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Inter-Cell Interference Coordination in

Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks

Haichao Wei∗ , Na Deng†‡ , Martin Haenggi§
∗ School of Information Science & Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning, China
† School of Information & Communication Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China
‡ National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China
§ Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA

Email:∗, †‡, §

Abstract—In millimeter-wave (mm-wave) cellular networks, is the high level of interference. To mitigate this problem,
high-gain beamforming, realized with directional antenna arrays, coordination among BSs has recently been recognized as a key
is typically adopted to mitigate the severe propagation loss. requirement to effectively suppress the interference in dense
However, the interference caused by such highly directional
beams may, in turn, result in a significant number of transmission mm-wave cellular networks [6–8].
failures, especially for dense networks. To tackle this problem, we An efficient approach to combat inter-cell interference is to
propose two inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) schemes exploit the cooperation between the multiple BSs. Generally,
in mm-wave bands: one is merely based on the path loss inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) in conventional mi-
incorporating the blockage effect (PL-ICIC); the other considers crowave networks is implemented through assigning different
both path loss and directivity gain (PG-ICIC). To fully investigate
the performance of both schemes, we first derive the exact time/frequency/spatial dimensions to users that are severely
expression for the success probability (reliability) of the typical impacted by the interference from adjacent cells and thus
user that is served. Secondly, to reflect the cost of interference improves the per-user signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
coordination, we further derive the overall success probability (SINR) performance [9–11]. However, since the mm-wave
taking into account that some users cannot be served due to lim- spectrum has several unique features such as high propagation
ited resources. Numerical results show that both the proposed two
schemes provide significant reliability improvements in the low loss, directivity, and sensitivity to blockage, the situation is
signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) regime, in particular, the higher different when ICIC is implemented in the mm-wave band.
the number of antennas, the wider the range of SIR threshold Regarding the interference characteristic, a key difference is
for which there is an improvement. In addition, compared with that whether an interferer is dominant or not is not merely
PL-ICIC, PG-ICIC balances the available resources among all based on the distances or small-scale fading but on the actual
users well.
power gains of the interfering beams and their LOS/NLOS
states. As a result, the K-th strongest BS may not be the
K-th closest BS. In this case, an effective ICIC scheme
Recently, millimeter wave (mm-wave) networks, operating should be carefully designed to only coordinate those BSs
at frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, have attracted con- that actually cause significant interference. Such a scheme, to
siderable attention from both academia and industry due to the our best knowledge, has not been studied in mm-wave cellular
wide available bandwidth and their potential to offer high data networks.
rates [1, 2]. Compared with conventional microwave commu- In this paper, we investigate the ICIC technique in mm-
nications, mm-wave communications have new characteristics, wave cellular networks considering the unique characteristics
making the deployment and operation of mm-wave cellular (i.e., the blockage effect and the highly directional trans-
networks more challenging. Firstly, because of the higher fre- mission) of mm-wave communications. Specifically, in this
quencies, mm-wave signals are susceptible to surrounding en- paper, two ICIC schemes are proposed to improve the quality
vironments such as oxygen molecules and water vapor, which of experience for users: one is to mute the neighbor BSs
leads to significant path loss [3]. Secondly, due to the poor merely based on the path loss incorporating the blockage
diffraction, mm-wave signals are more vulnerable to blockage effect (PL-ICIC); the other is to mute the neighbor BSs jointly
by most solid materials, which limits the coverage region of considering the path loss and the directional array gain (PG-
mm-wave cellular networks. To overcome this limitation, mm- ICIC). Using stochastic geometry, we analyze the success
wave networks are envisioned to be densely deployed and use probability and the overall success probability to reflect the
large antenna arrays (benefiting from the small wavelengths of reliability performance of the users served by their BSs and
the mm-wave band) to achieve acceptable coverage and rate the overall users, respectively, where the latter one captures
[4]. However, as shown in [5], increasing the density of base the ICIC cost. Numerical results demonstrate that while both
stations (BSs) beyond a certain point leads to performance ICIC schemes yield significant performance gain in terms of
degradation, and the network tends to be interference-limited, the success probability over no ICIC, especially in the low
i.e., the most important obstacle for successful transmission SIR regime, where PL-ICIC is better than PG-ICIC. From

