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Brains of the operation #3

5th Edition Introductory Adventure

Introduction: Brains of the Operation is a short finale adventure for the Brains of the operation
trilogy. It is intended both as a short game for low level characters and as a introduction to new

A Three-hour adventure for 2nd-3rd level characters

by Mark Harris

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Brains of the operation
One small step and one may be out of reach of one enemy only • Sleeping in the feywild brings on memory loss.
to be in the maw of another.. Characters would awake remembering the prime
—Exador Dwile, The Adventurer Diary material world as only a fading dream.
• Sleeping the the feywild may also cause time to warp
relative to the prime material plane, perhaps
Introduction meaning a return to the prime material after much
time has passed.
Tonnar Kraigsten the old earl is newly dead by his brother
This adventure will include references to a number of Fey
Keth’s hands. Keth has found an escape route that puts him
creatures. In addition to the details which may be found in
out of sight for those clamoring for justice.
the monster manual (MM) or Volo’s guide to monsters
Characters will have found the start of Keths trail though (VGtM) you might consider the following common aspects of
one of three faery gateways. the fey in this adventure:
The scenario takes the form of an extended chase though the
• Fey can be forced to obey someone who knows their
mystical realm of the Feywild then back to the prime mate-
true name.
rial plane for a showdown with Keth and his patron.
• Fey (mostly) do not lie, but instead may use riddles
or half truths to deceive.
Although intended to be run as the conclusion to a three part
• Fey stick share a loyalty to each other regardless of
trilogy it might be converted to any ‘pursuit’ though the Fey-
race or alignment when confronted with non-fey.
wild of some villain.

If the GM is intending to run a final confrontation with Keth

characters should have the opportunity to level up to at least Key Characters
level 2. If characters did not earn enough experience during
(The late) Earl Tonnar Kraigsten. An Elderly and much
#BotA1 and #BotA2 applying the experience of encounters in
loved figure of the community. Tonnar Kraigsten has
this scenario before the final fight is recommended. Ran-
been a patron to many adventuring groups. His
dom encounters may easily be added between segments of
stewardship has safeguarded a peaceful and prosperous
the chase if required.
farming community. He was recently killed by his own
Area Information Keth Kraigsten. Brother and killer of the late Earl Tonnar
The Feywild is a ‘near’ plane, a world paralleling the prime Kraigsten. Keth is a necromancer. He’s left pockets of
material plane where the natural and mystical aspects of undead as distractions and is currently using a route
the prime are exaggerated. The Feywild is the land of though the feywild to hide from pursuit.
fairys, dryads and unicorns and any number of other fan-
tastical beasts. Time flows strangely in the Feywild and The Fair Lady. An Oread mountain spirit fey who might aid
there is real peril of returning to the prime material hun- the parties pursuit.
dreds of years having passed. Thuuan nan Dugdar. A deadly dweller of the river and lake.
A shape-shifting Kelpie. Guardian of one of the three
If this scenario is being run as part of the Brains of the Op- faerie gateways in the area.
eration trilogy then characters will have entered into the
Turtleback Agnes Bonechewer (Loeir Morgrah). A
Feywild though one of three gateways near the village of
malevolent sea hag with some twisted knowledge of
Fryswood: The Nixies barrow, Facedown lake or Fryswood
necromancy and a reason for hastening Tonnar
Kraigstens death.
Details of the feywild can be found on page 49 of the dmg. Matilda Twigmouth (Broeh Noehg). A thankfully deceased
If the adventure is being run as part of the BotO series then green hag once terrorized areas near the Kraigsten
some additional factors you may wish to include are: estates before Tonnar Kraigsten slew her. Though she
• Feywild food does not make you feel sated. So still gets around.
encouraging gluttony then sloth in non-fey.
• Time does not seem to pass in the feywild. There is
no physical need to sleep.

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delays and gains will be used in the final confrontation. As
Backstory time passes strangely in the Feywild the party should ulti-
Around 40 years ago a hags coven existed consisting of three mately catch up with Keth at the finale on the prime mate-
hags. This is the minimum number for a coven. A fourth hag
rial plane with a varying degree of advantage or disadvan-
Agnes Bonechewer was excluded from the coven primarily
because the other hags disliked her marginally more than tage in their position.
they disliked each other.
Agnes arranged to assist an adventuring party in killing one
Keths supplies
of the hags, Matilda Twigmouth, who was coincidentally The quarries den.
Agnes’ sister.
Out of place in the pristine glory of the feywild a thin trail of
Agnes then joined the coven to make up numbers. smoke lead you to a cave by a narrow waterfall. This had to be
In Agnes’ twisted logic, it’s only fair that she corrupt the Keths camp there are notes on necromancy and supplies of food
brother of the adventurer that killed her sister. Spreading as and drink brought here from the prime material plane, despite
much misery and death amongst their family as she can. the surroundings being rich in game and berries. No beds here
just one legged watchmen’s stools and rough traveling gear.
Now that Keth has killed his own brother and perhaps the A child could follow the trail leading from the cave. Keth has
entire remaining family Agnes has no compunction in leaving made no attempt to hide it.
Keth to face angry retribution from an adventuring party and
has even sabotaged Keths supply of undead minions. Characters may investigate the shelter. A successful investi-
gation roll DC 10 will suggest that Keth is avoiding sleeping
and eating the local food. His notes give enough clues that to-
Player Character Back-stories gether with his fairly obvious trail no tracking will be re-
Ideally characters should enter the adventure from the second quired to pursue Keth, even at speed.
part of the Brains of the Operation, however any group might
reasonably be asked to pursue Keth into the Feywild once his Characters might gain some benefit from Survival DC 10 to
route has been discovered and a gateway found. Characters forewarn them about the likely risks of the wild terrain the
might be: lies outside the cave: Giant animals, and intelligent beasts
• Long-time friends of the Kraigsten family assisting in abound here. This is the feywild so Fey will obviously be
tracking down Keth.. about and they are often mercurial rather than outright evil.
• Agents for the forces of justice and order, perhaps Order
of the gauntlet or Lords alliance. From the cave the trail points toward the hills and one obvi-
• Mercenaries or bounty hunters seeking to bring in Keth ous landmark. Rising above the green forest a single moun-
for pay. tain peak climbs to a vertical spire of ice. Impossibly steep its
skyward point shines in the evening sun.

