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In This Issue...

Tweets of Wisdom

Homage to Patron I nnovation is not the product of logical thought,
although the result is tied to logical structure.

Message Albert Einstein

Introduction I nnovation is fostered by information gathered from
new connections; from insights gained by journeys
into other disciplines or places; from active, collegial
networks and fluid, open boundaries. Innovation
Key Result Areas arises from ongoing circles of exchange, where
information is not just accumulated or stored, but
Program Schedule
created. Knowledge is generated anew from
Inaugural Address connections that weren't there before.

Keynote Addresses Margaret J. Wheatley

BOS.CON 2011 Report

W hen you innovate, you've got to be prepared

for everyone telling you you're nuts.
Larry Ellison
Photo Talk
Innovation Insights
Technical Reports
Mobile Technology
Parallel Computing
S ince we live in an age of innovation, a practical
education must prepare a man for work that
does not yet exist and cannot yet be clearly defined.
Virtualization Peter F. Drucker
Intelligent Systems and Devices
Knowledge Management Technology
Multimedia Game Technology
Grid Computing
I nnovation has nothing to do with how many R&D
dollars you have. When Apple came up with the
Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on
R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you
Information Architecture
have, how you're led, and how much you get it.
Web Technology: Search Engine
Steve Jobs
Network Security

Paper Abstracts
Morsels of Wisdom I nternet has been the most fundamental change
during my lifetime and for hundreds of years.
Someone the other day said, "It's the biggest thing
Sponsors’ Page
since Gutenberg," and then someone else said "No,
it's the biggest thing since the invention of writing.
Rupert Murdoch

© 2011 Bosco Institute of Information Technology, Yelagiri Hills

Event: 7th Inter-Collegiate IT Fest [BOS.CON 2011]
Organizer: Students@IT Association
Publisher: BIIT, DBC, Guezou Nagar, Yelagiri, TN, 635853, India I believe in being an innovator.
Cover & Graphic Design : BOSCO ITS-MMD, DTP: BOSCON-DC Walt Disney
Printed at: Sudha Printers, Tirupattur, Vellore DT.
Innovation and Information Technology

BOS.CON 2011

Organized by

Students @ IT Association

Sponsored by

BICS InfoTech, Yelagiri


Don Bosco Centre, Guezou Nagar, Yelagiri Hills, Vellore DT, Tamil Nadu, India - 635853

I am on cloud to see this IT-Fest; BOSCON 2011 is launched this year on
theme “Innovation and IT”. This invites the young minds to come
together for our nation’s healthy development by orienting ourselves in
moral and ethical way of Information Technology. Today’s challenge for
the young people like you in India is fighting against evils in the society
such as corruption and terrorism. In this era, the growth on Information
Technology is sky high but used less in ethical way. Here it is our
responsibility to take over the IT towards growth of nation by innovative
Mr Julias Ceasor A.
ideas. Hoping this conglomerate of IT Professionals will fulfill the
expectations of one another as we long for today.

BOSCON 2011 is an opportunity to exhibit your talents in various events and giving deep
experience in planning and execution of the program. This network should be elaborated and
hopefully must be perpetual in action. Sharing knowledge never shrinks in one. Hence this
forum will help you to build the network, bind the connection and share the knowledge to
one another. I wish all the best to all participants of this IT-Fest and have memorable day of

Today, I am witnessing the fruits of hard work, aspiration, and commitment and involvement
of people here. I thank the Almighty God for his blessing always to reach our target. I would
like to acknowledge the all those in BOS.CON community with expression of gratitude.
Especially my thanks goes to the management, Fr. Vincent Durairaj SDB, Rector; Fr. Maria
Arockiaraj SDB Vice-Rector; Fr. Thaddeus SDB Director -BIIT and CEO-BOSCO ITS; Fr. Edwin
George SDB, Administrator; Fr. Saul Nicholas SDB, Business Manager; Fr. Chinnaparaj SDB,
PDH Warden; and Sr. Roselin and Sr Gracy, AAH Wardens for their encouragement and

My cheers go to all the teaching staff and non-teaching staff for their dedication and service
rendered in celebrating this IT Fest. Most of all, I applaud the young professionals: BIIT
students and BOSCO ITS staff for their effort in bringing this publication.

Finally, I thank in a special way all the sponsors of BOS.CON, namely, BICS Alumni, well-
wishers of Yelagiri Hills, BOSCO ITS staff and other contributors from different places for
their support in our service.

Wish you all the best.

Julias Ceasor A.
President: Students@IT Association
BIIT, Yelagiri Hills

BOS.CON 2011



Dear Fr. Guezou!

You have passed behind the door

Out of my human vision

But your thoughts and your words are

Still there in our heart.

We will continue to speak to gather

In the depth of our heart.

You are our light and

Continue to show us the way

We will never forget you

Because a part of you is in us.

We all love you and

Join our prayer to your’s

Fr. Francis Guezou, SDB In the peace and the grace of the Lord.
(1924 - 2009)

Mr. Stanislas Ernoult

Friends of Fr Francis Guezou


Rector’s Message

Dear Staff and Students of BIIT,

My wishes and congratulations in advance for the wonderful way
BOS.CON-2011 will go on 23rd this month!
A recent UNESCO study observes that “the ubiquitous presence of the
internet is a mere illusion as millions remain deprived of it. This
would imply a limited access to a whole realm of knowledge,
interaction and mobility”.
Can you imagine being the only student in your class who has never Fr Vincent Durairaj
heard of Facebook? What about dealing with the messes of the postal
system, for instance, in the throes of electronic mail? While one generation has the privilege
of taking the boons of the internet for granted, another has to endure tremendous struggle to
acquire limited and restricted access to the most basic applications of cyberspace. The social
and cultural disparity and dissatisfaction that this divide creates is very conspicuous and has
serious real-world ramifications.
This situation today necessitates, I feel , the study of Humanities and generally of the Social
Sciences, and it should become a must for IT students to enable them to bridge the gaps in
society that advances of the cyber world are creating. Signs of the divide between the
generation of cyborgs and others not in it can be seen written on the wall. IT students must
learn to read them in order to keep their feet firm on the ‘real’ world.
I wish the BOS.CON-2011 every success.

Fr. Vincent Durairaj, SDB

Rector - Don Bosco Centre
President - BICS InfoTech

BOS.CON 2011

Vice-Rector’s Message

Fortune favors the brave.

- H. Rose Perot
At the age of seven, Perot started working at various jobs throughout
his childhood, including breaking horses, selling Christmas cards,
magazines, and garden seeds, buying and selling bridles, saddles,
horses, delivering newspapers and collecting for classified ads. After
graduation from the Naval Academy, Perot served at sea for four years Fr Maria Arockiaraj
on a destroyer and an aircraft carrier.

In 1956, he went to work for IBM’s data processing divisions as a salesman. In 1962, his wife
loaned Ross Perot $1,000 from her savings account to start Electronic Data Systems (EDS) IN
Dallas, a one man data processing company. The company ultimately became a multi-billion
dollar corporation employing more than 70,000 people.

Perot sold EDS in 1984 to general Motors for $2.5 billion. Two years later, he started a new
computer service company, Perot Systems, which now operates in the United States and
Europe contested as an independent candidate for U.S president in 1992 and 1996.

A chili is small, but it does not lack it pungency. How small you are is immaterial, believe in
yourself and start from where you are. A determined mind with a clear focus is essential.
With a little risk taking, you go far. Remember, “Fortune favors the brave”. Perot just did

All the best to the organizers and the participants of BOS.CON 2011. Let the fortune favor the

Start, proceed, and never stop till it is achieved.

Fr. Maria Arockia Raj SDB

Vice-Rector: Don Bosco Center, Yelagiri Hills


Director’s Message

Dear Members of Students@IT Association,

Congratulations to you for all your activities and achievements through
BOS.CON 2011. Hearty wishes to all Committees for their determined
effect and excellent team work.

The goal of BOS.CON is to bring students from various colleges to a

single BIIT podium so that the students can meet each other, exchange
views and build capacities. This meet should reward them to broaden Fr Thaddeus SDB
their mind in learning as well as in humanity. BOS.CON should bring out
their best inner quality as professionals and learners.