978-1-7281-0962-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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the perspective of the overall success probability, PL-ICIC R centered at the origin. The BSs in Φ can be partitioned
is worse than PG-ICIC and no ICIC because the muting into two classes, where the BSs with LOS propagation to
operation based on the path loss leads fewer users to be served, the typical user form a PPP ΦL with density λL = pL λ,
while PG-ICIC achieves better overall performance than no while ΦN with density λN = pN λ is the BS set with NLOS
ICIC with suitable coordination parameter setting, and thus propagation, where pL + pN = 1 such that Φ = ΦL ∪ ΦN . In
balances the available resources among all users well. addition, Nakagami fading is adopted to model the small-scale
fading, and LOS and NLOS paths have different parameters
ML , MN ∈ N. The power fading coefficient between node
A. Network Model x ∈ Φ and the origin is denoted by hx , which follows a gamma
We consider a mm-wave cellular network where a homoge- distribution Gamma(M, M ) with M ∈ {ML , MN }, and all
neous Poisson point process (PPP) Φ̂ with density λ is used hx are mutually independent and also independent of Φ.
to model the location of the base stations (BS). We consider B. Proposed ICIC Schemes
the pertinent properties of mm-wave communications such
as directional beamforming of antenna arrays and blockage The typical user has a single antenna and is served by the
effects of the propagation environment. Each BS is assumed BS with the smallest path loss, i.e., the serving BS x0 satisfies
to be equipped with a uniform linear array (ULA) with N x0 = arg min x ∈ Φ : |x|−αx . (5)
antenna elements, and a generalized LOS ball model [12] is
Consider an interference-limited scenario with dense deploy-
adopted to capture the blockage effect. Specifically, all BSs
ments, where the noise has little impact compared to the
apply analog beamforming with the assumption of perfect
aggregated interference [14], and thus the transmit power of
beam alignment. Letting wm be the half-power beamwidth
the BSs can be set to be unit power. The SIR at the typical
(HPBW), we consider a normalized flat-top antenna pattern,
user is
given by  Gm hx0 |x0 |−αx0
Gm if |ϕ| ≤ wm SIR   , (6)
G(ϕ) =
Gs otherwise,
(1) x∈Φ! G(ϕx )hx (x)

where Φ! = Φ \ {x0 } and G(ϕx ) follows from (1). As in

where ϕ = dt cos φ is the cosine direction corresponding to [14], the spatial AoD ϕx from an interferer to the typical user
the angle of departure (AoD) φ of the transmit signal, which is is uniformly distributed in [−0.5, 0.5]. To improve the user
termed the spatial AoD, with dt and  representing the antenna experience, we consider two ICIC schemes as follows.
spacing and wavelength, respectively. dt = 2 is assumed to 1) Path loss-based ICIC (PL-ICIC): We assume the inter-
enhance the directionality of the beam and avoid grating lobes; fering BSs in the coordinating set ΩPL are muting the resource
ϕ is assumed to be uniformly distributed in [−0.5, 0.5]. It is blocks (RBs) assigned to the typical user, where
known from [13] that the actual antenna pattern of the ULA
is ΩPL = {x ∈ Φ! : |x0 |−αx0 < ρ|x|−αx }, (7)
sin2 (πN ϕ)
Gact (ϕ) = , (2) and ρ ≥ 1 is a parameter that characterizes the coordination
N sin2 (πϕ) level. In this case, whether an interfering BS participates in the
f and we have Gm = N , Gact (wm ) = N2 and Gs = 1−2w m Gm
1−2wm .
interference coordination depends on its path loss to the typical
In the generalized LOS ball model, the LOS probability of user, which is related to the blockage effect from interfering
the channel between two nodes with separation d is BSs to the typical user. Denote by χx ∈ {0, 1} whether BS
x is transmitting at the RBs assigned to the typical user. In
PLOS (d) = pL 1d<R , (3) PL-ICIC, we have χx = 1 − 1x∈ΩPL . The SIR at the typical
where R is the maximum length of a LOS channel, and pL ∈ user is
Gm hx0 |x0 |−αx0
[0, 1] is the LOS probability. Denote by αL and αN the path SIRPL =  . (8)
loss exponents for LOS and NLOS channels, respectively. The x∈Φ! G(ϕx )hx χx (x)

