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Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 1

Common Cold
Common cold is an exogenous ailment characterized by the following main manifestations: nasal obstruction, runny nose, sneezing, cough, chills and fever. It
occurs in all 4 seasons, esp. winter and spring.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
The basic pathological change of common cold is attack of the exterior of the body by EPF which causes dysfxn of Wei Qi (defensive Qi) and the lungs
Qi. Lu Qi controls & is the only organ directly related to Wei Qi. Wei Qi controls & circulates under the skin. Skin protects against EPF. EPF attacks through the skin by causing
Wei Qi blockage
 Fever & chills/cold
o Next, your throat is attacked. Lu is the only organ that opens to the envm b/c lung opens to the nose and the meridian goes through the throat.
o Disperse and descend  Sx: runny/stuffy nose, sneeze, nasty voice, itchy sore throat, swollen tongue, cough with mucus
 Block collateral (smaller meridians that are branches of the channels under your skin)  body aches, neck tightness
 External cause (excess): Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat, Invasion of Summer Heat (damp)
 Internal cause: Constitution, overwork, irregular life habit
 Tx: remove/expel pathogen and normalize Wei Qi & Lung Qi. Strength/tonify the Xu (Qi, blood, yin, etc.)
 Common points for all: Du 14, GB 20, LI4

3 criteria for external pathogenic conditions: aversion to cold w/fever, thin tongue coating, & superficial/floating pulse
Note: Invasion by dryness w/ cold or heat in the fall can be treated using principle of wind cold & wind heat.
Manifestation SxS Tongue & Pulse Tx Principle Acupoints
Severe aversion to cold Thin and white coating Disperse wind cold to relieve the exterior 1. Du 14 #1 choice. Tonifies defensive
Mild fever Superficial and tense syndrome or pathogen. Wei Qi and nutritive Ying Qi
Anhidrosis (inability to sweat) pulse Promote dispersing action of the Lung Qi 2. GB 20 Common for wind heat &
(& Wei Qi). cold and other external pathogen.
HA: Yin Tang, Tai Yang, Du20
3. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of
Wind Cold Soreness and pain of the limbs Clear ext. pathogen: Du14, GB20, UB12, SJ5, LI4 Face)
External Nasal obstruction: LI20, Bi Tong Balance Lung Qi: Lu7, Lu10 clears heat Promotes Sweating
Wei Qi: Du14, GB20, LI11 (clear heat) LI 4
(Heat cold; more sensitive to
Thin, running nose w/white 4. UB 12 wind
sputum 5. SJ 5 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of
Yang Wei)
Itching of the throat. Cough, 6. LU 7 (Luo Connecting Point, Command of Head
hoarse voice & Neck, Ren Confluent)

No thirst Clears wind cold, strengthens Wei

Wind Heat Severe fever, less chills. Mild Red tip and edges of the Disperse wind, clear heat – LI 11, Lu5, 10, 11; 1. Du 14 Tonifies defensive Wei Qi
External aversion to cold tongue and induce detoxification. and nutritive Ying Qi
(Chest cold; more hot)
Sweating Thin white or slight Promote dispersing fxn of the Lu Qi. 2. GB 20 Common for wind heat &
Clear ext. pathogen: Du14, GB20, UB12, SJ5, LI4 cold and other external pathogen
HA yellow coating Coughing sore throat: Lu 11; Hemoptysis: Lu 6;
Chest pain/lung inf: Ren 17 (fm of Pc), Ren 22 3. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of
Cough with yellow and thick Superficial and rapid
sputum pulse Promotes Sweating
Dry, swollen and sore throat Great for clearing heat
Nasal obstruction. 4. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point)
Yellow, thick nasal discharge Powerful for clearing heat
5. LU 10 (Ying Spring Point)
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 2

Thirst with desire for drinking 6. LU 5 (He Sea Point)

