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Direction: Write a short autobiography by applying the steps and different tips on writing a good


• It should be composed of at least 4 paragraphs with 5-8 sentences each. 1 paragraph

for the introduction, 2 paragraphs for the body, and 1 paragraph for the conclusion.

• It should be written in chronological order.

• It should have a title.

• Use first-person narrative. -

The short story

My name is Khyries Thea M. Maluya . I was born in Digos City on friday, 17th January 2003. As a
third daughter of three children. I was raised in Filipino culture. My father’s name is Andrio Y. Maluya
and my mother’s name is Evelyn M. Maluya.

The short story, I started study in kindergarten from 2007-2008. Then in Elementary School from
2012-2013.I graduated in Tamban National High School year 2018-2019. And now I am in Senior High
School started 2020 until now. A Grade 12 student and I choose HUMSS as my strand.

My hobbies are travelling, reading books and playing games. I am really fun of travelling which is
my way of relaxation, to see new places and adventure. Besides that, I love reading books that makes
me feel the emotions of the story. Books bring me in another place through imagination. And also
pLaying games, specially with my friends it’s our favorite bonding.

I have a dream that I am trying to achieve. But I always procastinate which ruin my plans. One of
my weakness are my insecurities. I lost my confident in so many ways and it makes me feel upset about
myself. And decided to isolate myself and avoid people.

I was an optimistic girl when I was young, I am strong and barely cry. I remember I was creative
and always do what I want. I try to make something difeerent that the other don’t mind it yet. I always
give my best especially for myself and for the people who love me. I wish I was still the same.

My mother is my inspiration. She’s always been the reason for me to keep going. My mom is the
most hardworking person I know. She provides for our needs and loves us so much. My family are my
spirit. The best event in my life is when I born in this world and be my mother’s children.
Writing a Memoir


• Think of a theme you can write about related to your experiences in blended learning

or modular.

• Brainstorm ideas and literary techniques you can apply.

• Write a memoir with a minimum of 3 paragraphs with minimum of 5 sentences each.

• Apply the tips and the guidelines on how to write.

Blended learning offers many advantages that will largely depend on the quality of the
design and execution of a given blended-learning model. At the same time, teachers can structure
coursesvand deliver instruction more flexibly or creatively than in a tradiitional classroom setting. And
still learn the same topics online as we do in class. Given the fact that the teachers had to change the
ways they instructed and interacted with the student whch they used internet ad most digital learning
technologies are being applied. There no way students could not learn but work independntly on their
online lessons, project and assignments.

In my experience I never had the chance to apreciate blended learning maybe because I was not
used to this kind of learning. Specially in this time of pandemic it is exhusting even we don’t usually do
things. I am in my last year of senior high this made me really worry about my grades. The lack of
motivation and sleep deprivation are my distrations. Which made me lost my focus and avoid my

But we always have our goals in life, we can still have the energy to make things. Continue
where we stop and remember every reasons why we moving on. We have different battles and this is
my battle. Let us end what we started . And always be grateful to those things we can experience
because not all children have the oppurtunity to have education.

Direction: Write a reflective essay about your experiences in this pandemic.


• Must have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

• Composed of at least 3 paragraphs with 5-8 sentences each.

• Must have a titlle

Bad Days

2020 has been a challenging year for all, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has
forced us to witness life in a very unusual way. A lot of us are in a situation where we had to just stay at
home.Which change our ways of existing socially. The pandemic even made me lost interest in
everything and forgot my reality.

I literally do things exactly the same everyday. I don’t hangout with my friends anymore. I’ve
been so tired of doing nothing. I am worried about my studies for I am not motivated enough to persue
things. I spend a significant amount of time overthinking as I go throughout the day. And it drives me

During this pandemic we have different battles in life. There are some people who are in hunger.
Some people lost their jobs. A lot of people died. I believe that sometimes struggles are exactly what we
need in our life to be as strong as we could have been. This rain will soon gone and expect for a rainbow
to come.

Directions: Write a travel essay that showcases your travel experience.


anics: • Write in any style you want as long as it expounds your travel experience.

• You can add pictures that somehow speaks about your journey.

• Explicitly detail the place where you travelled to, your experiences in

that place, and your reflections.

