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NucleusCoop Alpha 8 Mod - version 1.1.

This a mod for NucleusCoop Alpha 8 and it includes the following:

1. New options in game scripts -

Game.KillMutexType = "Mutant"; //Specify the type of mutex

to kill, for example "Mutant", "Event" or "Semaphore" | default: "Mutant"
Game.KillMutexDelay = 10; //# of seconds to wait before
killing the mutex | Only works with killing not renaming | default: 0
Game.KeepSymLinkOnExit = true; //Enable or disable symlink
files from being deleted when Nucleus is closed | default: false
Game.FakeFocus = true; //Enable or disable the sending of
focus messages to each game window at a regular interval | default: false
Game.HookFocus = true; //Enable or disable hooks to trick
the game into thinking it has focus | default: false
Game.HookInit = true; //Enable or disable hooks of
functions some games may try and use to prevent multiple instances from running |
default: false
Game.ProcessorPriorityClass = "Normal"; //Sets the overall priority
category for the associated process. Can be "AboveNormal", "High" or "RealTime" |
default: "Normal"
Game.UseProcessor = "1,2,3,4"; //Sets the processors on
which the game's threads can run on (provide the # of the cores in a comma-
seperated list in quotations) | default: system delegation
Game.IdealProcessor = 2; //Sets the preferred processor for
the game's threads, used when the system schedules threads, to determine which
processor to run the thread on | default: system delegation
Game.SymlinkFiles = ["game.exe","settings.cfg"]; //Symlink individual files
from the game directory to the instanced folder
Game.CopyFiles = ["game.exe","settings.cfg"]; //Copy files from the game
directory to the instanced folder
Game.HasDynamicWindowTitle = false; //Work-around for
ForceFocusWindowName having to match 1:1 with game window title for resizing,
positioning and focus | default: false
Game.ForceWindowTitle = false; //Forces the game window
title to be whatever is specified in Game.Hook.ForceFocusWindowName (triggers once,
after all instances have started) | default: false
Game.CMDLaunch = false; //Launch a game using command
Game.CMDOptions = ["ops1","ops2"]; //Specify command line options if
game is launched using command prompt | requires CMDLaunch to be true, each element
is for a different instance
Game.SetWindowHook = true; //Prevent games from resizing
window on their own | Hooks after all instances have been opened (see
Game.SetWindowHookStart for an alternative)
Game.PromptBetweenInstances = true; //Prompt the user with a messagebox
to let the user decide when to open the next instance | default: false,
PauseBetweenStarts STILL required
Game.HideCursor = true; //Hide the mouse cursor in game
Game.HideDesktop = false; //Hide the desktop background with
a solid black background
Game.HideTaskbar = true; //Most games hide the taskbar when
placed on-top but for games that don't you can use this.
Game.RenameNotKillMutex = true; //Instead of killing the
mutex, rename it to something else | Requires Game.KillMutex to contain the EXACT
name of the mutexes for this to work (no partial)
Game.IdInWindowTitle = true; //Adds the process ID to the end of
the window title
Game.ChangeExe = true; //Will rename the game's executable
to "<exe name> - Player X", x being the instance/player #
Game.HardcopyGame = true; //Instead of Symlinking, create
hard copies of the games files (copy/paste) | Be careful of storage, takes a LONG
time to start a game when copying
Game.SupportsKeyboard = true; //Enable/disable use of a keyboard
Game.KeyboardPlayerFirst = true; //If the keyboard player should be
processed first
Game.UseX360ce = true; //Before launching any games,
NucleusCoop will open x360ce and let the user set up their controllers before
continuing | close x360ce to continue | Don't use with custom dlls
Game.Hook.UseAlpha8CustomDll = false; //Use the xinput custom dll
from Alpha 8 instead of Alpha 10 | Will still force alpha 10 custom dll if game is
Game.Hook.FixResolution = false; //Should the custom dll do the
resizing? | Only works with Alpha 10 custom dll | default: false
Game.Hook.FixPosition = false; //Should the custom dll do
the repositioning? | Only works with Alpha 10 custom dll | default: false
Game.Hook.WindowX = 0; //If manual positioning, what is the
window's X coordinate | If both X and Y value > 0, window will be positioned
Game.Hook.WindowY = 0; //If manual positioning, what is the
window's Y coordinate | If both X and Y value > 0, window will be positioned
Game.Hook.ResWidth = 1280; //If manual resizing, what is the
window's width | If both ResWidth and ResHeight value > 0, window will be
positioned manually
Game.Hook.ResHeight = 720; //If manual resizing, what is the
window's height | If both ResWidth and ResHeight value > 0, window will be
positioned manually
Game.KeepAspectRatio = false; //Should the game window try and
keep it's aspect ratio when being resized? | default: false
Game.PartialMutexSearch = false; //When killing mutexes, should a
partial search be done with the mutex name? | Renaming mutexes requires an exact
match | default: false
Game.UseGoldberg = false; //Use the built-in Goldberg
features in Nucleus | default: false
Game.GoldbergNeedSteamInterface = false; //Some older games require a
steam_interfaces.txt file for Goldberg to work | Will first search orig game path
and nucleus games path, if not found then tries to create one with the
GoldbergNeedSteamInterface command
Game.GoldbergLanguage = "english"; //Manually specify what language
you want Goldberg to use for the game | by default, Goldberg will use the language
you chose in Steam
Game.OrigSteamDllPath = "C:\full path\steam_api.dll"; //If steam_interface.txt is
required, provide full path here to the original steam_api(64).dll and Nucleus will
create one if it can't find an existing copy
Game.XInputPlusDll = [ "xinput1_3.dll" ]; //Set up XInputPlus | If multiple
dlls required, use comma seperated strings
Game.PlayersPerInstance = 2; //If using XInputPlus or X360ce and
there are multiple players playing the same instance, set the # per instance here
Game.UseDevReorder = true; //Set up Devreorder
Game.CopyCustomUtils = [ "d3d9.dll" ]; //Copy the a file or folder
you specify between the quotes to each instance folder, if the file/folder is
located in Nucleus folder\utils\User. This function also accepts two additional
parameters, a relative path from the game root folder if the file needs to be
placed somewhere else within instance folder and one parameter to indicate which
instances to copy the file to if it only needs to be in some. Use of parameters is
separated by a | character. So it would look something like this [ "filename.ini|\\
bin|1,2" ]. This example would copy filename.ini from Nucleus\utils\User to
Instance0\bin and Instance1\bin. If you don't specify which instances, it will do
them all by default. If you don't specify a path then root instance folder is used.
If you want instances but root folder you would just do [ "filename.ini||1,2" ] |
If copying multiple files, use comma seperated strings
Game.XboxOneControllerFix = false; //When using x360ce, this will set
certain hooktype that may work for xbox one controllers if the normal method does
not work
Game.HexEditAllExes = [ "before|afters" ]; //Will do a text value
replacement in a file for every instance, accepts two parameters, one on what to
look for, and what it should be replaced with (seperated with a "|") | Works with
multiple values | Works in conjunction with HexEditExe (this will trigger first)
Game.HexEditExe = [ "before|afters" ]; //Will do a text value
replacement in a file for a specific instance, accepts two parameters, one on what
to look for, and what it should be replaced with (seperated with a "|") | Works
with multiple values, each comma seperated string is the order of the instances |
Works in conjunction with HexEditAllExe (this will trigger second)
Game.HexEditFile = [ "filePath|before|afters" ]; //Works same as HexEditExe
function but with a file you specify as an extra parameter (first one) | filePath
is relative path from the game root folder
Game.HexEditAllFiles = [ "filePath|before|afters" ]; //Works same as
HexEditAllExes function but with a file you specify as an extra parameter (first
one) | filePath is relative path from the game root folder
Game.SetWindowHookStart = false; //Prevent games from resizing
window on their own | Hooks upon game starting up (see Game.SetWindowHook for an
Game.BlockRawInput = false; //Disable raw input devices in game
| default: false
Game.UseForceBindIP = false; //Set up game instances with
ForceBindIP; each instance having their own IP
Game.ResetWindows = false; //After each new instance opens,
resize, reposition and remove borders of the previous instance
Game.Description = "Hello World"; //Display a message to the end-
user, that will appear when user selects the game for this script (bottom middle
