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Prestige Class: Warcaster

he warcasters of Immoren are the rare men Whether they are esteemed leaders of men, powerful
and women who possess the ability to control arcanists, or savage warriors in their own right, warcasters
the powerful constructs known as Jacks. Most are a key asset on any battlefield when they can bring the full
Warcasters can control a single jack at a time, might of their warjacks to bear on the opposition.
although masters of the art can control more.
The warcasters learn to fight as one with their
Jacks, and to channel their magic through the
Level Features Focus Points Focus Limit
1st Warjack, Focus, Spellcasting 2 1
2nd Battlefield Repairs 3 2
3rd Warjack Improvement 4 3
4th Ability Score Improvement 5 4
5th Master Warcaster 6 5

Prerequisites Spellcasting
In order to advance as a warcaster, you must meet the The warcaster prestige class does not grant new spells
following requirements in addition to meeting the known.
multiclassing requirements of your previous class: For the purpose of multiclassing, to determine
your total spell slots, add your warcaster levels
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma 15: Warcasters to your levels in classes that grant you the Spellcasting
control their Jacks through sheer force of will, personality, feature. For example, if you are a warcaster 4/wizard 6, you
or intellect, and must possess a quick and hardy mind. would have the spell slots of a 10th-level character, in
Constitution 13: Warcasters must be physically robust addition to having the cantrips and spellbook of a 6th-level
enough to whistand the strain of controlling their Jacks. wizard.
Proficiency in the Arcana or Religion skill: Warjacks
are complex constructs, and warcasters must understand Warcaster Focus
their animating principle. At first level, you are able to control Warjacks with your mind
Ability to cast 3rd level spells: Warcasters must be using a special kind of mental energy. Your access to this
master arcanists. energy is represented by a number of Focus Points available,
Be trained as a Warcaster: Controlling Jacks is as much as shown in the warcaster class table.
of a science as an art, and you must be trained in it by You can spend these focus points to power several of your
another Warcaster or, even better, at an academy or other warcaster class features, or the abilities of your warjacks.
learning center. Once you spend a focus point, you can no longer use it until
you recover it. You regain all expended focus points at the end
Class Features of a long rest.
As a warcaster, you gain the following features: You may not spend more focus points per turn than your
focus limit, also displayed in the warcaster class table.
Hit Points If any of your warcaster or warjack abilities require a
Hit Dice: 1d8 per level saving throw, use the Saving Throw DC from your highest
Hit Points per level: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier level spellcasting class.
per level You may use your focus points to perform the following:
Transfer: As a bonus action, you can transfer a number of
Proficiencies focus point to one of your Warjacks. Your Warjack gains
Armor: heavy armor the number of focus points that you lose.
Tools: Smith's tools Leech: As a bonus action, you can leach a number of
Saving Throws: None focus points from one of your Warjacks to yourself. You
Skills: None gain the number of focus points that your Warjack loses.
Boost: You can spend 1 focus point per damage roll to roll
Equipment one additional damage dice
The warcaster prestige class does not grant you access to any
Spells Slots and Focus Points Once you've used this feature, you cannot use it again until
A warcaster can convert spell slots into focus points, and vice you've completed a short rest.
versa as a bonus action, on a 1 to 1 ratio.
The warcaster cannot spend or gain more spell slots in this Warjack Improvement
manner, in a single action, than their focus limit and cannot Starting at 3rd level, you are able to further improve your
possess more focus points than the number of focus points Warjack. Your feature point maximum is now 15 points.
listed for their current level in the Warcaster table.
Ability score improvement
Warjack When you reach 4th level you can increase one ability score
Warcasters are defined by their control over the wondrous of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
machines known as Warjacks. Also at first level, you gain the your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability
ability to build and customize a Warjack. The section at the score above 20 using this feature.
end of this class description outlines the features you can
grant to your Warjack. Master Warcaster
A Warjack has the following properties:
At 5th level you have reached the pinnacle of your art. Your
It is a construct. feature point limit increases to 20.
Its size is Large. Additionally you can now command up to two Warjacks
Its proficiency bonus is equal to your own. simultaneously. The Warjacks share the same feature point
It cannot be charmed or frightened. limit, meaning that their combined feature point total cannot
It is immune to poison damage and the poisoned exceed your feature point limit.
condition. If you choose to have two warjacks, then can act
It has darkvision with a range of 60 feet. independently of each other.
It understands the languages you can speak when you
create it, but cannot speak.
If you do not give it any explicit orders, it will try its best to Warjack Features
remain within 30 feet of you but takes no further action. A Warjack can have a combination of features taken from the
Regardless of the features you grant your Warjack, you can following categories: Chassis, Ability Scores, Weapons, and