stationarity of the PPP lends itself to the analysis for the typical When ρ = 1, no ICIC occurs, and SIRPL becomes (6).
user located at the origin. We denote by (x) = |x|−αx the 2) Path loss and array gain-based ICIC (PG-ICIC): Jointly
random path loss function from x to the origin, where considering the blockage effect and the directional array gain
 of the mm-wave communications, we assume the interfering
αL w.p. PLOS (|x|) BSs in the coordinating set ΩPG are muting the RBs assigned
αx = (4)
αN w.p. 1 − PLOS (|x|), to the typical user, where
and all (x)x∈Φ̂ are independent. ΩPG = {x ∈ Φ! : Gm |x0 |−αx0 < ρG(ϕx )|x|−αx }. (9)
Due to the blockage effect, the signal strength from the
interferers outside the LOS ball is negligible because of the In PG-ICIC, we have χx = 1−1x∈ΩPG . The SIR at the typical
severe path loss over the large distance (at least R) [14]. user is
Gm hx0 |x0 |−αx0
Hence, the coverage analysis for the typical user can be SIRPG =  . (10)
restricted to a finite network region, and the relevant BSs, x∈Φ! G(ϕx )hx χx (x)
denoted by Φ, correspond to the PPP in a disk of radius When ρ = 1, no ICIC occurs, and SIRPG also reverts to (6).

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III. P ERFORMANCE A NALYSIS Lk (r, u) is given recursively by
In this section, we first give the association probabilities and l−1

(l) l−1 (l−n) (n)
the distributions of the serving distances to the LOS/NLOS Lk (r, u) = ηk (r, u)Lk (r, u), (18)
BSs to assist performance analysis of the two ICIC schemes. n=0
Then we give the exact results on the success probability for where the n-th derivative of ηk (r, u) w.r.t u follows as
the typical user and overall success probability for all users.   
(n) Gj
Lemma 1. The probabilities that x0 ∈ Φk , k ∈ {L, N}, are ηk (r, u) = −2π λi ψj φ(n) r̄k,i , , α i , Mi ,
 R2   i∈{L,N}j∈{m,s}
Ak = πλk exp − π λi rαk /αi dr. (11)
and the n-th derivative of φ(·) w.r.t u is
Lemma 2. Given that the typical user is associated with a (n) Γ(m + n) (−y)n t1−αn
LOS/NLOS BS, the probability density function (PDF) of the φ (x, y, α, m) =
m+n dt. (20)
Γ(m) 1+uyt−α
distance r0 = |x0 | between the typical user and its serving BS x
is fk (r)/Ak , k ∈ {L, N}, where Proof: See Appendix A.
fk (r) = 2πλk r exp − π λi r2αk /αi . (12) Next, we give an exact expression of the success probability
i∈{L,N} for the typical user with the PG-ICIC scheme.
The proofs of Lemma 1 and 2 are analogous to those of Theorem 2. The success probability P(θ) of the typical user
[15, Lemma 1 and 3] and are omitted from this paper. with the PG-ICIC scheme is given by
A. Success Probability of the Typical Served User
k −1
 M (−u)l (l)
The success probability is defined as the complementary P(θ) = fk (r) Lk (r, u)|u=θk rαk dr, (21)
cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of the SIR, given by l!
k∈{L,N} l=0 0

