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LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

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Sprouting process affects the lactic acid bacteria and yeasts of cereal, T
pseudocereal and legume flours
Giuseppe Perria, Francesco Maria Calabresea, Carlo Giuseppe Rizzelloa, Maria De Angelisa,
Marco Gobbettib, Maria Calassoa,∗
Department of Soil, Plant and Food Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Via Amendola 165/a, 70126, Bari, Italy
Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen, Piazza Università 5, 39100, Bolzano, Italy


Keywords: The aim of this work was to investigate how sprouting process may affect the indigenous lactic acid bacteria
Sprouting process (LAB) and yeasts of wheat, barley, quinoa, lentil and chickpea flours. LAB and yeasts inhabiting the raw and
Wheat sprouted flours were described by culture-dependent and -independent approach. Based on community-level
Barley catabolic profiles, the sprouting process led to a strong increase of the Shannon's diversity and substrate richness
indices. Compared to raw flours, the highest ability to consume carbohydrates, polymers, amines, carboxylic
Lentil, and chickpea flours
acid and amino acids sources was found for the microbial communities of wheat, chickpea and lentil sprouted
Lactic acid bacteria
Yeasts flours. Except for LAB detected in quinoa, sprouting process caused significant (P < 0.05) changes in the cell
density of LAB and yeasts. Compared to raw flours, all sprouted flours harboured a different microbiome and a
higher number of LAB strains. Positive correlations (r > 0.70; FDR < 0.05) were found between cell density of
LAB and yeasts with the time of sprouting process and the concentrations of free sugars content in flours.
This study demonstrated that the sprouting process of wheat, barley, quinoa, lentil and chickpea grains
modifies the microbial metabolic activities and composition of the lactic acid bacteria and yeasts of the resulting

1. Introduction been proved that in several grain types the sprouting process leads to
several changes even in the microbiota structure (Barret et al., 2015;
Cereals and legumes are the most important contributors to the Landry, Sela, & McLandsborough, 2018).
balanced human diet worldwide, providing significant amount of Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are mainly responsible for the unique
macro- and micro-nutrients. Besides such grains, pseudocereals (e.g performances and valuable nutritional, sensory, shelf-life and texture
quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat), which already had an important role in traits of the sourdough baked goods (Gänzle, 2014; Gobbetti, Minervini,
human nutrition in the past, are gaining popularity thanks to their re- Pontonio, Di Cagno, & De Angelis, 2016). LAB may originate from flour,
markable technological and nutritional properties (Alvarez-Jubete, other dough ingredients and bakery environment (Minervini, Lattanzi,
Wijngaard, Arendt, & Gallagher, 2010). De Angelis, Celano, & Gobbetti, 2015). However, the effect of sprouting
In the last decade, the raised attention on healthy nutrition and the on the LAB and yeasts population of the flours obtained from cereals,
large growth of a food customized market for vegetarian, vegan, and pseudocereals and legumes, has not been systematically studied
gluten-free diets, pushed towards an increase of “sprouted grains” as (Montemurro, Pontonio, Gobbetti, & Rizzello, 2019). The knowledge
also underlined by the boost of scientific literature. Advisedly, all these about the effect of sprouting process on the indigenous pro-technolo-
evidences supported the nutritional traits and phytochemical contents gical microbes (LAB and yeasts) could be useful to optimize the use of
of these cereal products (Benincasa, Falcinelli, Lutts, Stagnari, & this kind flours in food production processes.
Galieni, 2019). Because of the significant changes in nutritional and The aim of this work was to investigate how sprouting process may
physicochemical properties occurring in grains, subsequently to the affect the indigenous LAB and yeasts of flours. For this purpose, wheat,
activation of dormant enzymes, germination has been recognized as a barley, quinoa, lentil and chickpea grains were used. LAB and yeasts
method to enhance the nutritional quality of whole grains (Donkor, inhabiting the raw and sprouted flours were described by a culture-
Stojanovskaa, Ginnb, Ashtonb & Vasiljevica, 2012). Additionally, it has dependent and –independent combined approach.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Calasso).
Received 6 December 2019; Received in revised form 20 February 2020; Accepted 21 March 2020
Available online 26 March 2020
0023-6438/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Shannon's diversity (H′)a, substrate richness (S)b and substrate evenness (E)c calculated for the Community Level Catabolic Profiles (CLCPs)d of wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, and quinoa flours obtained from grains
2. Materials and methods