Chills, Slight fever White (or yellow) and Clear heat and drain damp (SJ 6, Sp 9) to 1. Du 14 Tonifies defensive Wei Qi
HA w/heavy sensation greasy coating harmonize internal dampness (tx spleen & and nutritive Ying Qi
Fullness / distention in chest & Moderate or soft pulse stomach) 2. GB 20 Common for wind heat &
cold and other external pathogen
1. P 6 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of the Yin Wei) 3. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of
Summer Heat Gastric and abdominal pain Damp pulse: soft/small/weak;
Treats N/V
thin/thread; moderate-sluggish & Face)
w/Damp Loss of appetite slow; 2. ST 37 (Lower He Sea of the LI) Treats diarrhea 4. SJ 6 (Jing River Point)
External pathogen, Internal N/V: Ren 12, P6 Damp heat: soft/fast and loose stool. Clear damp Treats abnormal bowel movements
Damp cold: soft/slow
(St cold/flu; often abnormal GI Loose stool/diarrhea: St25, Sp15, 3. ST 25 (Front Mu of the LI) Treats GI symptoms Clears internal damp
SxS) Damp phlegm: slipper
St37 4. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point) Powerful for 5. Ren 12 (Front Mu of Stomach, Influential Point
most imp GI points: SJ6, Sp9, Ren12 (Sea of clearing heat of Fu Organs)
Qi), Ren 6, St36, ST 27
6. ST 36 (He Sea Point, Command Point of
7. SP 9 (He Sea Point)
8. SP 6
Chills (liability to catch cold), Pale and tender tongue Tonify Qi (Lung, Wei, Source) and relieve 1. Du 14 Tonifies defensive Wei Qi
Fever body external pathogens. and nutritive Ying Qi
Lassitude and general Floating and feeble pulse 2. SJ 5 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of
Common Cold w/Qi weakness; liability to catching
Use tonifying technique Yang Wei) expel wind
Tonify Qi: Ren6 (sea of Qi), St36, UB13, UB43, Ren17
Xu 3. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lung) tonify Lu/Wei Qi.
Internal cold (Influential pt of Qi; Feeble voice, SOB)
Clear heat from Lu
Clear pathogen: Du14, GB20, LI4, SJ5
(Weak constitution, chronic hx SOB 4. UB 43 (Outer Shu of Pc; 100 taxation) tonify
always getting sick)
Lu Qi
Dislike of speech
5. Ren 6 Sea of Qi
Spontaneous sweating
6. ST 36 (He Sea Point, Command Point of
Low degree fever w/aversion Red tongue body Tonify Yin (esp. Lung & Kidney) and 5. KID 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point)
to cold Thin and rapid pulse relieve external pathogens. Moxa is CI for Yin Xu Tonifies Kidney Yin
Restlessness 6. KID 7 (Jing River Point)
Clear pathogen: Du14, GB20, LI4, SJ5 Treats night sweating and hot
Thirst, Dry throat UB 23: tonify Yuan Qi
Common Cold w/Yin flashes
Burning sensation in palms & 1. Du 14
Xu 7. SP 6 tonify yin
soles 2. GB 20
Tonify Lu Yin
3. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face)
8. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lu)
4. SJ 5 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of Yang Wei)
9. UB 43 (Outer Shu of Pc)
10. LU 9 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point,
Influential Point of Vessels)
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 3

Sore Throat
Three organs that relate to the throat: lung, stomach, and kidney.
The throat is considered the gate of the lung and stomach.
Acute conditions are often due to excess patterns that cause
blockage of the throat, associated and/or affecting the lung and
stomach. Lu opens to envm through throat. ST involved w/swallowed foods.

The kidney meridians travel upward and pass through the throat
and terminate at the root of the tongue. Chronic conditions are
often due to Kidney Yin failing to nourish the throat.
Sore throat main manifestations are local redness, swelling,
pain and discomfort sensation in the throat.
Manifestation SxS Tongue & Pulse Tx Principle Acupoints
More severe fever than aversion to Red tongue proper with Clear wind heat from the throat and 1. GB 20 Common for wind heat & cold and
cold thin, yellow coating regulate Lu Qi. other external pathogen. can consider Du 14, SJ 5
HA and cough Floating, rapid pulse Acupoints are mainly from Lu and LI expels wind, LU 5, LU 10, LI 1 etc.

