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Jordi Sacristán, Ma Teresa Osés

CNM-IMB Biomedical Applications Group (GAB)

Campus UAB 08193 Bellaterra, Spain

ABSTRACT the amplifier will be 4.8 nV√rms or 13 nV

√rms , making possible to
detect input signals as low as 1µVp or 10µVp . Any input signal of
In this paper, a low noise amplifier used to sense ENG signals with a lower value will be masked by the electrode noise itself.
amplitudes greater than 1µVp has been designed and fabricated in
0.7µm CMOS technology. The electrical characterization and re-
sults in acute experiments with rats are presented. The main char- 2. DESIGN STRUCTURE
√rms ), high CMRR (> 90dB), pro-
acteristics are: low noise (5 nV Hz
grammable gain (77dB-103dB), band pass from 100Hz to 5kHz Fig. 1 shows a simplified schematic of the full amplifier, where
and tolerance to the input offset greater than ±50mV . In order to three main blocks can be distinguished. The first stage is a low
implement the low cut-off frequency of the band pass filter, an ac- noise differential input/differential output preamplifier. In this stage,
tive resistor of 80M Ω value has been designed with programmable noise is the most restrictive parameter in this sense, the thermal
tuning. √ of 1500Ω has been considered
noise due to an equivalent resistor
for the electrode (VET NR = 4kT R).
Nowadays, information provided by neural signals obtained from G1

peripheral nervous system (PNS) through natural sensors can be Vin+ DDA G3 Vout

used in challenging applications in functional electrical stimula-

tion (FES). For example, neural signals can be used in spinal cord
injury (SCI) to detect patient intentions and stimulate the action to A
carry out in a natural way in a closed loop FES system, or control
a prosthesis in amputees. Another example is the usage of sensory
information obtained by natural sensors to provide some kind of −
physical perception, like heat, softness. Common characteristics
of these neural signals are low signal amplitudes, in the range of
1µVp − 10µVp , and low frequency spectrum typically from 100Hz Fig. 1: Structure of the full amplifier
to 5000Hz. Both parameters make the design of an IC for record-
ing neural activity a very challenging task. The second stage is based on a differential difference amplifier
In this paper the development of an amplifier for recording (DDA) [2], It has two pairs of differential inputs, one used as in-
neural signals from the PNS using cuff or sieve electrodes will be put signal and in the second two feedback loops are implemented,
presented. The low signal amplitude makes the amplifier noise one to define the gain stage and the second to implement a filter ca-
one of the most important parameters to be considered in the de- pable to eliminate the offset from the first stage. In this amplifier,
sign process. At the same time, the low frequency range makes no external components are needed to implement the low cut-off
difficult to obtain an implantable device in an application spe- frequency and also it is digitally programmable to four different
cific integrated circuit (ASIC) only using on-chip components [1]. values. That amplifier can be used without the previous pream-
Other specifications to be considered for the amplifier design are: plifier in case of the input signals from electrodes are greater than
1) High CMRR (> 90dB) to reduce stimulation interference and 10µVp .
contamination due to activity outside the electrodes, 2) A low fre- The last stage consists of an RC high pass filter followed by an
quency range for the bandpass from 100Hz to 5kHz, 3) A high operational amplifier with fixed gain that accommodates the signal
gain (80dB-100 dB) to accommodate the very low amplitude neu- to the full range of the ADC. The filter eliminates any residual
ral signals (∼ 1µVp ) to the dynamic range of the analog to digital offset and the cut-off frequency is programmable like in the second
converter (ADC), necessary for a digital data transmission in im- stage.
plantable systems. 4) A tolerance to the input offsets greater than A common and important characteristic of the amplifiers for
±50mV . the first and second stage is the high input impedance. Moreover,
In practice, the impedance of electrodes limits the require- these stages can be directly coupled because their transfer function
ments for the amplifier noise. If electrodes cuff o sieve with impedances presents a zero at the origin and is not necessary decoupling device
around 1.5kΩ or 20kΩ respectively are considered, the thermal resulting, in a higher CMRR and the input signal is kept equal
noise due to the electrode will determine the minimum value de- to the signal readout from electrodes. In consequence, a better
manded for the amplifier noise. Then, the noise specification for performance is obtained.

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ˆ ˜
2.1. Pre-Amplifier can be obtained considering that Vo = D Vin + Vo ( A 1
− −βs
) ,
where β = ARInt CInt and D stand for the integration constant
The preamplifier proposed here is a differential input-differential
output with decoupled DC signal inside the common node using and the DDA open loop gain, respectively. The resulting transfer
an external capacitor. The schematic is shown in Fig. 2 and the function is:
transfer function is given by (1). The amplifier input noise due to
the input transistors [3] has to be smaller than the equivalent ther- D As
mal noise of electrode. Therefore, as the noise in a MOS transistor H(s) =  for D → ∞ (2)
1 − D( A + βs ) s + Aβ
for low frequencies is dominated by the flicker noise, it has been
adopted as a design rule that the flicker and thermal noise have an
equivalent contribution. On one hand, considering that the ther-
mal noise generated by a 1.5kΩ resistor is 5 nV √rms (350nVrms Vin+
integrated), the resulting equivalent resistor for input transistors Vin−
MP1,2 is 398Ω. On the other hand, a compromise between area
and power consumption fixed the final equivalent resistor of MP1,2
equal to 425Ω giving a slight higher thermal than flicker noise con-
VRef R1 R2
tributions for a biasing current of 200µA.
Rl gm1,2 s
H(s) = gm1,2 (1)
s+ 2C CInt RInt = Rds