The theme for this Fest is “Innovation and IT”. When you gather together as students
specializing in IT and Applications, let us be convinced that technology has grown leaps and
bounds. We need young talents to innovate and make them useful applications for the
societal and human needs. Let every participant and organizer of BOS.CON be convinced that
if one does not innovate with technologies, professional growth is uncertain. Let us learn to
think out of the box and build innovative solutions.

The great Leader Martin Luther King used to say,

If you can't fly, then run;
If you can't run, then walk;
If you can't walk then crawl;
But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

So dear friends, let BOS.CON motivate every student to move forward with the will to
innovate and contribute to the society distinctly.

Best Wishes and Congrats,

Fr Thaddeus SDB
Director (BIIT) & CEO (BOSCO ITS)

BOS.CON 2011

Administrator’s Message

Dear Organizers of BOS.CON 2011,

Your team work stands tall among all your efforts. In working together
you achieve more than success; you discover yourself more and
understand others more as well.

As I wish the whole team of BOS.CON 2011 a grand success, what is fore-
grounded in my mind is the term: EVOLUTION. Although humans
themselves evolved for millions of years, their inventions took shorter Fr Edwin George SDB
duration. As technocrats humans can transcend time and space but what
is more important is the ability to substantiate their inner beings. The core of evolution is not
duration but depth. This is my prayer and wish for all of you, both organizers and

Invoking God’s abundant blessings in all your endeavors,

I remain,
Yours in Don Bosco,

Fr Edwin George SDB

Don Bosco Centre, Yelagiri Hills


Message from St Charles Convent

I am very pleased to write this message on the occasion of your seventh

anniversary celebration of your BOS.CON IT Fest. Due to the
enthusiasm and hard work of the foundation members, this centre for
communication and technology has grown to be an activity and vibrant
one. The sweet fragrance of Fr. Guezue’s love for rural youth is smelt
everyday. May his dream be realized always!
The activities you organize to bring closer ties amongst the professors,
students and staff both old and new and also interacting with other
collage students through IT Fest is very encouraging. This builds Sr Virgy SCB
bridges among students and heightens the confidence level in them. The event will be a great
opportunity for the students of BIIT to meet one another and reminisce the days at Yelagiri
Hills, Don Bosco center a place of integrated learning.
I am sure all those who have gone through the portal of this center will feel very proud to be
the past pupils who will continue to carry on the values of Don Bosco. Though they have
scattered all over the world, internet and websites etc. have made it easier for them to get
closer, exchange ideas and work together for the betterment of this institution.
I wish to congratulate the members of the BOS.CON for all the good work you have done this
year to foster goodwill amongst all the members. I convey my greetings and good wishes in
this happy occasion of your seventh anniversary celebration and also wish you all the best
for the future too.
I congratulate the Organizers for providing a platform for this interaction through this IT
Dear students carry on the task ahead of you. There are a lot of important things to be done
and good things to have - sky is the limit! Dream big! Focus on what you want to be. Success
is sweet for those who have the perseverance and courage to move on despite difficulties.
Opportunities are like sun rises,
If you wait too long you can miss them.
So make use of the all the golden opportunities to learn, to grow and to live a happy life.

Yours sincerely,
Sr. Virgy, SCB
St Charles Convent, Yelagiri Hills.

BOS.CON 2011

Message from HoD (English)

I am happy to learn that Bosco Institute of Information Technology is

hosting, BOS.CON 2011 – a conglomeration of students from several
premier Institutes of Technology in the district. I am sure it is a
happy occasion to collectively share knowledge, dreams and the
possibilities for creating a better tomorrow technically.

Today we are more connected than ever before thanks to the Internet
and Social Networking. Yet according to one UK mental health study, Mr. Leo Maria Francis
18 to 24-year-olds are twice as likely to feel lonely as those over 55, an 'epidemic of
loneliness' referred to as 'the Eleanor Rigby generation' – that is cut off from family and
friends for want of time. Almost one in three of the young people surveyed admitted that
they spend too much time communicating on line. This kind of interaction cannot match the
emotional benefits of face-to-face contact, the report said.

Being cut off from friends and family can raise blood pressure, stress and risk of depression,
while weakening the immune system.

One in nine of those surveyed by the Mental Health Foundation admitted to often feeling
lonely, with women more likely to feel cut off than men. One in three also said they would be
embarrassed to admit feeling lonely.

Pressure to feel ‘productive and busy’, move away from home for work, and failed marriages
are all adding to the problem, the report adds.

While I don’t blame the technology to be the root cause of social problems, I strongly
advocate that we should strive towards a balance and make physical human communication
the priority. I invite all of you my dear young friends to work towards building a healthy and
happy society well connected both physically and technologically.

Wising you all the very best,

Leo Maria Francis M.

Head, Department of English
BIIT, Yelagiri Hills


Message from HoD (Computer Science)

I take this chance to appreciate and congratulate BOS.CON 2011

committee members for all your efforts to make this a fantastic event
of the year. This event gives the opportunity to explore the innovations
of the young minds, because it is the need of the hour. The best
companies in the world such as Google, Apple, Nokia, Facebook, Disney,
News Corp, Nike, Samsung, Amazon, and so on are surviving because of
their innovative and creative products and services.

Mr. Sundaram M.
So, how to be innovative and creative? As many people say, just ‘think
out of the Box’. Like innovation and creative ideas, quality is also very important. At student
level, we should know how to develop quality products.

Prof. Watts Humphery says,

The aim of every software engineer should be, to deliver high quality software
products on time, within budget, and with required functions and features.

Let this message, be my message too.

Unlike other institutions, BIIT offers plenty of opportunities for the students to demonstrate
their innovative ideas and acquire skills for developing quality products. At this point, I like
to thank the management for the wonderful mission and for providing golden opportunities
for the students and staff.

Once again, I congratulate all of you for the success of BOS.CON 2011 inter-collegiate IT Fest.

Sundaram M.
Head, Department of Computer Science
BIIT, Yelagiri Hills

BOS.CON 2011

Message from Arockia Annai Illam

Dear Students,

It is my privilege and pleasure to share my thoughts with you through

this souvenir.

We all know that IT has changed the way the world functions today. IT
can handle everything better, faster and cheaper. You are all fortunate
to be part of this revolution as IT professionals. Hence you have the
responsibility to sharpen your skills and build your capacity. Sr Roseline, SMA

As Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam would put it, “You should not be bothered about small things, since
such pursuits are likely to produce only small results”. Therefore, aim high and build your
knowledge, skills and attitude.
When you wish upon a star…
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you.
I wish the students of BIIT, all success in organizing BOSCON 2011.

Sr. Roseline SMA

Arockia Annai Illam
Don Bsco Centre, Yelagiri Hills.



BOS.CON is the festival of BIIT organized by Students@IT Association to
establish enthusiastic network with other colleagues mostly around
Vellore district and fewer from other parts of south India.

This helps our students to gain experience involving themselves in any

one of the committees such as Fundraising, Hospitality, Registration,
etc. Our IT Association provides the chance to the young minds to Mr Adaikalasamy A.
reveal the potential and competency of every participant. This IT Fest
lays platform to the participants to bring out their innovative ideas in various events like
Web Designing, Paper Presentation and Marketing. Through this knowledge sharing the
participants and Our BIIT students will benefit each other.

This event used to have prominent industrialists as chief guests and they are mostly resource
persons in the IT Field. Their valuable presentations provide us the current trend and
expectations of IT which would help our students to realize what they stand for.

BOS.CON community is comprised of Director, Students@IT Association President in the

lead, Faculty members as advisors/coordinators; Student Community as Secretaries, Joint
secretaries and Support Secretaries. During the IT Fest celebration we have external
participants as peer knowledge sharers.

Gather and Share in BOS.CON’11!