when placing controllers) | useful if there is anything the end-user needs to know
before-hand | Only first two or three sentences will appear in UI, but full message
can be viewed if user right clicks on the game in the list
Game.GoldbergExperimental = false; //Use the experimental branch of
Goldberg | Requires `Game.UseGoldberg = true` | default: false
Game.GoldbergIgnoreSteamAppId = false; //When set to true, Goldberg
will not create a steam_appid.txt file
Game.UseSteamStubDRMPatcher = false; //Use UberPsyX's Steam Stub
DRM Patcher to remove Steam Stub DRM from a protected executable
Game.HardlinkGame = false; //Hardlink files instead of Symlink
(or hard copy) | Directories will still be symlinked but files will be hardlinked
Game.SetForegroundWindowElsewhere = false; //Set the foreground window
to be something other than game windows
Game.PreventWindowDeactivation = false; //Blocks the processing of
the windows message that gets sent when the window loses focus
Game.SymlinkFolders = false; //Folders by default are
hardcopied, with this enabled, folders will be symlinked instead | warning files
placed in symlink folders will appear in original game files too
Game.CreateSteamAppIdByExe = false; //Create a steam_appid.txt file
where the game executable is
Game.ForceSymlink = false; //Force game to be symlinked each
time it is ran
Game.UseProcessorsPerInstance = [ "1,2","3,4" ]; //Sets the processors on
which an instances game's threads can run on (provide the # of the cores in a
comma-seperated list in quotations) | default: system delegation
Game.UseDirectX9Wrapper = false; //Use a Direct X wrapper to try and
force DirectX 9 games to run windowed
Game.SteamStubDRMPatcherArch = "64"; //Force Steam Stub DRM
Patcher to use either the x64 or x86 dll | Values: "64" or "86"
Game.GoldbergLobbyConnect = false; //Should Goldberg Lobby Connect be
used to connect the instances
Game.X360ceDll = [ "xinput1_3.dll" ]; //If x360ce dll should be
named something OTHER than xinput1_3.dll | requires Game.Usex360ce to be set to
Game.CMDBatchBefore = [ "0|ops1", "1|ops2" ]; //When using CMDLaunch (or
UseForceBindIP), specify command lines to run BEFORE the game launches in same cmd
session, syntax is instance and | symbol as a delimiter and the line you want that
instance to run. If you want same line to run all instances, leave out the # and |
(only write the line in quotes)
Game.CMDBatchAfter = [ "0|ops1", "1|ops2" ]; //When using CMDLaunch (or
UseForceBindIP), specify command lines to run AFTER the game launches in same cmd
session, syntax is instance and | symbol as a delimiter and the line you want that
instance to run. If you want same line to run all instances, leave out the # and |
(only write the line in quotes)
Game.GoldbergNoLocalSave = false; //Do not create a local_save.txt
file for Goldberg, saves are to use default game save location
Game.UseNucleusEnvironment = false; //Use custom environment variables
for games that use them, replaces some common paths (e.g. AppData) with C:\Users\
<your username>\NucleusCoop
Game.ThirdPartyLaunch = false; //Use if the game is launched
outside of Nucleus | NOTE: You will not be able to use start up hooks or CMDLaunch
with this option
Game.ForceProcessPick = false; //Manually select the process
that will be used for process manipulation, such as resizing, repositioning and
used for post-launch hooks
Game.DirExclusions = ["dir1"]; //Folders (+ all its
contents) listed here will not be linked or copied over to Nucleus game content
folder, the instance folders
Game.KeepMonitorAspectRatio = false; //Try and resize game window
within player bounds to the aspect ratio of the monitor
Game.StartHookInstances = "1,2,3,4"; //If you only want specific
instances to have starting hooks, specify them in a comma seperated string
Game.PostHookInstances = "1,2,3,4"; //If you only want specific
instances to have post launch hooks, specify them in a comma seperated string
Game.FakeFocusInstances = "1,2,3,4"; //If you only want specific
instances to have fake focus messages sent to, specify them in a comma seperated
Game.KeyboardPlayerSkipFakeFocus = false; //Should the keyboard player
instance be skipped when fake focus messages are being sent to
Game.UserProfileConfigPath = "AppData\\Local\\Game\\Config"; //Relative path from
user profile (e.g. C:\Users\ZeroFox) to game's config path | Used to provide some
extra functionality (open/delete/copy over to Nucleus Environment)
Game.UserProfileSavePath = "AppData\\Local\\Game\\Saves"; //Relative path from user
profile (e.g. C:\Users\ZeroFox) to game's save path | Used to provide some extra
functionality (open/delete/copy over to Nucleus Environment)
Game.ForceUserProfileConfigCopy = false; //Force the games config files in
UserProfileConfigPath to copy over from system user profile to Nucleus environment
Game.ForceUserProfileSaveCopy = false; //Force the games save files
in UserProfileSavePath to copy over from system user profile to Nucleus environment
Game.PlayerSteamIDs = [ "1234","5678" ]; //A list of steam IDs to be used
instead of the pre-defined ones Nucleuses uses | IDs will be used in order they are
placed, i.e. instance 1 will be first non-empty string in array
Game.HexEditExeAddress = [ "1|address|bytes" ]; //Use this to replace bytes
in a file at a specified address, can be for specific instances with optional 3rd
argument | 1st arg: instance # (optional), 2nd arg: hex address offset, 3rd arg:
new bytes
Game.HexEditFileAddress = [ "1|relativePath|address|bytes" ]; //Same as
HexEditExeAddress but for a file other than exe | Need to provide relative path
(from game root folder) + filename as 1st or 2nd arg if not specifying an instance
Game.ProcessChangesAtEnd = false; //Do the resizing, repositioning
and post-launch hooking of all game instances at the very end | will not work with
every option ran normally
Game.PromptProcessChangesAtEnd = false; //If ProcessChangesAtEnd =
true, pause and show a prompt, before making changes to processes
Game.DeleteFilesInConfigPath = [ "file.del", "me.too" ];//Specify files to delete
in Nucleus environment config path (UserProfileConfigPath)
Game.DeleteFilesInSavePath = [ "file.del", "me.too" ]; //Specify files to
delete in Nucleus environment save path (UserProfileSavePath)
Game.PromptBetweenInstancesEnd = false; //If ProcessChangesAtEnd =
true, show a prompt between each instance being changed
Game.IgnoreDeleteFilesPrompt = false; //Do not display the warning
message about a file being deleted
Game.ChangeIPPerInstance = false; //Highly experimental feature, will
change your existing network to a static IP for each instance | option in settings
to choose your network
Game.FlawlessWidescreen = "FWGameName"; //Use Flawless Widescreen
application | value must be the name of the game plugin folder in PluginCache\
Game.RenameAndOrMoveFiles = [ "1|before.dat|after.dat" ];//Specify files to either
rename or move | can accept relative path from root | optional first parameter to
specify a specific instance to apply to, omit to do them all
Game.DeleteFiles = [ "1|delete.dis" ]; //Specify files to be deleted
from instanced folder | can accept relative path from root | optional first
parameter to specify a specific instance to apply to, omit to do them all
Game.GoldbergExperimentalRename = false; //Set to true to have Goldberg
Experimental rename instanced steam_api(64).dll to cracksteam_api(64).dll
Game.PreventGameFocus = false; //Makes sure all the game
windows are unfocused so nothing received double input from Windows.
Game.FakeFocusInterval = 1000; //The milliseconds between
sending fake focus messages. Default at 1000, some games need this to be very low
Game.KillProcessesOnClose = [ "kill", "me" ]; //List of additional
processes that need to be killed (other than executable and launcher)
Game.KeyboardPlayerSkipPreventWindowDeactivate = false; //Ignore
PreventWindowDeactivation if player is using keyboard
Game.DirSymlinkCopyInstead = [ "folder1", "folder2" ]; //Copy (not symlink) all
files within a given folder | Folder name is relative from root game folder
Game.DontResize = false; //Should Nucleus not resize the
game windows?
Game.DontReposition = false; //Should Nucleus not reposition the
game windows?
Game.NotTopMost = false; //Should Nucleus not make the game
windows top most (appear above everything else)
Game.WindowStyleValues = [ "~0xC00000", "0x8000000" ]; //Override Nucleus'
default of removing borders and specify a custom window style | Start string with ~
to remove a style, or don't use it to add one | See
us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles for values that can be used
Game.ExtWindowStyleValues = [ "~0x200", "0x200000" ]; //Override Nucleus' default
of removing borders and specify a custom extended window style | Start string with
~ to remove a style, or don't use it to add one | See for values that
can be used
Game.KillLastInstanceMutex = false; //Kill the mutexes, specified in
