.
Methods of reducing line reactance are
1. Parallel transmission lines
2. Using series capacitance
3. Using bundled conductors

17․ For flat voltage profile system, voltage regulation is

A. 0%
B. 100%
C. 50%
D. any of the above

Answer: A. 0%

% Voltage regulation = (Vs-Vr)/Vr*100
Vs = Supply voltage
Vr = Receiving end voltage
For flat voltage profile system Vs = Vr
Therefore, voltage regulation for flat voltage profile system is 0%.

18․ Maximum power transfer in a transmission line can be obtained by

A. increasing voltage level
B. reducing reactance
C. either 1 or 2
D. none of the above

Answer: C. either 1 or 2

Maximum power Pmax ∝ Vs²/X
Vs = supply voltage
X = reactance
Maximum power transfer capability of transmission line can be increased by either
increasing voltage level or reducing the line reactance value.
Methods of reducing line reactance are
1. Parallel transmission lines
2. Using series capacitance
3. Using bundled conductors
19․ Ferranti effect will not occur in which of the following transmission lines
A. long transmission lines
B. short transmission lines
C. medium transmission lines
D. all of the above

Answer: B. short transmission lines

When receiving end voltage is more than supply voltage, then that effect is called as
ferranti effect.
Ferranti effect occurs in case of no load or light load condition of a medium and long
transmission lines due to capacitance effect of the transmission lines. In case of short
transmission lines, the capacitance effect is negligible. Therefore, ferranti effect will not
occur in short transmission lines.

20․ Which of the following methods is/are used for reactive or voltage compensation
A. shunt capacitor
B. series capacitor
C. generation excitation control
D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Voltage or reactive power compensation can be done in two ways.
1. Sending end method
a) Generation excitation control
2. Receiving end method
a) Shunt capacitor
b) Series capacitor
c) Shunt reactor
d) synchronous phase modifier
e) On load tap changing transformer
f) Booster transformer

21․ Ferranti effect can be compensated by which of the following

A. shunt capacitor
B. shunt reactor
C. series capacitor
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: B. shunt reactor

Ferranti effect occurs in case of no load or light load condition of a medium and long
transmission lines due to capacitance effect of the transmission line. Therefore shunt
reactor is used for compensating ferranti effect. Shunt reactor will reduce the effect of
capacitance. Therefore ferranti effect will reduced.

22․ Stability of a transmission line can be increased by

A. shunt capacitor
B. series capacitor
C. shunt reactor
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: D. both 1 and 2


Vs = Supply voltage
Vr = Receiving end voltage
Xs = Reactance
δ = Load angle
For constant power, if Xs is more, load angle will increase and vice versa. Stability of
system is more if load angle decreases. Therefore stability of a transmission line can be
increased by both shunt capacitor and series capacitor but not shunt reactor.

23․ Which of the following method is used for changing power factor from leading to
A. shunt capacitor
B. series capacitor
C. shunt reactor
D. any of the above

Answer: C. shunt reactor

Under no load condition or light load condition, medium and long transmission lines may
operate at leading power factor due to capacitance effect. This leading power factor can
be changed to lagging power factor by using of a shunt reactor. By using of shunt reactor,
it will compensate the effect of capacitance and changes the power factor.

24․ A transmission line has a reactance of 1 Pu is operating at Vs = Vr = 1 Pu. The

generator is connected at source end which is delivering 0.5 Pu of active power. Find the
load angle?
A. 35°
B. 30°
C. 45°
D. 60°

Answer: B. 30°

Vs = sending end voltage
Vr = receiving end voltage
P = 0.5 pu
δ = load angle

25․ A transmission line has a reactance of 1 Pu is operating at Vs = Vr = 1 Pu. The

generator is connected at source end which is delivering 0.5 Pu of active power and the
transmission line is compensated with a series capacitance of 0.5 Pu. Find the load angle
with series capacitance compensation ?
A. 14.5°
B. 29°
C. 35.5°
D. 10.5°

Answer: A. 14.5°

With series capacitance compensation power received
Vs = sending end voltage
Vr = receiving end voltage
δ = load angle

26․ Under over excitation synchronous phase modifier works as

A. shunt capacitor
B. series capacitor
C. shunt reactor
D. any of the above

Answer: A. shunt capacitor

Synchronous phase modifier is basically a synchronous motor operating under no load and
by adjusting the excitation it is used for controlling reactive power, so that power factor
and voltage are controlled.
If synchronous phase modifier is used under over excitation it works similar to a shunt
capacitor delivering reactive power and absorbing leading reactive power.
If synchronous phase modifier is used as under excitation it works similar to shunt reactor
which absorbs lagging reactive power and delivers leading reactive power. This is used for
ferranti effect.

