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Leilon: The Demon Mines

A Ruins of Leilon Adventure

Introduction: This is the 17th follow-up adventure to the open-ended module Leilon: City of
Adventure, which provides an overview to the ruined town destroyed by the Spellplague over 100
years ago, as well as the exploration of the city now that the effects of the Sundering have made the
place habitable once again. In this adventure the PCs explore the upper area of the mines under the
city and begin to deal with the demon threat that has been long brewing. It is broken down into a
few sections of the extensive mining areas and old tunnels long used by the ancient dwarves,
humans, demons, and kuo-toa.

A multi-night adventure for 3rd–4th level characters

by Keith Stonefield

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The Demon Mines rest hopefully leave and the mines can become active
once again.
The PCs can be part of the group that has been
successful with dealing with the kobold threat in the last
two modules, or can be here for another reason. Durgin
has called a meeting of several of the adventuring groups
in the Hold and wants to make a push into the mines
before the start-up Neverwinter Fort can make it there
first. Durgin believes that there is a great amount of
treasure needed to start the town back up and needs it
to assure the noble families in Waterdeep that everyone
can be protected. He asks that groups work together
and explore the regions under the city from the several
The PCs are asked to start in the areas of the outer
mines and push toward town and meet up in the area
Background called The Crossroads. This area was once known for
The mines of Leilon have long been in service providing being a junction leading to the deep tunnels and to the
many areas of the North with silver, copper, and iron. outer mines, joining both of these to the city mines.
The ancient dwarven kingdom of Haunghdannar was the Read the following when the PCs get to the grand
first to mine these areas, but very little is left untouched meeting and sit down.
since their time over 4,000 years ago.
“Greetings all”, Durgin the dwarf begins. “I have asked
In more recent times, the mines provided wealth to the
town and shipments of goods and raw silver were used all of you here to try and set up a joint mission between
up and down the coast. The mines were never as well- all of your adventuring groups in dealing with the
known as some others and the iron was not great for demons in the mines below the town.”
making weapons and armor, but used in kitchenwares
and building products. Silver is used everywhere and All of the other groups look a bit skeptical and some a
much ended up minted with the City of Neverwinter seal bit nervous at the thought of dealing with the hordes of
upon it. demons and other monsters long locked away.
The town fell during the events of The Spellplague and “I see that some of you are a bit hesitant, which is
for over 100years demons and kuo-toa inhabited the understandable. That is why I have hired a group of
lower mines under the Mage Hill area of town and has healers from Waterdeep and am giving each of you a
slowly spread their influence past the town’s borders
potion of healing to take with you. There is also a 50gp
and eventually connected the mines in town for the
outer mines at the base of the mountains. The demons reward for each of you at the end of the mission.”
are led by the great demon Roxx, a large nalfeshnee “As most of you know there is a demon lord living
demon and a few of his lieutenants, which lord over the
under the town that controls much of the tunnels and
lower caste of demons and kuo-toa minions.
mines. I need to have them stabilized before Mid-
This adventure assumes that the beholder in the Summer if we can expect settlers to come before the
floating tower has been eliminated and access to the
roads become frozen once again.”
mine entrances is easy, but DMs can make the outside
areas a dangerous as you want. Durgin looks around to see if people are nodding in
agreement and seems to be getting most of the groups
on board before looking at your group and gives a head
Adventure Setup nod that asks if you are in.
The mines may be one of the last areas to clear out of
monsters before settlers can come to the town in If the PCs choose to accept he lays out his plan by
numbers to make settlement possible once again. It may having most the groups go with the healers to the
be a long while to eradicate all the monsters, but dealing entrances under Mage Hill while the PCs and another
with several of the more powerful beings will make the group try to link the outer mines to the ones in town.
The other group should be one that the PCs have met

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while in the Hold and may have had food and drinks with As you approach the middle of the room, you can see
before. This other group will explore from one of the
another 50ft to the far end of the room where there is a
other kobold lairs the PCs may have explored from an
earlier adventure if they played them. 15ft high set of steps with a stone bench sitting upon it.
You also see a single door that has a pair of metal spikes
Durgin will introduce the leader of the group of healers
nailing the door closed. The far end of the room also
and say that they will be traveling with another
adventuring group heading into the main mine entrances contains three passages leading off in different
under the town. They plan on setting up a camp directions.
underground for PCs to fall back to if they need rest and
As you gather your bearings in the middle of the
healing. The PCs are told that there should be tunnels
chamber you begin to hear noise of a few humanoids.
that connect to the main tunnels in town where they
believe the main threat is concentrated. The leader of They seem to be speaking some sort of abyssal language
the healers and a sample member his group can be and as the come into view from the end tunnel you can
found in the Appendix. see some sort of hairless, pig-nosed, knuckle draggers.
These must be the lowly demonic creatures called
Part 1: The Outer Entrance dretches.
The PCs should have no problems traveling to one of
the outer mine entrances. You can have an encounter Three of the dretches come from the far end of the
along the way with stray kobolds if you wish, but you do chamber. The actually come from the left tunnel if the
not need to have them role Survival checks to locate the PCs ask or search for tracks later after the encounter.
entrance. The remaining 2 dretches came from the left side tunnel
near to where the PCs are. These last 2 come on the 2
#1 The Mine Entrance ___
round of combat. PCs may hear them on the first round
This encounter takes place inside the tunnels along the by making a Wisdom check (Perception DC13).
tunnels past the kobold lair. The map shows a partial The dretches tend to fight until they die. They are not
outside, but this is meant to be down one of the long particularly motivated or cunning and tend to mass
tunnels that lead to this section of tunnels inside the swarm the closest PC. They will flank and try to deal
mines. with casters with limited tactics. A couple will use the
The double doors are locked requiring a Dexterity fetid cloud ability while the others save it for later if
check (Thieves’ Tools DC15) to open. If the door is not needed. Eventually the last one or two will try and flee
unlocked this way, it can be forced open over the course back down the closest tunnel if it is able to withdraw.
of 10 minutes using brute strength. This way alerts the Treasure: The dretch carry no treasure. There is silver
occupants to the PCs approach and the monsters will be ore amid some of the rubble that can be brought out and
ready for the PCs. sold in the Hold. They would need to bring a wagon here
Read the following once the PCs enter the room. to load it and bring it out yielding roughly 5gp worth of
The 20ft wide hall leads a short distance before
opening to a larger room that opens beyond your
torchlight. It appears 40ft wide and over 30ft high. The
light reaches 60ft down the room, but the rest of the
room keeps going past this.

Inside the room past an old ore cart blocking part of

the hall is a set of double doors on the right with an old
fireplace a little way past the doors. On the left side of
the room is an alcove with another tunnel leading off
and down a ramp further into darkness. The middle of
the room past the fireplace contains several piles of
rubble on both sides of the hall.

Continue reading once the PCs enter further into the

room and are by the rubble in the middle of the room.

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Demon, Dretch (5) Sm. Fiend (demon), CE
Read the following once the PC’s enter the room. The
door is nailed shut with a pair of metal spikes. PCs can
Armor Class- 11
remove them, but this alerts the occupants.
Hit Points (4d6+4) 20
Speed 20 ft. The door opens to a dark room measuring 25x30ft. At
one time this was a lavish meeting room, but today it lies
11 11 12 5 8 3
(+0) (+0) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4) in ruins. There are piles of rubble that was once a fine
desk and shelving along with tapestries on the rear wall
Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning that are torn to shreds.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poison In the room are 3 ghouls. They slobber towards you
Senses DV 60’, Perception -1 searching for a meal.
Languages Abyssal, telepathy 60ft (only in Abyssal)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) The ghouls fight to the death or until the last one is
Actions______________ _______________ severely damaged before trying to flee. These ghouls
Multiattack. Two attacks: one bite and one claws were once an adventuring group sealed inside this room
Bite. Melee +2 to hit, Hit: (1d6) piercing. by the other members of their group.
Claws. +2 to hit, Hit: (2d4) slashing. Treasure: The ghouls each have 1d10sp and 1d6gp. The
Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10-‐foot radius of disgusting green fighter ghoul also carries a gem (25gp).
gas extends out from the dretch. The gas spreads around
corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1 Ghoul_(2) __ ______Med undead, CE
minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature Armor Class- 12
that starts its turn in that area must make a Constitution Hit Points (5d8) 22
save (DC11) or be poisoned until the start of its next Speed 30 ft.
turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both, 13 15 10 7 10 6
and can't take reactions. (+1) (+2) (+0) (-2) (+0) (-2)
#2 The Meeting Room ___
Damage Immunities poison
At one time this room served as a meeting room for Condition Immunities charm, exhaust, poison
mine business. The door is locked and requires a Senses DV 60’. Perception +0
Dexterity check (Thieves Tools DC13) to open. Languages- Common
Read the following once the PC’s enter the room. Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Actions_________________________ ___
The double doors open to a 35x40ft room dominated Bite: +2 to hit, (2d6+2).
by a giant 20ft table on the far side of the room and a Claws: +4 to hit, (2d4+2). If not undead or elf make a Con
ST DC 10 or paralyzed (SE) 1 min.
fireplace to the left. Several rotted wooden chairs are
strewn around the room.
Ghoul, Fighter_____ __Med undead, CE
Searching the room reveals a message scratched onto Armor Class- chain 16
one of the chairs. It reads, “We can’t escape. Do not Hit Points (8d8+8) 45
enter, lock the room.” The only other thing in the room Speed 30 ft.
is a metal spike and an old hammer. This is a clue to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
room #3 12 15 13 7 10 6
(+1) (+2) (+1) (-2) (+0) (-2)
Treasure: PCs searching the room can roll an
Intelligence check (Investigation DC15) to reveal a secret Damage Immunities poison
cache built into the wall trim. It contains a set of 4 wine Condition Immunities charm, exhaust, poison
goblets (5gp each) and a pair of old wine bottles Senses DV 60’. Perception +0
containing stale wine. Languages- Common
#3 The Sealed Room ___ Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Actions___________________________ __
This room used to this regions mine bosses room. He Bite: +4 to hit, (2d8+2).
would entertain and hold business here. Claws: +6 to hit, (2d6+2). If not undead or elf make a Con
Save (DC 12) or paralyzed (SE) 1 minute.

