ACJC 2020 GP Prelim P2 Answer Scheme

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ACJC General Paper Department

JC2 Preliminary Exam 2020 Paper 2 Answer Scheme

1. In paragraph 1, why was Candid Camera’s host Allen Funt described as ‘an ingenious sociologist’ (line 6)? Use
your own words as far as possible [2]

From Passage Paraphrased

…an ingenious sociologist (line 6) Allen Funt’s methods were inventive / new / novel / never
used before / intelligent / smart
… brilliant programming (line 5)
Funt's hidden camera work and pranks were OR
thought of as a valuable look into (line 6-7) Allen Funt’s work offered an insightful / informative
… Candid Camera was seen as instructive and observation / analysis of
progressive. (lines 8-9)
…an ingenious sociologist (line 6) how people / communities live together

post-war society and the customs, rituals, and OR

behaviours of modern society at the time. (lines practices / traditions / way of life.
- Allow lift of ‘society’ if it is used together with a paraphrase of
‘customs, rituals and behaviours’.
- Do not accept if the answer is merely ‘study of society’.

Question type: Literal

Examiner’s comments:
This question was answered well by most students.

2. According to lines 9-12, what were the 3 characteristics of participants of reality television in the post-war era? Use
your own words as far as possible. [2]

From Passage Paraphrased / Inferred

When Candid Camera was first on the air in (Real people) Participants of reality television in the past were
1948, the extent to which it was reality television authentic / genuine / were ordinary people (not professional
was the simple fact that real people and their real actors)
reactions to inane situations were being filmed.
(lines 9-11) Note: Do not accept literal paraphrase of ‘real people’ –
‘actual humans’

(Real reactions) Participants of reality television in the past
gave actual / authentic / genuine / natural responses

…There were no weekly, attention-seeking Participants of reality television in the past were not overly
types of characters (line 11) dramatic / did not exaggerate

…There were no weekly, attention-seeking types Participants of reality television in the past were not featured
of characters (line 11) regularly / repeatedly / on a fixed schedule

… nor were there real people who became Participants of reality television in the past remained unknown
household names or pseudo-celebrities. (lines / did not become famous / did not achieve stardom / did not
11-12) become popular

1-2pts = 1m, any 3pts = 2m

Question type: Literal + Inference

Examiner’s comments:
Most students were able to successfully paraphrase 3 characteristics. A number of students lifted ‘real’ and ‘attention’.

ACJC GP Department
3. In paragraph 2, what reasons does the author suggest as to why ‘reality television did not remain in such high
esteem’ (line 13)? Use your own words as far as possible. [2]

From Passage Paraphrased

Once the airwaves became saturated with this Viewers were annoyed / irritated / exasperated because there
genre of programming, many viewers expressed were too many reality television shows / were produced in
frustration over the number of reality television excess.
shows that were on the air. A study conducted
even credits viewers as stating that reality OR
television is the most overdone genre of (Inferred) Viewers were annoyed / irritated / exasperated
television. (lines 14-17) because these shows became boring / no longer interesting.

- Both ‘frustration’ and ‘saturated’ needed to get the mark
- Answer must capture negative connotation

Additionally, many of the shows that gained great The shows depicted unruly / unacceptable / despicable /
notoriety were shows that televised bad delinquent / immoral attitudes / actions / conduct.
behaviour on the part of the participants… (lines
17-18) Note: ‘Notoriety’ refers to the reputation of the shows, and is
not the reason for why reality television did not remain in such
Physical and verbal altercations, along with high esteem.
intoxicated antics and hyper-sexualized men and
women took over as the norm on these shows,
and people began to associate these characters
and behaviours with the genre itself. (lines 19-21)

Question type: Literal + Inferential

Examiners’ comments:
This question was answered well by most students. Some students did not capture both ‘frustration’ and ‘saturated’ to get
the mark for the first box. Students should note that the expression ‘a great amount of shows’ is not grammatical.

4. Explain what the author means when he refers to reality television as a ‘juggernaut’ (line 29). [1]

From Passage Paraphrased

Watching "real life" dramas unfold on our He means that reality television is a huge / powerful / dominant
television screens has become to many the force / an industry to be reckoned with / a genre that has to be
preferred way to view television, and the reality taken seriously.
show juggernaut has completely taken over as
the genre of choice for young viewers Note: Award mark if the answer captures either size or power.
everywhere. (lines 28-30)

Question type: Vocab

Examiners’ comments:
Most students did not successfully answer the question. Many students misinterpreted ‘juggernaut’ as a popular choice.

