BIO - 10 - 74 - V1 - TG - Laboratory Work Study Variability Modification, Construction of A Variational Series and A Curve

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BIO_10_74_V1_LP_ Laboratory work Study variability modification, construction of a

variational series and a curve

Lesson teacher guide Lesson 2 of 2

Theoretical material for the lesson, definitions for concepts, etc.

Modification (phenotypic) variability - changes in the body associated with changes in the
phenotype due to environmental influences and are, in most cases, adaptive.

Mechanism of modification variability

1) Environment as a reason for modifications

Modification variability is not the result of changes in the genotype, but of its reaction to
environmental conditions. In case of modification variability, the hereditary material does not
change; the manifestation of genes changes.

Under the influence of certain environmental conditions on the body, the course of enzymatic
reactions (enzyme activity) changes and synthesis of specialized enzymes can occur, some of
which (MAP-kinase, etc.) are responsible for regulating gene transcription depending on
environmental changes. Thus, environmental factors are able to regulate the expression of genes,
that is, the intensity of their production of specific proteins, the functions of which correspond to
specific environmental factors. For example, four genes that are on different chromosomes are
responsible for producing melanin. The greatest number of dominant alleles of these genes - 8 -
is found in people of the Negroid race. When exposed to a specific environment, such as intense
exposure to ultraviolet rays, the cells of the epidermis are destroyed, which leads to the release of
endothelin-1 and eicosanoids. They cause the activation of the enzyme tyrosinase and its
biosynthesis. Tyrosinase, in turn, catalyzes the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine. Further
formation of melanin takes place without the participation of enzymes, but a greater amount of
the enzyme causes more intense pigmentation.

2) Reaction rate

The limit of manifestation of the modification variability of the organism with an unchanged
genotype is the reaction rate. The reaction rate is due to the genotype and differs in different
individuals of this species. In fact, the reaction rate is the spectrum of possible levels of gene
expression, from which the expression level is most suitable for these environmental conditions.
The reaction rate has a limit for each species — for example, enhanced feeding will lead to an
BIO_10_74_V1_LP_ Laboratory work Study variability modification, construction of a
variational series and a curve

increase in the weight of the animal, but it will be within the reaction rate characteristic of the
species or breed. The reaction rate is genetically determined and inherited.

 For different changes there are different limits of the reaction rate. For example, the amount of
milk yield, the productivity of cereals (quantitative changes) vary greatly, the intensity of animal
color, and so on (qualitative changes) weakly. In accordance with this, the reaction rate can be
broad (quantitative changes - the size of the leaves of many plants, the size of the body of many
insects, depending on the feeding conditions of their larvae) and narrow (qualitative changes -
the color of some butterflies in pupae and adults). However, for some quantitative traits, a
narrow reaction rate is typical (milk fat, the number of toes in guinea pigs), and for some
qualitative traits, a broad one (for example, seasonal color changes in many species of animals in
northern latitudes).

Examples of modification variability

In humans:

1) increase in the level of red blood cells when climbing in the mountains

2) an increase in skin pigmentation with intensive exposure to ultraviolet rays

3) development of the musculoskeletal system as a result of training scars (an example of


In insects and other animals:

1) discoloration of the Colorado potato beetle due to prolonged exposure to their pupae of high
or low temperatures

2) change of coat color in some mammals when weather conditions change (for example, a hare)

3) different coloring of nymphalide butterflies (for example, Araschnia levana), developed at

different temperatures

In plants:

1) the different structure of the underwater and surface leaves of the water buttercup, arrowhead,

2) the development of low-growing forms of seeds of lowland plants grown in the mountains

In bacteria:

1) the work of E. coli lactose operon genes (in the absence of glucose and in the presence of
lactose, they synthesize enzymes for processing this carbohydrate)

Instructive card

Procedure of laboratory work "Study variability modification, construction of a variation

series and a curve".
BIO_10_74_V1_LP_ Laboratory work Study variability modification, construction of a
variational series and a curve

Students should work individually using instructive cards, they can choose one of the object –
beans or leafs.

1. Calculate the length of each object

2. Calculate the average value.
3. It is necessary to arrange the objects in order of magnification. Each value is an variant.
4. Count the number of duplicate values (variant).
Fill in the data in the table (Example)

Seed size (mm)

The frequency of occurrence of
the trait

5. Construction of the graph (on the X axis - the size of the seeds, on the Y axis - the
numbers corresponding to the frequencies of occurrence of each variants (attribute)). The
graph will look like a linear curve.
6. Determine the average value according to the formula M = Σ (V) / n.

7. To calculate the standard deviation can use one of the formulas:

8. Discussion

9. Conclusion

Instructions for demonstrations and safety.

Compliance with safety regulations when students will work with beans or leaves, discuss in
pairs and groups. Give to students opportunity of free moving in class, that they will feel
confidently to ask stronger students of teacher help.

Additional guidelines for organizing a lesson.

During the lesson teacher will students will work individually and in small groups, so teacher
should observe the working of each student, using list or journal of observation, if students will
ask about example, teacher should demonstrate one. This lesson is last lesson about this topic, so
teacher should organize the lesson and activities focusing of students works and check with them
their achievements.

Additional multilevel (on differentiation) tasks.

Teacher can differentiate the student’s works suggesting different objects for laboratory work.

Weak students can get any advising help that they need.
BIO_10_74_V1_LP_ Laboratory work Study variability modification, construction of a
variational series and a curve

Recommendations for formative assessment.

During a lesson teacher will observe and coordinate the students works, provide scaffolding
strategies for weak students and give to each student the constructive feedback.

List of useful links and literature


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