The characters can proceed to the crystal spire or go around

the mountain, If they go around they might find “The Boars
The chase
The following sections offer a number of segments of a
chase scene. At some stages characters may choose from a
number of approaches to best match their abilities allow-
ing them to pick one segment over another. Feel free to re-
arrange sections, skip some or add new ones of your own.
This adventure contrives that the quarry of the chase will
remain just out of reach until the final confrontation at the
hut in the swamp.

It recommended to start at the quarries den as detailed in

Brains of the operation part 2.

At each stage of the chase take note of each delay where

the party took a slower route and each time they pushed
ahead faster than they otherwise might have. Count short
rests as delays and long rests as two delays. The net total of

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The crystal spire ter to walk up the spiral stair in magical 20ft steps as if
Abode of a fair lady. walking normally. A character that disbelieved the stairs
The ground rises quickly from the tree line into a steadily steep- would need to climb 1500 ft to reach the top of the stair.
ening slope. The climb here would soon become impossible with- Without magical aid such a climb would also be slow and
out rope and it’s possible that Keth is circling the peak rather exhausting.
than climbing higher, but along the lower part of the slope here
someone has cut a spiral of steps leading up into the higher If characters simply walk up the stairs they can quickly as-
reaches. Here higher vantage will certainly yield a good viewpoint
cend to a very high room. The air is chill in the high
of the land ahead and perhaps an opportunity to spot where
Keth is headed next.
reaches of the spire, but this high up the golden evening
sun becomes whiter and colder. The spiral stair leads into a
Character might try to climb the stairway or cut across the room with an open window facing the sun. Standing by the
slope in roughly the direction Keths navigation notes give. window is the fair lady.
If they try to cut across they will enter the woods on the far
side of the slope. Roll for a few random encounters before Across her pale shoulders is a mantle of fluffy snow. A
reaching the Brownie territory. If they travel up the stairs gown of glittering frost hisses lightly across her skin as she
they will find an ancient ruined building. turns to face you. Her blond hair flowing like a waterfall
down her back.
You are able to quickly climb the slopes along the stairway, al-
though the path curves to the left as it rises up towards the
steepening face of the mountain. Rounding the cliff above a
She speaks in sylvan “It has been some time now since I’
stone building comes into view. The building is of rough stone, have had visitor here except for the birds. The druids used
but well put together. However it looks like it’s not been main- to come some times. Are you some kind of druids ?”
tained and has become a tumbled ruin. It has high windows of
colored glass panes but lacks a roof. The door is still upright in The “Fair Lady” also called the “White Lady”, “Mountain
the frame. Sound looking wood bound in brass as green as the Grandeur”, the “Lady of the spire” or “the Queen of High
woods below.
Places” is an Oread, A fey similar to a dryad, but bound to a
mountain rather than a tree. She is one of the more power-
The spiral steps do not go any further. Characters must de- ful of the Oread having domain over all high peaks with
scend over treacherous scree slopes back to their original solitary grandeur. Other Oread may know her by title and
course, retrace the circular steps or investigate the build- she knows the true names of all the Oread. If characters a
ing. friendly she will happily talk to them. She can see with to-
The high windows have stained glass depicting a tree sur- tal clarity all across the vista of the spire. She cannot leave
rounded by dancing figures. Its difficult to judge relative the spire except for a few moments without taking dam-
scale. age. She has stewardship over the mountain so may come
The door can be closed which would make entering the into conflict with dwarves, gnomes or humans with any in-
building difficult without climbing, but the roof is long clination to mining. She has some power over earth (live all
gone. Oread), but also the power to work illusions (glamours)
Intelligence (Investigation) DC 15 will notice that although powerful enough to have a physical affect.
the building is a ruin, debris has been cleared away leaving
the flagstone floors clear. The fair lady also has spell casting ability of an 11th level
Inside the building a single open doorway leads into the sorcerer and the ability to maintain more than one concen-
mountain itself. tration spell though the use of a charm of spell binding (de-
tailed in the appendix)
Inside the mountain is a circular shaft ascending to a light
high above. Stone blocks project inwards from the shafts She saw Keth cross the slopes and head towards brownie
wall ascending in a spiral. The blocks are spaced 20ft apart territory. She could be persuaded to help the characters. If
vertically. The lowest block is at ground level. she does so she could make the characters seem tiny and
call some of her bird friends to carry the party after Keth.
Anyone stepping on any block will immediately be subject
to an illusion that the blocks are adjacent to each other If the party was to attack her she is a deadly opponent, her
forming a spiral staircase. An Intelligence (Investigation) stats are at the back of the scenario, she is however easily
roll DC 18 will allow the character to disbelieve the illusion. capable of simply side stepping the party without killing
However if the character does not attempt to disbelieve them.
then the illusion acts as if it was real, allowing the charac-

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If the party are friendly toward her she will offer some ad-
vice on the dangers of eating feywild food or sleeping in
the feywild.

She can be persuaded to help with a Charisma (Persuasion)

check DC 12. In which case see the section on the flight of
fancy below. If not the characters will have to proeed on
foot to the boars lair.

Whether she helps or not the fair lady is a powerful NPC

contact in the feywild who is outside of the seely and un-
seely courts and so might be a useful long term ally.

The crystal spire is a safe place to take a short or long rest.

Add delays to the chase tally as appropriate.

