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The Girl who was Supposed to Die

ALEXIS HAKES OCT 20, 2021 09:39AM

The Girl who was Supposed to Die paranoia. The security guard manages to convince her into his car.
When Katie realizes what was happening she pulls her gun out to
By: April Henry the security guard and has him switch places with her. After she’s
free she leaves the security guard in the back of the cruiser and
flees in her car. Katie makes it to a McDonald’s and meets Ty and
orders food with the stolen wallet. While sitting she draws on a
napkin and makes bubble questions to try and figure out who she
is and passes out at the table. She wakes up when Ty comes over
and wakes her telling her that he needs to close the building. She
asks if she can use the bathroom fast and runs over in time to over
hear that the men who were chasing her were asking Ty if he had
seen her. Ty lies for her and says that he hasn’t seen her. When
Katie asks why he did that for her he says he saw her napkin and
helps her escape. Ty takes her back to his apartment and she
meets his roommate James. After giving her clean cloths so she
could shower she passes out in Ty’s room while he slept on the
couch. The next day the men chasing her come to the apartment
and are going door to door asking if they had seen her and if they
could search the apartment. Ty and Katie hide while James
answers the door and gets the men to go away. The boys then
come up with a plan to cut Katies hair and dye it to look like a boy.
When Katie and Ty make it out of the building they make there
way to a cafe and then a library where they find out that her name
is Cady and that they are framing her for the death of the security
guard that she didn’t know was dead till then. They also said that
her family cabin was burned down and remains were found in the
ashes. Cady and ty make their way to a gym where they steal a car
from the parking lot and they head to Portland where Cady
believes she’ll find answers. On the radio they hear a woman who
claims to be Cady’s aunt and they drive to her hotel to find her.
The woman says her name is Elizabeth but Cady doesn’t recognize
her. Liz explains that Cady’s parents are microbiologists and they
found a virus that no one knew about. They developed a vaccine
that Z-Biotech wanted to use for biological warfare. After learning
Plot about Cady’s parents they go back to Cady’s house to see if it will
restore her memories. Liz starts to ask her a bunch of questions
The book starts off with the main character waking up in a cabin
and when she doesn’t know the answers Liz reveals that she isn’t
with no memory of who or where she is. The girl notices that she
her aunt and calls out Brenner who was the man Cady knocked out
is missing fingernails and has taken a beating. She sees that there
and thought she killed at the beginning of the book. When Cady
are two men in the cabin with her and one of the men tells the
sees him it causes her to regain her memories about her family
other to finish her off. When she starts to get dragged into the
and that he killed her little brother. Cady lunges at the man and
woods she manages to get up and uses karate to knock the man
attacks him and breaks his arm at the elbow. After disarming Liz
out and take his gun, cell phone, wallet, and car keys to escape.
Cady and Ty tie Liz and Brenner up and learn that the hand she
After driving around for some time she sees a security office and
felt under the hood wasn’t Max’s hand but the hand of a chimp that
asks for help. The security guard then gets a call from what he
was used for testing and the body found at her cabin was the
believes is Sagebrush, a mental hospital, and the “doctor” says that
chimp. Now that Cady had her memories back she was able to
her name is “Katie” and she suffers from hallucinations and
decode her parents message and contact them. Once on the
phone with her mother she tells her that Max was exposed to the who she is and brings her back to her house to try and jog her
virus and she needed to go to Z-Biotech and get the vaccine. Cady memories. After nothing happens Liz reveals that she isn't her
and Ty then make their way to Z-Biotech, but before they get aunt and has Brenner the man that she thought she killed in
there, they spend the remaining money on the janitor's device and conflict 1 come out which jogs her memory that she believes they
infiltrate Z-BioTech as the janitor. Since Cady and been to Z- killed her 3 year old brother. She attacks and breaks Brenner's
Biotech before when it was bring your child to work day she was elbow and attacks Liz and ties both of them up.

able to remember where the labs were. Soon they find the eggs Conflict 3

that are growing the vaccine in incubators and sets the heat up to After Cady finds out that her brother is still alive she finds a way to
kill the eggs and it unknowingly starts a fire. Cady then goes to the contact her mom and finds out that Max had opened a vile that
other lab and goes to the fridge and finds the vaccine and swaps had the virus in it and was exposed and needed the vaccine that
the label with another vile so Z-BioTech wouldn't notice. Thats was left at Z-BioTech. After Cady and Ty infiltrate Z-BioTech they
when the man with the ox blood shoes, Nowell, comes in holding find the eggs that are growing the vaccine in incubators and sets
Ty with a gun and grabs the "vaccine" and dumps it down the drain the heat up to kill the eggs and starts a fire. Cady then goes to the
and Cady acts like he really did just dump it. Then he notices that fridge and finds the vaccine and swaps the label with another vile
the eggs are on fire and when he goes to open the door it gives so Z-BioTech wouldn't notice. Thats when the man with the ox
fresh oxygen to the fire and it burns him and sets the room on fire blood shoes Nowell. Comes in holding Ty with a gun and grabs the
causing Cady and Ty to be burned as well. While in the room Cady "vaccine" and dumps it down the drain and Cady acts like he really
had put the vaccine in a lunch bag and protected it with her body did just dump it. Then he notices that the eggs are on fire and
and kept it cool enough that when the firefighters came and she when he goes to open the door it gives fresh oxygen to the fire
was taken to the hospital they were able to use the vaccine and and it burns him and sets the room on fire causing Cady and Ty to
give it to Max. After Ty explained everything to the authorities, be burned as well. While in the room Cady had put the vaccine in a
Brenner, Nowell, and Elizabeth were arrested with no chance of lunch back and protected it with her body and kept it cool enough
bail. Three months later Cady and Ty are out on a ski trip with that when the firefighters came and she was taken to the hospital
Cady’s family and Cady and Ty share their first kiss. The End :D they were able to use the vaccine and give it to Max.

Conflict 1 

At the start of the book Cady wakes up to find her head is covered
with some sort of bag and she can't remember anything. She
Theme Sentence
notices from under the bag that there are two men and one is in Believe in your self even if others try to sway you from what is
ox blood shoes. The man in the ox blood shoes tells the other man right.
to take her out back and take care of her. As he starts to drag her
out she waits for him to stop and she uses her leg to snag a tree
and when he stops to get her un stuck she hits him in the stomach
then lands a punch to the groin and head. Then she digs her finger
nails in to his cheeks and then jabbed at his throat which causes
him to fall down and hit his head on a rock unconscious letting
Cady escape.

Conflict 2

A woman named Elisabeth claims to be Cady's aunt and when she

goes and meet up with her. Elisabeth tries to make her remember
Cady and Ty never stayed in one place for very long so there is no
real setting for this book but the place were the most time was
spent would probably have been Cady's family cabin. The Cabin
had two stories and was out in the mountains with no one near by
surrounded by woods.

I loved the book and was really into it but a couple parts seemed
slow to me and made me want to stop reading for awhile.
Main Character
The main character is Cady who loses her memory due to
emotional trauma. Cady learns that she is in whats called a fugue
state and might be able to get her memories back. Though out the
book Cady has to run away from her kidnappers. While running
away she's trying to regain her memories and fighting against
people trying to say who she is.
Reading Log Dates
September 22nd

September 29th

October 27th

November 3rd

November 10th



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