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Strategic Management Journal, Vol.

12, 95-1 I7 ( I 991)

Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard Universitv, Boston, Massachu-
setts, U.S.A.

This paper reviews the progress of the strategy field towards developing a truly dynamic
theory of strategy. It separates the theory of strategy into the causes of superior performance
at a given period in time (termed the cross-sectional problem) and the dynamic process by
which competitive positions are created (termed the longitudinal problem). The cross-
sectional problem is logically prior to a consideration of dynamics, and better understood.
The paper then reviews three promising streams of research that address the longitudinal
problem. These still fall short of exposing the true origins of competitive success. One
important category of these origins, the local environment in which a firm is based, is
described. Many questions remain unanswered, however, and the paper concludes with
challenges f o r future research.

INTRODUCTION theory of the firm and an associated theory of

strategy. While there has been considerable
The reason why firms succeed or fail is perhaps progress in developing frameworks that explain
the central question in strategy. It has preoccupied differing competitive success at any given point
the strategy field since its inception four decades in time, our understanding of the dynamic
ago. The causes of firm success or failure processes by which firms perceive and ultimately
encompass all the other questions that have been attain superior market positions is far less
raised in this collection of essays. It is inextricably developed. Worse yet, some recent research has
bound up in questions such as why firms differ, tended to fragment or dichotomize the important
how they behave, how they choose strategies, parts of the problem rather than integrate them,
and how they are managed. While much of the as I will discuss later.
work in the field has been implicitly domestic, it My purpose in this essay is to sketch the
has become increasingly apparent that any search outlines of a dynamic theory of strategy. Drawing
for the causes of firm success must confront the on recent research, some parts of the outline can
reality of international competition, and the be filled in. Many unanswered questions remain,
striking differences in the performance of firms however, and I will try to highlight some of the
in a given industry based in different nations. most important of them.
Yet, the question of why firms succeed or fail As a starting point for building a dynamic
raises a still broader question. Any effort to theory of strategy, we must step back from
understand success must rest on an underlying specific hypotheses or models and look broadly
at the literature in both strategy and economics.
I will begin by describing the traditional rationale
Key words: Strategy formulation, dynamic theories, for company success that emerged in the early
competitiveness literature on strategy. This reflected an orien-

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0 1991 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
96 M . E. Porter

tation of the strategy field that has differed however, and this essay will conclude with some
in important respects from that which has challenges for future research.
characterized most research in economics, argu-
ably the discipline with the most obvious connec-
Determinants of firm success: The early answers
tion to strategy. The strategy field’s traditional
answer to why firms succeed or fail was also Any discussion of the determinants of firm
based on a set of largely implicit, but crucial success must begin with a clear definition of what
assumptions about the nature of firms and the success means. For purposes of this essay, I will
environment in which they operate. assume that firm success is manifested in attaining
Although these assumptions grew out of a deep a competitive position or series of competitive
understanding of practice, they raise profound positions that lead to superior and sustainable
challenges for a theory of strategy. I will outline financial performance. Competitive position is
some of the most important challenges and the measured, in this context, relative to the world’s
trade-offs they raise in both theory and empirical best rivals. Financial success derived from govern-
testing. Taking these challenges as a starting ment intervention or from the closing of markets
point, I will then describe my own answers to is excluded. A successful firm may ‘spend’ some
the causes of superior firm performance at a of the fruits of its competitive position on meeting
given point in time, which can be framed as a social objectives or enjoying slack. Why a firm
chain of causality. This problem, which I term might do this, however, is treated as a separate
the cross-sectional problem, is logically prior question.
to a consideration of dynamics and better To explain firm success, the early literature on
understood. A body of theory which links firm strategy defined three essential conditions. The
characteristics to market outcomes must provide first is that a company develop and implement
the foundation for any fully dynamic theory of an internally consistent set of goals and functional
strategy. Otherwise, dynamic processes that result policies that collectively defined its position in
in superior performance cannot be discriminated the market. Strategy is seen as a way of
from those that create market positions or integrating the activities of the diverse functional
company skills that are worthless. departments within a firm, including marketing,
I will then move to the dynamic process by production, research and development, procure-
which positions are created, which I term ment, finance, and the like. An explicit and
the longitudinal problem. To understand the mutually reinforcing set of goals and functional
dynamics of strategy, we must move further back policies is needed to counter the centrifugal forces
in the causality chain. I will explore three recent that lead functional departments in separate
streams of research that begin to address i t : game directions. Strategy, in modern language, is a
theoretic models, models of commitment under solution to the agency problem that arises because
uncertainty, and the so-called resource-based senior management cannot participate in or
view of the firm. While illuminating important monitor all decisions and directly ensure the
characteristics of the dynamic processes by which consistency of the myriad of individual actions
advantage is created and sustained, however, this and choices that make up a firm’s ongoing
research still falls short of exposing the true activities.‘ If an overarching strategy is well
origins of advantage, and I will discuss the understood throughout the organization, many
reasons why. One important category of these actions are obviously ruled out and individuals
origins, that has emerged from my recent work, can devise their own ways to contribute to the
is the nature of the ‘local’ environment in strategy that management would be hard pressed
which the firm is based. We observe striking to replicate.
concentrations of successful firms in a particular The second condition for success is that this
industry in particular locations, which suggests internally consistent set of goals and policies
that something about these locations is fundamen- aligns the firm’s strengths and weaknesses with
tal to creating and sustaining advantage. I will
summarize some of my findings about these
issues. Many questions remain unanswered in
’ Sec Learned e t al. (1905). See also Andrews (1971).
In the absence of a strategy. the narrow motivations and
our search for a dynamic theory of strategy, logistics of each functional area will guide bchavior.
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 97

the external (industry) opportunities and threats. Yet firms were seen as possessing considerable
Strategy is the act of aligning a company and its ability to build on their strengths and overcome
environment. That environment, as well as the their weaknesses, latitude in influencing or
firm’s own capabilities, are subject to change. altering their environment, and the ability to
Thus, the task of strategy is to maintain a influence change over time, not merely respond
dynamic, not a static balance. to it. Indeed, the recognition that industry
The third condition for success is that a firm’s structure and other exogenous conditions affect
strategy be centrally concerned with the creation performance and constrain choices had to await
and exploitation of its so-called ‘distinctive further work.
competences’.’ These are the unique strengths a
firm possesses, which are seen as central to
competitive success. The recent interest in the The challenges for a theory of strategy
notion of firm resources or competences is
interesting in light of this heritage.4 I will return The view of the world that guided the early
to this stream of work later. efforts to formulate a theory of strategy raises
The early strategy literature contained only profound challenges for research. The complexity,
broad principles governing firm success. It is situation specificity, and changing nature of the
instructive to understand why these authors, firm and its environment strains conventional
coming as they did from a heritage that stressed approaches to theory building and hypothesis
the administrative point of view and the study testing. indeed, the early research offered no
of in-depth cases, chose to approach the question theory for examining the firm and its competitive
in this way. There were two principal reasons. environment at all; instead strategy formulation
The first was that their orientation, and that of took place through applying the broad principles
many in the strategy field, was to inform business of consistency and fit to individual case studies.
practice. A theory that sought to explain part of Four principal issues emerge from the nature
a phenomena, but which left out important of actual economic competition as one contem-
elements that precluded the offering of credible plates a theory of strategy:
guidance for individual companies, was seen as
inadequate to the task.
A second reason for the early formulation was Approach to theory building
the recognition, indeed the preoccupation, with
the fact that competition was complex and highly First, there is a fundamental question about the
situation-specific. The early scholars in the approach to theory building that will most
strategy field, especially those at Harvard, recog- advance both knowledge and practice. The broad
nized that firms were composed of numerous alternatives are represented in Figure 1.
functions and subfunctions, and that many diverse
aspects of a firm and its environment could be
important to success in particular cases. Indeed, MODELS FRAMEWORKS
it was the act of achieving consistency of action
in the many parts of the firm that was seen as
crucial to competitive success. Scholars such as Figure 1. Approaches to theory building
Andrews saw each company as unique, with its
own history, personality, capabilities, and set of On the one hand, one might approach the task
current policies. Every industry was also unique, of developing a theory of strategy by creating a
with its own circumstances and critical success wide range of situation-specific but rigorous (read
factors. Finally, every period of time was seen mathematical) models of limited complexity.
as unique, because both companies and their Each model abstracts the complexity of compe-
environment were in a state of constant change. tition to isolate a few key variables whose
interactions are examined in depth. The norma-
tive significance of each model depends on the