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The flight will head towards the tree line skimming within
Flight of fancy feet of the ground with apparent terrifying speed. Have
The PCs play catch-up by going airborne. characters make a Wisdom save with a DC of 12 or be at
This section of the chase starts at the crystal spire if the disadvantage due to fear of falling or crashing.
Fair lady has agreed to help the party. Keth has a good head
start on the party so the fair lady will offer transportation Some way into the woods characters should have a chance
at least as far as the Brownies territory. If the party agree to see Keth and his servant in the far distance making
this will involve some magic and a ride on a bird. though the trees. The altitude giving an excellent vantage
With the pale blue of early evening lighting up the window of the
crystal spire the lady whispers into the chill air and soon the The birds circle unsure about going further and will try to
fluttering of birds wings heralds the arrival of her friends. A small land near the edge of a swathe of tall beech trees, this be-
flock of black birds lands on the sill and cock their heads to ing the edge of Brownie territory. As the characters de-
listen. scend towards the tree line the canopy will block out the
view of Keth. Characters might try to force the birds to go
on further with Persuasion or Intimidation.
For each of you she plucks a single strand of her hair and with
deft fingers and hushed words she weaves the strand into a
If characters go try to persuade the birds to go further they
braided loop. She gently hangs the loop over your wrist and
will encounter one of three problems:
begins casting a spell while drawing the loop closed. As she does
• Flying low though the trees Brownies will defend
so the loop thickens but does not tighten, instead the world their territory with concealed archers.
around you swells to huge proportions.
• Flying just above the canopy the Brownies will send
warriors mounted on crows and an aerial duel will
When each of the party has been reduced to a tiny size she
carefully lifts you to the sill next to the now apparently giant • Flying high the characters will be spied by a Blood
blackbirds and says: “This charm is all that holds the glamor. Be
Hawk which will attack.
careful of it it is very delicate. To end the glamor you simply Each of these three possibilities is outlined below. After
which the party can proceed to the Forest Maze (or at the
break the charm, but be sure you are on safe ground when you
DM’s discretion some other part of the chase.
return to your true form. I will give you each a bridle to hang
onto these birds, they know where to go, all you need to do is
stay on. The birds are fast. Flying to the edge of brownie territory
should count as a gain on Keth. Pushing the birds to fly into
Brownie territory should be a further gain.
Once upon the birds they will take flight shooting away
with dizzying speed. The glamor is a spell of Make Tiny,
with a charm to maintain the concentration. The charm Flying Low
may break from even a single point of area affect damage Fighting in the shade.
or something general such as falling or grappling. Pin-
point damage such as a melee or ranged attack are unlikely Beneath the high canopy in dappled golden shade tiny hu-
to hit the charm. manoid figures dressed in colors of the forest appear from the
The flight of fancy will begin with the take off. Characters
will be holding onto a thin bridle made of hair held in the The gauntlet of tiny figures are the watchmen of the
beak of one of the blackbirds. The sudden acceleration of Brownies. Brownies are very territorial and will attempt to
the take off requires a single Acrobatics (Dexterity) or Ath- drive off interlopers. If the party retreat the brownies will
letics (Strength) test with a DC of 12. Use the characters un- allow the escape.
shrunk Strength for this test. If a character fails they will
be dangling or be caught and held in the birds claw. In ei- To proceed the characters must navigate 3 ambushes. Each
ther case they have no control over the flight and may re- requires a Perception test DC 20, 15 and 12 respectively to
quire an in-flight rescue. Characters can control the birds spot. If characters do not detect the ambush the Brownies
only though persuasion or speak with animals as they are have advantage on their attack rolls during the first round.
not trained mounts.

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At each ambush characters can choose to evade and fly on-
wards, taking 3 rounds to pass though bow range. Or they Crow #1 hp 2; Rider hp 4; Bowman hp 4
may dismount and battle the Brownies. Or the characters Crow #2 hp 5; Rider hp 2; Bowman hp 4
might attempt to return bow-fire from birdback. Charac- Crow #3 hp 4; Rider hp 4; Bowman hp 4
ters with a feat in mounted combat may attack normally, Crow #4 hp 2; Rider hp 4; Bowman hp 2
those without are at disadvantage on attack rolls shooting Crow #5 hp 3; Rider hp 5; Bowman hp 5
from a wild mount. Crow #6 hp 3; Rider hp 5; Bowman hp 3
Crow #7 hp 4; Rider hp 4; Bowman hp 3
The Brownies might aim for rider or mount, but are disin- Crow #8 hp 5; Rider hp 4; Bowman hp 2
clined to kill birds that have been brought down and pris- Crow #9 hp 5; Rider hp 5; Bowman hp 5
oners are more likely to be tied up and escorted to the edge Crow #10 hp 5; Rider hp 3; Bowman hp 3
of their territory rather than slain.
Flying High
The Blackbirds are AC 18 with 1d4 Hit points and no at- A villain in the trackless blue.
tacks. If a blackbird is taken to zero hit points it will fall. High above the canopy in crisp gold sunlight and chill air a
On half hit points or less it is forced to land. shadow skims the tree tops closing on your own dancing specs of
Each ambush contains 1d4 Brownies. A stat block for
brownies is included in the appendix. The brownies will Stats for the Blood Hawk can be found on page 319 of the
start with bow fire and if attacked will use mirror image. monster manual. Though generally the attack as a flock
this one begins alone. If the party has more than 4 mem-
Ambush 1. 4 Brownies Hp: 3,3,2,2 bers the Blood Hawk will screech for it’s bretheren and
Ambush 2. 3 Brownies Hp: 4,2,2 more hawks will arrive in 1d4 rounds.
Ambush 3. 2 Brownies Hp: 5,2
The Blood Hawk is AC 12, Hp 8. Beak attack +4 to hit 4d+1
If a character is knocked unconscious on the bird they will piercing damage.
be carried past the ambush and put down. If they crash or
were to leap off the bird falling damage is reduced due to The Hawk will attack blackbirds from above. If they fall or
their tiny size. Falling damage from low level is 2d4 with a are forced to drop away to land it will use the provoked at-
Constitution save DC 12 for half damage. If characters take tack of opportunity to attack the bird or the rider again.
damage from a fall any charms of spell binding are likely
to get broken. The Hawk is blood thirsty and will continue to attack until
it reaches zero hp and will delight in harrying its prey all
The Canopy the way to the ground.
A feathered dance.
Skimming the high canopy golden leaves flashing below winged
shapes burst from the treetops ahead.

The Brownies have crows ready to defend their territory.

Each crow will have one Brownie rider guiding it and a

The crows are AC 18 with 1d4 +1 hp and no attacks.

Allow two crows per party member. The Brownies will re-
treat if half their numbers are lost. Each crow will with-
draw if either the rider or the bowman are taken to zero
hp. If the crow reaches half hit points or lower it will land
or crash the same way the blackbirds do.

The crows will otherwise continue a battle until the char-

acters are driven away or the brownies are defeated.

