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Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent countries - POLITICO 12/12/21, 9:39 AM

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Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent

In some of the world’s most high-profile conflict zones, the tech giant invested few resources and failed to
stem a steady stream of harmful posts, according to internal documents Page 1 of 22
Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent countries - POLITICO 12/12/21, 9:39 AM

Iraqi security forces inspect the scene of a bombing in the al-Jadida eastern suburb of Baghdad, Iraq, in Page 2 of 22
Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent countries - POLITICO 12/12/21, 9:39 AM

Iraqi security forces inspect the scene of a bombing in the al-Jadida eastern suburb of Baghdad, Iraq, in
March 2021. | Khalid Mohammed/AP Photo

10/25/2021 07:01 AM EDT

In late 2020, Facebook researchers came to a sobering conclusion. The

company’s efforts to curb hate speech in the Arab world were not working.

In a 59-page memo circulated internally just before New Year’s Eve, engineers
detailed the grim numbers.


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Only six percent of Arabic-language hate content was detected on Instagram

before it made its way onto the photo-sharing platform owned by Facebook.
That compared to a 40 percent takedown rate on Facebook. Page 3 of 22
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Ads attacking women and the LGBTQ community were rarely flagged for
removal in the Middle East. In a related survey, Egyptian users told the
company they were scared of posting political views on the platform out of fear
of being arrested or attacked online.

In Iraq, where violent clashes between Sunni and Shia militias were quickly
worsening an already politically fragile country, so-called “cyber armies”
battled it out by posting profane and outlawed material, including child nudity,
on each other’s Facebook pages in efforts to remove rivals from the global

In many of the world’s most dangerous conflict zones, Facebook has repeatedly
failed to protect its users, combat hate speech targeting minority groups and
hire enough local staff to quell religious sectarianism — according to
disclosures made to the Securities and Exchange Commission and provided to
Congress in redacted form by the legal counsel of Frances Haugen, a Facebook
whistleblower. Page 4 of 22
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About the Facebook Papers

POLITICO and 16 other American news organizations are publishing stories based on the
Facebook Papers — internal documents taken by whistleblower Frances Haugen before
leaving the company.

The Facebook Papers include company research, internal message board threads, emails,
project memos, strategy plans and presentations that Haugen captured by snapping photos of
her computer screen.

The disclosures were submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission and provided to
Congress in redacted form by Haugen’s legal counsel. The consortium of media outlets has
reviewed the redacted versions received by Congress, documents that black out the names of
many lower-level employees. The documents were previously obtained by The Wall Street
Journal, but our coverage provides new revelations from the files.

The group of media outlets coordinated on an embargo date of Monday to ensure enough time
for reporters to review thousands of documents. This collection does not include all the files
Haugen captured, and POLITICO expects to publish further stories as more documents
become available. Page 5 of 22
Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent countries - POLITICO 12/12/21, 9:39 AM

The redacted versions were obtained by a consortium of news organizations,

including POLITICO.

Across the trove of internal Facebook documents, a picture emerges of the

social networking giant struggling to come to terms with its prominent role in
war-torn countries. Many of these states are home to sizable terrorist or
extremist groups spreading online propaganda and violence across the global
platform and into the offline world.

Facebook doc: MENA Integrity (p. 3)

View the entire document with DocumentCloud

Facebook did not respond to questions whether its executives took action as a
result of the 2020 report outlining widespread problems across the Middle

In Afghanistan, where 5 million people are monthly users, Facebook employed

few local-language speakers to moderate content, resulting in less than one
percent of hate speech being taken down. Across the Middle East, clunky
algorithms to detect terrorist content incorrectly deleted non-violent Arabic
content 77 percent of the time, harming people’s ability to express themselves
online and limiting the reporting of potential war crimes. Page 6 of 22
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In Iraq and Yemen, high levels of coordinated fake accounts — many tied to
political or jihadist causes — spread misinformation and fomented local
violence, often between warring religious groups.

In one post reviewed by POLITICO, Islamic State fighters heralded the killing
of 13 Iraqi soldiers via a Facebook update that used an image of Mark
Zuckerberg, the company’s chief executive, to mask the propaganda from the
platform’s automated content policing tools.

“There’s a war very much happening on Facebook,” said Moustafa Ayad,

executive director for Africa, the Middle East and Asia at the Institute for
Strategic Dialogue, a think tank that tracks online extremism, who reviewed
some of Facebook’s internal documents on behalf of POLITICO.