ACJC GP Department
5. In paragraph 4, how have reality shows given viewers a sense of ownership over the shows and connection with the
characters? Use your own words as far as possible. [2]

From Passage Paraphrased

With the prevalence of competition-based shows (With competition-based shows), viewers can select / choose /
steadily rising, audiences gain the ability to cast pick the contestants they liked.
their votes, (lines 33-34)
dismiss characters or competitors that they do Viewers can eliminate / reject contestants that they do not like /
not enjoy, (line 34) are not entertained by.

watch the dismissal of the person that they so OR

desperately hope would lose (lines 38-39) Viewers witness the elimination / rejection of the people they
do not like / whom they do not want to win.

Note: Accept holistic answer – ‘decide the fate of the


and even interact directly with characters via Viewers can communicate with / talk to contestants through
digital conversations, blogs, and social media. online platforms / via the internet.
(lines 34-35)
Allow lift for ‘digital’
These shows have also ushered in the age of
viewers gaining the ability to interact digitally
with them (line 32)

Question type: Literal

Examiners’ comments:
This question was answered well by most students.

6. In paragraph 8, explain how the author illustrates the way value systems in reality television are being ‘smashed into
each other, like atoms in an accelerator’ (line 67). Use your own words as far as possible. [2]

From Passage Paraphrased

On ABC's Wife Swap, the producers find the The author uses the example of the reality television show
most extreme pairings possible: an incredibly Wife Swap, where two families who are polar opposites / very
affluent family from New York paired with a low- different are featured / placed / put together
income rural farm family, (lines 67-69)
… a high tech mum who streams her family’s Note:
entire lives on the internet paired with a techno- - If students paraphrase any of the 2 episodes of the show
phobe mum who keeps her family far off the grid. without mentioning the show itself, award the mark.
(lines 69-70) - Do not award any mark if the student merely mentions the
title of the show.
- Must capture intensity of ‘most extreme pairings possible’
- Allow lift of ‘most’

In reality television, value systems are smashed to show how these families end up in serious conflict / clash
into each other, (line 67) strongly with one another (because of their differing beliefs)

to show how these families clash swiftly / rapidly with one
like atoms in an accelerator. (line 67) another (because of their differing beliefs)

Question type: Literal

Examiners’ comments:
Most students did not successfully explain the context in the second part of the answer. Students should explain the
quote given in the question.

ACJC GP Department
7. According to the author in paragraph 9, how is scripted television similar to Japanese Noh theatre? Use your own
words as far as possible. [1]

From Passage Paraphrased

… a stock group of characters (lines 73-74) Both Japanese Noh theatre and episodes of network prime-
time television are repetitive / routine / have expected
…grapple with endless versions of the same outcomes / problems / roles.
dilemma. (line 74)

…ritual predictability of Japanese Noh theatre:

Crimes are solved, lessons are learnt, order is
restored. (lines 75-76)

Question type: Literal

Examiners’ comments:
This question was answered well by most students. Students are reminded that for similarity questions, answers should
be phrased as ‘Both...’

8. Explain the author’s use of the ellipsis (…) in line 77. [2]

From Passage Paraphrased

Discovery's Deadliest Catch is an oddly Function
transfixing series about ... crab fishermen in the The author uses the ellipsis to provide a dramatic effect /
Bering Sea. (line 77) to introduce suspense / anti-climax / introduce a pause for

Do not accept: to show irony (not a function of ellipsis)

eventually revealing that the series is just about fishermen
catching crabs / the ordinary / mundane action of fishermen
catching crabs / the series is not ‘deadliest’ as the title

Do not accept: the show is not ‘oddly transfixing’

Question type: Punctuation

Examiners’ comments:
Most students provided the wrong function of the ellipsis, or did not provide the function at all. Students should note that
providing additional information is not the correct function of the ellipsis for this question.

9. Explain the author’s use of the phrase ‘worthy fodder’ in line 78 to describe the show Catch. [2]

From Passage Paraphrased

As a straightforward documentary, Catch would The phrase means that if Catch is evaluated as a standard /
have been worthy fodder, but the producers normal / ordinary / run-of-the-mill documentary,
have made it riveting by formatting the whole
season as a sporting event, with crab tallies for Note: Accept if student writes ‘straightforward’ without
each of the half dozen or so boats and a race- paraphrasing
against-the-clock urgency that, for all its it would have been considered good enough / it would be
contrivance, gives structure and meaning to the deserving of fame / it would have been considered a decent
fishermen's efforts. (lines 79-81) show.