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The Boar’s Lair A Giant Boar has a 40ft move, so can cover 80ft each turn
An alternate mounted combat for the unshrunk. with a Move and Dash.
The rocky slopes of the crystal spire descend into moss cloaked Traveling thought the brownies territory is divided into
dense forest. A large fallen oak breaks open a path into the trees. 60ft segments. Determine the results of each segement if a
Upon the fallen bough stands a huge beast. A boar the size of a character ends his/her turn in that segment.
mule. It regards you with calm uncommon in such ferocious Segment 1, 0-60ft : 5 Brownies fire with bows from maxi-
creatures. mum range at disadvantage, then move into cover.
Segment 2, 61-120ft : 10 Brownies Fire with bows from nor-
Going around the boar will add a significant delay. If the mal range, then move into cover
party attack the boar it will retreat into cover and only at- Segment 3, 121-180ft : 10 Brownies fire with bows and con-
tack once characters close in on the fallen tree from where tinue to fire as long as characters are in the segment.
is can charge the party. It will defend it’s family to the Segment 4, 181-240ft: 5 Brownies fire with bows then re-
death and is a dangerous opponent. treat into cover.
Segment 5, 241-300ft: 5 Brownies fire with bows if charac-
A stat block for the Giant boar can be found in the Monster ters are not using dash actions to retreat, then move into
Manual on Page 323, though this one is intelligent and can cover.
speak Sylvan. If the party has more than 4 members con-
sider adding an additional bore which will remain in hid- After passing the Brownies territory the party may reach
ing until the party approach (Passive perception DC 14 the Forest Maze,
would spot the hiding boar)
The Forest Maze
Alternately if the party approach without aggression the
A Barrier.
boar can be persuaded to assist the party with a Charisma
(persuasion) check DC 12.
A thick knot of trees spreads across the path ahead. The boughs
In the shade beneath the fallen tree are more of the boars of trees pushed so tight together that the way is barred except by
family. climbing and moving through the thinner branches above. You
spend a few moments before committing yourself to one of the
From the boars lair the characters can proceed on foot or approaches.
astride boar to the Brownies territory for a confrontation.
The path though the forest maze is difficult to follow. The
A combat with the Boar should be considered a delay if it party should nominate a single character to make the deci-
takes more than 10 rounds of combat. If characters can get sions about which path to take, unless they wished to try
a ride to Brownie territory it counts as neither a delay nor different paths and split the party. The characters can try
a gain. If the Boars take the party straight though Brownie to climb higher into the more open branches which is
territory that counts as a gain. If the party try to go round more difficult to traverse, but easier to find a path, or stay
Brownie territory that counts as one delay mounted or two lower and safer with a more difficult path.
on foot.
The high branches require individuals to each make a
The Brownies Territory Strength (Athletics) DC 10 or suffer 1d4 bludgeoning dam-
A confrontation. age from falls. But the party leader need only make a single
DC 10 Intelligence test to find a way though.
Beneath the boughs strings of tiny lights dispel the evening
shadow from a cluster of papery globes. Hanging suspended un- The lower passage requires no strength tests but the leader
der the trees is an aerial city. A hail of miniature arrows peppers must make a DC 15 Intelligence test to pass.
the ground before you. The locals are obviously not inclined to
entertain visitors. If characters are all still tiny navigating the forest maze is
much easier (advantage on the strength or intelligence
This is Brownies territory. They are tiny humanoids and in- tests.)
dividually do not represent much threat to the party. How-
ever to drive intruders away from their home they will use The party make make as many attempts as they like to find
bow fire. a way though.

The Forest Maze is also a safe place to take a short rest.

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giving characters a chance for some attacks at a range of
If the party make their way though on a single test count 400ft. Due to the difference in elevation Bowfire gains 1½
this as gain on Keth. Two failures or more count as a single times the normal range. This will still put bow attacks at a
delay. disadvantage. Keth and his servant will take full cover (+5
to AC). Depending the degree to which the party have
The forest maze thins out as suddenly as it arose. The gained on Keth allow one or two rounds of bow fire before
branches themselves supporting trickles of water from the Keths boat rounds a bend and is lost from sight.
trunks form into a steady stream finding its way to the
ground then falling into a gorge. Part 2 – All in the same boat.
In order to carry on in the pursuit of Keth the party must
The Gorge either have already descended to the stream or must follow
In sight of the quarry. Keths path then find some way to travel along the stream.
Tiny characters could make a boat from anything nearby
The stream is narrow but swift and drops down between such as mushroom cap coracles. Full sized characters can
steep rocky walls. The chase here has two parts. Firstly the simply try to swim after Keth or spend time turning
party will see Keth ahead of them. The distance will de- nearby wood into a simple dugout canoe. Building a signifi-
pend on the delays and gains thus far. cant raft or canoe will make the journey more comfortable
but will delay the pursuit.
In the first part the characters have the option to immedi-
ately take to the stream. It will be faster than traveling on The stream is narrow but swift. Between steep rocky walls the
floor, but unless Keth also drops down to the stream they flow pulls your onwards round twisting loops. Then without
warning the rock walls and the stream both recede and you
may be stuck on a course and Keth might veer off away
plummet to a fetid pool of gray green water. The pool rises into
from the stream (he won’t be). If characters stay on foot low strings of islets and barren twisted trees. As you drag your-
above the gorge they may be able to get above Keth if he self from the pool beneath the waterfall Keth is not far ahead,
does drop to the stream (he does) and have a tactical advan- strangely he seems to be circling a tree, and then he’s gone, per-
tage in a fight fight, but this is slower. haps he has given up the chase and is taking cover behind it’s
wide bowl of root.
In the second part Keth will descend into the gorge and
embark on a folding boat. If the party are above the gorge The large dome of the trees tangle of roots has many gaps,
and are close they might get a few bow shots or a ranged but searching it will not find Keth. He has run around the
spell off before the stream snatches Keth away. A party that tree three times anti-clockwise. This is the same trick used
is above the gorge will then need to find river transport (or to open the feywild gateway at the Nixies Barrow in
swim). If characters are already in the gorge following the #BOTO2. If characters get stuck they may be able to follow
stream Keth will descend to the stream ahead, but they will Keths tracks which circle the tree. Ultimately characters
have gained on him by getting to the stream first. should go around the tree three times and find a gap in the
roots they did not notice on the first pass. Entering the gap
Part 1 – Down or not ? leads characters to the Hags house of twigs on the prime
If the characters are still tiny from the crystal spire de- material plane.
scending into the gorge could be by a brave leap into the
stream or cutting leaves from the giant trees at the top of
the gorge to float down fin ally using the leaves as boats. A House of Twigs
If characters were to leap hitting the water would certainly Things come full circle.
break the charms keeping the characters tiny.
If characters have entered the roots of the swamp tree they
Full sized characters can either leap or climb down. A leap will have gone deeper and deeper into the roots until
requires a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test DC 7 to safely get into emerging into a circular opening. Defying sense a circular
the stream. Climbing down is a Strength (Athletics) test DC opening leads directly outside. This opening was evidently
7. A failure does 1d4 Bludgeoning damage. not present when the characters entered the roots from the
If characters instead decide to pursue Keth along the top of
the gorge. Keth will descend a narrow pathway to the
stream ahead of the party and produces a magical boat,