’ This notion
is due originally to Selznick (1957).
fit between its assumptions and reality. No one
See, for example, Wernerfelt (1984) and Prahalad and
Hamel (1990). model embodies or even approaches embodying
98 M . E. Porter
all t h e variables of interest, and hence the In frameworks, the equilibrium concept is
applicability of any model’s findings are almost imprecise. My own frameworks embody the
inevitably restricted to a small subgroup of firms notion of optimization, but no equilibrium in
or industries whose characteristics fit the model‘s the normal sense of the word. Instead there is
assumptions. a continually evolving environment in which a
This approach to theory building has been perpetual competitive interaction between rivals
characteristic of economics in the last few takes place. In addition, all the interactions
decades.’ It has spawned a wide array of among the many variables in the frameworks
interesting models in both industrial organization cannot be rigorously drawn.’ The frameworks,
and trade theory. These models provide clear however, seek to help the analyst to better
conclusions, but it is well known that they are t h i n k through the problem by understanding
highly sensitive to the assumptions underlying the firm and its environment and defining
them and to the concept of equilibrium that is and selecting among the strategic alternatives
employed. Another problem with this approach available, no matter what the industry and
is that it is hard to integrate the many models starting position.
into a general framework for approaching any These two approaches to theory building are
situation, or even to make the findings of the not mutually exclusive. Indeed, they should
various models consistent. While few economists create a constructive tension with each other.
would assert that this body of research in and of Models are particularly valuable in ensuring
itself provides detailed advice for companies, logical consistency and exploring the subtle
these models, at their best, provide insights into interactions involving a limited number of vari-
complex situations that are hard to understand ables. Models should challenge the variables
without them, which can inform the analysis of included in frameworks and assertions about
a particular company’s situation. their link to outcomes. Frameworks, in turn,
Given the goal of informing practice. the style should challenge models by highlighting omitted
of research in the strategy field, including my variables, the diversity of competitive situations,
own, has involved a very different approach.‘ To the range of actual strategy choices, and the
make progress, it was necessary to go beyond extent to which important parameters are not
the broad principles in the early work and fixed but continually in flux. The need to inform
provide more structured and precise tools for practice has demanded that strategy researchers
understanding a firm’s competitive environment such as myself pursue the building of frameworks
and its relative position. Instead of models, rather than restrict research only to theories that
however, the approach was to build frameworks. can be formally modelled. As long as the building
A framework, such as the competitive forces of frameworks is based on in-depth empirical
approach to analyzing industry structure. research, it has the potential to not only inform
encompasses many variables and seeks to capture practice but to push the development of more
much of the complexity of actual competition. rigorous theory.
Frameworks identify the relevant variables and
the questions which the user must answer in
Chaiti of causalify
order to develop conclusions tailored to a
particular industry and company. In this sense, A second fundamental issue in creating a theory
they can be seen as almost expert systems. The of strategy is where to focus the chain of causality.
theory embodied in frameworks is contained in A stylized example will illustrate. We might
the choice of included variables, the way variables observe a successful firm and find that its
are organized, the interactions among the vari- profitability is due to a low relative cost position
ables, and the way in which alternative patterns compared to its rivals. But the firm’s cost position
of variables and company choices affect outcomes. is an outcome and not a cause. The question

’ Interestingly, the earlier work in industrial economics. in ’ Frameworks can also he challenged because their complexity
the MasoniBain tradition. was much closer t o strategy makes i t difficult to falsify arguments. Yet ascribing this
research in its effort to capture complexity. property to models is also problematic if they omit important
“ S e e examples such as Porter (1985) and Ghemawat (1991). vii ria bles
Towurds u Dynamic Theory of Strategy 99

becomes: Why was the firm able to attain this Empiricul testing
cost position? Some typical answers might be
that it is reaping economies of scale, or has A final important issue is how to test theories
moved aggressively down the learning curve. But of strategy empirically. Empirical testing is vital
again, the question becomes why‘? Some possible both for frameworks and models. Testing of
answers might include entering the industry early, models is difficult given the need to match their
or the firm’s ability to organize itself particularly assumptions. Given the myriad of relevant
well for cost reduction. Once again, however, variables in frameworks and the complex interac-
the question becomes why? And we could tions among them over time, rigorous statistical
continue moving along such a chain of causality testing of frameworks is also difficult, to say the
even further. least. In my own research, I pursued cross-
Another way of framing the same set of issues sectional econometric studies in the 1970s but
is as the problem of drawing the boundary ultimately gave up as t h e complexity of the
between exogenous and endogenous variables. frameworks I was developing ran ahead of the
Should the environment be taken as given or available cross-sectional data. I was forced to
not? Is the firm’s scale an outcome or a cause? turn to large numbers of in-depth case studies
And so on. The literature in both strategy and to identify significant variables, explore the
economics addresses many different points in this relationships among them, and cope with industry
chain of causality. Indeed, many differences are and firm specificity in strategy choices.
less conflicts than theory positioned at different The need for more and better empirical testing
points in the chain, as we will see later. will be a chronic issue in dealing with this subject.
Any theory of strategy must grapple with how Academic journals have traditionally not accepted
far back in the chain of causality to go. The or encouraged the deep examination of case
answer may well be different for different studies, but the nature of strategy requires it.
purposes. A theory that aims very early in the The greater use of case studies in both books
chain may be intractable or lack operationality. and articles will be necessary for real progress
Also, aspects of the firm that are variable in the at this stage in the field’s development.
long run may be fixed or sticky in the short run.
Conversely, a theory oriented later in the chain
may be overly limiting and miss important TOWARDS A THEORY OF STRATEGY
To explain the competitive success of firms,
we need a theory of strategy which links
Time horizon
environmental circumstances and firm behavior
A third challenge for theory is the time period to market outcomes. My own research would
over which to measure and understand competi- suggest a chain of causality for doing so, outlined
tive success. Should we be building theories for in Figure 2.
explaining success over two or three years, over The basic unit of analysis in a theory of strategy
decades, or over centuries? Clearly, the likelihood must ultimately be a strategically distinct business
of significant environmental change will differ, or industry. While firms can redeploy or share
as will the exogenous and endogenous variables. resources, activities, and skills across different
A theory that aims at explaining success over 50 businesses, the competitive value of such actions
years will focus on very different variables, almost can only be measured in terms of some set of
inevitably more internal ones, than a theory that rivals delivering a discrete product or service to
addresses success over one or two decades. This some set of buyers. Meaningful approaches to
is because industry and competitive conditions corporate-level strategy for diversified firms must
are likely to be wholly different over a half grow out of a deep understanding of how
century, placing greater emphasis on a firm’s companies prosper in individual businesses, and
ability to transform itself. Time period relates the role of the corporate office and other sister
closely to position in the chain of causality. Over business units in the process.
long periods, theories aimed earlier in the chain At the broadest level, firm success is a function
would seem more appropriate. of two areas: the attractiveness of the industry
100 M . E. Porter



Attractive Relative
Attractive industry
(5 Forces) t

Structural determinants of
ditferences in the cost or
Drivers buyer value of activities or
CI~OUDS of activities