• It must be composed of at least 3 paragraphs with a minimum of 5-8

sentences each.

• It must have a catchy title.

Travel with me

As an avid traveler, I’ll share some of my best experiences probably the most
beautiful, memorable travels of my life. The one that I’m going to share with you is my
trip to Surigao. I was a in grade 9 then when I first step to this breathtaking place. This
exotic beauty continues to enchant visitors. That makes them fell in love over and over

  Our first road trip destination is the Bega Falls, When were on our way, I was
already wondering with they’d name it that way. We had a lot of steps before we reach
the falls. The place was surrounded with tall tress which made the place cold. The Falls
was so beautiful. We really took our time appreciate the place. Every steps we took was
paid because it’s worth it.

                Our next destination is the Tinuy-an Falls. Literally this is one of the famous
falls in Surigao. I love the experience of being in a floating bamboo which brings you
closer to the falls. Of course it is more fun with family and friends. This is a unique
Surigao experience. We saw some popular artists visits the place which they are really
proud of.

                After that experience, we immediately went to the Enchanted River where
we really fell in love with. This place is magical. The current of the water was so intense
we had to keep holding the ropes and wore lifejacket. The food was so good after
swimming We even witness the big hole where they believed that the water coming
from the river is connected to the sea water which the fishes come out when they feed

  The trip is an adventure. Even though we’re so tired, we really enjoyed a lot. It
was an unforgetable experience. I am really hoping to visit again soon, with more
people. And looking forward for the development of each place. It was such a
wonderful place that is a perfect getaway.


Direction: Write a mini critique on Solomon Northup’s 12 Years a



• It must be composed of at least 3 paragraphs with 5-8 sentences


• Follow the Intro-Body-Conclusion format

• It must have a title

Ones life

The extraordinary true story of Solomon Northup, a free African-American living in New York in
1841 who was kidnapped, sold into slavery, and subjected to unimaginable degradation and abuse until
his rescue 12 years later. It is a slave narrative with a autobiograpgy genre. Its major thematic topics is
about slavery as moral cancer; freedom; injustice; the inherent dignity of all humanity to man; slavery’s
toll on servant and master alike. Alongside, he survived as the human property of several different slave
masters. With the help of his family and his father’s former master, Northup ultimately won his freedom
and took the traders who betrayed him to court. With all these sufferings, he become known of the best
autobiographycal account of his enslavement, Twelve Years a Slave.

In the movie, Solomon Northup experience so many deprivations and sufferings. First, he was
deprived of his right to life and liberty when he was kidnapped and sold as a slave. Second, he was
deprived of his liberty when he was no longer able to act as he pleases. Third, he was subject to the
instructions of his master. Next, he was deprived of his right to life considering he living condition that
he had to endure. Finally, he was severely beaten multiple times, a danger to his life. All these without
any due process. He and other slaves were never given the chance to explain or defend themselves. The
masters did as they pleased. They wre denied of the right to due process of law. On the other hand,
some critics elucidates that the film is somewhat a harrowing, unforgettable drama that doesn’t look
away from the reality of slavery and, in so doing, help us all fully, truly confront it. Moreover, the raw
and graphic nature of the film dismantles the normative Americal narrative of the institute of slavery, as
often portrayed through the all too familiar role. Nevertheless, the story offers intimate insight into the
harsh realities of slavery, as well as the complexites of the relationship between slave and master. The
film highlights the active role of slaves in establishing a racially and socially stratified system. Overall,
this story is sgnificantly represents the plight of many African American of the period whose stories have
not been recorded and whose voice have been lost in the past.

In conclusion, slavery is indeed a vile practice. It disrespects the integrity and the dignity of a
human being. Itdeprives a person of his freedom and his life. Slaves are treated like objects by the
masters who do as they please without any remorse. Although some masters are not harsh, it does not
change the fact that they see these slaves as property that they can dispose anytime they want. No
person deserves such treatment. Even without the application of laws, I can ascertain that slavery is not
good because the practices are immoral. A normal person with morals would certainly be disgusted at
slavery and what it does to these slaves. Slavery does not only violate the law but it also violates the
morals of society. I t should bever be allowed to exist in the society again.

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