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Student ID:

Unit code and name:

Assessment title:


1 year-2
Age of Children: years Time: Date:

Lesson Duration

Group Size Small if small, how many_____5 kids_______


Location Indoors


Routine Task ______________________________

Other ____________________________________

Lesson Objectives

Domain: Physical
Goal: Physical activities help kids to achieve their body development requirements and facilitate
height growth and weight management.
The objectives of this lesson is to develop the physical growth of the children in their early years:
 Walking, climbing, kicking and throwing balls, dancing can be practiced with the kids to
engage them in physical work.
 They should be able to feed themselves and drink water from a cup.
Children’s interests/prior Knowledge
The EYLF prescribes the various milestones for developing the physical aspects of children in their
early childhood years which shall be attained by this lesson:
 Children should be able to walk even if in a tottering manner without the support of adult.
 Children should be able to walk two to three steps with their hands up without any
 Children should be able to pick up things from the ground.
 Children should be able to take care of their well being.
 An open space- either indoor area or outdoor area can be used.
 Toys like balls, stools, wheeled toys
 Spoon, cup and fork.

Description of Experience/Procedure
Objective 1: Walking, climbing, kicking and throwing balls, dancing can be practiced with the kids.
Children should be provided sufficient open space for initiating physical activities on a daily basis.
They should be encouraged to walk around with wheeled toys, climbing stools, push objects and
balance them. Playing games like hide and seek with the children so that they can run around and
chase other children.

Objective 2: They should be able to feed themselves.

Children should be given small amounts of food and they should be given a spoon/fork to eat the
food themselves. The teacher shall make sure that the children are taught about the hazards of
using a spoon/fork too besides teaching their usage.

Pedagogical Practices (Teaching Strategies)

Educator’s role
Physical activities are significant for the future growth and development of the motor skills of the
children. The teacher should be very encouraging towards the children to undertake small
physical activities. Supervision of the children by their teacher is necessary to conducting the
above mentioned activities properly.

Open-ended Questions
 How are the physical activities contributing to the development of the children in their
early years?

Evaluation of Experience
Assessment/documentation for children’s learning:
The teacher should be able to able to tick the actions mentioned in the checklist below:
 Walking
 Climbing
 Use a spoon/fork
 Fast waking/run

Achievement's narration:
The children shall be able to meet the objectives mentioned in the EYLF.

Linking to EYLF LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

LO2: Children are connected with and con tribute to their world

LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Tick one relevant LO4: Children are confident and involved learners
outcome and
provide rationale LO5: Children are effective communicators

From this lesson children shall be able to move about themselves without the
help of adult and they shall be able to feed themselves as well. These two
factors are significant for the basic survival of a child in the early childhood
years and also promote their growth.

Future Planning
After achieving the objectives of this lesson, the teacher should move on to achieve the
milestones of physical development of a 3 year old child. It is necessary for the teacher to keep
updating the lesson plan according to the growing years of the children.


Age of Children: 2-years Time: Date:

Lesson Duration

Group Size Small if small, how many____5 kids________


Location Indoors


Routine Task ______________________________

Other ____________________________________

Lesson Objectives

Domain: Cognitive
Goal: Children by the age of 2 years should be able to understand certain common concepts and
recognise basic symbols.
The lesson objectives are to develop the cognitive skills of the children in the early childhood
 Signalling when finished using the toilet.
 Understand the difference between ‘I’ and others and use it appropriately.
 Search for hidden toys.
Children’s interests/prior Knowledge
In the previous lesson, the children are being provided an opportunity to improve their physical
skills by playing different games. The observations of the children playing and reacting to each
other’s actions should be used to prepare the procedure for achieving the objectives of this

Small toys.

Description of Experience/Procedure
Objective 1: Signalling when finished using the toilet.
The teacher can show a signalling technique to the children and ask the children to mimic it when
they are done using the toilet.

Objective 2: Differentiating between ‘I’ and others.

The teacher should use different rhymes to make the children understand the usage of ‘I’ in their
sentences and the significance of the use of ‘I’. By using rhymes the teacher shall be able to catch
the attention of the children and retain them.

Objective 3: Search for hidden toys

The teacher can hide some especially significant toy of the children and ask them to search for it.
When the children begin to lose interest or they get distracted, the teacher can join them in their
Pedagogical Practices (Teaching Strategies)
Educator’s role
The teacher’s role in implementing this lesson is to teach the children different forms of signaling
by enacting them out in front of the students. Children at the age of 2 years are unable to think
logically hence mimicking becomes an important part of teaching them. The teacher should be
encouraging the children to search for the toys.

Open-ended Questions

What is the importance of cognitive development for children?

Evaluation of Experience

Assessment/documentation for children’s learning:

The teacher should be able to able to observe the following actions mentioned in the checklist
amongst the children:
 Signalling to go to the toilet and after they are done.
 Proper use of ‘I’ in their sentences.
 Put actions sequentially to find the hidden toys.

