Firsah's Guide To The Glorious World of Lichdom

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Firsah's Guide to the Glorious World of


ello amateur necromancers, cultists, and
religious zealots bent on killing what you may
call "undead monstrosities". I, Rana Lévesque
Firsah, renouned necromantic researcher and
sole heir to the Firsah house, have compiled
this tome of observations and in some cases,
instructions in the ways of those we call
"Liches". If you are reading this volume purely in hopes of
destroying "evil", set the book down right now, and walk away.
The zombies are already on their way, and this tome is
inscribed with explosive runes which, if you read at the
average speed of a grown, intelligent humanoid, will detonate
in 10 seconds.
Well, now that all the undesirables have been taken care of,
I shall continue. If you're here to discover the beautiful truth
of undeath, of the second life we all deserve, read on. As a
side note, please forgive my lack of artistic talent.
A World of Beautiful Variety
While the average dumb, bumbling paladin may think of
liches as one kind of undead (namely, an evil, powerful wizard
who only wishes to gather knowledge and mindlessly destroy
the living out of some sort of unfounded jealousy), the truth is
far more interesting, complex, and beautiful. In truth there
are a plethora of lich types.
Really, the word "lich" better describes a group of beings
than one kind of being. Just as how "humanoid" describes
anything from Gnomes to Goliaths, "lich" can be used to
describe anything from the previously mentioned eccentric
arcane researcher to the Siabrae (or Druidic lich).
Liches are no more monsters than any person you know.
They are talented people from a variety of backgrounds with
a variety of goals and philosophies. While a number of liches
fall into the cliche of going mad with lonliness or being
irrideamable, indescriminate killers, there are a large number
who break this mold, many of which I know personally, and
many of which I have been personally mentored by.
In the following sections, I will attempt to categorize the
variety of liches I have encountered into simple divisions
based on the exact nature of their undeath, and even outline
the measures you may take to follow in their necrotic
Table of Contents
Lich Page
Arcane Lich 2-5
Divine Lich 6-8
Druidic Lich 9-12
Bardic Lich 13-15
Pact Lich 16-19
Sorcerous Lich 20-22
Lich Spells 23
Additional Notes 24

The Academic Arcane Lich

will begin with the most well known kind of lich: Hit Points
those who have aquired their improved forms Hit Dice: 1d8 per lich level
through careful study and practice of magical effects, Hit Points: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per level
who then used their knowledge in order to become
undead. In short, these are your wizard liches, your Phylactery
For a wizard, an integral part of becoming a lich is having a
phylactery (or container) which holds your soul. Without a
phylactery, the lich is but a mortal in a rotting body held
Arcane Lich together by weak magical fragments. This makes the
phylactery both the lich's strongest attribute, and their
Level Features
Total Spells
greatest weakness.
1st Phylactery, Lichdom 2
Phylactery Creation
2nd Paralyzing Touch 3 Creating a phylactery is a risky feat indeed, as the process
3rd Frightening Gaze 4 often involves preparing the container for an extensive period
4th Disrupt Life 5
of time, perhaps even decades, and then killing oneself in
some way and hoping that your long laid plans and
5th Protection of the Grave, 7 calculations will work.
Truesight The process of creating a phylactery in preparation for
whatever ritual you have engineered or discovered involves
creating or using a container of some description (which
must be 2 size categories smaller than you are) and
enscribing complex runes onto the inside of it.
15th Level Spellcaster. One does not simply become a
lich. Completing the rituals necessary to become a lich
requires an incredible knowledge of the inner
mechanations of the universe. The majority of these levels
(min 8) must be in Wizard with a total of 15 spellcasting
16 Intelligence. The complex spells and rituals necessary
to become a lich require a high degree of intelligence to
Arcana Proficiency. Knowledge of the arcane nature of
life and death are needed in order to achieve lichdom.
Forbidden Arcane Knowledge. You must find or aquire
the specific knowledge of a ritual that will allow you to
ascend to lichdom. This is never an easy task and can
involve anything from voyaging to far off dimensions for
ancient scrolls to making deals with death gods for such
Phylactery Resources. All academic liches have one
thing in common: a phylactery. Phylacteries are not cheap
or simple to make and cost anywhere from 100,000 gp to
500,000 gp depending on various factors such as
additional enchantments and intricacy of craftsmanship.
As a lich you are no longer a mortal creature and gain the
following traits:
Undead Nature. You do not age and do not require air,
food, drink, or sleep. To gain the effects of a long or short
rest you must still rest as normal. You are immune to
poison and all non-magical diseases.
Dead Eye. You have darkvision to a range of 120 ft.
Necrotic. You are healed by necrotic damage and take
damage from healing effects.
All phylacteries are different and unique, and can even be Lich Regeneration
enchanted for additional protection to their hosts. Stage Description
Phylacteries all, however, cost inordinate amounts of money 1 Negative energy begins to pool around the
to create, with the cheapest and most rudimentary of phylactery in a large, shapeless glob.
phylacteries costing 100,000 gp to create.
A simple metal box with no special protections may cost 2 The glob of negative energy begins to form into
100,000 gp, but if you would like a more ornate gilded jewlery your previous shape.
box with the ability to set those who try to break it on fire, 3 The glob darkens and flesh begins to grow within it.
that will cost you significantly more to create. 4 From within the mass of flesh, bones grow. Vital
organs begin to form.
Soul Ties
As a powerful undead, you will have many adventurers and 5 Organs and bones are fully formed but are
do-gooders after your "life" (regardless of your true morality). unconnected.
Anyone who wishes to kill a lich will likely know of their 6 Nerve tissue and ligaments form connections
greatest weakness: their phylactery. Liches can automatically between body parts, but remain inert.
sense when your phylactery is being harmed. If your 7 Flesh forms over the body and begins to revert you
phylactery is destroyed, you feel an overwhelming sensation to your apperance before you became a lich,
of pain which will stun you (for 1d6 rounds). including deformations and scars.
As long as your phylactery has not moved from where you 8 Hair, fingernails, and pigmentation form. Blood and
have placed it, you can always sense where your phylactery is. other fluids form.
If your phylactery moves in some other way and you use the
spell Locate Object to discern its location, gaining an 9 The soul begins to reconnect itself to the body.
additional 2 miles to the range of detection. 10 Your soul connects to your body and you awaken. A
glob of negative energy with your phylactery in the
Reformation center are in the place of your heart, which can then
Where the real power of a phylactery lies, is in its power to be removed. The body then seals itself.
bring a lich back to unlife if it is destroyed. When you are
killed as a lich, your body turns to ash and your perspective
switches to that of your phylactery. Negative Energy Aquisition Via Soul
Over the course of anywhere from 1 to 10 days your body Consumption
regrows around the phylactery as described below. While Liches are simply put, not perpetual motion machines.
your body reforms you have no control over it but your mental Because they are no longer mortal and cannot digest food,
faculties are under your control. You have blindsight up to 5 ft they must regenerate the negative energy which fuels their
while reforming and can communicate telepathically up to 30 body in some other way. Most commonly this means using
ft but none of your other senses work. I have observed the mortal souls to continue ones own existance. When a lich
reformation process following these phases during the kills another mortal with an intelligence of 5 or higher, once a
reconstruction of several different liches. week, they may choose to send the creature's soul to their
phylactery, where it is absorbed and eventually drained out of
existence over the course of one month.
A lich must consume at least one soul every two months in
order to remain in peak condition. If a lich does not consume
souls at this frequency, they begin to degrade into what is
known as a demilich, their body slowly crumbling to dust as it
attempts to conserve energy in order to protect the head. If a
lich degrades into a demilich, they may no longer cast spells
and must feed on at least one soul before they are restored to
their lich form.
I have observed the degredation only once, and have yet to
witness a repeation of the process. From what I observed in
the case study, the degredation process is very painful, as well
as mentally traumatic, so those looking to become a lich of
this nature should be wary and always consume enough
As an academically arcane lich you have delved deep into the
secrets of the arcane and are a powerful spellcaster.