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Part 1: The Outer Entrance

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Part 2: The Deep Chasm The far landing also has a set of stairs leading down to
The PCs will eventually come to this section of the mine a lower landing. It connects to a broken set of stairs
complex. You can have them roll a group Wisdom check leading further down, but crossing back to this side of
(Survival DC15) to find their way without running into a the chasm. There is also several ropes and vines that
wandering encounter. You can choose from the ones cross the chasm at various heights. You are unsure of
provided in the appendix, or make another of similar how far down the chasm leads.
content. If you are pressed for time, feel free to move
The noise from the door must have disturbed
directly to the first encounter in this section.
something in a room off the far landing. You can hear
This section of mines formed the border between the
noises of humanoids gathering on the far side of the
city section and outer areas of mines. A set of double
doors keeps the outside world out and allowed the chasm. You can make out a few kuo-toa heading to the
mines under the city to defend themselves. far side of the bridge, along with a couple of the hunched
Read the following when the PCs reach the outer over demon dretches.
doors. These doors are not locked.
The kuo-toa are fine with letting the dretches lead the
The corridors you have been following have led to a set attack and will try to hold back some by shooting or
of metal doors over 10ft high. You can feel a slight wind throwing their nets. They would like to capture the PCs,
but killing them is fine if they look like they cannot be
blowing from cracks around the frame. Your lights show
captured. They last one or two kuo-toa will try and flee
some strange carvings in one of the piled stones to the if able, heading back down the corridor on the far side of
side of the doors, it looks like draconic. the bridge. If the pcs had managed to silence the doors
coming in, you can have them surprise the kuo-toa and
Long ago kobolds managed to come this far into the dretch unless a PC did something loud like yell down the
mines and encountered the demons. They fled back this cave to hear an echo.
far and blocked the door with a few large rocks that are
Falling off the bridge is a possibility. PCs should know
nearby. They carved a warning to deter other kobolds.
that the fall is at least 100ft and looks like a fall would kill
PCs may get the meaning that it is some sort of warning
them. You can allow a Dexterity save (DC15) to grab
or if they have a way to decipher draconic, it reads;
onto the edge of the bridge or a railing to avoid falling.
“Danger, demons and fish heads inside. Do not move Treat a PC holding on like this the same as a prone
rocks.” target. PCs failing this save can try and grab one of the
The rocks have been pushed aside long ago by ropes crossing the chasm and can make another
something inside the doors. Players may think Strength save (DC15), or Dexterity save (DC15). PCs that
something dangerous lays inside, or that the kobolds make this save can take 1d6 damage from grabbing on
were feeble in their stacking of rocks, which is more the and the rope swinging them to one side of the ravine
case. (PCs choice). If PCs fail both saves, you can have them
land on a ledge 30ft below for 3d6 points of damage and
#1 The Bridge Room ___ they will need to make a Strength or Dexterity check
The double doors leading to the bridge room are (Athletics DC15) to climb back up. Anyone falling after
unlocked. They will make noise unless the PCs do these attempts can just die from massive damage.
something to silence them. This will alert the kuo-toa on Several rounds after the encounter with the kuo-toa
the far side of the bridge. and dretch carrion crawlers emerge from the depths to
Read the following once the PCs enter the room. This investigate the noise. This may be about the time the
assumes that they did not silence the doors somehow. PCs spend investigating the other rooms or try and spend
a rest here. I would allow the PCs a short rest in one of
The double doors from the hall open with a loud the side rooms before fighting the carrion crawlers. If
squeal. You see a 30x30ft room that ends with a balcony the PCs quickly move on further into the tunnels the
overlooking a gigantic chasm. Green moss illuminates carrion crawlers are content with the dead bodies.
most of the area in soft light. A 10ft wide bridge crosses Treasure: The dretch carry no treasure. The kuo-toa
the chasm to another landing on the far side roughly 50ft each have 2d6sp and one carries a gem (10gp).
across. In this area is another door to the right leading
into the rock next to the chasm.

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Kuo-toa (3) Med. humanoid, NE
Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10-‐foot radius of disgusting green
gas extends out from the dretch. The gas spreads around
Armor Class- natural/shield 13
corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1
Hit Points (4d8) 18
minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
that starts its turn in that area must make a Constitution
save (DC11) or be poisoned until the start of its next
13 10 11 11 10 8
turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take
(+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1)
either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both,
Skills Perception +4 and can't take reactions.
Senses darkvision 120ft
Lang Undercommon Carrion Crawler_(2) _Lg. monstrisity, UN
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Armor Class- Natural 13
Abilities________________ ____________ Hit Points (6d10+18) 51
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a 14 13 16 1 12 5
creature that is moving. (+2) (+1) (+3) (-5) (+1) (-3)
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to
escape a grapple. Senses Perception +3
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and Languages nil
Perception checks while in sunlight. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Actions_______________ ______________ Abilities______________ ____________
Bite: +3 to hit, (1d4+1) Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+1) range 20/60 rely on smell.
Net: +3 to hit, range 5/15, target is restrained. Target or Spider Climb Can climb difficult surfaces even upside
another person can use its action to break free from the down w/out check
net (strength check DC 10). An attack on the net (AC 10) Actions_____________ ______________
with a slashing weapon that deals 5points of damage Multiattack: Make tentacles and bite attacks.
destroys the net and frees the target. Tentacles: +8 to hit, 10 ft reach, (1d4+2) poison and must
Reactions_________ ____________________ make a Constitution Save (DC13) or be poisoned 1
Sticky Shield: When the kuo-toa is missed with a melee minute. Also paralyzed until poison ends. Can make
attack, the kuo-toa can catch the weapon. The attacker another ST at the end of each turn.
must succeed a Strength save (DC 11) or have its weapon Bite: +4 to hit, (2d4+2).
stuck. The attacker is grappled as long as he holds onto
the weapon. A creature can use his action to make #2 The Lookout Room ___
another check each round.
This room once contained guards who were stationed
here to protect the outer doors and guard against things
Demon, Dretch (2) Sm. Fiend (demon), CE coming up from the chasm. The door is locked and
Armor Class- 11 needs a Dexterity check (Thieves’ Tools DC13) to open.
Hit Points (4d6+4) 20
Read the following once the PCs enter the room.
Speed 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The door from the main platform opens to a dark room
11 11 12 5 8 3
roughly 30x40ft. A small alcove in the rear lets in some
(+0) (+0) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4)
of the faint green light from the chasm. You can also see
Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning a tattered tapestry partially hanging on the rear wall and
Damage Immunities poison several destroyed bunks piled around the room showing
Condition Immunities poison this room to possibly have once been a barracks.
Senses DV 60’, Perception -1
Languages Abyssal, telepathy 60ft (only in Abyssal) As your light shines into the room you can see several
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) skeleton soldiers of a long ago era rise to meet you. One
Actions______________ _______________ dwarf skeleton wields a battle axe and wears chainmail
Multiattack. Two attacks: one bite and one claws
making it look more formidable.
Bite. Melee +2 to hit, Hit: (1d6) piercing.
Claws. +2 to hit, Hit: (2d4) slashing.

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The skeletons are mindless and attack until destroyed. #3 The Old Armory ___
They do not have great tactics, but can flank and shoot at
the closest PCs. They can even shoot at casters once This room served as an armory out in the field and
they have started to take damage and the PCs show simple repairs were made to weapons and armor. The
themselves to be a threat. door is stuck and needs a Strength check (Athletics
DC15) to open.
Searching the room will automatically find the door in
the rear (to area 3) of the room behind the tapestry. Read the following once the PCs enter the room.

Treasure: The skeletons each has 1d10cp and 1d6sp on This small room measures roughly 20x30ft. The main
themselves or scattered about the room. A Wisdom feature is a small forge that occupies the far right corner
check (Perception DC15) or an Intelligence check
with a small table and coal bin next to it. A few bars of
(Investigation DC13) reveals a hidden drawer in one of
the bunks containing a potion of climbing wrapped in a metal are scattered on the floor near the anvil.
fine silk scarf (5gp). Small candlelight can be seen glowing from within a
Skeleton_(5) __ ______Med undead, LE skeleton slumped by the forge. It blazes to bright light
Armor Class- scraps 13 occupying the room when you enter. It and five more
Hit Points (2d8+4) 13 skeletons rise like the ones in the last room.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The skeletons are mindless like the last ones, but the
10 14 15 6 8 5 blazing skeleton can act with more intent. It will use its
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3) range abilities for a few rounds before using its flaming
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Searching the room does not find anything interesting
Damage Immunities poison
other than the treasure. These skeletons are from the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
time the Spellplague hit and are dressed similar to the
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
ones in the prior room.
Languages understands- usually Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Treasure: The skeletons each has 1d10cp and 1d6sp on
Actions_______________________ ______ themselves or scattered about the room. A Wisdom
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). check (Perception DC13) reveals that one of the metal
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’ bars on the floor is actually adamantine that can be used
to make a medium-sized weapon. It can be sold for 50gp
to Durgin. As is, it can be used as a simple club for 1d6
Skeleton, warrior__ __Med undead, LE damage, which will do normal damage to the final boss.
Armor Class- chainmail 17
Hit Points (5d8+10) 32 Skeleton_(5) __ ______Med undead, LE
Speed 30 ft. Armor Class- scraps 13
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
12 14 15 6 10 5 Speed 30 ft.
(+1) (+2) (+2) (-2) (+0) (-3) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 14 15 6 8 5
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Senses DV 60’. Perception +2 Damage Immunities poison
Languages understands- usually Common Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Actions_________________ ____________ Languages understands- usually Common
Multiattack: 2 attacks Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Battle Axe: +5 to hit, (1d8+3). Actions_______________________ ______
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’