meridians 2. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face) expel

Redness, swelling, and pain in the wind, regulate Wei Qi, alleviates pain
throat mild sore throat: Lu 10 best to clear Lu heat & Lu5 3. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point) Powerful for
Wind Heat
best for Lu phlegm clearing heat. Prick to bleed
LI 1 (good for sore throat; prick to bleed)
Attacks Lu 4. LU 11 (Jing Well Point, Ghost Point) Powerful for
(Sore throat is CC) clearing heat with bleeding technique*
 Best for swollen, sore throat conditions in
 Blackish-red blood is considered toxic heat.
 10-30 drops of toxic blood may have to be released to turn blood a
normal brighter red.
 Sweating often follows d/t effects of the removal of the toxic heat.
5. LU 6 (Xi Cleft Point) Txs hemoptysis
High fever Red tongue body with Clear heat from the ST. 1. LI 1 (Jing Well Point) Powerful for clearing heat
Severe sore throat yellow coating Acupoints are mainly from the Lu, LI, w/bleeding technique* Best for severe sore
Flushed face Rapid, slippery pulse & ST meridians throat & stomach conditions w/excess heat
Excess Heat (excess heat) 2. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face)
Congested eyes
of Lu & St Du 14 3. LU 5 (He Sea Point) Clears Lu heat
Ulceration of mouth Lu 10 clear Lu Heat!
4. ST 44 (Ying Spring Point) Best point for clearing
Lu 11 clear heat, prick to bleed
Thirst with desire for drinking internal heat, esp. Stomach Fire b/c clears heat
Constipation, Scanty urine along the meridian. Good for internal heat.
Deficient Dull pain in the throat Red tongue proper with Tonify Yin, clear Deficient Fire, & relieve 1. KID 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point) Tonify Yin for any
Heat – Yin Xu Thirst with NO desire to drink less coating sore throat. KID xu yin/yang/essence/Qi. Benefit Lu
(sore throat not Acupoints are mainly from the Lu and Kid 2. KID 6 (Confluent Point of the Yin Qiao) Ki  throat; Ki xu fire;
severe) Soreness in the lumbar region and Rapid, thready pulse meridians hoarse voice. Tonify KID yin, benefit Lu
knees 1. SP 6 Tonifies Kidney. For sore throat
2. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lung) Treats sore throat 3. LU 5 (He Sea Point)
Dizziness, tinnitus; Tidal fever 3. UB 23 (Back Shu of Kidney) Treats lower back pain 4. LU 10 (Ying Spring Point)
K2 (Ying Spring): clears yin xu fire/heat!
K7 tonify Kid yang
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 4

Sore throat: Lu10, Lu5, Lu11

Cough - a main symptom of the lung problem may result from either of the following:
 Attack by exogenous pathogenic factors disturbing the dispersion of Qi of the lung
 Disorders of the lung itself or other diseased zang-fu organs affecting the lung
External coughing Internal coughing
 Coughing of lung disorder caused by external Coughing due to excess or deficiency depending on
pathogen attack, often acute and in excess (acute organ involved; often chronic
URI, lung infection, bronchitis, valley fever, etc.) (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, etc.)
 Blocks Wei Qi and Lung Qi causing Lung Qi
rebellion, hence the coughing