Fig. 3: Structure of the DABPF stage
MP 1 MP 2
Vin+ Vin−
The high pass filter in the positive feedback loop is imple-
mented with an ideal negative integrator. The integrator can be
considered ideal because leakage currents are not accumulated in
VRef CInt , since it is negatively fed back by the direct path, across
DDA. In consequence only a small residual offset due to the am-
Rl Rl
plifier at the feedback loop remains.
Vout− Vout+ The time constant for a high pass filter at 100Hz requieres
high values for RInt and CInt . An acceptable value for an on chip
capacitor CInt = 20pF has been chosen, so the resistor has to be
80M Ω, which is too high to be integrated. In this design a transis-
tor working in sub threshold has been used as an active resistor. In
next section the design considerations for this implementation will
Fig. 2: Schemaic for the preamplifier be presented. The high cut-off frequency is 8.9kHz and the phase
margin of 64o which are fixed by a Miller capacitor of 8pF .
The common mode capacitor C eliminates the offset at the It is important to notice that the equivalent thermal noise pro-
inputs, so only differential inputs inside the band are amplified. duced by the high resistor of filter which is equal to 83µV rms in
The in-band gain is given by G = gm1,2 Rl = 50kΩ
or G = 41dB the range of frequencies from 100Hz to 5kHz. Consequently it is
and the low cut-off frequency fl = 4πC = 85Hz for C = not possible to use this resistor for a filter in the direct loop because
2.2µF . The OTA in Fig. 2 is used to define the DC component in the noise is greater than the signal at the input. Nevertheless the
the common mode output without introducing any effect in the AC filter, in the DDA amplifier, is used in the feedback loop then, the
operation. thermal noise at the input is reduced by the amplifier gain resulting
in an equivalent noise of 3µVrms .
2.2. Differential Amplifier Band Pass Filter (DABPF) The power consumption of this amplifier from a voltage sup-
ply of 5V is 250µW . Also, this second stage can be used directly
The DABPF stage is based on a Differential Difference Ampli- for ENG signals around 10µVp with an important reduction in
fier (DDA) [2] with filtering feedback. The schematic diagram is power consumption because the preamplifier is not necessary. This
shown in Fig. 3: it has two differential inputs and a single output amplifier has a high CMRR in contrast with traditional instrumen-
with a transfer function similar to the OTA. Here, one differen- tation amplifiers because problems with mismatching components
tial pair is used as the input ports and the second one is devoted do not exist.
to implement two feedback loops. The negative feedback defines For the third stage, a single ended amplifier is selected with an
the amplifier gain giving by A ≡ R2R+R 1
. The second feedback RC filter at the input. This filter allows the AC coupling, eliminates
loop is used to introduce a zero at DC and a pole at the low cut- the residual offset from the previous stage and also the frequencies
off frequency, implementing a filter that eliminates the input and out of band, reducing the noise and optimizing the signal to be
residual offset from DDA. The transfer function for the amplifier converted by the ADC.

The high cut-off frequency is 7.9kHz and the phase margin is given by (6) where N ≡ Ids 2
nad D ≡ Ids1
− 1, so its value
of 65o which are fixed by a Miller capacitor of 6.6pF . Although
depends only on design parameters.
the bandpass of the full amplifier was fixed to be from 100Hz to
5kHz, the high and low cut-off frequencies in the individual stages Lr Wp Rp D
need to be a bit shifted in order to obtain the desired bandpass. RInt = (6)
Wr Lp ln N
In Table 1 the most important parameters characterizing the
full system are shown. Although, N and D can take any value, N must be greater
than 1 to avoid Ids → 0 here N = 10 has been chosen. The
D parameter has been introduced to reduce the size of transistors,
2.3. High Value Resistor Implementation if D has a high value then mismatching in the current can be a
This section will follow with the design considerations for imple- problem then D = 1 has been chosen because a reduction of 50%
menting the 80M Ω resistor in the filter in Fig. 3 using a PMOS in area is obtained.
transistor working in the sub-threshold region, as depicted in Fig. Another performance added to the polarization circuit is the
4(a). The transistor has an own polarization circuit that optimizes selection of several Rp values through the use of different switches.
the area, and eliminates second order effects due to temperature, In this way, different values for the resistor is obtained and in con-
voltage reference, and technology desviations. In Fig.4(b), the sequence different cut-off frequency can be selected digitally in
schematic diagram of the circuit to generate the biasing for the the filter implementation. Four different frequencies (see Table 1)
PMOS transistor is shown. have been implemented in this prototype allowing to tune a low
Since PMOS works in sub-threshold region, the expression for cut-off frequency from outside according with the actual require-
the current is given by the (3) [4] where Id0 and VT are the specific ments of the implantable system.
current and thermal potential, respectively.
W Vgb −Vth sb −Vdv
Ids = Id0 e nVT e nVT − e nVT (3)
L The full amplifier described in Fig. 1 has been implemented in
If Vds < ±25mV and Vsb = 0, then Ids can be approximated an ASIC using a CMOS 0.7µm technology from AMIS. Fig. 5
by: shows a microphotograph of the circuit, the full amplifier requires
j » –ff an area of 1.1mm2 and occupies the bottom side of the IC. All the
W VgsnV−Vth −Vds
Ids ∼
= d0
I e T 1 − 1 − (4) individual blocks have been introduced as separate modules with
L nVT testing purposes.
If all parameters are fixed except Vds then MPr behaves as a
resistor controlled by Vgs , resulting in a resistor value of:
Vgs −Vth
∂Ids Id0 W e nVT 1
= L
= (5)
∂Vds nVT RInt