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Skeleton, Blazing__ __Med undead, LE #5 The Stairwell Room ___
Armor Class- natural 13 This room is accessible by climbing down from the
Hit Points (5d8+5) 25 balcony 50ft above or jumping from the other part of the
Speed 30 ft. damaged stairwell. Looking down, PCs can see the stairs
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA leading to a 10ft platform and an open doorway. A faint
12 14 12 10 10 5 bit of light comes from within.
(+1) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+0) (-3)
Read the following once the PCs enter the room. Note:
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning the area is not drawn on the map for this section of the
Damage Immunities poison mines.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Senses DV 60’. Perception +2 The door opens to a dimly lit room that appears to be
Languages understands- usually Common 30x30ft around. Double doors lead out the rear of the
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) room, but stand closed now. A few stone tables occupy
Abilities_______ _____________________ the left side of the room and a small bar is on the right. A
Illumination: Gives off bright light in 10ft radius and dim brass chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The room
light out to 30ft. appears to be some sort of underground tavern.
Fire Aura: Creatures within 5ft take (1d6) fire damage at
the start of their turn or when entering the range. The bit of light you see in the room comes from a flail
Death Throws: When a blazing skeleton dies it explodes that is hanging in midair. It appears to be some sort of
in a 10ft blast dealing (2d6) fire damage. Creatures can magical weapon as bits of frost hang off it as well.
make a Dexterity save (DC13) for half damage.
Actions________________ ____________ The gelatinous cube managed to find its way into this
Fire Ray: +5 to hit, (2d6+2) fire, 60ft range room and is now stuck here waiting until something
Iron Staff: +5 to hit, (1d6+1), plus (1d6) fire. opens the double doors again. It survives off bats,
centipedes, and carrion crawlers that find their way into
#4 The Kuo-Toa Room ___ the room.
This room once was used as a backup barracks and for PCs are allowed a Wisdom check (Perception DC15) to
supplies in this section of the mines. determine that the cube is there before being surprised
Read the following once the PCs enter the room. by it. The cube cannot escape and will fight to survive
against the PCs. It may try to flee if the double doors are
This small room measures roughly 20x20ft. The room opened and it has one PC captured.
is filled with several straw mats and a smoldering Treasure: There is only the magical flail that has
charcoal pit for cooking. You can tell that the demons managed to survive inside the cube.
were kept as far away from the kuo-toa as possible in
+0 Flail “crystal”
this cramped room. No other doors are visible leading
Weapon (Rare, Requires attunement)
out this room.
This magical weapon counts as a magical weapon for
determining what it can hit. It also has the following
The kuo-toa and demons marginally get along with the
powers if you are attuned to it.
kuo-toa fearing the leaders of the demons in the mines
and worshiping Roxx, the leader of the demons. When attacking you deal +1d6 cold damage.
Searching this room provides no treasure but there is a 1/day: (free action) you gain resistance to fire for 1
strange looking key shaped with a dragon’s head motif minute.
that may come in handy later in the adventure. 1/day: You can reroll an attack. You must take the
Treasure: There is nothing of value left in this room. second roll.
Crystal is a weapon made over 300 years ago in the city
of Neverwinter. It first belonged to a fighter who was a
member of the city guard and served him for several
years before being given to his son who was an

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Ooze, Gelatinous Cube Lg. ooze, Un
Reactions___ _________________
Pseudopod: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor Class- natural 6
one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage.
Hit Points (6d10+40) 84
Engulf: The cube moves up to its speed. While doing so,
Speed 15 ft.
it can enter Large or smaller creatures' spaces.
Whenever the cube enters a creature's space, the
14 3 20 1 6 1
creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a
(+2) (-4) (+5) (−5) (-2) (−5)
successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, feet back or to the side of the cube. A creature that
exhaustion, frightened, prone chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a
Senses BS 60’, (blind beyond), Perception -2 failed saving throw. On a failed save, the cube enters the
Languages nil creature's space, and the creature takes 10 (3d6) acid
Challenge 2 (450 XP) damage and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can't
Abilities_______ ____________________ breathe, is restrained, and takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at
the start of each of the cube's turns. When the cube
Ooze Cube. The cube takes up its entire space. Other
moves, the engulfed creature moves with it. An engulfed
creatures can enter the space, but a creature that does
creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a
so is subjected to the cube's Engulf and has disadvantage
DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes
on the saving throw. Creatures inside the cube can be
and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the cube.
seen but have total cover. A creature within 5 feet of the
cube can take an action to pull a creature or
object out of the cube. Doing so requires a
successful DC 12 Strength check, and the
creature making the attempt takes 10 (3d6)
acid damage. The cube can hold only one
Large creature or up to four Medium or
smaller creatures inside it at a time.
Transparent: Even when the cube is in plain
sight, it takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check to spot a cube that has
neither moved nor attacked. A creature that
tries to enter the cube's space while
unaware of the cube is surprised by the
Actions________ __________
Pseudopod: +4 to hit, (2d6+2), plus (1d6)

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Part 2: The Deep Chasm

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Part 3: The Crossroads #2 The Crossroads Chamber ___
This is the area of the mines that is the primary The main room contains several avenues for both the
objective for the PCs. From here they can assault several PCs to enter and for the monsters to come and go. This
other areas within the mines and eventually reach the is a large encounter and consists of several moving parts.
demon lord Roxx. Read the following once the PCs enter the room at the
At one time there were several functions that this are top of the stairs.
of the mines provided. There is a kitchen and bar area
along with a small chapel and sleeping areas for soldiers The metal doors creak open, but little seems to notice
and miners. Now, most of the areas are abandoned with you. You see laid out in front of you a massive fight
only passing patrols of kuo-toa or minor demons. going on between several groups of adventurers and
The intent of this area is to allow the PCs a relative safe groups of kuo-toa and dretches. You enter at the top of
area for future exploration in the mines. The upper a set of stairs part way in a massive room measuring
levels can be cleared out and PCs can pull back to here to roughly 60x80ft. Magical light comes from a hanging
rest and heal before heading back down into the deeper chandelier part way below the level you enter upon.
areas. First, the PCs need to aid in securing the
Crossroads before they can find safety. The idea of the The stairs you are on spiral down 40ft to the base of
encounter is that some of the other adventuring groups the room. Past the chandelier to your right is a massive
are already engaged in combat with a large force of bad set of 20ft tall doors that are open and allowing dozens
guys and the PCs show up to assist and save the of dretches to enter the room. Next to the doors is an
equally tall statue of an ancient dwarf holding what may
#1 The High Corridor ___ have once been a pickaxe. In front of the doors are
The 40ft high stairs in the room lead to an East corridor several adventurers you seen at Durgin’s Hold. They are
that the PCs approach from. They emerge into a large trying to hold back the hoard of dretches coming forth.
encounter already going on. Travel from the last region Further in the corner to your right is another entrance
of the mines takes over an hour and PCs should have containing what appears to be a ramp spiraling down
time to have had a short rest. into darkness. A few kuo-toa appear near that entrance.
Read the following once the PCs approach the doors.
This will allow them some time to prepare actions. On the far side of the large room, opposite of the stairs
you are on is a normal set of double doors leading to a
The twisting corridors have led you on for over an hour tunnel. You can see firelight inside and more fighting
before you began to hear the sounds of fighting. You between a couple adventurers and several kuo-toa. To
have seen a few shadowed forms of kuo-toa and maybe the left of the double doors is a single door that is open
some dretches, but all seem to have fled before you to a lit room where more fighting is going on.
were able to track them or engage with them. You find
The left side of the room contains an open tunnel with
yourself at a set of metal doors where you can hear a
several torches providing light inside. It is clear at the
mass combat of some sort coming from the other side.
moment and most likely the path to the surface.
The doors do not seem locked and show signs of recent
Another massive chandelier appears to have fallen and
lays in ruin upon the floor near a large fireplace that sits
The floor in front of the doors has tracks belonging to empty. In this area of the room are a few of the healers,
kuo-toa with the most recent being several hours old. including their leader, tending to wounded adventurers
The doors open to the top of the stairs in the main room and fighting several kuo-toa and a couple dretches. A set
where the PCs can join that encounter. of double doors past them lead to another lit room
If the PCs wait in the hall for more than a few rounds where several wounded are being tended to.
you can have the other adventuring group, The
Broadsides, come up from behind the PCs and quickly This must be what they call The Crossroads, if you can
jump into the encounter. They can say something about keep it.
them needing to help or even challenge their loyalty for
not joining the fight and helping the other adventuring The PCs can go to any location they want. Right now
parties. nobody sees them high on the stairs and above the light
coming from the chandelier. The closest fighting from