Adaikalasamy Abraham G.
Vice-President: Student@IT Association
BIIT, Yelagiri Hills

BOS.CON 2011

Steering Committee
Fr Vincent Durairaj SDB, Rector & President (BICS InfoTech)
Fr Maria Arokiaraj SDB, Vice-Rector & VP: Finance & Admin (BICS InfoTech)
Fr Saul Nicholas SDB, VP: Business Development (BICS InfoTech)
Fr Edwin George, SDB, Administrator (Don Bosco Center)
Fr Desam ChinnappaRaj SDB, Warden: Papa Duhayon Hostel
Sr Roseline SMA, Warden: Arockia Annai Hostel

BOS.CON General Chair

Fr Gregory Thaddeus SDB, Director (BIIT) & CEO (BOSCO ITS)

Mr Julias Ceasor, President, Students @IT Association

Mr Adaikalasamy Abraham, Vice President, Students @IT Association

Students@IT Organizers
Irudaya Raj-Secretary
Lincy Anila- Secretary-II
Arul Prakash-Joint Secretary-I
Deepika- Joint Secretary-II

Faculty Advisory Committee

Mr Leo Maria Francis, HOD-English Department, BIIT
Mr Sundaram, HOD-Computer Department, BIIT
Mrs Jayamary Christuraj, Faculty, BIIT
Mrs Rose Gandhi, Faculty, BIIT
Mr Prabhakaran, Faculty, BIIT
Br James VM, Faculty, BIIT

Technical Advisory Committee

Gilbert K., Multimedia Division, BOSCO ITS
EduTech Team, BOSCO ITS



Vidya Sree Ranjitha Mary Rufina
Ophiliya Saini Karoline Josphine Renitta

Jules Arul Prasanth Mani K
Anand L Shiva Basuvana Richardson Raja
Perumal Antony Arul John Francis Xavier
Kumarasan Godvin Kuppan
Philomin Doss Antony Sharma

Sekar A. Praveen Kumar Savariammal
Chinna Durai Arockia Pushpa Raj Sagaya Rani
George Vincent Malathi Margarete Mary
Anand P Basker Vinitha
Dass Chidambaram

Salamon Raj Antony Doss Jacob Nelson
Micheal Raja Sathish Sathosh Sagaya Raj
Selvam Anbarasan

1. Paper Presentation
Muthukumar Anitha Arulanandan
Carmel Raj Aruna Ashok Pragrasam
Sathish Kumar Madalai Mary Nishanth
Vanitha Lavanya Mary Sarath Kumar
Pricilla Mary

BOS.CON 2011


2. Wobbling Mind: IT Quiz

Ajin Jeril Sujith Kumar Maria Joseph
Arockia Raj Mathiyas John Paul Raj
Arockia John Peter Arockia Samy Pushpa Ranjitha
Arul Mary Neelaveni Indira Kumari

3. Programming Dexterity
Francis Xavier J Thomson Gnanapragasam
Stephen Raj Vivek Pradeep Kumar
Anusuya Arockia Amalraj Santhosh Kora
Praveen Kumar

4. Virtual Dreams: Web Design

Maria Doss Mercy Emerenciya Sarath Kumar
Nivas Lourdhu Samy Sathya Mary
Felix Raja Navin Geetha
Jaya Prakash Arockia samy Libiya
Ashok Kumar

5. Venture Capitalism
Tamizh Thomas Rose Reeta Hema Tamilarasi
Jonadoss Jemila Kanimozhi
Stephen Raj Jerome Suganya Mary
Arockia Vijay Kumar Karthick R. Gnana Amalarani

Francis Xavier S Arul Rozario Kulandai Raj
Edward Sagaya Raj Fethics Venisha
Felix Raj Antony Leela Anushiya Mary
Jancy Rani



 Publication of BOS.CON Souvenir  Fundraising
 Documentation as Dozier  Communication with Sponsors
 Maintaining Alumni Database
 Shipping Gratitude Kits
 Call for Colleges to Participate in IT Fest
 Mementos, Certificates and Prizes  PUBLICITY
 Registration of Colleges  Design and print of Posters and Banners

 Accounts Maintenance  Printing Invitation, ID Cards and badges

 News Release to Dailies and Local
 Reception and Accommodation
 Jubilee Hall Decoration, Stage Backdrop
 Refreshment and Lunch and Pluck Cards Design
 Arrangement of Transportation  Photos and Video coverage of IT Fest


 Paper Presentation  IT Quiz

 Organization of Events  Online Questions for Prelims
 Arrangement of Judges  Questions for Quiz
 Results Reporting  Score sheet and Prelim result
 Programming  Avail Resources for Quiz
 Online Test Questions
 Questions for Debugging  Web Design
 Web Design Theme Selection
 Score Sheets preparation
 Questions for Web Design
 Avail resources for Programming
 Arrangement of Evaluators
 Marketing  Demo to Participants
 Prelim Questions  Conduct Web Design Event
 Organize Marketing Event  Results Announcement
 Selection of Best Teams  Resource Arrangement (Systems)
 Assistance of Judges

BOS.CON 2011

● Prayer
● Welcome Address
● Felicitation
● Inaugural Address
● Introducing Chief Guest
● Keynote Address
 Theme: Cloud Computing
● Vote of Thanks

10.45 AM to 10.55 AM : COFFEE BREAK

11.00 AM to 12.45 PM : EVENTS

● Programming Dexterity
● Wobbling Minds
● Paper Presentation [Parallel Events]

● Virtual Dreams

12.45 PM to 01.25 PM : LUNCH

01.30 PM to 03.30 PM : Venture Capitalism
● Welcome Address
● Participant’s Response
● Introducing Chief Guest
● Valedictory Address
● Prize Distribution
● Vote of Thanks
● Hymn to Don Bosco


Inaugural Address
Dear Fr Rector, Dr Xavier, our Honorable Chief Guest, Mr Julias
Ceasor, Mr Sundaram, Head of the Department of Computer Science,
Mr Abraham, the President and Vice-President of IT Association,
other faculty members on the stage, office bearers of IT Association
and my dear students!

At the outset I am happy that Dr Xavier, the Director of Global

Operations, HCL Technologies is with us for BOS.CON 2011. He was a
Fr Thaddeus SDB great academician with excellent track record and is now playing a
Director, BIIT
leading role in IT Industry. I am sure, he will grasp the uniqueness of
our institution that combines education with industry and business, understand the ethos
and struggles towards its growth, sustenance and stability. And we look forward to his
support in a concrete manner, to make this a success and a great endeavor for the deserving

I like to congratulate the organizers of this event, beginning with the President, the office
bearers of Students@IT Association, the faculty members and various committees that have
planned, executing and enacting various activities today.

It is a great learning experience for all of you. It is a learning experience, deviating from your
conventional learning. It is learning by doing. When you made a plan for this program,
particularly the third years, you did not know how to make a plan. When you looked into the
key result areas for each committee, I am sure you understood something of a plan. And I
could see in the end that you are having a plan in hand and ensuring that it is being acted
upon. In this way you have learned. It would have been a very difficult experience, to work as
a team. You know the struggles of coming together, how some people work and others don't
work, to get cooperation of all, you would have understood team work, communication,
organizing an event and a bit of general knowledge in IT. And this learning, you should take it
forward, scale up and make it real skills for you, in your life and career.

I welcome and appreciate, the interest taken by the students from other colleges. I am
informed about 15 or 17 colleges have come. You have taken off this day, to be here and to
participate in this program. It may be driven by a competitive spirit to win, but that's not
important. Your participation is more important. And the theme we have chosen is,
"Innovation and IT". This theme is very much relevant for all ages and particularly now. If we
look at the problems that we have; be it global or national, be it a political turmoil or
economic recession… it waters down to unemployment; even poverty that has been spoken
on these days. Many people are asking for jobs. But I think we need more job providers who
can create jobs. To create jobs, we need to become innovative. When you started the
program today, they were flashing out 'technology, technology'. I was bit disappointed.
Technology is not important. What is important is the society, humanity. Thrust should be on
the humanity and the society. The human person is the master. Technology is the slave. And


we must know how to exploit this slave, technology. That's where, your innovation as IT
people have to come in.

There are lots of ways it can be done. A few days back, Fr Maria was sharing with me: how a
farmer from near Hosur had two bags of beans from his farm; he brought it to the market to
sell. He couldn't get a decent price for it. He attempted the whole day to sell it in retail
market to the people who passed by. No one was ready to buy. At the end of the day, he left
those two bags on the road so that at least the cattle could eat them. He returned home with
absolutely no gain but loss. There are solutions needed for our people to sell their produce.
Here we need innovative appliances.