27․ Which of the following is/are the advantages of synchronous phase modifier over the
shunt compensation?
A. single unit can be used as both capacitance and inductor by adjusting the excitation
B. smooth voltage regulation is possible by controlling excitation
C. initial cost is low
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: D. both 1 and 2

Synchronous phase modifier:
1.Single unit can be used as both capacitance and inductor by adjusting the excitation
2. Smooth voltage regulation is possible by controlling excitation
3. Initial cost of synchronous phase modifier is higher
4. It consumes both active and reactive power
5. It requires more maintenance because of running equipment
6.It requires starting mechanism for bringing the synchronous motor up to synchronous

28․ Under excited Synchronous phase modifier works as

A. shunt capacitor
B. series capacitor
C. shunt reactor
D. any of the above

Answer: C. shunt reactor

Synchronous phase modifier is basically a synchronous motor operating under no load and
by adjusting the excitation it is used for controlling reactive power, so that power factor
and voltage are controlled.
If synchronous phase modifier is used under over excitation it works similar to a shunt
capacitor delivering reactive power and absorbing leading reactive power.
If synchronous phase modifier is used as under excitation it works similar to shunt reactor
which absorbs lagging reactive power and delivers leading reactive power. This is used for
ferranti effect.
29․ Advantages of shunt compensation is/are
A. single unit can be used as both capacitance and inductor by adjusting the excitation
B. smooth voltage regulation is possible by controlling excitation
C. It requires less maintenance
D. all of the above

Answer: C. It requires less maintenance

Shunt compensation:
1. Two separate units are required, i.e. inductor and capacitor.
2. Step by step voltage regulation is possible
3. Cost of shunt compensation is low
4. It consumes only reactive power
5. It requires less maintenance because there is no running equipment
6. It does not requires starting mechanism

30․ Specified quantities of load bus are

A. P and Q
B. V and δ
C. P and δ
D. Q and V

Answer: A. P and Q

Load bus is also known as PQ bus. Load bus is related to consumer requirements in
which P and Q are known or specified quantities, for supplying these quantities δ and V
are to be calculated.
Load bus:
Known quantities - P and Q
Unknown quantities - V and δ
Generator bus:
Known quantities - P and V
Unknown quantities - Q and δ
Slack or reference bus:
Known quantities - V and δ
Unknown quantities - P and Q
Where P = Active power, Q = Reactive power, V = voltage and δ = load angle.

31․ Specified quantities of slack bus are

A. P and Q
B. V and δ
C. P and δ
D. P and V

Answer: B. V and δ


Every power system network containing one slack bus. This slack bus is used to supply
active and reactive power requirements of the transmission line, for this purpose one of the
generator bus which is most efficient is used as slack bus.
Slack or reference bus:
Known quantities - V and δ
Unknown quantities - P and Q
Where P = Active power, Q = Reactive power, V = voltage and δ = load angle.

32․ Which of the following quantities are to be calculated for generator bus?
A. P and V
B. P and Q
C. Q and δ
D. δ and V

Answer: C. Q and δ

In generator bus P and V are known quantities and range of Q is also specified for safe
operation of equipments and Q and δ are top be calculated.
Load bus:
Known quantities - P and Q
Unknown quantities - V and δ
Generator bus:
Known quantities - P and V
Unknown quantities - Q and δ
Slack or reference bus:
Known quantities - V and δ
Unknown quantities - P and Q

33․ In a 4*4 Y bus matrix the number of non zero elements are 12. Find the sparsity of
the system?
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 0.75
D. 1

Answer: 0.25

Total number of elements in 4×4 Y bus matrix = 16
Number of zero elements = 4

34․ In a 4 bus,4×4 Y bus matrix the number of non zero elements are 12. Find the
number of transmission lines?
A. 8
B. 4
C. 2
D. 5

Answer: B. 4

N = Number of buses
X = Sparsity
Sparsity X = 4/16 = 0.25

35․ Range of accelerating factor is

A. 50 to 100
B. 1 to 10
C. 1.6 to 1.8
D. 10.8 to 11.2

Answer: C. 1.6 to 1.8

Accelerating factor is used for reducing number of iterations using gauss-siedel method.
The range of accelerating factor is 1.6 to 1.8.

36․ A network containing 100 buses in which 10 are the voltage control buses, 5 are fixed
shunt capacitor buses, 20 are the reactive power support buses, 6 are the generator
buses. Find the size of the Jacobian matrix?
A. 163 × 163
B. 164 × 164
C. 165 × 165
D. 162 × 162

Answer: A. 163 × 163

Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2n-m-2)×(2n-m-2)
n = Total number of buses
m = Total number of PV buses
m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except
slack bus
Fixed shunt capacitors are supplying constant amount of reactive power, so that fixed
shunt capacitors are considered as load buses or PQ buses.
Therefore, n = 100 and m =35
Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2×100 - 35 -2)×(2×100 - 35 - 2) = 163×163

37․ Which of the following buses is/are not PV buses?

A. voltage control buses
B. fixed shunt capacitor buses
C. reactive power support buses
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: B. fixed shunt capacitor buses


Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2n-m-2)×(2n-m-2)

n = Total number of buses
m = Total number of PV buses
m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except
slack bus
Fixed shunt capacitors are supplying constant amount of reactive power, so that fixed
shunt capacitors are considered as load buses or PQ buses.

38․ Which of the following is/are advantages of N-R method?

A. Number of iterations are less
B. Applicable for large power system network
C. Time taken for each iteration is less
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: D. both 1 and 2

Advantages of N-R method:
1. Number of iterations are less, so that it has fast convergence.
2. Convergence is not effected by the choice of slack bus.
3. No need of accelerating factor.
4. Applicable for large power system network.
Disadvantages of N-R method:
1. Time taken for each iteration is larger if size of the Jacobian matrix is larger.
2. Computer memory required is larger.
3. Computer programming is difficult.