Manifestation SxS Tongue & Pulse Tx Principle Acupoints

Aversion to cold, Fever Thin, white tongue Disperse Wind-Cold, circulate Lung 1. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lu)
Cough, Thin and white sputum coating Qi and stop cough 2. LU 7 (Luo Connecting Point, Command of Head & Neck, Ren
Confluent) Powerful to dispel wind cold &
Nasal obstruction and d/c Superficial pulse
1. Ren 22 Treats severe coughing. Can’t clear phlegm, along with coughing, HA,
Itching of the throat breath
Wind-Cold stuffy nose, loss of voice
External HA 2. Ding Chuan / Calm Dyspnea. Treats
3. DU 16 expels wind, calms Shen
chest tightness: LU 1 (fm of LU), Ren 17 4. UB 12 expels wind
GB 12, LI 4, UB 12, SJ 5, Lu 7 5. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face) Reg Wei Qi
Balance Lung Qi: UB13, Lu7, GB20, UB12 6. SJ 5 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of Yang Wei)
(Wind Gate), LI 4, SJ5, Du16 (Wind Palace) Expels wind
Cough with yellow, thick sputum Thin, yellow tongue Disperse wind, clear heat, and 1. UB 13 (Back Shu of LU) banish Lu Qi
Choking cough coating transform phlegm 2. LU 5 (He Sea Point) banish Lu Qi. Clears heat and
Thirsty Superficial and rapid phlegm of Lung
Wind-Heat pulse
Clear wind heat: GB 20, LI 4, SJ 5 3. LU 10 (Ying Spring Point) Clears heat banish Lu Qi.
Sore throat Hemoptysis: Lu6 (Qi cleft pt)
Stops cough. Can add LU 1 (chest)
Fever, Aversion to wind 4. DU 14 Clears Wind-Heat
HA; Sweating 5. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point)
Combines w/LU 5 and 10 to clear heat
Cough with profuse, white and White, sticky tongue Phlegm damp can stay too long and turn into 4. LU 9 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point, Influential Point
phlegm heat! The tongue becomes red with yellow,
sticky sputum coating sticky coating and also yellow sputum. of Vessels) Transforms phlegm, tonify Lu

Stuffiness and depression of the Slippery pulse

Add heat-clearing points: LU 5, LU 10, LI 11, Du 14 5. ST 40 (Luo Connecting Point) Powerfully clears
to clear the heat & reduce fever.
phlegm – strongest of Lower Limbs; Phlegm &
chest Lu7 (Lung Qi) dampness
Loss of appetite (full sensation in chest & Tonify spleen draining / 1. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lu) 6. ST 36 (He Sea Point, Command Point of Abdomen)
Phlegm Retention
stomach) dampness, transform 2. Ren 17 (Front Mu of Pc, Influential Point of Qi) Strengthens the Sp
(Sp [GI] sx) phlegm, and stop Treats stuffiness and depression Clears Damp & Phlegm
cough of the chest; chest tightness 7. UB 20 (Back Shu of Sp)
3. LU 5 (He Sea Point) Powerfully clears 8. LIV 13 (Front Mu of Sp) ST 36 better
phlegm - strongest for targeting 9. Ren 12 (Front Mu of Stomach, Influential Point of Fu
the Lu Organs) Harmonize St & Sp
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 5

Cough, Breathlessness, Asthma Liver tongue = red; 1. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lung) + LU 1 (Front Mu Liver Fire

Liv pulse = wiry 4. GB 34 (He Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendons) Opens
Fullness and stuffiness and of Lung) + Ren 17: banish Lu Qi. Chest pain
chest – chest/hypochondriac pina, GB balances Liv Qi
depression of the chest and 2. LU 5 (He Sea Point) + LU 10 (Ying Spring
5. LIV 2 (Ying Spring Point) Powerful to clear Liv
Liv Fire Clear liver fire, sedate Point) Powerful to clear Lung Heat
hypochondrium Fire; pacifies wind
Attacking/Invading liver, descend Lu Qi, 3. LU 6 (Xi Cleft Point) Treats
Yellow or blood-tinged sputum 6. LIV 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point) Combine
Lu and stop cough Hemoptysis
Internal Little HA, Dizziness, Moodiness w/LIV 2, LI 4, GB 20, UB 2 to clear Liver Fire;
Liv disharmony: Liv 13 & 14 Smooth Liv Qi, Sedate Liv Yang
Thirst; Bitter taste 7. P 6 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of Yin Wei)
Scanty, dark urine; Constipation Clears fullness of chest. Opens chest, good for anger
Calm emotions: Du 20, YinTang
Feeble cough Pale tongue body with 1. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lu) 5. ST 36 (He Sea Point, Command Point of Abdomen) w/Sp 6,
2. UB 43 (Outer Shu of Pericardium) UB 20 to build Qi. Could moxa. Tonify (orig) Qi
Asthma aggravated after exertion thin-white coating
3. LU 1 (Front Mu of the Lung) Descend Lu & St Qi Powerful to tonify Lung Qi
Lu Qi Xu Thin, clear sputum Feeble pulse 6. Ren 6 (Sea of Qi) Tonify original Qi w/Ren 4
4. LU 9 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point,
Internal Spontaneous sweating Influential Point of Vessels) Transforms phlegm, 7. Ren 17 (Front Mu of Pericardium, Influential Point of Qi)
Low energy, low voice Tonify Lung Qi and stop tonify Lu Chest pain. Tonify Chest Qi
cough Lu pts: UB 13, Lu 1 & 9
SOB; Pale face Kid Qi: UB 23, K3 Sp 6, UB 20 to build up Qi. Could use moxa

