Low-Power, Implantable Signal Detection From The Central Peripheral

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Low-Power, Implantable Sensing System for

Signal Detection from the Central or Peripheral

Nervous System
Ravi S. Ananth, Edward K. Lee, Taihu Li, Anthony Lam
Alfred Mann Foundation for Scientific Research, Valencia, California, USA 91355
ananth(@aemf org

Abstract -A low-power, implantable electrode array sensing

system for picking up a number of signals from the central Bed of Nails
or peripheral nervous system is described. The sensed and Electrode Array
amplified signals are intended for use in prosthetic limb
control or functional electrical stimulation (FES) of
paralyzed limbs. The sensing system itself contains dc-
blocking capacitors, low-noise amplifiers (LNA), active Wrls FTasiso
filtering and threshold detection logic. Blocking capacitors
are used on the array of electrode inputs to meet safety T
alactlators in hatdwrist, andfingers
guidelines for electronic devices to be dc-blocked from tissue. Sensor Controller
Voltage division loss between the dc-blocking capacitors and BedofN
the parasitic capacitance of the LNA's large input PFETs is Electrode
overcome by using positive feedback with a replica parasitic. To all actuators in elbowt and tpper arm
Programmable filtering with dc-offset correction on the
amplifier outputs gives a dc-blocked and yet ultra-low
frequency, high-pass filtering with an overall frequency
response ranging from 0.035 Hz to 7000 Hz and an input
signal range up to 200 mVpp. A 4-channel, 32 input sensing From all sesorsinhand, wris andfingers
system was designed and fabricated in a 0.5um CMOS From all senisors in elbow and upperanm
process and occupies an area of 3.24 mm2/channel. It
operates at 2.7 V and draws 12uA/channel, providing
programmable differential gains between 4 and 1200, and an Figure 1: Control of a prosthetic arm using PNS signals
input referred noise voltage of 5.6 uVrms over a band of 10 Hz
to 7 kHz. fascicles in a nerve bundle are in contact with an electrode
array or "bed-of-nails". The detected signals are then
amplified by a sensing system that resides directly on the
I. INTRODUCTION electrode array, allowing for better SNR and hence
usability of these bio-potential signals. The processed
Major advances in the understanding of the central and signals from a number of electrode arrays are then passed
peripheral nervous system (CNS/PNS) have led on to a module called the neural interface relay module
researchers to consider the possibility of using these (NIRM) in Fig 1. The NIRM, in turn, wirelessly transmits
signals for prosthetic limb control or for Brain-Computer the appropriate command signals to the prosthetic arm,
Interface (BCI) controls of functional electrical based on the signal values detected in the amputated
stimulation (FES) devices [1], [2], [3]. The task of stump's nerve bundles. It must be mentioned that the
monitoring a useful number of signals from the nervous development of electrode arrays is itself another area of
system for use in FES requires the implantation of a large intense research activity [4].
number of electrodes over the region of interest. This
region, for example, could be deep within the motor For an application where the array of interface
cortex of the brain for cortical based control, or within the amplifiers are implanted and derive power from an
severed fascicles of an amputated proximal nerve stump inductively recharged battery, low power operation of the
for PNS based control as shown in Fig 1. The PNS sensing system becomes a critical requirement. For a
control, for example, is achieved when appropriate nerve 5OmA-hr rechargeable battery that we are developing and

0-7803-9390-2/06/$20.00 ©)2006 IEEE 2573 ISCAS 2006

a 32 channel monitoring system, this requires that each ,
sensing channel consume less than 16 uA to enable 48 Filter
hour operation of the NIRM module before recharging. In ouput
order to use the same sensing system for a varietyorderof CNS To eedof nails
electrode array -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
E. analog
or PNS signals, it is desirable to have the frequency c output
response and sensitivity adapt to the requirements of the Filter
application, since the traits of the bio-potential signals clock
vary as shown in Table 1. Satisfying detection capability control bits
at the lower frequency ranges for low-field cortical 1A00
Gain: 4 to fLPF -300 Hz to 7 kHz
potentials (LFP) or even CNS potentials becomes very fl-HPF -35 mHz to I kHz
challenging, as an on-chip dc-blocking capacitor is
required on each input to meet safety guidelines requiring
electronic devices to be dc-blocked from tissue. Figure 2: Sensing System Architecture
The low-power requirement restricts the open-loop contribution. Fig 3 shows the LNA circuit configuration
gain of the sensing amplifiers, and the presence of low- where load resistors, RL, and capacitors, CL, set the low-
frequency signals necessitates the use of large-area input pass gain, frequency corner and common-mode output
devices to lower the '1/f noise of the LNA. Typical '1/f voltage.
noise reduction techniques using chopper-modulation as V
in [5, 6] are highly beneficial for reducing low-frequency IBi.s
noise and circuit area. Unfortunately, the presence of a dc-
blocking capacitor makes this approach less suitable. This In+
PFETpos PFETNec >I In-