P (θ) = P(SIR > θ), (13) where Lk (r, u) = exp( ηk (r, u)), the superscript ‘(l)’ stands
where θ is target SIR threshold. The success probability can for the l-th derivative of Lk (r, u) w.r.t u, and
be thought of equivalently as the probability that the typical    Gj
user achieves a target SIR θ, or the fraction of users who ηk (r, u) = −2π λi ψj φ r̃k,i,j , , αi , Mi , (22)
achieve an SIR of θ in any time slot in any realization of the i∈{L,N}j∈{m,s}
PPP, which reflects the reliability performance of users served

where r̃k,i,j = min R, max 1, (ρGj /Gm )1/αi rαk /αi , and
by their BSs. Since the desired signal link is either LOS or
Lk (r, u) is given recursively similar to Theorem 1.
NLOS, the success probability is obtained by using the total
probability law, expressed as Proof: The proof is analogous to that of Theorem 1, with
P (θ) = AL PL (θ) + AN PN (θ), (14) a modified spatial distribution of the interfering BSs according
to the coordinating set ΩPG .
where PL and PN are the success probabilities conditioned on Remark: Comparing ΩPL and ΩPG , we find that ΩPG ⊆
the event that the desired link is LOS and NLOS, respectively. ΩPL , and thus the interference under the PG-ICIC scheme
Our first result in this section is an exact expression of the stochastically dominates that under the PL-ICIC scheme. As
success probability with the PL-ICIC scheme. a result, we have P (θ) ≥ P(θ).
Theorem 1. Letting k = G m
, the success probability P (θ) B. Overall Success Probability
of the typical user with the PL-ICIC scheme is given by
Although both ICIC schemes improve the success probabil-
k −1
 M l
(−u) (l) ity of the typical user served by its BS, the muted BSs cannot
P (θ) = fk (r) Lk (r, u)|u=θk rαk dr, (15) transmit data at the RBs assigned to the typical user, and thus
k∈{L,N} l=0 0 some users cannot be served by these muted BSs due to limited
where Lk (r, u) = exp(ηk (r, u)), the superscript ‘(l)’ stands resources. Since the success probability of the typical user
for the l-th derivative of Lk (r, u) w.r.t u, and cannot capture this effect, we define a novel metric, termed
   Gj overall success probability, that accounts for the fact that some
ηk (r, u) = −2π λi ψj φ r̄k,i , , αi , Mi , (16) users are no longer served. It is defined as
i∈{L,N}j∈{m,s} 1

ξ(θ)  E P (θ | r0 ) , (23)
where ψm = 2wm , ψs = 1 − ψm , r̄k,i = min R, ρ1/αi rαk /αi 1 + ζ(r0 )
and where r0 is the link distance between the typical user and its
R serving BS, ζ(r0 ) and P (θ | r0 ) are the number of muted
φ(x, y, α, m) = 1−
m tdt. (17) BSs and the success probability given r0 , respectively. This
1+uyt−α definition captures the dependence between the number of

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muted BSs and the received SIR for users served by their PL-ICIC w. ρ = 5
BSs. Since ΩPG ⊆ ΩPL , we have ζPL ≥ ζPG . Hence the 0.9 PL-ICIC w. ρ = 25
PG-ICIC w. ρ = 5
higher success probability of the typical user served by its 0.8 PG-ICIC w. ρ = 25
BS under the PL-ICIC scheme is achieved at the cost of no ICIC
fewer available RBs for neighboring BSs, which will lower 0.7

Success Probability
the overall performance of the network. In the following, we 0.6 N=8
analyze the overall success probability of both schemes.
Theorem 3. The overall success probability of the PL-ICIC
scheme is given by N=32
k −1
 M fk (r)ωk (r)(−u)l (l)
ξ(θ) = Lk (r, u)|u=θk rαk dr, 0.2
k∈{L,N} l=0 0
where 0

-5 0 5 10 15
θ (dB)
20 25 30 35
−π λi r̄k,i −min(R2 ,r 2αk /αi )
1−e i∈{L,N} Fig. 1. The success probabilities for different ICIC schemes.
ωk (r) = 
. (25)
π λi r̄k,i − min(R2 , r2αk /αi )
i∈{L,N} 1

Proof: See Appendix B. 0.9

Theorem 4. The overall success probability of the PG-ICIC Overall Success Probability 0.8
scheme is given by 0.7 ρ = 10, ξ = 0.91

k −1
 M ωk (r)(−u)l (l)
fk (r) 0.6
ξ(θ)= Lk (r, u)|u=θk rαk dr,
l! 0.5
k∈{L,N} l=0 0
(26) 0.4 ρ = 16, ξ = 0.60
where N=8
−π ψj λi r̄k,i,j −min(R2 ,r 2αk /αi )
1−e i∈{L,N} j∈{m,s} 0.2
k (r) =
ω   2