Game.KillMutex, in the last instance (normally last is ignored)
Game.RefreshWindowAfterStart = false; //Should each game window be
minimized and restored once all instances are opened?
Game.CreateSingleDeviceFile = false; //Create only one file for
HID devices per instance (the assigned HID device)
Game.FakeFocusSendActivate = true; //Should WM_ACTIVATE message be
sent to each instance? | default: true
Game.KillMutexAtEnd = false; //When using ProcessChangesAtEnd,
should mutexes also be killed at the end?
Game.CMDStartArgsInside = false; //When using CMDLaunch, should the
game's starting arguments be inside the same quotations as the game path?
Game.UseEACBypass = false; //Replace any EasyAntiCheat_(x86)
(x64).dll with a bypass dll
Game.LaunchAsDifferentUsers = false; //Launch each instance from a
different user account | must run Nucleus as admin | will temporary create user
accounts "nucleusplayerx" and delete them when closing Nucleus
Game.LaunchAsDifferentUsersAlt = false; //An alternative method to
launch each instance from a different user account | must run Nucleus as admin |
will temporary create user accounts "nucleusplayerx" and delete them when closing
Game.RunLauncherAndExe = false; //When using
Game.LauncherExe, should ExecutableName also be launched?
Game.PauseBetweenProcessGrab = 30; //How many seconds to wait after
launching game (or launcher) but before grabbing game process
Game.PauseBetweenContextAndLaunch = 0; //Number of seconds to wait
after running additional files but before continuing with player setup
Game.DirSymlinkCopyInsteadIncludeSubFolders = false; //When specifying folder(s)
to copy all its contents instead of linking, should subfolders and files be
included as well?
Game.LaunchAsDifferentUsersAlt; //An alternative method to
launch each game process as a different user | must run Nucleus as admin | will
temporary create user accounts "nucleusplayerx" and delete them when closing
Game.ChangeIPPerInstanceAlt; //An alternative method to changing
IP per instance | this method will create loopback adapters for each player and
assign them a static ip on the same subnet mask as your main network interface
Game.GamePlayAfterLaunch; //Call the Game.Play function after
the call has launched
Game.UserProfileConfigPathNoCopy = false; //Do not copy files from original
UserProfileConfigPath if using Nucleus Environment
Game.UserProfileSavePathNoCopy = false; //Do not copy files from
original UserProfileSavePath if using Nucleus Environment
Game.LauncherExeIgnoreFileCheck = false; //Do not check if Launcher Exe
exists in game folder | you will need to provide a relative filepath from game root
Game.UseNemirtingasEpicEmu = false; //Automatically set up Nemirtinga's
Epic Emulator in Nucleus
Game.EpicEmuArgs = false; //When using Nemirtinga's Epic
Emulator, use pre-defined parameters -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -
AUTH_PASSWORD=bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -
epicapp=CrabTest -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername=\"" + <Player Nickname
here> + "\" -epicuserid=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -epiclocale=en"
Game.Hook.EnableMKBInput = false; //Enable Mouse/Keyboard input for
instances when using Alpha 10 custom xinput dll (normally MKB is restricted)
Game.UseDInputBlocker = false; //Setup wizark952's dinput
blocker (block dinput for the game)
Game.PromptAfterFirstInstance = false; //Show a prompt that user
must click on ok to continue, after the first instance is setup
Game.GoldbergWriteSteamIDAndAccount = false; //Force Goldberg to write
account_name.txt and user_steam_id.txt | Requires Game.UseGoldberg;
Game.ForceProcessSearch = false; //Force Nucleus to search for the
game process
Game.ExecutableToLaunch = "Game.exe"; //If the game is to launch a
different executable, other than what Game.ExecutableName is
Game.WindowStyleEndChanges = [ "~0xC00000", "0x8000000" ]; //Override Nucleus'
default of removing borders and specify a custom window style during end processing
| Start string with ~ to remove a style, or don't use it to add one | See for values that
can be used
Game.ExtWindowStyleEndChanges = [ "~0xC00000", "0x8000000" ]; //Override
Nucleus' default of removing borders and specify a custom window style during end
processing | Start string with ~ to remove a style, or don't use it to add one |
See for values
that can be used
Game.IgnoreWindowBordercheck = false; //Ignore logic at end to
check if any game window still has a border
Game.EnableWindows = false; //Enable each game window at the
end (useful if became disabled, or for some games that require this Window function
to be called to display properly, after Nucleus setup)
Game.IgnoreThirdPartyPrompt = false; //Ignore the prompt that
appears when using Game.ThirdPartyLaunch;
Game.TransferNucleusUserAccountProfiles = false; //Will backup and restore
Nucleus user account user profile's on windows between sessions (when user accounts
are not kept)
Game.UseCurrentUserEnvironment = false; //Force the game to use the
current user's environment (useful for some games that may require different Window
user accounts)
Game.CopyEnvFoldersToNucleusAccounts = ["Documents", "AppData"]; //Copy subfolders
of current user profile to Nucleus user accounts
Game.CopyFoldersTo = ["folderToMove|whereToMoveIt"]; //Copy folders in game root
folder to another spot in game folder | Relative paths from root of game folder
Game.SymlinkFoldersTo = ["folderToMove|whereToMoveIt"]; //Symlink folders in game
root folder to another spot in game folder | Relative paths from root of game
Game.HardlinkFoldersTo = ["folderToMove|whereToMoveIt"]; //Hardlink folders in
game root folder to another spot in game folder | Relative paths from root of game
Game.ForceGameArch = "x86" (or "x64"); //Force Nucleus to treat the
game as 32 or 64-bit architecture
Game.SSEAdditionalLines = ["Section|Key=Value"]; //When using
Game.NeedsSteamEmulation, here you can provide additional lines to write to the SSE
ini file
Game.DontRemoveBorders = false; //Prevent Nucleus from
removing game window borders
Game.GamePlayBeforeGameSetup = false; //Execute Game.Play function
(context) before the majority of the game is setup
Game.RequiresAdmin = false; //Game requires Nucleus to be run
as administrator (this option will check and advise if detected not running Nucleus
as admin)
Game.PauseCMDBatchBefore = 10; //Wait for X number of
seconds before proceeding with CMDBatchBefore
Game.PauseCMDBatchAfter = 10; //Wait for X number of seconds
before proceeding with CMDBatchAfter
Game.MutexProcessExe = "Process.exe"; //Specify another executable
to kill mutexes for
Game.KillMutexProcess = ["Mutexes","To","Close"]; //When using
Game.MutexProcessExe, here you can specify the mutexes that need to be killed
Game.PartialMutexSearchProcess = false; //When using
Game.MutexProcessExe, here you can specify if you want to do a partial search for
Game.KillMutexTypeProcess = "Mutant"; //When using
Game.MutexProcessExe, here you can specify the type of mutexes to kill
Game.GoldbergExperimentalSteamClient = false; //Automatically setup
Goldberg's Experimental Steam Client | Requires Game.UseGoldberg
Game.PauseBeforeMutexKilling = 1000; //Wait for X number of
seconds before proceeding with mutex killing
Game.KillMutexDelayProcess = 1000; //When using Game.MutexProcessExe,
wait for X number of seconds before beginning it's mutex killing
Game.DeleteOnClose = ["DeleteThis.exe"]; //Delete a file upon ending game
session | Relative paths from root of game folder
Game.GoldbergIgnoreFileCheck = false; //When using
Game.UseGoldberg, ignore checking for account_name.txt and user_steam_id.txt
Game.XInputPlusNoIni = false; //Do not copy XInputPlus' ini when
using Game.XInputPlusDll
Game.DocumentsConfigPath = "Path\\Here"; //Similar to UserProfileConfigPath,
use this when the game uses Documents to store game files
string DocumentsSavePath = "Path\\Here"; //Similar to UserProfileSavePath,
use this when the game uses Documents to store game files
Game.ForceDocumentsConfigCopy = false; //When using
DocumentsConfigPath, forces a file copy from original location to Nucleus Documents
Game.ForceDocumentsSaveCopy = false; //When using
DocumentsSavePath, forces a file copy from original location to Nucleus Documents
Game.DocumentsConfigPathNoCopy = false; //When using
DocumentsConfigPath, do not let Nucleus copy from original location to Nucleus
Game.DocumentsSavePathNoCopy = false; //When using
DocumentsSavePath, do not let Nucleus copy from original location to Nucleus
Game.XInputPlusOldDll = false; //When using
Game.XInputPlusDll, you can specify to use the previous version instead of latest
(needed for some games)
Game.CMDBatchClose ["cmd1", "cmd2"]; //Run command lines upon
exiting Nucleus
Game.FlawlessWidescreenOverrideDisplay = false; //(undocumented)
Game.WriteToProcessMemory //(undocumented)
Game.FlawlessWidescreenPluginPath //(undocumented)

