Homework 1 Spring 2022

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FALL 2021 COURSE ASSIGNMENT] Wednesday, Feb 04, 2022

Homework 1
Due: Feb. 04, 2022 (Via Blackboard)

Exercises Page 35 (Be thorough)

1. Exercise 1:
a. Assume that a security model is needed for protection of information in your
class. Compare and contrast the Maconachy and McCumber1 models. Why is the
Maconachy model considered to be an improvement?
i. Use the Maconachy cube (read reference SM-1).
ii. At least one page.
iii. 40 points
2. Complete exercises 2, 3, and 4. (20 points each)
3. Exercise 5: Using the web, find out who Andrew Auernheimer is. What did he do? Who
caught him? Discuss his sentence and judicial rationale. (20 points)

Directions (Follow these assiduously)

1. You are to do this assignment without assistance (except from me).

2. Type each exercise before inserting your answer.
3. Annotate all references via endnotes using IEEE format. Pay particular attention to the
“CITATIONS: IEEE Format” paragraph.
a. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is defined as "taking and using as one's own the writing or ideas of
another." All materials used to meet assigned written requirements of a course, from any source,
must be given proper credit by citing the source. A student caught plagiarizing a paper which
forms a part of a course grade shall be given an "F" in the course and will be subject to dismissal
from the University.
b. Wikipedia references are acceptable but not sufficient. You research must also
demonstrate the use of source references.

McCumber, John. “Information Systems Security: A Comprehensive Model”. Proceedings 14th National Computer Security Conference.
National Institute of Standards and Technology. Baltimore, MD. October 1991.
FALL 2021 COURSE ASSIGNMENT] Wednesday, Feb 04, 2022

4. Your work should be neat and organized professionally.

5. Deliver your assignment via Blackboard by midnight on the delivery date.
a. lastnameFirstnameHW1

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