π ψj λi r̄k,i,j − min(R2 , r2αk /αi ) 0.1 PL-ICIC
i∈{L,N} j∈{m,s} no ICIC
(27) 0
5 10 15 20 25
Proof: The proof is analogous to that of Theorem 3, with
Fig. 2. The overall success probabilities for different ICIC schemes.
a modified spatial distribution of the interfering BSs according
to the coordinating set ΩPG .
Remark: The success probability of the typical user reflects
the user-perceived performance if the user is served by its dB and 0.8 dB, respectively, and when ρ = 25, the horizontal
BS, while the overall success probability captures the overall gaps between the two schemes with N = 8 and N = 32 are
performance, which takes into account that fewer users can be 0.6 dB and 0.8 dB, respectively. This is because larger ρ and
served if some BSs are muted in certain RBs. N magnify the area gap between the coordinating regions ΩPL
and ΩPG and thus lead to a corresponding performance gap. It
IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS can be seen that the performance gain of both ICIC schemes
In this section, we will present numerical results of the over no ICIC becomes larger as θ decreases, which shows the
success probability and the overall success probability for mm- advantage of the ICIC scheme in the low SIR regime. The
wave cellular networks with the two BS muting schemes. The higher the number of antennas, the wider the range of θ for
default system parameters are λ = 5 × 10−3 , pL = 0.5, which there is an improvement. For instance, when N = 8,
R = 300, ML = 4, MN = 2, αL = 2.5, and αN = 4. there is performance improvement for θ < 20 dB, and when
Fig. 1 compares the two ICIC schemes in terms of the N = 32, for θ < 30 dB.
success probability with different ρ and antenna size N . It is Fig. 2 shows the impact of the antenna size N and coor-
observed that the PL-ICIC scheme outperforms the PG-ICIC dination parameter ρ on the overall success probability with
scheme in all cases. We also observe that the performance gap θ = 5 dB. We observe that the overall success probability of
between the two ICIC scheme becomes larger when ρ or N the PG-ICIC scheme outperforms that of the PL-ICIC scheme
become larger. For instance, when N = 32, the horizontal in both cases. As ρ increases, the overall success probability
gaps between the two schemes with ρ = 5 and ρ = 25 are 0.3 of the PL-ICIC scheme is always lower than that of no ICIC

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k −1
and becomes smaller, while that of the PG-ICIC scheme first  M (−u)l (l)
increases to a peak value and then declines. Hence, for a = fk (r) Lk (r, u)|u=θk rαk dr,
certain range of ρ, the PG-ICIC scheme is better than no ICIC k∈{L,N} l=0 0

in terms of overall success probability. These observations  y) = Γ(x, y)/Γ(x) is the normalized incomplete
where Γ(x,
show the advantage of the PG-ICIC scheme on the overall gamma function, Lk (r, u) = E[e−uI ] is the Laplace transform
network performance. It is also seen that a larger N leads to a of I under the condition that the serving BS x0 is at a distance
larger overall success probability for both schemes, where N r and x0 is LOS (k = L) or NLOS (k = N), and the
has a strong effect on the PG-ICIC scheme but only a slight superscript (m) stands for the m-th derivative of Lk (r, u) w.r.t
effect on the PL-ICIC scheme. u. The spatial distributions of interferers are different in two
V. C ONCLUSIONS cases that the serving BS is either LOS or NLOS, which affects
Lk (r, u). When x0 ∈ ΦL and x0 = r, the interference powers
In this paper, we proposed two ICIC schemes for mm-
from LOS and NLOS BSs are expressed as
wave cellular networks, where the coordinating BSs are muted 
with the consideration of the unique characteristics (blockage IL (r) = G(ϕx )hx χx |x|−αL ,
effect and directional transmission) of mm-wave communi- x∈Φ!L
cations. To fully characterize the ICIC technique in mm- 
IN (r) = G(ϕx )hx χx |x|−αN . (28)
wave cellular networks, we provided analytical expressions of
the performance metrics in terms of success probability and
overall success probability with the aid of stochastic geometry. From Slivnyak’s theorem [16], Φ!L remains the same as the
Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed two ICIC original PPP ΦL . Then we have
schemes significantly improve the success probability of the LL (r, u) = Ee−uIi (r) = LIi (r, u), (29)
users served by their BSs for mm-wave networks. Meanwhile, i∈{L, N} i∈{L, N}
the PL-ICIC scheme yields a better success probability than
PG-ICIC scheme with more coordinated BSs muted and thus where LIi (r, u) follows as
leads to worse overall success probability. Hence, the PL-  1
ICIC scheme is suitable in scenarios with ultra-high reliability Li (r, u) = E
−αi Mi