I will tell you what the prime requirement of Innovation is. We talk much increase in
education, the gross enrollment. For higher education it is proposed that we should reach
30% by 2030, at least 20% by 2020, and today, it is 11% in 2011. That means, every Indian
youngster, one in three should enter a college, which is affordable for him, and get a quality
education. It is not possible. The average enrollment ratio in the world is 37%. In our country
it is just 11%. To increase this enrolment, we need more institutions. I think there IT has to
be used innovatively. Sam Pitroda, the great scientific advisor to the country would say, "Give
me a room, 10 computers and 10 smart young people, and I will create a university for lakhs
and lakhs of students. The ways of teaching have to change into new methods, then need for
innovation in education. Whether it is agriculture, healthcare, education, small-scale
industry, women empowerment, rural development, there are need for millions and millions
and trillions of innovations. And that's where, you have to come in. I wish each of you come
with something new, by which you grow, be an innovator, a job provider and become an
entrepreneur, gradually. That's the need of the country today. That will make you also
position better in the society.

Now, innovation can be looked from many perspectives. I would like to focus only on one.
Innovation comes from passion. That passion is the passion for humanity; first, passion to
make you sensitive and responsible towards the need of the people around. You take any
innovation in the world; it has come out of a need. Whether it is a social revolution or
innovation; whether, it is a technology innovation, everything come from a need.

I was in CMC last two days. The first day, I went at 8:30 AM to have an appointment with
doctor. I had to wait till 12 o'clock. I didn't want to follow any shortcut. I wanted to know
what happens. And waited long because, so many people were there. It is a private
appointment; we had paid 500 rupees. And, so many people were waiting to meet the doctor,
because the hospital has to cater to thousands and thousands of people every day. I was
thinking of the founder of the Institute, , Dr Ida Scudder. In 1890, when she came to visit her
parents in Vellore, who were practicing medicine, she was staying alone one night; three
women came, who were due to for child delivery in complicated situations. And they didn't
want to go to a male doctor. They were looking for a female doctor, they could not find. And
so, they went home. The next day morning she heard that all three of them died. And there,
she felt the pain and the passion for the people; she realized the need to do something. She


went back to America, graduated as a physician, came back and started a hospital in 1900
with one bed. And gradually she realized it is not enough that she alone could do, she could
train the local women as doctors and nurses. And she started the school of nursing in 1904
and the medical college in 1942. Today, it's a world renowned institution serving thousands
and thousands of people across the country. The need of the people was felt by this young
lady and it has given birth to a great institute.

If we talk of Bill Gate, it is said that every day morning after his breakfast, he used to think
what would make the computer very user-friendly for the people. And that has given birth to
Window's operating system and we have seen the evolution. One can cite countless
examples. Any innovation, it comes basically from the need of the people; the need that is
realized, felt and something to respond to that. There are so many needs. We can go on
talking in our country.

To solve many problems of the society today, you need to make a contribution, real
contribution. You know what technologies are important today. When I was teaching
Operating System, twenty years back, I used to tell my students, a day should come when we
just plug-in and get the operating power like electric line or a gas line or a cable line. I think
today it is becoming a reality. You need not plug-in, you have it in wireless mode. You know
the technologies of mobile computing, cloud computing, distributed computing. These
technologies are coming from big corporate houses and industries. But to make them useful
for the people, we need to have ideas. And those ideas have to come from young minds like

Today, we are happy to have our Chief Guest to talk about Cloud Computing, which is going
to really hit the global IT scenario. How to make use of the cloud in an innovative way? You
can come with many solutions. You may not come with a final solution. At least you can
throw the seed and keep looking at the seed growing and you can contribute something
substantial to the society. I wish BOS.CON 2011 illumines your mind and this day becomes a
useful day for all of us. Have a pleasant celebration of the events today so that you learn
together and go out to be better human persons in the society. Thank you.

Fr Gregory Thaddeus SDB is the Director of Bosco Institute of Information Technology and CEO of Bosco InfoTech Services,
Yelagiri Hills. He is a consultant to various higher educational institutions and schools; He is one of the founding director of
BICS InfoTech Educational Trust in 2000. Fr Thaddeus is a Research Scholar in Semantic Technology and a certified
International Tutor for the Distant Education Programs of UNIVERS-IUS.


Cloud Computing
The computing model for future

Computers, which were predominantly used in 1960s in Scientific and

Engineering computations entered into the Business world after
inventions brought the cost of the computer down south. When people
started using computers for simple business applications, they stored
the data in a database and used the programs for processing the data.
So, these applications were called Electronic Data Processing (EDP)
applications. From simple electronic data processing applications
Dr. C. Xavier
such as Inventory management, Library management and hospital
Director, Global
management, computer applications started growing in complexity Operations
after 1990. HCL Technologies

Several technologies and computing models have evolved over a period of time to address
the issue of complex functionalities, variety of applications developed in different
technologies and platforms to communicate to each other. Enterprise application Integration
(EAI), Application Services, Web Services, Master Data Management, Data Warehousing and
mining, Online services and Cloud services are a few specializations used by most of the
organizations at various levels and maturity. When the Applications become more intensive
in business, the programming logic becomes complex. Also there was a need for several
applications to work with each other. So, Application Management itself becomes a complex
Topic. The following are the key components of the business application support:

1. Network

2. Infrastructure : Hardware, Connectivity, Access control

3. Platform (Operating system and software tools)

4. Software

5. Storage (Database)

Computational Model becomes a Service Oriented model

Consider a simple analogy of transportation. For transporting you have two solutions: one is
you can own a vehicle to transport and the other is to hire a vehicle and pay per usage. In the
computational model, the pay per usage model is evolving because of Internet connectivity.

1. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): Instead of buying the infrastructure, Cloud service

providers allow you to access the Infrastructure they have through Internet and you
can pay per usage. This makes small and medium Enterprises (SME) to be able to
compete with even big players as their investment is low and the flexibility of volume


Keynote Address...

and time to market. Amazon, and Google are leading players in this

2. Platform as a service (PaaS): Google has provided Android Platform over the web and
users can become partners with Google and develop applications on Android platform
and sell in the market. Similarly there are hundreds of PaaS providers in the market.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS): is allowing SMEs to use their ERP

application and pay per usage. This is a popular Cloud service available today. Even
Microsoft has come forward to have MS Office in the cloud and make it SaaS.

Dr. Xavier Chelladurai ( is a Senior Leader in HCL Technologies Ltd, working on Telecom Software
Systems. He has lead the HCL Software teams for major Telecom Service providers such as British Telecom, France Telecom,
Orange Business Services, Vodafone New Zealand, MTN Nigeria, and BSNL India. He has spoken in several International
forums on Telecom Software which includes the Telemanagement Forum World Management held in Singapore February
2010, Dubai March 2010, and March 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa February 2010. He chaired a session on Cloud
Computing in Telemanagement America November 2010 held in Orlando, USA. He spoke on Operational Efficiency in
Software Maintenance in the Billing / OSS 2010 held in Washington D.C. July 2010. He is a Ph. D. in Computer Science /
Parallel Algorithms. He has written more than 10 Computer Science Text books on various topics such as Java, Web
Technology, C, C#, Unix, Numerical methods, and Introduction to Computer Science used by several universities in India and
abroad. His book on Parallel Algorithms, published by John Wiley Inc. in USA has been translated into Chinese language. His
Java book has been recently published in its new enlarged form by McGraw Hill Education. Before joining HCL Technologies
Ltd., he was teaching Computer Science and guiding research scholars to Ph.D. Seven scholars has completed Ph. D. in
Computer Science under his guidance.

Information and communication technology

unlocks the value of time, allowing and enabling
multi-tasking, multi-channels, multi-this and
- Li Ka Shing


Innovation: A day to day endeavor

Be inspired by the innovation that is around you – BIIT is a fine
example of innovation. Those of you who study here or have visited
know that they take a different approach to doing things. What makes
them unique, why do they stand out, what are the aspects that they do
differently? Pause and analyze this for a few minutes to create your
own perspectives.

To be effective at innovation, you need to make it a way of life. It is not

enough to show up at work (or, college) one fine day and think you can
Mr Peter Amalraj
Innovations Head turn on a switch and innovate, it just doesn’t work that way. It does
Paypal, USA sometimes, but it is so infrequent that it is unfair to think it can work
always. Instead, as you go about your day, apply different ways to
approach the same task. Simple tasks such as washing your clothes, completing class
assignments, preparing for exams, revisit these and see if there are ways to be more efficient
(save time, money, effort). If you do this frequently enough, over time you will realize that
you are subconsciously looking for ways to make improvements. If you do, you will be
innovating in some small way.

As you innovate, bear in mind that you will always need to strike a balance between
perfection and what is realistic and practically achievable.