Sprouted quinoa

17.67 ± 1.4
3.35 ± 0.1

2.71 ± 0.2
2.1. Grains, sprouting process and milling

P = 0.049 Five different grains were considered in this study: two cereals

P = 0.016

P = 0.313
(wheat, Triticum durum var. Simeto and barley, Hordeum vulgare var.
Nure), a pseudocereal (quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa) and two legumes
(chickpea, Cicer arietinum var. Pascià and lentil, Lens culinaris). Cereals
15.30 ± 2.66
3.11 ± 0.02

2.62 ± 0.05
Raw quinoa

and legumes were purchased by Caporal Grani S.a.s. (Gravina di Puglia,

Bari, Italy); quinoa, was supplied by Quinoa Marche Srls (Jesi, Ancona,
Italy). Three batches of each grain were collected. Grains were sprouted
according to the protocol described by Donkor, Stojanovska, Ginn,
H′, substrate utilization pattern, measured as H′ = −∑ pi ln (pi), where pi is the ratio of the activity of a particular substrate to the sums of activities of all substrate activity.

Ashton, and Vasiljevic (2012) with some modifications (Montemurro

et al., 2019). Sprouting parameters were summarized in Table S1.
Sprouted lentil

3.18 ± 0.03

2.53 ± 0.05
18.00 ± 1

2.2. Community level catabolic profiles

P = 0.009

P = 0.011

P = 0.336

Carbon source utilization patterns of microbial communities of raw

and sprouted flours were assessed on each flour by using BIOLOG 96-
well Eco-Microplates (Biolog, Inc., Hayward, CA, USA) according to
2.84 ± 0.09

12.66 ± 1.1

2.51 ± 0.1

Cavallo et al. (2017). Microplates contained 31 different carbon sources

Raw lentil

(carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, polymers, amino acids, amines and

miscellaneous substrates), in triplicate. The microplates were incubated
at 30 °C in the dark and the color development was measured at 590 nm
every 24 h thereafter up to 72 h with a microplate reader (BIOLOG
Sprouted chickpea

S, the number of different substrates used, calculated as the number of wells with a corrected absorbance greater than 0.25.
2.99 ± 0.7

2.43 ± 0.1
15.33 ± 1

2.3. Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts enumeration and isolation

Ten grams of each flour were homogenized with 90 ml of sterile

P = 0.021

P = 0.029

P = 0.411

peptone water (1% [wt/vol] peptone and 0.9% [wt/vol] NaCl) solution
and serially diluted with sterile peptone water. LAB were counted and
isolated by using De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) (Oxoid,
2.90 ± 0.009
Raw chickpea

3.32 ± 0.02

Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK), modified MRS (mMRS) (containing 1%

14.01 ± 1

Value are the means from three independent experiments analyzed in triplicate ± standard deviation.

[wt/vol] maltose, 5% [vol/vol] fresh yeast extract, pH 5.6) and sour-

dough bacteria (SDB) agar medium. All these media were supplemented
with cycloheximide (0.1 g/l). Plates were incubated at 30 °C for 48 h
under anaerobiosis (AnaeroGen and AnaeroJar, Oxoid). Presumptive
P values refer raw vs sprouted data. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

LAB were isolated from each flour by randomly selecting for each
Sprouted barley

medium at least ten colonies from the plates containing the highest
3.24 ± 0.02

2.58 ± 0.02
18.01 ± 0

sample dilutions. Gram-positive, catalase-negative, nonmotile rods and

cocci isolates were cultivated in MRS, mMRS and SDB broth at 30 °C for
E, the equitability of activities across all utilized substrates: E = H′/log S.

24 h and two times restreaked onto the same agar media, until pure
P = 0.009

P = 0.002

P = 0.064

culture was obtained. All isolates considered for further analyses were
able to acidify the culture medium.
2.61 ± 0.045
13.33 ± 0.66

Yeasts were estimated on Sabouraud dextrose (SDA) (Oxoid) agar

2.94 ± 0.1
Raw barley

supplemented with chloramphenicol (0.1 g/l), incubated at 25 °C for

48 h. Randomly selected colonies (ca. 10 for each flour) of yeasts from
the higher plate dilutions were sub-cultured on Sabouraud dextrose
broth and restreaked onto the same agar media, until pure culture was
Sprouted wheat

3.42 ± 0.11

2.58 ± 0.08

2.4. Genotypic characterization and identification of lactic acid bacteria

21.00 ± 0a

and yeasts
before (raw) and after sprouting process.

