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Name Ishan Aravinda Welikanna

Batch No 104
Student ID (University ID and Cardiff Met ID : st20222224 ICBT ID :
Scheduled unit details
Unit code MBA 7000
Unit title People and Organisations
Assignment Details
Nature of the Assessment EXAM 1 Converted as an Assignment (WRIT 2)
Topic of the Case Study GIVEN
Learning Outcomes covered YES
Word count 2800 words
Due date / Time 10 February 2022
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Critical Evaluation of Challenges faced by Dialog Axiata PLC in handling
it’s workforce during the post-COVID-19 Pandemic and
Recommendations to improve and resolve these Challenges


To : Group Chief Corporate and People Officer -Dialog Axiata PLC

From : Aravinda Welikanna, Organization Development Professional

Date : 17-01-2022

Subject : Critical Evaluation of Challenges faced by Dialog Axiata PLC in handling its
workforce during the Post COVID-19 Pandemic and Recommendations to
improve and resolve these Challenges.

1. Executive Summary

The COVID-19 global pandemic hit Sri Lanka On 27th January 2020. With a fast-tracked
vaccination programme and under the “New normal” economy and general lives are slowly
beginning to live with Covid-19recovering. The pandemic compelled organizations to change
and adapt to rapid changes in the market and ensure their sustainability. This research intends
to address the top challenges faced by Dialog Axiata PLC during the post-pandemic era in
relation to its workforce and organizational management.

An introduction to Dialog Axiata PLC is provided in this report along with the vision,
mission, values and structure of the corporate management. Thereafter, the organizational
change management strategy is analyzed, followed by a critical evaluation on the top
challenges faced by the company during post-COVID-19 pandemic in the field of people and
organization. These challenges are ranging from getting employees to return to work
normally, employee reluctance to adapt changing organizational environment and adverse
impacts created by working from home culture.

Section 4 of the report proposes solutions as recommendations to overcome these challenges

within a given time frame which is in alignment to the new normal, the world post-Covid-19.

2. Introduction to Axiata PLC

About Dialog Axiata PLC

Dialog Axiata PLC is a subsidiary of Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and is the country
lLeader in facilitating Quad-Play connectivity. Currently, Dialog is Sri Lanka’s largest
foreign direct investor (FDI) with a cumulative investment totalling USD.2.8 Billion.
Company operates an active subscriber base of 16.2 Million which is the largest in the
industry. Dialog employs 3,884 employees, across 136 service centres island-wide to date
and a fully functional contact centre available 24*7.

Vision, Mission and Values
Company’s vision statement along with the Mission statement and its core values have been
analyzed in below table 1(Company Aannual Rreport, 2020).

Table 1- Vision, Mission & Values of Dialog Axiata PLC

(Source: Company annual report, 2020)

The Leadership Structure

The current corporate management team is consisting of nine group Chief Officers and they
are all reporting to Group Chief Executive Officer. All strategic decisions are made with the
unanimous agreement of all members

Figure 1: Structure of the Leadership

(Source: Company annual report, 2020 & Author’s work based on research, 2021)

3. Critical Analysis of Change Management Process in aligning Dialog Axiata PLC
towards the post-COVID-19 pandemic.

A critical analysis is carried out in Dialog Axiata PLC in undergoing change and how the
company needs to adjust itself to the post pandemic era by incorporating an emergent strategy
in opposition to a planned strategy (Mintzberg & Waters, 1985).

Step Analysis
Create Urgency The corporate management was requested to initiate and decide
on measures to drive the organization through the post-
pandemic and create employee awareness and change mindsets.
(Sanjaya, 2022)
Form a powerful Establishing a Crisis Response team to coordinate and respond
coalition to efforts and defined goals and objectives. The primary task of
the team is to ensure business continuity and provide effective
solutions to enable smooth organizational operations (Piris,
Create vision for The team requires sharing guidelines to achieve its intended
change targets by winning employee trust and support while ensuring
employee and customer safety (Goonathilake, 2022).

Communicate The strategy of communicating should be focused and align

vision with the effects of Covid-19 and possible future outbreaks in
relation to the workforce and need to be driven via emotion and
safety (Piris, 2022).
Empower action Company requires streamlining the process flow by
empowering the employees and introducing a more flexible and
less complex organizational structure to enable quick decision
making (Goonathilake, 2022).
Create quick wins Updating short term goals and targets based on the revisited
vision to create greater employee engagement and motivation
(Sanjaya, 2022).
Build on the change Employees and the company might get overwhelmed by the
success achieved with short term goals and targets and might
expect immediate success in long term goals, which will hinder
the building on change process (Peris, 2022).
Make it stick The new change strategy should be effectively communicated
and effectively integrated into the employee and the
organizational culture until the effects of previous habits are
completely eliminated (Goonathilake, 2022).