Longitudinal I

Figure 2. The determinants of success in distinct businesses

in which the firm competes and its relative

Industry structure
position in that industry. Firm profitability can
be decomposed into an industry effect and a I have presented a framework for diagnosing
positioning effect. Some firm successes come industry structure, built around five competitive
almost wholly from the industry i n which they forces that erode long-term industry average
compete; most of their rivals are successful, profitability (see Figure 3). This framework has
too! The distinction between industry structure been explored, contributed to, and tested by
and relative position is important because, many others. The industry structure framework
among other things, the firm can choose can be applied at the level of the industry, the
strategies that will improve one while harming strategic group (or group of firms with similar
the other. Firms’ actions, by triggering imi- strategies) or even the individual firm. Its ultimate
tation, can positively or negatively influence function is to explain the sustainabifiry of profits
the structure of an industry without leading to against bargaining and against direct and indirect
competitive advantage. Ideally. however, a competition. Profit differences vis-u-vis direct
firm’s actions trigger responses by rivals which rivals, though, depend on positioning.
improve industry structure but simultaneously Industry structure is partly exogenous, and
allow the firm to gain competitive advantage partly subject to influence by firm actions. Hence
because rivals’ ability to imitate the chosen structure and firm position ultimately interrelate,
mode of competition is incomplete. which makes separating them a simplification
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Straregy 101



Figure 3. Five forces: Summary of key drivers

‘The five forces’ (p. 4): From Competitive strategy: Techniques f o r Analyzing Industries and Competitors by
Michael E. Porter. Copyright 01980 by The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc. Reprinted by permission
of the publisher.

though a useful one for analytical purposes. The achieved one type of advantage, the other, or
firm’s scope for influencing industry structure, both. To say it another way, superior profitability
and ways of modeling it, are a fruitful area for can only logically arise from commanding a
research. My focus here, however, is on relative higher price than rivals or enjoying lower costs
position because this is where many of the most (including, at a lower level in the causality chain,
interesting questions for a dynamic theory of asset costs).
strategy lie. Competitive advantage cannot be examined
independently of competitive scope. Scope
encompasses a number of dimensions including
Relative position the array of product and buyer segments served,
Holding industry structure constant, a successful the geographic locations in which the firm
firm is one with an attractive relative position. competes, its degree of vertical integration, and
An attractive position is, of course, an outcome the extent of related businesses in which the
and not a cause. The question becomes why, or firm has a coordinated strategy. Competitive
how did the attractive position arise? The answer advantage is attained within some scope, and the
must be that the firm possesses a sustainable choice of scope is a central one in strategy. Scope
competitive advantage vis-u-vis its rivals. To choices can also influence industry structure.
understand competitive advantage, however, we These principles make it clear that the essence
must decompose it. Competitive advantages can of strategy is choice. There is no one way to
be divided into two basic types: lower cost than
rivals, or the ability to differentiate and command
* A firm that can command higher volume at a given price
a premium price that exceeds the extra cost of takes its superior profitahility in the form of lower cost
doing so. Any superior performing firm has provided costs are scale sensitive.
102 M . E. Porter

position within an industry, but many positions centrally between activities that directly produce,
involving different choices of the type of advan- market, and deliver the product and those that
tage sought and the scope of the advantage. create or source inputs or factors (including
Several positions can be attractive in absolute planning and management) required to do so.
terms, and a variety of positions may be relatively Support activities, then, are integral to the
the most attractive depending on the firm‘s process by which assets internal to the firm are
starting position. Choice is essential, however. acquired and accumulated.
because there are logical inconsistencies in Discrete activities are part of an interdependent
pursuing several types of advantage or different system in which the cost or effectiveness of one
scopes simultaneously. Also, the firm must stake activity can be affected by the way others are
out a distinct position from its rivals. lmitation performed. I term these linkages. The cost of
almost ensures a lack of competitive advantage after-sale service, for example, is influenced by
and hence mediocre performance. how product design, inspection, and installation
are performed. Such linkages can extend outside
the firm to encompass the activities of suppliers,
channels, and buyers. The concept of linkages
If an attractive relative position results from begins to operationalize the notion of internal
possessing competitive advantage within some consistency.
scope, the question once again becomes why Activities involve human resources, purchased
does that happen? In order to address it, we inputs, and a ‘technology’ for performing them,
must decompose cost, differentiation, and scope. broadly defined to include organizational rou-
This requires a theory which provides an elemen- tines. Activities also use and create information.’
tal look at what firms do. My own approach to Performing an activity requires tangible and
such a theory, and to the sources of competitive intangible assets that are infernal to the firm,
advantage, centers around acfiviries. (Porter, such as physical and often financial assets (e.g.
1985). A firm is a collection of discrete, but working capital) as well as intangible assets
interrelated economic activities such as products embodied in human resources and technology.
being assembled, salespeople making sales visits, Performing an activity, or a group of linked
and orders being processed. A firm’s strategy activities. also creates assets in the form of skills,
defines its configuration of activities and how organizational routines, and knowledge. While
they interrelate. Competitive advantage results the tangible assets normally depreciate, the
from a firm’s ability to perform the required intangible assets involved in performing activities
activities at a collectively lower cost than rivals, can cumulate over time (provided the environ-
or perform some activities in unique ways that ment remains relatively stable). These become
create buyer value and hence allow the firm to an important part of corporate balance sheets,
command a premium price. The required mix as many writers have stressed. “’
and configuration of activities, in t u r n , is altered Performing activities can also create assets
by competitive scope. exterrzal to the firm. Some are tangible assets
The basic unit of competitive advantage, such as contracts. Most, however, are intangible
then, is the discrete activity. The economics of assets such as brand images, relationships, and
performing discrete activities determines a firm‘s networks. These external assets then feed back
relative cost, not attributes of the firm as a to influence the cost or effectiveness of performing
whole. Similarly, it is discrete activities that activities on an ongoing basis. A strong brand
create buyer value and hence differentiation. reputation because of cumulative past advertising,
The activities in a firm can be schematically for example, can lower the cost of current
arrayed in what I term the value chain and the advertising or make a given rate of spending
value system (see Figure 4). The term value more effective. Without reinvestment, however,
refers to customer value. from which the potential both the external and internal intangible assets
profit ultimately derives. A firm’s strategy is
manifested in the way in which it configures and
” Scc Porter and Millar (1985).
links the many activities in its value chain relative 1 0 see. for exarnplc. Itnrni (1987) and Baldwin and Clark
to competitors. The value chain distinguishes (1991).
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 103

\ \







Figure 4. Value chain and value system

‘The Value Chain’ (p, 37) and ‘The Value System‘ (p. 35): From Competitive Advantage: Creating atid
Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter. Copyright @ 1985 by Michael E. Porter. Reprinted
by permission of The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc.

attached to activities or groups of activities provides a means to systematically understand the