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the bottom of the stairs is with the healers and their Treasure: The dretch carry no treasure. The kuo-toa
leader who most are looking to for direction. If the PCs each have 2d6sp and one carries a gem (10gp) while
help here, you can have any of the other groups come to another has a potion of greater healing.
them after this part of the encounter is dealt with.
Use the following for each wave of monsters:
The problem for the PCs is that the bad guys have more
of their allies coming as well and eventually the PCs and
the other adventurers will run out of resources if they do Main gate area: 10 dretch
not close the massive doors. A Strength check (Athletics Main room by fireplace: 4 dretch and 6 kuo-toa
DC25) is needed to close one of them. Up to 4 people Ramp: 2 dretch and 4 kuo-toa
can assist and the DC lowers by 2 for each of the 3 and Hall by area 8 and Rm 5: 8 kuo-toa and 1 kuo-toa whip
th nd
4 person. The 2 person grants advantage to the roll,
so if all 4 people are trying to close the gate, the DC After 1 minute: Reinforcements
would be 21 with Advantage. Assisting this way also Main gate area: 10 dretch and 1 ettin
opens themselves up to attacks of opportunity from the Main room by fireplace: none unless some still in room get by
monsters in the area. from main gate
The other way to deal with the doors is to topple the Ramp: 4 kuo-toa and 2 crocodile
statue over and block the entrance. The main ways to Hall by area 8: 8 kuo-toa, 1 kuo-toa whip, 1 kuo-toa brute, and
topple that statue is to succeed at a Strength check 1 crocodile tyrant
(Athletics DC25), same rules as using help closing the
gate but with less exposure to attack of opportunity and After 2nd minute: Reinforcements
a Dexterity check (Thieves’ Tools DC20). This weakens Main gate area: 15 dretch
the statue and allows if to topple in the area in front of Main room by fireplace: none unless some still in room get by
the doors in a 10ft wide path. Creatures in that area can from main gate
make a Dexterity saving throw (DC14) to avoid taking Ramp: none
(4d6) bludgeoning damage. Hall by area 8: 8 kuo-toa, and 2 crocodile
The kuo-toa from the hall listed as area 7 on the map
come in 3 waves a few minutes apart. The first wave can Each additional minute: Reinforcements
be handles by the other adventurers in the hall and room Main gate area: 15 dretch or 3d10 if you like to roll
nd rd
5. The 2 wave comes after 1 minute and the 3 after
another 2 minutes. See the chart of numbers of
monsters in each wave. The same is true for the Do not forget that there is help for the PCs in this
numbers coming from the ramp in area 2 and from area room. There are the adventurers in the Appendix of this
8 beyond the massive doors. Eventually, the only module. Feel free to use them as you wish, but I tend to
monsters that come are from beyond the massive doors have them cluster in one area and let their fighting and
and the numbers will force the PCs to flee, close the actions take a backseat to the PCs actions. You can have
doors, or die. This path does not stop. a few of them assist with some arrows or cast a spell or
some healing the PCs way, but do not feel like you need
This can be a rather chaotic encounter where the PCs to roll each of their actions.
can do many things and the DM will need to adjust a few
parts of the encounter as needed to maintain suspense I usually completely ad-lib the offstage fighting by
and fun for the players. PCs can stay on the stairs and rolling a few dice and placing counters around the NPCs
shoot ranged weapons. This provides an over-watch and monsters. I may put colored tokens around the
over the whole room and can be a relatively safe area. I monsters and NPCs to show minor/major damage, and a
would most likely have a couple monsters split and climb final colored marker for near death. 3 hits lets the
the stairs to provide more excitement. PCs can try to players know that they are wounded or need help but
jump to the chandelier from partway up the stairs. This does not tie things down with rolling each character.
would most likely be a Dexterity check (Acrobatics) or Another thing I have done in the past is to give the
Strength check (Athletics) to hold onto the chandelier players a few of the NPCs to play and roll for. This is best
and land safely. A (DC12) check should be low enough to if you have experience players and you do not think they
make the daring move an option for the PCs to try. You will metagame by having ‘their’ NPCs abandon their
can even give PCs who jump to the top of the statue friends to go and protect the player’s main PC. This may
Advantage to topple it over from on top, but will need to let the players try some different classes and have some
make a Constitution save (DC14) for half the damage it actions they are not used to in combat.
does to creatures it lands on.

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Crocodile ____ _ _Lg. beast, UN Demon, Dretch Sm. Fiend (demon), CE
Armor Class- natural 12 Armor Class- 11
Hit Points (3d10+3) 19 Hit Points (4d6+4) 20
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Speed 20 ft.
15 10 13 2 10 5 11 11 12 5 8 3
(+2) (+0) (+1) (-4) (+0) (-3) (+0) (+0) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4)

Skills Stealth +2 Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning

Senses Perception 0 Damage Immunities poison
Languages nil Condition Immunities poison
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Senses DV 60’, Perception -1
Abilities__________ __________________ Languages Abyssal, telepathy 60ft (only in Abyssal)
Hold Breath. Can hold breath for 15 min. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Actions______________ _______________
Actions___________ ___ _______________
Multiattack. Two attacks: one bite and one claws
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d10+2) and grappled (escape DC 12).
Bite. Melee +2 to hit, Hit: (1d6) piercing.
Cannot bite another until grapple ends.
Claws. +2 to hit, Hit: (2d4) slashing.
Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10-‐foot radius of disgusting green
Crocodile, Tyrant__ __ _ _Lg. beast, UN gas extends out from the dretch. The gas spreads around
Armor Class- natural. 12 corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1
Hit Points (9d10+18) 65 minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. that starts its turn in that area must make a Constitution
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA save (DC11) or be poisoned until the start of its next
17 12 14 2 10 5 turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take
(+3) (+1) (+2) (-4) (+0) (-3) either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both,
and can't take reactions.
Skills Stealth +2
Senses Perception 0
Languages nil Ettin__ __ Lg. giant, CE

Challenge 2 (450 XP) Armor Class- natural 13

Abilities___________ _________________ Hit Points (10d10+30) 85
Speed 40 ft.
Hold Breath. Can hold breath for 15 min.
Actions____________ _________________ 21 8 17 6 10 8
Multiattack: Make a bite and tail slap attack. (+5) (-1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (-1)
Bite: +5 to hit, (1d10+3) and grappled (escape DC 13).
Cannot bite another until grapple ends. Senses DV 60’, Perception 14
Tail Slap: +5 to hit, 10ft reach, (1d8+5) and knock prone Languages Giant, Orc
(Strength save DC13 to avoid). Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Abilities_________ ___________________
Two Heads. Adv. on Wisdon (Perception) checks and ST
vs. blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned,
and knocked unconscious.
Wakeful: When one of the heads is asleep, the other is
Actions___________ __________________
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Battleaxe: +7 to hit, (2d8+5).
Morningstar: +7 to hit, (2d8+5).

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Kuo-toa Med. humanoid, NE
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to
escape a grapple.
Armor Class- natural/shield 13
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and
Hit Points (4d8) 18
Perception checks while in sunlight.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft nd
Spellcasting. 2 level caster. DC 12 / +4 hit
13 10 11 11 10 8 Cantrip (at-will) sacred flame, thaumaturgy
(+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1) 1 lev. (3 slots): bane, shield of faith
Actions_______________ ______________
Skills Perception +4 Multiattack: Make both bite and pincer attack
Senses darkvision 120ft Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing.
Lang Undercommon Pincer Staff: +4 to hit (10ft reach), (1d6+2) piercing. If
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC
Abilities________________ ____________ 14). Until grapple ends it cannot use pincer staff on
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water. another target.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a
creature that is moving.
Kuo-toa, Brute Med. humanoid, NE

Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to Armor Class- natural/pieces 17
escape a grapple. Hit Points (8d8+16) 45
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
Perception checks while in sunlight. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Actions_______________ ______________ 16 10 15 8 9 6
Bite: +3 to hit, (1d4+1) (+3) (+0) (+2) (-1) (-1) (-2)
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+1) range 20/60 Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5
Net: +3 to hit, range 5/15, target is restrained. Target or Senses darkvision 120ft
another person can use its action to break free from the Lang Undercommon
net (strength check DC 10). An attack on the net (AC 10) Challenge 1 (200 XP)
with a slashing weapon that deals 5points of damage Abilities________________ ____________
destroys the net and frees the target. Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
Reactions_________ ____________________ Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or
Sticky Shield: When the kuo-toa is missed with a melee ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a
attack, the kuo-toa can catch the weapon. The attacker creature that is moving.
must succeed a Strength save (DC 11) or have its weapon Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to
stuck. The attacker is grappled as long as he holds onto escape a grapple.
the weapon. A creature can use his action to make Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and
another check each round. Perception checks while in sunlight.
Actions_______________ ______________
Kuo-toa, Whip Med. humanoid, NE Multiattack: Make 2 attacks
Armor Class- natural 11 Bite: +6 to hit, (1d4+1)
Hit Points (10d8+20) 65 Spiked Club: +7 to hit, (1d10+3)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA #3 The Tavern ___
14 10 14 12 14 11
The tavern was once nicknamed The Cart, which was
(+2) (+0) (+2) (+1) (+2) (+1)
shortened from The Ore Cart. It served as an
Skills Perception +6, Religion +4 underground gathering place for miners and soldiers
Senses darkvision 120ft who worked underground. It was generally open all day
Lang Undercommon and night along with the kitchen next door.
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Read the following once the PCs enter the door.
Abilities_______________________ _____
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a
creature that is moving.

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The room before you is roughly 40x40ft and appears to PCs are welcomed inside once the fighting is over.
They are given stew and bread as well as some of the
have once been a bar or tavern of sorts. A large fireplace
fine ale that was found.
in the far corner burns brightly, filling the room with light
and warmth. A large stone table and a few chairs remain #5 The Storage Room ___
opposite the fire. There is a door leading to a smaller The Storage Room was used by the bar and kitchen for
room on the far wall and a passage to another firelit storage and by the mine bosses for storing weapons and
room next to the fire. spare armor if needed. Today it is claimed by one of the
adventuring groups along with the healers.
In the room are several bedrolls laid around the room Read the following once the PCs enter the door.
is some sort of groupings. A few other adventurers are
laying here with bandages while one of the healers is This is a 40x40ft room containing a few adventuring
attending to them. An ore cart appears to contain a backpacks and miscellaneous supplies that appear to
couple small kegs and some meat for the fire. belong to another adventuring group. An old table with
some sturdy chairs is in one of the corners. There are
The healers have chosen this room to set up camp and doors leading to the main crossroads room and the side
defenses. They have taken the rear room for themselves hall, while a corridor leads to the kitchen.
and the main room for the other adventurers that need
healing and rest. They have guards and scouts that You can pick any of the adventuring groups to have
protect the area, but they stay close and stay on the claimed this room, but they would allow another group
defense, rather than seek out conflict. They hope to inside as well. Most likely it is the group fighting in this
create a stable area here and provide an area for the section and the hallway next to the room as part of the
other adventurers to be able to explore and come back
large battle.
to rest.
The Healers main concern is being able to get supplies
#6 The Chapel Room ___
to and from the surface and Durgin’s Hold. They will The Chapel once served the miners more than any
need adventurers to assist bringing in supplies if their soldiers. Originally dedicated by ancient dwarves, it has
mission goes on for more than a few days. been retrofitted over the years to more human gods.
Today it is empty save for a few stone trappings not
#4 The Kitchen ___
destroyed or looted over the years.
The Kitchen was mostly used to prepare food to bring Read the following once the PCs enter the door. The
to the barracks or the tavern. door is closed, but unlocked.
Read the following once the PCs enter the door.
This 20x25ft room stands dark and cold. It contains an
The room is 30x30ft square and looks like it was some old stone table to the right and a partially ruined statue
sort of kitchen at one time. A large fireplace links to directly in front of you on the far wall. Several piles of
another fireplace in the room opposite it. A work table is trash and old bones suggest that the kuo-toa
next to the fireplace with several pots and pans upon it. occasionally use the room for their bizarre activities.
Another 5ft hall leads out of the right wall to another
room. This room can be cleaned out and used for the PCs to
rest in, or they can rest in one of the other rooms closer
There are no creatures in this room, but some stew is to the healers. The original god carved into the statue
bubbling in a pot resting inside the fireplace. has been lost, but mining gods and protection gods are
the normal.
The healers have set up the kitchen for making food
and providing rest for the adventurers. They have not
gotten things set up as much as they wanted before
being attacked. The staff is either fighting or assisting
the wounded in area 3. They only have simple food, but
it is hot and they managed to locate several small kegs of
ale that are worth drinking.