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Results of the chase
The house of twigs: Gains Result
Delving deeper into the roots of the swamp soaked tree there is 5+ The party are right on Keths heels. They see the
light ahead and the roots part to reveal a broad circular space tails of Keths cloak as he exits from the Twig
with a single opening out onto the damp earth of the island. house. Place Keth only 5ft from the house en-
From outside you can hear voices. One recognizable and raised trance.
in anger. Keth is nearby.. 2-4 Keth has had no time to spare. He is only 30ft
from the entrance and has not had a change yet
to prepare.
The interior of this space is a dome of woven twigs forming 1 Has barely arrived place him within 60ft of the en-
a crude shelter. Inside the shelter is a rough wooden table, trance. He has not yet had the chance to prepare
a fire pit, a nest like bed of old rags and moss and an odd any defense.
wooden mannequin. No net Keth has just arrived. Seeing his intial plan fall
gain or into disarray he confronts Turtleback Agnes and
All of the items in the shelter are decrepit and the shelter delay has cast one spell (Expeditious retreat)
look like it’s been unused for a long period of time, The bed
1 A step ahead of the party, Keth has taken a short
would be suitable for someone of greater than average rest or found one of his undead minions and is
height. The mannequin is a simple framework of sticks able to cast a single spell (Expeditious Retreat) be-
bound together with sinew. On closer examination the fore battle.
mannequin is covered in real skin and topped with the 2 Keth has had time to take a short rest or recover
head of a hideous woman. The mannequin has no feet. a single undead minion and evaluate cover close
to the house, He can cast one spell in advance of
The mannequin is actually the morbidly re-crafted re-
3 Keth has had time for a short rest or recover two
mains of a swamp hag. This is the sister of Turtleback
undead minions. Can be in cover and hidden
Agnes Bonechewer who awaits outside. A careful examina- awaiting the party with spells cast.
tion of the mannequin will reveal that the Hag was slain by 4 Keth has had time to fully rest and recover two
sword blows. However a detailed examination of the corpse undead minions. He will have positioned himself
at this late stage counts as another delay in chasing Keth. and his manservant for an ambush and may cast
spells in preparation for battle
Outside the house of twigs . Keth may be finding that his 5+ With such a long delay Keth may be ready to
leave. Consider leaving clues to Keth having got
mentor Turtleback Agnes has released his captive undead
away, perhaps with the cage of undead restocked
leaving him without access to a fighting force he expected and a couple of undead minions left on guard to
to have here. He is quite upset. open the cage if the party turn up. Otherwise you
can treat this as 4 Delays above.
Once characters exit the House of Twigs total up all the de-
lays and gains from the chase. Subtract one from another Details of the battleground for the final confrontation with
and use this to judge how closely the party have harried Keth are given below.
Keth. As Keths main tactic will be to maintain distance
from the party and use long range spells and cover from
trees a close pursuit gives advantage to the party. You can
use the following table as a guideline.

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Outside the house of twigs Keth with his manservant a short dis-
The Swampy Battleground tance away are having an argument with a scrawny old lady. The
swampy stink around the scattered muddy islets gives rise to odi-
Finally the party confront Keth.
ous vapors though which distant figures shamble. “You let them
out ? Why we are allies !” Keth Shouts spittle flying from his
The swampy terrain here has two main features, The sub- mouth. “No little boy, you are the brother of my sisters murderer
merged areas are treacherous underfoot counting as dou- and by sundown you’ll both be in the ground” the old crone
ble movement. Concealed roots and slippery banks mean laughs. Keths manservant draws his blade, but before he can
that characters cannot use a dash on a turn where they strike the old crone seems to somehow clasp his head in a single
pass though water. It’s possible to leap the water 1ft per bony hand and with a sickening rip she pulls his head from his
shoulders, viscera splattering the ground. With his eyeballs still
point of strength wit a 10ft run-up. Doing so requires an
rolling in his skull she stabs the head down onto the prow of a
Acrobatics (Dexterity) check DC 10 to avoid slipping over. rickety boat and steps in herself.
Characters who fail acrobatics travel 2d6ft and land prone.
The gnarled trees offer half cover amongst the branches
At this point the characters can elect to battle Keth. If they
(+2 AC) or three quarters cover behind its trunk (+4 AC).
attack Turtleback Agnes as well they will find the fight ex-
tremely deadly. Below are some suggestions for the actions
Outside the twig house to once side of the island is cage
of NPCs in the fight.
with a door. It’s lock is undone. It could once of held a
number of large beasts. In fact it once held a number of un-
Keth: First Cast Expeditious retreat (Concentration). Get
dead created by Keth awaiting release into whichever en-
into cover then cast mage armor. If the party have in-
emy pursed him. However Turtleback Agnes has released
volved Turtleback Agnes try and leave them to it, other-
them to wander the swamp.
wise Use Sleep cast at level 3 for 9d8 over 20ft radius or
Ray of sickness at level 3 for 4d8 Poison. Keep moving to
Adjoining the island is a rickety boat with sturdy oars. This
maximize cover from trees and prevent any fighters get-
boat belongs to Turtleback Agnes and she can animate it to
ting into hand-to-hand range. Use potions of healing if
travel. It’s oars will act like stilts allowing her to ride away.
wounded. If he can maintain concentration he should be
able to move 60-90ft a turn to stay out of the range of
You can adjust the difficulty of the combat dependent
melee characters. Keth will have 8 of his spells prepared.
upon the size and level of the party. As a starting point,
Turtleback Agnes Bonechewer: Unless actually attacked
Turtleback Agnes will be disguised as a hideous woman.
use her animated boat adorned with the head of Keths
She will not attack the party unless attacked. Keth and
manservant to leave. If attacked she will revert to her
Agnes argue briefly, Then Turtleback agnes rips the head
true form to frighten characters then use death gaze on
off Keth’s manservant spiking it onto the prow of her boat
those that are affected. She has reach and a dangerous
and with the heads eyes still moving the monstrous vehicle
slashing attack in melee and can swim well so has no
carries her away leaving Keth to fight the party alone.
problem using the deep water for movement and cover.
If she thinks she is in danger she might abandon the boat
Keth may have access to some undead Minions depending
and swim out of sight.
on delays to gather them. If you want to make the fight
The Manservant: If he has not been turned into an undead
tougher add some uncontrolled undead to the general area.
animated hood ornament by Turtleback Agnes he will at-
For a much tougher fight Turtleback Agnes only strikes
tempt to defend Keth from melee attacks. If Keth is en-
down the manservant and leaves so he can get up and as-
gaged closely he will use a help action to give Keth ad-
sist Keth. To make the fight easier Keth ma have already
vantage on attack. He will surrender immediately if he
used some spell slots. Adjust the following section to suite
seems likely to die.
the level of difficulty and the distance at the start of the en-
Undead Minions: If Keth has had time to recover one or
gagement. Keth does not have many hit points so must use
two undead and controlled them (Using up a 3rd level
cover to reduce the number of hits he takes.
spell slot) he will send them to kill party spell casters as a
bonus action, then melee fighters.
Free Undead: If extra uncontrolled undead are involved in
the fight they simply attack the nearest target whomever
that might be. They will move out of the mists or rise
from the water at random places.