requirements and light load while the PG-ICIC scheme is x∈Φi 1 + uG(ϕx )χ x |x|


effective in the scenarios with medium/high-reliability and   ψj
heavy load. = E Φi  Mi
uGj χx |x|−αi )
x∈Φi j∈{m,s} 1 +
The work of H. Wei has been supported by the Fundamental (a)  1
= exp −2πλi ψj 1−
uGj y −αi Mi
Research Funds for the Central Universities (3132019220). 1+ M
j∈{m,s} r̄L,i i
The work of N. Deng has been supported by the National 
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61701071, = exp −2πλi ψj φ(r̄L,i , Gj /Mi , αi , Mi ) , (30)
by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M621129 j∈{m,s}
and 2019T120204), the open research fund of National Mobile
Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University where step (a) follows from the probability generating func-
(No. 2019D03), and the Fundamental Research Funds for tional (PGFL) of the PPP [16] and the lower integration limit
the Central Universities (DUT19RC(4)014). The work of M. is obtained since

the closest interferer is at least at a distance
Haenggi has been supported by the US NSF grant CCF r̄L,i = min R, ρ1/αi rαL /αi obtained from the coordinating
1525904. set ΩPL . Letting
A PPENDIX A ηk (r, u) = −2π λi ψj φ r̄k,i , , αi , Mi , (31)
P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1 i∈{L,N}j∈{m,s}

Proof: Letting I = x∈Φ! G(ϕx )hx χx (x), the success we have LL (r, u) = exp ηL (r, u) . Since LL (r, u) =
probability of PL-ICIC is given by η (1) (r, u)LL (r, u), L(l) (r, u) can be calculated recursively
  according to the formula of Leibniz, given by
 Gm hx0 r0−αk
PPL (θ) = Ak P >θ l−1
I (l) l−1 (l−n) (n)
   LL (r, u) = η (r, u)LL (r, u), (32)
= Ak E Γ Mk , θ k r k I
0 where the n-th derivative of ηL (r, u) w.r.t u is
 Mk −1
α (θ k r0αk I)l ηL (r, u) = −2π λi ψj φ(n) r̄k,i , , α i , Mi ,
−θk r0 k I Mi
= Ak E e i∈{L,N}j∈{m,s}
l! (33)
k∈{L,N} l=0

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and the n-th derivative of φ(·) w.r.t u is The other is conditioning on x0 ∈ ΦN and |x0 | = r. In this
case, ζ follows a Poisson distribution with mean
Γ(m + n) (−y)n t1−αn 2
φ (n)
(x, y, α, m) =
m+n dt. (34) Eζ = π λi (r̄N,i − min(R2 , r2αN /αi )), (39)
Γ(m) 1+uyt−α i∈{L,N}
and ωN (r) is derived analogously, given by

x0 ∈ ΦN and x0 = r, we derive LN (r, u) =

exp ηN (r, u) and its derivatives analogously.  2
−π λi r̄N,i −min(R2 ,r 2αN /αi )
1−e i∈{L,N}

A PPENDIX B ωN (r) = 
2 . (40)
π λi r̄N,i − min(R2 , r2αN /αi )

Proof: The overall success probability with the PL-ICIC The final result is obtained by substituting (36), (38), (40)
scheme is into (35).
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