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How to install LFT3 with Oracle XE database on a single server

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Minimum and recommended system requirements ............................................................................. 3
Supported operating systems .......................................................................................................... 3
Minimum server requirements .......................................................................................................... 3
Supported databases ....................................................................................................................... 3
Supported browsers ......................................................................................................................... 3
Installation files .................................................................................................................................... 3
Installation................................................................................................................................................ 4
Installing Oracle XE 11g ...................................................................................................................... 4
Preparing the Oracle database ............................................................................................................ 7
Installing LFT3 ................................................................................................................................... 11
LFT3 Post-installation ........................................................................................................................ 15
Accessing the LFT3 server .................................................................................................................... 16
This guide will guide you through the installation steps of Lexmark Fleet Tracker 3 (LFT3) with Oracle
XE database on a single server. Please make sure you have met all the Prerequisites before you
start your installation.

All prerequisites are based on LFT3 version 3.9. For other versions consult the Lexmark Fleet
Manager Admin Guide that is available with the LFT installers.

Minimum and recommended system requirements

Supported operating systems
 Windows Server 2012 R2
 Windows Server 2012
 Windows Server 2008 R2

Minimum server requirements

Since this guide focusses on a single server installation of LFT3 and the Oracle database only the
minimum server requirements will be provided. These requirements will allow you to support up to
2.500 devices for two years on a single server.
Do not provide more processors if you intend to use the free available Oracle XE version – the
licensing model from Oracle will not allow you to do so.
 1 processor (3GHz)
 2 GB of RAM (in addition to the minimum RAM required by the operating system)
 100 GB disk space (to be available after operating system installation)

Supported databases
 Oracle Express Edition 11g (Oracle XE 11g)

Supported browsers
 Google Chrome (version 34 or later)
 Mozilla Firefox (version 28 or later)

Installation files
Make sure you have the following files available on the server before starting the installation:
 LFT3 installer file (LFT_3.9.*_Install.exe)
 LFT3 demo license file (LFT 3.x DEMO (expires dd-mmm-yyyy).lic) or production
license file if available
 Oracle XE database installer file (OracleXE112_Win*.zip)
 The Oracle database creation script (createORA.sql)

File resources
LFT3 installer file
For partners:
PartnerNet > Solutions > Lexmark Fleet Manager > Technical Repository > File
Downloads > LFT 3.x Install v3.9.*

LFT3 demo license file

For partners:
Please contact your Lexmark representative.

Oracle XE database installer file

For partners:
PartnerNet > Solutions > Lexmark Fleet Manager > Technical Repository > File
Downloads > Oracle 11g XE Download
Installing Oracle XE 11g
1. Double-click the Oracle XE database installer file to launch the installation wizard and click on

2. Carefully read the License Agreement and if you agree select I accept the terms… and
click on Next.
3. Make sure that Oracle Database 11g Express Edition is checked, that the location for
the Destination Folder is correct and then click on Next.

4. Enter the password for the SYSTEM user for the database. As an unwritten rule we use
manager366 as the default password.
5. Review the summary and if everything is correct, click on Install.
6. The installation will now start and you’ll need to wait for a couple of minutes.

7. Once the installation wizard shows the complete screen you can click on Finish.

Preparing the Oracle database

Before starting the installation of LFT3 you will need to prepare the Oracle database you have just
installed. The provided createORA.sql file will run all the necessary commands for you.
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where you have saved createORA.sql
2. Type in the following command and press the Enter key:
sqlplus system/manager366 @createORA.sql LFM manager366
This will create two users: LFM (taken from the command you just typed in) and LFMDWH (takes
the LFM user and appends DWH to it) with the password manager366.
3. Once the script has finished you should see no errors in the command prompt window.

4. Reboot the server!

5. After the server has been rebooted, open the Services panel and check if the following two
services have been started:
 OracleServiceXE
 OracleXETNSListener

The database preparation is now finished and you can continue with the installation of LFT3.
Installing LFT3
1. Double-click the LFT3 installer file to launch the installation wizard and click on Next.

2. Again, carefully read the License Agreement and if you agree, click on I Agree.

3. If you wish to change the installation folder, you can do so by clicking on Browse. If the correct
installation folder has been selected, click on Next.
4. Make sure that both Database and Port Mirror are cleared and only Server is checked.
Click on Next.

5. Now enter the correct information for the connection to the Oracle XE database. Make sure all
the correct information is entered and click on Next.
a. Database Vendor – select Oracle from the dropdown menu.
b. URL - <ip_address_of_the_database_server>:1521/XE
c. Username – the username you entered when Preparing the Oracle database. This
should normally be LFM.
d. Password – the password you entered when Preparing the Oracle database. This
should normally be manager366.
e. Confirm Password – same as Password. Should normally be manager366.
6. The installation will now start – this could take a couple of minutes.

7. Once the installation wizard shows the complete screen you can click on Close.
LFT3 Post-installation
It can take some minutes before the LFT3 server is available. The services need some time to start
and get everything configured (you will see this every time the server is restarted).
You can check the Windows Task Manager to see if the services are ready:
1. Open the Windows Task Manager and locate the Commons Daemon Service Runner service.
During startup this service will be using around 95-98% of the CPU. Wait until this process
drops to almost no CPU usage.
Accessing the LFT3 server
After the services are finished starting up, you can access the LFT3 server by typing the IP address of
the server in a web browser. The default port is 80 so you don’t have to add it to the IP address (you
can change it later if needed to).
Default username/password: admin/admin (you can change these later if needed to).

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