All of you have the required tools, apply them - software, programming languages and
technology in general are merely tools. Make sure that you are really solving a pain point and
that the solution approach is relevant to the problem at hand. As you look to solve a problem,
do not immediately start looking at things from a technology viewpoint; ensure that the
consumers/customers of the product or service are foremost in your mind. Study the
problem and see how best to address it, understand the users, their motivations and other
success criteria. Only after you are completely sure you understand the problem and can
articulate the solution in non technical terms, should you select the programming language
and other technology components that will meet the needs. Again, technology provides the
widgets to help solve a problem, but the problem and the user should be the primary focus. It
is also equally important to identify the metrics that will illustrate that you have made
improvements (speed, cost, etc)

Why is this important? On a job and career front, technology skills have become a
commodity. It is increasingly difficult to differentiate between two programmers with the
same background and skills. The only differentiation that can be made is in the way the two
of them apply the skills that they have acquired. Can they visualize the optimum end result
without resorting to only using tools they are familiar with, do they learn and adapt quickly?
To repeat an overused cliché, do they think outside the box?

Start, start today and innovate every chance you get!


(Participant Colleges)

(1) Adhiparasakthi College Arts & Science,

Department of Computer Science, G.B. Nagar, Kalavai- 632506

(2) Anna University of technology

(3) Arcot Sri Mahalakshmi Women's College
Department of Computer Science, Villappakkam- 608801
(4) Arunai Engineering College
(5) Bhajarang Engineering College
Veppambattu, Aavadi, Chennai

(6) DKM College for Women

(7) Don Bosco Arts and Science College
(8) Excel Engineering College for Women
Salem Main Road, Sankari West, NH-47 New, Pallakapalayam, Komarapalayam, Namakkal -
(9) Indo American College
(10) Indo-American Arts & Science College
Department of Computer Science, Cheyyar, Thiruvannamalai- 604407
(11) Islamiah College
Department of Computer Science, Newtown, Vaniyambadi- 635751

(12) Kathir College of Engineering

(13) KMG College of Arts and Science
(14) M.G.R College (Arts & Science)
Department of Computer science, Dr.M.G.R. Nagar, Hosur, Krishnagiri- 635109
(15) Marappan Lakshiammal Arts & Science College
Department of Computer Science, Kurumberi, Tirupattur (T.K), Vellore- 635652

(16) Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women

Department of Computer Science, Vaniyambadi, Vellore- 635751
(17) Mazharul Uloom College
Department of Computer Science, Ambur, Vellore- 635802

BOS.CON 2011

(Participant Colleges)

(18) Muthurangam Government Arts College

(19) Paavai Engineering College
Puduchatram, Pachal, Namakkal-637018

(20) Sacred Heart College

Department of Computer Science, Tiruppattur, Vellore- 635601
(21) Sri Vidya Mandir Arts & Science College
Department of Computer Science, Katteri, Uthangarai, Dharmapuri- 636705

(22) Thirupattur Arts & Science College

Department of Computer Science, Tirupathur, Vellore- 635601
(23) University College of Engineering

(24) University College of Engineering

(25) Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women
Department of Computer Science, Kathanpallam, Elathagiri (Po), Krishnagiri - 635108

Overall Championship
1. M.G.R College: Hosur
2. Don Bosco College: Dharmapuri
3. Sacred Heart College: Tirupattur

Paper presentation Programming Dexterity

1. Don Bosco College: Dharmapuri 1. Sacred Heart College: Tirupattur
2. M.G.R. College: Hosur 2. Islamiah College: Vanyambadi
3. Sacred Heart College (shift-II): Tirupattur 3. Arcot Sri Mahalakshmi College

IT Quiz Web Design

1. Thirupattur Arts and Science College 1. Sri Vidhya Mandir Arts and Science College
2. Arakkonam Arts & Science College 2. Don Bosco College: Dharmapuri
3. Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women 3. D.K.M College for Women

Venture Capital
1. M.G.R College: Hosur
Congratulation to winners
2. Sacred Heart College (Shift-1), Tirupattur
3. D.K.M College for Women
and Future IT Pros!


Bosco Institute of Information Technology the professional college of BICS InfoTech
conducted BOS.CON 2011 on September 23, 2011. Theme of this IT FEST was “Innovation
and IT”. The BOS.CON Fest was inaugurated at 9:30 AM with a prayer song and lighting of the
lamp. Mr. Julius Ceasor, the president of IT Association welcomed the gathering and
presented mementoes to the dignitaries on the stage.

Fr. Vincent Durairaj, SDB, the Rector of Don Bosco Centre gave felicitation address to the
gathering. He mentioned the key aspect of this IT Fest; that is, coming together and learning
are the important aspects of this Fest. “Nowadays people come together to give something
new to the society; it involves both good and bad. And IT field plays a vital role in it”,
remarked Fr Rector in his address. Fr. Gregory Thaddeus SDB, the Director of BIIT delivered
the inaugural address. In line with the theme of BOS.CON 2011, he pointed out that the needs
of human are converted into technologies through innovative ideas. One should have the
passion towards the humanity; only then innovative ideas can be properly utilized for the
welfare of the society, especially for the rural parts of our country where people are not
aware of the technologies that help for their daily lives. In his address, the Director also said,
“We, the IT professionals should focus on empowering the rural people through innovative

BOS.CON 2011 had chief guest in the person of Dr. Xavier Chelladurai, Director, Global
Operation in HCL Technologies Ltd. Addressing the gathering, Dr Chelladurai highlighted
that IT companies and the IT Enabled services are competing to improve their productivity
and improve their infrastructure in all the possible way. Cloud Computing is one of the ways
where they can achieve their productivity and the infrastructure. Dr Chelladurai explained
the importance of cloud computing and its need in the future. He further stated about how an
organization can be benefited out of cloud computing and how for the past few decades,
various models have been evolving. He exhorted the Telecommunication Company (where
he works and guides many IT professionals) to deliver quality service to its customers.

The HoDs of Computer Science and English departments, the Vice-President and the Office
bearers of IT association were also present on the stage for the inaugural ceremony. Mr.
Irudaya Raj the general secretary of IT Association gave his word of gratitude and
appreciated the valuable effort and committed work done by all for this inaugural function.
With this the inaugural ceremony was concluded at 11:00 AM. The prime focus of this IT Fest
was to conduct various events for the participating colleges. The events organized in this IT
Fest were Paper Presentation, Programming Dexterity, IT Quiz, Web Design (Virtual Dream)
and Venture Capital.

Paper presentation: This event was conducted in Conference Hall at 11:30 AM. Topics were
given to the participants before two weeks in advance. Students explored their ideas about
the latest and dominant technologies of IT. More than ten teams participated in paper
presentation event. The colleges who got top three places respectively are Don Bosco
College: Dharmapuri, M.G.R. College: Hosur, Sacred Heart College (shift-II): Tirupattur.

Programming Dexterity: This was conducted under the supervision of Mr. William
Sundaram along with the student organizers in BIIT lab. The Prelim was conducted for the
participants of each college to shortlist the participants for the final. As part of competition,
students were given C programs to debug. Students from following colleges got top three
places: Sacred Heart College, Islamiah college and Arcot Sri Mahalakshmi College.

IT Quiz: The Prelims for the IT Quiz was conducted in Arivagam and the actual quiz was held
for the participant in Jubilee Hall at 11:45 AM. This event had six interesting rounds and a
total of six teams of students participated. Mr. Leo Maria Francis was the Quiz Master. The
winners of this competition respectively were Thirupattur Arts and Science College,
Arakkonam Arts & Science College and Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women.

Web Design: (a.k.a “Virtual Dreams”) was organized in BIIT lab. The Prelim was conducted
for all the participants as per the norms beforehand. The Web Design event started at 12:30
PM and the nine participants were asked to design a webpage with the help of Bluefish. The
winners were adjudged based on the Web Design criteria. The top three participants were
Sri Vidhya Mandir Arts and Science College, Don Bosco College: Dharmapuri and D.K.M
College. The morning session concluded with announcement of results. This was followed by
lunch for all students and dignitaries.