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Non-Combat Awards
The Hags’s Story Task or Accomplishment XP per Character
Hags revere ugliness as beauty. This philosophy applies to their Befriend the fair Lady 100
social interactions as well as their physical appearance. Agnes and Pass though brownie territory 100
Matilda were never loving sisters, but the ugliness of their relation Navigate the forest maze 25
ship is exemplary for Hags. When Mathilda joined a coven she Travel the river gorge 25
blocked Agnes entry. Agnes then assisted an adventuring party
Pass though the Feywild and return 50
Uncover the story of the Hags 50
into killing Matilda. She then went further buy turning her dead
sister into a pair of boots giving the adventurers brother access to
the feywild and encouraging him down the evil paths of necro- The minimum total award for each character
mancy. Ultimately Agnes has used Keth to tie up loose ends. participating in this adventure is 400 experience
The maximum total award for each character
participating in this adventure is 1000 experience
Wandering Monsters
If you want to add some spice to the chase.

Fey wood encounters

1d10 Result
1 1-2 Ankhegs (MM pg 21) As well as experience the characters may have learnt Keths
2 1-6 Dryads (MM pg 121) Charm of vileness. If they destroy the evil works award a
3 1-6 Pixies (MM pg 253) 50xp per character reward instead. They may also have
4 3-12 Sprites (MM pg 283) recovered his spell book which contains spells useful for a
5 1-3 Will—o-wisps (MM pg 301) wizard
6 Awakened Shrub (MM pg 317) From Keth and his manservant they may have also acquired
7 Awakened Tree (MM 3pg 17) he Hagskin boots and a folding boat.
8 Boggle (VGtM pg 128)
9 Meenlock (VGtM pg 170) If the party is able to return to the Kraigsten manor with
10 1-4 Quicklings (VGtM pg 187) news of Keths defeat they will earn the continuing gratitude
11 2-8 Blink Dogs (MM pg 318) of the family and the admiration of the other adventurers.
12 2-8 Wolves (MM pg 341)
If the party take Kraigsten alive and return him for justice
their notoriety should be brought to the attention of higher

The scenario is thin on material rewards but exploration will
yield experience.
What’s Next.
The Hags coven is probably yet beyond the power of the
party, but they could begin to research how to deal with
The Kraigsten manor is a hub of adventuring activity and
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated
with their new found fame other adventuring groups may
foes, and divide by the number of characters present in
contact them for aid or pass on useful titbits the party
the combat. For non-combat experience, the rewards
listed are per character. Give all characters in the party might follow up on.
non-combat experience awards unless otherwise noted If the party brought Keth in alive it might fall to them to
take Keth before the high justice it may not be an easy
Combat Awards
journey to take a dangerous prisoner over land though
Name of Foe XP per Foe
Keth Kraigsten 700 areas with roving undead.
Controlled Undead Minions 50
Uncontrolled Undead Minions 25
Turtleneck Agnes Bonechewer 1100

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Brownie Kelpie
Tiny fey, chaotic good Large fey, (aquatic) chaotic evil
Armor Class 18 (Size +4, +4 Dex) Armor Class 13 (Size -1, +1 Dex, +3 Natural)
Hit Points 3 (1d4+1) Hit Points 51 (6d10+18)
Speed 10ft Speed 30ft, Swim 40ft

3(-4) 18(+4) 12(+1) 14(+2) 15(+2) 17(+3) 18(+4) 12(+1) 17(+3) 10(+0) 13(+1) 14(+2)

Skills. Acrobatics(+6), Deception(+5). Stealth (+6) Skills. Perception(+3), Stealth(+3), Deception (+4).
Senses. Low light vision, Passive perception 12. Senses. Scent, passive perception 11.
Languages. Elvish, Gnomish, Sylvan. Languages. Common, Elvish, Sylvan.
Challenge. ¼ (50 XP). Challenge. 3 (700 XP).
Fey. Brownies advantage on saving throws against charm Fey. The kelpie has advantage on saving throws against
and cannot be put to sleep. charm and cannot be put to sleep.
Magic Resistance. Brownies has advantage on saving Grappler. The kelpie has advantage on rolls to make or
throws against spells and other magical effects. maintain grapples if it is in water (in either form). Charac-
Innate Spellcasting. Brownie’s innate spell casting is Wis- ters pulled under water can take drowning damage as per
dom (Spell save DC 12) it can innately cast the following the suffocation rules (PHB pg 183)
spells without components. Magic Resistance. The kelpie has advantage on saving
1/day each: Dimension door, Mirror Image throws against spells and other magical effects.
At will: Dancing lights, Mending, Prestidigitation Shapechanger. The kelpie can use its action to polymorph
Vulnerabilities. Brownies take double damage from cold into a small or medium humanoid or back into its true
iron weapons. form. In humanoid form it has no extra swim speed,
though it can still. breath underwater. In humanoid form it
Actions has STR 8(-1), DEX 14 (+2), other statistics stay the same.
Needle. Melee +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 1 point Any equipment its wearing or carrying isn’t transformed.
Piercing. Kelpies retain their current form when they die.
Tiny Bow. Ranged +4 to hit, 15/60ft, one target. Hit 1 point Inate Spellcasting. The Kelpie’s innate spellcasting is
Piercing. Charisma (Spell save DC 12) it can innately cast the follow-
ing spells without components.
At will: Detect thoughts
3/day each: Charm person
Vulnerabilities. Kelpies take double damage from cold iron
Amphibious. Kelpies can breath on land and in water.