Note: The meaning of ‘fodder’ in this context: people or things

that are useful for the stated purpose (has no negative

Question type: Vocab

Examiners’ comments:
Most students were not able to interpret “worthy” in relation to the genre of straightforward documentary.

ACJC GP Department
10. Suggest one reason why the author ends the passage with ‘Try the crab.’ (line 88) [1]

From Passage Inferred

In the end, any genre that provokes He wants people to watch the Deadliest Catch show to realise that reality
such howls of protest is doing television can be interesting.
something interesting. Try the crab.
(lines 87-88) OR
He wants people to give reality television (represented by the show
‘Deadliest Catch’) a chance, and not dismiss the genre.

He is recommending that all producers of shows should try to make their
shows interesting by using the format of reality television, just as the
producers of the crab show have done.

- Accept any sensible answer but it must mention reality television or
Deadliest Catch show – cannot just say ‘end the article in an interesting
manner’ without the context.
- Do not accept ‘forms a neat conclusion’ or ‘comes full circle’ – these
are suitable for passages that start and end with the same

Question type: Inference

Examiners’ comments:
Most students were able to provide a sensible explanation for the use of the phrase. However, some students provided
a vague answer which had no reference to the subject of reality television or the Deadliest Catch show. Students simply
mentioned that the author was referring to the example mentioned in an earlier paragraph.
Many students also incorrectly referred to the author wanting to end the article in an interesting manner without any
context or provided a memorised answer that referred to the author providing a neat conclusion / a conclusion that
comes full circle.

Some common language errors (throughout the section)

Wrong: The author is ‘trying to say’...

Correct: The author is saying that…

Wrong: To… (incomplete sentence)

Correct: It is to…

Wrong: use of ‘amount’ for countable nouns - ‘amount of people’, ‘amount of reality shows’
Correct: The number of people, the number of reality shows

ACJC GP Department
11. Using material from paragraphs 5-8 only (lines 41-70), summarise what the author has to say about the appeal of reality television. Write your
summary in no more than 120 words, not counting the opening words which are printed below. Use your own words as far as possible.
Reality television is appealing because……
No From the text Paraphrased
1. Reality television combines the best elements of 1. it incorporates / integrates / merges / selects / takes the finest /
documentary film and scripted television (lines 41-42) greatest / most outstanding features of documentary and
scripted television
allowed reality shows to skim the best elements of
scripted television and documentaries (lines 55-56)
Note: must capture the superlative in ‘best’
2. while avoiding the problems inherent in each (lines 42-43) 2. while keeping away from / steering clear of their challenges /
difficulties (of documentary and scripted television)
while eschewing the problems of each (line 56)
3. it explores controversial issues (line 43) 3. It looks into contentious / debatable / topics

It has engaged hot-button cultural issues (line 50-51)

4. provides valuable insight into the lives of others. (lines 43-44) 4. and offers deep understanding / enlightening perspectives of
people’s lives
Note: accept holistic understanding of ‘valuable insight’
5. it frames each episode in an overarching narrative that tells 5. Every episode tells an intriguing / captivating / refreshing tale /
an interesting story (lines 44-45) plot / account
Note: Both ‘interesting’ and ‘story’ required
Reality shows steal the story structure (line 57)
6. unscripted format elicits "emotional truths" that are more 6. (The unscripted style of reality television) evokes strong /
moving (line 45) powerful / intense feelings / sensitivities / sentiments
can place real people in artificial surroundings designed for OR
maximum emotional impact (lines 59-60) Reality television is more touching
7. ("emotional truths" that are more…) realistic (lines 45-46) 7. and convincing / authentic / genuine
8. observations are more objective than most contemporary 8. It offers insights that are more impartial / neutral / unbiased
documentaries (lines 46-47) (than most contemporary documentaries)
9. Television programmers see the genre as a cheap filler that 9. Reality television is inexpensive / low-cost (to produce)
saves them money (line 48)
10. they can use elsewhere for more worthy programming (lines 10. The funds can be channelled to more interesting / notable
48-49) shows
11. the liveliest genre on the set right now (line 50) 11. Reality television is exciting / fast moving / energetic

Reality shows steal the … pacing of scripted television…(lines


Narrative vibrancy is not the only thing that electrifies these

shows. (line 61)
12. Reality television presents some of the most vital political 12. Reality television showcases crucial / important / essential
debate in America… discussion

