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D1 - Justification of Design
Justify Design Decision
Talk about why you WILL be placing each item where it is, e.g.
 Title
I will put the title of the page on the top because it will make it easier to read and the
audience will see it straight away.
 Nav bar
I will put the nav bar on the side of every page because this will make it easier for the
audience to access every page that they want to access. This will make my webpage look
more professional.

 Logo
 Banner
 Information

I will put the information on the middle of the page because the audience can focus on the
information clearly and they will get what they want.

 Links
I will put the links to my work on the specific course pages there are not to many pages linked to the
different pages, and that will make it clear and not confusing the audience with to many pages.

 introductions
I will put the introduction of my work on my home page to give it a brief information about
my work. This will catch the attention of the audience.
You can also talk about and explain why you have chosen / used:
 Drop down lists
 Colour scheme
I have not chosen to many colour because I want my webpage to look professional and with
no distraction for the audience.
 Banner images, relevance??
I will choose a simple images to attract the audience and relating to my work. That will make
it more professional.
 Copyright information

 Social media links

How does it meet the user requirements and the websites purpose?

What is the purpose?

How does your design meet this purpose? (have you used appropriate work examples, clear
navigation, appropriate layout?)

The purpose of my portofolilo to showing of my wok and to put my work and my experience on the

How does the design relate to the target audience?

My design is relating my audience because I had put the picture, link, and tittle so that wil relationg
my work to the audience and I had chosen the clear and good design for my work related and or my

How does the navigation system aid user interaction?

Is it clear?

Yes my design is clear I had had put a link on the different pages, I had put a menu, and a not
complicating design which make it easy, clear, and simple for my audience.

Are all sections clear to the user, if so how (have you used appropriate pages names etc)?

Yes, I had put a different section, page, Name and different link for my type of work to make it easier
and clear as possible. The colour of the menu buttom will change when you are on that page.

Is it easy to navigate, if so why?

How do the assets selected enhance the portfolio?

What work have you decided to include in the portfolio? (talk about most but not all of your assets)

Why have you chosen this work?

I have chosen that work because it does relating my experience and the work I have
done. I think it is important that you choosen a work that you have some experience
with theat works that you will choose it for your portofoilo.

How will it enhance the portfolio/how does it show your skills?

M portooilo show my skills because is incluse the work experience that I have and
examples of work that I have done so far. This will show my skills from different
subject and will prove the work because it is my experience rather than sayinyh that
I have done this work.

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