paper presents an expandable sensing matrix system with

emphasis on describing a method used to achieve a dc- Cg.t.dr.in q, CL Cg.tdr.in
blocked and dc-offset corrected, ultra low-frequency, Out- 0 J Out+
high-pass amplifier for a bio-potential sensing system that VX GVt
uses relatively minimal area and power. The sensing
system was designed and fabricated in a 0.5um CMOS
process and was one of the building blocks in the overall
implantable system shown in Fig 1.
Figure 3: Differential LNA Circuit Core
II. SYSTEM AND CIRCUIT ARCHITECTURE Open-loop gain implementation with the input PFETs
Fig 2 shows the overall sensing system architecture biased at zero volts or signal ground during a period of no
used. Each of the inputs shown is obtained through direct sensing allows one to use the topology shown in Fig 4.
mechanical connection to the "bed-of-nails" electrode Higher threshold, thick-oxide PFETs are used for the
array. At any one time, however, only a subset of the input, to ensure that the PFET remains in the active region
electrode signals are simultaneously monitored, and of operation since zero volts is used as the biasing voltage.
furthermore, only a select number of electrodes will Chpf cpos
Plus electrode
realistically be positioned in the brain's cortex or
amputated stump for useful signal pickup. As a result, an
input switch matrix is used to determine which electrode V
Ao* gd
signals need to be processed. For the LNA in the sensing VbioPotental c AO*Cg Out+
system, a standard differential amplifier topology with Switch
Co LN+A Out+
large-area input PFETs is used to reduce the '1/f noise 0 Out-
Table 1: Signal Types and their Electrical Traits
Minus electrode
Signal Type Amplitude Range Frequency Range C
PNS Potentials 10 uV -10 mV 300 Hz- 3 kHz lpos
CNS Potentials 10 uV- 500 uV 100 Hz- 5 kHz
Low-Field Cortical Figure 4: LNA System for Ultra Low-Frequency, Bio-potential Sensing
Potentials 100 uV- 1 mV 0.5 Hz- 50 Hz Application
The LNA input in Fig 4 is pre-biased at zero volts and
floated during a sensing operation. Since the device is

floating within the body, some of the electrodes in the LNA input or conversely allows for the use of a small on-
"bed-of-nails" array are used as the reference or signal chip value for Chpf [7]. Minimum-sized gate lengths for
ground and true differential sensing is achieved by the replica PFET can be used in contrast to the input
detecting the potential across any other pair of electrodes PFET's gate length, as the replica PFET's channel is off.
that are selected by the input switch matrix shown in Fig This is due to the lower threshold voltage of the NFETs
2. Typical implementations require gigantic capacitor and (which set the output voltage and hence the voltage across
resistor values to achieve a very low-frequency, high-pass the shorted drain and source) in contrast to the high-
filter response that can still block dc. The large valued dc- threshold voltage of the input and replica PFETs. Hence,
blocking capacitor can even restrict the circuit integration the replica PFET's gate length plays an insignificant role
to a single-ended input implementation due to practical in adding more parasitics and this factor can be used to
size constraints. Using the topology of Fig 4, however, the advantage to further minimize the area occupied.
inherently large input impedance of the PFET gate and its
floating input during a differential sensing operation can The high-pass corner at the input is set by Chpf and the
be used to advantage to obtain an ultra low-frequency gate impedance of the input PFET. This value is
high-pass response with a very small dc-blocking extremely low at about 35 milli-Hertz. To achieve a
capacitor, Chpf, of only 50 pF and no bias resistors. programmable high-pass frequency corner with offset
correction at the output, one needs to implement a post-
The size of the input PFETs is driven by two goals, filtering and gain stage as shown in Fig 2 and Fig 5. Offset
namely minimizing '1/f noise and achieving operation in correction at the output is imperative, since the output
the sub-threshold mode in order to obtain a larger gm-to- common-mode voltage of the sensing system is directly
bias current ratio (given the low power requirements). fed to either an A/D converter or threshold detector. A
Both goals are achieved, however, at the expense of larger standard topology, as shown in Fig 5, is used to achieve
aspect ratios for the input PFETs of the LNA and hence this with the addition of a programmable high-pass filter
larger parasitic capacitance from the gate-to-source and whose corner frequency is determined by varying CH2 and
gate-to-drain nodes of the input PFET. The Miller effect RH2 around amplifier A3. Practical on-chip values for these
makes the gate-to-drain capacitance dominate, as it is two components can be achieved to attain high-pass
increased by a factor equal to the open-loop gain, AO, of corners down to 10 Hz.
the LNA. This capacitance, AO*Cgd, in effect goes in series
with the blocking capacitor, Chpf, as shown in Fig 4. For To achieve offset correction at sub-Hertz frequencies
small on-chip values of Chpf, this results in a large however, one needs to disable the input feedback to
attenuation of the bio-potential signal at the LNA's input amplifier A3, since the limited values of RH2 and CH2
due to a capacitive voltage divider action. would block the signal itself. By introducing a sample-
and-hold switch, S1, one can effectively sample the output
The parasitic capacitance of Ao*Cgd can be lowered or offsets before sensing is enabled by using the control
cancelled by using a capacitor of similar size to Cgd, in signal ULF to enable SI while the LNA inputs are shorted
positive feedback. This is done by Cpos and shown in Fig by the "Sense-Control" switch shown in Fig 4.
4. Since Cpos is subject to the same Miller effect as Cgd, its
capacitive amplification tracks that of the LNA gain. The CH2
open-loop gain, AO, is well controlled since the LNA ULF
operates in the sub-threshold region where the gm is R
proportional to the bias current. The bias current is set A3 S, detector
with an on-chip reference resistor which also tracks the Vref
load resistor, RL, so that AO, which is a product of gm and RL2 CL2
RL , remains fairly constant. However, the actual value of in
Cgd may change due to process variations and hence a gm A V_
fixed capacitive value for Cpos cannot be used for reliable
parasitic cancellation. By using an exact replica of the R.2
input PFET (with half its gate width) and shorting the
drain and source of the replica PFET to the output while
connecting the gate to the input of similar polarity, a value
for Cpos is created that closely matches the Cgd of the 0L2
dominant input parasitic capacitance. However, this
capacitance~~~ ~~~
is of h aaii Figure 5: Post-Amplification and Filter Stages
caaiac du to poitv fedbc andmo1re efetv The sampled offset iS then stored on CH2 when S1 iS turned
cacllto of th inu paaii can.be ahed. Thi off while the input to the LNA iS enabled by turning off
acttoreuc th caaitv votg diie ato ah the "Sense-Control" switch. Sub-Hertz input signals are