39․ Advantages of gauss siedel method is/are

A. calculation time for each iteration is less
B. number of iterations are less
C. applicable for large power system network
D. all of the above

Answer: A. calculation time for each iteration is less

Advantages of gauss seidel method:
1. It is a simple algebraical equation, so that calculation time for each iteration is less.
2. More suitable for small size networks.
Disadvantages of gauss seidel method:
1. More number of iterations are required, so that it has slow convergence.
2. Initial approximate guessing value is required for convergence.
3. It required accelerating factor for convergence.
4. The choice of slack bus affects the convergence.
5. It is not applicable for the large power system networks.

40․ For load flow studies, What are the quantities specified at load bus are
A. P and V
B. P and Q
C. V and δ
D. δ and Q

Answer: B. P and Q

Load bus:
Known quantities - P and Q
Unknown quantities - V and δ
Generator bus:
Known quantities - P and V
Unknown quantities - Q and δ
Slack or reference bus:
Known quantities - V and δ
Unknown quantities - P and Q
41․ Normally Z bus matrix is a
A. null matrix
B. sparse matrix
C. full matrix
D. unit matrix

Answer: C. full matrix

Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix, containing more number of zero elements. So that faster
calculation is possible. The Y bus matrix is used for the load flow studies.
Z bus algorithm or matrix is used for the fault analysis. Inverse of Y bus matrix gives the
Z bus matrix, But Z matrix is a full matrix even though Y bus is a sparse matrix. More
time is required for inverse of Z bus matrix if the size of the matrix is more than three.
But a practical system network has large number of buses and hence Z bus matrix is not
uses for the load flow analysis, Y bus is preferred.

42․ For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is

A. (n-1)×(n-1)
B. (n-2)×(n-2)
C. n×n
D. (n-1)×(n-2)

Answer: C. n×n

Properties of Y bus matrix:
1. Y bus is a square matrix.
2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is n×n
3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then
Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to bus i.
4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and
bus j and which is represented with negative sign.
5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances connected to bus i. If this
summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling between
the transmission lines.

43․ Which of the following matrix is used for load flow studies?
A. Y bus matrix
B. Z bus matrix
C. Unit matrix
D. null matrix

Answer: A. Y bus matrix

Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix, containing more number of zero elements. So that faster
calculation is possible. The Y bus matrix is used for the load flow studies.
Z bus algorithm or matrix is used for the fault analysis. Inverse of Y bus matrix gives the
Z bus matrix, But Z matrix is a full matrix even though Y bus is a sparse matrix. More
time is required for inverse of Z bus matrix if the size of the matrix is more than three.
But a practical system network has large number of buses and hence Z bus matrix is not
uses for the load flow analysis, Y bus is preferred.

44․ Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances connected to bus i. If this
summation is zero, indicates there is no
A. shunt admittance
B. mutual coupling
C. both 1 and 2
D. none of the above

Answer: C. both 1 and 2

Properties of Y bus matrix:
1. Y bus is a square matrix.
2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is n×n
3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then
Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to bus i.
4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and
bus j and which is represented with negative sign.
5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances connected to bus i. If this
summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling between
the transmission lines.

45․ A network containing 50 buses in which 10 are the voltage control buses, 6 are the
generator buses. Find the size of the Jacobian matrix?
A. 84*84
B. 83*83
C. 34*34
D. 33*33

Answer: B. 83*83

Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2n-m-2)*(2n-m-2)
n = Total number of buses
m = Total number of PV buses
m = Voltage control buses + Reactive power support buses + generator buses except
slack bus
Size of the Jacobian matrix = (2*50 -15 - 2)*(2*50 - 15 -) =83*83

46․ If sparsity of a 5 bus transmission line is 0.4. Find the number of transmission lines?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

Answer: B. 5

n = number of buses
x = sparsity

47․ A 4 bus power system consists of 4 transmission lines, then find the sparsity of Y bus
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 0.75
D. 0.4

Answer: A. 0.25

n = number of buses
x = sparsity

48․ The value of off diagonal elements is

A. which is connected between bus i and bus j with negative sign
B. which is connected between bus i and bus j with positive sign
C. sum of admittances connected at bus i
D. sum of admittances connected at bus j

Answer: A. which is connected between bus i and bus j with negative sign

Properties of Y bus matrix:
1. Y bus is a square matrix.
2. For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is n×n
3. Value of diagonal element corresponding to bus i, then
Yii = Sum of the admittances connected to bus i.
4. The value of off diagonal elements Yij = Yji , which is connected between bus i and
bus j and which is represented with negative sign.
5. Sum of the elements of row i equal to shunt admittances connected to bus i. If this
summation is zero, indicates there is no shunt admittance and mutual coupling between
the transmission lines.

49․ In load flow studies PV bus is treated as PQ bus when

A. phase angle become high
B. voltage at the bus become high
C. reactive power goes beyond limit
D. any of the above

Answer: C. reactive power goes beyond limit

When a network containing one slack bus, one PV bus and the reactive power value of
PV bus is in the out of range for a given value of reactive power limits, so that PV bus is
working as PQ bus with the value of Q. For the PQ bus the value of Q is the nearest
value from the calculated value of Q in the given range.