Dry cough w/o sputum or w/scanty Red tongue, thin/no 1. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lu) 1. LU 1 (Front Mu of Lung) descend Lu & St Qi. w/Lu 9 to tonify
sputum coating 2. UB 43 (Outer Shu of Pc) w/Lu 1 and 9 tonify Lu Lu

Dryness of the nose& throat Thready & rapid pulse 3. SP 6 tonify yin, Sp & St 2. LU 5 (He Sea Point) phlegm, clear Lu heat
Tonifies Yin Xu 3. LU 6 (Xi Cleft Point) Treats Hemoptysis
Lu Yin Xu Sore throat Tonify lung Yin, nourish
4. KID 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point) 4. LU 10 (Ying Spring Point) clear heat
Internal Spitting blood or coughing blood body fluids, transform Tonify Kd Qi, Yin, essence, benefit Lu Lung points: UB13, Lu 1 & 9 Tonify Lu, transform phlegm
Afternoon fever phlegm, and stop 5. KID 6 (Confluent Point of the Yin Qiao) tonify Kd
yin, benefits Lu. w/Kid 2 clears def heat
Malar flush cough
6. UB 23 (Back Shu of Kif)
w/UB 43 100 taxation, Sp6, K7 (night sweats)
HA is a frequent symptom. Various acute and chronic diseases can induce it.
TCM: head is the place where all the yang meridians of the hand and foot meet. The qi and blood of the five zang organs and six fu organs, all flow upward to the head.
Attacks of endogenous or exogenous factors may cause HA d/t derangement of qi and blood in the head and retardation of circulation of qi in the meridians that transverse the
3 Principle Acupoints for any Headache
 Du 20 (all yang meridians meet here; opens all yang meridians)
 Taiyang (helps block temple HA)
 GB 20 (unblock all yang meridians & clear HA)
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 6

Frontal HA Temporal HA (bebind eyes) Occipital/Tai Yang HA Vertex HA

Foot & Hand Yang Ming Meridian – St & LI Foot Shao Yang Meridian – GB & SJ Hand & Foot Tai Yang Meridian - SI & Hand & Foot Jue Yin Meridian –
UB Pc & Liv
Yin Tang, UB 2 Tai Yang opens and nourishes Du 14, 19 (local) (local) Du 20 w/Si Shen Cong (needle
GB 14, Du 23 & 24 (needle toward nose) ST 8; SJ 3 in the hand UB 10 (local), 62 toward Du 20)
LI 4 & ST 36 (combine using e-stim) GB 4, 5, 8, 40, 41 in the foot GB 20, SI 3 P 6; LIV 3

Manifestation SxS Tongue & Pulse Tx Principle Acupoints

HA radiating to the neck & back White tongue coating LU 7 clears wind cold, LI 4
Aggravated by exposure to wind Floating and tight pulse SJ 5
Disperse Wind-Cold UB 12
External Aversion to cold
GB20; Du 14
Nasal congestion and d/c
HA w/distending or throbbing pain Red tongue body, thin UB 12
Fever, Aversion to wind yellow coating DU 14
Wind-Heat SJ 5
Flushed face Floating and rapid pulse Disperse Wind-Heat
External LU 5, 10
Thirsty with desire for drinking LI 4 & 11
Yellow urine
HA Red tongue body LI 4 & LIV 3 (Four Gates)
Liver Yang Dizziness, blurred vision Wiry and forceful pulse Suppress Liver Yang w/UB 23, GB 20, LIV 2
Rising Taiyang GB 4, 5, 8, 41 clears head & face
Flushed face, Easy anger
Internal SP 6 meeting point for Sp, Lv, Kd
(migraine) Red eyes, Poor sleep Tonify Qi and Liv wind Yin tonify: KID 1, KID 3
Bitter taste in the mouth d/t Kid Xu: K3, K6, UB23 (lower back issues)