Achievement's narration:
The children should be able to understand and create their own signals to communicate with the
other children and parents/caregivers. Signalling would allow the elders to address their issues
directly and effectively.

Linking to EYLF LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Tick one relevant
outcome and LO4: Children are confident and involved learners
provide rationale
LO5: Children are effective communicators

The development of the cognitive skills of the children will allow them to
communicate their feelings with the outside world. It shall also help improve
their capability to perceive different messages from the outside world. The
lesson of improving the cognitive skills of the children shall also help them in
differentiating their identity from others which enhances the information
they aim to share.

Future Planning
The children should move on to participate in group activities easily such as sing-a-longs and play
building games with other children which requires a level of cooperation amongst the children.

Age of Children: 2 years Time: Date:

Lesson Duration

Group Size Small if small, how many____________


Location Indoors


Routine Task ______________________________

Other ____________________________________

Lesson Objectives

Domain: Language
Goal: Children will be able to listen to short sentences and understand them.
The objectives of this lesson shall be based on improving the language use of the children:
 Teaching them to name the things of commonly used items around them

Children’s interests/prior Knowledge

EYLF promotes children to become effective communicators and naming objects is an effective
method of achieving this objective.

Daily using objects like water, fan etc.

Description of Experience/Procedure
Objective 1: Teaching them to name the things of commonly used items around them

Using image flashcards to point the objects and teach the entire group the name of the object
rhythmically and asking the children to pronounce it together in the same rhyme.
Pedagogical Practices (Teaching Strategies)
Educator’s role
The teacher should keep repeating the words and help the children to pronounce the words in the
same way. The teacher should be encouraging and supportive and help the students to use those
names in their conversations.

Open-ended Questions
How can language barrier be addressed using this lesson plan?

Evaluation of Experience

Assessment/documentation for children’s learning:

The checklist should be followed to assess the success of the lesson:
 Name of the commonly used items in the house
 Pointing at the right things when the name of an item is pronounced.

Achievement's narration:
The children should be able to communicate the things they are interested or want by developing
this skill.

Linking to EYLF LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Tick one relevant
outcome and LO4: Children are confident and involved learners
provide rationale
LO5: Children are effective communicators

Future Planning
The teacher should move on to make short sentences by using those words and develop their
communication skills.

Age of Children: 2 years Time: Date:

Lesson Duration

Group Size Small if small, how many___5 kids_________


Location Indoors


Routine Task ______________________________

Other ____________________________________

Lesson Objectives

Domain: Emotional
Goal: Children should be able to understand their anxiety issues and seek the help of the adults in
times of distress.
The objectives of this lesson is to enable the children to understand and manage the emotional
needs of the children:
 Seeking help when afraid/anxious.
 Providing emotional support to a friend.
Children’s interests/prior Knowledge
According to the EYLF, children with proper emotional development shall have a strong sense of
well-being in their social circle. They also begin to take responsibility of their own emotional well

Video aid

Description of Experience/Procedure
Objective 1: Seeking help with anxious/afraid.
Children should be made aware of the various actions which makes them anxious or irritates them
using flashcards and video aids. The children should also be made to understand how they shall
feel when they are generally feeling anxious or afraid. Using the mimicking and acting method the
teacher should show them to reach out to an adult in such cases.
Objective 2: Providing emotional support to a friend.

The children should be

Pedagogical Practices (Teaching Strategies)

Educator’s role
The teacher should provide the children with live examples of different emotions and activities
which generally irritates children at that age to connect with them. The teacher should also
employ the same mimicking activity to promote the actions which they should in such situations
to help them better express their feelings.

Open-ended Questions
 How is emotional expression relevant to growth of children?

Evaluation of Experience

Assessment/documentation for children’s learning:

The teacher should be able to meet the requirements of the checklist mentioned below with the
implementation of this lesson plan:
 Empathy towards others
 Understanding and pointing at things or people causing them anxiety.
 Running to parent/caregivers when afraid.

Achievement's narration:
The children at the age of 2 years should be able to communicate their emotional state through
symbols and pointing objects to their caregivers much more than simply crying and throwing

Linking to EYLF LO1: Children have a strong sense of identity

LO2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world

LO3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

Tick one relevant
outcome and LO4: Children are confident and involved learners
provide rationale
LO5: Children are effective communicators

Emotional needs of children are extremely important aspect which is

required to be addressed at an early age. Parents are not always able to
understand the emotional state and the cause of their frustrations.
Therefore, developing the emotional skills of the children will help in building
their sense of having a separate individual sense of emotions. The children
shall learn to communicate their feelings from an early age which would
provide their parents and educators to guide them for better character
development in future.

Future Planning
The teacher should move on to help the children to identify the different spectrums of emotions
such as happy, sad, angry or bored. This would help them to identify the type of emotions they
are feeling and express accordingly.

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