Table 1 – Change Management Process based on Kotter’s 8 Steps model (Kotter, 1995)
(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)

4. Critical Analysis of Challenges faced by Dialog Axiata PLC in post-Covid-19 pandemic
in relation to handling its workforce.

The Top 3 Challenges organization could face during change process aligning the new
normal and the effects of the identified challenges are evaluated under this section.

4.1 Challenge of getting employees to return to work normally.

 Ensuring employee Health

During the second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak, company had a delayed approach in
implementing employee safety measures. This created uncertainty on health and

wellbeing in employees’ minds. When the management calls employees requesting to

return to work, employees will express lack of interest and reluctance citing their past
experiences (Goonathilake, 2022). This will bring a negative impact on overall
organizational operations. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, safety is
considered as a key motivational factor towards employees’ behaviors (Maslow, 1943).
When they feel insecure at workplace Employees will turn down to report to work.
 Employee reluctance to break free from Working from Home (WFH)

With the initial outbreak of the Covid-19, the majority of the workforce shifted to
WFHM. Though it was initially challenging during the transition, at present employees
Challenge 2

are well adapted to working remotely (Peiris, 2022). With the implementation of the
organizational change process, management has requested employees to return to the
office working environment. This resulted in employee reluctance to break free from
WFHM citing they are well capable of working remotely, despite the management’s
views of streamlining operations. As per big five personality model agreeableness,
openness and conscientiousness of these employees scored low and neuroticisms scored
high (Digman, 1990).

Table 2 – Challenge of getting employees returning to the normal work environment

(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)

4.2 Employee’s reluctance to adapt Changing Organizational Environment.

 Employees’ resistance to adapt to new policies and technology.

To streamline the organizational process flow and improve productivity the

management has introduced new software and new policies. Staff showed resistance to

adapting to these new changes due to fear of failure and lack of required skills and IT
knowledge (Goonathilake, 2022). Work practices and processes used by some
employees were outdated and they were incompatible with the new policies. This will
hinder the expected outcomes of the change model. According to Lewin’s force field
analysis, restraining factors for change among employees remain high shifting the
status quo towards opposing change (Lewin, 1940).
 Reduced managerial and executive support.

Some team leaders and managers are less experienced and motivated to recognize and
Challenge 2

adapt to the urgency of change (Erwin, 2009). They are quite comfortable with existing
planned organizational strategies and show reluctance to deviate from their present
management style (Mintzberg &Waters, 1998). This may result in the emergence of
interdepartmental conflicts. Among these managers and team leaders clear mix of A
and B personalities could be identified (Houghton, 2004). During the restructuring,
process the company needs to address this matter as a top priority unless widespread
operational issues are inevitable.
 Employee fear for Innovation

Product Innovation is a tool that can be utilized to achieve competitive advantage

(Noefer et al., 2009) that sets the organization apart from its competitors while
Challenge 3

providing sustainable growth. Organizations need to prioritize innovation for long-term

success (Anderson, Potocnik and Zhou, 2004). Innovations depend on the ideas of
employees (Van de Ven, 1986) and are driven by their skills. But reduced
communication, brainstorming and understanding of self capacity will grow fear and
demotivation to innovate. As per Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham’s Johari window
(1955) lack of communication and interaction will grow employees’ blind spots which
are not visible to self and visible to others.
 Possible Staff turn-Over

During the first phase of the pandemic, to safeguard company cash flows a salary
deferment was introduced for six months. This made employees think that their job
security is at a stake (Goonathilake, 2022). This resulted in proportionately lower inputs
Challenge 4

from employees for the revised base- pay received, as explained by the equity theory
(Adams and Freeman, 1976). With the current economic recession and increasingly
high operational costs in the company, employees might be in view of their Jobs will be
affected once more. Leading employees to look for new avenues to safeguard their jobs.
This can lead to a surge in staff resignations, losing skilled and experienced employees
will bring an adverse impact to the change process. As per Herzberg’s two-factor theory
job security is a key hygiene factor, when employees feel their jobs security is in
danger; they tend to leave (Herzberg, 1973).