depreciate. Maintaining or enhancing these assets sources of buyer value and hence differentiation.
demands reinvestment through performing activi- Buyer value is created when a firm lowers its
ties. Both the external and internal assets are buyer’s cost or enhances its buyer’s performance.
not valuable in and of themselves, however, but This, in turn, is the result of the ways a firm’s
because they fit industry structure and a particular product as well as its other activities affect the
strategy. Activities performed poorly, or incon- value chain of the buyer. Firms must not only
sistently with buyer needs, can create liabilities create value, but ‘signal’ that they will do so,
not assets. At the same time, technological and through their sales forces and other activities.
other industry changes can nullify assets or turn Households and individual consumers have value
them into liabilities. chains, just as do industrial or institutional
The value chain provides a template for buyers. By understanding how households per-
understanding cost position, because activities form activities related to a product (e.g. procure-
are the elemental unit of cost behavior.” The ment, storage, use, disposal, etc.), the sources
move to activity-based costing is a manifestation of differentiation can be better understood.
of this perspective.” The value chain also Finally, the value chain provides a tool for
analyzing the added costs that differentiating may
require. Only differentiation that results in a
‘ I See Porter (1985. Chapter 3 ) .
See Johnson and Kaplan (1087), Cooper and Kaplan (19XX. price premium exceeding the extra costs of
1991). delivering it results in superior performance.
104 M . E. Porter
Drivers example, timing may have allowed the firm to
begin advertising early and hence to develop a
If competitive advantage grows out of discrete reputation uncluttered by the competing claims of
activities, however, we once again confront the rivals. The reputation from cumulative advertising
question, ‘why?’ Why are some firms able to then allows the firm to spend less on current
perform particular activities at lower cost or in advertising or to spend at a comparable rate to
ways that create superior value than others? My rivals but command a premium price. Alterna-
answer to this question is the concept of drivers. tively, greater current company sales volume may
These are stuctural determinants of differences lead to efficiencies in advertising that allow the
among competitors in the cost or buyer of firm to enjoy a superior reputation while spending
activities or group of activities. The most at a rate comparable to its rivals. Only by moving
important drivers of competitive advantage in an to the level of underlying drivers can the true
activity include its scale, cumulative learning in sources of competitive advantage be identified.
the activity, linkages between the activity and Tying advantage to specific activities/drivers is
others, the ability to share the activity with other necessary to operationalize the notion in practice.
business units, the pattern of capacity utilization The value chain also provides the basic
in the activity over the relevant cycle, the architecture for analyzing international strategy
activity’s location, the timing of investment and diversification, both fundamentally questions
choices in the activity, the extent of vertical of competitive scope. The central issue in
integration in performing the activity, institutional international strategy involves the spread of
factors affecting how the activity is performed activities to other countries (configuration) and
such as government regulation, and the firm’s the integration of dispersed activities
policy choices about how to configure the activity (coordination) (Porter, 1986). In corporate-level
independent of other drivers. The same set strategy for diversified firms, the central issue is
of drivers determines both relative cost and how firms can share activities across businesses,
differentiation. The mix and significance of or share proprietary skills in how to perform
individual drivers varies by activity, by firm, and particular activities though the value chains of
by industry. business units are distinct (Porter, 1987).
Moving to the level of drivers also sheds light
on the important question of sustainability. The
sustainability of competitive advantage vis-u-vis THE ORIGINS OF COMPETITIVE
rivals depends on the number of competitive ADVANTAGE
advantages in the value chain and, especially,
the particular drivers underlying each one. The This set of frameworks aims to build a careful
durability of an advantage based on learning, for link between the underlying choices a firm
example, depends on the ability to keep the makes in terms of its industry, positioning, and
learning proprietary, while the sustainability of configuration of activities and market outcomes.
advantages due to timing of factor positions The proper choices depend on a firm’s existing
depends on factor market imperfections. position, which can be evaluated systematically
Drivers constitute the underlying sources of via its value chain and drivers. The best strategy
competitive advantage, and make competitive also depends on the capabilities and likely
advantage operational. For example, brand repu- behavior of rivals, which can also be assessed
tation is a typical competitive advantage identified through their value chains and drivers. Finally,
by managers. But brand reputation may be a strategy depends on a sophisticated understanding
source of cost advantage (less need for marketing) of industry structure.
in some cases and a source of differentiation Firms inherit positions that constrain and shape
(and a premium price) in others. The substantive their choices, but do not determine them. They
implications are very different depending on have considerable latitude in reconfiguring the
which it is. Yet, brand reputation is an outcome, value chain with which they compete, expanding
not a cause. The real question is how and why or contracting their competitive scope, and
brand reputation is an advantage. To understand influencing important dimensions of their industry
this, one must move to the level of drivers. For environment. Strategy is not a race to occupy
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 105

one desirable position, but a more textured of getting there. Stratzgy becomes an aimless
problem in which many positions can be chosen process in which luck dztermines the winners.
or created. Success requires the choice of Assuming an understanding of the cross-
a relatively attractive position given industry sectional problem, however, the longitudinal
structure, the firm’s circumstances and the problem takes on prime importance. Why do
positions of competitors. It also requires bringing some firms achieve favorable positions vis-u-vis
all the firm’s activities into consistency with the the drivers in the value chain? Why do some
chosen position. firms gain scale advantages? Why do some firms
While these frameworks have pushed a con- move early, or late, whichever leads to advantage?
siderable distance backward along the chain of Why do some firms conceive of and implement
causality, the focus thus far has been on what superior configurations of activities or spot
might be termed the cross-sectional problem. entirely new and desirable competitive positions?
What makes some industries, and some positions Logically, there are two answers. The first is
within them, more attractive than others? What initial conditions. Firms may have pre-existing
makes particular competitors advantaged or reputations, skills, and in-place activities as a
disadvantaged? What specific activities and ’ result of their history. These initial conditions
drivers underlie the superior positions? may reside within an individual firm or, as I will
But in answering these questions, we again discuss later, in the environment in which the
confront the question of causality. Why were firm is based. Initial conditions clearly influence
particular firms able to get into the advantaged feasible choices as well as constrain them. l 5
positions and sustain/or fail to sustain them? This The second reason that firms might achieve
is what might be termed the longitudinal problem, favorable positions is through pure managerial
which requires crossing the dotted line on Figure choices, or choices independent of initial con-
2.13 ditions, putting aside for the moment the process
The frameworks for addressing the cross- by which the choices were made. These mana-
sectional problem are agnostic as to the process gerial choices, which are made under uncertainty
by which the superior positions were attained, about the future, define the firm’s concept for
and largely unaffected by it. Whether the strategy competing (positioning), its configuration of
was consciously chosen, happenstance, the result activities, and the supporting investments in
of incremental steps, or driven by one major assets and skills. Pure managerial choices lead
decision does not itself affect the attractiveness to the assembly or creation of the particular skills
of the position independently of the activities and resources required to carry out the new
and drivers on which it rests. Similarly, the strategy.
past process by which firms accumulated their Numerous case studies illustrate vividly that
strengths and capabilities is not, in and of itself, highly successful firms often arise out of creative
decisive, The cross-sectional frameworks address acts where there were few initial strengths. Wal-
the choice of strategy given whatever array of Mart decided to locate in small- and medium-
capabilities the firm and its rivals possess at a sized towns and configure its logistical system in
point in time and can feasibly develop in the a particular way because it had a better idea,
future. The effort by some to dichotomize process not because of any compelling pre-existing
and substance is simply i n ~ 0 r r e c t . lBoth
~ are strengths. If anything, its choices were shaped
necessary and important to understand. more by what it did not possess than what it did.
The cross-sectional problem is also logically The same could be said about Federal Express,
prior. Without a rather specific understanding of Apple Computer, Crown Cork and Seal, and
what underpins a desirable position, it is virtually many other companies. American Airlines
impossible to deal analytically with the process developed its MIS systems almost by accident.
Its frequent flyer program was partly a function
of the existence of its MIS system, but other
I avoid the terms static and dynamic intentionally, because
both the cross-sectional and longitudinal problems have both
static and dynamic components. I 5 Initial conditions can also be set at different points in time.

l4 See, for example, Mintzberg (1990). See below.

106 M . E. Porter
airlines had these as well. American's manage- some headway. There are three promising lines
ment was simply more creative. of enquiry that have been explored in recent
Many strategies clearly reflect some combi- years. Each addresses important questions,
nation of initial conditions and creative choice. though focusing on a somewhat different aspect
The balance between the influence of initial of the problem.
conditions and acts of pure managerial choice
varies by company and industry. Yet there may
Game theoretical rnodeIs
well be a tendency, for a variety of reasons to
be discussed later, to overstate the role of initial The first line of inquiry is the proliferation of
conditions. game theoretic models of competitive interaction,
Lying behind all initial conditions internal to referred to earlier, which seek to understand the
the firm were earlier managerial choices. The equilibrium consequences of patterns of choices
skills and market position a firm has built today by competitors over a variety of strategic variables
are the result of past choices about how to such as capacity and R&D. Since this literature
configure activities and what skills to create or is reviewed elsewhere in this volume," the
acquire. Some of these choices, as Ghemawat's treatment here can be brief. The central concern
(1991) work among others had emphasized, of these models is to understand the conditions
involve hard-to-reverse commitments down cer- that lead to mutually consistent equilibria and
tain paths (path dependency). Earlier choices, the nature of these equilibria. Each model is
which have led to the current pool of internal restricted to one or a few variables, and the
skills and assets, are a reflection of the external environment (technology, products, preferences,
environment surrounding the firm at the time. etc.) is assumed fixed except for the variables
The earlier one pushes back in the chain of examined. Given this structure, timing plays a
causality, the more it seems that successive central role in determing outcomes. With a frame
managerial choices and initial conditions externul of reference in which these assumptions are
to the firm govern outcomes. plausible, Shapiro (1989) terms this literature a
The importance of managerial choice is also theory of business strategy.
highlighted by the cross-sectional problem. What- These models have helped us understand better
ever configuration of activities and skills a firm the logical consequences of choices over some
has inherited may or may not be competitively important strategy variables. In particular, these
valuable. Simply having pools of skills. know- models highlight the importance of information
ledge, or other resources is not in and of itself and beliefs about competitive reaction and
a guarantee of success. They must be the the conditions required for a set of internally
right ones. If managers can understand their consistent choices among rivals.
competitive environment and the sources of Yet, this line of work stops short of a dynamic
competitive advantages, they can better search theory of strategy. By concentrating sequentially
creatively for favorable positions that are different on small numbers of variables. the models fail
from competitors', assemble the needed skills to capture the simultaneous choices over many
and assets, configure the value chain appropri- variables that characterize most industries. The
ately, and put in place supportive organizational models force a homogeneity of strategies. Yet it
routines and a culture which reinforces the is the trade-offs and interactions involved in
required internal behavior. The most successful configuring the entire set of activities in the value
firms are notable in employing imagination to chain that define distinct competitive positions.
define a new position, or find uew value in Finally, the models hold fixed many variables
whatever starting position they have. that we know are changing. Ironically, these
models explore the dynamics of a largely static
world. (The papers by Saloner, Camerer and
Towards a dynamic theory
Postrel in this volume raise additional useful
How, then, do we make progress towards a truly questions.)
dynamic theory of strategy? Scholars, in both
strategy, organizational behavior, and economics, "' Editor's Note: See the articles by Garth Saloner, Colin
sensing this as the frontier question, have made Camerer. and Steven Postrel.
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 107