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#7 Hall to Kuo-toa Lair ___ #8 Hall to the Deeper Mines ___
The hall out of the main crossroads room leads to the This hall out of the main crossroads room leads to the
upper reaches of the kuo-toa lair. deeper mines and eventually to the demon lord Roxx.
Read the following once the PCs begin their descend Read the following once the PCs begin to explore this
down the hall. There is no map for this area. area. There is no map for this area.

The 10ft wide hall leads around the corner into The 20ft hall leads for over 100ft before coming to a
darkness. The hall travels straight for another 50 or 60ft large room where several ore carts are piled around
before beginning to slope down. After 10ft of slope the several side passages. Large columns support the ceiling
hall descends into stale, fouled water. before a stone bridge over 20ft wide. The bridge spans a
chasm over 50ft wide.
DMs are free to develop this region of the mines. The
intent was to lead to a series of kuo-toa controlled You also notice 3 large cranes that once brought ore
rooms. Some are completely submerged in water, while and supplies from below to this level. The chasm
several may partially be filled with breathable air. descends into darkness.

DMs are free to develop this region of the mines. The

intent was to have several avenues where more dretches
live along with a section where more ettins and ogres
serve the demons. Eventually the PCs will come to the
lower reaches where Roxx lives. This is not developed in
this adventure and that encounter is more for 7 level
#9 Hall to the Surface ___
This hall is the main avenue that some of the other
adventuring groups and healers took to this area.
Read the following once the PCs begin to explore this
area. There is no map for this area.

The 10ft hall leads upward through a series of several

rooms that have lanterns hanging inside them. The main
hall has several well-worn tracks from thousands of ore
carts traveling to the surface.

DMs are free to develop this region of the mines.

Eventually PCs can return to the surface under Mage Hill
near the main road where the spent ore was brought to
the coastline to fill in the ocean.

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Part 3: The Crossroads

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Part 4: The Upper Mine Boss The doors open to a dimly lit room measuring 30x30ft.
This area of the mines is where the boss demon on the Another set of closed doors are in the center of the far
upper levels lives. It was once an old barracks that wall, flanked by a table on the left and a small statue on
provided security to the miners from threats coming the right. The left wall contains an area for double
from the outer mines and from the deep mines below doors, but only one stands closed in the opening with
the city. They should have time to have taken a long rest the other missing. The right wall contains only a 10ft hall
at The Crossroads before continuing to this part of the
to another room.
This part of the adventure involves the PCs traveling In this room are several kuo-toa either resting at the
down the ramp from the last part of the adventure. table or teasing the sole dretch by poking at it with the
Both the PCs and The Broadsides are asked to travel butts of their spears. The dretch for its part is cowering
down that part of the mines where they eventually come in the corner to the right.
to the barracks section of the mines presented here.
While the PCs are fighting in area 1, the Broadsides The kuo-toa will stop poking the dretch and focus on
overhear them and come to aid. They meet the PCs in the PCs once they enter. They will block the doors
area 2 in time to assist them in fighting. They split up leading to area 2 while trying to capture or kill the PCs.
and explore both sides of the area before meeting in the The PCs can surprise the monsters in this room if they
main area for another team battle. directly charge in or make a Dexterity check (Thievery
This section is designed for 4 level PCs. In the playtest DC11). The initial room contains 5 kuo-toa and 1 dretch,
I wanted to have the PCs gain a level before continuing while the rest are in the other rooms.
even if the amount of XP would have left them short of After 2 rounds of combat, the other monsters will
th rd
4 level. To modify this area for 3 level PCs, you need come from both side rooms, unless one of the PCs has
to take away 2 of the kuo-toa in the first room and 3 gone in to investigate. The kuo-toa come from the right
from the second. Also provide (2) potions of healing to and will try to flank the PCs and catch any hanging back
the treasure in the first encounter. by the entrance, while the dretches come from the left
Read the following once the PCs have been traveling and just charge in aiming to kill.
for roughly 1 hour. Treasure: The kuo-toa each has 2d10sp and 1d6gp
either with them or in their sleeping room. There is also
The hall you have been following passes by a set of a potion of greater healing and a potion of invisibility.
double doors with a carving above the door of a spear
and an old metal spike nailed in above the door like a Kuo-toa, Brute Med. humanoid, NE

sign holder. The doors are slightly open and you can Armor Class- natural/pieces 17
Hit Points (8d8+16) 45
hear sounds of kuo-toa inside. You think this may be an
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
old barracks location. Typically this is a well-protected
area that provides good defense. 16 10 15 8 9 6
(+3) (+0) (+2) (-1) (-1) (-2)
If the PCs continue down the hall instead of Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5
investigating, they will run into the Broadsides a few
Senses darkvision 120ft
minutes further down the hall. They will tell the PCs that
Lang Undercommon
they have found little and was heading this way looking Challenge 1 (200 XP)
for an armory or other protected area to investigate. Abilities________________ ____________
#1 The Entrance Room ___ Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or
This room once contained guards who were stationed
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a
here to protect the outer doors and guard against things
creature that is moving.
coming up from the chasm. The door is locked and
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to
needs a Dexterity check (Thieves’ Tools DC13) to open.
escape a grapple.
Read the following once the PCs enter the room. Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and
Perception checks while in sunlight.
Actions_______________ ______________
Multiattack: Make 2 attacks
Bite: +6 to hit, (1d4+1)
Spiked Club: +7 to hit, (1d10+3)

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Kuo-toa (10) Med. humanoid, NE
Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10-‐foot radius of disgusting green
gas extends out from the dretch. The gas spreads around
Armor Class- natural/shield 13
corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1
Hit Points (4d8) 18
minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
that starts its turn in that area must make a Constitution
save (DC11) or be poisoned until the start of its next
13 10 11 11 10 8
turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take
(+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1)
either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both,
Skills Perception +4 and can't take reactions.
Senses darkvision 120ft
Lang Undercommon #2 The Meeting Room ___
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) This room serves as a meeting and gathering room for
Abilities________________ ____________ the kuo-toa and from here they plot strange schemes.
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water. The boss demon on the floor gathered his remaining
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or forces close to defend himself after losing many in the
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a last chapter.
creature that is moving.
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to Read the following once the PCs enter the room.
escape a grapple.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and This large room is roughly 40x40ft square. A giant table
Perception checks while in sunlight. dominates the left side. A single door is on the wall past
Actions_______________ ______________ the table and another single door is on the right wall
Bite: +3 to hit, (1d4+1) roughly halfway down. A dim chandelier illuminates
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+1) range 20/60 several broken weapons and old shields hanging upon
Net: +3 to hit, range 5/15, target is restrained. Target or the walls.
another person can use its action to break free from the
net (strength check DC 10). An attack on the net (AC 10) In the room is several more kuo-toa positioned on both
with a slashing weapon that deals 5points of damage sides of the room. Several are behind the table while the
destroys the net and frees the target. ones on the right are formed in a line with spears drawn.
Reactions_________ ____________________
One appears to be some sort of leader and wields a
Sticky Shield: When the kuo-toa is missed with a melee
longsword that crackles with lightning. There is also an
attack, the kuo-toa can catch the weapon. The attacker
must succeed a Strength save (DC 11) or have its weapon ogre stands on the far side of the room dressed in crude
stuck. The attacker is grappled as long as he holds onto armor and wielding a spiked club.
the weapon. A creature can use his action to make
another check each round. The kuo-toa have overheard the fighting in the
previous room and have taken position. They will attack
the PCs thinking that they can kill or capture them and
Demon, Dretch (4) Sm. Fiend (demon), CE
present them to their master. They fight until only a
Armor Class- 11 couple remain before breaking ranks and try to flee
Hit Points (4d6+4) 20 through one of the side doors to report to their master
Speed 20 ft. what is coming.
11 11 12 5 8 3 They will try to first net the PCs and have the ogre club
(+0) (+0) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4) them with advantage while most of the kuo-toa throw
spears at them. Some, with the warleader will engage
Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning with the PCs in the rear if able.
Damage Immunities poison th
This encounter is difficult for 4 level PCs and is
Condition Immunities poison designed for the other adventuring party to come and
Senses DV 60’, Perception -1 assist after a couple rounds. After the encounter they
Languages Abyssal, telepathy 60ft (only in Abyssal) will suggest a short rest and then split up and search
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) each side of the room. This will lead to the final
Actions______________ _______________ encounter where they will link up again.
Multiattack. Two attacks: one bite and one claws
Bite. Melee +2 to hit, Hit: (1d6) piercing.
Claws. +2 to hit, Hit: (2d4) slashing.