Ever since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, people’s attention — and much
of the company’s resources — have been focused on tackling Facebook’s
growing and divisive role within American politics.

But the tech giant’s similar position of power in countries worldwide, most
notably in those with existing religious tensions, years of violent conflict and
weak government institutions, has often led to more dire outcomes — and even
less scrutiny over the company’s role in global politics.

“We think it's bad in the United States. But the raw version roaming wild in Page 7 of 22
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most of the world doesn't have any of the things that make it kind of palatable
in the United States,” Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower, told reporters in
reference to the company’s global activities. “I genuinely think there's a lot of
lives on the line.”

A Wild West of hate speech

The disclosures highlight the tech giant’s difficulty in combating the spread of
hate speech and extremist content in countries across the Middle East and
beyond where ongoing violence — and its promotion online — represents an
imminent danger to millions of Facebook users.

It also has allowed religious extremist groups, as well as the Taliban regime in
Afghanistan and authoritarian governments like that of Bashar al-Assad in
Syria, to use the social network to spread violent and hate-filled messages, both
within these countries and to potential supporters in the West, based on
POLITICO’s separate review of thousands of Facebook and Instagram posts
and discussions with four disinformation experts with expertise in the region.


That includes Arabic-language hate speech and terrorist content — some of

which offered tactics for attacking targets in the West — shared widely on Page 8 of 22
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Facebook and Instagram, often with posts translated into English for ready-
made consumption.

Unlike developing countries like India, home to Facebook’s largest user base
and where local politicians have exerted significant regulatory pressure on the
tech giant, countries across the Middle East and in Central Asia have not
garnered the same attention from the company’s engineers, based on the
internal documents.

Facebook flagged many of these countries as high-risk areas, or so-called Tier 1

zones that required additional resources like sophisticated content-policing
algorithms and in-country teams to respond to events in almost real-time,
according to Facebook’s internal list of priority countries for 2021.

But a lack of local language expertise and cultural knowledge made it difficult,
if not impossible, to crack down on online sectarianism and other forms of
harmful content aimed at local vulnerable groups like the LGBTQ community.
These failures may have had a knock-on effect on real-world violence,
according to Facebook’s researchers and outside experts.

“Disinformation and online hate speech are now core pillars of foreign policy
for countries and groups in the Middle East,” said Colin P. Clarke, director of
policy and research at The Soufan Group, a nonprofit focused on global
security. “It brings an added dimension that catalyzes the sectarian bunkers
more broadly. And that's troubling.”

In response, Facebook said it had teams dedicated to stopping online abuse in

high-risk countries, and that, collectively, there were native speakers currently
reviewing content in more than 70 languages worldwide.

“They’ve made progress tackling difficult challenges — such as evolving hate

speech terms — and built new ways for us to respond quickly to issues when Page 9 of 22
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they arise,” Joe Osborne, a Facebook spokesperson, said in a statement. “We

know these challenges are real and we are proud of the work we’ve done to

A desert of native speakers

Facebook’s difficulties in the Arabic world did not spring up overnight. For
years, the company’s own researchers, outside experts and some governments
within the region had warned the social networking giant to invest heavily in
the Middle East to curb the spread of hate speech.


“Since 2018, I’ve been saying that Facebook doesn’t have enough Arabic
speakers and that their AI doesn’t work, particularly in Arabic,” said Ayad, the
Institute for Strategic Dialogue researcher. “These documents seem to
vindicate what I’ve been saying for three years. It makes me seem less crazy.”

Yet even as the problem of hate speech and other harmful content grew within
the region, Facebook found itself with not enough speakers of Arabic dialects —
particularly those with local knowledge of war-torn countries.

When a Facebook researcher asked the company’s content moderation team Page 10 of 22
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who understood Arabic content, “Iraqi representation was close to non-

existent,” according to the internal document entitled “An Incomplete Integrity
Narrative for Middle East and North Africa,” dated December 2020.

At the time, the country represented one-third of all detected hate speech
within the region; and 25 million Iraqis, or two-thirds of the population, had a
Facebook account, according to the company’s own estimates.

Another separate, undated document — entitled “Opportunities for High

Impact Changes to the Arabic System” — warned there were almost no people
who spoke Yemini Arabic inside the content moderation team even as that
country’s civil war was escalating and Facebook had highlighted Yemen as a
top priority.

In response, Facebook said that it had added more native speakers, including
in Arabic, and that it was considering hiring more content viewers with specific
language skills if such personnel were required.