13. … cultural issues – class, sex, race (line 50-51) 13. about socio-economic status, gender and ethnicity.
… particularly about class and race (lines 62-63)
Note: Award the mark as long as students paraphrase at least
ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition features intensely 2 of the issues on class, sex, race
emotional tales of people who have fallen through the
cracks in America (lines 65-66)
14. (It has engaged hot-button cultural issues) that respectable 14. (It discusses controversial issues) that more reputable / decent
television, including the august CBS Evening News, rarely / proper shows seldom / hardly cover
touches. (lines 50-53)
15. And it has addressed a visceral need for a different kind of 15. Reality television meets a deep emotional / basic / innate /
television at a time when the Web has made more traditionally intuitive / instinctive requirement / compulsion for something
produced video seem stagey. (lines 53-54) different
16. …but leave behind the canned plots and characters. (line 16. Reality television does not have the clichéd / overused /
58) unoriginal storyline and roles (of scripted television).

17. They have the impact of documentary reportage (lines 57-58) 17. Reality television has the same influence as / effect of
18. without the self-importance (lines 58) 18. without the arrogance / conceit / snobbery (of documentaries)
19. and general dismal sentiment. (line 59) 19. and miserable / gloomy / negative / bleak feelings / emotions
(of documentaries)
20. value systems are smashed into each other, like atoms in an 20. (Inferred) Reality television features clashing / conflicting
accelerator. (line 68) norms / beliefs / moral principles.
Allocation of Marks:
No. of points 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 10-11 12-13 14+
Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ACJC GP Department
Examiners’ comments:
- Points that required intensity (e.g. best) were not paraphrased accurately.
- Many students did not count the number of words in the summary and fill in the blank at the end of the summary. Some had used
more than 120 words.
- There were attempts to paraphrase keywords but many were not done accurately.

12. Michael Hirschorn writes about the criticisms and appeal of reality television. How far would you agree with
his observations, relating your arguments to your own experience and that of your society?

Students should…
a) explain the criticisms and appeal of reality television (including the viewing and production of local and
international shows)
b) describe the benefits and detriments of reality television
c) show understanding and engage with the ideas and views raised in the passage
d) support their views with relevant examples from their own society

Students should discuss some of the following in relation to their own society:
a) the criticisms and appeal of reality television
b) the various political, economic, social, and cultural impact of reality television
c) how people enjoy watching reality television and the positive and negative outcomes of doing so

Students should…
a) question/show reasons to explain if the author’s ideas are applicable or not applicable to their own society
b) provide insightful analysis of the criticisms and appeal of reality television in their own society and raise
relevant issues that have emerged/are emerging
c) critically evaluate the underlying benefits and detriments of reality television
d) provide cogent development of arguments
e) give examples from their own society to support their views

Students should…
a) adopt a consistent viewpoint
b) argue logically
c) organise answers into cohesive, themed paragraphs
d) link paragraphs to show continuity and direction of argument
e) maintain relevance to the task in everything they write
f) end with a summative or concluding paragraph/ sentence

Examiners’ notes:
- Students are allowed to provide examples of international reality shows that Singaporeans watch, and need not
be limited to locally produced reality shows.
- Some students introduced an example immediately after the Ref without explaining and evaluating the Ref in
the Singapore context.
- Students also need to explain the examples in relation to the References, and not merely list down the
examples without any elaboration.
- Many students did not provide accurate examples of reality television- providing examples of docu-drama (e.g.
Crime Watch), social media posts (e.g. YouTube videos.), satire (e.g. The Noose), current affairs shows (e.g.
Talking Point), variety shows (e.g. The Sheng Shiong Show)

ACJC GP Department
12. Michael Hirschorn writes about the criticisms and appeal of reality television. How far would you agree with his observations, relating your arguments to your own experience
and that of your society?

