My Pals Are Here English 1A

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Judy Ling * Anne Smith Marshall Cavendish Harel even Preface We believe that the learning of English should be a fun and rewarding experience for pupils. Through English, we hope to give every pupil the opportunity to learn the English language in a most enjoyable and enriching way. hagins with themes from the pupils’ immediate world of school, family and friends, and progresses steadily to themes relating to things and situations they are likely to encounter in the wider world. Learning becomes integrated as grammar, vocabulary and other essential skills for language use ate systematically taught in o meaningful context. Pupils are given many opportunities to listen to, speak, read and write English. They are also introduced to a wide variety of text 4ypes, such as poems, letters and instructions. The colourful illustrations are also designed to stimulate pupils’ interest and imagination. Wherever possible, the textbooks also incorporate the national initiatives of Thinking Skills and National Education. There are two paris to the textbook for each level: parts A and B, each part containing eight units. Each textbook unit has a corresponding workbook unit and contains the following features: The teacher may ‘want to read this to pupils as | modeled reading. | \ 1 | me We ploy wath fre | ‘Our sch -— This indicates which language orea the page is focusing on, Good words to learn cre highlighted. = The units are organised by themes. Questions such os this help pupils relate to the ‘theme of the uni. The questions also encourage pupils to think further about a topic or issue. This is one of the five characters that appear throughout the texdbooks and workbooks. They help diaw puplis attention to important language points and conventions. A simple storyline runs through every unit in the textbook. This storyline provides the context for introducing the various language items. Grammar rules and language conventions ‘are made explicit in these notes. ‘These teaching points make clear to teachers ‘and parents the focus of each page. Preface ‘There is a one-page story scat Ye Farr oo in every unit en to he form en Alon rot PesSPe cic they wen eee sacra eon ter gestae on the see pg ER SS thet we. edt here He eeetan Neat wen A suggested reading list is provided to encourage pupils to read extensively. soi AX ne ol ue case Ne ann | Boers chews form all ale! Gebel” wert ee step Hel Hei went AI et oreo ernment Daisy danced ae {es non we cal her Dizzy bay, Phonemic awareness is taught systematically through interesting verses/sentences, <¥-o-m Contents << unit! » Going to School ... unit2 e My Family and Friends ..........13 unit3 « Colours, Shapes and Sizes ......... 25 unit4« Caring and Sharing unit s » Where | Live .........47 unit 6 e Jobs People Do .........59 unit » What is in the Garden? .........83 we Text Type for Reading + Passage - Going to School + Passage ~ I Love Schoal + Poem ~ Colours, Shapes and + Rhyme ~ Animals Vocabulary + Parts of the body + Parts of school uniforms + Ttems ina classroom, school bbag/pencil case Sizes + Colour sayings 4 | caring and sharing | - Poem Caring and Shering Bivona peice te + Story - Two Men endo Fish household chores pages + Feelings 37-46 5 | Where r Live + Poem ~ Where E Live ‘Types of homes + Story - Grandfather's House Places in a neighbourhood pages 47-58 6 | sobs People bo = Poem - Jabs People Do + Occupations + Poem What is in the garden? | - Living things ina garden + Instructions - ona packet of seeds + Story - The Big Fat Mango ‘Story At the Hairdresser's + Titles eg. Dri, Miss’ ra + Nouns: + Nomes begin with capital letters The sentence + Joining word ‘and + Adjectives + Simple present tense. Co Tey + Greetings + Introducing oneself Cara Beginning Sounds: Tt, Bb and Dd + Prepositions + Roleplaying Beginning Sounds + Pronouns + Being polite U, Sj and Re * Questions and Answers + Describing positive and negative emotions = Adjectives _ Beginning Sounds: + Describing likes and dislikes Wu, Vy, $s and Zz + Pronouns + Capital letters - names of places + Prepositions + Using the verb thas’ + Capital letters - people's names ‘and titles + Subject/Verb agreement using the verb 'be" ~ Questions and 'Yes‘/No' Answers * Commas + Using this’ and ‘that, ‘these’ and ‘thos * Questions and 'Yes'/No' Answers * Comparative and superlative adjectives + Riddles - guess the ‘occupation BLANK ATSC ARETE OOTY | 4¢ Going to School ~ | We read. i be & We write. pS) a ys } We draw. ae IG We run. Or We play with friends. Our school 6 is fun! ee SR TSA LARIAT RE RN ANION Keene ay “8.5 Vocabulary + °° Hil My name is Liming. Unit t+ Going to Schoo! toe Unit 1+ Going to School "8. + Vocabulary « ,.