~ Custom prompts - Prompt user for input, which can be then used in script logic

Game.CustomUserGeneralPrompts = ["Enter ROM name", "Enter filename"]; //This

prompts user one time and applies to ALL players, unless a value text file already
exists and saving is on
Game.SaveCustomUserGeneralValues = false;
Game.SaveAndEditCustomUserGeneralValues = false;

Game.CustomUserPlayerPrompts = ["Enter network Adapter name", "Enter character

name"]; //This will prompt each player, unless a value text file already exists
for that player and saving for players is on
Game.SaveCustomUserPlayerValues = false;
Game.SaveAndEditCustomUserPlayerValues = false;

Game.CustomUserInstancePrompts = ["Enter network Adapter name"]; //This will prompt

each instance, unless a value text file already exists for that instance and save
is on. In case it is not player specific but different values are needed for
Game.SaveCustomUserInstanceValues = false;
Game.SaveAndEditCustomUserInstanceValues = false;
Access the user input values via

2. Support for multiple mice and keyboards (These options are deprecated, see the
new Proto Input guide)
Game.SupportsMultipleKeyboardsAndMice = true;
Game.SendNormalMouseInput = true;
Game.SendNormalKeyboardInput = true;
Game.ForwardRawKeyboardInput = false;
Game.ForwardRawMouseInput = false;
Game.SendScrollWheel = false;
Game.DrawFakeMouseCursor = true;
Game.DrawFakeMouseForControllers = false;
Game.HookFilterRawInput = false;
Game.HookFilterMouseMessages = false;
Game.HookGetCursorPos = true;
Game.HookSetCursorPos = true;
Game.HookUseLegacyInput = false;
Game.HookDontUpdateLegacyInMouseMsg = false;
Game.HookGetKeyState = false;
Game.HookGetAsyncKeyState = true;
Game.HookGetKeyboardState = false;
Game.HookMouseVisibility = false;
Game.LockInputAtStart = true;
Game.LockInputToggleKey = 0x23; //See
Game.HookReRegisterRawInput = false; //Re-register raw input from
directly within game process | Recommended to disable forwarding input while using
Game.HookReRegisterRawInputMouse = true;
Game.HookReRegisterRawInputKeyboard = true;
Game.UpdateFakeMouseWithInternalInput = false;

3. New methods to be used in game scripts -

Context.ChangeXmlNodeInnerTextValue(string path, string nodeName, string newValue)

//Edit an XML element (previously only nodes and attributes)
Context.ReplaceLinesInTextFile(string path, string[] lineNumAndnewValues)
//Replace an entire line; for string array use the format: "lineNum|
newValue", the | is required
Context.ReplacePartialLinesInTextFile(string path, string[]
lineNumRegPtrnAndNewValues) //Partially replace a line; for string array
use the format: "lineNum|Regex pattern|newValue", the | is required
Context.RemoveLineInTextFile(string path, int lineNum)
//Removes a given line number completely
Context.RemoveLineInTextFile(string path, string txtInLine, SearchType type)
//Removes a given line number completely
Context.FindLineNumberInTextFile(string path, string searchValue, SearchType type)
//Returns a line number (int), utilizes a newly created enum SearchType
Each of the above methods, also have an overload method so you can specify a
kind of encoding to use (enter string of encoding as last parameter, e.g. "utf-8",
"utf-16", "us-ascii")
- SearchTypes include: "Contains", "Full" and "StartsWith", use like so:
Context.CreateRegKey(string baseKey, string sKey, string subKey)
//Create a registry key for current user, baseKey can either be
Context.DeleteRegKey(string baseKey, string sKey, string subKey)
//Delete a registry key for current user, baseKey can either be
Context.EditRegKey(string baseKey, string sKey, string name, object data, RegType
type) //Edit a registry key for current user, baseKey can either be
EditRegKey uses a custom registry data type to use, by using
Nucleus.RegType.DWord for example. The last word can be of the same name of
RegistryValueKind enum.
Context.Nickname //Use this
in a game script to get the player's nickname
Context.GamepadGuid //Get
the raw gamepad guid
Context.x360ceGamepadGuid //Get
the x360ce formatted gamepad guid
//Local IP address of the computer
Context.EnvironmentPlayer //Path
to current players Nucleus environment
Context.EnvironmentRoot //Path
to Nucleus environment root folder
//Relative path from user profile to game's config path | requires
Game.UserProfileConfigPath be set
//Relative path from user profile to game's save path | requires
Game.UserProfileSavePath be set
Context.KillProcessesMatchingProcessName(string name)
//Kill processes matching a given process name during preperation
Context.KillProcessesMatchingWindowName(string name)
//Kill processes matching a given window name during preperation
Context.IsKeyboardPlayer //True
if current player is using keyboard, useful for logic that is needed for keyboard
only player
//Player monitor's height
Context.OrigWidth //Player
monitor's width
//Player monitor's aspect ratio (e.g. 16:9)
//Player monitor's aspect ratio in decimal (e.g. 1.777777)
//Player's aspect ratio (e.g. 16:9)
//Player's aspect ratio in decimal (e.g. 1777777)
Context.FindFiles(string rootFolder, string fileName)
//Return a string array of filenames (and their paths) found that match a
pattern you specify
Context.CreatedDate(string file, int year, int month, int day)
//Change the creation date of a file
Context.ModifiedDate(string file, int year, int month, int day)
//Change the last modified date of a file
Context.RunAdditionalFiles(string[] filePaths, bool changeWorkingDir, int
secondsToPause) //Specify additional files to run before launching game. By
default will run each additional file once but can specify to run during specific
player's instances by prefixing the filepath with #|. Replace # with player number.
Can also specify to run files for each player by prefixing filepath with "all|".
Optional two extra params, bool run as admin and bool prompt between
Context.ReadRegKey(string baseKey, string sKey, string subKey)
//Return the value of a provided key as a string
Context.CopyScriptFolder(string DestinationPath)
Context.RandomInt(int min, int max)
Context.RandomString(int size, bool lowerCase = false)
Context.GCD(int a, int b)