References Guiding Questions / Applicable Less / Not applicable

Discussion Issues
Criticism: Reality television Is the media Singaporeans are heavily exposed to foreign media, both It is not true that there are too many reality television shows in
as a genre is overdone, which consumption in Asian and Western. American media is saturated with reality Singapore. Singaporeans have a range of options when it
results in viewers being Singapore saturated television and most other countries have also experimented comes to visual media. As a well-connected country, our
frustrated. with reality television? with that genre and found success. Hence, Singaporeans too options range from local television to cable television to
find both local and cable television being saturated with reality streaming platforms. As such, Singaporeans have a wide
Once the airwaves became Do Singaporeans feel television shows, particularly the more successful ones. At the range of media genre to choose from, and thus it is not true
saturated with this genre of that there are too many height of American Idol fever, not only were all the seasons that our choices of shows are dominated by the reality
programming, many viewers reality television shows? aired here, we even had our very own Singapore Idol that had television genre. In fact, out of the top 10 shows on Netflix,
expressed frustration over the attracted Singaporeans of all walks of life to participate and only one or two of them are reality shows. Scripted television
number of reality television spectate. Likewise, following the success of Big Brother in the series and Korean dramas tend to dominate these weekly
shows that were on the air. Do Singaporeans feel UK, Japan has come up with Terrace House. Given the rated shows instead. This is a good indication that reality
(Lines 14-15) annoyed that there are demand and support for foreign reality television, Netflix has shows do not saturate Singapore’s airwaves.
so many reality seen the potential for demand for reality television with a more
television shows? local flavour, hence it has introduced Singapore Social to its
A study conducted even It is not true that there are viewers are frustrated over the
credited viewers as stating that platform just this year. Thus, it seems that reality television will number of reality television shows in Singapore. Living in a
reality television was the most further saturate local airwaves. developed country, many Singaporeans have varied options
overdone genre of television. when it comes to choice of media. Despite the airwaves being
(Lines 15-17) taken over by the likes of The Voice, America’s Got Talent,
and MasterChef, Singaporeans get to choose what they want
to watch. Given that our options range from local television to
cable television to streaming services, Singaporeans are not
annoyed with realty television swarming some of these
platforms as we have the choice to subscribe to another
channel or media content as and when we please. In fact, less
popular reality shows have disappeared, and there is still a big
demand for newer, more innovative reality shows. Hence,
while there might be many reality shows on air, Singaporeans
are not frustrated with the number of shows.
Criticism: Reality television Are reality television Despite strict censorship and ratings in Singapore, streaming Singapore is predominantly a conservative society. Its laws
shows encourage bad shows seen as a bad services are able to feature reality television programmes that prohibit the use of drugs and take a firm stand on behaviour
behaviour. influence in Singapore? feature sexual scenes and other content that local and cable that compromises public peace and individual safety. Parents
television cannot. These services are not subject to the same and schools have a similar stance on bad behaviour amongst
…many of the shows that Do reality television restrictions that television programmes are since the the young including the prohibition of the use of vulgarities
gained great notoriety were shows encourage subscriber needs to simply enter a code to allowed access to and underage sex and alcohol consumption. Hence, even
shows that televised bad negative behaviour? adult content. Many of the reality television shows on Netflix though many shows such as Big Brother and Survivor may
behaviour on the part of the feature alcohol consumption, vulgarities, and even LGBTQ feature participants backstabbing, badmouthing or outright
participants. (Lines 17-18) relationships which in particular have yet to gain support in bullying other participants, most of the younger generation are
Singapore. Shows such as Love is Blind question the norms influenced in their personal life by family and school to know
Shows such as Bad Girls Club, of dating and marriage, while Dating Around, normalises the that such behaviour will not be tolerated. Moreover, schools in
Real Housewives, and many of LGBTQ dating scene and Too Hot to Handle overtly Singapore carry out character development lessons and
the dating shows often painted sexualises its participants. Thus, in a conservative Asian programmes which educate against bullying and vices such
characters in a negative light society such as Singapore, reality television can be seen as a as drug and alcohol addiction. Thus, reality television’s bad
(Lines 18-19) negative influence. influence is limited in Singapore society.
ACJC GP Department
Physical and verbal altercations,
along with intoxicated antics and
hyper-sexualised men and
women took over as the norm
on these shows, and people
began to associate these
characters and behaviours with
the genre itself.( Lines 19-21)