°* head hand foot Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Ask pupils to identify the different parts of their bodies and to stote what their functions are. ay + Woribook 8 peges 2 + “+ Vocabulary =.” Unit = Going to Schack I go to school with my sister. My sister shoe This is what we wear to school. Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Ask pupils to identify the different parts of their uniforms. A + Workbook tA page's + Unit t= Going to Scho “+... Language For interaction + * Grammar = This is my school. Miss Gopal is my teacher. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to point out the names that appear on the page and to identify the capital letters ee + Workbook 18 poge 4 + Unit t+ Going 0 Schoo! At school we make friends. : : Hello, Raju. Et Hello. I'm Raju. | I'm Suping. What's your name? J Unit 1+ Going to Schoo! “+. + Language for interaction « ,.** See you later, alligator. / See you soon, big baboon! N ing Point: Ask pupils to introduce themselves to their classmates. Have question/answer drills, “What's your name?”, "Tm..", ete a + Workbook A page + . Necabulary, + * Unt 1» Going to Schoo ** Grammar °° This is my classroom. “Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Ask pupils to find the items labelled in the picture in their own classroom, e.g. "Show me a/the/some..” or “Where is/are the... 8 Unit 1» Going to Schoo! “64+ Vocabulary « ,.°* I keep these things in my school bag. school bag wallet ‘pencil case | T have these things in my pencil case. Oh no! Where is my glue? Teaching Point: Discuss the vocabulary items. Ask pupils what they have in their school bags and pencil cases. Use question/answer drills where pupils name one or two items each, e.g. "What do you have in your schoo! bbag/ pencil case?", “T have..." ew + Weak pe« “s+ Reading» ..°" Unit 1- Going to Schoo! | Love School I draw. I read. I write. T count. T play. T use the computer. T love school. Reading | Reading L If you want to read more about going to school, look for these books in the library: Tom Goes to School by Marie-Aline Bawin It Happens to Everyone by Bernice Myers 10 + Werkbook 1A poses 8.9 + Unit t+ Going to Schoo! “++ Phonemic Awareness» ..°" If you tickle me, Twill tickle you Till your face goes Red and blue. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem end illustration. Draw pupils attention to how the beginning + sounds, When Bob sat On a bumblebee, It made him mad As mad can be. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning b sounds: ai + Workbook, poges 1-11 + +. * Phonemic Awareness - ..° Unit 1» Going to Schock Beginning Daisy danced till She was dizzy, And now we call her Dizzy Daisy. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils attention to how the beginning d sounds Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? E xanana j xable a xuck x0 —> *US & “Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the t, band d sounds. Write these words: ‘on the board, Let pupils practise making the ¢,b and d sounds. oor ay + Workbok I, pge + : My Family and Friends | Families can be big, Families can be smi T think mine , Ts the best of all. fi: heart is big wee To hold ‘the: a ni, v “+. Grammar + ..° Unit 2 + My Family and Friends Hello! My name is Rosita. This is my good friend, Alice. Rosita I am geitig to Alice's house. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the illustrations and the vocabulary items. Revise with pupils the capitalisation of ames. 14 Unit 2 + My Family and Friends "8. Vocabulary» ..°* This is Alice's family. grandfather mother father grandmother brother sister Teaching Point: Ask pupils to discuss who make up their families. 15 + Wook pages 4 + *.. © Language for Interaction .-" Unit 2» My Family and Friends Hello Hello, Rosita. Mrs Lee. I meet Alice's mother. Mother, this is my friend, Rosita. Rosita, this is my mother. I meet Alice's father. Father, this is my friend, Rosita. Rosita, this is my father. Hello, Rosita. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to take turns role playing the above characters. Emphasise the polite way of introducing people to one another. 