Multiattack. The kelpie can make two attacks. One with its
hooves and one with its bite.
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit:
7 (1d6+4)
Unarmed (humanoid form). +1 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit
1 point bludgeoning.

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Keth Kraigsten Manservant
Human Wizard 5 (Noble) Human Rogue 1 (Urchin)
Armor Class 11 (Unarmored) 14 (Mage Armor) Armor Class 13 (Leather)
Hit points 20 (5d6) Hit points 6 (1d6)
Speed 30ft Speed 30ft
STR 8 (-1) STR 13 (+1)
DEX 14 (+2) DEX 14 (+2)
CON 10 CON 10 (0)
INT 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0)
WIS 15 (+2) WIS 8 (-1)
CHA 12 (+1) CHA 13 (+1)
Languages Common, Abyssal, Elvish Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves cant
Proficiencies (+3) Arcana (+6), Deception(+4), History (+6), Proficiencies Insight (+2), Perception (+1), Stealth(+4),
Persuasion(+4), Religion(+6), Gaming Set, Sleight of hand (+4), Dex saves (+4), Int saves (+4), Dis-
Features Feat-Ritual Caster (Clerical),Position of privilege, guise tools, Thieves tools, Light armor, Simple weapons,
Spell Casting, Arcane recovery, Dagger, Dart, Sling, Staff, Hand x-bow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword,
lt crossbow, Int Saves, Wis Saves, School of divination Actions
Clerical Rituals. Level 1-Purify food and drink, Level 2- Au- Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack+4 to hit, reach 5ft, One tar-
gury, Level 3 Feign death, Meld into stone get. Hit 1D4+3 Slashing (Finesse, Thrown, Range 20/60)
Actions Cunning action. Bonus dash/Disengage/Hide
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack+5 to hit, reach 5ft, One tar- Trait. Coward.
get. Hit 1D6+2 Piercing (Finesse/Light/Thrown 20ft) Ideal. I’ll get a steady job.
Use item. Potion of Healing / Scroll of Chromatic orb Bond. If you’re paying we do it your way.
Spell Cast. 4x1st, 3x2nd,2x3rd, Wizard Spell DC 14, Wizard Flaw. I .don’t paid enough for this.
Spell Attack +6 Equipment. Dagger, Leather armor, Coin pouch, 21gps in a
Trait. Cruel. mixture of coins, Average clothing, Folding boat, Backpack
Ideal. Because I know more than you my opinion matters
Bond. I have a plan and I won’t let anyone stand in its way.
Flaw. I am greedy for knowlege.
Cantrips. Blade ward, Mage hand, Ray of frost, True strike.
Level 1 Spells. Disguise self, Expeditious retreat, Fog cloud,
Mage armor, Ray of sickness, Tashas hideous laughter,
sleep, identify, find familiar, grease.
Level 2 Spells. Ray of enfeeblement, Spider climb
Level 3 Spells. Animate dead, Glyph of warding
Equipment. Potion of Healing (2d4+2), Scroll of Chromatic
Orb (Attack +6, 90ft 3d8 Thunder damage), Dagger, Crystal
globe (Spell focus), Coin pouch, 100gps in a mixture of
coins, Fine clothing, Sapphire ring (50gp value), Hagskin
boots, Spell book.

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Nixie Oread
Small fey, (aquatic) chaotic neutral Medium fey, Lawful Neutral
Armor Class 13 (Size +1, +3 Dex) Armor Class 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Natural)
Hit Points 4 (1d6+0) Hit Points 56 (7d8+28)
Speed 20ft, Swim 30ft Speed 30ft, Swim 40ft, Burrow 30ft (Leaves no tunnel)

7(-2) 16(+3) 11(+0) 12(+1) 13(+1) 18(+4) 19(+4) 13(+1) 18(+4) 14(+2) 13(+1) 16(+3)

Skills. Perception(+3), Stealth(+5). Wisdom Saves (+3) Skills. Insight +4 , Persuasion +6, Survival +4
Senses. Low light vision, Passive perception 11. Senses. Passive perception 12.
Languages. Common, Elvish, Sylvan. Languages. Common, Elvish, Sylvan.
Challenge. 1 (200 XP). Challenge. 7 (2900 XP).
Fey. Nixies advantage on saving throws against charm and Fey. The Oread has advantage on saving throws against
cannot be put to sleep. charm and cannot be put to sleep.
Magic Resistance. Nixies have advantage on saving throws Spellcasting. The Oread’s spellcasting is Charisma (Spell
against spells and other magical effects. save DC 14) it can innately cast the following spells without
Inate Spellcasting. Nixie’s innate spellcasting is Charisma components.
(Spell save DC 14) it can innately cast the following spells Innate spellcasting. At will Charm person (PHB 221), Tele-
without components. port (Only within her own mountain domain, PHB 281)
3/day each: Charm person Innate spellcasting. 3/day Spike Growth (PHB 277), Stone
At will: Animal friendship, Animal messenger Shape (PHB 278)
Vulnerabilities. Nixies take double damage from cold iron Innate spellcasting. 1/day Earthquake (PHB pg 236), Spike
weapons. Growth (PHB 277), Stone Shape (PHB 278)
Amphibious. Nixies can breath on land and in water. Vulnerabilities. Oread take double damage from cold iron
Bound. If she leaves the area of her mountain domain the
Actions Oread looses 1d8 Constitution per our until she takes a log
Shortsword. +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 1 point rest in her mountain.