HA w/heavy sensation (brain fog) White, sticky tongue ST 35, 36, 40

Phlegm Damp Stiffness of the chest coating (pale, scalloped, SP 3, 6, 9
Clear Phlegm-Damp Ren 12, UB 20
Internal N/V, Loose stools swollen tongue body)
Slippery pulse
HA comes & goes, Dizziness Pale tongue body ST 36 (tonify source of blood)
Deficient Fatigue, Pale face Thready pulse SP 6, 10 (Sea of Blood)
Blood Tonify Blood and relieve pain UB 17 (influential pt of blood), 18 Liv stores blood, 20
insomnia, Palpitations
Internal Common, often d/t poor nutrition (long time
vegetarian); shallow greenish face; could also be from
too much stress; worse w/ exertion
Chronic HA with prickling & fixed Purplish tongue body LI 4 *Gentle, yet strong, stimulation to
Stagnation of pain. Thousand needles stabbing pain (petechiae, dark tongue), reduce blood. Use tonifying technique + SP 6 (reduce;
Dissolve blood stasis and remove the
Blood strong stim) special combo to unblock
Poor memory Hesitant (choppy) pulse obstruction. SP 10 helps w/blood circulation
UB 17 banish bad blood
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 7

Rhinitis & Nasosinusitis

Rhinitis refers to the inflammation of nasomembranes. Nasosinusitis refers to the inflammation of the nasosinuses.
In TCM, both conditions are known collectively as Biyan, which means:
 Thick and sticky nasal d/c running
 Loss of the sense of smell
 Frontal headache
The lungs are mainly involved in these conditions, because the specific body opening of the lungs is the nose.

Sinus HA: GB 14 (frontal HA), Taiyang & Yuyao for occipital HA, UB2, ST2 (sinus HA), SI 18 (needle ꓕ)

Tx Principles Principle Acupoints for Rhinitis & Nasosinusitis/unblock nose

Disperse Wind Cold and Wind Heat. 1. LU 7 (Luo Connecting Point, Command of Head & Neck, Ren Confluent) Main point for sinus conditions
Clear the Lu and nasal cavities. – opens the nose & stops it from running & HA d/t external pathogen. Expel wind, descend Lu Qi,
Induce Liv & GB Fire downward. strengthen Wei, does everything w/NRG to your head
2. LI 20 (Thread obliquely upward to Bi Tong ) eliminate wind & heat, open nasal
Points of the LU and LI are the main points to: 3. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face) expels wind, reg Wei Qi, distal point for face & sinuses
4. Yintang any nose problem
 Smooth the flow of the Lung Qi Bi Tong, UB 67 (Jing Well) – clear head
 Expel pathogenic wind cold and wind heat by applying the reducing techniques
Combine these points with the Liv and GB points for Liv and GB Fire.
Wind Cold Wind Heat
Chills & fever Light red tongue, thin and white 1.GB 20 (Wind Pool) – Fever & chills 1. DU 14
Itching in the nose coating eliminates wind Thick, yellow and sticky nasal d/c 2. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point)
Sneezing Floating and tight pulse 2.UB 12 (Wind Gate) Red tongue, thin & yellow coating Lu 5 & 10
Runny nose w/clear d/c Floating and rapid pulse
Liv & GB Fire Fetid and yellow nasal d/c Red tongue, yellow coating 1. LIV 2 (Ying Spring Point) 4. GB 34 (He Sea Point, Influential Point of
Irritability, Dry throat Wiry and rapid pulse 2. LIV 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream
HA, Flank pain P6 moves Liv Qi
4 Gates
Point) 5. UB 2
Bitter taste in the mouth 3. GB 20 6. Taiyang
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 8

Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic infection of the lung caused by tubercle bacilli.
In TCM, pulmonary tuberculosis is referred as Fei Lao, which is a type of “Deficient Consumption”. TCM pathology describes TB as the invasion of the lung by “Lao Chong”
(tubercle bacilli) with a background of deficiency of antipathogenic Qi.
The disease focuses primarily in the lungs but also involves the spleen and kidney.