Vbp MP 1 1:1 MP2

MP r Fig. 5: Photography of full amplifier (FA) and test modules.
For the characterization of the full system an HP4059 func-
Vc MNk MNk MNk
tion generator, a multimeter HP34401A with rms measurement, a
D:1 1:N
digital oscilloscope DL708E and GPIB communication card have
(a) been used. In Table 1 a relation of the most important parameters
are listed, showing good aggreement between the theoretical val-
ues obtained from Montecarlo simulation and experimental data.
(b) The gain fits very well with the four possible values. A small devi-
ation from the simulated results for the cut-off frequency has been
observed but it is not important because they are in the required
Fig. 4: 4(a) Equivalent PMOS to implement the 80M Ω resistor. range of the ENG signals.
4(b) Autobiasing circuit for subthreshold M OSPr In order to verify the AC response the bode diagram shown
in Fig. 6 has been carried out for a total gain of 80dB and using
Transistors MP1,2 work in sub-threshold and define the con- the four programmable cut-off frequencies. From the graphic, it
trol voltage for MPr which is equal to VGSP 1 . The current for can be seen that the −3dB low cut-off frequencies correspond to
MP1 is Ids1 = nVTRpln N . Finally, the value for the RInt resistor the four values indicated in Table 1. The band pass of the amplifier

Parameter Simulated Measured
Gain [dB] 75, 83, 97, 103 76, 80, 96, 102
Low-cutoff Freq. 97, 116, 206, 385 106, 119, 201, 352
CMRR[dB@1KHz] −96dB −94
Equiv. input ref- 4.8 5.1
ered noise[ √nV

Table 1: Amplifier performance (a)

exhibits a roll-off of 60 dec

for the low cut-off frequency and 40 dec

for the high cut-off frequency.





50 Fig. 7: Experimental transient response. (a) Square

wave at 50Hz. (b) 10µVpp for amplitude at 1kHz.



1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10

Fig. 6: Experimental bode of full-amplifier

The transient response has been carried out with a square input
of 50Hz to verify the rejection of the offset and those frequencies
below 100Hz, Fig. 7(a). Also a sinusoidal input from the function
generator has been used to obtain the response for low input signal
in the band (10µVpp and 1kHz), in this case the amplifier was
programmed to have a gain of 80dB and the low cut-off frequency Fig. 8: Results for acute experiment with rats
was programmed at 200Hz (Fig. 7(b)).
Finally, this prototype has been used in acute experiments in
a rat, opto-couplers have been incorporated to isolate the record-
ing circuitry from the measure equipment. In Fig. 8 the action This work has been supported by ESPRIT Cyberhand project IST-
potentials due to motor units activation affer to pain stimulation is 2001-35094 and Spanish CYCIT TIC2000-1398-C03-01.
shown. In this test, the rat’s foot was punctured with a needle and
the response was also recorded in the foot with a needle electrode
placed near the nerve. 6. REFERENCES

[1] Cameron Charles Reis R. Harrison, “A low-power, low-

4. CONCLUSION noise cmos amplifier for neural recording applications,” IEEE
J.Solid-State Circuits, vol. VOL. 38, no. 6, June 2003.
In this paper the design implementation and test of an amplifier for [2] E. Sackinger and . Guggenbuhl, “A versatile building block:
recording of ENG signals has been presented for the development The cmos differential difference amplifier,” IEEE J.Solid-
of implantable systems. The obtained results show good aggree- State Circuits, vol. SC-22, no. 2, pp. 287–294, Apr. 1987.
ment beteween simulation and expermiental data. Nevertheless, [3] Douglas R. Holberg Phllip E. Allen, CMOS Analog Circuit
the compromise adopted for the ratio area/power consumption can Design, Ted Buchholz, 1987.
be improved if the input transistors of the preamplifier are designed [4] Noel R. Strader Randall L. Geiger, Phillip E.Allen, VLSI de-
to work in sub-threshold region. In this sense, a new design with sign techniques for analog and digital circuits, McGraww-
this design strategy will be carried out in order to reduce the power Hill Electrical Engineering, 1990.
consumption which is imperative in implantable devices.


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