Lich Regeneration PART 2 | ARCANE LICH 3

Spell Slots Protection of the Grave
As an arcane lich, you use the multiclass spellcaster table on When you reach your 5th level as an arcane lich, you gain
page 165 of the Player's Handbook. Every lich level you learn immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
a number of spells designated by the Total Spells Learned nonmagical weapons. In addition, thrice per long rest, you
section on the class table. may reroll any failed saving throw and use the higher number.
You may learn a spell of any level for which you have spell
slots and that are from either the lich spell list or the spell list
of your other class(es). Truesight
For instance, a level 17 character who is wizard 10/
sorcerer 5/ arcane lich 2 would have access to any spell from In addition, when you reach your 5th level as an arcane lich,
the wizard, sorcerer, and lich tables and have access to spells you gain truesight up to 120 feet.
up to the 9th level, where if they only had 1 level in arcane
lich, they would have access to spells up to the 8th level. Notes on Wizard-Liches
Spellcasting Ability The following section is filled with various information on
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your lich spells. this classification of lich and tips on surviving as one.
Learning from the mistakes and triumphs of those before you
Ritual Casting can only benefit you in the long-run.
You may cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag
and you have the spell prepared. Methodology
Spellcasting Focus
Although, as I have previously stated, all liches I have
You may continue using the same spellcasting focus as you encountered have been highly unique individuals, there are
have in the past. The focus may be used to cast spells from certain methodologies which liches of certain types tend to
your previous levels as well as your lich levels. share, purely because they are effective in keeping the lich in
question alive.
One particular habit, I have noticed, is that of the members
Paralyzing Touch of a group or organization of like-minded necromancers
Once you reach 2nd level as an arcane lich, you gain a which are on friendly terms to trade phylacteries with one
paralyzing touch. Once per long rest you may make a melee another in order to confound those who may be after their
spell attack for 4d6 cold damage. The target must succeed on "lives".
a Constitution saving throw against your lich spellcasting DC The average lich may hide their phylactery deep
or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target may repeat the underground within a labyrinth of deadly traps and monsters,
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect or relegate the object to a dimention full of nothing but
on itself on a success. objects imbued with magic which all look identical to the
phylactery, but the above average lich will plot with another
Frightening Gaze lich and hide each other's phylacteries in similarly
inpeneterable strongholds.
When you reach 3rd level as an arcane lich, your eyes inspire This way if Mr. Big Dumb Paladin comes waltzing in
fear in your enemies. Once per long rest you may fix your expecting to destroy the phylactery of one lich and succeeds,
gaze on a creature that you can see within 100 feet of you. going on his merry way to attempt the murder of a lich which
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your still has a phylactery intact and wins the fight, he has still lost.
lich spellcasting DC or be frightened for 10 minutes. The The lich who the phylactery truely belonged to has now felt
frightened target may repeat the saving throw at the end of its destruction and, unobserved by Mr. Paladin, has time to
each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a target's reconstruct it while his cohort regenerates in safety.
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target
is immune to your gaze for the next 24 hours. On Choosing Your Phylactery
Disrupt Life Please, refrain from making your phylactery a large and
obvious amulet you wear around your neck at all times. There
When you reach your 4th level as an arcane lich, you gain a is a certain individual I know who made this mistake. She's
powerful necrotic power to drain the life energy of those dead now. For real. So, what kind of containers make the best
around you. Once per long rest, you may use an action to phylacteries? Well, really use your imagination. Any small
drain the life force of all living creatures within 40 feet of you. container.
These creatures must make a Constitution saving throw Make it an opaque bottle which you keep on an
against your lich spellcasting DC, taking 8d6 necrotic unnoteworthy shelf full of bottles. Make it a jewlery box with
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a a false exterior compartment. The adventurers routing
successful one. through your posessions will likely be so distracted by the
simple magic amulet you keep in it that they will take that
and leave the box. The possibilities are endless.


On Picking a Fight
As powerful a spellcaster as you are, there is likely always
going to be someone out there who can best you in a basic
fight. I don't care how much you care about "honor" in
combat, you are a higher being. Those out to destroy you are
beneath you. Use whatever tactics keep you in one piece.
Mr. Big Dumb Paladin may be dumb, but give him an
enchanted warhammer, get him close to you and he's going to
break your bones like twigs.
For all your arcane power you are a rotting corpse and
those tend to fall apart rather easily. Make a habit of
practicing and learning spells which teleport and conceal you,
and find or create clothing which augments this ability.
Learn long-ranged offensive spells, practice those, do not
let a BDP get too close to you with that hammer of his.
Mental Health
Stereotypes often exist for a reason. I cannot stress the
importance of this section enough. Being mentally and
emotionally unstable is a one way ticket to becoming the
irrational, obsessive villian that this kind of lich is well known
for being. Often, if a wizard-lich is not already alone in the
world, and has a few friends, they die eventually, and the lich
succumbs to a solitude-induced madness. Do not let this
happen to you.
Almost every humanoid race is social at its very core, and
needs interaction with peers to remain stable and happy. As
much of a genius as you think you are (or actually are), take a
step back from your research and personal persuits on a
regular basis in order to socalize in some way. As the ages go
by and your friends die, find new ones. If you don't know
fellow liches, disguise yourself and venture into civilization
regularly. It may seem like quite a risk to do so, but being
lonely is an even greater risk to you than the average city
In my opinion, this should be as much of a priority to you as
consuming souls. You may live forever, but do you want to do
so as a raving lunatic?


The Divine Lich

ivine liches are those who were clerics or druids The Pilgrimage (or Trial)
in life, most likely in service to gods of life,
death, autumn, winter, time, magic, knowledge, Once a Cleric has made their intentions of ascending into
disease and night. They have made a pact of undeath known to their diety through prayer, and the diety
loyalty with these divine forces in order to finds the Cleric worthy, they may recieve visions leading them
become a lich so that they may continue their on a trial to a far off place to fulfill some greater purpose in
service to greater powers. order to prove that they are worthy of undeath.

Divine Lich
Level Features
1st Relic, Lichdom
2nd Blessed Undead
3rd Banish Good/Evil
4th Summon Spirits
5th Divine Armor, Soulsight

15th Level Spellcaster. Completing the trials and proving
your loyalty and worthyness to your god(dess) necessary
to ascend to undeath requires much skill and hard work.
The majority of these levels (min 8) must be in Cleric with
a total of 15 spellcasting levels.
16 Wisdom. The trials required to prove oneself worthy of
ascension require a high level of wisdom.
Religion Proficiency. Knowledge of the divine nature of
life and death are needed in order to achieve lichdom.
Completion of a Trial. In order to ascend into undeath,
you must complete an arduous trial which your god(dess)
grants to you in order to prove your devotion and worth.
Relic Resources. The divine relic which will contain your
soul requires very difficult to aquire components to be
gathered outside of the Trial in order for your relic to be
shaped by your patron.