50․ For accurate load flow calculations on large power systems, the best method is
A. N-R method
B. G-S method
C. Decoupled method
D. all of the above

Answer: A. N-R method

Advantages of N-R method:
1. Number of iterations are less, so that it has fast convergence.
2. Convergence is not effected by the choice of slack bus.
3. No need of accelerating factor.
4. Applicable for large power system network.
Disadvantages of N-R method:
1. Time taken for each iteration is larger if size of the Jacobian matrix is larger.
2. Computer memory required is larger.
3. Computer programming is difficult.

51․ Find the number of strands of ACSR conductor for 4 layer transmission line?
A. 1
B. 7
C. 37
D. 29

Answer: C. 37

Total number of strands N = 3x² - 3x + 1
Where, x = Number of layers = 4
Total number of strands N = 3×4² - 3×4 + 1 = 37

52․ A 3 layer and diameter of each strand is d, then find the total diameter of ACSR
A. d
B. 2d
C. 3d
D. 5d

Answer: D. 5d

Total diameter of ACSR conductor D = (2x - 1)×d
x = layer number
d = diameter of each strand
Total diameter of ACSR conductor D = (2×3 - 1)×d = 5d

53․ Find the number of strands of ACSR conductor for 3 layer transmission line?
A. 1
B. 7
C. 19
D. 29

Answer: C. 19

Total number of strands N = 3x² - 3x + 1
Where, x = Number of layers = 3
Total number of strands N = 3×3² - 3×3 + 1 = 19

54․ The total number of strands in a ACSR conductor are 7, then find the layer number?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
Answer: A. 2

Total number of strands N = 3x² - 3x + 1
Here N = 7
Where, x = Number of layers
7 = 3x² - 3x + 1
3x² - 3x = 6
3x (x-1) = 6
x (x-1) = 2

55․ An ACSR conductor has a diameter of 2 cm has internal inductance of 0.05 mH/Km.
If this ACSR is replaced with another having a diameter of 4 cm then its internal
inductance is

A. 0.1 mH/Km
B. 0.025 mH/Km
C. 0.05 mH/Km
D. 0 mH/Km

Answer: C. 0.05 mH/Km


Internal inductance Lint = µr/2*10-7

Therefore, Lint ∝ µr
Where, µr = relative permeability
Internal inductance is independent of size. It depends only on relative permeability.

56․ An ACSR conductor has internal inductance 0.05 mH/Km for µr = 1. If this ACSR is
replaced with another having µr = 2, then find the internal inductance?
A. 0.1 mH/Km
B. 0.025 mH/Km
C. 0.05 mH/Km
D. 0 mH/Km

Answer: A. 0.1 mH/Km


57․ Telecommunication lines are transposed to reduce the

A. efficiency
B. radio interference in communication lines
C. voltage level
D. all of the above

Answer: B. radio interference in communication lines

If power line and telecommunication lines are running close to each other, the current
flowing in the power line produces magnetic flux linkage with the communication line
conductor induces an emf in the telecommunication line conductor.This is called electro
magnetic induction.
Similarly due to earth effect electric field is produced by the charges of the earth induces a
voltage in between the conductors of the telecommunication lines. This is called electro
static induction.
This both electro magnetic induction and electro static induction produces the voltage
between the telecommunication line conductors which causes interference to the
telecommunication signals which is called radio interference.
To reduce this radio interference in the telecommunication line, either power line or both
power and telecommunication lines are transposed at regular intervals of length the
transmission line.

58․ Which of the following produces the radio interference in communication lines?
A. electromagnetic induction
B. electro static induction
C. both 1 and 2
D. none of the above

Answer: C. both 1 and 2

If power line and telecommunication lines are running close to each other, the current
flowing in the power line produces magnetic flux linkage with the communication line
conductor induces an emf in the telecommunication line conductor. This is called
electromagnetic induction.
Similarly due to earth effect electric field is produced by the charges of the earth induces a
voltage in between the conductors of the telecommunication lines. This is called electro
static induction.
This both electromagnetic induction and electro static induction produces the voltage
between the telecommunication line conductors which causes interference to the
telecommunication signals which is called radio interference.

59․ To reduce the radio interference which line is/are transposed?

A. Power line
B. Both power and telecommunication lines
C. either 1 or 2
D. none of the above
Answer: C. either 1 or 2

If power line and telecommunication lines are running close to each other, the current
flowing in the power line produces magnetic flux linkage with the communication line
conductor induces an emf in the telecommunication line conductor.This is called electro
magnetic induction.
Similarly due to earth effect electric field is produced by the charges of the earth induces a
voltage in between the conductors of the telecommunication lines. This is called electro
static induction.
This both electro magnetic induction and electro static induction produces the voltage
between the telecommunication line conductors which causes interference to the
telecommunication signals which is called radio interference.
To reduce this radio interference in the telecommunication line, either power line or both
power and telecommunication lines are transposed at regular intervals of length the
transmission line.

60․ In which of the following configuration power transferability is higher?