4. CMD Launch Environment Variables (used with CMDBatchBefore and CMDBatchAfter)

%NUCLEUS_EXE% = Exe filename (e.g. Halo.exe)
%NUCLEUS_INST_EXE_FOLDER% = Path the instance exe resides in (e.g. C:\Nucleus\
%NUCLEUS_INST_FOLDER% = Path of the instance folder (e.g. C:\Nucleus\
%NUCLEUS_FOLDER% = Path where Nucleus Coop is being ran from (e.g. C:\
%NUCLEUS_ORIG_EXE_FOLDER% = Path the original exe resides in (e.g. C:\Program
%NUCLEUS_ORIG_FOLDER% = Path of the "root" original folder (e.g. C:\
Proggram Files\Halo)

5. New Player variables


6. Support for any number of players

7. Expanded Mutex Killing (doesn't only look for mutexs beginning with "Sessions")
8. Customizable global hotkeys - Hotkeys to close Nucleus, stop the current session
and toggle game windows being top most. Edit hotkeys by selecting the new Settings
9. Bug fixes
10. Code optimization

Known Issues:

- Force feedback does not work with Nucleus custom dlls

- PreventWindowDeactivation will prevent mouse and keyboard input on instances
using this hook (and may have other adverse effects)
- Status Window may cause Nucleus to crash every now and then


v1.1.3 - September 28, 2021

- Fixed only 4 Xinput controllers showing
- Fixed controller index being inconsistent with the Nucleus UI
- Fixed duplicate controller icons (and similar bugs)
- Fixed Ctrl+T working unreliably when Proto Input was injected
- Removed xinput1_4 dependency to fix crashing on Windows 7
- Added more script callbacks

v1.1.2 - September 1, 2021

- Fixed fake cursor not showing in some games

v1.1.1 - August 30, 2021

- Added script updater
- Fixed the Proto Input controller hooks
- Fixed incorrect controller icons being displayed
- Fixed the fake cursor not hiding when it should in some games

v1.1.0 - August 18, 2021

- Integrated Proto Input ( hooks
- Greatly improved keyboard/mouse input
- Complete rewrite of all hooks, plus new injection method support
- Fixed most bugs relating to keyboard/mouse input, including CursorVisibilityHook
- New in-game GUI to change hooks and input settings while the game is running
- Improved fake focus, including a message filter system for all windows messages
- Smarter scripting so you can use a combination of keyboards/mice and controllers
- Custom mouse cursor support
- Added support for more than 4 Xinput controllers with OpenXinput
- Added DirectInput controller redirection
- Rewrite of the input locking system - no more laggy cursor, and Windows UI
elements won't randomly open
- A bunch of misc changes and bug fixes

v1.0.2 R5 FINAL - January 2, 2020

- Fixed bug that would cause the incorrect document path to be used for subsequent
players when using Nucleus environment and start up hooks
- Document path in registry will now only be changed if it needs to (only if
playing a game that uses Documents for game files)
- Some fixes for device layout screen
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build

v1.0.1 R5 FINAL - December 30, 2020

- Fixed app not opening for some users
- Fixed bug with expanding single keyboard vertically
- Added NucluesUserRoot to context (get userprofile paths for a player's respective
nucleusplayer Windows account)
- Other minor bug fixes/tweaks

v1.0 R5 FINAL - December 24, 2020

- Audio routing per instance; specify each game to run through different audio
- Added support for Nemirtingas Epic Emulator
- Added support for games that use Documents for game files (and support for users
with custom document folders)
- Nucleus user accounts on windows can now retain save data between sessions
(including Halo MCC, your game saves will remain intact)
- Nucleus on close will now remove files it created when using original game
folders (keeping your original game folder untouched)
- Registry edits done by Nucleus now only persist the game session (Nucleus backs
up and restores, as to note touch your original game settings)
- Added alot of new scripting features that greatly increases game compatibility
- New function, custom prompts. Scripts can prompt users for input that can be used
in scripts for logic
- New xinput hooks (alot more effective way of hooking and handling xinput
messages) (Thanks to @Ilyaki)
- Fixes for custom layouts and stretching KMB inputs on layouts
- Fixes for status window, performs alot better (but still every once and awhile
may not work)
- Updated alpha 10 custom xinput dlls to enable mouse and keyboard input for
- XinputPlus assign gamepad based on player's gamepad index NOT player's index
- Added support for wizark952's dinput8 blocker
- Added some support for Goldberg's steam client loader
- Added options to set window styles at very end, ignore window border check, and
option to enable windows at end
- Added function Game.IgnoreThirdPartyPrompt; when launching via third party,
ignore the prompt to press ok when game is launched
- Changes to LaunchAsDifferentUsers - added option to keep user accounts and
ability to transfer user account data (if not keeping)
- Made some back-end changes to Nucleus environment
- Revamped settings window, tabs are now used to seperate different sub-settings
- Changes to Context values, functions and bug fixes
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build
- Added prelimary and experimental function to write to process memory;
- LOTS of miscellaneous changes/bug-fixes

v0.9.9.9 r4 - April 12, 2020

- Improved script downloader. Handlers are cached and viewable up to a specified #
of results at a time (via "pages"). User can also pre-sort and use drop-down as an
alternative way to sort when searching
- Replaced LaunchAsDifferentUsers with a new and improved method, which will now
also utilize current user's Nucleus environment. The previous method has been
retained as LaunchAsDifferentUsersAlt
- Added an optional status window to appear when launching and closing Nucleus, to
show what Nucleus is doing
- Added an alternative method of changing IP per instance. Alt method will create
temporary loopback adapters for each player (however, it will not change any
- Added the ability to extract existing script handlers (.nc files)
- Added a new option in game scripts to call Game.Play after the game instance has
- Added a new option in game scripts to not copy files from
UserProfile<Config><Save>Path when using Nucleus environment
- Added a new option in game scripts to ignore checking if launcher exe exists in
game folder
- Added a new Context function, ReadRegKey. Will return a string value for a
specified key
- Added new Context function, RunAdditionalFiles. User can specify files that need
to be run before launcher/game
- Added functions to Context so you can now get a list of all found files and their
paths that match a given pattern. Can also change a creation date and modified date
of a file
- Added an option for DirSymlinkCopyInstead to copy all subfolders and files in
- Added new values for Player, SID, Adapter and UserProfile (for use with some of
the new functions in this update)
- Improved editing and deleting of registry keys, in addition keys in HKEY_USERS
are now accessible
- Changed prompts from message boxes to Forms (more control, shold now be on top
most of the time)
- Migrated from SlimDX to SharpDX for reading controllers
- Updated rename mutexes to work with "Type:|" prefixes introduced in a recent
- Updated external libraries to latest versions (Jint, DotNetZip, Newtonsoft Json)
- Potential fix for bug that was eating CPU resources when using Direct
Input/Xinput Reroute
- Fixed XInputPlus bug that would only recognize dinput dll if it was all lowercase
- Fixed bugs when using DrawFakeMouseCursor, added option
DrawFakeMouseForControllers [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Fixed some bugs in script downloader
- Fixed backed up registry table not being restored
- Fixed DirSymlinkCopyInstead not copying folder itself
- Fixed ChangeExe not working when KeepSymLinkOnExit is being used
- Fixed Nucleus post hook dlls being injected too early when using
- Number of other bug fixes
- Minor tweaks/changes

v0.9.9.9 r3 - March 26, 2020

- Fixes and improvements to Game.LaunchAsDifferentUsers
- Fixed error message on the controller layout screen when using dinput / xinput
- Fixed context aspect ratio decimals