As a lich you are no longer a mortal creature and gain the
following traits:
Undead Nature. You do not age and do not require air,
food, drink, or sleep. To gain the effects of a long or short
rest you must still rest as normal. You are immune to
poison and all non-magical diseases.
Dead Eye. You have darkvision to a range of 120 ft.
Necrotic. You are healed by necrotic damage and take
damage from healing effects.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lich level
Hit Points: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per level
3 | DIVINE LICH (or Trial)
Records of these Trials vary widely depending on which Energy Aquisition via Holy Deeds
god(dess) the Cleric serves. A death god inclined to the side
of what most would call evil, for instance, may order their In order to be blessed with the energy to continue as a lich, a
servant to kill all the members of a village that (in the diety's Divine lich must continue to preform holy deeds that their
eyes) should not exist. A god of night may require the Cleric deity approves of. If they ever falter in their services, or
to find a way to visit the heavens, or tame a giant, legendary disobey their deity, their relic returns the soul to the lich's
owl. body and they are left to slowly degrade into a kind of mortal
Once this Trial has been completed, the Cleric has proven demilich unless they can attone for their actions.
themself worthy of serving their god(dess) in undeath, and my Due to the nature of deities that these liches often serve,
gather the parts of their relic. these holy deeds often include killing mortals for one reason
or another. This is not the only service a lich can perform,
however. Those worshipping deities less fixated on killing
Relic Creation (or Second Trial) may simply need to retrieve an artifact every decade, start a
Much like a phylactery, a relic contains the soul of a lich. grand place of worship and vow to upkeep it, etc.
However, the two are entirely different in nature. While a Because of this, Divine liches are always busy with
phylactery is created by an intelligent mortal, a relic is created something. If they ever stop serving their deity, they will be
by a patron diety when a Cleric who has passed their Trial reduced to a shell of their former self. They're always on
presents the necessary components to their god(dess). some quest, upkeeping some organization, or out to murder
Much like the journey asked of by a Trial, gathering the some important person. There is no rest for them.
parts of a relic often involves a grand quest of some kind,
leading the would be lich anywhere in the world in search of Blessed Undead
items such as unicorn tears or dragon scales. Once three
items have been gathered, the cleric sets up a suitable altar to The undead you create are blessed by your god or gods.
their diety on which the items are presented. Because of this, their attacks count as +1 magical attacks
After this step, the diety appears in some form before the regardless of how they are attacking. They also gain +2 to
protolich, combines the items into a totally unique relic, and Armor Class. If you are of good or neutral alignment, their
rips the immortal soul from their loyal Cleric, storing it in the attacks count as radiant damage. If you are of an evil
divine object and disappearing. alignment their attacks count as necrotic damage. Undead
If a Divine lich's relic is destroyed, they are rendered mortal under your control have advantage on all saving throws to
until they can present three more objects to be made into a resist turning.
new relic. Because the relic is a Divine lich's greatest
weakness, it is important that they make appropriate Banish Good/Evil
reliquaries to store their relics in, similar in the strongholds As a powerful undead you are able to send your enemies to
and tombs that arcane liches create. the realm of the undead: Shadowfell, upon reaching your 3rd
level in Divine lich. As an action you may choose up to 3
When a Divine lich is destroyed, their body turns to ash, and creatures you can see which are within 30 feet of you and
they travel to wherever their relic is located. They reform within 10 feet of each other, and attempt to banish them to
much the way that an arcane lich, taking about the same the realm of Shadowfell.
amount of time to do so and following the same basic stages. The targets must attempt a Wisdom saving throw against
They reform looking however their deity sees fit, and so the your Divine lich spell save DC. On a failure they are cast into
apparance of a Divine lich does not change much over time. If the dimension for 30 minutes. If they pass the saving throw
their deity wills them to be forever stuck in a certain stage of they remain in the material plane.
decay, that is how they shall look. If the deity wishes for their Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again
worshipper to always look as though they were still alive until you finish a long rest.
(much like a vampire), then that is how they shall look. Summon Spirits
Soul Ties At 4th level you gain the ablility to call upon the departed to
As a powerful undead, you will have many adventurers and aid you in one of two ways.
do-gooders after your "life" (regardless of your true morality). First, you may summon a ghost of someone you knew
Anyone who wishes to kill a lich will likely know of their when they were alive to speak to. This ghost cannot move
greatest weakness: their phylactery. Liches can automatically from where you summoned them and cannot make any attack
sense when their phylactery is being harmed (or in your case, actions or harm anyone in any way.
relic). If your relic is destroyed, you feel an overwhelming Secondly, you may summon the ghost of a random
sensation of pain which will stun you (for 1d6 rounds). deceased to fight by your side until they are either dispelled,
As long as your phylactery has not moved from where you reduced to 0 hit points, or until 1 hour has passed.
have placed it, you can always sense where your phylactery is. Once this ability has been used, it may not be used again
If your phylactery moves in some other way you will until you finish a long rest.
occasionally recieve visions of its location. These visions can
range from very specific and helpful to extremely vague
depending on how your deity feels about you losing your relic.


Divine Armor Because of this risk it is recommended to undersell your
own abilities to the congregation, take every step necessary
When you reach your 5th level as a Divine lich, you are now to ensure their focus remains on your deity lest your
healed by both necrotic damage and healing effects. In congregation become nothing more than a cult of personality.
addition you gain immunity to radiant damage and have a This piety, however, must be balanced with a healthy dose
permanent +3 to Armor Class. of self-interest. You must not allow these people to worship
you, but at the same time you must have enough of their
respect for them to give their lives protecting your reliquary.
In addition, when you reach 5th level as a divine lich, you gain
a passive ability called soulsight. Soulsight allows you to see
the souls and auras of those around you up to a radius of 120
feet. From gazing upon a soul you are able to discern the
target's allignment, and if they have commited any great acts
of evil or good in their lives. A soul who has murdered
hundreds of people but has since become a force for good, for
instance, will appear as a glowing golden form but with
deformations and bloodstains.
You must focus on a specific individual for at least 10
minutes to gain a full understanding of their soul. If you focus
on a soul for a shorter period than this, you gain less and
vaguer information.

Notes on Divine Liches

The following section is filled with a few notes on the few
divine liches which I have encountered. Keep in mind that
most of my exposure to this particular type of lich have been
those who worship... less savory gods. While a deity such as
Chang'e, a goddess of immortality and the moon is an
example of a kinder deity which would allow their followers
to become liches, most who I have encountered worship...
less forgiving powers.
Not too much is to be said about the survival tactics of Divine
liches, as they often have to travel constantly in order to fulfill
quests for their deity. Because a Divine lich's relic is nearly
identical in function to your standard arcane phylactery,
similar measures should be taken to protect it.
Because they are embodiments of their deity's will and
powerful clerics, these liches often build great temples with a
reliquary to contain their relic. These temples are tightly
guarded by their followers, and their reliquary is often
enchanted with extremely powerful divine magic.
The most common type of reliquary is that shaped like a
coffin large enough to hold the lich's body. This way if the lich
is defeated it may regenerate within this coffin-reliquary with
all the added protections with wich the reliquary already has
Gathering a Following
Gathering a mortal following to worship your god within a
temple holding your reliquary is your best bet of protection.
However you should be sure as to not allow these followers to
worship you more than they worship your deity. If they end up
worshipping you more than your patron there is a strong
chance that the source of your power could interpret this as
an act of rebellion, grow jealous, and strip you of your power.


Druidic Lich

iches who gain their undead status through the
power of natural magics are rather unlike any
other kind of lich. Really, a more specific name
for this kind of lich is a "Siabrae". Instead of
having their soul contained within a container,
a Siabrae instead performs a ritual in which it
gives its soul to the earth while in the center of
a henge which has stones engraved with necromantic runes.

Druidic Lich
Level Features Spells Learned
1st One with the Land, Lichdom 0
2nd Animal/Plant Spirit 1
3rd Stone Bones 2
4th Blight Creation 3
5th Archsiabrae, Earthsight 4

15th Level Spellcaster. Completing the ritual necessary
to ascend to undeath requires much skill and hard work.
The majority of these levels (min 8) must be in Druid with
a total of 15 spellcasting levels.
16 Wisdom. The ritual required to become one with
nature and the material plane forever require a high level
of wisdom to perform.
Nature Proficiency. Knowledge of the natural cycles of
life and death are needed in order to achieve lichdom.
Completion of a Ritual. In order to become a Siabrae
one must complete a ritual, the nature of which remains a
tightly guarded secret held by only the eldest Druids and
other Siabrae.
Henge Construction. The ritual to become a Druidic lich
requires the construction of eight intricately carved
standing stones, which require master craftsmanship and
several decades of work for a single person to complete.
As a lich you are no longer a mortal creature and gain the
following traits:
Undead Nature. You do not age and do not require air,
food, drink, or sleep. To gain the effects of a long or short
rest you must still rest as normal. You are immune to
poison and all non-magical diseases.
Dead Eye. You have darkvision to a range of 120 ft.
Necrotic. You are healed by necrotic damage and take
damage from healing effects.


