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071328b444c04708d : 1

1.2021-08-05 00:08:11,843 [tejob-executor-32670] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodadm.0bf6bf2ca63b96cc3 : 2

1.2021-08-05 00:08:11,868 [tejob-executor-32670] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodbg.05a985dd5bcd57315 : 3

1.2021-08-05 00:28:11,982 [tejob-executor-32710] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodbg.0ef9fc155feae6a54 : 4

1.2021-08-05 06:08:16,692 [tejob-executor-33391] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
2.2021-08-05 06:13:47,073 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
3.2021-08-05 06:13:47,076 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

prodbg.0f5bcbc8dee4298d9 : 5

1.2021-08-05 06:02:04,044 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (
ERROR Rule-Connect-REST.PegaAESRemote-Interface-
IndexDefinition.PushIndexDefinitionInfo - HTTP connect execution failure: Read timed out
java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed out
2.2021-08-05 06:02:04,045 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (
ERROR Rule-Connect-REST.PegaAESRemote-Interface-
IndexDefinition.PushIndexDefinitionInfo - Rule-Connect-REST: - Caught unhandled
exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed
out - Read timed out
java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed out
3.2021-08-05 06:02:04,045 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (nvoke.Rule_Connect_REST.Action)
ERROR Rule-Connect-REST.PegaAESRemote-Interface-
IndexDefinition.PushIndexDefinitionInfo - Caught unhandled exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed out
4.2021-08-05 06:02:04,046 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] ( internal.mgmt.Executable)
ERROR - Exception Caught unhandled exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed out
5.2021-08-05 07:13:46,077 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
6.2021-08-05 07:13:46,080 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48
7.2021-08-05 00:18:11,934 [tejob-executor-32683] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

proddds.03d7e5286e4485e69 : 6

1.2021-08-05 00:08:11,873 [tejob-executor-32673] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

proddds.0d43fd22dcb3cb4ac : 7

1.2021-08-05 00:08:11,852 [tejob-executor-32677] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

proddds.0f89e6a757581f203 : 8

1.2021-08-05 00:08:11,849 [tejob-executor-32674] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodinbound.00f9758a50b75cb61 : 9

1.2021-08-05 05:58:16,677 [otejob-executor-5269] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
2.2021-08-05 06:01:39,219 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (h.Int_PegaCDH_Container.Action)
ERROR AoMPegaUser - Exception caught while evaluating when The reference @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyName,"") && @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyIssue,"") && @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyGroup,"") is not valid. Reason: FUAInstance-
3.2021-08-05 06:01:39,219 [ PegaRULES-Batch-5] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (ernal.async.BatchRequestorTask)
ERROR AoMPegaUser - Batch activity "Int-PegaCDH-
Container.CaptureImpressionsInBatch" threw: PRRuntimeError

prodinbound.0a813379260c9dcc3 : 10

1.2021-08-05 07:18:56,111 [ES PassivationDaemon] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] ( mgmt.base.NodeRequestorMgt)
ERROR - Unable to timeout page. No data has been lost at this time. As a best
practice, ensure all properties are Serializable to protect against data loss.
ion: Unable to passivate page 'WorkTypesListPage' on thread 'STANDARD' in requestor
'HT9CU58AV2B3CAWI6J1BDYREFYCTISMK0A'. The following items were not serializable:
[Property not serializable: "WorkTypesListPage.pxResults(2).pzTenantId" Class:
"" Problem class:
"", Property not
serializable: "WorkTypesListPage.pxResults(3).pzTenantId" Class:
"" Problem class:
2.2021-08-05 01:18:12,388 [otejob-executor-4768] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
3.2021-08-05 01:25:01,596 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (h.Int_PegaCDH_Container.Action)
ERROR AoMPegaUser - Exception caught while evaluating when The reference @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyName,"") && @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyIssue,"") && @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyGroup,"") is not valid. Reason: FUAInstance-
4.2021-08-05 01:25:01,597 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (ernal.async.BatchRequestorTask)
ERROR AoMPegaUser - Batch activity "Int-PegaCDH-
Container.CaptureImpressionsInBatch" threw: PRRuntimeError

prodinbound.0d069322110ac2287: 11

1.2021-08-05 11:59:24,460 [tp-nio-9050-exec-207] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (th2.cxf.CXFResponseTransformer)
A3UV6DXALVAO1QQ5PNTVQ5S61UJ8G54I3A - JsonMappingException.
2.2021-08-05 11:59:24,461 [tp-nio-9050-exec-207] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] ( services.http.HTTPService)
ERROR| - Caught
unexpected java.lang.ClassCastException, message=' cannot
be cast to', stacktrace=java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
3.2021-08-05 04:08:15,626 [otejob-executor-5060] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
4.2021-08-05 04:09:43,620 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (h.Int_PegaCDH_Container.Action)
ERROR AoMPegaUser - Exception caught while evaluating when The reference @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyName,"") && @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyIssue,"") && @(Pega-
RULES:String).equalsIgnoreCase(.pyGroup,"") is not valid. Reason: FUAInstance-
5.2021-08-05 04:09:43,621 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ AoM:01.01.01] (ernal.async.BatchRequestorTask)
ERROR AoMPegaUser - Batch activity "Int-PegaCDH-
Container.CaptureImpressionsInBatch" threw: PRRuntimeError