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Treasure: The kuo-toa each has 2d10sp and 1d6gp. The Kuo-toa (10) Med. humanoid, NE
warleader carries a magical sword detailed below. The
Armor Class- natural/shield 13
ogre does not have anything of value.
Hit Points (4d8) 18
+1 Longsword “Shards” Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
Weapon (Rare, Requires attunement)
13 10 11 11 10 8
This magical weapon sheds bright light out to 20ft (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1)
when drawn and emits crackles of electricity
When attacking you choose to deal normal damage or Skills Perception +4
lightning damage. Senses darkvision 120ft
Lang Undercommon
1/rest: (bonus action) you cast thunderwave with a DC14
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
and deals 3d8 damage.
Abilities________________ ____________
Special Power: Whenever you score a critical hit you deal Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
(+2d6) lightning damage as a burst of lightning comes Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or
forth from the sword. ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a
Shards is a weapon forged over 800 years ago in the creature that is moving.
ancient forges of Netheril. It has served soldiers and Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to
nobles over the years until if fell into the mines when escape a grapple.
looted from a body of the adventurer Gytus. It has fallen Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and
through ranks of kuo-toa and minor demons for the last Perception checks while in sunlight.
100 years. Actions_______________ ______________
Bite: +3 to hit, (1d4+1)
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+1) range 20/60
Kuo-toa, Warleader Med. humanoid, NE Net: +3 to hit, range 5/15, target is restrained. Target or
Armor Class- natural/pieces 18 another person can use its action to break free from the
Hit Points (14d10+28) 115 net (strength check DC 10). An attack on the net (AC 10)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft with a slashing weapon that deals 5points of damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA destroys the net and frees the target.
18 13 15 10 9 9 Reactions_________ ____________________
(+4) (+1) (+2) (+1) (-1) (-1) Sticky Shield: When the kuo-toa is missed with a melee
attack, the kuo-toa can catch the weapon. The attacker
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +6 must succeed a Strength save (DC 11) or have its weapon
Senses darkvision 120ft stuck. The attacker is grappled as long as he holds onto
Lang Undercommon the weapon. A creature can use his action to make
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) another check each round.
Abilities________________ ____________
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or Ogre (1) _Lg. giant, CE
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a Armor Class- partial armor 13
creature that is moving. Hit Points (7d10+21) 59
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to Speed 40 ft.
escape a grapple. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and 19 8 16 5 7 7
Perception checks while in sunlight. (+4) (−1) (+3) (-3) (-2) (-2)
Improved Saves. 2/rest the warleader may reroll a failed
saving throw. Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
Improved Critical. Critical on 19-20 Languages Common, Giant
Actions_______________ ______________ Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Multiattack: Make 2 attacks Actions_______________ ____________
Bite: +8 to hit, (1d4+2) Greatclub: +6 to hit, (2d8+4).
Longsword: +8 to hit, 2handed (1d10+4) See magic item

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#3 The Kitchens ___ #4 The Guardian Room ___
The kitchens long ago served the guards and soldiers The Leader of the old detachment once lived here, but
that protected this section of the mines. Today it lays in all evidence of his stay has been erased. Today the
partial ruin, but serves the same purpose. guardian golem stands watch. This room is locked from
Read the following once the PCs enter the room. the hallway. A Dexterity check (Thieves’ Tools DC14) is
needed to open the door. It can also be forced with a
This room is 30x30ft square. A 5ft hall is in the back Strength check (Athletics DC20).
left corner and a partially closed door is in the middle of Read the following once the PCs enter the room.
the right wall. Dim light comes from a few candles on a
This room is another 30x30ft square. The room is
couple holders by the doors and a smoldering fire in a
empty save for a large statue of a soldier holding a
fireplace to your left surrounded by some sort of kitchen.
broken sword. Several large scratches can be seen along
A set of shelves on the far wall displays several gruesome
the walls and a few floor tiles are broken or cracked.
food sources and body parts.
Several large patches of dried blood can be seen as well.
In the room are several goblins that appear to be
Upon entering, you see the statue begin to lurch and
cooking. They try to slink back into the corners and
move. It raises it broken sword as it approaches you.
under the tables making themselves small and meek
before you. The golem attacks anyone not using the password
which only the demon knows. He enjoys sending slaves
The goblins will fight to defend themselves and try to and prisoners into this room to watch them mauled to
flee at the first chance they get. They do not have much
death by the golem.
in the way of tactics and each tries to save themselves. If
they are ignored, they will flee out behind the PCs to the Treasure: The golem has nothing of value.
main portion of the mines and try to escape to the
Golem, Guardian Statue (Lesser) Lg construct, UN
Armor Class- natural 16
The contents of the kitchen involve cooking items and Hit Points (6d10+12) 45
most are old and worn. The goblins sleep here as well on Speed 30 ft.
old pallets and hanging sheets. The foodstuffs can be STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
anything you wish from dried fish to seafood parts such 16 9 15 3 13 1
as octopus brains. You can also be grosser if you want (+3) (-1) (+2) (-4) (+1) (-5)
with human parts and such depending on your playing
group and maturity level. Damage Immunities poison, psychic, non-magical
Treasure: The goblins have nothing of value. weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Goblin (8) ___ __ _Sm. Huoid (goblinoid), LE paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Armor Class- leather 13 Senses DV 120ft, perception +0
Hit Points (2d6) 7 Languages understands creator’s language
Speed 30 ft. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Abilities__________________ _ _________
8 14 10 10 8 8 Immutable Form. Immune to spells that would alter its
(-1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (−1) (−1) form.
Magic Resistance Advantage on ST vs. spells and other
Skills Stealth +6 magical effects.
Senses DV 60’, Perception 0 Actions__________________ _ __________
Languages Common, Goblin Multiattack: Make 2 slam attacks
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Slam: +5 to hit, (1d8+3)
Abilities_______________ _____________
Poison Gas (Rec ): Targets one or more creatures in a
Nimble Escape. Can take Disengage or Hide as a bonus
10x10ft square. Each must make a Constitution save
action each turn.
(DC12). On a failed save, target is poisoned. Effects last
Actions________________ _ ____________
for 1 minute (SE).
Cleaver: +4 to hit, (1d4+2)

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#5 The Prayer Room ___ Multiattack: Make 2 melee attacks
Scepter: +5 to hit, (1d6+1) plus (1d6) lightning.
This room was always a chapel and remains so today. Slam: +5 to hit, (1d4+1)
It’s dedication has changed along with the extent of
depravity shown by the religious symbols, but it is still a
holy site. Kuo-toa (2) Med. humanoid, NE
Armor Class- natural/shield 13
Read the following once the PCs enter the room.
Hit Points (4d8) 18
The long hall appears to end in some sort of small room Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft
where you can see some sort of shrine with an altar and
13 10 11 11 10 8
decorated with carpets and hanging tapestries. You can (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (-1)
hear some sort of chanting coming from the room as you
can partially see a kuo-toa knelt over praying in front of Skills Perception +4
the altar. The hall contains 4 small alcoves half way Senses darkvision 120ft
Lang Undercommon
down where you can see once contained statues. One
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
remains in decrepit form and another niche contain Abilities________________ ____________
rubble. The last 2 are empty. Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or
Two kuo-toa move into the hall to intercept you as you
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a
see the praying kuo-toa rise behind them.
creature that is moving.
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to
The guards will fight to protect the priest and fight to
escape a grapple.
the death. The priest has little places to go and will flee
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and
into the main demon room as a last resort. Perception checks while in sunlight.
Treasure: The guards carry 2d10sp and 1d10gp, while Actions_______________ ______________
the archpriest also has a potion of greater healing. Bite: +3 to hit, (1d4+1)
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+1) range 20/60
Kuo-toa, Priest Med. humanoid, NE
Net: +3 to hit, range 5/15, target is restrained. Target or
Armor Class- natural 13 another person can use its action to break free from the
Hit Points (7d8+1314) 97 net (strength check DC 10). An attack on the net (AC 10)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft with a slashing weapon that deals 5points of damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA destroys the net and frees the target.
13 14 14 13 16 14 Reactions_________ ____________________
(+1) (+2) (+2) (+1) (+3) (+2) Sticky Shield: When the kuo-toa is missed with a melee
attack, the kuo-toa can catch the weapon. The attacker
Skills Perception +6, Religion +6
must succeed a Strength save (DC 11) or have its weapon
Senses darkvision 120ft
stuck. The attacker is grappled as long as he holds onto
Lang Undercommon
the weapon. A creature can use his action to make
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
another check each round.
Abilities________________ ____________
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water.
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or #6 The Old Armory ___
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a This chamber was once an old armory for the guards,
creature that is moving. today this room is the private quarters for the demon
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to that lords over this section of the mines. This encounter
escape a grapple. is designed to be difficult for the PCs and the other group
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and of adventurers will come and help. Please note that
Perception checks while in sunlight. there is an encounter before reaching this chamber and
Spellcasting. 5 level caster. DC 13 / +5 hit PCs may wish to take a short rest. They only have part of
Cantrip (at-will) guidance, sacred flame, thaumaturgy this time before the other adventuring party starts the
1 lev. (4 slots): det. magic, sanctuary, shield of faith encounter and the PCs can help or let them die. If they
2 lev. (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon travel around back and try to link up with the Broadsides
3 lev. (2 slots): lightning bolt, tongues before going to the final encounter, you can use your
Actions________________ _____________ judgement if you want them have a rest,

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Read the following once the PCs enter the room. Demon, Dretch (4) Sm. Fiend (demon), CE