Fist. Melee weapon attack +7 to hit. 5ft Reach. One target Hit8
(1d6 + 4)

The Oread are spirit fey that live inside mountains and
protect them similar to Dryads in trees. Oreads vary in
appearance but usually reflect the aspect of the mountain
that is their home.

Oread may be fierce in defending their home mountain

from those who would damage the environment. They will
usually begin with apparently natural disasters earning
the mountain a reputation for bad luck, but will resort to
open attacks if pressed.

Oread are fey creatures and can be conjured with a conjure

fey spell.

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10ft away taking 2d8 damage. On a successful save the
creature takes no damage and remains standing but is still
The fair lady, Oread (greater) pushed 10ft.. She can only use this action on her mountain
Medium fey, True Neutral
Armor Class 18 (+1 Dex, +7 Natural)
Hit Points 128 (15d8+60)
Speed 30ft, Swim 40ft,Burrow 30ft (Leaves no tunnel)


19(+4) 13(+1) 18(+4) 14(+2) 13(+1) 16(+3)

Skills. Insight +6 , Persuasion +8, Survival +6

Senses. Passive perception 12.
Languages. Common, Elvish, Sylvan.
Challenge. 15 (13000 XP).
Fey. The Oread has advantage on saving throws against
charm and cannot be put to sleep.
Innate spellcasting. 1/day Earthquake (PHB pg 236)
Spell casting (11th Sorcerer). Cantrips: Friends, Mending, Ray
of frost 1St: Disguise Self, Long Strider; 2nd:Reduce, See In-
visible; 3rd Major Image, Sleet Storm 4th Fabricate, Halluci-
natory Terran, Make Tiny (New spell see appendix), Stone
shape;5th: Scrying, 6th Forbiddence.
Innate Spellcasting. The Oread’s spellcasting is Charisma
(Spell save DC 12) it can innately cast the following spells
without components.
At will: Meld into Stone
3/day each: Major Image, Meld into Stone
Vulnerabilities. Oread take double damage from cold iron
Charm. The fair lady knows the charm of spell binding and
may use this to maintain spells as if she were concentrat-
ing on them.

Fist. Melee weapon attack +9 to hit. 5Ft Reach. One target Hit 8

Legendary Actions
The fair lady may take 3 legendary actions from the list below.
She may only take one action at a time and only at the end of
another creatures turn. Her legendary actions refresh at the
beginning of her turn.

Innate spell cast. The fair lady may use one of her innate
Earth wave. The fair lady causes the mountain to move like
an ocean wave. Characters in a 50ft cone emanating m
from the square in front of the lady must make an
Acrobatics (dexterity) check with a DC of 16 of be thrown

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Turtleback Agnes Bonechewer
(Loeir Morgrah)
Large Fey, Chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit points 102 (14d8+42)
Speed 30ft, swim 40ft


20(+5) 13(+1) 16(+3) 12(+1) 12(+1) 13(+1)

Senses Darkvision 60ft, passive perception 11

Languages Aquan, Common, Giant
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Amphibious. A sea hag can breath in air and underwater.
Horrific Appearance. Any humanoid that starts its turn
within 30ft of a hag that can see the hags true form must
make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature is frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disad-
vantage if the hag is within sight. A successful save ends
the effect. A successful save makes the creature immune o
the hags horrific appearance for 24 hours. Unless the tar-
get is surprised or the revelation of the hags true form is
sudden, the target can avert its eyes and avoid making the
initial saving throw. Until the start of its next turn, a crea-
ture that averts its eyes has disadvantage on attack rolls
against the hag.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack +7 to hit, reach 10ft, One tar-
get. Hit 10 (2d6+5) Slashing
Death Glare. The hag targets one frightened creature she
can see within 30ft of her. If the target can see the hag, it
must succeed in a DC11 Wisdom saving throw against this
magic or drop to zero hit points.
Illusory appearance. The hag covers herself and anything
she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that
makes her look like an ugly creature of her general size
and humanoid shape. The effect ends if the hag takes a
bonus action to end it or she dies.
The change wrought by this effect fails to hold up to physi-
cal inspection. Otherwise a creature must take an action to
visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 16 intelli-
gence (Investigation) check to discern the hag is disguised.

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Make Tiny.
4th-Level transmutation

Casting Time : 1 Minute

Range : Touch
Components : V,S
Duration : Concentration up to 1 Hour

This spell transforms a creature and it’s equipment to a tiny size.

Any unwilling creature must make a wisdom save to avoid the
affect. The spell has no affect on shapechangers or creatures
with 0 hit points.
The target of the spell gains +2 Size bonus to AC and Advantage
on stealth. Creatures with Strength 1-6 Drop to strength 1, 7-
12 drops to 2, 13-18 drops to 3 and strength scores of 19 or
greater drop to 4. All non-magical equipment shrinks with the
creature as does any magical clothing and armor that usually
changes size to fit the wearer. Other magical items do not
shrink. Shrunken equipment has negligible weight. The
creatures walking speed becomes 10ft. The damage dice for
attacks drops by two dice categories e.g. a d8 becomes a d4.
Below d4’s dice progress to d2’s then 1hp damage. The
creature also drops to a third of their current hit points and
their hit point maximum is similarly reduced. When the spell
ends it points are multiplied by 3.

Charm of Spell Binding.

The charm of spell binding maintains the affect of a single
concentration spell is if the spell caster was concentrating on
it. The charm requires a crafted item to be attached to the
spell at the time the spell is cast. The crafted item must
remain within 30ft of the area affect of the spell or touching
the subject if the spell is range touch. The item is fragile and
when broken the spell it is bound to ends immediately.
While the crafted item is maintaining the spell the spell slot
remains in-use and a replacement spell cannot be prepared.
The spell caster looses any ability to voluntarily end the spell
and must physically destroy the crafted item.

Hagskin boots.
These horrid looking boots are made with the skin of a hags
feet. The boots must be attuned to be used. Once attuned the
wearer may sence the presence of a fey gateway within 1
mile. Additionally once per long rest the character may as a
bonus action, turn 3 times and step directly into the feywild
or the shadow fell. Any equipment the character is wearing is
also transported. It is possible to carry another person
physically when stepping provided the wearer can lift them.

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The Twig House

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