these portrayals of "real" people

helped reality television earn a
negative connotation (Lines 22-
Appeal: Reality television Are reality shows Reality television shows have definitely become a popular Reality television shows may be trendy but the younger
appeals to younger viewers popular with the choice as they have attractive qualities that draw the younger viewers who are more discerning do not necessarily see them
as the preferred genre. younger audiences in viewers in. For example, the Netflix series Singapore Social is as the genre of choice as can be seen from the critical reviews
Singapore? framed by glitz, glamour, and expensive backdrops, involving of shows like Singapore Social questioning how realistically it
Watching "real life" dramas several young people struggling to deal with the drama in their portrays Singapore, for example, the different accents and the
unfold on our television screens Has the reality show lives. This involves parents' expectations, relationship upper echelons of society.
has become to many the genre become the entanglements, sacrificing their happiness to stay competitive,
preferred way to view television, genre of choice for and such. Rebellion is also a big theme in the show. With Many other choices of television programmes from popular
and the reality show juggernaut young viewers in such relatable themes that speak to the younger crowd, it is streaming channels and television apps like Netflix, YouTube
has completely taken over as Singapore? no wonder that they are highly popular. and Viu that contain a plethora of popular genres such as
the genre of choice for young romantic comedies, drama, documentaries etc are giving
viewers everywhere. The young nowadays are drawn to shows which feature a lot reality programmes a run for their money. Hence reality
of talents who can act, sing or dance. Young viewers who look shows may not necessarily be the genre of choice for young
towards a different path to success instead of the usual viewers given that there is such a slew of equally entertaining
academic route aspire to be like the talents on reality shows that compete with reality programmes.
television programmes such as Campus Superstar, The
Voice, and Asia’s Got Talent.
Appeal: Reality television is To what extent are Living with a pervasive and saturated social media culture, the Not all young viewers want to feel connected to the characters
interactive and allows viewers reality shows young viewers in Singapore today thrive on constant in reality shows as watching such shows is simply one of the
to connect with the interactive? Do they engagement and are not content to watch television ways for many students and young adults to take a respite
characters on the shows. allow viewers to programmes passively. For example, talent-based reality from the stress of studying and working. Due to the long hours
connect with the television shows like Singapore Idol and Star Search at school and work, they would not want to spend time and
This interaction not only gives characters on the capitalise on the use of voting to gain viewers’ feedback. This effort on the interactive nature of reality television such as
viewers a sense of ownership shows? is popular with young people in Singapore because it meets voting and giving comments. Most watch such shows for
over the shows but also another their needs to be active participants through voting and giving leisure. They would prefer not to interact with the characters
level upon which they can feel comments. on such shows but instead be passive viewers of local family
connected to the shows and the dramas like Lion Mums which are highly relatable to the young
characters, thus making these people.
people and situations appear
that much more "real" to them.
Appeal: Reality television Do reality TV shows Reality television shows in Singapore provide a platform for Singaporeans are not really interested in television shows that
explores controversial issues explore controversial the audience to engage with controversial cultural issues like explore controversial issues. Instead, most seem to prefer
issues? social class and lifestyles. Renovaid features needy shows that provide more shallow entertainment rather than
Singaporean families needing a home makeover, giving shows that engage in deeper issues. Shows like Singapore

ACJC GP Department
and provides valuable insight Do reality TV shows in viewers a glimpse of the challenges that these families face. Social that supposedly showcase the glamorous and indulgent
into the lives of others. discussing socio- Singapore Social also gives viewers a look at the lives of lives of social influencers do not appeal to Singaporean
political issues appeal some young Singaporeans as they deal with issues like viewers because they are said to not accurately reflect the
it explores controversial issues to Singaporeans? career, romance and family. Viewers find these shows values and behaviour of the average Singaporean.
and provides valuable insight appealing because they help them learn more about the
diverse multi-racial and multi-cultural communities in the
into the lives of others (line 43-
country. Singaporeans are also curious about how people who
are different from themselves live their lives – this shows the
‘kaypoh’ nature of Singaporeans.
It has engaged hot-button
cultural issues – class, sex, race
(line 51)

Reality television presents some

of the most vital political
debate … (lines 61-62)
Appeal: Reality television Does reality television Reality shows do indeed provide fresh and exciting content to Not all reality shows offer fresh perspectives. In fact, most of
offers fresh and innovative offer fresh and Singapore viewers. Shark Tank gives viewers a perspective them follow the same format. Overly dramatic, exaggerated
content for viewers. innovative content for about business decisions and entrepreneurship that they behaviour are quite expected in reality shows. The same
viewers? might not have experience previously. Next in Fashion allows voting and elimination types of challenges are aplenty. Shows
Reality shows have leaped into viewers to appreciate the intricacies of fashion design in an produced in Singapore like Project SuperStar, Singapore Idol
this imaginative void (line 76) exciting format. Ninja Warrior tests participants’ physical and The Voice all conform to this type of show. After all,
abilities and athleticism through creative challenges and Singaporean audiences are more conservative in their choice
obstacles. Korean reality show Running Man features many of shows and tend to prefer these tried and tested formats of
interesting and innovative challenges that captivate reality shows rather than any other more outlandish types.
Singaporean audience. All these different shows contribute to
the diversity of shows that viewers are able to choose from,
and add creative and innovative content that they do not come
across in scripted television.

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