Multichannel Neural Recording Interface: Front-End

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Benoit Gosselin, Virginie Simard and Mohamad Sawan
PolySTIM Neurotechnology Laboratory,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montrial

Abstract could act as a critical starting point in the emergence of

We propose in this paper a programmable gain these new smart systems. However, since studies of
preamplipcation front-end for a j W y implantable neural assemblies require to record data simultaneously
multichannel data acquisition system (IMDAS) that is from as many neurons as possible, power consumption
dedicated for chronic neural signal recording. This imposes serious constraints on these implantable systems.
application calls for very low power and low voltage
circuit techniques. To satisfv these constraints, the Fortunately, low power design techniques bring
preamplifier is designed in 0.18pm CMOS technology solutions to push forward the limits. In the past few years,
and 011 employed transistors operate in weak inversion. low power techniques have been successfully applied to
To maximize the dynamic range ofthe recorded signals, various biomedical applications working under tight
the preamplifier S gain is set by a 4-bit digital-to-analog consumption constraints [5,6]. Circuits built with
converter (DAC). This DAC is used to tune the bias transistors working in weak inversion region allow the
currents of a variable transconductor cell in order to implementation of systems working in sub-microwatt
vaiy its DC gain. The simulation of the whole proposed range [7,X,9]. Amplifiers with high gain and sufficiently
module gives a maximum power consumption of 530n W low input-referred noise are fundamental blocks in a
at a supply voltage of 0.9K The circuit provides a multiunit recording system front-end. Neuronal spikes
maximum gain of 47dB. has a cutoff frequency of have amplitude in the microvolt range (1 to lOOpV),
2.65?iHz and presents an input-refeved noise of which varies, from one recording site to another,
7.65gVrms which is suficiently low to meet the required according to the cell shape, orientation and proximity
precision. In addition, the phase margin is higher than from the electrode tip. This paper proposes a
programmable gain preamplifier for a neuronal
50" on the entire gain range.
multichannel acquisition recording system. Due to its
ultra low-power consumption, this preamplifier will
Keywork: preamplijkr; neural cortical recording;
allows to have a very large amount of channels recording
implantable electronic device.
data simultaneously from the tissues. A maxi" input-
referred noise of 1OpVnns (below the electrode noise
1. INTRODUCTION level) and a bandwidth of more than 2.5 kHz make these
amplifiers suitable for such an application. Results from
Recent brain researches have shown the importance of comer analysis show that the whole front-end exhibit
neural assemblies in the coding of neuronal information appropriate behavior on a large range of process
[l]. In order to facilitate the collect and processing of variations.
neural signals, data acquisition systems that implement
multiunit recording using silicon arrays of
microelectrodes and on-board electronics have been
proposed and used in experimental studies [2,3]. As AMPL1FIER
recent work on neural digital signal processing methods
may lead to the next generation of multichannel For a MOS transistor working in weak inversion, the
acquisition systems [4], analog fiont-ends that enable drain current follows an exponential law:
simultaneous recording of a vast amount of cells activity

CCECE 2003 - CCGEI 2003, Montrtal, May/mai 2003 0-

7803-7781-X/03/$17.00 0 2003 IEEE

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where W and L are width and length of the gate, 2.2 Output common mode voltage
IDo=2n~C,U;'exp(-V~(nU~)is the characteristic
current, n the slope factor and U,=kT/q the thermal While adjusting the gain, variation of I, generate a
voltage. Weak inversion requires the two following variation of the output stage DC voltage. To avoid this
conditions to he observed: ID<2npC,U;W/L and effect, MP7 and MP8 provide the current necessary to
VGs<VT&nUT; moreover transistors will be saturated if keep the output stage bias current as constant as possible.
VD-Vs>>UT.The pinch-off voltage is then approximately Moreover, the differential configuration of the output
3UT. stage causes the offset voltage to be considered as a
common-mode voltage by subsequent stage, which is a
2.1 Variable transconductor minor drawback.

The variable transconductor drawn in Fig. 1 is fully 2.3 Biasing

differential and has a folded-cascode output stage that
allows a high output impedance and a voltage offset that The tuning circuit of Fig. 2 determines the bias
leads to a common-mode voltage halfway between VDD current Ipal and control the amount of current sink by
and VSS. Its gain is given by: MP7 and MP8. This circuit works in the nonlinear region
Gmi=gmi (2) of its bipolar type characteristic I(V,3. Voltage VI is
then linearized by MP6, so the amplifier gain varies
linearly on a logarithmic scale when the control voltage
VCelis adjusted using the DAC. As V,, increases, MP5
and MP6 gate-source voltage will decrease, so will the
current sink by MP8 and MF'7 and the variable
transconductor gain.