A. triangular configuration
B. horizontal configuration
C. same in both configuration
D. none of the above

Answer: A. triangular configuration

Inductance per phase = 2*10-7 *ln(D1D2D3/r1r2r3)(1/3)
D1, D2 and D3 are distances between the conductors.
r1, r2 and r3 are the radius of the conductors.
With equilateral triangular configuration, inductance per phase is smaller than horizontal
configurations. Therefore power transfer capability is higher in triangular configuration.
61․ A 3 layer, total diameter of an ACSR conductor is 5 cm. Find the diameter of each
A. 1 cm
B. 1.5 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 15 cm

Answer: A. 1 cm

Total diameter of an ACSR conductor D = (2x-1)*d
Where, x = Number of layers
d = diameter of each strand
5 = (2*3-1)*d
d = 1 cm

62․ The total number of strands(N) is concentrically stranded cable with total annular
space filled with strands of uniform diameter is given by (if x is number of layers)
A. N = 3x²+3x+1
B. N = 3x²-3x+1
C. N = 3x²-6x+1
D. N = 3x²-2x+1

Answer: B. N = 3x²-3x+1

The total number of strands(N) is concentrically stranded cable with total annular space
filled with strands of uniform diameter is given by (if x is number of layers)
Total number of strands N = 3x² - 3x + 1
Where, x = Number of layers

63․ Bundled conductors in EHV transmission lines

A. increase inductance
B. increase capacitance
C. decrease inductance
D. decrease capacitance

Answer: C. decrease inductance

Total inductance L = 2*10-7 * ln(d/r')
d = distance between the conductors
r' = 0.7788 r
r = radius of the conductor
If we use bundled conductors, effective radius will increase and this increase in radius will
decrease the inductance.

64․ The internal flux linkage due to internal flux of a conductor is

A. I/2*10-7 wb-T/m
B. I/4*10-7 wb-T/m
C. I/6*10-7 wb-T/m
D. all of the above

Answer: A. I/2*10-7 wb-T/m

Internal inductance Lint = µr/2*10-7
Therefore, Lint ∝ µr
Where, µr = relative permeability
Therefore, the internal flux linkage due to internal flux of a conductor = I/2*10-7 wb-T/m
Where I = current through the conductor

65․ The skin effect shows that

A. the distribution of AC current is uniform through the cross section of the conductor
B. current density is more at the centre of the condutor
C. current density is lower at the surface of the condutor
D. current density is more at the surface of the condutor

Answer: D. current density is more at the surface of the condutor

Accumulation of current on the surface of the conductor is called skin effect. Due to skin
effect the effective are of current flowing path is reduced causes increased resistance. i.e,
AC resistance(Rac) is greater than DC resistance(Rdc).
Approximately, Rac = 1.6 Rdc.

66․ Skin effect depends on

A. frequency
B. conductivity
C. relative permeability
D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Skin effect is inversely proportional to skin depth.
Skin effect ∝ 1/√(πfµσ)
f = frequency
µ = permeability
σ = conductivity

67․ If the frequency is increased, then skin effect will

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unaffected
D. any of the above

Answer: A. increases

Skin effect ∝ 1/skin depth
skin depth = 1/√(πfµσ)
f = frequency
µ = permeability
σ = conductivity
Therefore, Skin effect ∝ √(πfµσ)
If frequency is increased, skin depth will decrease and skin effect will increases.

68․ If skin depth is more, then skin effect is

A. more
B. less
C. either 1 or 2
D. none of the above

Answer: B. less

Skin effect ∝ 1/skin depth
skin depth = 1/√(πfµσ)
f = frequency
µ = permeability
σ = conductivity
Therefore, Skin effect ∝ √(πfµσ)
If skin depth is more, then skin effect is less and vice versa.
69․ Proximity effect is more in case of
A. power cables
B. over head lines
C. same in both cases
D. none of the above

Answer: A. power cables

Proximity effect occurs due to current in mutual conductors. The effective area of current
flowing path is reduced because of non uniform flux linkage between the two adjacent
Proximity effect is more in case of power cables, because the distance between the
conductors is small. This effect is negligible in case of over head transmission lines,
because the distance between the conductors is larger.

70․ Proximity effect depends on

A. frequency
B. distance between the conductors
C. relative permeability
D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Proximity effect occurs due to current in mutual conductors. The effective area of current
flowing path is reduced because of non uniform flux linkage between the two adjacent
Proximity effect depends on
1. Frequency
2. Conductivity
3. Relative permeability
4. Distance between the conductors
71․ Skin effective is more in case of
A. communication lines
B. power lines
C. same in both cases
D. none of the above

Answer: A. communication lines

Skin effect ∝ 1/skin depth
Skin effect is inversely proportional to the skin depth.
skin depth = 1/√(πfµσ)
f = frequency
µ = permeability
σ = conductivity
In case of communication line frequency is higher. So that skin depth is very small and
hence skin effect is larger.
In case of power lines frequency is small and hence skin depth is larger, so that skin
effect can be neglected.

72․ Apart from the skin effect the non uniformity of the current distribution is also caused
A. bundled conductors
B. ferranti effect
C. proximity effect
D. all of the above

Answer: C. proximity effect

Proximity effect occurs due to current in mutual conductors. The effective area of current
flowing path is reduced because of non uniform flux linkage between the two adjacent
Proximity effect is more in case of power cables, because the distance between the
conductors is small. This effect is negligible in case of over head transmission lines,
because the distance between the conductors is larger.