Commitment and uncertainty the value chain are limited. This approach tends
to stress the value of flexibility in dealing with
Another body of work is beginning to emerge on change rather than the capacity to rapidly improve
the problem of making irreversible commitments and innovate to nullify or overcome it. By
under uncertainty. Ghemawat’s recent book focusing on discrete choices, the discretion a
(1991) is a notable example. The notion here is firm has to shape its environment, respond to
that strategy is manifested in a relatively few environmental changes, or define entirely new
investment decisions that are hard to reverse, positions is implicitly limited or not oper-
and which tend to define choices in other areas ationalized by most treatments. “)
of the firm. These commitments must be made
under uncertainty. Ghemawat highlights the
The resource-based view
importance of such choices, and argues that they
should consume much of the attention in strategy A third body of research in search of the origins
analyses. He posits that analysis of such decisions of Competitive advantage is the so-called resource-
must begin with cross-sectional frameworks. In based view of the firm.”’ Closely related to the
choosing among feasible positions, however, resource-based view is the notion of ‘core
Ghemawat stresses the need to carefully examine competences’ and treatments that stress intangible
their sustainability and the influence of uncer- assets. Since this literature is more prominent
tainty in choosing among them. He brings a and more extensive than that on commitmentiun-
broader perspective to bear on sustainability than certainty, it deserves a more detailed treatment.
is present in the game theory models. Of the three literatures, the resource-based
Related to Ghemawat’s research is work that view is the most introspective and centered on
seeks to define ways of understanding the the firm itself. The argument is that the origins
uncertainties a firm faces, and the alternative of competitive advantage are valuable resources
ways it can be addressed in strategy choices. The (or competences) that firms possess, which are
scenario technique for organizing and bounding often intangible assets such as skills, reputation,
uncertainty has received much attention. More and the like. These resources are seen as relatively
recently, taxonomies have begun to emerge which immobile, and as strengths to be nurtured and
attempt to categorize the ways in which firms can which should guide the choice of strategy. The
respond to uncertainty. In In addition, Teisberg implicit focus of much of this literature is on the
(1991b) begins to explore the biases and heuristics underpinnings of successful diversification. It
in decisionmaking in complex and uncertain is, of course, essential when diversifying to
circumstances that distort strategy choices, draw- understand a firm’s distinctive strengths
ing on work in behavioral decision analysis and (remember Andrews).
cognitive psychology. The resource-based view has been proposed
This emerging stream of work emphasizes the as an alternative theory of strategy.” What is
lumpiness of strategy choices and the importance
of uncertainty in making them. It sheds important I” Teisberg’s (199la) essay, by making the influencing of

light on how to approach discrete investment industry structure a way of dealing with uncertainty. is an
decisions from a rich strategic perspective. This ?‘’ Conversations with Cynthia Montgomery have stimulated

comes at the price, however, of a focus on large, and informed my interest in this literature. Perhaps the
discrete, sequential investments rather than the pioneer of this school is Penrose (1963). An early paper was
Werncrfelt (1983). For other references, see the bibliographies
simultaneous set of choices throughout the value in Peteraf (1990) and Collis (1991b). Recent papers include
chain that define a firm’s competitive position. Barney (1991) and Grant (1991).
Like the game theoretic models, the environment Some writers in the resource school draw stylized compari-
sons with industrial organization (10)-based theories that
is taken as relatively stable (though uncertain) confuse rather than clarify. For example, Peteraf‘s survey
so that commitments have long-lived conse- (1990) asserts that 10-based models focus only on the
quences and the possibilities for reconfiguring heterogeneity of markets while denying the heterogeneity o f
firms and the existence of differential competitive positions,
to be based only on monopoly rents. to lead only to strategies
of collusion. and to be restricted to formulating strategy at
I’Sec Waek (198Sa,b) and Schwartz (1991). the business unit level. This view is puzz\ing unless one is
See Wernerfelt and Karnani (1987), Porter (1985, Chapter talking about thc 10-based models of the 1970s. before
13), Teisberg (19Yla), and Collis (l9Yla). research aimed at bridging 10 and firm strategy began.
108 M . E . Porter

really unique about a firm, so the argument goes, context of performing certain activities to
is its bundle of resources. It is factor market achieve certain competitive advantages. The
impediments, then, rather than product market competitive value of resources can be enhanced
circumstances that define success. The role of or eliminated by changes in technology, com-
internal resources is an important insight for petitor behavior, o r buyer needs which an
economic modelers, though less novel a notion inward focus on resources will overlook. More
for strategy researchers. reliable Japanese products, for example,
The promise of the resource view for the degraded the value of Xerox’s copier service
strategy field is the effort to address the organization. The immobility of resources,
longitudinal problem, or the conditions that allow then, is as likely to be a risk as a source of
firms to achieve and sustain favorable competitive strength. For every firm with resources that
positions over time. As with the other literatures, convey advantage, there will be another (and
however, more work remains to be done. At perhaps many others) whose bundle resources
its worst, the resource-based view is circular. impeded change or proved t o be a liability in
Successful firms are successful because they have light of environmental changes.
unique resources. They should nurture these Competitive advantage derives from more than
resources to be successful.” But what is a unique just resources. Scale, sharing across activities, an
resource? What makes it valuable? Why was a optimal degree of integration, and other drivers
firm able to create or acquire it? Why does the have independent influences unless ‘resources’
original owner or current holder of the resource are defined so broadly as to strain credibility. It
not bid the value away? What allows a resource is the collective advantage gained from all sources
to retain its value in the future? There is once that determines relative performance.
again a chain of causality, that this literature is The conditions which make a resource valuable
just beginning to unravel. bear a strong resemblance to industry structure.
Some authors have begun to deal with these Bargaining power of suppliers refers to input
questions by seeking to specify the conditions markets, substitutability to the threat of substi-
under which resources are valuable. Valuable tution, and imitability to barriers to entry/
resources are those that are superior in use, hard mobility. The bargaining power of buyers, and
to imitate, difficult to substitute for, and more the dissipation of resource rents through rivalry
valuable within the firm than outside. Yet via price cutting or competition from alternative
valuable resources, in order to yield profits to resource bundles, represent additional threats to
the firm, have been acquired for less than their the profitability of firms.
intrinsic value due to imperfections in input The connection between resources and activi-
markets, which Barney (1986) argues are usually ties is even more fundamental, however, because
due to informational asymmetries (read better resources represent an inherently intermediate
managerial choices) or luck. position in the chain of causality. Resources arise
Yet, the resource-based view cannot be an either from performing activities over time,
alternative theory of strategy. It cannot be acquiring them from outside, or some combi-
separated from the cross-sectional determinants nation of the two. Both reflect prior managerial
of competitive advantage or, for that matter, choices. Performing an activity or group of linked
from the conception of a firm as a collection of activities over time creates internal skills and
activities. Stress on resources must complement, routines which accumulate. It also can create
not substitute for, stress on market positions.’3 external assets. A firm’s reputation, for example,
Resources are not valuable in and of them- is a function of the history of its marketing and
selves, but because they allow firms to perform customer service activities among other things.
activities that create advantages in particular Both internal and external assets depreciate,
markets. Resources are only meaningful in the however, unless they are reinvigorated through
continuing to perform activities. The rate of

depreciation appears to vary widely across differ-

22 In this respect, the paper by Prahalad and Hamel (1990)
ent types of assets, and can be rapid. Firms, then,
is perhaps the most inward looking and the most troubling.
2 3 Collis’s (1991b) recent paper concludes on this point, which
have accumulated differing resources because of
emerges from his detailed case study of ball bearings. differing strategies and configuration of activities.
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 109