Venture Capital: This event was conducted to explore the marketing skill of the student
participants. Prelim for Venture Capital was conducted in Arivagam lab and the shortlisted
teams ushered in for the final round which was conducted in Jubilee Hall at 2:30 PM. The
domains were given to the participants half-an-hour beforehand. All the participants
exhibited their marketing prowess in their given domain with full enthusiasm. Winners of
this event are: M.G.R College: Hosur, Sacred Heart College (shift-1) and D.K.M College for

The valedictory function started at 3:45 PM with Tamil Thai Vazhthu. Ms. Lincy R., the
Associate Secretary of IT Association welcomed the gathering. The participants from other
colleges gave their feedback on the events conducted and the overall organization of
BOS.CON IT Fest. Student participants expressed their gratitude to the organizers of
BOS.CON for the given opportunity. Mr. Peter Amalraj, the Innovations Head in Paypal, USA
consented to give Valedictory address. He was addressing the participants and the students
on Innovative skill and its importance. Everyone should have innovative orientation to do
greater thing in the society. Whatever we study in the classroom has to be converted in to an
effective application. Much awaited prize distribution program begun after Valedictory
address. Certificates were distributed to the winners of all events. Certificates of
Participation were also distributed to all the student participants. The top three colleges for
this BOS.CON IT Fest were: M.G.R College: Hosur, Don Bosco College: Dharampuri, Sacred
Heart College: Tirupattur. The overall Championship was adjudged and awarded to M.G.R.
College, Hosur. Mr. Adaikalasamy Abraham the Vice-President of IT Association thanked the
gathering and concluded BOS.CON’11 at 4:30 PM. The whole gathering sang national anthem
and concluded the IT FEST.



Page A COMPUTER once beat me at
chess, but it was no match for
me at kick boxing. Emo Philips
I. INNOVATION INSIGHTS .................................. 30


1. Mobile Database Technology ..................... 34 I F YOU’RE not failing every now
and again, it’s a sign you’re not
doing anything very innovative.
2. Parallel Computing ......................................... 36
Woody Allen
3. Virtualization .................................................... 38
4. Intelligent Systems and Devices ................ 40
5. Knowledge Management Technology...... 42
6. Multimedia Game Technology .................... 44
and business are becoming
inextricably interwoven. I don't
7. Grid Computing................................................. 46 think anybody can talk meaningfully
8. Information Architecture.............................. 48 about one without the talking about
9. Web Technology: Search Engine................ 50 the other. Bill Gates

10. Network Security ............................................. 52


writing and arithmetic will
remain foundational. Three F's will
1. Mobile Technology
top the list for the next generation
2. Open Source Technology
of students. Finding the information
3. Virtualization Technology
that one needs, filtering out what is
4. Social Networking useful, and focusing on how best to
5. Network Security apply that information. Susan
6. Robotics
7. Green Computing

8. Information Architecture HE MIND is not a vessel to be
filled but a fire to be kindled.

BOS.CON 2011 Innovation Insights

Innovative Information Technology

products, processes, technologies, or ideas that
Information technology (IT) is the acquisition,
are accepted by markets, governments, and
processing, storage and dissemination of vocal,
society. Innovation differs from invention or
pictorial, textual and numerical information by
renovation in that innovation generally signifies
a microelectronics-based combination of
a substantial positive change compared to
computing and telecommunications. The term
incremental changes.
in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958
article published in the Harvard Business
Innovative information technology would be
Review, in which authors Leavitt and Whisler much needed in the following disciplines of IT:
commented that "the new technology does not Communication Networks, Computer and
yet have a single established name. We shall Information Security, Computing and
call it information technology (IT)". Some of Embedded Systems, Information Systems &
the modern and emerging fields of Information Web Services, Bioinformatics and Healthcare
technology are next generation web Informatics and Software Engineering.
technologies, bioinformatics, cloud computing, Concretely, for example, it would mean, real-
global information systems, large scale time follow-up of capacity utilization in
knowledge bases, etc. maintenance services, providing online
instructions for security workers at factories or
A few of the duties that IT professionals
using e-prescriptions in the healthcare sector or
perform may include data management,
other e-type solutions for governmental
networking, engineering computer hardware,
services. In logistics and manufacturing
database and software design, as well as
services, areas of interest include real-time
management and administration of entire
follow-up around the globe and automated
systems. Information technology is starting to
(within required flexibility and adaptability)
spread further than the conventional personal
operations, among multi-customer information
computer and network technologies, and more
technology solutions. Retail sector studies could
into integrations of other technologies such as
include unmanned cash registers, where
the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles,
customers take care of payments through use of
and more, which is increasing the demand for
mobile barcodes or RFID – these technologies
such jobs. In short, anything that renders data,
empowered by larger information technology
information or perceived knowledge in any
systems also enable the construction sector to
visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia
improve its productivity.
distribution mechanism, is considered part of
the IT domain. IT provides businesses with four
Repositioning of IT
sets of core services to help execute the
business strategy: business process automation, IT innovation, that fraught phrase, has come
providing information, connecting with roaring back after maintaining a polite silence
customers, and productivity tools. during the fiscal misery of 2008 and 2009.
Companies are starting to broadcast their efforts
The term innovation derives from the Latin to foster technology innovation among the
word innovatus, which is the noun form of ranks. Meantime, “companies that appear to be
innovare "to renew or change". Although the lacking in ingenuity are treading the path of
term is broadly used, innovation generally damnation” reports the op-ed page of The New
refers to the creation of better or more effective York Times. The IT corporates the world over,


agree on three conditions that have the potential Software as a Service and Web 2.0, will
to “completely reposition IT in three years” - in continue to make IT departments more
other words, make it new. responsive.

1. The first shift is that business is looking to And there is some data to suggest that the
IT more to raise productivity than to cut urgency for innovation is only going to grow,
costs in the enterprise. Obviously, to raise according to Gartner. In its periodic survey of
productivity one cannot just do the same some 1,000 CIOs worldwide, about 30% listed
with less. One has to do different things with “creative new products and services” among
the same resources, which you could argue their top five problems to address in 2010.
opens the door for innovation. Rather than Asked to project for 2013, just under half of all
building a better mousetrap to do the same CIOs told Gartner that innovation will be the
with less, corporates should be looking for No. 1 issue they have to address.
ways to “disrupt the mouse cycle so they
don‟t ever have to catch mice again”. “Make Innovation a way of life” has to
become the mantra of all aspiring IT
2. The second shift is that the housecleaning professionals. The hope is that innovation will
corporates did during the recession left their assume the form of a movement, which, like
IT departments with fewer projects to quality will propel the IT sector forward and
maintain. Companies got rid of those pet assure it of lasting success in the global
projects that kept IT a servant to the scenario.
business unit. Having more free human
Fr Saul Nicholas, SDB
resources, they can actually start allocating a Business Manager
bit more resources to innovation than they Bosco InfoTech Services
have in the past. Yelagiri Hills

3. Finally, “lightweight technologies” that

don‟t require a big up-front capital
investment, such as cloud computing,

Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas

the source of innovation, so is innovation the
vital spark of all human change, improvement
and progress.
- Ted Levitt

BOS.CON 2011 Innovation Insights

Science of Innovation
efficiency is essential for business success, in
We often use the words “creativity” and
the long run, it cannot sustain business growth.
“innovation” interchangeably but we should
not. Creatively is about coming up with ideas Most often PLANNED AND MEASURED
while innovation is about “bringing ideas to COMBINATION OF IDEAS, OBJECTS AND
life”. While individuals may display creativity, PEOPLE LEADS TO INNOVATION resulting
innovation occurs in the organizational context in new business ideas and technological
only, by bringing creative ideas to life. revolutions. Management expert Peter Drucker
Many of the world‟s most successful said that if an established organization, which
innovators, from Thomas Edison to in this age necessitating innovation, is not
choreographer Twyla Tharo, concede that able to innovate, it faces decline and
innovation cannot be forced, but it can be extinction. Research has indicated that
developed. That is, we can enhance our competition is the determinant of innovation
capacity to generate ideas, innovations, and and productivity. Today, we need innovators
adopt what Tharp calls the “creative habit”. more than any time before.