73․ Transmission lines are transposed to reduce

A. ferranti effect
B. skin effect
C. proximity effect
D. interference with neighbouring communication lines

Answer: D. interference with neighbouring communication lines

If power line and telecommunication lines are running close to each other, the current
flowing in the power line produces magnetic flux linkage with the communication line
conductor induces an emf in the telecommunication line conductor.This is called electro
magnetic induction.
Similarly due to earth effect electric field is produced by the charges of the earth induces a
voltage in between the conductors of the telecommunication lines. This is called electro
static induction.
This both electro magnetic induction and electro static induction produces the voltage
between the telecommunication line conductors which causes interference to the
telecommunication signals which is called radio interference.
To reduce this radio interference in the telecommunication line, either power line or both
power and telecommunication lines are transposed at regular intervals of length the
transmission line.

74․ In transmission lines distribution constants are

A. resistance
B. inductance and capacitance
C. inductance and resistance
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: D. both 1 and 2

Transmission line parameters are
1. Inductance
2. Capacitance
3. Resistance
4. Conductance

75․ Aluminium is now most commonly employed conductor material in transmission lines
than copper because
A. it is more conductive
B. its tensile strength is more
C. costlier
D. it is cheaper and lighter

Answer: D. it is cheaper and lighter

Aluminium is now most commonly employed conductor material in transmission lines than
copper because it is cheaper and lighter.
The conductivity of the copper material is more than aluminium. But due to its lighter
weight and less cost aluminium is preferred over the copper material.

76․ The skin effect of conductor will increase when

A. diameter decrease
B. resistivity decrease
C. frequency decrease
D. all of the above

Answer: B. resistivity decrease

Skin effect ∝ 1/skin depth
Skin effect is inversely proportional to the skin depth.
But, skin depth = 1/√(πfµσ)
f = frequency
µ = permeability
σ = conductivity
Therefore, Skin effect ∝ √(πfµσ)
When resistivity decrease, its conductivity will increase. This will increase the skin effect.

77․ ACSR means

A. Aluminium core steel reinforced
B. Aluminium conductor steel reinforced
C. Aluminium copper steel reinforced
D. all conductor steel reinforced

Answer: B. Aluminium conductor steel reinforced

ACSR means Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced. The inner layer is done by Steel.
The outer layer is done by the aluminium. Steel provides the additional mechanical

78․ The inductance of single phase two wire line is given by

A. 4×10-7× ln(d/r') H/m
B. 4×10-7× ln(r'/d) H/m
C. 0.4×10-7× ln(d/r') H/m
D. 0.4×10-7× ln(r'/d) H/m

Answer: A. 4×10-7× ln(d/r') H/m

The inductance of single phase two wire line is
79․ If the diameter of the conductor is increased
A. the inductance is increased
B. the inductance is decreased
C. the resistance is increased
D. no change in inductance and resistance

Answer: B. the inductance is decreased

Resistance R = ρl/a
ρ = Resistivity
l = Length of the conductor
a = area of the conductor
If the diameter of the conductor is increased, area will increase and resistance is

If the diameter of the conductor is increased, radius will increase and inductance is

80․ Due to proximity effect, the increase in conductor resistance is not negligible in
A. underground cable
B. overhead transmission lines
C. communication lines
D. all of the above

Answer: A. underground cable

Proximity effect occurs due to current in mutual conductors. The effective area of current
flowing path is reduced because of non uniform flux linkage between the two adjacent
Proximity effect is more in case of power cables, because the distance between the
conductors is small. This effect is negligible in case of over head transmission lines,
because the distance between the conductors is larger.

81․ The fact that current density is higher at the surface when compared to centre is
known as
A. corona
B. proximity effect
C. skin effect
D. all of the above

Answer: C. skin effect

Accumulation of current on the surface of the conductor is called skin effect. Due to skin
effect the area of current flowing path is reduced.

82․ The presence of earth in case of overhead lines

A. increase inductance
B. increase capacitance
C. decrease inductance
D. decrease capacitance

Answer: B. increase capacitance

Effect of earth on transmission line capacitance:

ε = Permittivity
d = Distance between the conductor
h = Height of the tower
Therefore, Capacitance C ∝ 1/h
Capacitance is inversely proportional to height of the tower.
The effect of earth will increase the value of capacitance.

83․ The term self GMD is used to calculate

A. capacitance
B. inductance
C. resistance
D. both 1 and 2

Answer: B. inductance

The inductance of single phase two wire line is

GMD = Mutual Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Self GMD or Geometric Mean radius
Therefore, the term self GMD is used to calculate inductance of the transmission line.

84․ Inductance of transmission line will decrease when

A. both GMD and GMR increase
B. both GMD and GMR decrease
C. GMD increase and GMR decrease
D. GMD decrease and GMR increase
Answer: D. GMD decrease and GMR increase

Inductance of two wire transmission line

GMD = Mutual Geometric Mean Distance
GMR = Self GMD or Geometric Mean radius
Therefore, by increasing of GMR and decreasing of GMD, inductance of transmission line
will decrease.

