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Villanueva, Marcie Gabrielle L.

February 4, 2022

Customers Service gaining more Customers on their Experiences

A customer’s experience is based on a company’s customer service. So, a company should always
take care of their employees before taking care of their customers. Customers are the most
important to a company because they are the one who buys the product and the service, so does
the employees because they are also part of the company’s internal customer. Customer service is
responsible in handling every customer’s wants, needs, and concerns. The thing that I learned from
the video is to invest in taking the time to provide satisfaction to the employees. A motivated
employee will also provide a great experience and service to a company’s customers.
A customer who had a bad experience is harder to gain than obtaining a new one. I can say that it
is also a bad publicity and advertisement to the company if ever they had a bad customer care
because customer sympathies to one another, it will greatly affect a company’s reputation because
of one customer’s feedback, so customer service should always provide the best service they can
offer. A customer who received the best customer care will be happy and will love to tell it to
everyone so a company will gain more customer in this experience. Training is one of the key in
shaping the best employees that will give a customer the best care, so take care of your employees
and they will do the job to take care of the company and its customers. Appreciate every customer
feedbacks to improve more.

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