Hit Points The exact nature of the druidic runes needed, the
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lich level incantations, and the process of giving ones soul to the land
Hit Points: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per level was barred from my knowledge. Anyone looking to become a
Siabrae must gain this knowledge from elsewhere, much to
my displeasure.
Henge Sculpting Reformation
The circle of eight standing stones necessary for a druid to Upon destruction a Siabrae collapses into a pile of bones if
become a lich require an astounding level of craftsmanship they sculpted their henge with the design of an animal, or a
and dedication to complete. Although there are acceptions to pile of leaves, flowers, etc. if they chose to sculpt their henge
the rule, Druids often spend several decades in solemn with the design of a plant.
isolation creating their henge if they are to ascend. At least, The Siabrae then begins to reform its skeletal body deep in
this is what I have heard from my extremly limited sources. the earth anywhere within a ten mile radius of its place of
From what I have gathered, a Siabrae remains tied to the destruction. This regeneration process takes one full lunar
henge at which they were created and if this henge is cycle to complete, and little is known about the exact
demolished, the Siabrae will truly die upon destruction. reconstruction process past this.
Because of this simple fact, Siabrae will often grow thick, My source tells me that he has had to reform only once and
insurpassable foliage around their henge, or place a number while he was, he could hear and see through the eyes and
of traps and enchantments around it. ears of plants within a one mile radius of his location. Given
that his henge was attuned to the spirit of a maple tree, one
Ritual Secrets can assume that if the Siabrae had been attuned to an animal,
they would be able to see and hear through the animals
Among those very few Druids who do know of the rituals within a one mile radius of their location.
necessary to become a lich, very few of them have Once the Siabrae's skeleton has reformed, they may
transcribed these secrets or would ever dare to give them up. emerge from the earth fully formed but without any clothing
Part of this is due to the already hyper-secretive nature of or equipment they had when they were bested.
Druidic circles, and the other part is due to the unique nature
of the Siabrae ritual. Energy Aquisition via Soul
From my limited knowledge of the ritual, I can entirely
understand why a Siabrae would hold the specifics of it so Consumption or Blighting
tightly. Due to the ritual's mechanisms, it is entirely possible Much like the arcane lich, Siabrae may consume souls in
for one to make a henge and then force another to become a order to upkeep the energy needed for day to day function. In
Siabrae against their will. I have yet to hear of a first hand order to do this they must simply kill an intelligent humanoid
account of this happening, however. (5 or more intelligence) with the purpose of consuming their
Thankfully for you, the reader, I have a singular source of soul and returning their body to the earth. They need only
this ritual knowledge. Although he was extremely vague one soul every three months in order to upkeep their body.
about the specifics of how he personally completed the Unlike the arcane lich, however, a Siabrae also has the
process, he was willing to release enough information to me option to blight and curse an area of land in order to drain the
in the interest of others being warned against the process. natural energy from it. This option provides a constant
stream of energy for a Siabrae to utilize so that they do not
The Ritual need to supplement with souls or additional blighted land.
The vague outline of the ritual process is as follows. A henge One must keep in mind, however, that as a Siabrae's power
is constructed, druidic runes are carefully enscribed into grows, so does the amount of land they must keep blighted in
eight unique stones, each representing a cardinal direction. order to upkeep their energy.
The design of the stones must integrate the likeness or Blighted land will appear sickly and dead. Plants will be
general aesthetic of an animal or plant that they feel twisted and blackened, and animals will appear sickly. A
particularly drawn to. desert will be devoid of any life at all. In reality what is truly
The Druid then must recite a number of incantations, occuring is that, when the land produces natural energy,
charging the circle for a full year with natural energy. The rather than that energy being used to grow the plants or
purpose of this stage is to imbue the stones with aspects of nourish the animals, the land gets only enough energy to stay
the seasons, each stone now representing a stage in the year alive while you take the rest for yourself.
(the icy chill of winter, the melting of snow, the blossoming of In order to blight an area a Siabrae must preform (once
spring, etc.). This stage helps tie the stones to the cycle of again, secret) rituals over the course of one lunar cycle for
nature, and in turn time itself. every ten square miles they blight. Keep in mind more
After the year has passed the Druid may step into the mortally-inclined druids, do-good paladins, etc. will work to
center of the henge and begin their transformation, giving find ways to ruin your hard work and restore this land to
their soul to the earth. The Druid then collapses into the normal, often requiring some artifact of "goodness" or
earth and reemerges after the passing of one lunar cycle as a preforming counter-rituals of some form.
skeletal version of their mortal form.


Land Needed Spirit Powers
Lich Levels Area (in square miles) Creature Ability
1 5 Bird Grow skeletal wings, 30 ft. flight.
2 10 Deer +6 to Perception checks
3 20 Cat +6 to Stealth checks
4 50 Flowering Plant +6 to Persuasion checks
5 100 Tree Barkskin as a permanent effect

On Spirit Powers
As a Druidic lich you can channel the divine and raw essence
of nature itself, and can cast spells to shape that essence to The previous table was not intended to be a list of
all possible animal and plant spirit powers, but
your will. rather as an example of the kinds of abilities that
should be granted to the Siabrae. If a player wishes
Spell Slots to have a unique spirit not listed here, collaboration
As a Siabrae, you use the multiclass spellcaster table on page between the player and DM on choosing a suitable
165 of the Player's Handbook. Every lich level you learn a power is of the upmost priority.
number of spells designated by the Total Spells Learned
section on the class table.
You may learn a spell of any level for which you have spell
slots and that are from either the lich spell list or the spell list Stone Bones
of your other class(es). Your bones gain an even greater connection with the earth. At
For instance, a level 17 character who is druid 10/ sorcerer your thrid druidic lich level you gain a burrowing speed equal
5/ druidic lich 2 would have access to any spell from the to your land speed, melding with the ground. This innate
druid, sorcerer, and lich tables and have access to spells up to connection also grants you with 30 ft tremorsense.
the 9th level, where if they only had 1 level in druidic lich, they Additionally, you may use an action while in the ground to
would have access to spells up to the 8th level. pull another creature down with you. When you attempt to do
this, you must successfully grapple the creature If they fail,
Spellcasting Ability you may transport them through the earth with you to any
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your lich spells. location within your land speed's radius.
Ritual Casting Blight Creation
You may cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag
and you have the spell prepared. As an undying creature of the land, you may use your druidic
magic to create Blights (Monster Manual page 32) out of
Spellcasting Focus plants using Animate Dead or Create Undead in place of
You may continue using the same spellcasting focus as you creating a zombie, ghoul or skeleton starting at 4th level.
have in the past. The focus may be used to cast spells from If using Animate Dead, which normally creates one zombie
your previous levels as well as your lich levels. or skeleton under your control, you may create two Twig
Blights or one Needle Blight.
One with the Land If using Create Undead, which normally creates up to three
Upon becoming a lich, you have a henge which includes ghouls, you may instead create up to six Vine Blights, twelve
designs of an animal or plant which you are attuned to. If you Needle Blights, or twenty four Twig Blights.
are destroyed, you regenerate underground within the stone Archsiabrae
in a random location within ten miles of where you were
"killed" over the course of one lunar cycle. At 5th level you have reached the peak of your growth as a
lich. You may now transform using Wild Shape an unlimited
amount of times.
Animal/Plant Spirit
After spending enough time in your new form, you gain an
attribute corresponding to the attuned plant or animal in your Also at 5th level you have become so permanently attuned to
henge at your 2nd level. A Siabrae attuned to a deer will gain the natural energies of the material plane that you may view
one attribute of the animal, such as antlers, the skeletal hind- the world through the plants and animals around you.
legs of a deer, or even an entire deer skull head. A Siabrae With 10 minutes of careful meditation, you may view the
attuned to ivy may continually find themselves covered with a world through the eyes of any plant or animal within 1 mile of
growth of the plant and so on. This attunement gives a druid your position.
a unique ability depending on the creature they are tied to. In addition, your tremorsense range expands to a 60 foot

Spirit Powers
Part of this is due to the fact that he is very young, and
Notes on Siabrae therefore has not lived long enough to see mortals around
The following is a list of observations and advice on "living" him die, but his efforts are commendable nonetheless.
as a Siabrae, mostly based on my observations of the two
Siabrae I have met and spoken to.
Protecting your Henge
Protecting your Henge is of the upmost importance. While
the arcane lich is simply able to reconstruct their phylactery,
once a Sinabrae's henge is destroyed, there is no fixing it. If
Big Dumb Paladin decides to demolish your henge, you are
no better than the abominations that are awakened skeletons.
At that point you are merely a shambling corpse with
This is why you must always keep the location of your
henge a secret, as well as take careful steps to safeguard it.
My sources tell me that the best way to do this is to be very
wary of diviners and psions, as well as to install a complex
web of traps, illusions, magical safeguards, and natural
labyrinths around the location of your henge, without
overdoing it in a fashion which would make it obvious that
something is being hidden there.
Don't, for instance, place obvious protective totems around
the area, or an obvious wall of brambles a mile high. Those
things just scream "there is an evil presence here, please kill
Instead, use more subtle measures. Carve runes meant to
make it appear as if the area is empty, and cover the runes
with heavy foliage. Form the landscape to subtly direct
travelers around your henge rather than blatently bar them
from entering the area. Make sure to keep large game and
berries from growing in the area, as this may attract the
unassuming hunter or forager.
Be sure to take measures to ward the area against being
divined, and attempt to find or create magically enchanted
items which prevent others from reading your thoughts.

