COVID 19 Safety Plan Training COOP V3 Quiz Name: - Date

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COVID 19 Safety Plan Training COOP V3 Quiz

Name: _________________________________________ Date: __________________

You must get 18 out of 24 correct or you must redo the quiz. /24 marks
1. COVID-19 is typically transmitted through:
a. Personal contact with an infected person
b. touching an infected surface, then your face, mouth, nose or eyes
c. coughing & sneezing
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

2. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include (select all that are correct):

a. Fever
b. blurred vision
c. new, worsening cough
d. ear ache
e. shortness of breath

3. Other possible symptoms of COVID-19 may include (select all correct answers):
a. sore throat
b. swelling of hands or feet
c. difficulty swallowing
d. nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
e. cold, clammy skin
f. runny nose or sneezing

4. To exercise proper hygiene during COVID-19, you should (select all correct answers):
a. avoid touching your face
b. cough or sneeze into your arm, or a tissue
c. wash hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds
d. Do not share items

5. To maintain proper physical distancing, you should ensure a distance between yourself
and all other people of at least:
a. no physical distancing required if wearing a mask and gloves
b. 2 metres or 6 feet
c. 1 metre or 3 feet
d. 6 metres or 2 feet
6. As a last resort, PPE may be used to prevent against COVID-19. Depending on your
position, recognized PPE against COVID-19 include (select all correct answers):
a. gowns
b. face masks
c. steel-toed footwear
d. hard hat
e. face shields
f. gloves

7. Wearing a face shield but no mask is sufficient protection from COVID-19.

a. True
b. False

8. If wearing both gloves and a mask, the recommended order of removal is:
a. mask first, then gloves, then wash hands.
b. gloves first, then mask, then wash hands
c. gloves first, then wash hands, then mask next, then wash hands again

9. If you fail a self-assessment at home, before leaving for work, you should (select all
correct answers):
a. notify your supervisor by their preferred method (call in, text, online attendance
system, etc.) that you failed the COVID-19 self assessment and won't be coming
b. go directly to the emergency room.
c. stay home.
d. tough it out and go in to work.

10. Staggering compartmentalization is a recommended form of workplace adaptation to

minimize the possibility of spreading COVID-19. It is best described as:
a. ensuring a one-way flow of foot traffic throughout the workplace.
b. restricting workers only to the area of the workplace in which they are required
to be.
c. restricting access to the workplace from visitors.
d. installing barriers between workers, such as Plexiglas or plastic curtains.

11. Immediately upon returning home from work, you are recommended to (select all
correct answers):
a. wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
b. gargle with mouthwash for at least 20 seconds.
c. thoroughly sanitize your cell phone.
d. take your temperature.

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