Resources and activities are, in a sense, duals of the primacy of prior resources (initial conditions)
each other.Z4 in determining competitive advantage.
Resources, then, are intermediate between Resources whose value is obvious are bid up in
activities and advantage. An explicit link between value. Hence the presence of resourcesiactivities
resources and activities, along with the clear within the firm that are rent-yielding is likely to
distinction between internal and external reflect past managerial choices to assemble
resources that was drawn earlier, is necessary to resources in unique ways, combine particular
carefully define a resource in the first place. resources in a consistent way with many others,
Some firm attributes termed resources are pursue new undiscovered market positions, or
activities-such as sales forces or R&D organiza- create resources internally. This allows resources
tions. A second and more appropriate category to be acquired cheaply and avoids the bargaining
of resources is skills, organizational routines, or away of their value to employees. Few resources
other assets attached to particular activities or begin as inherently scarce. Their scarcity is
groups of interrelated activities. created through choice. Current managerial
The concept of activity drivers allows more choices, in turn, allow the innovative assembly
precision in defining how resources were created. of new resources and the rendering obsolete of
Some skills and routines emerge because of prior ones.
learning over time. This learning is a reflection The resource-based view will have the greatest
of past strategy choices which have defined how significance in environments where change is
activities are configured. Other resources were incremental, the number of strategic variables
obtained through well-timed factor purchases and combinations is limited, so that a few scarce
(timing). Still others are the result of the ability resources can govern outcomes, and the time
to share across units. In turn, the resource view period is short to intermediate term so that
adds an important dimension to the concepts of managerial choices can replicate or offset resource
activities and drivers. Underlying the ability to stocks. The greatest value of the resource
link activities or share them across business units, view will be in assessing opportunities for
for example, are organizational skills and routines diversification, provided the resource and activity
that represent important assets. views are integrated.zh A resource-based view of
A final category of resources is external assets diversification that defines resources broadly,
such as reputation and relationships.2s These are however, runs the risk of justifying the sort of
normally created through performing activities unrelated diversification that was so disastrous
over time. Recognizing these assets, and their in the 1970s and 1980s.
link to the ongoing cost or differentiation of
activities, is another vaiuable contribution of the
resource view. The existence of such assets is THE ORIGINS OF THE ORIGINS
implicit in the concept of drivers but not well
developed. We are left still short of a dynamic theory of
All this still leaves unanswered the question, strategy, though we are beginning to learn about
however, of the origins of competitive advantage. the subprocesses involved. In order to understand
Why can valuable resources be created and why firms choose and successfully implement the
sustained? Interestingly, the requirement of right strategies, and why their internal activities
imperfect factor markets points strongly in the and assets are what they are, at least four
direction of managerial choice, and goes against important issues must be addressed.
First, a theory must deal simultaneously with
24 Since the great preponderance of resources are created
both the firm itself as well as the industry and
either by past activities or managerial choices to assemble broader environment in which it operates. The
outside resources in new activity configurations, my own view environment both constrains and influences out-
is that activities are logically prior. Yet it is clear that
causality becomes blurred as accumulated resources affcct comes, which the more introspective resource
ihe cost o r uniqueness of activities. view neglects. Second, a theory must allow
25 Defining a market position as a resource is inappropriate,
because it confuses the longitudinal problem with the cross-
sectional problem and obscures the mechanism by which See Montgomery and Wernerfelt (19%) and Montgomery

advantage i s created. and Hariharan (1991).

110 M . E. Porter

centrally for exogenous change, in areas such as this position. The critical resources are the
buyer needs, technology, and input markets. If capacity for learning and adaptation.
there is little exogenous change, the choice of The problem with this notion is its collision with
strategy can be viewed as a once-and-for-all game empirical reality. Most successful organizations
and the initial stock of (properly defined) improve but do not change strategy very often.27
resources can be crucial. In a world where They gain advantage from new insights into
exogenous change is rapid or relatively continu- competition and from consistent refinement of
ous, however, the analytical problem becomes their ability to implement a stable overall
far more complicated. The value of past resources strategy (e.g. differentiation) though its details are
is continually depreciated or even rendered continually evolving and improving.
negative. The choice of strategy is a series of Another view of the origins of advantage is
ever-changing games in which the position in one that it lies in the ability to make good strategy
game can influence, but does not determine. the choices and implement them. While this can
position in the next one. Case after case illustrates happen by chance, the odds are elevated by
that the leaders in one generation of products better information and careful analysis. Once a
often fail to lead in the next. choice is made, the successful organization i s one
Third, a theory must provide latitude to the that can bring all its activities into consistency
firm not only to choose among well-defined with the strategy and rapidly accumulate the
options but to create new ones. The firm cannot necessary activities and resources. New choices
be seen only as optimizing within tight constraints, are made as the environment changes or as
but as having the ability to shift the constraints accumulating activities and resources open up
through creative strategy choices. other inno- new options. But, it must be said, a prominent
vative activity, and the assembly of skills and role for choice and capacity for implementation
other needed capabilities. There are alternative still begs the question of why some firms are
strategies open. The extent to which the environ- better at it than others.
ment shapes initial conditions and choice. in
contrast to idiosyncratic, creative decision-making
The environment as the origin of advantage
process within the firm, is a fundamental question.
A final issue that cuts across the others i s the Instead of solely within the firm, the true origin
role of historical accident or chance. ‘There is a of competitive advantage may be the proximate
growing belief that historical accidents influence or local environment in which a firm is based.
competitive outcomes. Some of what economists The proximate environment will define many of
term historical accidents may simply be good the input (factor) markets the firm has to draw
strategy choices, or reflect so far unmeasured on, the information that guides strategic choices,
aspects of the environment. There are often and the incentives and pressures o n firms to both
reasons why firms are ‘lucky’, as I will stress innovate and accumulate skills or resources over
below. Be that as it may, the extent of randomness time. Competitive advantage, then, may reside
in Competition, and the role of true luck. has an as much in the environment as in an individual
important influence on how one develops a firm. The environment shapes how activities are
theory of strategy. configured, which resources can be assembled
uniquely. and what commitments can be made
Origins within the firm
This richer view of the role of the environment
How then, do we explain good strategic choices has emerged from my study of the causes of
and the ability to carry them out? One view is international competitive success in a large sample
that since the number of variables is substantial of industries in 10 leading trading nations. This
and environmental change is continuous and line of work emerged from a puzzle. After having
unpredictable. the problem is not selecting good written about global strategy, and the ability of
strategies but creating a flexible organization that
learns and is able to continually redefine its
strategy. The resource view, taken to an unhealthy
extreme. is sometimes argued as encompassing 2- Sce Porter (1090) and Ghcrna\\at (1991)
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 111

firms to transcend national markets, I observed Environmental determinants of innovation and