P = 0.037

P = 0.006

P = 0.168

Genomic DNA of LAB was extracted using DNeasy Blood and Tissue
Kit (Qiagen, SA, Courtaboeuf, France), according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Three oligonucleotides, P4 5′-CCGCAGCGTT-3′, P7
14.67 ± 0.57
3.14 ± 0.02

3.01 ± 0.55

5′-AGCAGCGTGG-3′, and M13 5′-GAGGGTGGCGGTTCT-3′, with arbi-

Raw wheat

trarily chosen sequences, were used for biotyping lactic acid bacterium
isolates. Reaction mixture and PCR conditions for primers P4, P7 and
M13 were set according to Siragusa et al. (2009). Identification of
strains was performed using LpigF and LpigR primers targeting 16S
rDNA gene of LAB (De Angelis et al., 2006). Primer designed for the ddl
Table 1

gene were used for the identification of Enterococcus species (Knijff,



Dellaglio, Lombardi, Andrighetto, & Torriani, 2001).


G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Fig. 1. Types and quantity of carbon and nitrogen

sources used by the microbial communities of wheat,
barley, chickpea, lentil, and quinoa flours obtained
from grains before and after sprouting process.
Values are the means from three independent ex-
periments analyzed in triplicate. Statistical differ-
ences in substrates consumption between the dif-
ferent conditions are reported in terms of P values.

Fig. 2. Cell numbers (Log cfu/g) of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, and quinoa flours obtained from grains before and after sprouting
process. MRS, de Man Rogosa and Sharp medium; mMRS, modified MRS; SDB, sourdough bacteria medium. Values are the means ± standard deviations from three
independent experiments analyzed in triplicate. Different letters (a-d) indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) in microbial count using different agar medium.

DNA from yeasts was extracted using the Wizard Genomic DNA PCR products were sequenced at RTL Geno-
Purification kit (Promega Corporation, Madison, WI), according to the mics, using the Illumina MiSeq 2x300 paired-end MiSeq platform.
manufacturer's instructions. Yeasts were bio-typed through RAPD-PCR Sequenced reads for each sample were processed through denoising
using primers M13m and RP11 (Del Bove et al., 2009). Yeasts were and chimera detection by using RTL Laboratory's in-house pipeline,
identified by using NL-1/NL-4 primers (Kurtzman & Robnett, 1998). described at
2.5. Total DNA extraction from raw and sprouted flours and Illumina Analysis_Methodology.pdf.
MiSeq analysis
2.6. Chemical characterization of raw and sprouted flours
Total DNA was extracted by using the FastDNA® Pro Soil-Direct Kit
(MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, CA, United States) coupled to the Protein content (total nitrogen × 5.7) was determined according to
FastPrep® instrument (MP Biomedicals, Illkrich, France), according to the ISO 1871:2009 method (2009). Starch, fat and ash were determined
the manufacturer's instructions. according to the standard AACC method 30–10.01, 76–13.01 and
DNA samples were used as template in PCR using primers 08–01, respectively (AACC, 2010). The total free carbohydrates and
Firm350F/Firm814R, to amplify the region V3-V4 of the 16S rRNA total dietary fibers (DF) contents of the flour samples were determined
gene for analysis of diversity inside the phylum of Firmicutes using the method of AOAC (2000). Total free carbohydrates were cal-
(Minervini, Celano et al., 2015) and primers MSd_Fun545F/ culated as the difference [100 - (proteins + lipids + ash +
MSd_Fun1021R for a fragment of the 18S rRNA region for detection of moisture + total dietary fibres + starch)]. Proteins, starch, fat, ash,
fungi. PCR were run by Research and Testing Laboratory (RTL; Lub- total free carbohydrates were expressed as % of dry matter (d.m.). In-
bock, TX, United States) based upon RTL (http://www. soluble (IDF) and soluble (SDF) dietary fibers were determined

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Fig. 3. Dendrogram of combined (primers P4, P7, and M13) RAPD profiles of lactic acid bacterium strains isolated from flours obtained by wheat, barley, chickpea,
lentil, and quinoa grains, before and after sprouting process. The first letters of the code of the strain name (W, wheat; SW, sprouted wheat; B, barley; SB, sprouted
barley; C, chickpea, SC, sprouted chickpea; L, lentil, SL, sprouted lentil; Q, quinoa; SQ, sprouted quinoa) indicates the flour of origin whereas the following letter
(separated by one hyphen) of the strain name indicates the medium used for the isolation (A, de Man Rogosa and Sharp medium, MRS; B, modified MRS; C,
sourdough bacteria medium) and the number represents the progressive number of isolation. Lactic acid bacteria isolates correspond to those of Table 2. Cluster
analysis was based on the simple matching coefficient and unweighted-pair group method with arithmetic average. Clusters are indicated by Roman numerals (I–XII).
E., Enterococcus; P., Pediococcus; L., Lactobacillus; Lc., Lactococcus; S., Staphylococcus; W., Weissella; Leuc., Leuconostoc.