Every organization and business is feeling the

Experts have identified many types of
impact of globalization, migration,
innovation such as „product Innovation‟ that
technological and knowledge revolutions, and
entails the introduction of a new product or a
service that is new or considerably improved,‟ climate change issues. Innovation will bring
process innovation‟ comprising the added value and widen the employment base.
Innovation will make the world a better place
implementation of a new or a significantly
for the younger generation.
enhanced production or delivery method,
„Supply Chain Innovation „ In which
Negative effect of a positive Innovation
innovations transforms the sourcing of input
products from the market and the delivery of The negative Impact of a positive Innovation
output products to customers and „Marketing There‟s nothing more annoying and distracting
Innovation „ which results in the evolution of than someone‟s cell phone ringing in the middle
new methods of markets with enhancements in of class. Schools around the country have put
product design or packaging , its promotion or into effect policies that ban cell phone use on
pricing, among others . school premises. Since the mid 1990‟s the
cellular telephone has gained a tremendous
Why Innovation is important? amount of popularity. It seems that every kid in
school has one. Instructors and administrators
Studies have confirmed that all businesses want
view cell phone use at school as disruptive and
to be more innovative. One survey identified
distracting. Teachers have had a hard enough
that almost 90 per cent of businesses believe
time trying to keep their students focused
that innovation is a priority for them. The
without the distractions that cell phones create.
importance of innovation is increasing, and
Cell phones are great to own and they have had
increasing significantly. In the current day
their place in everyday life but the classroom is
economic scenario, innovativeness has become
one place where a cell phone should never exist.
a major factor in influencing strategic planning.
The bottom line is, cell phones deteriorate the
It has been acknowledged that innovation
learning experience in the classroom. One of the
leads to wealth creation. Even though


main things that teachers fear about the change. Each of us can choose to be either a leader or a
use of cell phones in class that they are follower. We must decide. Our society‟s future may
being used for the wrong reasons. depend upon the right decisions being made today.
Hopefully, knowledge of these new trends will help
The secret to creative thinking is to start you stay ahead and help you to contribute to your
with problems. Then you need to turn society‟s future success. Hence all those who are in the
those problems into thought provoking technological field, need to be more careful and
challenges. After that, great ideas will innovative. Not like other fields of study, you have to
almost invent themselves. Almost every update everyday otherwise we will be outdated. Try to
creative idea is a potential solution to a read a lot and keep fit and energetic in the field of
problem. Einstein‟s theory of relativity technology. Be a good and healthy competitor then you
was about solving a discrepancy between will have a better future in the society.
electromagnetism and physics. Picasso‟s
cubist paintings were about solving the
problem of representing three Fr Desam Chinnappa Raj, SDB
dimensional space on two dimensional Papa Duhayon Hostel
canvases. And so on and so on. Don Bosco Center
Yelagiri Hills
One of the great strengths of leaders is
their ability to use influence and critical
thinking skills to bring about positive

Learning is finding out

what you already know.

Doing is demonstrating
that you know it.

Teaching is reminding
others that they know
just as well as you.

You are all learners,

doers, teachers.

Richard Bach in The Illusion

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Mobile Database Technology

Mobile database is a database connected by a mobile computing devices (such as, mobile, PDAs and Laptop) or
handheld computers over the network. Both the client and the server will invariably have the wireless connection. We
need mobile database for wireless connection devices, portability of service, accessing multiple parties, uses of
multiple remote computers, off-site locations, ‘on the go’ Data access, cloud computing, secure and backup stored
data, mobile backup and data recovery. The tools used for mobile database are: SQL Anywhere, Oracle Lite 10g,
Sybase SQL Anywhere and LyteMObile 2.6. GSM, Wireless Technology, GPRS and GIS are some of the technologies
employed in Mobile Database. As such, mobile database is an emerging technology. In near future, the most
dominating product in the market would fully implemented Mobile Database. This paper foresees that all the
application will be residing over the mobile devices itself.

communication). Mobile phones are connected

to GSM by searching for cells in the immediate
Database is a repository where the data is vicinity. It is a cellar networks. The GSM
organized in a proper manner to retrieve it network is divided into three major parts. They
faster. Database stores large volume of data. are: Switching System (SS), Base System (BSS)
Mobile database is a database which is and Operation and Support System (OSS)
connected by a mobile computing device (such
as mobile, PDAs or Laptop) or handheld Switching System (SS) is responsible for
computers over the network. Both the client and performing call processing and sub-scriber
related functions. Its Functional Units are HLR
server will have the wireless connection.
(Home Location Register), MSC (Mobile
WHY MOBILE DATABASE? Service Switching System), VLR (Visitor
Location Register), AVC (Authentication
We need mobile database for wireless
Center) and EIR (Equipment Identify Register)
connection devices, client and server interact,
portability of service, multiple parties access, Base System (BSS) communicates with the end
multiple remote computers, Off-site locations, user directly. The base transceiver stations are
„On the Go‟ data access, cloud computing either over band links or over radio links. It
model, secure and backup stored data and connects the mobile through the land line.
mobile backup and data recovery.
Operation and Support System (OSS) is also
TECHNOLOGY called, „operational support systems‟. They are,
computer systems used by telecommunications
Technologies used in mobile database are
service providers. The term OSS most
GSM, Wireless Technology, GPRS and GIS. A
frequently describes „network systems‟ dealing
brief elucidate are presented as below:
with the telecom network itself, supporting
GSM (Global System for Mobile processes such as maintaining network


inventory, provisioning services, configuring addition, we can also use the mobile database
network components and managing faults. to recharge the mobiles.


The tools used in mobile database are: SQL Use of Mobile Database allows large amount
Anywhere, Oracle Lite 10g, Sybase SQL of data to be stored and retrieved easily
Anywhere, LyteMobile 2.6 and Borland„s within the entire database. The exact data is
Database. retrieved and the speed of processing is high.
Since the mobile database is wireless, we can
connect to the database throughout the world

We will present briefly the benefits of mobile and wherever we want. So, everybody can use
database technology in education, business, this mobile database because it is high
online transaction and eBanking. portable and have no complexity. On the
other hand, we cannot work for a long time
Education: In education field instead of on mobile device, if the battery is low. We
accessing the contents from the internet or cannot have large amount of data in the
intranet, we can download from the database. mobile due to its memory size. To store a
Since we have the content in the mobile itself, large amount of data, we need external
we can save our time and cost. Instead of memory. Unless we get the mobile network
preparing document in the computer, we can connection we cannot access the data. Despite
also do it in the mobile. the above constraints, mobile database
technology is an evolving. This database
Business: Instead of carrying the laptop for
technology will be dominating the product in
business, we can very well use the mobile to
the market, when it is fully implemented. In
retrieve and update the content. We can also
future, all the applications can reside in a
transfer the documents by using the mobile.
mobile device itself.
Online Transaction: Nowadays, many of the
Contributors: Mozilla Firefox Group
transactions are done online. We generally use
Coordinator: Julias Ceasor
laptop PC or PDA for the online transaction. We
can however, use the mobile to access the
database. For example, if we want to deposit or
withdraw money we need to go to the bank or
the ATM. Instead, we can transact money using
mobile if the mobile database is available. In

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing is when a big task is divided into sub tasks and these tasks are to be accomplished by the slaves
and the result is submitted to the master to do some advanced calculations. In such scenario, we would need super
computers. We cannot do these calculations using our own conventional computers and acquiring the super computer
is not an easy business in terms of huge investment. In this case, parallel computing is the right strategy. It is achieved
by cluster which is a group of interconnected systems for a specific purpose.

INTRODUCTION The FORK instruction creates a new process or

thread. When the parents need the child‟s
Parallel Computing refers to dividing the big result, it calls JOIN instruction. At this junction
task into sub-tasks and they are completed by two threads are synchronized.
the slaves and the result is given to the master.
In 1959, the IBM STRETCH computers were Synchronized Creation and Termination:
manufactured the design of ILLIAC IV the start The Threads between the COBEGIN…COEND
of the parallel computing in 1964 at the construct are executed in parallel. The
university of Ill ions. Pipelining was introduced
in computer CDC 7600 in 1969; the CRAY1
was developed by Seymour Cray Apart from


Program: A program is a set of well-defined

instructions, written in some programming
languages, with defined sets of inputs and termination of parent-child is suspended until
outputs. all child threads are terminated.

Process: A process is a program in execution. A NEED OF PARALLEL COMPUTATION

process is more than just a program code. A
process has the following states: New - The There are two primary reasons for using
process is being created. Waiting - The process parallel computing: save time and solve larger
is waiting for some even to occur. Running - problems. Other reasons to adopt parallel
The process is being executed on a single computing are:
processor or multiple processors. Ready - The
process is ready to be executed if a processor is Cost Savings - We can use multiple cheap
available. Terminated - The process has finished computing resources instead of paying heavily
execution. for a super computer.