If you are to engage an enemy, do so in a place in which you
have the advantage. As a Siabrae, you are skeletal, and can be
easily broken with the right blunt object.
If you find yourself in a city, take all measures you can to
retreat into the wild, where you can confound, run, hide, and
overall take the upper hand on your enemy. This seems
obvious, but you would be surprised by the stupidity of...
certain people.
Mental Health
Do not lose your mind to lonliness, keep in touch with the
things that brought you happiness before you ascended. Keep
animal companions, make friends, garden, whatever.
Living forever can be a mentally and emotionally trying
ordeal. Don't become the mindless villian that do-good
adventurers expect you to be.
This is something that my main source is exceedingly good
at. Although his combative thinking and strategic planning is
laughable, he is at least smart enough to disguise himself as a
mortal and interact with people very frequently.


The Bardic Lich

uite possibly the rarest form of lich, the
bardic lich is formed from one who was Lichdom
a practitioner of bardic magic in life. As a lich you are no longer a mortal creature and gain the
Astoundingly, they aren't all complete following traits:
wrecks once they lose the ability to
become drunk. Rather, most bardic Undead Nature. You do not age and do not require air,
liches become what they are out of their food, drink, or sleep. To gain the effects of a long or short
love of the mortal planes, of a hunger to continue on through rest you must still rest as normal. You are immune to
the ages and observe history be made again and again. They poison and all non-magical diseases.
often simply never want the experience of life to end, or to Dead Eye. You have darkvision to a range of 120 ft.
miss out on what the future has to hold. Necrotic. You are healed by necrotic damage and take
damage from healing effects.
Bardic Lich
Bardic Lich
Level Features Spells Learned
1st Soul Instrument, Lichdom 0
2nd Syncopation 1
3rd Ritornello 3
4th Nocturne Sonata 4
5th Tutti, Artistic Vision 5

15th Level Spellcaster. Pulling off the preformance
necessary to become a lich requires an incredible degree
of skill in bardic casting. The majority of these levels (min
8) must be in Bard with a total of 15 spellcasting levels.
16 Charisma. The complex performance necessary to
become a imbue your instrument with your soul and
become a lich require a high degree of charisma to master.
Arcana Proficiency. Knowledge of the arcane nature of
life and death are needed in order to achieve lichdom.
Performance Proficiency. You must have an
understanding of performance arts to complete the
performance to become a lich.
Arrangement of the Dead. You must find or aquire the
sheet music detailing the performance that will allow you
to ascend to lichdom. This is never an easy task and can
involve anything from voyaging to far off dimensions for
ancient tomes to making deals with death gods or art gods
for such knowledge.
Instrument Resources. All bardic liches have a musical
instrument which functions as a phylactery. The
instrument must be constructed to very specific
specifications are not cheap or simple to make and cost
anywhere from 200,000 gp to 1,000,000 gp depending on
various factors such as additional enchantments and
intricacy of craftsmanship.


Hit Points Reformation
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lich level Reforming from the soul instrument is a tricky ordeal for a
Hit Points: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per level bardic lich. They follow the same, basic stages outlined in the
section on arcane liches, but the nature of their phylactery
makes reformation extreamly risky unless they have a trusted
The Dance of Death ally to care for their instrument while they reform.
Because bardic liches must preform with their phylactery
In order for an instrument to contain a bard's soul, they must consistantly, they must keep it on their person nearly all of
perform a specific magical arrangement which may be the time. The disadvantages of this are blantantly obvious.
passed down from a college of bards, or found in some While an arcane lich or a divine lich can hide their pylactery
forgotten library far off in the multiverse. The specific piece or relic, and a druidic lich can protect their henge, the bardic
can be referred to by a multitude of names: "The Forbidden lich must keep their greatest weakness with them, relatively
Song", "The Grim Fandango", "The Great Dirge". No one has in the open and unprotected.
ever been able to reverse engineer the song, and it is This often adds to the social nature of bardic liches, who
unknown who wrote it. nearly always have at least one confidant in which they can
Once the sheet music is attained, the bard must begin an entrust their soul to. In some cases this means their
hour long performance which must remain uninterrupted biological decendants. In other cases the bardic lich has an
under risk of an instant, permanent death. The song must be apprentice or fellow lich they can trust. Very rarely, a bardic
performed with an instrument made specifically for holding lich will even entrust their instrument to a mortal lover or
the soul of the bard, similar in runic design to the arcane close friend (although I personally would not recommend this
lich's phylactery. method).
If a bard fails to perform the song perfectly, they die
permanently, their soul cast into the outer planes and chained Spellcasting
there by divine forces. If they succeed, they fall to the ground,
body ceasing function as their soul travels into the As a bardic lich you have delved deep into the secrets of the
instrument. The bard reawakens merely seconds later, now arcane and are a powerful spellcaster.
Those who wish to perform this song must be aware that Spell Slots
all who hear it within 200 feet of you will be drained of their As a bardic lich, you use the multiclass spellcaster table on
vitality as though affected by the Blight spell continuously page 165 of the Player's Handbook. Every lich level you learn
(every round). a number of spells designated by the Total Spells Learned
section on the class table.
The Soul Instrument You may learn a spell of any level for which you have spell
A bardic lich's soul instrument is very similar to a lich's slots and that are from either the lich spell list or the spell list
phylactery. It contains the lich's soul and if destroyed, will of your other class(es).
render the lich mortal as their soul enters their body. A bardic For instance, a level 17 character who is bard 10/ sorcerer
lich may simply replace a broken instrument by preforming 5/ arcane lich 2 would have access to any spell from the bard,
the necessary song with a new one, which is a much easier sorcerer, and lich tables and have access to spells up to the
process than what is required of creating a new arcane 9th level, where if they only had 1 level in bardic lich, they
phylactery. would have access to spells up to the 8th level.
Unlike the academically arcane lich's phylactery, the
instrument does not need to be fed souls. The caveat of this, Spellcasting Ability
however, comes in what does need to be done instead. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your lich spells.
Energy Aquisition via Artistic Ritual Casting
You may cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag
Creation and you have the spell prepared.
The downside of not needing to feed on souls to survive, is
the vulnerablility of needing to keep your soul instrument Spellcasting Focus
with you at all times. This is because the instrument must be You may use a magical instrument as your spellcasting focus.
preformed on at least once every three days for a duration no This extends to your soul instrument.
shorter than 30 minutes in front of a minimum of one
intelligent, non-undead creature in order for the bardic lich to Syncopation
retain enough energy to survive, lest they degrade into a At 2nd level you may add a section to your songs full of
demilich. unexpected, highly varying rhythms in order to produce a
The energy in question comes from a combination of magical effect which causes you to appear, smell, feel, and
expressing creative energy, and feeding on the emotional sound like a mortal version of yourself.
response of those who hear that release. Thus, being a bardic You can feel and smell and taste as you did in life, but lack
lich is rather risky, as it requires the lich in question to the ability to metabolize food and drink. In essence you may
remain in constant contact with mortals, at constant risk of use a chaotic rhythmic pattern in order to mimic the chaos of
being exposed to the, frankly uneducated masses as a life, and temporarily bestow this chaos upon yourself for up
"monster". to 3 hours.