prodoutbound.050f831219f9e6ef3: 12

1.2021-08-05 00:17:13,823 [ns], Partitions=[11]] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (tor$QueueBasedDataFlowExecutor)
ERROR - Unable to queue record for 5 minutes for processing in data flow run [DF-
Test-3001]. Retrying.
2.2021-08-05 00:18:11,936 [otejob-executor-7332] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodoutbound.063833f9bde8e8fc8 : 13

1.2021-08-05 02:24:48,245 [ins], Partitions=[0]] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (features.KafkaResumableFeature)
ERROR - Unable to calculate Kafka lag for prod-bss2cloud-abandonedcart-topic,
environment statenull
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to get offsets by times in
2.2021-08-05 02:18:12,691 [otejob-executor-7552] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
3.2021-08-05 02:18:36,602 [ns], Partitions=[35]] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (tor$QueueBasedDataFlowExecutor)
ERROR - Unable to queue record for 5 minutes for processing in data flow run [DF-
Test-3001]. Retrying.

prodoutbound.070118923fd9e77f7: 14

1.2021-08-05 00:06:03,420 [ns], Partitions=[97]] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (tor$QueueBasedDataFlowExecutor)
ERROR - Unable to queue record for 5 minutes for processing in data flow run [DF-
Test-3001]. Retrying.
2.2021-08-05 00:08:11,861 [otejob-executor-7290] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodoutbound.0b30e3fe09f6a2dc1 : 15

1.2021-08-05 00:07:51,910 [ns], Partitions=[86]] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (tor$QueueBasedDataFlowExecutor)
ERROR - Unable to queue record for 5 minutes for processing in data flow run [DF-
Test-3001]. Retrying.
2.2021-08-05 00:08:11,867 [otejob-executor-7281] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodoutbound.0bf37959019d9d4ff : 16

1.2021-08-05 00:14:48,561 [ns], Partitions=[16]] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (tor$QueueBasedDataFlowExecutor)
ERROR - Unable to queue record for 5 minutes for processing in data flow run [DF-
Test-3001]. Retrying.
2.2021-08-05 00:18:11,936 [otejob-executor-7303] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodoutbound.0e7d0debadb63140f :17

1.2021-08-05 04:36:28,476 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (internal.mgmt.PRStackFrameImpl)
ERROR - Attempt to traverse stack from non-active frame
java.lang.Throwable: null
2.2021-08-05 04:37:00,664 [ns], Partitions=[91]] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (tor$QueueBasedDataFlowExecutor)
ERROR - Unable to queue record for 5 minutes for processing in data flow run [DF-
Test-3001]. Retrying.
3.2021-08-05 04:38:15,780 [otejob-executor-7820] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.

prodstream.07972fa82b60d0e23: 18

1.2021-08-05 10:08:18,738 [tejob-executor-33903] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
2.2021-08-05 10:13:41,302 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
3.2021-08-05 10:13:41,305 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

prodstream.0a0ccdd41ecd6f930 : 19

1.2021-08-05 04:58:16,116 [tejob-executor-33250] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
2.2021-08-05 05:13:34,014 [ PegaRULES-Batch-3] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
3.2021-08-05 05:13:34,017 [ PegaRULES-Batch-3] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

prodstream.0a229d3e5fe4948e1 : 20

1.2021-08-05 01:08:12,370 [tejob-executor-32793] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
2.2021-08-05 01:11:45,497 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
3.2021-08-05 01:11:45,500 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

prodvbd.046fe749ee9f500b6 : 21

1.2021-08-05 02:58:14,066 [tejob-executor-33033] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock.
2.2021-08-05 03:12:29,965 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
3.2021-08-05 03:12:29,967 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

prodvbd.0a8dff2849493b21e: 22

1.2021-08-05 00:13:11,384 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
2.2021-08-05 00:13:11,391 [ PegaRULES-Batch-2] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

prodwebuser.01007e80ab4dbab13 : 23

1.2021-08-05 00:28:11,978 [tejob-executor-32712] [ STANDARD]

[ ] [ ] (ices.util.MultiNodeSynchronize)
ERROR - Error in establishing lock
2.2021-08-05 02:12:22,592 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-List There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 432
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 432
3.2021-08-05 02:12:22,598 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD]
[ ] [ PegaAESRemote:8] (emote_Interface_DBStats.Action)
ERROR - Error in RDB-Delete There was a problem getting a
list: code: 0 SQLState: 42P01 Message: ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does
not exist
Position: 48
DatabaseException caused by prior exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:
ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist
Position: 48

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