The room opens to a large room maybe 40x40ft. One Armor Class- 11
Hit Points (4d6+4) 20
side has a large bed with nightstand. The other side of
Speed 20 ft.
the room contains a large throne made from bones and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
metal shields. Several hanging tapestries hang upon the 11 11 12 5 8 3
walls. They all have been redecorated with paintings (+0) (+0) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4)
made with blood showing bizarre scenes of carnage.
Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning
Pale light comes from an old wooden chandelier hanging
Damage Immunities poison
from the middle of the ceiling. Condition Immunities poison
In the room is a large demon with giant claws sitting Senses DV 60’, Perception -1
Languages Abyssal, telepathy 60ft (only in Abyssal)
upon the throne. In front of him is a kuo-toa wielding a
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
pincer staff and on the bed are 4 dretches lounging in Actions______________ _______________
various positions. All look your way when the door Multiattack. Two attacks: one bite and one claws
opens. Bite. Melee +2 to hit, Hit: (1d6) piercing.
Claws. +2 to hit, Hit: (2d4) slashing.
This will be a deadly encounter for the PCs given the Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10-‐foot radius of disgusting green
damage the Hezrou can deal, especially with the damage gas extends out from the dretch. The gas spreads around
reduction to non-magical weapons ability. Note that the corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1
NPC Willik has a magical sword and can provide some minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature
decent combat damage. You should have all of The that starts its turn in that area must make a Constitution
Broadsides at full HP and have their abilities when they save (DC11) or be poisoned until the start of its next
reach this room. Whichever path they took to this room turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can take
can just be overcome without loss of these. It makes the either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both,
paperwork easier on your end and they will most likely and can't take reactions.
need to use the powers in this encounter.
The dretch and kuo-toa will quickly engage while the Demon, Hezrou Lg. Fiend (demon), CE
hezrou watches from his throne. He is quite content in Armor Class- 16
his power and believes that he can easily defeat the PCs. Hit Points (13d10+65) 136
You can have him telepathically taunt the PCs before he Speed 30 ft.
engages in combat. He will describe how weak they are STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and how he will enjoy devouring their hearts while their 19 17 20 5 12 13
bones feed the dretches. (+4) (+3) (+5) (-3) (+1) (+1)
The hezrou will most likely be the last opponent and
become surrounded by the PCs and The Broadsides. The Saving Throws Str+7, Con+8, Wis+4
slugfest can begin to get boring if exciting things are not Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning; non-magic wpns
happening. You can have the players each control one of except adamantine
the Broadsides and control their actions. Feel free to Damage Immunities poison
target them with attacks and even TPK them, since this is Condition Immunities poison
a deadly encounter. Senses DV 120’, Perception +1
Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120ft.
Treasure: The kuo-toa carries 20sp and 5gp. He also has Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
a potion of invisibility. The hezrou has a random magic Abilities____________ ________________
item, 100sp, 40gp, and 10pp in a chest he uses as a Magic Resistance: Advantage on saving throws against
footstool next to the throne. spells and other magical effects.
Stench: Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of
the hezrou must succeed on a Con. save(DC 14) or be
poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful
save, the creature is immune to the stench for 24 hours.
Actions______________ _______________
Multiattack: Make three attacks: claw, claw, bite.
Bite: +7 to hit, (2d10+4) piercing
Claw: +7 to hit, (2d6+4) slashing

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Playtest Notes:
Kuo-toa, Whip Med. humanoid, NE This module was designed for the summer break between the
Armor Class- natural 11 school year. My son was available to play with the regular
Hit Points (10d8+20) 65 group over 8 weeks and I wanted to plan something fun for
Speed 30 ft., swim 30ft them and show a few different avenues of play.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The first parts went well and they progressed through the
14 10 14 12 14 11 entrance areas and chast threats. They never found the
magical flail or picked up on the adamantine bar that may have
(+2) (+0) (+2) (+1) (+2) (+1)
come in handy during the final fight, but there were no
Skills Perception +6, Religion +4 problems with the sections. We were going over the treasure
from the kuo-toa on the bridge and I have them roll for the
Senses darkvision 120ft
amount of silver and gold. I told them that one of them also
Lang Undercommon had a 10gp gem, but two of the kuo-toa had fallen from the
Challenge 1 (200 XP) bridge. They rolled and fate was against them since they did
Abilities_______________________ _____ not want to climb down to retrieve it, especially after taking a
Amphibious. Kuo-toa can breathe air and water. short rest and having 2 carrion crawlers emerge from the
Otherworldly Perception. Kuo-toa can sense invisible or depths of the chasm.
ethereal creatures within 30ft. It can pinpoint such a The Crossroads encounter was my son’s favorite. He enjoyed
creature that is moving. the multiple areas of fighting all at once and was able to choose
Slippery. Adv. on ability checks and saving throws to where to go. Most of the other PCs went to the healers first
escape a grapple. and freed them up before turning to the main doors. My son’s
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks and barbarian helped the healers before heading to the hall with
the kuo-toa and was a big help to those in the hall when the
Perception checks while in sunlight.
nd tyrant crocodile came along.
Spellcasting. 2 level caster. DC 12 / +4 hit
Cantrip (at-will) sacred flame, thaumaturgy It was strange in the final section when The Broadsides came
st along to assist the PCs when my son did not want their help.
1 lev. (3 slots): bane, shield of faith
He did not want to share the XP or gold with them, but
Actions_______________ ______________ everyone else was fine with them helping, so he went along
Multiattack: Make both bite and pincer attack with it. They tried to stay in the hall and have the kuo-toa
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing. come to them. The ogre came first while the kuo-toa threw
Pincer Staff: +4 to hit (10ft reach), (1d6+2) piercing. If spears. In the end, they pushed into the room once the ogre
target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC was defeated.
14). Until grapple ends it cannot use pincer staff on There were originally harder monsters in the rooms before
another target. the final with the demon. These were skipped in the playtest
for time purposes and the rooms were just empty. The final
What’s Next? ___ encounter was hard and 2 of the Broadsides were killed. The
party’s fighter and cleric were knocked down below 0 HP, but
Once the hezrou demon is killed, the upper mines will managed to get a healing potion or a cure spell to aid them.
be secure. There may still be some pockets of dretch In the end the defeated the demon and returned to the
and kuo-toa, but for the most part the PCs can rest and Crossroads as heroes. There was not much game time left to
recover before heading into the lower sections of the celebrate them fittingly with songs and drink, but they each
mines. said they enjoyed the adventure .
Durgin has plans to bring supplies to The Crossroads
and more adventuring parties to assist in clearing out the
lower levels. DMs can create more adventures and
sections of the dungeon for future exploration before
coming to a final encounter with the demon Roxx.
Awarding Experience Points ___
DMs should award experience based on each encounter
and monsters that were overcome. A story award of
500xp should be given to the party for defeating the
hezrou and securing The Crossroads.

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Part 4: The Mine Boss

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NPC’s 10
The Morning Doves ___ Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2
This group is the healers that are sent to the mines to Senses Perception +2
aid in clearing it out. They are mostly servants of Languages Common
Lathander and bear strong hatred of undead and Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
demons to a lesser extent. Their leader, Dax is a minor Abilities_________________ ___________
noble out of Waterdeep and will heal any of the other Spellcasting. 1 level caster. DC 12 / +4 hit
adventurers that come to where they are trying to Cantrip (at-will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
establish a safehold inside the mines. 1 lev. (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary
2 lev. (2 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual wpn
There is a few non-casters that work and adventure
Fast Healing: 1/rest as a bonus action he can cure target
with Dax and DMs are free to add more NPCs that can
he can touch for 1d10+3
become PCs if needed. Most are listed as rather generic
Actions__________________ ___________
and DMs can add and flavor or detail as needed. Both
Staff: +3 to hit, (1d6).
Conrad and Bam Bam are friends of Dax and they will
stay close to him to assist and protect the others.
Acolyte, senior, dwarf (2) Med. dwarf, LG
Armor Class- Chain Shirt 13
NPC, Healer- Dax Smith Med. human, LG Hit Points (3d8+3) 20
Armor Class- chain, shield 18 Speed 25 ft.
Hit Points (10d8+10) 60 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft. 12 10 12 10 14 10
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (+1) (+0) (+1) (+0) (+2) (+0)
11 10 12 10 17 15
(+0) (+0) (+1) (+0) (+3) (+2) Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2
Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +2
Saving Throws Wis +7, Con +5 Languages Common, dwarvish
Skills Medicine +7, Athletics +4, Perception +7 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Languages Common, Dwarf Abilities________________ ____________
Challenge 4 (900 XP) Resilience. Adv. on ST vs. poison and resistance vs.
Abilities______________________ ______ poison damage.
th rdt
Spellcasting. 8 level caster. DC 14 / +7 hit Spellcasting. 3 level caster. DC 12 / +4 hit
Cantrip (at-will) light, sacred flame (2d8), spare the dying Cantrip (at-will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
st st
1 lev. (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, healing word 1 lev. (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary
nd nd
2 lev. (3 slots): lesser restoration, pro. from poison 2 lev. (2 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual wpn
3 lev. (3 slots): daylight, mass healing word, speak with Actions_____________ ________________
dead Warhammer: +3 to hit, (1d8+1) (1d10+1).
4 lev. (2 slots): banishment, freedom of movement Po. CLW (2d4+2)
Fast Healing: 1/rest as a bonus action he can cure target
he can touch for 1d10+8
NPC Soldier, Conrad ___ Med human, LN
Turn Undead: 1/rest he can turn undead as an 8 level Armor Class- scale mail, shield 17
cleric and destroy undead of CR1 or less. Hit Points (5d10+10) 40
Great Healing: All healing spells you cast heal an Speed 30 ft.
additional 1d6 HP.
Actions_________________________ ____ 16 12 14 10 11 10
Radiant Flail: +5 to hit (1d8+2, plus 1d8 radiant) (+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Magic; 2 Po. Greater Healing (4d4+4)
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5
Senses Perception +3, Athletics +6
Acolyte, senior (4) _Med. humanoid, (any), Any Languages Common
Armor Class- Chain Shirt 14 Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Hit Points (3d8) 16 nd
2 Wind: Once per rest the soldier can gain 1d10+5hp.
Speed 30 ft. Fighting Style: +2 to damage rolls with melee weapons.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Actions__________________ _________