according to Goñi, Diaz-Rubio, Pérez-Jiménez, & Saura-Calixto (2009) Shannon's diversity and substrate richness indices. Microbial commu-
and Montemurro et al. (2019). Total phenols were determined as de- nities of sprouted flours were faster (P < 0.05) to consume carbohy-
scribed by Slinkard and Singleton (1977) and expressed as gallic acid drates, polymers, amines, carboxylic acid and amino acids sources
equivalent. (Fig. 1). Compared to raw flours, the highest ability in consuming
carbohydrates, polymers, amines, carboxylic acid and amino acids
sources was found in wheat, chickpea and lentil sprouted flours.
2.7. Statistical analyses

All the analyses were carried out at least in duplicate for each batch
3.2. Cultivable lactic acid bacteria and yeasts
of grain (total of six analyses for each type of flour). Analysis of var-
iance (ANOVA) was carried out on transformed data, followed by se-
Overall, compared to raw flours, sprouted flours harboured higher
paration of means with Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD)
cell density of yeasts. On the contrary, sprouting differently reflected on
test, using the statistical software Statistica 7.0 for Windows (StatSoft,
LAB population depending on the flour considered. Sprouted wheat,
Vigonza, Italy). Weighted and unweighted UniFrac distance matrices
barley and chickpea flours showed ca. 2 Log cycles of presumptive LAB
and OTU tables were used to perform ADONIS and ANOSIM statistical
higher than raw flours (Fig. 2). In lentil, the sprouting led to an increase
tests through the script of QIIME to verify the
of LAB only in MRS and mMRS media, while the cell density on SDB
microbial populations in the different flours obtained by wheat, barley,
medium was higher in raw than in sprouted flour. Raw flour of quinoa
chickpea, lentil, and quinoa grains, whole and after sprouting process.
harboured a higher cell density of LAB than sprouted flour.
Presumptive LAB (295 isolates, ca. 10 from each media) were sub-
3. Results jected to RAPD-PCR analysis. A total of 75 LAB strains were identified
(Fig. 3, Table 2). Compared to raw, sprouted flours harboured a higher
3.1. Community level catabolic profiles of raw and sprouted flours number of LAB strains. In details, wheat flour harboured seven species:
Pediococcus pentosaceus (1 strain), Lactobacillus fermentum (1), En-
The community-level catabolic profiles (CLCPs), before and after terococcus casseliflavus (1), Enterococcus faecium/faecalis (2), En-
sprouting process were investigated. In particular, Shannon's diversity, terococcus termitis (1), Lactococcus lactis (1). L. fermentum, E. termitis and
substrate richness, and substrate evenness indices were calculated E. faecium/faecalis W-B-10 were not identified in sprouted wheat flour.
(Table 1). The sprouting process led to a strong increase of the Compared to raw, sprouted wheat flour harboured other 15 strains

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Table 2
Strains of lactic acid bacteria identified from wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, and quinoa flours obtained from grains before (raw) and after sprouting processa.
Flours Strainsb Clusterc Closest relative GenBank accession no.
(% identity) d

Raw wheat W-A-6, W-A-8, W-A-10 I P. pentosaceus (100) HQ711360.1

W-C-5 II L. fermentum (99) MF424378.1
W-C-3 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
W-C-8 VII E. faecium/faecalis (99) NR_113904.1/MF429765.1
W-B-10 XI E. faecium/faecalis (99) NR_113904.1/MF429765.1
W-C-2 UC E. termitis (98) GQ337037.1
W-A-5 UC Lc. lactis (99.7) MF355117.1
Sprouted wheat W-A-6, W-A-8, W-A-10, SW-B-2, SW-A-1, I P. pentosaceus (100) HQ711360.1
SW-A-2, SW-A-8, SW-B-4
SW-C-7, SW-C-8 III E. faecium/faecalis (99) MN148620.1/MN080437.1
W-C-3 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
SW-A-5 VI E. casseliflavus NR104560.1
W-C-8 VII E. faecium/faecalis (99) MN148620.1/MN080437.2
SW-A-6, SW-B-7, SW-B-8 X E. faecium/faecalis (99) KY490546.1/MF429765.1
SW-B-5 UC E. casseliflavus (99.9) MF424694.1
W-A-5, SW-C-4 UC Lc. lactis (99.7) MF355117.1
SW-C-6 UC E. faecium/faecalis (99) MN148620.1/MN080437.2
SW-C-10 UC Lc. lactis MF355117.1