16 Unit 2 My Family ond Friends toe Grammar Fs ** Language For Interaction * -* Next, I meet her brother, sister and cat. Hello, I am Rosita. Hello, Rosita. T am Ben. I is always written as a capital letter. Teaching Point: Explain to pupils that Tis always written as a capital letter. Ask them to construct sentences ‘about themselves using ‘T ae iomuagareh 8 1 eee re) + Worlbook 1 page 16:9 + Unit 2 + My Family and Friends We chase the birds. Unit 2 + My Family and Friends that begin with a, e, i, 0 and u vowel sounds Teaching Point: Ask pupils to use a’ and ‘an’ with other nouns, Tell pupils that a, e, 1.0, and ware vowels, Tell Pupils to watch out for ‘a unicorn’ and ‘a uniform. + Workbook 1, page 21 + “.. + Reading» .."" Unit 2 + My Family ard Friends My Family We eat together. We work together. We shop together. We laugh together. We cry together. We play together and we fall down together! If you want to read more about families and friends, look for these books in the library: Big Brother Mike by Dan Yaccarino Up the Ladder, Down the Slide by Betsy Everitt ys Unit 2+ My Family ond Friends “+. + Phonemic Awareness» ..° Beginning sounds The monkeys are eating Mangoes from my tree. I hope that those monkeys Will leave some for me! Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils attention to how the beginning m sounds. Nine hundred And ninety-nine Nightingales all In a line. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning m sounds a + Workbook pages 22-28 + +. * Phonemic Awareness « . .” Unit 2 + My Family and Friends sounds Hippo, hippo, What do you want for tea? Hippo, hippo, T hope it will not be me. “Teaching Point: Discuss the poem end illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning h sounds. Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the m,nand h sounds. Write these words on the beard, Let pupils practise meking the m, n and h sounds. ae + Wook pop + A ree BRE SARI ARE OP SE, yl s Colours, . Shapes and Shapes and sizes and colours, Are everywhere you look. You will find them in the garden, You will find them in this book. You will find them in the playground, 7) You will find them in your home. a You will find them in the deep blue sea, And everywhere you roan. The world is full of colours. Unit 3 + Colours, Shapes and Sizes Vocabulary What colours can you see? ww, white wa yellow Teaching Point: Ask pupils to name the colours they can see in the picture above, regardless of whether they have been labelled. Encourage pupils to identify the colours of the things around them, without restricting them to the colours that appear on these two pages. 27 Grammar Unit 3 + Colours; Shapes ond Sizes My friends like different colours. What colours do you like? They like pink. ) 22 y 2 These are sentences. A sentence begins with a capital letter. It ends with a full stop. Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to find other sentences in the preceding pages of the textbook 28 + Workbook poge 20 + Unit 3 Colours, Shapes end Sizes “s.* Vocabulary « ,.*” The world is full of shapes too. What shapes can you see in this picture? @ oval mn ei) “square. SO circle @ \ triangle rectangle \ x Perce a star Teaching Point: Ask pupils to identify the shapes in their surraundings, e.g. the rectangles of their pencil boxes, the circles of their watches, etc. 29 + Workbook 1a page 2 + Unit 3 + Colours, Shapes end Sizes T enjoy playing Spot The Shape. I see a circle and ten ovals. IT see three triangles and nine stars. 4 The word and is a joining word. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to point out the shapes in the picture above. Encourage them to identify all the sentences in this unit. + Workbook 1A, page 30.» Unit 3 + Colours, Shapes and Sizes “52+ Vocabulary «7 People, animals and things have different sizes. Just take a look! Teaching Point: Ask pupils to think of other nouns that these adjectives apply to, e.g. a tall building, short hair and a big house. Ask pupils to construct sentences using these adjectives. 31 + Workbook page 31+ “s.* Grammar + ..” Unit 3 - Colours, Shapes and Sizes I am painting a picture with different shapes, sizes and colours in it. T draw stars. T draw circles. T use red paint. I use green paint. I paint big things. T paint small things. Here is my painting. Do you like it? Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to construct sentences of their own using the simple present tense for the instantaneous present. Do this by asking them questions such as "How do you draw a cat? What colours, shapes and sizes do you use?" 32 + Workbook 1A page 32 = Unit 3 + Colours, Shapes and Sizes *s.* Vocabulary» ..* I know some colour sayings. Do you know any? ° as blue as the sea =< eo as white as snow as green as grass as red as a cherry as yellow as a lemon as black as charcoal Teaching Point: Ask pupils to make up some colour sayings of their own, 33 + Workbeck 1, poge28 + Unit 3» Colours, Shapes and Sizes Animals Some are green, Some are mean. Some are dirty, Some are clean. Some are short And some are tall. Some are huge And some are small. Some are smooth And some are hairy. Some are very very scary! If you want to read more about colours, shapes and sizes, look for these books in the library: All Shapes and Sizes by Shirley Hughes The Teeny Tiny Mouse by Laura Leuck Unit 3 + Colours, Shapes and Sizes “+. * Phonemic Awareness « ..°" Wouldn't it be funny If a big fat fish Jumped out of the sea And onto your dish? ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning F sounds. The keeper gave the k To the kangaroo, And it let all the ani Out of the zoo. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils attention to how the beginning k sounds. ae + Wonbook 1, poges 3495 + *.. + Phonemic Awareness» ,.° Unit 3 Colours, Shapes and Sizes Beginning sounds Purple grape, Pink peach. We can have One of each. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning p sounds. Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? sire yy *angaroo xicture b cd et | U oor xoala Bb Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the f, k and p sounds. Write these words ‘on the board, Let pupils practise making the f, kand p sounds. 36 + Workbook A, page 36 + T help you And you help me. That is what makes A family. ey Help your friends And neighbours too. You help them yi; Pp you. +... Grammar Uni 4+ Caring and Sharing ** Vocabulary * -* Tam Anne. Sam and I are looking for our baby sister, Alice. Is she on the safe? Is ene m the The words on, in, behind, beside and under tell us where people and things are. “Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the prepositions that are used on this page. Ask pupils to describe ‘the positions of objects in the classroom and their homes using these prepositions. 38 + Wortoo0¥1A pages 37-28 + Unit 4» Caring and Sharing “+0. Grammar + ** Vocabulary * ++ Sam and T help our parents every day. I sweep the floor. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to tell how they help to core for their families, using vocabulary relating +o household chores. Encourage them to share their experiences using constructions that begin with pronouns, eg."I fold the clothes.”, "I wipe the table", etc. ay + Workbook 1 pages + a Grammar all Unit 4 Caring and Sharing ** Language For Interaction * ** How does everybody help out in the family? ees sets the table. Unt 4 Caring and Sharing ne Grammar 9 ** Language For Interaction * + * Mother cooks dinner. May T help you, Mum? We care @ about our family. Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to roleplay helping out at home. They should ask questions in the form of “Can T..2" or "May I..2" and answer, “Yes, you can." or "Yes, you may.” A + Workbook 1 poges 40-41 » *.. + Language for Interaction» ..° Unit 4 + Caring and Sharing We show that we care by being polite. Grandfather reads us a story. lease take us to ), We want to go to the park. We break some plates. Teaching Point: Ask pupils to role play using ‘please’, thank you and ‘sorry. 42 + Workbook 8 page 42 © Unit 4 + Coring and Sharing +... Vocabulary. * ¥ Oral it How do you feel when you care and share? excited : ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to describe the positive and negative emotions that they feel every day, with reference to the theme of caring and sharing Az + Workbook 6 page 43 + “eos Readings." Unit 4 + Caring and Sharing Two Men and a Fish Two men went fishing. The first man cried, “I have a fish!" The second man cried, “I have a fish!" “It is my fish!" said the first man. “It is my fish!" said the second man. “I know," said the first man. “Let's share it." “All right," said the second man. And that was just what they did. If you want to read more about caring and sharing, look for these books in the library: Little Sister's Bracelet by Mercer Mayer Giving by Shirley Hughes AA Unit 4 + Caring and Sharing “+. + Phonemic Awareness - ..”