Ritornello Live as someone who is well known in your place of
residence, where everyone is an aquaintence. At most have a
At 3rd level as an action you may play a short musical few distant friends and do not let anyone too far into your
interlude in order to temporarily transport yourself between personal life.
the fabric of the material and ethereal plane, recreating the Have a plan for if you are discovered. Have a pack ready for
effects of the Etherealness spell. if you need to leave at a moment's notice. Install magical
Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until after security measures in your place of residence and be ready to
a long rest. move at least two towns over with a new identity already
thought out.
Nocturne Sonata
At 4th level you may play a calming and heartfelt sonata Bar Fights
which fills all who hear it with an unearthly calm once per Don't get into bar fights. You need the living to upkeep your
long rest. All intelligent creatures within 200 feet of you who energy. You don't want to get ostracized from every town you
can hear the song are tempted with the promise of a sleep as try to stay in when they find out you're a corpse.
deep as the blackness of death. Because bardic liches must keep their soul instruments
The targets must all make a Charisma saving throw with them, if you are to fall in battle you will most likely die
against your bardic lich spell save DC or fall into a deep permanently rather than regenerate unless you have a
slumber until they are awoken by sufficient stimuli. If a target powerful and trusted partner who can retrieve your
passes the save DC, they are immune to this song for the next instrument and flee in the heat of a battle.
week. Learn spells which let you teleport and escape from
dangerous situations, have someone you can trust who is also
Tutti very good at escaping from a battle. You are a rare creature.
At 5th level, you gain the ability to have your undead not only It's time to abandon any notions of being a brave and
flawlessly perform songs as a brilliant, professional level honorable opponent and accept that you cannot afford such
orchestra, but also to cast spells with thier music as a 3rd tactics.
level bard would. They can preform any 1st or 2nd level spell
or cantrip you know, with four first level slots and two second Getting a Significant Other
level slots. Although I would like to simply be able to say: "Don't, just
don't." I've seen enough mortal bards to know why people call
Artistic Vision them "spoony".
By 5th level, you have an eye for all things artistic and If you love life enough to never want to pass on, you
historical. Not only can your eyes and ears understand all probably are the overly sentimental type who cries when they
languages, but simply by studying an object for 10 minutes, see sunrises and devotes their eternal soul to at least one
you may discern its entire history, from creation to the person a year. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just
present. don't get too attached to one aspect of life, because it is bound
If you were to find a painting, for example, you would know to change.
who made it, who comissioned it, every detail down to the If you want to have... intimate relations with the living, I'm
specific pigments used in the shade of red the artist used. not here to stop you. I am simply warning you to take
precautions to avoid disappointment. If your lover doesn't
know off the bat that you are undead, plan to tell them early
into the relationship. Don't have them "discover" it, as
Notes on Bardic Liches beautifully dramatic as it may seem to your narrative-driven
Although I have never personally encountered a bardic lich, head.
those who have existed have been kind enough to leave Unless your lover is devoted to you and plans to become
behind detailed records of their thoughts and abilities. These immortal in some way as well, don't get too attached to them.
are some additional notes I have gathered. And always, always make sure that your significant other isn't
some sort of undercover paladin zealot.
Staying Undead
Because of your unique relation and dependance on living
people, you will find yourself "living" in a more precarious
situations than most liches do.
Unless you feel it is absolutely necessary, and that you can
absolutely trust a particular person. Do not, under any
circumstances, allow mortals to discover your true nature.
Although bardic liches may live peacefully umong the
living, as they do not need to collect souls, the living will
rarely be educated or intelligent enough to realize such a
nuance. If you are discovered, you will be seen as, at best, an
arcane lich, and at worst, a shambling monsterous corpse
which must be destroyed at any cost.


The Pact Lich

t first glance, one would think a warlock could
never become a lich. Becoming a lich often
requires an extreme commitment to learning
secrets on the part of the to-be lich. A warlock,
on the other hand, becomes a lich by making
this desire known to their Patron and, if the
Patron approves and the warlock proves
themself worthy, the Patron may transform them. This is, of
course, if the Patron has some sway over the forces life and
death in the first place.

Pact Lich
Spells Invocations
Level Features Learned Learned
1st Fetish, Lichdom 0 0
2nd Mystic Arcanium 1 0
3rd Pins and Needles 1 1
4th Horrors of Undeath 2 1
5th Pact of Death, Vision of 2 2
the Ancients

15th Level Spellcaster. Pulling off the test necessary to
become a lich requires an incredible degree of skill in pact
magic casting. The majority of these levels (min 8) must
be in Warlock with a total of 15 spellcasting levels.
16 Charisma. The level of power you must be capable of
displaying to impress your Patron requires a high level of
Persuasion Proficiency. In order to convince your Patron
to even consider bestowing such a wonderous power to
you, you must have a tongue of silver.
Test. The Patron of the warlock will likely be stingy with
handing out such a large power to just any servant of
theirs, and the warlock will need to prove themselves as
above average in the Patron's eyes. Sometimes this will
mean being pitted against other servants of the Patron in
a competition for power. Other times this will mean going
on some great, nearly impossible quest on the Patron's
The Right Patron. In order for a warlock to become a
lich, they must be serving a Patron which has some power
and willingness to bend the rules of life and death.
Patrons such as Ancient Hags, The Queen of Air and
Darkness, Orcus, Tharizdun, Dendar, Erebus, Achlys,
Geras, The Moirai, Thanatos, Yanwang, Hēidì, and the
Entropic Lord are all theoretically capable of such a feat
along with any ancient liches and undead with a large
amount of power at their disposal.


Because of the nature of this process, the only way for a
Lichdom Pact lich to be truly killed is for their fetish to be destroyed
As a lich you are no longer a mortal creature and gain the before they are, as being killed transports both the lich and
following traits: the fetish to an inaccessible dimension until they are
Undead Nature. You do not age and do not require air,
food, drink, or sleep. To gain the effects of a long or short Energy Aquisition via Sacrifice
rest you must still rest as normal. You are immune to In order to aquire more energy with which to survive, a Pact
poison and all non-magical diseases. lich must make sacrifices to their Patron. In most cases this
Dead Eye. You have darkvision to a range of 120 ft. means following through with a complex ritual in which
Necrotic. You are healed by necrotic damage and take captures not only the victim's soul, but their body into the
damage from healing effects. lich's fetish.
Hit Points This ritual is a means of showing the lich's devotion and
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lich level takes at least 12 hours to perform. This ritual must be
Hit Points: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per level completed at least once every 6 months. After the ritual is
complete the Patron will bestow upon their servant enough
energy with which to survive another half year.
The Fetish Spellcasting
Upon passing whatever test their patron required of them, As a Pact lich you can channel the power from your Patron in
the warlock is gifted with a fetish. This fetish can be made of order to produce magical effects.
stone, gemstone, twigs, etc. it can even be a small painting of
the warlock but in some way it will resemble them. Spell Slots
This is their phylactery, and it serves nearly an identical As a Pact lich, you use the multiclass spellcaster description
purpose to an arcane lich's phylactery, only that it may be on page 164 of the Player's Handbook under the Pact Magic
used to produce various magical effects, and must remain section. Every lich level you learn a number of spells
within a certain distance of the warlock in order for the designated by the Total Spells Learned section on the class
warlock to retain their powers. table.
If the warlock leaves the fetish's zone of influence, they will You may learn a spell of any level for which you have spell
not regenerate if they are killed, and lose all spellcasting slots and that are from either the lich spell list or the spell list
abilities and invocations granted to them by being a lich. of your other class(es) and use the spell slots from your Pact
Having a fetish, however, is not without its upsides. As a Pact Magic feature to cast spells you know of have prepared from
lich grows in power, they may learn to use their fetish in other classes and vice versa.
powerful ways. Levels in Pact lich effect the levels of spells you are able to
Allowed Distance from Fetish cast as seen on the Multiclass Spellcaster table on page 165
Lich Level Distance in Miles of the PHB and count as a class in the same category as
wizard, bard, etc.
1 3 For instance, a level 17 character who is warlock 10/
2 6 sorcerer 5/ Pact lich 2 would have access to any spell from
3 12
the warlock, sorcerer, and lich tables and have access to
spells up to the 5th level, and have 2 spell slots from their
4 25 warlock class.
5 50 In addition their 5 levels in sorcerer and 2 in Pact lich
would make them a 7th level multiclass spellcaster on the
respective table, giving them the amount of slots normally
When a Pact lich is defeated, its body erupts into a suitable allocated to someone of that level.
material corresponding to their Patron. A lich who serves a If you take this class as a level 8 warlock (the minimum
devil, for instance, will erupt into flame. If they serve a deity of amount required of the class), your slot level becomes 5th
shadows they will erupt into waves of darkness and so on. level upon taking your first level in this class.
Their fetish, likewise, erupts in a similar way and the soul of Spellcasting Ability
the lich is transported into a pocket dimension aesthetically Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your lich spells.
and thematically representative of their Patron.
From there the lich follows a nearly identical reformation Ritual Casting
process to what I have described in the section on arcane You may cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag
liches, except with a new fetish acting as a temporary heart. and you have the spell prepared.
Once the body is ready, the new fetish can be removed from
the position of the heart and the hole is resealed. Spellcasting Focus
The warlock then appears in the place where it died, You may continue using the same spellcasting focus as you
teleporting from the pocket dimension to the material plane. have in the past. The focus may be used to cast spells from
your previous levels as well as your lich levels.