Raw barley B-C-4 III E faecium/faecalis (99) MN148620.1/MN080437.1

B-C-5 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
B-B-3 UC E. casseliflavus (99.7) MF424694.1
B-B-7 UC E. casseliflavus (99.7) MF424694.1
B-B-9 UC E. casseliflavus (99.7) MF424694.1
B-C-6 UC E. casseliflavus (99.7) MF424694.1
Sprouted barley SB-B-10 II L. fermentum (99) MF424378.1
B-C-4, SB-B-5, SB-C-6 III E. faecium/faecalis (99.9) MN148620.1/MN080437.1
B-C-5, SB-C-5 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
SB-B-7, SB-C-2, SB-C-10 VIII E. faecium/faecalis (99.9) MN148620.1/MN080437.2
Raw chickpea C-A-6 II L. fermentum (99) MF424378.1
C-A-1, C-C-4, C-C-10 IV E. mundtii (99.9) CP029066.1
C-A-2 UC S. hominis MG255965.1
Sprouted chickpea SC-B-4 I P. pentosaceus HQ711360.1
C-A-1, C-C-4, C-C-10 IV E. mundtii (99.9) CP029066.1
C-A-2, SC-A-5, SC-B-6
SC-C-5 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
SC-B-2 VI E. casseliflavus NR104560.1
SC-A-4 UC E. termitis (99) GQ337037.1
SC-B-10 UC E. mundtii (99.9) CP029066.1
SC-C-3 UC Enterococcus sp. -

Raw lentil L-B-4, L-B-6, L-B-7 I P. pentosaceus (100) HQ711360.1

L-A-4, L-A-5 VI E. casseliflavus NR104560.1
L-A-8, L-A-2, L-A-3 X E. faecium/faecalis (99) KY490546.1/MF429765.1
L-C-1 XI E. faecium/faecalis (99) NR_113904.1/MF429765.1
L-C-7 UC Enterococcus sp. -
Sprouted lentil L-A-4, L-A-5 VI E. casseliflavus NR104560.1
SL-B4 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
SL-A-4, SL-A-3, SL-A-6 IX W. confusa (100%) HQ711354.1
SL-B-3, SL-B-9, SL-B7, SL-B-5, XII E. mundtii (99.8) CP029066.1
SL-A-5 UC W. paramesenteroides KF023208.1
SL-A-9 UC E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
Raw quinoa W-C-3 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
Q-B-2 UC E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
Q-B-6 UC L. fermentum MF424378.1
Sprouted quinoa W-C-3, SQ-C-6 V E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
Q-B-2, SQ-B-5 UC E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
SQ-C-5 UC E. casseliflavus (99) NR104560.1
SQ-C-2 UC E. casseliflavus (99.9) MF424694.1
SQ-C-3 UC Lc. lactis (99.7) MF355117.1

Identification was carried out by 16S rRNA and ddl gene sequencing.
The first letters of the code of the strain name (W, raw wheat; SW, sprouted wheat; B, raw barley; SB, sprouted barley; C, raw chickpea, SC, sprouted chickpea; L,
raw lentil, SL, sprouted lentil; Q, raw quinoa; SQ, sprouted quinoa) indicates the flour of origin whereas the following letter (separated by one hyphen) of the strain
name indicates the medium used for the isolation (A, De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe medium, MRS; B, modified MRS; C, sourdough bacteria medium) and the number
represents the progressive number of isolation.
RAPD-PCR cluster. Clusters are numbered with Roman numerals from I to XII; UC, unclustered.
Species showing the highest identity (%) to the strain isolated from flour. The percentage of identity was that shown by performing multiple sequence alignments
in BLAST. P., Pediococcus; L., Lactobacillus; E., Enterococcus; Lc., Lactococcus; S., Staphylococcus; W., Weissella.