* Lulu just loved To lick a lollipop. She licked so many She went BANG! POP! Jilly said, "I do like jelly, T think jelly Is quite jolly." Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning j sounds. AD + Workbook 1A, pages 44.45 © “.. + Phonemic Awareness - . .” Unit 4+ Caring and Sharing Tt's raining on the rooftops _ And everything I see, But I have my raincoat on It cannot get me! Teaching Point: Discuss the poem end illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning r sounds Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? xabbit 7 xion xar CA a Ope my eM a ¢ xeep Gay Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the I, J and r sounds, Write these words ‘on the beard, Let pupils practise making the I, j and r sounds, 46 + Workbook 1A, page 46 + SPARED DRA a2 Diy, ey » WherelLive > T go high, I go low. . I go up, I go down. a co My bike and I Go all around the town. %, : Unit 5» Where I Live ** Vocabulary * ** Hamid lives in a house. His friends like his house because it has a big garden. Hamid has friends in the neighbourhood. His friend Alice lives ina flat. Unit 5 + Where ELive *+ 0. Grammar ** Vocabulary * -* Nick lives in a shophouse. He lives above a bookshop. OP ee This is his Raju and Deepa live in a terrace house. They have friendly neighbours. terrace house 2 This is their The words my, her, his and their show who or what a naming word belongs to. ‘Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to exchange photographs of their homes. Ask them what kind of homes they live in, e.g flat, shophouse, etc. Brainstorm with them the types of homes that can be found in other places, eg. attap houses, igloos, et. O 49 + Workbook 1, pages 47-48 = +2. Grammar -* Unit S- Where Live ** Vocabulary * ** The children go for a walk in their neighbourhood. They pass the food centre. food centre The words dirty, clean, full and empty are adjectives. Adjectives tell us more about naming words. 50 Unit 5 Where Eve e ** Vocabulary * = They arrive at the library. They go in. co ‘soft (The words hard, soft, high and low are adjectives too. ) The children enjoy reading books at the library. Do you? Teaching Point: Ask pupils to use the adjectives to make their own sentences. Encourage them ta name other adjectives that they know of 51 << Whetbadt iA pauei> +. * Grammar +. .” Unit 5+ Where T Live The children see the supermarket. _ co T like supermarkets. supermarkets. We do not like lollipops. We like ice creams. Unit 5+ Where TLive “+. * Grammar. ..°” Now, the children are outside the cinema. Deepa likes cartoons. She does not like cowboy films. T like policemen too. They keep our neighbourhood safe. — Teaching Point: Group pupils and ask them to discuss their likes and dislikes, perhaps with regards to books, games and television programmes. 268’ + Workbook 1A, pages 50-52 * “*. eText Types.” Unit 5+ Where Live The children go to the post of fice. Nick wants to post a letter to a friend. Other Countries Singapore Lin Liming a 12 Holland Road Singapore 6404254 Liming lives ina house. We write his address this way. Alice lives ina flat. We write her address this way. Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the addresses written on the letter and parcel. Ask pupils to write their addresses and the addresses of their friends, Point cut the capitalisation of names of places, + Workbook 1A, page 53 + Unit 5» Where T Live. Grammar The children are now at the playground. They see other children there. ~ Deepa climbs up the climbing frame. Hamid slides down the slide. Alice skips between her friends. i 7 aud . Raju goes into the tunnel. Nick comes out of the tunnel. The frog jumps over a log. The words up, down, between, into, out and over are prepositions. Remember that prepositions tell us where people and things are. Teaching Point: Encourage pupils to use the prepositions to describe what they do at playgrounds. They may also mime their actions and get other pupils to guess what they are doing 55 rko0k ie, pages 84-55 “Reading +» ..°" Unit 5» Where I Live Grandfather’s House One night we went to Grandfather's house. We saw a tortoise sleeping behind the door. We saw two parrots sleeping beside the window. We saw three monkeys sleeping on the sofa. We saw four hamsters sleeping under the bed. We saw five cats sleeping on the bed. Then we saw Grandfather. “Where do you sleep, Grandpa?" we asked. “Under the coconut trees," said Grandfather. Tf you want to read more about neighbourhoods, KY look for these books in the library: Good-bye/Hello by Barbara Shook Hazen To the Post Office with Mama by Sue Farrell Unit 5 « Where TLive ++ Phonemic Awareness». * A walrus in a waistcoat Would be a funny sight. A walrus in a waistcoat Would give you quite a fright. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration, Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning w sounds. 2 © Can you make Your yo-yo go Up and down : And high and low? ) Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils attention to how the begining y sounds. or + Workbook 8, pages 36-57 = . * Phonemic Awareness + ..* Unit 5» Where Live 2 Sit on the sofa, Or sit on Mum's knee, Sit on anything But not on me! Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning s sounds [Zz| Have you seen the zebras That live in the zoo? If you have seen the zebras, Have they seen you? Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning 2 sounds. 58 + Workbook 1A page s8 + aCe asta Jobs People Do ©, Doctor, dentist, : a J Postman, pilot, Policeman, teacher, Fisherman at sea. Scientist, acrobat, Writer, artist — Which one am I Going to be? Firefighter, astronaut, Soldier, sailor — i All these are Exciting too. Singer, juggler, Electrician — Which one is The one for you? |... Vocabulary, = * Unit 6 - Jobs People Do ** Grammar ~~ It is early in the morning. People are going to work. ‘ The florist The baker has a long box.| @RS -B § has around box. What's in it? A What's in it? I] The postman The teacher has a big bag. 4, AS has a bag. What's in it? \ A: What's in it? ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to guess what the people above have in the various containers. Get them to practise using the verb ‘has’ to mean ‘possess’. Discuss with them the occupations of the people above, ie, what they do ‘and how they help us. 60 + Workbook poge 5 « Unit 6 + Jobs People Do Many people work in our town. Teaching Point: Talk about the jobs in the pictures, Ask pupils to list other jobs that they can think of + Workbook 1A, page 60 + . Grammar + Unit 6+ Jobs People bo ** Vocabulary * ** Let us say hello to some of them. policeman dentist CX y CFE Mrs Gopal chef The words Dr, Miss, Mr and Mrs are titles. We use capital letters for people’s names and titles. ‘Teaching Point: Find out if pupils con name other titles, e.g. Madam. Pair up pupils to practise making introductions using Mr‘, ‘Miss’, ‘Mrs’ and ‘Dr’. In the role plays, one pupil asks "Who are yeu while the other replies with a name, title and an occupation, without being confined to these taught here. Mr Chen electrician 62 + Workoo0k 14 pages + Unit 6 - Jobs People Do “*) 0. Grammar ** Vocabulary * +" These people work in our town too. Who are os soldier. You are a soldier | ¢ They are gardeners. ‘Teaching Point: Ask pupils to practise subject/verb agreement using the verb be’, eg, “I am..","He/She/Tt is. ete 63 + Worbook i page 62 = «Text Type, +” Unit 6 + Jobs People Do = ape. Can you guess who these people are? tu ‘ ~~ Icook chicken, where to look, » # duck and fish. if you want to af I can cook a tasty dish. find a book. % ue Who am I? Who am I? % 2 ; Mh, T help you see Pink and red 7 4S. when it is night. Ss. help to make oo. just for you.">, your houses bright. 0 al f a 7 Who am I? Unit 6 + Jobs People Do vel. Text Ie ns Climb up the steps. 1 Get on my bus. 1 wf There's lots of room ~ - for all of us. \?; we a ‘ T love to roll and pat and bake. I give you bread. T give you cake. 2 S Whcrany “s, & | Who am I? eae ! OnceImadearocket “f \ | ‘ to go to the moon, I, 4 ¢ Twill help you pull it out, if you promise { not to shout. Who am I? ‘ Z 4 But something went wrong 1 ' 1 Se Teaching Point: Explain that riddles ask questions, and are sometimes tricky, Ask pupils to make up some riddles of their own, 65 + Workbook 1, page 63 + Ss. Grammar +. Unit 6 - Jobs People bo Let us play a guessing game. Can you give me a clue? A question ends with a ?. Teaching Point: Ask pupils to play o guessing game like the one above, The answers should be "Yes, (s)he is.", "No, (s)he is not.", "Yes, they are." or "No, they are not.” 66 + Workbook, pages 64-68 = Unit 6 «Jobs People Do "2s Grammar a ** Language For Interaction * + * It is our mother's birthday. She is a housewife. She works very hard. May T have some pink roses anda birthday card? Yes, of course. Do you want some red roses too? Happy Birthday, Supermum! i ‘Teaching Point: Point out the commas on this page. Explain that a comma is used to show that there is a short pause in a sentence. Get pupils to revise asking for things using "May I. and “Can L..2" 67 te Reading». Unit 6 + Jobs People Do At the Hairdresser’s “Your hair's too long," Mum said to Ben. “It's time for a haircut.” They went to a hairdresser's. The hairdresser made a boy's hair orange. She made a girl's hair green. She made a woman's hair frizzy. She cut a man's hair very short. “Oh no, it's not!" said Ben. “I'm going home.” If you want to read more about the jobs people do, look for these books in the library: What Could a Hippopotamus Be? by Mike Thaler The Berenstein Bears on the Job by Sam and Jan Berenstein 68 + Werkbook A, pages 66-67 + Unit 6 + Jobs People Do “+ .* Phonemic Awareness - .."" Sounds T'm sewing a quilt, A quilt for a queen, The prettiest quilt You have ever seen. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning q sounds. Vv Victor has a violin And Victor makes An awful din. Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning v sounds. 69 + Workbook 1A pages 68-69 = *.. +» Phonemic Awareness - . .” Unit 6» Jobs People Do Xavier has a xylophone, Xavier has a drum. Xavier makes Far too much noise Says his mum. ‘Teaching Point: Discuss the poem and illustration. Draw pupils’ attention to how the beginning x sounds. Say Out Loud Say out loud the names of the things. What sounds do they begin with? xuilt xylophone = xueen s«ulture Teaching Point: Ask pupils if they know other words that begin with the q, vand x sounds. Write these words ‘on the beard, Let pupils practise making the q, vand x sounds 70 + Wetkbeok 1, poge70 + = [9 Farmer Brown |= | has on his farm: E | one cat, 2.| two mice, 2 three cocks, four hens, five chicks, six Cows, Seven geese, eight ducks, nine sheep, ten lambs, and hidden away | where nobody sees, ‘a hundred and one honeybees. yy = adapted from the poem ‘Farmer Jackson's Farm’, by Clive Samson What animals are there on a farm? How do these animals help us? “4+ Vocabulary © 2°" Unit 7+ On the Farm It is early in the morning at the farm. cat kitten How many young animals can you see? ‘Teaching Point: Explain to pupils that some young animals have special names. Brainstorm with pupils the special names of other young animals. 72 + Workbook 14 page71 © Unit 7 = On the Farm *=)_. Grammar ** Vocabulary * -* There are many animals on the farm. We often add s to naming words to mean more than one. AD Sp chick lamb ‘Teaching Point: Draw pupils’ attention to the singular and plural nouns above. Encourage them to share other inregular plurals that they know of, without restricting them to animals. a3 * Workbook 1A, page 72 * | Grammar Uris 7+ On the Farm ~~ Vocabulary The animals on the farm work hard. The hen gives us eggs. The sheep gives us wool. 2 The horse gives us rides. ese Teaching Point: Discuss with pupils how animals help us. Encourage them to share their answers and use constructions in simple present tense, e.g. “A duck lays eggs.”, "An elephant moves logs for us," ete TA Unit 7+ On the Farm “+ )). Grammar *** Vocabulary * +" They are busy all day long. The duck swims in the pond. a The hen looks for worms. The cow chews grass. The horse gallops in the fields. The sheep eats grass on the hill. = Oy The goat climbs the rocks. ‘Teaching Point: Point out the verbs in the sentences and discuss the actions they refer to. Ask pupils what else the animals mentioned in the text do. ne + Workbook page 74 = Vocabulary Unit 7+ On the Farm They make a lot of noise, too. The lamb bleats. fF The hen clucks. on esse Au The cock crows’ The cat meows. Teaching Point: Talk about the sounds that animals make. Encourage pupils to find out the terms used for those sounds. 76 Unit 7+ On the Farm +. Text Type et Oral. Grammar * What do you think these animals are? Cy Tt clucks. It has four legs. It looks for worms. It gallops. Tt gives us eggs. It is big. What is it? What is it? It has feathers. It meows. It quacks. It chases mice. It swims in the pond. Tt has kittens. What is it? What is it? Tt has a long tail. Its mother is the cow. It eats grass. It is a baby. It moos. Tt drinks her milk. What is it? What is it? Teaching Point: Ask pupils to make up riddles about their pets or any other cnimals they can think of. Make sure they use the interrogative pronoun ‘what’ i + Workbook 1A, pages 7677 +

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