Vi" YO+


Fig. I.
Variable transconductor
However, a weak inversion-biased transistor has a YSS

transconductance proportional to its DC current drain:

Fig. 2. Tuning circuit
2.4 Transimpedance stage
The bias current of MI is determined by the current
source implemented by M5, also polarized in weak To convert output current in voltage, a
inversion. Thus, its drain current is related to its gate- transimpedance stage is implemented using a
source voltage by: transconductor with negative feedback linearized with a
triode-biased MOS transistors [IO]. The preamplifier
output voltage is then:
Inserting (2) and (3) in (4) and considering IDl=ID3/2,
variable transconductor eain is eiven bv :
A load capacitance provides the amplifier compensation :
a 0.5pF capacitance has been used for simulations. The
This shows that the amplifier gain, which depends on the unity-gain fiequency of the fiont-end may then he
variable transconductor stage, will increase linearly on a evaluated by
logarithmic scale. To reduce input-referred noise, the
ratio W/L of M1, M 2 and length of M3, M4 have been set =- g., (7)
very large, then M1, M2 transconductance is maximized G&L
while M3, M4's is decreased. Flicker noise (l/Q is Block diagram of neural amplifier is shown in Fig. 3.
limited because WL of M1, M 2 is large.

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stage; their outputs would then be multiplexed by a set of
switches toward another amplifier with large bandwidth
and constant gain after which neural signals would have
an amplitude of at least lOOmV before going through an
Gal" analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
pmgramm,ng Polamfan Vanable Tramlmwdam
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the preamplifier
2.5 Digital-to-analog converter Table 1 shows some features of the preamplifier for
typical process values. These parameters have been
The DAC is made from current sources, working as evaluated for five digital gain values: DC gain, cut-off
well in weak inversion, for which currents are frequency J j d B and unity-gain 6equencyfT, phase margin
proportional to bit weight represented by each source. PM,power consumption P, output common mode voltage
The final output current is converted to a voltage using a OVcm and input-referred noise. A graph of the AC
resistor R,/ . A transistor of which gate is controlled by a response is presented in Fig. 5 where the 16 AC
clock signal phi constitutes a sample-and-hold ( S / H ) responses obtained according to different binary words of
circuit that allows to keep the analog voltage gain in a the DAC are shown. The current in the input stage of the
capacitance, in order to have a single DAC for several variable transconductor vary from 266nA to 1.58nA. A
amplifiers. The schematized DAC is drawn in Fig. 4 a) comer analysis has been performed on the design to
and a current source with a switch is shown in Fig. 4 b). exhibit the behavior of the front-end under different
process variations. Fig. 6 illustrates the changes in the
front-end parameters for typical, slow-slow, fast-fast,
slow-fast and fast-slow instances of NMOS and PMOS
transistors parameters for CMOS 0.18pn process. The
circuit exhibits vety good performance under almost all
process variation except for the fast-fast case, which
gives higher power consumption and a lower maximum
a) b)
Fig. 4. a) DAC block diagram, b) Current source
and swltch
Gain DC f.m f, PM P OVcm Noise
To achieve the desired gain range, the differential ciain W ) Wz) (7 (nw) (mv) (pvm)
input V , , must vary from 0 to 200mV with a common-
mode voltage higher than 400mV. When the digital gain
is 1111, every switches are open and no current flows
through R-,, thus the maximal output voltage is equal to
voltage source Vp,as,that has to be bigger than 750mV in
order to keep the current source transistors in proper
region of operation. Voltage step between each binary
value is given by current and Re{ a good compromise 0000
between a small current that keep power consumption at 0001
a low level and an acceptable size of resistor could he 0010
133nA and 1OOkn. The DAC output range after S / H is 0100
then from 547mV (0000) to 750mV (1 11 1) with steps of 0101
13.5mV. The maximal frequency of conversion is 0111
IOOkHz and maximal power for a digital gain 0000 is 1000
1.65pW. 1010
2.6 Programmable multichannel interface 1101
Several preamplifiers could be used to implement a Frequency (Hz) 1111

multichannel interface. Every channels of the interface

would have a programmable gain front-end as input
Fig. 5. Frequency response

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programming range. In addition, the phase margin stay
above 50” as well. Comer simulation has demooslrated
the reliability of the front-end under different process
variations. The maximum gain, the power consumption,
the gain range, the phase margin and the output common
mode voltage stay relatively close to the values obtained
for the typical process.


The authors would like to thank the National Sciences

and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) for their
support to complete this project.

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