v0.9.9.9 r2 - March 25, 2020

- Can now view all public scripts in Script Downloader and sort columns by
ascending/descending order
- Added an option in game scripts to launch each game instance as a different user
(Nucleus will create temporary accounts "nucluesplayerx" and then delete them at
the very end) [thanks to @napserious for his base code]
- Added an option in game scripts to run Game.ExecutableName in addition to
Game.LauncherExe (if used)
- Added an option in game scripts to specify an amount of time to wait after
lauching game but before grabbing the game's process
- Added an option in game scripts to specify if starting arguments should be inside
the executable path when using Game.CMDLaunch
- Added an option in game scripts/utility to use a EAC bypass dll
- Added an option in game scripts to kill mutexes at the end, when using
- Added an option in game scripts to add gamepad cursors [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Added additional logic to SetWindowHook and SetWindowHook hooks, now they should
work better
- New context options available to get monitor or a specific player window's
- Game.CreateSingleDeviceFile will now also hook CreateFileA for ANSI calls
- Whenever registry keys are being edited or deleted by a script, Nucleus will now
backup the current registry keys and restore them upon exit
- When hard copying game files, you can now specify exclusions
- When hard copying game files, Nucleus will wait for each instance to hard copy
before continuing
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build (sha
- Fixed not all lines using right encoding when specified, when modifying lines to
files (replacelines, removelines, etc)
- Fixed Script Downloader not working for Window 7 users
- Fix for raw input filter / reregister raw input not working [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Fixed some objects weren't being properly disposed

v0.9.9.9 f1 - March 15, 2020

- Added an option in game scripts to create only one file for HID devices per
instance (the assigned HID device). This is a workaround for Unity games that use
default input
- Added an option in game scripts to enable the minimize, and restore of game
window at the end (now off by default, only few games are known to need it atm)
- Device handle zero support [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Added a delay during start up hooks for better performance (would cause issues on
lower end PCs), and fixed hang when it failed its 5 attempts
- Fix ResetWindows not resizing or repositioning if DontResize or DontReposition is
- Only copy from AppData folder to Nucleus Environment if Nucleus Environment is
being used
- Re-enabled debug log header
- Minor tweaks/bug fixes

v0.9.9.9 - March 7, 2020

- Nucleus now supports multiple Mice and Keyboards [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Added the ability to search for scripts (handlers) and download them directly
from the UI [thanks to @r-mach]
- You can now edit scripts while Nucleus is open and changes will take effect (no
need to restart Nucleus each time anymore)
- Added a new option in game scripts to do resizing, repositioning and post-launch
hooking of ALL instances at the very end (after all have been opened)
- Note: This method will not work for every option to-date
- Added an option in game scripts to re-register raw input in game process, a
replacement for forwarding raw input [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Added a new utility, Flawless Widescreen. Can be setup by calling it in game
- Added an option in game scripts to change your IP per instance (NOTE: Highly
experimental), a drop-down has been added to settings to select which network to
change IP for
- Added logic to delete certain files that Nucleus adds to original game folder
(when not linking or copying). For example, some that get deleted: Nucleus custom
dlls, x360ce, xinput plus, custom utils
- Added an option in game scripts to kill mutexes in launchers
- Added an option in game scripts to kill mutexes in the last instance (normally
last is ignored)
- Added an option in game scripts to rename, move or delete files in instance
- Added an option in game scripts to prompt the user after launching each instance,
but before the grab process is grabbed
- Added an option in game scripts to delete file(s) from user profile config or
save path, a prompt asking you to confirm will typically show, but this can be
turned off in script too
- Added an option in game scripts to rename the steam api for Goldberg experimental
(default will now not rename, you must set it to do so)
- Added an option in game scripts to kill additional processes upon exiting Nucleus
or stopping a session
- Added an option in game scripts to ignore PreventWindowDeactivation if player is
using keyboard
- Added an option in game scripts to copy (not symlink) all files within a given
- Added options in game scripts to disable Nucleus resizing, repositioning or
making windows top most
- Added an option in game scripts to specify custom window styles (extended window
styles as well)
- Increased max nickname length to 9 characters
- Exposed IsKeyboardPlayer to Context (will be True or False), can now be called in
- Launchers will now also be killed upon exiting Nucleus or stopping a session (if
any remain open throughout session), in addition to game windows
- Added logic to KeepAspectRatio & KeepMonitorAspectRatio if new width is to be
determined (previously only new height)
- Added logic so that mutexes of different kinds can be killed. In
Game.KillMutex(Launcher), simply begin the string with "Type:Mutant|" following by
the name of the mutex to kill. Can replace mutant with any mutex type
- Added logic to check if borders are removed at very end (some games bring them
back), and if they aren't, remove them again
- Added Steam language in UI settings, and language gets updated automatically for
SSE now as well
- Updated logic when launching games with start up hooks. Will check if process for
that instance is already running, as well as try to grab the correct process if it
is detected to be wrong
- Updated logic for Goldberg to set the settings folder in Nucleus Environment if
environment and no local save are enabled
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build (sha
- Updated Context.LocalIP to better identify user's local IP when there are
multiple IPs
- Updated method to capture current environment's user profile if different than
their username [thanks to @Ilyaki]
- Fixed bug with x360ce placing files in wrong directory
- Fixed some duplicate operations happening if game was not linked or copied
- Fixed instanced folders trying to be deleted if game was not linked or copied
- Fixed a bug with PreventWindowDeactivation causing input to not work for some
- Fixed some bugs with HexEditFileAddress and HexEditExeAddress
- Fixed architecture displayed in UI script details
v0.9.9.1 - February 5, 2020
- Updated logic for LauncherExe. The file name in this field will now be launched
via Nucleus but ExecutableName will be used to resize, reposition and hook.
Launchers will no longer be looked for when grabbing process to manipulate.
LauncherExe will be used for hex editing exes and change exes.
- LauncherExe can now also accept a full path to the launcher exe. This is if the
launcher is outside of the game folder; NOTE: This file/folder contents will NOT be
symlinked/copied, only the game root folder of ExecutableName. This means that hex
edits and changing exe using a full path in LauncherExe WILL overwrite the original
- Added an option in game scripts to specify which instances get starting hooks,
post-launch hooks and fake focus messages sent to (including a specific option for
keyboard player)
- Added an option in game scripts to provide a relative config and save path from
user profile for games (for use with Nucleus environment)
- Added an option in context menu/game options in UI to open or delete relative
config and save paths (for system user profile and Nucleus)
- Added logic if the game is running in Nucleus environment and a user profile
config and/or save path have been provided, files and folders will be copied over
from the system user profile path (+ added an option to force it)
- Added an option in game scripts to manually enter steam IDs to be used
- Added an option in game scripts for games to try and keep monitor aspect ratio
when being resized
- Added an option in game scripts to replace bytes in the exe or file at a specific
- Added new field in Context that can be used to grab the local IP address of the
- Added new fields in Context for Nucleus environment paths and relative game
config/save paths
- If using Nucleus environment and goldberg, set the goldberg settings folder to
the Nucleus appdata path
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build (sha
- Hopefully, final fixes for aspect ratios being preserved via KeepAspectRatio and
the new KeepMonitorAspectRatio options
- Fixed some issues with x360ce
- Fixed a bug that would cause infinite waiting if process data had already been
assigned by the time it got checked
- Fixes for CMDBatchBefore/After (CMDOptions no longer required and will only use
if there is a line for that instance, CMDBatchAfter now working)
- Fixed a bug that caused Nucleus to crash when using x360ce
- Fixed SmartSteamEmu not grabbing game process to resize, reposition and hook. SSE
launches can now also use process picker
- Fixed bug preventing nickname from reverting back to default after removing a
- Fixed bug that would sometimes cause an error and weird nicknames in UI, when
disconnecting, reconnecting controllers
- Made some changes/improvements to context/game options menu and logging
- Game.HookInitDelay and Game.HookFocusInstances have been removed