In Iraq, this lack of local expertise within Facebook fomented religious

sectarianism as Sunni and Shia militias struck tit-for-tat blows at each other on
the social network amid deteriorating sectarian offline violence.

The country, according to the company’s own research, is a “proxy for cyber
armies working on reporting content in order to block certain pages and
content,” based on internal documents.

That included Iran- and Islamic State-backed militants routinely spamming

opponents’ Facebook groups and accounts in efforts to trick the tech giant to
shut down their rivals’ digital propaganda machines. Violent extremists also
peppered the social network with propaganda targeted at the country’s Shia
majority. Page 11 of 22
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In early July, for instance, people connected to Islamic State conducted a

coordinated campaign on Facebook that praised a deadly bombing in Baghdad
and attacked those connected to the Iraqi government.

Over the dayslong online push, roughly 125 extremist accounts spanned out
across the platform, targeting Shia rivals and promoting graphic images of the
violent attack, according to research from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
that was shared with POLITICO.

Islamic State used local Arabic slang to sidestep Facebook’s content rules and
spread hate speech that dehumanized their opponents, while gloating openly
online that the country’s officials could not protect its own citizens. It also
praised the terrorist group’s leadership for carrying out the attack — posts that
were in direct violation of the tech giant’s community standards against hate

Almost all of this material was not proactively removed by Facebook. It was
only deleted from the platform weeks after the July incident after campaigners
subsequently flagged the violent material to the company’s representatives.

“What happens online has an effect on what happens offline,” said Ayad, the
Institute for Strategic Dialogue researcher. “It’s targeted at making people feel Page 12 of 22
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insecure, and worsens existing tensions between Sunni and Shia militias.”

Algorithms lost in translation

In its fight against hate speech, Facebook’s first line of defense are complex
algorithms that automatically detect — and remove — harmful material.

But one of company’s internal documents, entitled “Afghanistan Hate Speech

Landscape Analysis,” from January 2021, reveals these systems, which have
struggled to work effectively in the United States, are often barely functioning
in some violence-plagued countries. Authoritarian regimes and religious
extremist groups have bombarded the platform with hateful material and
incitements to violence. Page 13 of 22
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Much of this problem is down to how Facebook trains its algorithms to detect
hate speech.

Like other tech companies, the social networking giant relies on reams of
existing online content — and engineers with local language expertise — to
program its machine learning technology to weed out harmful material. These
so-called classifiers, or data points from which the algorithm can learn, are
expected to teach automated tools to remove harmful content before it can
spread quickly online.

But, according to internal research, Facebook’s systems fare poorly when

handling many foreign languages, mostly because local references are
culturally specific and are hard for algorithms to fully understand, according to
an internal document entitled “Content-focused Integrity playbooks have been
ineffective for these problems” from March 2021.

Facebook doc: Afghanistan Hate Speech (p. 7)

View the entire document with DocumentCloud Page 14 of 22
Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent countries - POLITICO 12/12/21, 9:39 AM

In another research memo, from August 2020, outlining problems in

combating hate speech in Ethiopia, the company’s engineers were even more
blunt. They flagged an ongoing lack of language skills, particularly in less
mainstream dialects, and a failure — in some countries — to have any
automated content tools in place to catch harmful material.

“One of the primary challenges facing integrity work in at-risk countries is our
ability to actually measure risks and harm,” the paper claimed. “In many of
these markets, we do not have any classification, and it can be exceedingly
difficult to build.”

These constraints have played out, in almost real-time, in Afghanistan.

In early 2021, Facebook researchers delved into how hate speech spread within
the Central Asian country — just as the Taliban were girding themselves for
their eventual retaking of Kabul from the U.S.-backed government in August.


Even after it took over running the country, the Taliban was still officially
banned from Facebook because it was designated, internationally, as a terrorist
group. Yet scores of pro-Taliban posts, in both local languages and in English,
still remain on the social network, according to POLITICO’s review of online Page 15 of 22
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activity and analysis from outside disinformation experts.

The company’s internal findings acknowledged that local hate speech

appearing on the platform — everything from attacks against the LGBTQ
community to mockery of non-religious Afghans to Facebook pages that
streamed audio content from the Taliban — was a byproduct of the country’s
ongoing ethnic and religious divides.

But when researchers reviewed how much of this hate speech was
automatically taken down over a 30-day period, they discovered that
Facebook’s automated content-policing tools had caught only 0.2 percent of
this harmful material. The rest was handled by human reviewers, even though
the social networking giant admitted it did not have sufficient speakers of both
Pashto and Dari, Afghanistan’s two main languages.