Table 3 – Employee Reluctance to adapt to changing organizational environment

(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)
4.3 Dealing with adverse impacts created by the Work from Home Culture.

 The reduced team spirit of employees.

During the WFH period, employees got used to working unsupervisedalone. Even
though teams exist in the company, they were just nominal and were more of groups,
not teams (Sanjaya, 2022). This will result in a ‘reduced to lack’ of teamwork among

employees, which will hurt the organizational performance and overall operations.
Teams are made with the ability of team members to gel with each other which
consumes reasonable time. Existing teams will have to go through team-building stages
of forming, storming, norming and performing (Tuckman, 1965) to restore the
cohesiveness they had before the pandemic (Pepitone and Reichling, 1963) which is
time-consuming and will cause a negative impact when going through the change
 Dealing with employees’ negative mindsets

The WFH culture has caused behavioural and mental changes among employees,(Piris,
2022). Psychological distress and anxiety, driven by the lack of human interaction and
Challenge 2

the uncertainties related to job security and physical health, have affected employees’
mental health adversely (Chieu et al, Lai et al, 2020). These mental stressors will pose
long-lasting effects on employees’ mindsets even during the post-pandemic (Brooks et
al, 2020). Due to fewer carrier development opportunities and lack of training and
development, most of the workforce’s mindsets have moved to fixed mindsets (Dweck.
C, 2006) which will affect the overall performance of the organization.
 Loss of managerial control over employees

Planning, organizing, lead and controlling are the four main functions of managers.
During the WHF managers were capable of planning and organizing but they were not
in a position to lead and control (Kapur, 2018) due to WFH. Most of these employees
Challenge 3

were not part of self-managed work teams (Appelbaum, Bethune and Tannebaum,
1999) and were depending on managerial supervision in large. When employees
realized that their managers are not in a position to supervise them as earlier, they
began to work on their own by showing greater reluctance to listen to their managers.
This trend will bring serious negative impacts during the change process. Frequent
clashes between managers and employees are expected, which will hinder the overall
organizational operations.

Table 4 – Dealing with adverse impacts created by the working from home culture
(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)

10 | P a g e
5. Recommendations to Overcome Challenges faced by Dialog Axiata PLC in post-Covid-
19 Pandemic in relation to Handling its Workforce.

5.1 Recommendations for Encouraging employees to return to the normal work

 Ensuring Employee Safety

The company must consider employee safety as the top priority. Access to basic health
requirements like hand sanitiser, face masks and water to wash hands should be made
Recommendation 1

available without any short supply. It is recommended to rearrange workstations to

maintain social distancing. Public areas like the cafeteria, washrooms and elevators
need to be sanitized a minimum of thrice a day. Additionally, to gain employee trust
and confidence, management should effectively communicate the measures, the
company has taken to ensure employees' safety. Further staff members with underline
medical conditions and pregnant ladies should be directed to WFH. The company may
consider providing transportation to employees to minimize the exposure to the general
 Reluctance to break free from WFH culture.
Recommendation 2

Managers and team leaders should be advised to effectively communicate with their
team members and convince them to return to work. And made employees feel their
physical presence is mandatory for the program’s success in achieving the targets. It is
advised to gradually increase the number of days required to report to work rather than
asking employees to return to the office at once. Further management should take
necessary steps to create a pleasant work environment for employees by eliminating
toxic work conditions, which stimulate employees to return to work normally.

Table 5 – Recommendations to encourage employees to return to normal working environment

(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)

5.2 Recommendation to overcome Challenges in adapting to changing Organizational

11 | P a g e
Recommendation 1  Reducing employees’ resistance in adapting to new policies and technology.

It is recommended to conduct mandatory skill-building and capacity building exercises

for employees. These exercises should consist of training and basic hands-on practice
on newly introduced IT systems. Further briefings on newly implemented processes and
policies and their expected outcome and impact on the existing processes should be
clearly outlined. Further, it is recommended to obtain employee feedback on areas to
improve and shortcomings in these new policies and processes to increase employee
interaction and reduce the fear and resistance to adopt them.
 Regaining managerial and executive support

Managers and team leaders should be provided with adequate learning and skills
Recommendation 2

development opportunities. Further senior managers and heads of departments are

advised to conduct one to one interviews with their junior managers and executives to
obtain their views and practical shortcomings incorporated with revised policies and
procedures. These shortcomings must be addressed and dealt with urgency.
Additionally, it is recommended to arrange discussions with managers of departments
who are involved in different processes. And brief on each department’s role associated
with each process and procedure. This will build a better understanding among
managers on each department role and will reduce conflicts.
 Eliminating employee fear for innovation