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Fig. 4. Relative abundance (%) of bacterial OTUs classified at the phylum (A) and family (B) level, found in flours obtained by wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, and
quinoa grains, before and after sprouting process.

mainly belonging to P. pentosaceus, E faecium/faecalis and Lc. lactis. specific microbial profile (Fig. S1A). Firmicutes were found at the
E. casseliflavus (5 strains) and E faecium/faecalis (1) dominated in lowest level in raw wheat, barley and lentil flours (Fig. 4A). Within
raw barley flour. E. casseliflavus B-B-3, B-B-7, B-B-9, B-C-6 disappeared Firmicutes families, Paenibacellaceae (Paenibacillus sp. and Sacchar-
in sprouted barley flour. On the contrary, E. casseliflavus SB-C-5 and L. ibacillus sp.) dominated raw and sprouted wheat flours, and especially,
fermentum were identified only after sprouting. The number of domi- sprouted barley and quinoa flours (Figs. 4B and 5). Bacillus gibsonii and/
nant E faecium/faecalis increased in sprouted compared to raw barley or Bacillus sp., decreased during sprouting process. On the contrary,
flour. Lysinibacillus sp., was higher in sprouted than raw samples. Staphylo-
Raw chickpea flour harboured E. mundtii (3) and L. fermentum (1) coccaceae (Macrococcus caseolyticus, S. hominis, S. sciuri and Staphylo-
and Staphylococcus hominis (1). The latter two species disappeared after coccus sp.) were the highest in raw chickpea and quinoa flours and
the sprouting process. Compared to raw flour, sprouted chickpea flour decreased after the sprouting process.
showed other dominant LAB species (P. pentosaceus, E. casseliflavus, and Within LAB group, Streptococcaceae (mainly Lactococcus lactis and
Enterococcus sp.). Streptococcus thermophilus species) were found at the highest level in
Raw lentil flour showed four dominant Pediococcus and Enterococcus sprouted wheat and quinoa flours. The relative abundance of Lc. lactis
species (P. pentosaceus, E. casseliflavus, E. faecium/faecalis, E. faecium/ ranged from 0.09% (sprouted barley flour) to 51.34% in sprouted
faecalis, and Enterococcus sp.). Compared to raw, sprouted flour showed wheat flour. Str. thermophilus, found at the highest level in raw chickpea
a strong increase of E. casseliflavus strains while P. pentosaceus was not flour, decreased after sprouting process. Enterococcaceae (E. casseli-
identified. Strains belonging to Weissella spp. and E. mundtii were de- flavus, E. faecalis, E. mundtii, E. termitis and Enterococcus sp.) in wheat,
tected only in sprouted lentil flour. chickpea and lentil sprouted flours markedly increased, compared to
Compared to raw, sprouted quinoa flour harboured a higher number raw samples. An opposite trend was found for barley and, especially,
of E. casseliflavus strains. L. fermentum was identified in raw quinoa quinoa flours. Within Enterococcaceae, E. casseliflavus was the species
flour while Lc. lactis was found only after sprouting. found at the highest levels especially in sprouted chickpea flour
After preliminary morphological screening, seventeen strains of (59.66% of relative abundance). Compared to raw flours, E. casseliflavus
yeasts were randomly isolated from raw and/or sprouted flours. strongly decreased in sprouted barley and quinoa. Lactobacillaceae
Clavispora lusitaniae was identified in all samples while Debaryomyces species (L. brevis, L. fermentum, L. sanfranciscensis, L. spicheri, P. pento-
dominated in sprouted chickpea and raw quinoa flours (Table S2). The saceus) were identified at low level (< 1% of the relative abundance) in
number of strains increased in sprouted compared to raw flours. all samples. The sprouting process did not led to an increase in the
relative amount of Lactobacillaceae species. Leuconostoccaceae (W.
confusa and W. paramesenteroides) were found at the highest level in
3.3. Metagenetic profiles of raw and sprouted flours barley flours. Except for lentil, no statistical (P > 0.05) differences
were found between raw and sprouted flours.
Total bacterial Operative Taxonomic Units (OTUs) analyzed by the Fungal OTUs profiles showed high similarity between chickpea and
ggplot package showed that each sample was characterized by a

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Fig. 5. Permutation analysis of the relative abundance (%) of bacterial OTUs classified at the species level, found in flour obtained by wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil,
and quinoa grains, before and after sprouting process.