v0.9.9 - January 22, 2020

- Added an option in game scripts to use Goldberg Lobby Connect (automatic)
- Thanks to Ilyaki, added an option in game scripts to use a custom environment
(located at C:\Users\<your username>\NucleusCoop)
- Added an option in game scripts to specify if the game is launched outside of
Nucleus (Nucleus will then not launch it, but continue to do everything else, hook,
resize, repos etc)
- Added a last fail-safe if process is still not found; a new window will open
asking user to manually select the process
- Added an option in game scripts to manually pick the process to be manipulated
for things such as resizing, repositioning and used for post-launch hooks
- Added an option in game scripts to run other commands in command prompt before or
after game launches when using CMDLaunch (or UseForceBindIP), also set some
environment variables that can be used in commands
- Added DInput support for XInputPlus
- Added an option in game scripts to have Goldberg not create a local_save.txt file
(use default save location)
- Added an option to specify a different x360ce dll name be used, if needed
- Added the ability to copy entire folders (and all its contents) in
- Added an option in context menu/game options in UI to delete content folder
- Added an option in game scripts to completely ignore linking or copying a folder
and all its contents
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build (sha
- Replaced a function (GetDpiForWindow - used for GUI) that required Windows 10,
with an alternative method, so older versions of Windows are now better supported
- Made auto goldberg case insensitive when replacing steam api dlls
- Fixed bug that would stop script notes from appearing in UI after stopping a
- Fixed bug when KeepSymLinkOnExit = true and # of players increase when there are
more than 4 players
- Fixed LauncherExe being required in script if process was not found, or if script
uses CMDLaunch or UseForceBindIP
- Fixed "Process is not running" crashes when using start up hooks
- Fixed KeepAspectRatio not resizing correctly, windows will now be horizontally
centered as well (to player bounds)
- Fixed crash when SymlinkGame is false

v0.9.8.2 - December 8, 2019

- Hook code has been cleaned up and some lingering issues with Easyhook in the past
have been resolved *Thanks to @Ilyaki
- Completely reworked Autosearch. Fixed bug requiring admin rights, custom paths
are now allowed, user can choose which found games to add, and so much more
- Instance folder will no longer be symlinked if SymlinkFolders is true
- Integrated and added an option in game scripts to use DirectX 9, Direct 3D
wrapper (d3d9.dll) to try and run DirectX 9 games in windowed mode
- Added an option in game scripts to force steam stub DRM patcher to either use x64
or x86 architecture dll
- Added an option in game scripts to force symlink every time
- Added an option in game scripts to set processor affinity per instance
- Changed logic of setting processor affinity
- Nicknames assigned in Nucleus are no longer exclusive to Goldberg
- The keyboard player can now be assigned a nickname in Settings
- Fixed large files sometimes breaking the symlink process
- Fixed files not being symlinked with different amount of players under the new
rule: files will only be copied or symlinked once, if needed
- Fixed Nicknames not always being updated if changed
- Fixed the black window from Hide Desktop not closing when stopping a game session
(must press stop or stop session hotkey)
- Added an option in game scripts to set processor affinity per instance
- Changed logic of setting processor affinity

v0.9.8.1 - November 4, 2019

- Reverted folder and file exclusion logic to the way it was done pre-0.9.8 (but
still kept improvements made to them)
- DirSymlinkExclusion will force hardcopy of the folder (if it is to be
symlinked), FileSymlinkExclusion will completely ignore the file (no link/copy),
FileSymlinkCopyInstead will continue to just create hardcopy of file instead of
symlinking it
- Fixed xinput plus controller mappings when keyboard player was any player except
- Prompt between instances can now be delayed if PauseBetweenStarts has a value

v0.9.8 - November 1, 2019

- Nucleus no longer starts with administrative privileges and will prompt if it is
needed, games will not be launched elevated now either
- Improved and changed logic on how files are copied/symlinked, much faster now and
done all it once at the beginning
!WARNING!: DirSymlinkExclusions did not work properly in original Nucleus
Alpha 8 and now does. All files and subfolders of a DirSymlinkExclusion will be
ignored no matter what the file is. Check your scripts!
- Files that get added to the instance folders (goldberg, xinput plus, etc) will no
longer be copied over to the original game path and files (as long as
SymlinkFolders is false)
- If SymlinkFolders is true, files WILL be copied over to the original file
- Files will only be copied or symlinked once, if needed; i.e. if Instance0 path
exists with at least one file & KeepSymLinkOnExit is true, Nucleus will skip
- Added an option in game scripts to prevent window deactivation
- Added an option in game scripts to hardlink files instead of symlink
- Added an option in game scripts to symlink folders (needed for some games)
- Added option in game scripts to use the experimental Goldberg branch
- Added an option in game scripts to ignore creating a steam_appid file (needed for
some games)
- Added an option in game scripts to use Steam Stub DRM Patcher
- Added an option in game scripts to set the foreground window to something other
than the games, needed for some games to balance out FPS
- Added an option in game scripts to create a steam_appid.txt file in the same
folder as the game executable (needed for some games)
- Added game option to open the original executable directory
- Added number of players each game has in the UI game list, under the title
- Added option to right click on layout selection to go through the different
layouts in reverse
- Added/tweaked some additional logging info
- Added more information to be displayed when selec ting the Details option in UI
- Updated Goldberg emulator to latest git build (sha
- XInput plus and X360ce will now leave controller slots blank if player is using a
keyboard (no controller input should work on keyboard instance)
- Scripts will now open in Notepad++ by default if installed, when using the Open
Script option in UI
- Fixed Script Author notes in UI so that long notes will not overlap when placing
- Fixed NeedsSteamEmulation option and added SSE support for x64 games
- Fixed IdInWindowTitle and ForceWindowTitle bug that would prevent them from
- Fixed bug preventing mutexes being killed if there were two or more
- Fixed process with ID of 0 being killed
- Removed DotNetZip nuget package as it is no longer being used (replaced zip
extractions with direct file operations)
- If a game script has an issue and game doesn't appear, when you fix the issue and
launch Nucleus again, you no longer need to re-add the game (game will simply
- If a file is unable to be deleted after 10 tries during clean-up, do not throw an
exception, just carry-on (details are logged)
- PromptBetweenInstances will now show the last prompt (to install hooks) if there
are hooks to install OR if FakeFocus is set to true
- Renamed the Data folder to now be "content" (needed as some games mistake the
Nucleus Data folder in the path as game files)
- Renamed the games folder to now be "scripts"

v0.9.7.2 - October 15, 2019

- Fixed crash that would happen if ForceFocusWindowName was left blank

v0.9.7.1 - October 14, 2019

- When placing controllers, you can now resize any player's screen to be full
vertically or horizontally on any layout (custom layouts too!)
- Added a new option in game scripts to reset the previous window's size, position
and borders as each new instance opens up
- Added an option in game scripts to provide a description, that will appear in the
UI when the user selects the script's game
- Added an option to manually specify what language Goldberg should use
- Experimental: UI will now scale based on monitor DPI and Font size
- Improved closing procedures; better chance of finding and killing any lingering
game processes
- Only one copy of Nucleus Coop can be open now
- Fixed typo preventing start up hooks from working on x64 when using the delay
- Fixed Nucleus not launching when there is an error with a game script; will now
prompt the user about the error and not show the game in the game list
- Fixed a bug when stopping a session would sometimes trigger an error message
- Fixed a bug where third party files were being placed in wrong directory when
working folder was set to something in game script
- Fixed not all the files in the instance folders not being deleted sometimes
- If Nucleus crashes, the error message is now logged in the debug log in addition
to the error file generated in the Data folder, plus taskbar will now show if it
was hidden
- Changed the "Unknown Game" error message to be clearer on what the issue is
- Instead of denying the user to add a game if the game's executable is already in
the game list, it will now prompt the user if they would like to add the game
anyway or not
- Removed pointless horizontal scroll bar on game list
- Other Minor UI changes