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Great Attack: 1/rest: Quinn can make a melee attack Great Attack: 1/rest you can make an attack against all
against all opponents within 5ft of him. opponents within 5ft of you. This can be used as a bonus
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks. action.
Crossbow: +4 to hit, (1d8+1). 80’/320’ Crossbow: +4 to hit, (1d8+1). 80’/320’
Long Sword: +6 to hit, (1d8+5) Long Sword: +6 to hit, (1d8+5)
Equipment; Po. Healing (2d4+2), periapt of health
NPC Thief, Bam Bam Med. dwarf, NG
Armor Class- Chain Shirt 16 Falgrin of Neverwinter Med. ½ elf, CG
Hit Points (5d8+10) 35 Armor Class- leather 15
Speed 25 ft. Hit Points (5d8+10) 32
10 17 14 12 10 13
(+0) (+3) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+1) 10 17 14 13 10 14
Skills Deception +4, Perception +3, Stealth +6 (+0) (+3) (+2) (+1) (+0) (+2)
Dwarven Resistance Advantage on saves vs. poison and Saving Throws Int +4, Dex +6
resistance to poison Skills Acrobatics +6, Investigation +4, Performance +4,
Senses DV 60’ Open Locks +8, Stealth +8
Languages Common, Dwarven Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +3
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Languages Common, elf, giant
Abilities____________ _______________ Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Cunning Action Each turn can use bonus action for Dash, Abilities_____________________ _______
Disengage, or Hide action. Cunning Action Each turn can use bonus action for Dash,
Dwarven Finesse You can attack with the handaxe using Disengage, Hide, Disarm Trap, or Use Object.
the finesse property Fey Ancestry: Advantage on ST vs. charmed and immune
Sneak Attack (1/turn) +2d6 Adv. or ally w/in 5ft. to magic sleep.
Actions__________ __________________ Sneak Attack (1/turn) +3d6 Adv. or ally w/in 5ft.
Handaxe: +6 to hit (1d6+3) Actions________________ _____________
Crossbow: +5 to hit, (1d8+2). 80’/320’ Shortsword: +6 to hit (1d6+3).
Dagger: +6 to hit, (1d4+3). 20’/60’
The Swordlords ___
Equipment; Po. Healing (2d4+2), +0 Dagger of Returning
This group is a good party to let the PCs play as NPC (returns when thrown)
characters. Their backstory is that they are mostly
childhood friends who came to Leilon before last Winter
and have had limited success. They saved a group in my
Gilvin Forgefather Med. dwarf, LG

home game when they went through the adventure: Armor Class- Chain, shield 17
Giants at the Gate. More on their backstory can be Hit Points (5d8+10) 32
found there. Speed 25 ft.
12 10 13 13 17 10
Sir Robin, the Bold ___ Med human,NG (+1) (+0) (+1) (+1) (+3) (+0)
Armor Class- scale mail, shield 17
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +3
Hit Points (5d10+10) 40
Skills Medicine +6, Religion +6
Speed 30 ft.
Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +4
Languages Common, Dwarf
17 12 15 10 11 14
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
(+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+2)
Abilities____________ ________________
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5 Resilience. Adv. on ST vs. poison and resistance vs.
Senses Perception +3, Athletics +6 poison damage.
Languages Common, Dwarf Spellcasting. 3 level caster. DC 13 / +5 hit
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Cantrip (at-will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy,
nd guidance
2 Wind: 1/rest you can gain 1d10+5hp as a free action.
Fighting Style: +2 to damage rolls with melee weapons. 1 lev. (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt, healing
Actions__________________ _________ word, shield of faith

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2 lev. (2 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon, The Rest of the Cast __
find traps
3 lev. (2 slots): beacon of hope, daylight, mass healing You can copy some of the other NPCs to make up the
word rest of the friendlies/ red shirts in the large fight at the
Healing Forge (1/rest). You and allies with in 30ft of you Crossroads or use copies of the following for general
can make a saving throw or regain HP (1d10+5) NPCs.
Actions__________ ___________________
Militant. Bonus action (3xrest) make an extra attack.
NPC Soldier ____ Med humanoid (any), any

Warhammer: +4 to hit, (1d8+1) Armor Class- chain shirt, shield 16

Hit Points (3d8+6) 22
Equipment; Po. Healing (2d4+2), ring of warmth Speed 30 ft.
Balzar, the Bluehawk Med. human, NG 14 12 14 10 11 10
Armor Class- armored cloak 13 (+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Hit Points (5d6+5) 24
Speed 30 ft. Senses Perception +2
Languages usually Common
9 14 13 17 12 12 Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
(-1) (+2) (+1) (+3) (+1) (+1) Actions______________________ _______
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 20’/60’
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Long Sword: +4 to hit, (1d8+3).
Skills Arcana +7, History +7
Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +2 Mage, Human L3 _ Med. human, Any
Lang Common, Dwarvish, Draconic Armor Class- 12 (15 mage armor)
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Hit Points (3d8) 18
Abilities______________ _____________ Speed 30 ft.
Spellcasting. 3 level caster. DC 14 / +7 hit
Cantrip (at-will) firebolt (2d10), light, mage hand,
9 14 12 17 12 11
shocking grasp (2d8)
st (-1) (+2) (+1) (+3) (+1) (+0)
1 lev. (4 slots): burning hands, magic missile, shield,
thunderwave Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3
2 lev. (2 slots): misty step(B), levitate, ray of Skills Arcana +5, History +5
enfeeblement Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +1
3 lev. (2 slots): dispel magic, lightning bolt, tongues Lang Common, Dwarvish, Draconic, Elvish
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Arcane Recovery (1/day) after a short rest, the mage Abilities______________ ______________
may gain expended spell slots back. He may gain total Spellcasting. 3 level caster. DC 13 / +5 hit
slots equal to half his level (rounded up). Cantrip (at-will) detect magic, light mage hand, fire bolt
Sculpt Spell The mage may choose to exclude up to 3 1 lev. (4 slots): charm person, magic missile,
people damaged by his spells. Those people 2 lev. (3 slots): hold person, misty step(B)
automatically make their saving throw and take no Arcane Recovery 1/day after a short rest, the mage may
damage if it normally deals half damage on a save. gain expended spell slots back. He may gain total slots
Actions________________ ____________ equal to half his level (rounded up).
Quarterstaff: +4 to hit, (1d6-1) Sculpt Spell The mage may choose to exclude up to 2
Equipment; Po.Healing (2d4+2), +1 wand of the war people damaged by his spells. Those people
mage automatically make their saving throw and take no
damage if it normally deals half damage on a save.
Actions________________ _____________
Quarterstaff: +3 to hit, (1d6-1) (1d8-1).

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The Broadsides ___ Thief, Mutton Sm. halfling N
This group is the other adventuring party that went Armor Class- Studded 15
into one of the outer mines and is the closest to the PCs Hit Points (3d8+3) 20
if they need help or if you want to have the PCs rescue Speed 25 ft.
them. Perhaps they become killed and only one survives STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to join the PC’s group if you need to fill a slit in that 8 16 12 12 10 13
group. Use them how you want to make them fun and (-1) (+3) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+1)
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +3
Skills Stealth +7, Thieves’ Tools +7
Soldier, Willik ___ Med human,NG Senses Perception +1
Armor Class- scale mail, shield 17 Languages Common, Halfling
Hit Points (3d10+6) 26 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Speed 30 ft. Abilities______________________ ______
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Brave, Adv. on saves vs. frightened
16 12 14 10 11 10 Nimble, Move through spaces
(+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0) Lucky, Reroll 1’s
Backstab, Deals (+2d6) damage when he has advantage
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4 to attacks or an ally is within 5ft of target.
Senses Perception +3, Athletics +5 Actions_______________________ ______
Languages Common Shortsword: +5 to hit, (1d6+3)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Sling: +5 to hit, (1d4+3)
2 Wind: Once per rest the soldier can gain 1d10+3hp.
Fighting Style: +2 to damage rolls with melee weapons. Mage, Gramps _ Med. human, LG
Actions__________________ _________ Armor Class- 12 (15 mage armor)
Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). 80’/320’ Hit Points (3d8+3) 18
+0 Long Sword: +5 to hit, (1d8+5): 1/day detect invis. Speed 30 ft.
Priest, Gorn Med. dwarf, LG 9 14 12 17 12 11
Armor Class- Chain 16 (-1) (+2) (+1) (+3) (+1) (+0)
Hit Points (3d8+3) 20 Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3
Speed 25 ft. Skills Arcana +5, History +5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +1
14 10 12 10 15 10 Lang Common, Dwarvish, Draconic, Elvish
(+2) (+0) (+1) (+0) (+2) (+0) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Con +3 Abilities______________ ______________
Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2 Spellcasting. 3 level caster. DC 13 / +5 hit
Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +4 Cantrip (at-will) detect magic, light mage hand, fire bolt
Languages Common, Dwarf 1 lev. (4 slots): burning hands, magic missile,
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) thunderwave
Abilities________________ ____________ 2 lev. (3 slots): darkvision, hold person, mage hand,
Resilience. Adv. on ST vs. poison and resistance vs. misty step(B)
poison damage. Arcane Recovery 1/day after a short rest, the mage may
Spellcasting. 3 level caster. DC 12 / +4 hit gain expended spell slots back. He may gain total slots
Cantrip (at-will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy equal to half his level (rounded up).
1 lev. (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, sanctuary Sculpt Spell The mage may choose to exclude up to 2
2 lev. (2 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual wpn people damaged by his spells. Those people
Storm Surge. 1/rest he can re-roll a melee attack and automatically make their saving throw and take no
deal an additional (1d8) thunder damage if he hits. damage if it normally deals half damage on a save.
Actions_____________ ________________ Element Adjustment 1/rest he can change the damage
Warhammer: +4 to hit, (1d10+2) dealt by one of his spells to cold, or lightning.
Po. CLW (2d4+2) Actions________________ _____________
Quarterstaff: +3 to hit, (1d6-1) (1d8-1).

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