lentils flours (Fig. S1). All flour samples were dominated by Glomer- raw quinoa flour. Except for sprouted barley flour, Fusarium sp., de-
omycota (Glomeraceae) ranging from 80.61% (sprouted barley flour) to creased during sprouting process.
99.90% (lentil flours) of the total OTU (Fig. 6A). Cladosporium sp. de-
creased after sprouting process (Fig. 6B). Compared to raw flours, Al-
3.4. Chemical features of raw and sprouted flours and correlation with
ternaria sp. was found at lower amount in sprouted wheat and quinoa
flours. Exception was found for barley flours. Debaryomyces hansenii
was detected in raw and sprouted chickpea, quinoa and sprouted barley
The levels of proteins and fats were not significantly (P > 0.05)
flours. Except for chickpea, Clavispora lusitaniae increased in sprouted
affected by the sprouting process (Fig. 7). As expected, a strong increase
samples. Candida intermedia was detected only in sprouted wheat,
of free carbohydrates was observed during the sprouting process. The
barley and chickpea flours. Plectosphaerellaceae was identified only in
only exception was found for lentil grains. The highest levels of free

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Fig. 6. Relative abundance (%) of fungal OTUs classified at the phylum (A) and species (B) level, found in flours obtained by wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, and
quinoa grains, before and after sprouting process.

carbohydrates were observed in wheat and especially in barley and carbon and nitrogen source utilization patterns (carbohydrates, poly-
quinoa flours. These three grains showed the highest decrease of starch mers, amines, carboxylic acid and amino acids). The metabolic profiles
during sprouting process. A decrease of DF and, especially, IDF after of flours are likely to vary according to changes in the microbial po-
sprouting was also found. Compared to whole grains, sprouted wheat, pulation during sprouting process. The cell density of LAB was highest
barley and chickpea grains showed higher level of SDF. Sprouting in flours obtained from sprouted grains. Several authors already ob-
process led to a significant (P < 0.05) increase of total phenols, served microbial cell densities in grains between 3.0 and 6.0 Log cfu/g
especially for wheat and barley grains. and 2 or 3 log cycles greater in germinated grains than un-sprouted
By considering the species-level (Fig. S2) taxonomic assignments grains (Yang et al., 2013).
and significant correlations at FDR < 0.05, OTUs co-occurrence was Although with different magnitudes, sprouting caused a different
investigated. The most significant co-occurrences were identified for assembly of the microbiome component of the related-flours. The shifts
Staphylococcaceae (M. caseolyticus and S. hominis) with Lactobacillus had different extents depending on the grains and microbial group in-
species, P. pentosaceus, and S. thermophilus. W. confusa was positively vestigated. According to previous studies (Gobbetti et al., 2016; Nachi,
correlated with Halospirulina and Bacillus sp. On the contrary, W. con- Fhoula, Smida, Ouzari, & Hassoun, 2019; Weckx et al., 2010), P. pen-
fusa showed negative correlations with Lysinibacillus sp., Lc. lactis, tosaceus, Lc. lactis, E. faecium, E. termitis and L. fermentum were found in
Staphylococcus sp., Carnobacterium sp., E. casseliflavus and E. termitis. Lc. wheat flours, highlighting the dominance of coccus-shaped (e.g. En-
lactis was negatively correlated with Halospirulina sp., and Bacillus sp. terococcus sp.) LAB. This study showed that the sprouting process of
Positive correlations (r > 0.70; FDR < 0.05) were found between wheat grains modified the dominant species composition in flour (E.
cell density of presumptive LAB and yeasts with the time of sprouting casseliflavus instead of E. termitis) and strongly increased the total
process (previously selected for each grain based on the achievement of number of strains. Previously, E. casseliflavus was isolated from maize
a length of rootlets corresponding to ca. 3/4 of the medium seed length, flour-based traditional Portuguese sourdough (Rocha & Malcata, 2012)
before the seedling development) and the concentrations of free sugars and during the first step of durum wheat dough fermentation (Alfonzo
content in flours (Fig. S3). On the contrary, negative correlations were et al., 2017). Nachi et al. (2019) showed that autochthonous E. casse-
found with soluble dietary fibers and total polyphenols. At species level, liflavus strains had interesting technological features and thus could be
E. casseliflavus, Enterococcus sp., E. termitis, and Carnobacterium sp., were used in Tunisian sourdough production. However, other studies are
positively correlated with the time of sprouting process. On the con- needed to define the role of E. casseliflavus in sourdough biotechnology.
trary, B. gibsonii, Paenibacillus sp., S. hominis, Saccharibacillus, Staphy- Enterococcus species represent contaminants from the environment and
lococcus sp., L. brevis and L. fermentum showed negative correlations. grains processing. They have been reported to be present in water, soils,
Other significant correlations were found among specific OTUs and free cereal flours and other vegetable materials (De Vuyst & Neysens, 2005).
sugars, soluble dietary fibers and total polyphenols. Compared to un-sprouted grains, Lc. lactis and P. pentosaceus strains
strongly increased in wheat flour produced by sprouted grains. Pre-
viously, P. pentosaceus was described as a dominant species in many
4. Discussion mature sourdoughs (De Angelis, Minervini, Siragusa, Rizzello, &
Gobbetti, 2019; Van Kerrebroeck, Maes, & De Vuyst, 2017). Meta-
The conditions used for cereals, pseudocereals and legumes transcriptome data confirmed the effects of Lc. lactis in the early stage of
sprouting in this study were comparable to those used for the same sourdough preparation and the dominance of P. pentosaceus with a key
grains (Montemurro et al., 2019), rye (Katina et al., 2007) and for in- metabolic role in dough fermentation (Weckx et al., 2010). The use of
dustrial malting of barley, and are known to result in enhanced enzyme wheat flours from sprouted grains with enriched amount of Lc. lactis
activity (Laitila et al., 2006). The sprouting process increased the