that competitive advantage in particular industries upgrading
was often strongly concentrated in one or two
countries, often with several if not many successful Four broad attributes of the proximate environ-
home-based competitors. These local rivals pur- ment of a firm have the greatest influence on its
sue different strategies and push each other to ability to innovate and upgrade, illustrated in
innovate and improve much more rapidly than Figure 5 . These attributes, which I collectively
foreign rivals, which allows them to penetrate term the diamond, shape the information firms
and prosper in foreign markets. The concentration have available to perceive opportunities, the pool
of successful competitors was particularly pro- of inputs, skills and knowledge they can draw
nounced if one examined strategically distinct on, the goals that condition investment, and the
industry segments rather than broad aggregates, pressures on firms to act. The environment is
and if one excludes cases where firms were not important in providing the initial insight that
truly successful but merely surviving or sheltered underpins competitive advantage, the inputs
by government intervention. While the focus of needed to act on it, and to accumulate knowledge
the research was on the role of the national and skills over time, and the forces needed to
environment, it was also clear that successful keep progressing.
firms were also geographically concentrated The most important factors of production are
within nations. The same theoretical framework highly specialized factors tailored to the needs
can be used to help explain the concentration of of particular industries. Generalized factor pools
success in nations, regions within nations, or are either readily available or easy to source
even cities. It also seems possible to extend it to through global networks. Specialized local factor
help explain why one particular firm outperforms pools support the most rapid accumulation of
others. skill and the greatest rate of innovation. Generic
The starting point for the theory is that technology is readily sourced from distant sup-
environmental change is relentless and firms, pliers, but transfer of know-how benefits from
through innovation, have considerable latitude proximity. Specialized factors are almost always
in both influencing their environment and created through private and social investments.
responding to it. Firms create and sustain
competitive advantage because of the capacity to
continuously improve, innovate, and upgrade
their competitive advantages over time. Upgrad- FIRM STRATEGY.
ing is the process of shifting advantages through- STRUCTURE AND
out the value chain to more sophisticated
types, and employing higher levels of skill and

technology. Successful firms are those that
improve and innovate in ways that are valued
not only at home but elsewhere. Competitive
success is enhanced by moving early in each
product or process generation, provided that
movement is along a path that reflects evolving
technology and buyer needs, and that early
mover3 subsequently upgrade their positions
rather than rest on them. In this view, firms have
\ + /
considerable discretion in relaxing external and 1 SUPPORTING
internal constraints.
These imperatives of competitive advantage, Figure 5 . Determinants of national competitive
however, collide with the organizational tenden- advantage.
cim of firms. Firms value stability, and change 'Determinants of national Competitive advantage'
(p. 72): From 77w Competitiv~Advantage of Nations
is difficult and unsettling. Strong external or by Michael E. Porter. Copyright 0 1990 by Michael
environmental influences are often essential in E. Porter. Reprinted by permission of The Free Press.
overcoming these tendencies. a Division of Macmillan. Inc.
212 M . E. Porter

The presence of unique institutional mechanisms develop higher order and more sustainable
for creating them in particular industries is an advantages. Actual rivalry provides a greater
important determinant of competitive success. stimulus than potential rivalry. Intense local
Selective disadvantages in the more basic factors rivalry may hold down profits in the home market
(e.g. unskilled labor, natural resources) are, but spurs advantages that allow attractive profits
paradoxically, often a source of advantage. They (contingent on overall industry structure) in
break dependence on factor costs and trigger global markets.
innovation and upgrading. Local rivalry also feeds back to improve other
Home demand is important more for its parts of the diamond. It overcomes monopsony-
character than its size. Home demand plays a based impediments to the development of special-
disproportionate role in influencing the percep- ized suppliers, stimulates greater investments in
tion of buyer needs and the capacity of firms specialized factors such as university programs
to improve products and services over time. and specialized infrastructure, helps to upgrade
Sophisticated and/or especially demanding home local demand, and so on.
customers often stimulate competitive success, as There is a role for true chance events and
do home market needs that anticipate those historical accidents in the process by which
elsewhere. competitive advantage is created, an issue which
Competitive advantage is also strongly influ- I raised earlier. However, historical accidents are
enced by the presence of home-based suppliers less common than upon first impression. What
and related industries in those products, com- appear to be accidents are really events driven
ponents, machines, or services that are specialized by conditions in the diamond. Also, the role of
and/or integral to the process of innovation in accidents cannot be seen independently of more
the industry. Inputs themselves are mobile, but stable aspects of the local or national environ-
there are local externalities for the process of ment. True accidents rarely result in competitive
innovation in interactions between the firm and industries unless other favorable conditions in
local input suppliers. Home-based suppliers and the diamond are present. Similarly, accidents
related industries provide advantages in terms of that simultaneously occur in different locations
information, signalling, access to new technol- result in a competitive firm in that location with
ogies, and market pressures. In many industries, the most favorable diamond.
the scarce technology is know-how, which can There are many cases where a company
be difficult to transfer without cultural and founded in one location, through an act of pure
physical proximity. Companies with home-based entrepreneurship, relocated its operations to
suppliers have the opportunity to influence another location or even to another country
their suppliers’ technical efforts, help establish because that new location offered a better setting
specifications to fit particular needs, serve for in which to nurture or reap the rewards of that
test sites for R&D work, and maintain senior innovation. The pilgrimage of aspiring actors and
management contact. All of these accelerate the actresses to Hollywood is simply one example of
pace of innovation. how ideas and talent flow to the environment in
The final determinant of advantage is firm which they can command the highest returns.
strategy, structure, and rivalry, or the context The ability to command the highest returns
for competition in a region or nation. The depends on the simultaneous presence of unusual
national and local environments have a strong local demand, related industries, active rivals
influence on management practices, forms of bidding, and other aspects of the diamond.
organization, and the goals set by individuals and A final influence on the environment for
companies. The presence of local rivalry also has competitive advantage is government. The role
a profound influence on the rate of improvement, of government policy is best understood by
innovation, and ultimate success in an industry. looking at how it influences the diamond.
Local rivals provide a greater stimulus to upgrad- Government at all levels can improve or impede
ing than foreign rivals. Proximity speeds infor- national advantage through its investments in
mation flow and improves incentives to compete. factor creation, through its influence on the goals
The presence of domestic competitors negates of individuals and firms, through its role as a
basic factor advantages and forces firms to buyer or influencer of buyer needs, through its
Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 113