The company requires adapting and building a culture that encourages innovative ideas.
Recommendation 3

Individuals with innovative ideas are required to be recognized and teaming them up
with employees who share similar views and passion is required. These teams should be
given time to discuss and come up with ideas and development processes for new
products innovations. Further, these employees should be empowered and made
accountable for their decisions. A feasible and realistic time frame for the development
process should be given which will reduce the stress of tight deadlines. To encourage
more employee participation for innovations, competitions and attractive rewards for
innovative ideas are recommended. Carrier development opportunities and proper
recognition based on these employees performance are mandatory.
 Addressing possible staff turn-Over

Job safety is paramount for employees; management should take adequate measures to
Recommendation 4

convince employees that their jobs are safer. Further, it is recommended to implement a
rewards scheme to felicitate hard-working employees and special achievements. Team
leaders and managers must be instructed to communicate with their team members to
uncover issues they are facing at work. These issues must be dealt with top priority.
Additionally, it is recommended to bring employee salaries on par with the industry
standard. The company should provide employees with carrier development
opportunities recognize top performers and groom them to be future leaders.

Table 5 – Recommendations to make employees adapt to changing organizational environment

(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)
5.3 Recommendation to deal with challenges created by Working from Home Culture.

12 | P a g e
 Restoring reduced team Spirit

It is recommended to initiate team and self-building activities for employees. Virtual

hangouts, virtual coffee breaks and ideas sharing discussions are recommended. Further
Recommendation 1

employees should be given a designated time and space for networking. Managers and
team leaders should be instructed to involve their team members in the process of
decision making. Often involve team members in “what’s your opinion” meetings. This
enables open forums for employees to ask questions, share opinions and thoughts.
Additionally, team members are required to be assigned new responsibilities, such as
taking on managerial duties and mentoring their co-workers. This will grow employees’
confidence and provide opportunities to get to know each other better, making team
members feel that they are important towards the group’s success and increasing team
 Rebuilding employees mindsets

Managers and team leaders should be advised to conduct regular checks with
Recommendation 2

employees for any issues they are facing related to work and family. These issues must
be addressed and solutions are required to be provided with the top priory. Online
platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp should be fully utilized to
maintain strong and effective communication with employees. Additionally, it is highly
recommended to take time to appreciate employees for their hard work, dedication and
efforts. Sending appreciation emails can be implemented. Further company should
provide employees with equal carrier building opportunities and training to keep
employees up to date.
 Recommendation to restore supervision

Managers and team leaders should prepare weekly work schedules and team members
are required to be briefed on each one’s task. Additionally, daily short briefing meetings
Recommendation 3

are encouraged. Managers are required to set team and individual targets. Progress of
given targets required to be reviewed in regular intervals. Furthermore, It is
recommended to adopt a collaborative approach when setting targets. Managers and
team leaders are required to be readily available to employees when they encounter
problems and need clarifications, this will build employee trust in their superior.
Building a strong alliance and effective forums with employees are highly
recommended. Additionally, employees should be made aware of organizational
changes and new developments.

Table 6 – Recommendations to deal with challenges created by working from home culture
(Source: Authors work based on research, 2022)

6. Conclusion.

13 | P a g e
The change management process at Dialog Axiata PLC aiming at the post-Covid business
environment has been analyzed. Based on the analysis potential top three challenges namely,
getting employees to return to work normally, Employee fear to adapt to changing
organizational environment and dDealing with adverse impacts created by the WFHM culture
were identified. The effects of identified challenges and their courses were critically
evaluated (Peiris, Goonathilake, Sanjaya, January 2022).

The company must draw its plans to ensure Organizational Sustainability, where success is
achieved today without compromising the needs of the future (Boudreau and Ramstad, 2006).
Ensuring employee safety is a top priority for the company. Training and development is
crucial for employees to acquire new skills and build a strong alliance with their co-workers.
Whilst most of the companies’ identified issues can be addressed with strong ream
performance, spending time with team building activities are crucial.

The threat of an emerging a new Covid-19 wave is still a high possibility. Hence, the
company should implement a proper contingency plan to deal with future Covid waves.
Recommendations given in this report requires to be implemented within the given time
frames to ensure uninterrupted and smooth organizational operations. Which will enable
Dialog Axiata PLC to achieve its’ intended targets of the change process towards the new
normal with minimal to less resistance in time to come.

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