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

Fig. 7. Proximate composition in protein (A), fat (B), carbohydrates (C), starch (D), total fiber (E), soluble dietary fiber (F), insoluble dietary fiber (G), ash (H) and
total phenols (I) of flours obtained from wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, and quinoa grains, before and after sprouting process. Data are the means ± standard
deviations from three independent experiments analyzed in triplicate. Values with different superscript letters (within each panel), differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Values are expressed on dry weight basis. Proteins, starch, fat, ash, total free carbohydrates were expressed as % of dry matter (d.m.).

and P. pentosaceus could differently affect the stability of the mature 2016). In flour from un-sprouted barley grains, a predominance of
sourdough LAB biota compared to un-sprouted grains flour (Gobbetti bacterial OTUs assigned to members of the Enterococcaceae, Strepto-
et al., 2016). Indeed, the highest diversity of LAB could increase the coccaceae and Leuconostoccaceae families were observed. As previously
enzymatic portfolio of the sourdoughs affecting the metabolic activities reported (Justé et al., 2014), Weissella was found as the most dominant
during wheat dough fermentation of leavened baked goods (Gänzle, LAB genus during malting of barley, according to the shifts in microbial
2014). Upon culture-independent analysis, wheat flour from sprouted community structure, explained by the changing incubation conditions
grains was characterized by a low number of LAB OTUs, among which during the process, such as temperatures and humidity.
Lc. lactis and E. casseliflavus were the most important. Sprouting was Sprouting process of legume grains modified the dominant species
shown to reduce the microbial diversity, indicating selection and composition in flour (L. fermentum appeared/disappeared in chickpea
dominance by process-dependant microorganisms (Justé et al., 2011). and lentil flours, respectively). Among LAB, relevant increases of E.
According to the most recent literature (De Angelis et al., 2019; casseliflavus and Lc. lactis OTUs were found in chickpea flour from
Gobbetti, De Angelis, Di Cagno, Polo, & Rizzello, 2019; Gobbetti et al., sprouted grains. Increases of Enterococcus spp. and Lactococcus strains
2016) the succession of dominating and sub-dominating populations of during sourdoughs fermentation were already observed in kabuli
LAB occurring during sprouting process, lead to the assembly of the chickpeas (Sáez, Saavedra, Hebert, & Zárate, 2018). Chickpea and lentil
sourdough-like bacterial community. raw flours harboured the highest OTUs belonging to Staphylococcaceae.
E. faecium and E. casseliflavus were found in barley flours upon Sprouting process led to a decrease of Staphylococcaceae species (S.
culture dependent analysis. The sprouting process of barley grains hominis, M. caseolyticus and Staphylococcus sp. species). Compared to the
modified the dominant species composition in flour and L. fermentum raw quinoa flour, Lc. lactis increased after sprouting.
was also detected. According to Booysen, Dicks, Meijering, and In agreement with several authors (O'Sullivan, Walsh, O'Mahony,
Ackermann (2002) the indigenous microbial community of barley Fitzgerald, & van Sinderen, 1999), D. hansenii, C. lusitaniae and C. in-
harbours a wide range of microorganisms and the predominant LAB termedia yeasts were variously detected in sprouted flours.
species were isolated from malt in the germination vessels. When barley Compared to flours from un-sprouted grains, germinated flours
flour was used for sourdoughs fermentation, doughs were characterized contain high amount of phenolic compounds (Katina et al., 2007; Singh,
by the presence of L. fermentum (Harth, Van Kerrebroeck, & De Vuyst, Rehal, Kaur, & Jyot, 2015), soluble fibers (Benincasa et al., 2019;

G. Perri, et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 126 (2020) 109314

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