85․ If we increase the spacing between the phase conductors, the line capacitance
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unaffected
D. none of the above

Answer: B. decreases

Capacitance of a two wire transmission line is

d = Space between the conductors
r = radius of the conductors
Therefore, if we increase the spacing between the phase conductors, the line capacitance
will decrease.

86․ If we increase the length of the transmission line, the charging current
A. decreases
B. increases
C. remains unaffected
D. none of the above

Answer: B. increases


c = capacitance
f = frequency
l = length of the transmission line
Therefore, by increasing the length of transmission line, capacitive reactance will decrease
and charging current increases.

87․ In triangular configuration, inductance and capacitance values are ------ and ------
A. less, less
B. higher, higher
C. less, higher
D. higher, less

Answer: C. less, higher

Inductance of a transmission line
In triangular configuration distance between the conductors is smaller than horizontal
configuration. Therefore, Inductance is less.
Capacitance of a transmission line:

In triangular configuration distance between the conductors is smaller than horizontal

configuration. Therefore, capacitance is higher.

88․ If we increase the spacing between the phase conductors, the value of line inductance
A. decrease
B. increase
C. remains unaffected
D. none of the above

Answer: B. increase

Inductance of a transmission line

Therefore, if we increase the spacing between the phase conductors, the value of line
inductance will increase.

89․ Transmission line parameters of the short transmission line are

A. 1,Z,Y,1
B. 1,Z,0,1
C. 1,0,Y,1
D. Z,0,Y,1

Answer: B. 1,Z,0,1

ABCD or transmission line parameters:
Vs = AVr - BIr
Is = CVr - DIr
Vs = Sending end voltage
Vr = Receiving end voltage
Is = Sending end current
Ir = Receiving end current
For short transmission line, line capacitance is neglected.
Therefore, Ir = -Is, i.e., C = 0 and D = 1
Vs = Vr + Z Is i.e., A = 1 and B = Z

90․ Which of the following statements is/are true

A. Voltage regulation for short transmission line = (Vs - Vr) / Vr
B. Voltage regulation for medium transmission line = (Vs - Vr) / Vr
C. Voltage regulation for long transmission line = (Vs - Vr) / Vr
D. all of the above

Answer: A. Voltage regulation for short transmission line = (Vs - Vr) / Vr

Voltage regulation = (Vrnl - Vrfl)/Vrfl
Vrnl = No load receiving end voltage
Vrfl = full load receiving end voltage
Vs = AVr + BIr
At no load Ir = 0
Vs = A Vrnl
Vrnl = Vs/A, Vrfl = Vr
For short transmission line A = 1, therefore, Vrnl = Vs
Voltage regulation for short transmission line = (Vs - Vr) / Vr

91․ The ABCD constants of a 3-phase transmission line are A = D = 0.8∠1°, B =

170∠85° Ω , C = 0.002∠90.4° ℧. The sending end voltage is 400 kV. The receiving
end voltage under no load condition is
A. 400 kV
B. 500 kV
C. 600 kV
D. 350 kV

Answer: B. 500 kV

ABCD parameters
Vs = AVr + BIr
Is = CVr + DIr
Vs = Sending end voltage
Vr = Receiving end voltage
Is = Sending end current
Ir = Receiving end current
Under no load condition, Ir = 0
400 = 0.8∠1° * Vr
Vr = 500∠-1° kV

92․ Surge impedance loading of a 3-phase, 400 kV transmission line is 400 Ω. The surge
impedance loading is
A. 400 MW
B. 800 MW
C. 1600 MW
D. 200 MW
Answer: A. 400 MW


Vph = Phase voltage
Iph = Phase current
Vl = Line voltage
Zs = surge impedance

93․ Surge impedance loading of a transmission line can be increased by

A. increasing its voltage level
B. addition of lumped inductance in parallel
C. addition of lumped capacitance in series
D. both 1 and 3

Answer: D. both 1 and 3


Vph = Phase voltage
Iph = Phase current
Vl = Line voltage
Zs = surge impedance
Therefore, SIL can be increased by increasing its voltage level.
Zs can be decreased by the addition of lumped capacitance in series which reduces the
effective reactance of the line resulting into higher SIL.

94․ For transmission line which one of the following relation is true?
A. AD - BC = 0
B. AD + BC = 0
C. AD - BC = 1
D. AD - BC = -1

Answer: C. AD - BC = 1

For transmission line,
Symmetry network A = D
Reciprocity network AD - BC = 1

95․ A 3-phase transmission line has its conductors at the corners of an equilateral triangle
with side 3m. The diameter of each conductor is 1.63 cm. The inductance of the line per
phase per km is
A. 1.093 mH
B. 1.043 mH
C. 1.182 mH
D. 1.232 mH

Answer: D. 1.232 mH

Inductance of a transmission line
d = distance between the conductors = 3m
r' = 0.7788 r

96․ For some given transmission line the expression for voltage regulation is given by (Vs
- Vr)/Vr *100%. Hence,
A. this must be a short line
B. this may either be a medium line or short line
C. this expression is true for any line
D. none of the above

Answer: A. this must be a short line

Voltage regulation = (Vrnl - Vrfl)/Vrfl
Vrnl = No load receiving end voltage
Vrfl = full load receiving end voltage
Vs = AVr + BIr
At no load Ir = 0, Vs = A Vrnl
Vrnl = Vs/A, Vrfl = Vr
For short transmission line A = 1, therefore, Vrnl = Vs
Voltage regulation for short transmission line = (Vs - Vr)/Vr

97․ The capacitance of an overhead transmission line increases with

A. increase in mutual geometrical mean distance
B. increase in height of conductors above ground
C. both 1 and 2
D. neither 1 nor 2

Answer: D. neither 1 nor 2

Capacitance of a transmission line
Where, h = height of conductors above ground
r = radius of the conductors
ε = permittivity
Therefore, as the height of the conductor increases from the ground, the capacitance will
also decrease.
Where A = area
d = geometrical mean distance
Therefore, as an increase in mutual geometrical mean distance, the capacitance will
Therefore, both statements are wrong statements.