Mystic Arcanium Your clones are still connected and cannot travel more than
500 feet from you without dissapating and returning their
Upon reaching your 2nd level in Pact lich, you a magical power into the original. When one uses a class ability which
secret known as an arcanium. If you have not previously has only one use per long rest or a simlar ability, that use is
gained an arcanium, you gain the 6th-level spell version of the used up and no other clone can use it until the clones are
arcanium as described in the Player's Handbook. If you dispersed and the original rests the necessary amount.
already have an arcanium, you gain the next stage in the
arcanium. Dark Flock
For example, if you have already been bestowed up to the As an action, you may transform in to a flock of crows once
7th-level spell arcanium, the arcanium you gain from this per long rest.
feature will be of 8th-level. If you have gained the 8th-level
arcanium, you gain the 9th-level spell arcanium and so on. Deception Barrier
After preparing for one full minute, you gain truesight up to
Pins and Needles 20 feet and can discern all lies you hear. The effects last for
Upon reaching your 3rd lich level, you gain the ability to use 10 minutes, and a long rest is needed before this invocation
your fetish offensively in a variety of ways. By focusing on a can be used again.
creature for three rounds, you may attune their body to your Eyes of the Oracle
fetish, and harm them. You gain blindsight up to 60 feet and can cast Scrying once
By poking the fetish with a needle, you can inflict 3d6 without using a spell slot. You can't do so again until you
piercing damage. By placing the fetish in fire, you can light finish a long rest.
the target on fire, inflicting 3d6 fire damage. Freezing the
fetish induces 3d6 cold damage and so on. Forceful Polymorph
Prerequisite: Polymorph or True Polymorph spell
Horrors of Undeath When you cast Polymorph or True Polymorph on an
Upon reaching your 4th level, you may envoke a terrifying unwilling victim, you may choose to augment the effect.
illusion which may affect any senses you wish. Any creature When the victim makes a Wisdom saving throw against the
within 150 feet of you which perceives this illusion must pass polymorph, and fails by 8 or more, the polymorph
a Charisma saving throw against your Pact lich spell save DC automatically becomes permanent, and can only be fixed by
or be stricken by an otherworldly terror for 5 minutes. the target being polymorphed again, or by a Wish.
Shapechangers are still immune to the permanence.
Pact of Death
At your 5th Pact lich level, you have reached a level of power Ghost Step
which allows you to make pacts with mortals, becoming a As a bonus action, you may become incorporeal as described
Patron yourself. As you make pacts with young warlocks, you in the Etherealness spell for 3 rounds once per long rest.
may use them as you please, even summoning them to your Psionic Mind
side in times of need. Prerequisite: 15th level
You may cast Telekinesis once per long rest without
Vision of the Ancients expending a spell slot.
Also at 5th level, your eyes have gained the ability to see
through time in a variety of ways. Upon observing a creature Notes on Pact Liches
for 10 uninterrupted minutes, you may discern their entire
heritage, their family tree, and vague details of any people of The following section contains general information on
interest represented in their blood. You may also see in "living" as a lich in a pact with a Patron. My main source was
darkness, magical or otherwise, as though you were in broad in a Pact with Dendar, the Night Serpant.
Because your fetish is such a vulnerability, it is often the
New Eldrich Invocations wisest course of action to do your best to disguise the fact
that you have one at all. If an enemy out for your life already
If an eldrich invocation has prerequisites, you must meet knows of your undead nature, but not of too many specifics,
them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same pretend you are an arcane lich and that your phylactery is
time you meet these prerequisites. All of the following elsewhere.
Invocations require at least one level in Pact lich to be used. If they already know that you are a Pact lich and of the
mechanics of fetishes, play it off as if you have it safely stored
Clone of Shadows somewhere miles away where they'll never find it. Actually
You may split your essence in half, channeling your being into letting your fetish out of your sight is, of course, a terrible
a duplicate of yourself. For every time you split your being, idea, but if you are a convincing enough liar this trick should
the amount of spell slots, ability uses and both maximum hit work.
points and current hit points is distributed evenly among


If your opponent does know that you have your fetish with
you, whether it is because you were forced to use it or they
called your bluff, always keep in mind that if you are
destroyed before they destroy the fetish, you can come back.
In the worst case scenario, where they have the fetish in their
palm and the knowledge of how to destroy it, simply kill
yourself and flee into your Patron's pocket dimension to
Gathering your own Warlocks
Once you become a powerful enough lich, you will be able to
assemble your own servants to which you bestow power. In
order for you to gather power to give to these warlocks, you
will need to constantly perform twice as many sacrifices for
your Patron until you find a way to make their power your
This, of course, is extremely risky, as Patrons often have a
seemingly supernatural ability to guess at your true
intentions, and at any sign of betrayal they can strip all of
your aquired power from you. In cases like these you must be
extraordinarily cautious. Be sure to grow some reserve of
backup magical power to fall back on if you are caught.
In order to become a true Patron you must find a way to
either kill your Patron, or persuade them to pass on all of
their power to you. How one chooses to go about such a
monumental task is up to them.


The Sorcerous Lich

he sorcerous lich, at first glance, has no
phylactery. This is only partially true. They do
indeed have something which serves the basic
function of a phylactery (that is, to contain
their soul) but this object is their heart. Almost
through sheer force of their innate magical
power alone, Sorcerous liches are those who
have forced their souls into their hearts, transforming the
organ and allowing the rest of their body to die.

Sorcerous Lich
Total Spells Sorcery Points
Level Features Learned Added
1st Immortal Heart, 0 +1
2nd Necromantic Affinity 1 +1
3rd Enhanced 2 +1
4th Bone Armor 3 +2
5th Vampiric Casting, 4 +2
Arcane Vision

15th Level Spellcaster. Pulling off the magical display
necessary to become a lich requires an incredible degree
of skill in spell casting. The majority of these levels (min 8)
must be in Sorcerer with a total of 15 spellcasting levels.
16 Charisma. The level of power you must be capable of
displaying to convert yourself into a lich requires a high
level of Charisma.
14 Intelligence. A high level of intelligence is required to
complete the research and testing needed to become a
12 Consitution. Because the sorcerer will need to put
themselves through countless experiments in order to
become a lich, they will need to be strong enough to
survive failures.
Arcana Proficiency. In order to become a lich you must
have a high degree of understanding of the arcane
mechanics of life and death.
The Method. In order for a sorcerer to become a lich, they
must first do extensive research to discover how to do so.
Often times this means they will need to try to channel
their soul into their heart several times and under several
different circumstances before the process finally works.