thereby amplified while still correcting for the dc offsets number of different CNS and PNS signal types. An A/D
(excluding A3) inherent through the entire sensing system, converter allows for further digital signal processing such
including the rail-to-rail buffer A4. The value of the output as "Rectify and Integrate" to be performed, as this appears
common mode voltage is set by the voltage Vref on A3. to be a preferred way to generate an FES control signal.
However, a threshold detection scheme after signal
84 dB input dynamic range is achieved by appropriate amplification is also made available as an alternative FES
gain degeneration at the LNA and filter sections to give an triggering mechanism. The sensing system described is
output that has a 10-bit resolution for the A/D converter only a part of the overall system, as functions such as
that follows. power regulation, battery charging and RF transceiver
action through the NIRM module in Figure 1 are required
III. RESULTS for the implantable system. To conserve power, the
current consumption in the sensing system was optimized
A 32 electrode input, four-channel sensing system was to meet the minimum signal detection target, rather than
designed and implemented in a triple-metal 0.5um CMOS increasing current for the best possible noise performance.
process. Each sensing channel, with its programmable By the programmable tailoring of the bandwidth and gain,
low-pass and high-pass filters, occupied an area of 3.24 an appropriate noise floor can be attained for the various
mm2 using dc-blocking capacitors of 50 pF. The overall applications indicated in Table 1.
differential gain of the sensing system was programmable
and ranged from 4 to 1200. A maximum bandwidth of In the future, lower noise-floors may be attained by
0.035 Hz to 7 kHz was attained and could be adjusted using technologies with low threshold-voltage FETs. This
with programmable high-pass and low-pass filter corners. will allow one to increase the LNA current by an amount
Table 2 summarizes the measured results from test chips inversely proportional to the decrease in operating
for the power consumption and noise floor over various voltage. The increased gm of the LNA will result in a
bandwidths as well as the offset correction circuit droop lower noise floor for the same overall power consumption.
rate when used for sub-Hertz signal detection. The entire
system operated off a 2.7 V supply. REFERENCES
Table 2: Measured Test Results for the Sensing System [1] D.M. Taylor, S.H. Tillery, A.B. Schwartz, "Direct cortical control of
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Parameter Measured Results [2] G.S. Dhillon, S.M. Lawrence, D.T. Hutchinson, K.W. Horch,
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Overall Power dissipation 33 uW/channel Implications for neural control of artificial limbs," The Journal of
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Input referred noise density 64 nV/N1Hz [3] Kennedy PR, Andreasen D, Moore M, et al, "Using human cortical
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Total input referred noise prostheses," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, pp 22-29,
between 10 Hz and 1 kHz - 2.4 uVrms September/October 2005.
Total input referred noise 12 uVrms [5] C.C. Enz, G.C. Temes, "Circuit techniques for reducing the effects of
between 0.035 Hz and 300 Hz op-amp imperfections: autozeroing, correlated double sampling and
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sensing system was designed for use in a sensing matrix
meant to be embedded within a bed-of-nails electrode
array. This implantable and battery-powered sensing array
is used to detect CNS or PNS signals with the objective of
using the processed signals for FES or prosthetic limb
control. The topology and circuit implementation allows
the sensing system to be used in conjunction with a


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