v0.9.7.0 - October 7, 2019

- Goldberg Emu is now built-in to Nucleus, 3 new options in game scripts that will
fully automate the process
- Added a customizable custom layout slot when placing controllers/devices. Create
your own layout in Settings!
- Fixed issue of mutexes with certain special characters not being killed or
renamed properly
- Removed SmartSteamEmu embedded in Nucleus.Gaming.dll, greatly reducing the dll's
file size. SmartSteamEmu is now accessed and available externally through the
"utils" folder (also updated SSE to the latest version, 1.4.3)
- Added an option in game scripts to copy custom files if needed
- Added two options in game scripts to be able to do text value replacements in
binary files
- Added two additional options in game scripts to be able to do text value
replacements in a file you specify
- Added new util, ForceBindIP and an option in game scripts to set it up
- Added new util, XInputPlus and an option in game scripts to set it up
- Added new util, Devreorder and an option in game scripts to set it up
- Added an option in game scripts to block raw input devices in game
- Updated cmd launch to now work with every instance (previously only worked on
second instance)
- User can now right click on game list to access different options for that game
- Added an option in the UI to open the game script in notepad
- Added an option in the UI to open the game data folder
- Added an option in the UI to change the game icon
- Added an option to enable a debug log to be created
- Game.ExecutableName is no longer case sensitive when trying to add a game in the
- Fixed an empty error log text file from being created in instance folder whenever
a hook was used
- Fixed x64 focus hooks and setwindow hook
- Added a SetWindowStart hook that can be applied as each game opens up, instead of
later on with SetWindowHook
- Made game windows not be the top most when using Game.PromptBetweenInstances,
until after the last prompt (keeps prompt on top and easier to switch-to)
- Improved x360ce so that the xinput dll file gets copied along with the executable
so x360ce doesn't prompt to create one
- Exposed the raw gamepad guid of each player's controller in game scripts (changed
the name of the x360ce formatted one for clarity)

v0.9.6.1a - September 22, 2019

- Fixed 6 and 8 player layouts
- Reverted mutex searching back to exact matches by default as this broke some
games, but left the option to do partial searches if needed (some games do require

v0.9.6.0a - September 20, 2019

- Added an option in game scripts to rename mutexes instead of killing them
- Tweaked method of finding mutexes to be more inclusive. You can now provide a
partial name of mutex to kill (you must still provide full name for renaming)
- Upgraded custom xinput dll to Alpha 10s' and added x64 custom dll support (alpha
10 custom dlls are now the default, but you can revert back to alpha 8 with a line
in game script for compatability)
- Added 6 and 8 player support
- Added an option to delete games from directly within the NucleusCoop UI
- Added the ability to assign "nicknames" to controllers in settings, used to
identify specific controllers
- Added the option to allow you to use those newly created nicknames in-game,
instead of default "Player1", "Player2" etc (this is for games using Goldberg only)
- Added the ability to see which controller is which by simply holding down a
button on a controller. The corresponding controller icon will light up
- Added an option in game scripts to keep the game's aspect ratio when resizing
- Added an option in game scripts to manually set width, height, as well as
position of each game window
- Added an option in game scripts to launch and set up x360ce before launching
games (make sure you aren't using custom dlls)
- Added an option in game scripts to have the user decide when to open the next
instance, instead of each being opened automatically
- Added an option in game scripts to hide desktop background
- Added an option in game scripts to hide taskbar when launching games
- Added an option in game scripts to hide the mouse cursor
- Added an option in game scripts to add the process ID to the end of game windows
(helpful for creating unique/different window titles)
- Added an option in game scripts to use different exe names for each instance
- Added an option in game scripts to Hardcopy game files instead of Symlinking
- Added an option in game scripts to resize and reposition the previous window
after a new window opens (some games need this)
- Fixed a bug preventing x64 focus and setwindow hooks from working
- Fixed a bug preventing Nucleus from opening when multiple scripts use the same
Game.ExecutableName value
- WIP: rudimentary support for DInput alongside XInput (more recognized in Nucleus,
can be assigned to a screen like any instance - should work in game). *Most dinput
devices will still need to be set up manually.
- WIP: rudimentary Keyboard support

v0.9.5.3a - August 30, 2019

- Fixed a bug that stopped Game.FakeFocus from working

v0.9.5.2a - August 30, 2019

- Fixed Halo not working correctly with more than 2 instances

v0.9.5.1a - August 29, 2019

- Added an option in game scripts to prevent games from resizing on their own
- Added an option in game scripts to copy files from the game directory to the
instanced folder
- Added a parameter to the registry manipulation methods, you can now specify a
base key to work from (local machine or current user)
- Created a custom solution in order for Halo Custom Edition to work in Nucleus
- Tweaked EditRegKey so it now takes an object data type as the data and a custom
RegType to specify the registry type (DWord, QWord, Binary, etc), opens alot more
- Reworked launching games using command prompt, much better results now.
CMDOptions can now be specified per game instance (first instance is ignored for
- Fixed an issue with focus hooks that would sometimes crash the game
- Fixed launching games that don't require mutexes be killed but still have initial
- Fixed some other minor bugs

v0.9.5 - August 21, 2019

- Added an option in game scripts to hook into game functions to trick the game
into thinking it has focus
- Added an option in game scripts to hook into game functions that try and prevent
multiple instances from running
- Added @gymmer's "FocusFaker' method to further trick the game into thinking it
has focus
- Added an option in game scripts to set the window priority of each game instance.
Can be set to either "AboveNormal", "High" or "RealTime"
- Added an option in game scripts to assign which processor games run on. Can be
either an ideal processor (safer, no gaurantee) or a fixed one despite availability
- Added the ability to edit registry keys. Required for some games
- Added an option in game scripts to work-around ForceFocusWindowName having to
match 1:1 with game window title for resizing, positioning and focus. Needed for
some games that change their window title (does not effect game launchers)
- Added an option to force the title of game windows to be whatever is specific in
- Added an option to specify individual files to Symlink
- Added an option in game scripts to launch a game using cmd with specified options
- There is a new Settings window (see cog icon to right corner of Nucleus)
- You can now customize the Nucleus hotkeys to be whatever you'd like
- Fixed a bug that Nucleus did not work properly when game windows were closed
- Updated method to toggle game windows being top most. It is now more efficient
and doesn't rely on game script
- Minor improvement in performance
- Cleaned up some code

v0.9.4.1a - August 7, 2019

- Fixed bug that broke the generic file manipulation methods

v0.9.4a - August 6, 2019

- Added two new methods for game scripts: RemoveLineInTextFile and
- All four of the generic file manipulation methods (Find, Remove, Replace,
ReplacePartial) now include an overload method to specify the kind of encoding to
- Added a new variable to be used in Remove & Find Line methods:
Nucleus.SearchType. You can specify either "Contains", "Full" or "StartsWith" to
get more accurate results. Now with the four file manipulation methods, you should
now be able to edit ANY game text file for ANY game
- Fixed bug in original Nucleus that didn't allow 1 player to be able to start/play
a game
- Fixed "one time use" bug in original Nucleus; Nucleus can now be used multiple
times in one session by simply pressing the STOP Button in the app OR pressing the
newly created hotkey for it: Ctrl+S
- Added a toggle to make the game windows not the top most windows. Useful if you
want to use other programs in the background. Hotkey is Ctrl+A. Pressing it will
either disable or enable the windows being top most, depending on its current
state. This requires Game.GameName in Nucleus game scripts to work.

v0.9a - August 1, 2019

- Initial release

Original NucleusCoop Project: Lucas Assis (lucasassislar)
Mod: ZeroFox
Multiple keyboards/mice & hooks: Ilyaki
Website & handler API: r-mach

Additional credits to all original developers of third party utilities Nucleus

Mr_Goldberg (Goldberg Emulator), syahmixp (SmartSteamEmu), EJocys (x360ce), 0dd14
Lab (Xinput Plus), r1ch (ForceBindIP), HaYDeN (Flawless Widescreen), briankendall
(devreorder), VerGreeneyes (DirectXWrapper), wizark952 (dinput8 blocker),
Nemirtinga (Epic Emulator)

Special thanks to: Talos91, PoundlandBacon, Pizzo, dr.oldboi, Snailed It, and many
more from the SplitScreenDreams discord

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