Lichdom Aquisition of Energy via Soul
As a lich you are no longer a mortal creature and gain the Consumption
following traits: In this respect, sorcerous liches work identically to arcane
liches. In order to maintain the proper amount of energy
Undead Nature. You do not age and do not require air, needed for daily function, a sorcerous lich must sacrifice at
food, drink, or sleep. To gain the effects of a long or short least one soul to their heart every two months. Faliure to do
rest you must still rest as normal. You are immune to so will result in degredation into a demilich. This, however,
poison and all non-magical diseases. has much more dire consequences for a sorcerous lich. After
Dead Eye. You have darkvision to a range of 120 ft. all, where is your phylactery located?
Necrotic. You are healed by necrotic damage and take If a sorcerous lich degrades into a demilich, they are no
damage from healing effects. longer able to cast spells and must consume a soul in order
to regain their body. This is extremely difficult for sorcerous
Hit Points liches because their heart is their phylactery. If a sorcerous
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lich level lich degrades, their heart stays in place, floating below their
Hit Points: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier per level skull, completely exposed.
Because of this, sorcerous liches must never falter in their
aquisition of souls, lest they be left in such a vulnerable state.
The Heart
The heart of the sorcerer, which acts as the lich's phylactery Spellcasting
must become immortal through a display of arcane power, As a sorcerous lich you have delved deep into your well of
the secrets to which is different for each sorcerer and must arcane power and are a powerful spellcaster.
be independantly discovered.
Because of the nature of their abilities, no sorcerous lich Spell Slots
becomes as they are in the exact same way as another. The As a sorcerous lich, you use the multiclass spellcaster table
end product may always be the same for the most part (the on page 165 of the Player's Handbook. Every lich level you
heart will etherealize and begin to glow with a unique color, learn a number of spells designated by the Total Spells
taking on an otherworldly apperance) but the means to reach Learned section on the class table.
this are different for every sorcerer. You may learn a spell of any level for which you have spell
One sorcerer, for instance, may need to drink a special slots and that are from either the lich spell list or the spell list
potion made of ground up dragon horns and the captured of your other class(es).
souls of several intelligent humanoids before they may For instance, a level 17 character who is sorcerer 10/ bard
attempt to channel their soul into their heart. Another may 5/ sorcerous lich 2 would have access to any spell from the
simply need to attempt the transformation in a specific, sorcerer, bard, and lich tables and have access to spells up to
magically charged place. the 9th level, where if they only had 1 level in sorcerous lich,
If a method is close to working, but not quite right, the they would have access to spells up to the 8th level.
sorcerer will feel their soul condense farther into their heart
before the transformation fails. Often times a sorcerer simply Spellcasting Ability
needs to go through enough instances of trial and error to Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your lich spells.
discover how to become a lich.
Ritual Casting
Reformation You may cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag
After a Sorcerous lich is killed, their heart remains floating and you have the spell prepared.
where they once stood. After a split second, the heart will
shoot into the air at a tremendous speed, breaking through Spellcasting Focus
any ceilings, walls, or other barriers which would be in its You may continue using the same spellcasting focus as you
way. have in the past. The focus may be used to cast spells from
It appears as a shooting star in the sky, flying around the your previous levels as well as your lich levels.
material plane as the lich regenerates around it over the
course of one to ten days as described in the section on Necromantic Affinity
arcane lich reformation. Once the lich has regenerated, they
land in a random location on the material plane fully At 2nd level your spells all become imbued with necromantic
rejuvenated, but drained. For the next month the lich has their energy. Any spell you cast which does damage can have their
Strength reduced to 3 and hit point maximum halved. If they damage type changed to necrotic damage. If a spell already
are defeated once more in this state, their heart will be too does necrotic damage, it now does an additional 2d6 damage.
weak to escape and fly them to safety.
Enhanced Necromancy
Once you reach 3rd level, at the cost of 2 sorcery points, you
may empower your spells further.


If you were a draconic sorcerer, any spell which deals Mental Health
necrotic damage can have an additional 2d8 elemental
damage applied corresponding to your draconic type (red Due to the reclusive nature that sorcerous liches can so often
sorcerers can imbue a spell with fire damage, etc.). If you fall into, they frequently fall into the same trap that arcane
were a wild sorcerer, you may instead add 3d6 force damage liches do and grow mad from lonliness.
to the spell. Because this is such a simple pitfall, it is as recommended
for sorcerous liches to make a point of having a healthy
Bone Armor amount of social interaction as it is for arcane and druidic
At your 4th level, you may spend 8 sorcery points in order to liches. Living forever can take an emotional and mental toll
cause your body to grow a thick exoskeleton of bony armor, on those who were once mortal.
adding an additional +6 to your Armor Class for 10 minutes. This is a weakness which you cannot erase without in turn
The exoskeleton of a draconic sorcerer will mimic the erasing who you are at the most basic level. You didn't
aesthetic of the dragon they share blood with. The become immortal to live forever as someone else. You
exoskeleton of a wild sorcerer will appear to be covered in became immortal to live forever. And that, on the most basic
glowing, swirling runes. level, requires you to continue experiencing life if you are to
survive as yourself.
Vampiric Casting
At 5th level you may channel the souls of the deceased into
your reserve of magical power, rather than absorbing the
power into your heart.
As an action you may activate your vampiric ability. For the
next 10 rounds, every intelligent humanoid you kill restores 1
of your sorcery points.
Arcane Vision
Also at 5th level, you gain an attunement to magic so strong
that it is as if you are under the effects of both the detect
magic spell and the identify spell.
In addition, you can sense the presence and direction of
any other sorcerers within a half-mile of you.

Notes on Sorcerous Liches

The following section contains a selection of observations of
the habits of sorcerous liches based on the few I have met.
At first glance, the sorcerous lich seems to be the hardest to
destroy. They have their phylactery inside them which
escapes at an impossible speed and flies to a random place at
the moment of their death. Sure they're weak for a month
after regenerating as their heart recovers, but what's a month
to a being that lives forever?
The sorcerous lich, in actuallity, is rather easy to eliminate
once you know how to. Something as simple as a Forcecage
is enough to keep a heart from flying away. If enough magical
barriers are used preventing the heart from escaping, it will
simply reform its host where it is, effectively making the lich
completely helpless as it is killed a second time and its heart
is extinguished.
To stay alive, take advantage of the mystery around
sorcerous liches. Sorcerers are alien to the common person
in their own right, liches doubly so. It is highly unlikely that
whoever is fighting you knows of your true nature. Do your
best to hide the fact that you have any weaknesses at all. In
addition, take every measure you can to eliminate casters you
fight as soon as possible, in the rare case that whoever is
fighting you does know of the simple trick to destroy you.


Lich Spells

ecause of there necromantic nature, there are 5th Edition Libris Mortis Spells
certain spells that all liches can cast, regardless
of type. I have attempted to convert a large number of the spells
within the 3e supplement book "The Libris Mortis" into 5th
edition. If your DM allows, the spells contained in this
spellbook may be used in addition to the list of lich spells in
this Compendium.
Lich Spells
Cantrips (o Level)
Chill Touch
Spare the Dying
1st Level
False Life
Inflict Wounds
Ray of Sickness
2nd Level
Gentle Repose
Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd Level
Animate Dead
Bestow Curse
Feign Death
Speak with Dead
Vampiric Touch
4th Level
5th Level
6th Level
Circle of Death
Create Dead
Magic Jar
7th Level
Finger of Death
8th Level
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
9th Level
Astral Projection
Power Word Kill


Additional Notes

he following are some additional rules and
tables you may need to use as a lich. Keep in
mind that some of what has been mentioned in
this book is very flexible and subjective. In the
end, the DM has the final say, but always work
Disguising Yourself
The longer you have been rotting, the easier it will be for
intelligent creatures to identify you as an undead. In the case
of liches such as a Siabrae, which is always skeletal, blending
in can be especially difficult. The upside is that, chances are,
as long as you don't do a particularly poor job disguising
yourself, most people won't even think to really observe you
the way they should.
The base DC for a creature with an intelligence of 5 or
more to recognize you is 12. This check can be a medicine
check, perception check, or even some other check
depending on circumstances. The following table lists a few
modifiers to this check.
Blending in
Circumstance Check bonus
Days since reforming +1 per every 3 days passed
Target checks pulse, breath, +7
Disguise Self -2
Alter Self -5
Disguise Kit -1/4 of the deception check

Source and Inspiration Credits

Complete Lich. by Maerok
Pathfinder's Siabrae
All D&D 5e Sourcebooks
Homebrew Warlock Invocations. by Deviston
My wonderful players
The D&D 3.5e Libris Mortis
Chinese, Greek, and Finnish mythology
All of the shitty crayon drawings were created by me. All the
characters used are actual NPCs in my campaign. Insert
shameless Tumblr art blog plug here.


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