Dry cough, Scanty sputum Deep red (crimson) tongue body, scanty fur Tonifies Lung
Dry mouth & throat (no coating) 1. LU 9 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point, Influential
Point of Vessels) Tonify Lu & Lu Yin
Hemoptysis, Hectic fires Thin and rapid pulse 2. UB 13 (Back Shu of Lung) w/Lu 1
Burning sensation in the palms and soles 3. UB 43 (Outer Shu of Pericardium) Obstruction of Lu,
Lung & Kidney Yin Xu
Night sweating, Emaciation Tonify Lu Qi. Moxa if there’s Yang Xu

Restlessness, Insomnia
Flushed cheeks
Seminal emissions, Irregular menstruations
Cough, Sputum with dark blood, SOB Pale and swollen tongue body Tonifies Sp & Kid
Intolerance to cold, Spontaneous sweating Feeble pulse 4. ST 36 (He Sea Point, Command Point of Abdomen)
Tonify Qi – reinforce immu system. Nourish Yin & blood
Spleen & Kidney Yang Xu Poor appetite, Diarrhea 5. SP 6 Tonify Yin
Emaciation, Impotence 6. KID 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point) Tonify
Hypomenorrhea or amenorrhea Yin

Tx Principle Supplement Points

 Tonify Lu & Ki Yin. Clear deficient fire Yin Xu w/deficient fire – hot flashes, malar flush, nocturnal emissions, irregular menstruation
 Tonify & Strengthen Sp & Ki Yang oK6, K2 (Ying Spring), Liv2 (Ying Spring)
 Principle points: Lu, Sp & Ki meridians supported by Qi & Yin Xu: UB20 (bs Sp; build up Spleen Qi), UB21 (bs St), Ren6 (Sea of Qi), Ren17 (Influential pt of Qi)
Back Shu points Cough w/ profuse sputum: Lu5, St40
 Yin Xu  acupuncture Tidal Fever (afternoon/evening fever): Lu10, P6
 Yang Xu  Moxi Hemoptysis – Lu6, Lu1 (if bleeding is very bad – can puncture or moxi)
Night sweats: H6, K7, UB52
 Hoarseness: K6 (Confluential pt of Yin Qiao meridians connected w/ throat – loss of voice, hoarse voice d/t Yin xu)
Nocturnal emissions: UB52 (obs Ki; astringent pt – controls the essence & stops abnormal d/c)
Amenorrhea – Sp10
Cold limbs – Sp/Kid Yang Xu; Moxa! R4 (fm SI; moxa), Ren8, St25 (fm LI; diarrhea)
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 9

Eczema, a common skin disease, is divided into acute and chronic types.
Acute eczema Chronic eczema
o Sudden onset of symmetric and polymorphic lesions in repeated attacks oTransformed from the acute type
o Accompanied by erythema, edema, vesiculation, oozing and intense itching. oRoughness of skin, dark red or gray color of skin in affected areas, scaled skin or
o When cured, it presents decrustation without any traces. lichen-like skin
oChronic eczema may often bring about acute attacks.

Manifestation SxS Tongue & Pulse Tx Principle Acupoints

Rapid onset of erythema Red tongue with thick, Eliminate wind and heat. Resolve 1. UB 40 (He Sea Point, Command Point of Lower Back) behind
Subsequent papules that form into sticky coating dampness. knee; Cools blood heat and reduces skin rash –