competition policies, and through its role in at Davis, for example, has become the world’s
related and supporting industries, among other leading center for wine-making research, working
ways. Government plays an important part in closely with the California wine industry. Active
shaping the pressures, incentives, and capabilities local rivalry also upgrades home demand through
of the nation’s firms. educating buyers and providing choice, and
Government’s proper role is as a catalyst and promotes the formation of related and supported
challenger. It is to encourage, or even push, industries. Japan’s world-leading group of semi-
companies to raise their aspirations and move to conductor producers, for example, has spawned
higher levels of competitive performance, even world-leading Japanese semiconductor equipment
though this process may be unpleasant and manufacturers.28
difficult. Government plays a role that is The effects can work in all directions, and
inherently partial, and that succeeds only when causality can become blurred over time. Some-
working in tandem with favorable underlying times world-class suppliers become new entrants
conditions in the diamond. Government policies in the industry they have been supplying. Or
that succeed are those that create an environment highly sophisticated buyers may enter a supplier
in which companies can gain competitive advan- industry, particularly when they have relevant
tage rather than those that involve government skills and view the upstream industry as strategic.
directly in the process. (It is an indirect, rather In the case of the Japanese robotics industry, for
than direct, role). example, Matsushita and Kawasaki originally
designed robots for internal use before selling
them to others.
The diamond as a dynamic system
The diamond also bears centrally on a nation’s
These aspects of the local environment constitute ability to attract factors of production, rather
a dynamic system. This character of the environ- than merely serve as a location for them. This
ment bears centrally on the firm processes that represents a final form of mutual reinforcement.
give rise to advantage. The effect of one Mobile factors, particularly ideas and highly
determinant depends on the state of others. The skilled individuals, are becoming increasingly
presence of sophisticated and demanding buyers, important to international competitiveness.
for example, will not result in advanced products Mobile factors tend to be drawn to the location
or production processes unless the quality of where they can achieve the greatest productivity,
human resources enables firms to respond to because that is where they can obtain the highest
buyer needs. There must also be a climate returns. The theory outlined above, because it
that supports sustained investment to fund the focuses on the determinants of productivity, also
development of these products and processes. explains the attraction of mobile factors. The
Similarly, having selective disadvantages in basic same features that make a nation an attractive
factors (e.g. higher labor, energy, or raw material home base also help it attract mobile factors.
costs) will not spur innovation and upgrading The national and local environment for compet-
unless there is an environment of vigorous ing in a particular industry itself evolves in a
competition among firms to trigger innovation in dynamic process. The environment is created
people, products, and processes. It is this over time through the mutual reinforcement of
contingent relationship that explains why, for
example, a selective factor disadvantage stimu-
lates innovation in one country while hastening zx The mutual reinforcement of the determinants suggests a
decline in another. particularly important role for local rivalry, healthy new
business formation, and the responsiveness of local institutions
The parts of the diamond are also mutually to signals from industry. Local rivalry stimulates improvements
reinforcing. The development of specialized in all the other determinants. New business formation.
supporting industries, for example, tends to whether through start-up or internal development, is a sine
yua non of developing related and supporting industries as
increase the supply of specialized factors. Vigor- well as healthy rivalry. Competitive advantage also depends
ous domestic rivalry stimulates the development on the capacity of the local education system, infrastructure
of unique pools of specialized factors. This is providers, and government institutions to respond to the
specialized needs of particular industries. Institutional respon-
particularly likely if the rivals are all located in siveness allows the proper types of skills, resources, and
one city or region. The University of California infrastructure t o be created.
114 M . E. Porter
the determinants. It begins with an inheritance themselves through spinoffs and diversification
drawn from other industries and history. and of firms into upstream, downstream, and related
exists amid a set of local institutions, values, and industries and activities. The fields where several
attitudes. The mutual reinforcement of the clusters overlap are often fertile grounds for new
determinants, which reflect in part the actions of business formation. In Japan, for example, the
firms themselves, build up the environment over interstices between electronics and new materials
time. As this process proceeds, causality becomes are spawning new competitive strengths in fields
blurred. as diverse as robotics and displays.
In industries with modest levels of skill and Another implication of this theory is the
technology, firms can gain advantage solely on importance of geographic concentration of suc-
the basis of factor advantages such as cheap labor cessful firms and clusters within particular cities
or abundant raw materials. Such advantages are or regions. National clusters are often themselves
notoriously unstable, however, in a world of geographically concentrated. Geographic concen-
globalization, technological change, and rapid tration elevates and magnifies the interaction of
substitution. Competitive advantage in more the four determinants, improves information
sophisticated industries and industry segments. flow and signaling, makes innovation-enchancing
on the other hand, rarely results from strength interactions with customers and specialized sup-
in a single determinant. Sustained success in pliers less costly, and provides a check on
these industries and segments usually requires opportunistic behavior, among other benefits.2"
the interaction of favorable conditions in several Firms lose competitive advantage either
of the determinants and at least parity in the because of emerging weaknesses in their local
others. This is because advantages in various environment or due to rigidities or other internal
parts of the diamond are self-reinforcing. problems that external circumstances cannot
It is thus the juxtaposition of advantages overcome.3" For example, a major shift in
throughout the diamond in one location that technology may require an entirely new set of
leads to competitive success. far more than the specialized suppliers that are not present, or local
presence of any single advantage no matter how demand characteristics may evolve in ways that
compelling. The firm's home base, which consists distract from instead of forehadow international
of that group of activities most centrally involved needs. However, firms sometimes fail not because
in the process of innovation and learning, must their environment is unfavorable but because of
be located in the same place to allow the organizational or managerial rigidities that block
internal coordination and contact with the local improvement and change. The environment can
environment that is necessary for rapid progress. provide important pressures to advance, but firms
The ability of a firm to progress rapidly and differ in their responsiveness to them.
appropriately by integrating research and pro-
duction spread widely among several locations.
combining machines sourced from many disparate Environmental influences on the dynamics of
distant suppliers, and so on is limited. The firm strategy
that concentrates its core activities at a favorable
home base, while competing nationally and The environment, via the diamond, affects both
globally, will normally progress more rapidly. a firm's initial conditions and its managerial
Activities outside the home base are focused on choices. The diamond, through its influence on
sourcing low-cost basic factors and securing information and incentives, shapes the content
market access. of strategies. It influences the ability of firms to
These same arguments explain why we observe carry out particular types of strategies, hence
clusters of competitive industries in one location. limiting choice. Choices that may look accidental
Clusters involve supplier industries, customer
industries, and related industries that are all
competitive. Such clusters are characteristic of
every advanced economy-American entertain- ?'' For a detailed treatment and empirical tests, see Enright
(1990). See. also. Krugman (1991).
ment, German chemicals, Japanese electronics, ''I I discuss these issues more fully elsewhere. See Porter

Danish foods. Clusters grow and transform (IY9O).

Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy 115
or internally driven are often partly or wholly dynamic theory of strategy, but many unanswered
derived from t h e local diamond. Over time, questions remain. I would highlight four that
through its stress on markets for difficult-to-trade deserve special attention. First, we need to better
inputs, the state of the diamond conditions the understand the balance between environmental
rate of accumulation of resources. It also sets determinism and companylleader choice in shap-
the pressures on firms to improve and upgrade. ing competitive outcomes. What is emerging is
The diamond, then, begins to address a dynamic the beginnings of a more sophisticated way of
theory of strategy early in the chain of causality. understanding how the environment surrounding
Yet firms retain a central role. Firms must a firm influences both firm choices and outcomes,
understand and exploit their local environment and of the internal processes of choice and of
in order to achieve competitive advantage. There skill and asset (resource) accumulation that
are often sharp differences in the performance underpin competitive advantage. It is clear that
of firms based in the same region or nation. company actions still matter, and that firms in a
These differences are partly a function of given environment achieve widely different levels
managerial choices, differential rates of resource of success. Can we, by looking across different
accumulation, or chance. The differences also firms in a given nation or city, isolate unique
appear, however, to be partly a function of subenvironments that explain these differing
the subenvironment of each particular firm-its levels of performance? Or, can we identify
particular early customers, supplier relationships, patterns of commitments to activities and resource
factor market access, etc. accumulation that characterize superior per-
An important role for the local environment formers?
in competitive success does not eliminate the role Second, we need to better understand the
of strategy nor the need for competitive analysis. degree of stickiness or inertia in competitive
Industry structure, positioning, activities, positions once a firm stops progressing, or, to
resources, and commitments remain important. put it another way, the durability of early
Rather, the diamond highlights new issues for mover advantages? How important is a burst of
strategy that are normally ignored, such as the innovation vs. the capacity to improve and
importance of developing and nurturing home- innovate continuously? How important are pure
based suppliers, the importance of local special- rents from scarce factors vs. advantage resulting
ized factor markets, and the balance between from innovation or which raise the value of
home-based activities and those dispersed to factors? My research suggests that the latter
other locations as part of a national or global is characteristic of successful firms who have
strategy. sustained their competitive positions, but much
The local environment creates potential for more investigation is necessary,
competitive success, but firms must sense and Third, we need to know how necessary or
respond to it. Firms also have a considerable helpful it is to push even further back in the
ability to influence their environment in ways chain of causality. I have argued that resources
that reinforce or detract from their capacity to are an intermediate step in the chain, from which
accumulate skills and resources and to innovate- we can learn. Yet an important theoretical issue
there is a feedback loop between firm actions is where in the chain of causality to best cut into
and the local diamond. Many if not most firms, the problem. An example will illustrate that even
even in favorable environments, do not achieve a focus on the local environment of the firm does
competitive advantage. Firms based in an un- not go to the ultimate origin of advantage. The
attractive environment, however, face profound presence of a specialized skill in a region or
challenges in achieving competitive success. More nation is often the result of skill pools inherited
and more firms are relocating their home bases from other industries as well as human resources
accordingly. trained at pre-existing institutions. These insti-
tutions, however, often draw to some extent on
the general education system which itself is
Issues for further research
affected by social values and history. Just how
Recent research has begun to shed some light far back to the ultimate source does one need
on the chain of causality that constitutes a to go to best examine these questions? I chose
116 M . E. Porter

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