always perform the following actions with it: Special Abilities.
You can see through your Warjack's eyes as a bonus Chassis
action. You cannot use your own senses in the mean time, A Warjack's chassis determines its HP and Armor Class. The
and your body is under the Blind condition. warjack always has a number of hit dice equal to the
You can telepathically communicate with your Warjack up warcaster's character level. Its Armor Class is always
to a distance of 120 feet, even if you cannot see each other. classified as Natural Armor.
Your warjack obeys your orders to the best of your abilities Chassis
(no action required beyond communicating with it). In
combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own. Type Cost Hit Dice Armor Class
The features that you grant your Warjack each cost a Standard 0 1d10 16
certain amount of Feature Points. Your Warjack cannot Light 0 1d10 14 + Dex
exceed 10 feature points.
In addition, your Warjack will cost an amount of gold Heavy 3 1d12 18
determined by its feature point cost. You must pay this cost to Tank 4 1d12 20
build it initially, and the same amount to rebuild it it is totally
destroyed or change its features. Ability Scores
Your Warjack can regain hit points during a short rest by
spending hit dice, and regains hit dice on a long rest. By default, a Warjack's ability scores are set to the Base
A Warjack can spend 1 Focus Poins to do the following: ability score array. A warcaster can improve the warjack's
ability scores by spending Feature points: The chosen ability
Boost Damage: The Warjack spends 1 focus point per score increases by 2 for every feature point spent on it, up to
damage roll to roll one additional dice. a maximum of 20.
Charge: The Warjack spends 1 focus point to allow itself
to take the Dash action as a bonus action. It must move Base Ability Scores
closer to enemies. Str Dex Con Wis Int Cha
Battlefield Repairs 14 14 14 8 8 8
Starting at 2nd level, you can repair your Warjack in the field. Movement
As an action, you can make an Intelligence (Smith's Tools)
roll to attempt to repair a Warjack within 5 feet of you. The By default, a Warjack has a walking speed of 30 feet. A
Warjack regains an amount of hit points equal to the roll warcaster can additionally purchase one of the following
result. options:
Movement Options When casting a spell, the Warcaster can choose to have the
Type Cost Effect spell originate from the Warjack. The spell uses the
Nimble 1 Base speed increased to 40 feet
Warcaster's statistics. If the spell requires concentration, the
Warcaster will be the one concentrating on it.
All Terrain 1 No penalty for difficult terrain
Amphibious 1 Can walk on the bottom of a body of Countercharge
water Feature Point Cost: 1
When an enemy creature ends its turn within a 30 foot
Jump Piston 2 As an action, fly up to 30 feet. Must end
movement on a solid surface.
radius around the Warjack or the Warcaster, the Warjack can
immediately move up to half its speed directly towards the
A warjack can be equipped with up to two weapons, one for Extra Attack
each arm. Alternatively, the Warjack can equip a shield in one Feature Point Cost: 5
hand to gain a +2 bonus to AC. The Warjack can attack twice, instead of once, when it
The Weapons table at the end of this section will show the takes the Standard Attack action on its turn.
properties as well as the damage rating and type of each
weapon. Slam
Certain weapons allow for special attacks, or cost Feature Point Cost: 1
additional feature points. Weapons without a specified The Warjack can spend 1 Focus Point on a melee attack to
feature point cost are free. force the target to make an opposed Strength(Athletics)
Warjacks make a single attack with the Attack standard check. If the target fails, it is either knocked prone or pushed
action, and may make an Offhand Attack with their off hand back 10 feet.
weapon if they have one.
Special Abilities Feature Point Cost: 1
As an action, the Warjack can create a gas cloud in a 10
Warjacks can have a slew of special abilities that allow them foot radius. All creatures within the gas cloud are Heavily
to perform unique feats on the battlefield, or provide Obscured. The gas cloud dissipates naturally after two
speciality utility to their warcaster. Each special ability has a rounds, or under the effect of a mild wind.
Feature Point cost.
Bodyguard Feature Point Cost: 1
Feature Point Cost: 1 When the Warjack has a creature grappled, it can spend 1
When the Warcaster is the target of a weapon attack, the Focus Point as a bonus action to force the creature to make a
Warjack can use its reaction and spend a Focus Point, the Strength saving throw against DC = 8 + your proficiency
attack automatically targets the Warjack instead. The warjack bonus + the Warjack's Strength modifier. On a failed saving
must be within 10 feet of the Warcaster in order to use this throw, the creature is thrown up to 20 feet away and receives
feature. 2d6 damage for every 10 feet traveled before landing.
Channeling Node
Feature Point Cost: 3
Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Type Properties
Axe 2d8 Slashing
Hammer 2d8 Bludgeoning
Spear 2d8 Piercing Finesse
Maul 2d12 Bludgeoning Two Handed, Heavy
Glaive 2d10 Slashing Two Handed, Heavy, Reach
Unarmed Attack 2d6 Bludgeoning

Ranged Weapons
Weapon Damage Type Properties FP Cost
Gun 2d6 Piercing Ammunition(80/120), Light
Scattergun 2d6 Piercing Ammunition (30, 50), No Melee Penalty
Flamethrower 2d6 Fire Ammunition (30, 50), No Melee Penalty 1
Cannon 2d12 Bludgeoning Ammunition(120/200), Two Handed, Reload 1
Mortar 2d10 Thunder Ammunition (120), Ignores half and 3/4 cover, Reload 2

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