groups of blisters in a few days Slippery, rapid pulse This relates to the St Channel of Foot Use bleeding technique. Good for back pain
Yangming & the Sp Channel of Foot 2. DU 10 Located under T6, clears toxic heat from the skin
Clusters and flakes broken and from all 3 Jiao; bleed. Clears heat, detox, acne
Acute Eczema effused by scratching Clears Heat
Damp Heat Ulceration with local redness and 3. DU 14 can bleed
severe itching sensation 4. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face) Expels wind
5. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point)
Clears Damp
6. SP 6 Tonify Sp & St, yin
7. SP 9 (He Sea Point) Regulate Sp, resolve damp, moves H2O
Lingering attacks of acute eczema of Pale tongue proper with Nourish blood & eliminate wind. 1. LIV 3 (Yuan Source Point, Shu Stream Point, Source pt of Liv)
skin less coating than normal This relates to the Liver Channel of Clears internal (liver) wind. Tonify Liv blood. Sedate
Chronic Foot- Jueyin and The Spleen Channel Liv yang
Dark gray skin color Rapid, thready (thin – blood
Eczema of Foot-Taiyin Nourishes Blood
Blood Xu Deep skin creases xu) pulse 2. SP 10 Sea of Blood Help blood circulate
causing Wind Clear-cut margins of the affected skin 3. UB 17 (Influential Point of Blood)
GB 20, SJ 5 to clear wind and stop itching
& Dryness
Blood Xu, Liv Wind Tonifies Sources of Blood
4. SP 6 invigorate blood w/ST 36 (He Sea Point, Command
Point of Abdomen) tonify source of the production of blood
Case Analysis & Mgt I (Deng) 10

Frozen Shoulder
Frozen Shoulder is a condition that bothers most of its victims at about age 50.
Characterized by:
 Heavy aching on one or both shoulders
 Limited movement
The condition of frozen shoulder is described as peripheral shoulder arthritis in modern
Manifestation Tx Principle 1.SI 3 (Shu Stream Point, Confluent Point of the Du) insert under bone.
Pain initially starts on one or two shoulders. It > in the Expel wind-cold. Distal point for shoulder and neck; connects w/Du 14
daytime and < at night, and may also involve the upper Promote Qi and Blood circulation. (Combines well with UB 62 of Tai Yang Foot Meridian)
arm, nape and back. The condition is also aggravated Remove the obstruction from the channels and 2. LI 4 (Yuan Source Point, Command Point of Face)
by cold, but is alleviated w/warmth. collaterals. 3. LI 11 (He Sea Point, Ghost Point)
At the advanced stage, there may be difficulty in raising Use points mainly from the 3 Yang Channels of the 4.LI 14
the arm, limited arm abductions and backward Hand: LI – front, SJ – mid, SI - post 5.SJ 5 (Luo Connecting Point, Confluent Point of Yang Wei)
stretching. Prolonged frozen shoulder may result in “3 Shoulder Points” – Jan Shan Zhen
muscular atrophy. Other Considerations: ST 38 (wiggle shoulders) – long two needles, 1. LI 15 (depression in front of shoulder)
SJ 14 (post to LI 15 on shoulder; post depression of acromion), UB 62 2. Jian Qian (1 cun above ant. axillary crease)
(Confluential pt of Yin Qiao - wiggle shoulders; below ext mallelus) 3. SI 9 (1 cun above post. Axillary crease)
Neck Sprain
Neck sprain is characterized by:
 Soreness and pain with difficult turning or…
 Limited movement on one side of the neck.
It may be similar to rheumatic pain in the neck or chronic cervical disc injury in modern medicine.

Manifestation  If it is caused by the cold, clear the cold Local

Neck rigidity, muscular soreness, & pain early in the  If caused by accident, promote Qi and blood circulation to unblock the 1.GB 20 key pt for neck pain - also clear wind. Unblocks, reduce the stiffness
morning meridians 2.Du 14 #1 point for neck pain. Opens Du meridian.
cervical Hua To Jai Ji 0.5 cun lateral
Limited mvmt/ROM and difficulty to turn to either side Bai Lao 3.Du 19 needle downwards. For neck pain
UB11, UB12, UB13 can help 4.UB 10 0.5 cun above post hairline – tenderest pt
backward. SI 14 – 3 cun lat to T1
Soreness or pain radiating towards shoulder and arm Distal
in some cases 5.SI 3 (Shu Stream Point, Confluent Point of the Du) Tai Yang Hand
Meridian (Lat to pinky side – Both shoulder & neck
pain) if pain on side
Thin, white coating of tongue; Wiry or tense pulse
6.GB 21, SI 12, SI 14
7.UB 62 (Ghost Point, Confluent Point of the Yang Qiao meridian that run thru the
neck; below ext malleolus) (Connects with Yang Qiao Meridian of

Luo Zhen – dorsum of hand b/w 2 &3 metacarpal 0.5 cun below knuckles

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