98․ The charging reactance of 50 km transmission line is 1500 Ω. What is the charging
reactance for 100 km length of line?
A. 1500 Ω
B. 3000 Ω
C. 750 Ω
D. 1000 Ω

Answer: C. 750 Ω

Charging reactance Xc = 1/ωC ∝ 1/ length as C ∝ length
Charging reactance is inversely proportional to length of the transmission line.
Therefore, new charging reactance

99․ Condition for maximum voltage regulation

A. tanφ = X/R
B. tanφ = R/X
C. cosφ = X/R
D. cosφ = R/X
Answer: A. tanφ = X/R


100․ Condition for zero voltage regulation is

A. tanφ = X/R
B. tanφ = R/X
C. cosφ = X/R
D. cosφ = R/X

Answer: B. tanφ = R/X


101․ Zero voltage regulation is possible only for

A. lagging power factor
B. leading power factor
C. unity power factor
D. all of the above

Answer: B. leading power factor


Therefore, zero voltage regulation is possible only for leading power factor.

102․ A 1-phase transmission line has an impedance (3+4j) Ω . Find the power factor of
the load for achieving maximum and zero voltage regulation?
A. 0.6 lag and 0.6 lead
B. 0.6 lag and 0.8 lead
C. 0.8 lag and 0.8 lead
D. 0.8 lag and 0.6 lead

Answer: B. 0.6 lag and 0.8 lead


103․ A transmission line has an impedance of (2+j6) Ω has voltage regulation of 10% at a
load power factor of 0.8 lag. Find the voltage regulation for a load of 0.6 lead
A. 6.92%
B. 10%
C. -6.92%
D. -10%

Answer: C. -6.92%


104․ A transmission line has 50 km operating at frequency of 500 Hz. Find the type of
the line?
A. short transmission line
B. long transmission line
C. medium transmission line
D. any of the above

Answer: B. long transmission line

Classification of transmission lines:
Short transmission line = Length(L) < 80 km and product of length(L) and frequency(f)
L.f< 4000
Medium transmission line = 80 km ≤ L ≤ 200 Km and 4000 ≤ L.f ≤ 10000
Long transmission line = L > 200 km and L×f >10000
Given that
L = 50 km
f = 500 Hz
L.f = 50×500 = 25000
Therefore given line is a long transmission line.

105․ A transmission line has 200 km operating at frequency of 10 Hz Hz. Find the type of
the line
A. short transmission line
B. long transmission line
C. medium transmission line
D. any of the above

Answer: A. short transmission line

Classification of transmission lines:
Short transmission line = Length(L) < 80 km and product of length(L) and frequency(f)
L.f< 4000
Medium transmission line = 80 km ≤ L ≤ 200 Km and 4000 ≤ L.f ≤ 10000
Long transmission line = L > 200 km and L×f >10000
Given that
L = 200 km
f = 10 Hz
L.f = 200×10 = 2000
Therefore given line is a short transmission line.

106․ In which of the following transmission lines capacitance effect is negligible?

A. long transmission lines
B. short transmission lines
C. medium transmission lines
D. both 1 and 3

Answer: B. short transmission lines

Short transmission line = Length(L) < 80 km and product of length(L) and frequency(f)
L.f < 4000
For short transmission line charging current and leakage currents are very small. So that
capacitance effect and conductance are negligible only for short transmission lines.

107․ Communications lines are treated as

A. short transmission lines
B. long transmission lines
C. medium transmission lines
D. any of the above

Answer: B. long transmission lines

Communication lines are operating at the MHz range. So that communication line is
represented as long transmission line equivalent circuit. In which all the transmission line
parameters are i.e., R,L,C and G are considered.
Classification of transmission lines:
Short transmission line = Length(L) < 80 km and product of length(L) and frequency(f)
L.f < 4000
Medium transmission line = 80 km ≤ L ≤ 200 Km and 4000 ≤ L.f ≤ 10000
Long transmission line = L > 200 km and L.f >10000

108․ If the rated receiving end voltage is 33 kV, then what are the limits for safe operation
of equipment’s?
A. 33 to 50 kV
B. 25 to 35 kV
C. 31.35 to 34.65 kV
D. any voltage above 33 kV

Answer: C.31.35 to 34.65 kV

Due to transmission line losses and other losses, we can not get the rated voltage to the
equipments. So that equipments are designed to operate at ± 5% or ± 6%.
Therefore, the limits of safe operation of equipments are 31.35 to 34.65 kV. Beyond this
limits equipment may damage or not operate.

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