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IEMA Associate

Reinstatement Continuing
Professional Development

October 2013

IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Pack Issue 1.0 Issued: October 2013
IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Log

1. Introduction

In order to re-instate your Associate membership, you need to demonstrate how you have
maintained your environmental knowledge relevant to the Associate membership specification
during the time away from the Institute. This is to be evidenced through completion of a CPD log
either using our template below or an existing log that you may have.

2. Completion of a CPD Log

(A blank copy is provided at the back of this information pack)

Using the CPD log sheets provided or using your own template please detail CPD undertaken that
links to the following Associate Specification Learning Outcomes.

Associate Specification: Learning Outcomes

1. Understand environmental and sustainability principles

2. Understand environmental policy issues

3. Understand key environmental legislation and compliance measures

4. Understand environmental management and sustainable development in a business context

5. Be able to collect, analyse and report on environmental information and data

6. Be able to apply environmental management and assessment tools

7. Be able to analyse problems and opportunities and deliver sustainable solutions

8. Be able to develop and implement programmes to deliver environmental performance


9. Be able to communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders

10. Be able to influence behaviour and implement change

Whilst it is not necessary that all learning outcomes are evidenced through the CPD log, for your
ongoing development it is useful to provide a range of different learning outcomes within the log.
Also please note that one CPD activity may link to more than one learning outcome.

IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Pack Issue 1.0 Issued: October 2013
CPD activities can consist of activities falling under three main areas:

A: Work related activities

This may consist of environmental/sustainability work related activities undertaken on a day to day
basis which has helped to maintain or add expertise.

B: Developing others / Disseminating knowledge

This may consist of activities such as:

 Delivery of presentations by yourself: in-house, external or online

 Voluntary work in support of sustainability, environmental or conservation bodies
 Involvement in working groups/focus groups/forums/panels (including IEMA)
 Providing training / tutoring / guest lecturing / mentoring
 Writing papers and articles

C: Developing yourself

This may consist of activities such as:

 Attendance at IEMA or other events including seminars, conferences, workshops or

 Training courses undertaken, including those via training providers, in-house or distance
learning programmes
 Reading relevant journals / magazines including online content from IEMA such as
Downloaded, the Environmentalist, Policy pages/positions and Practitioner notes
 Networking
 Engagement in relevant online forums e.g. posting on LinkedIn and active engagement in
online discussions

As a guideline, it is recommended that 30 hours of CPD per year should be logged and from this
only a maximum of 15 hours should be attributed to section A: Work related activities.

IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Pack Issue 1.0 Issued: October 2013
3. Further Information

If you require any further information or please contact:

Professional Standards Team

IEMA, Saracen House, Crusader Road, City Office Park, Tritton Road, Lincoln, LN6
Tel: 01522 540 069
Fax: 01522 540 069

IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Pack Issue 1.0 Issued: October 2013
IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Log-sheet

Name & Initials Sheet of

Private Address for the period of to
Registrant Membership No.
Tel E-mail

Associate CPD Activities: Date(s) undertaken: Number of Description of CPD Activity:

Learning hours/days:
A: Work Related Activities
5&6 EMS – legal compliance audit 05/06/2013 – 06/06/2013 10 hours Carried out a legal compliance audit of the company site including checking written records,
documents and a site walk around. Findings were written up into a legal audit report for further
action to be taken.

B: Developing others / disseminating knowledge

6&9 In-house training workshop 16/08/2013 2 hours Basics of EIA workshop presented to new company graduates

C: Developing yourself
3 Webinar 10/09/2013 1 hour IEMA Webinar regarding GHG emissions management – related legislation and tools.

IEMA Associate Reinstatement CPD Pack Issue 1.0 Issued: October 2013

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