“The action rate for hate speech is worryingly low,” read the document.

In response, Facebook said it had invested in artificial intelligence tools to

automatically take down content and identify hate speech in more than 50
languages. A spokesperson added that more Pashto and Dari speakers had
been hired since early 2021, but declined to provide numbers of the staffing

The company’s engineers blamed this failure on a lack of updated local slur
words and other hate speech language that could be fed into the Afghanistan-
specific content algorithm, as well as significant flaws in how locals could raise
alarms about harmful content to Facebook.

Many of the online tools available to Afghans to flag hate speech, for example,
were not translated into local languages. Instead, these systems — which also
helped Facebook to train its automated content-detection tools — were only
available in English. Such limitations, the researchers concluded, made it Page 16 of 22
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difficult for locals, the majority of whom only spoke Pashto or Dari, to call out
hateful material on the platform.

“There is a huge gap in the hate speech reporting process in local languages in
terms of both accuracy and completeness of the translation,” according to the
internal documents. The company said it had now translated those online tools
into Dari and Pashto.

Blockers gone wild

Facebook has struggled to stop hate speech from spreading on its platform in
much of the Arabic speaking world. But the company’s clunky content-
moderation algorithms have also the opposite effect: falsely removing
legitimate posts and curtailing free speech within the region.


In documents published in late 2020, the company’s engineers discovered that

more than three-quarters of Arabic-language content automatically removed
from the platform for allegedly promoting terrorism has been mistakeningly
labeled as harmful material.

Facebook’s content-moderation algorithms, according to the analysis, had Page 17 of 22
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repeatedly flagged legitimate political speech, mundane news articles about

current affairs and advocacy work by local human rights campaigners for
automatic removal. Efforts to reinstate those posts had put a “huge drain” on
Facebook’s local teams.

The false deletions included news reports in Lebanon criticizing Hezbollah, a

U.S. designated terrorist group; ads in Palestine promoting gender-based
issues; and Arabic-speaking media outlets discussing the assassination of
Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian general targeted by then-President Donald
Trump and killed by a drone strike in January 2020.

In doing so, the researchers concluded, the company was “silencing Arab users
and impeding freedom of speech.”



Bipartisan state attorneys general Why Facebook Is More Worried About Facebook antitrust
launch investigation into Meta Europe Than the U.S.


In response, Facebook said it had no evidence its algorithms were making

errors at the rates noted by the company’s researchers. A spokesperson added
the company was under an obligation to remove content related to Hamas and
Hezbollah because the U.S. government had designated both groups as Page 18 of 22
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terrorist organizations.


For Dia Kayyali, associate director for advocacy at Mnemonic, a nonprofit that
helps to preserve social media records of potential war crimes and other
human rights abuses in Syria, Yemen and Sudan, the Facebook’s internal
research comes as no surprise.

For years, their team and in-country partners have tracked repeated takedowns
from political activists, human rights campaigns and regular Facebook users
whenever they posted on hot-button topics across the Middle East.

“You are much more likely to get your content taken down in the region if it
touches on anything political whatsoever,” they said.

Yet Facebook’s removal of legitimate content also had a knock-on effect: to give
the perception the social media giant had tilted the scales in favor of countries’
authoritarian regimes over human rights groups, based on the 2020 research.

In Syria, where reams of social media content posted by journalists and

campaigners has been removed during the decadelong war, the tech giant’s
accidental deletion of such material gave the impression that Facebook backed Page 19 of 22
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the country’s autocratic leader, according to the Syrian Archive, a group that
documents local human rights violations, according to an undated document
outlining ways to improve how Facebook handled Arabic content.

The social network said it did not make decisions on who should be recognized
as the official government in any country, and only removed content when
social media posts broke its rules.

For Kayyali, the human rights campaigner, these mistakes — including errors
in how Facebook tweaked its content algorithms in the Arabic-speaking world
that potentially hampered people’s free speech — had real world implications.

Not only do people across the Middle East believe the tech giant does not care
about their local concerns, Kayyali said, but such over-aggressive removals also
make it more difficult to document potential war crimes captured via social

“Facebook’s machine learning and natural language processing in Arabic is

both not as good as in English and it is biased,” they said. “The combination of
the two is really deadly to content in the region.”

Facebook did little to moderate posts in the world’s most violent countries - POLITICO 12/12/21, 9:39 AM

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