Concept of Thread: Thread is a sequential flow Overcoming Memory Constraints - We can

of control within a process. They share the same combine the memory resources of multiple
memory space. A process can contain one or computers then we can easily fulfill the
more threads. memory requirements of the large-size
Unsynchronized Creation and Termination:
Limits of Serial Computing - The speed of a


serial computer are directly dependent upon parallelism can be extracted by operating
how data can move through hardware. system at this level.


There are four levels in parallel computing, they APPLICATIONS

1. Instruction level: It refers to the situation
where different instructions of a program are Some of the engineering applications are:
executed by different processing elements. Simulations of artificial ecosystems and
Pipelining was extensively used in early Airflow circulation over aircraft components.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC).
Database Query Answering Systems: In the
The concept of instruction level parallelism
financial sector, the DBMS is generally used
was further modified and applied in the
for short simple transaction, but with a high
design of Very Large Instruction Word
number of transactions per second.
(VLIW) processor, in which one instruction
word encodes more than one operation. Artificial Intelligence: Search is a vital
component of an AI system and the search
2. Loop Level: Construction loop iterations are
operations are performed over large quantities
the candidates for parallel execution.
of complex structured data using unstructured
For(i=0;i<=n;i++) inputs.


Each of the instruction can be executed by CONCLUSION

different processing elements.
In India the following Parallel Computers are
For(j=0;j<=n;j++) used: PARAM, MARK, and ANUPAM. Their
salient features are: PARAM series: PARAM
9000/SC CDAC 1996: MARK series: Flosolver
But, it cannot be executed in parallel. Mark I NAL 1986: used 4 Intel 8086 processors
with 8087 co-processors. ANUPAM series:
3. Procedure Level: Parallelism is available in ANUPAM Model 2 BARC 1997.
the form of parallel executable procedures.
Contributors: SeaMonkey Group
4. Program Level: Different programs are
obviously independent of each other. So Coordinator: Sundaram M.

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Virtualization Technology
Virtualization is a new buzzword in IT industries. As a technology, we share virtually the computer resources in the
form of hardware and software. It is an abstraction of what we actually assume that the things are available virtually
and we get service out of it. This technology is mostly applied at the server side. The paper presents several
applications areas namely, cloud computing, shim computing, software as a service (SAAS) and green computing.
Some of the tools used in virtualization are Openvz, Q, Qemu, and Vmcare.

compatibility of application by encapsulating

them from the underlying OS on which they are
IT industries make use of buzzword that is ever executed. It allows the application to run in an
changing and few to define it. After green environment, which does not suit the native
computing, IT evolves and focuses on application.
virtualization. Virtualization is a technology,
which shares computer resources in the form of Server Virtualization
hardware and software. Virtualization is a It is done in data center web hosting companies
framework or method of dividing the resources and many other small and medium size
of a computer into multiple execution enterprises. The benefits of server virtualization
environments by applying one or more concepts are increased availability, improved
of technologies such as hardware and software management, improved virtual networking
partitioning, time sharing, partial or complete performance and saves money.
machine situations, emulation, quality of service
and so on. Desktop Virtualization

WHY VIRTUALIZE? It can be either hosted or centralized on server.

It is also referred as a virtual desktop
A virtual machine is more controlled and infrastructure. Virtual desktop infrastructure is
inspected from outside physical one. Its a desktop delivery model which allows client
configuration is more flexible. This is very desktop workloads to be hosted and executed
useful in kernel development and for teaching on servers in the data center.
operating system course. It is used to
consolidate the workloads of several under APPLICATIONS OF VIRTUALIZATION
utilized servers to fewer machines perhaps a
Cloud Computing: It is a paradigm of
single machine. It is used to create arbitrary test
scenarios and can lead some imaginative and computing in which dynamically scalable and
effective quality assurance. often virtualized resources are provided as a
service over the internet. Users need not have
TYPES OF VIRTUALIZATION knowledge of the expertise or control over the
technology infrastructure in the “cloud” that
The types of virtualizations are Application, supports them.
Server, and Desktop virtualizations.
Shim: Shim is a small library that transparently
Application Virtualization: Application intercepts an API, changing the parameters
virtualization describes about the software passed, handling the operation itself, or
technologies that improve portability and redirecting the operation elsewhere.


Green Computing: It is the study and practice ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES

of designing, manufacturing using and
Virtualization has inherent Ability to
disposing of computers such as monitors,
consolidate several physical servers; it can run
printers, storage devices and efficiently with
on multiple virtual machines on a server; it
minimal or no impact on the environment.
offers better security and reliability for
VIRTUALIZATION TOOLS application using same host; it allows testing of
software concurrently with production use of a
Q, OPENVZ, VMWARE, MS Virtual Server host; it facilitates fast application provisioning
2005 R2, QEMU to the desktop, based on roaming file.

Q: Open source software for running windows The disadvantage of virtualization is that if the
of Linux on a Macintosh. It allows users to host machine breaks or needs to be taken
switch between guest PCs and restart guest PCs offline, several virtual servers will go down.
at any point. You need to be careful about using (You can solve this by setting up redundant
Q to the web site, it is still alpha software. servers). Also, the disasters recovery is one of
the common reasons for not adopting server
OPENVZ: It is the Linux-based software that
lets the IT administrator to create virtual
environments. Each virtual private server can CONCLUSION
be rebooted independently, co-existing with
other virtual private servers. Virtualization is not just a server-based concept,
but the technique can be used across a broad
VMWARE: VMWARE server is VMWARE‟s range of computing including on server and
starter, the windows and server virtualization. It desktop application, desktop storage,
can host windows, Linux, Netware and Solaris networking and application infrastructure.
as guest OS. Virtualization offers 100% utilization of
computing resources; does not need
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005: A
standardized requirements; and enables rapid
virtualization environment for windows server
2003, windows server 2003 pack 1, windows
XP professional edition and windows XP
servers or workstations is available in 32-bit or Contributors: Midori Group
64-bit versions. Coordinator: Rose Gandhi A.

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Intelligent Systems and Devices

Intelligent system is made to act and think as a human being. The tools that are used to make the intelligent system are
BABYLON, GEST and so on. The technologies intelligent systems incorporate are: Voice Reorganization, Micro
technology, Machantronics technology and Robotics. This paper highlights two applications of Intelligent Systems
namely PUFF and EXPERT SYSTEMS. By implementing Intelligent Systems, we can overcome scarcity of expertise
and 24x7 availability of expertise.

INTRODUCTION Expert System Tools), CLIPS (C Language

Integrated Production System), DYNACLIPS
Expert system is a computer application that and Aion Development System (ADS).
solves complicated problems and that would
otherwise require an extensive human expertise. APPLICATIONS
Expert systems also use human knowledge to
AGRICULTURE: It is not different from the
solve problems that normally would require
other expert systems and it is as same as other
human intelligence.
knowledge base systems. It uses rule based in
CONCEPT which the experience and knowledge of human
experts is captured in the form of IF_THEN
Intelligent system is a system which acts and rules and facts and used to solve by answering
thinks like a human being and takes decision on questions typed at a keyboard attached to a
its own. Expert systems typically have several computer on such topics. Production of
components. The knowledgebase is the agricultural product is a complex problem that
component that contains the knowledge involves many parameters and requires very
obtained from the domain experts. The inference complicated optimization and modeling steps
engine is a component that manipulates the when attempted through conventional
knowledgebase representation as needed to techniques. Examples: In pest control, there is a
arrive at a result or solution. need to spray selection of a chemical, to spray
mixing and applications, optimal machinery
TECHNOLOGIES management practices weather damage
recovery such as freeze or drought etc.
The following technologies are mainly used in
the most of the intelligent systems and devices. HEALTHCARE: Expert systems are software
Some technologies are: Nano Technology, systems developed using different techniques of
Machantronics, Robotics, Voice and Speed artificial intelligence that can act parallel to the
Reorganization, Expert Technologies, "human" experts. These are intelligent
Automatic Programming, Transaction of information systems that use more then 2000
Language, and so on. Some common different rules and that are capable to explain
technologies are, Neural Networks, Intelligent their decisions. Databases of such systems can
Agencies, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm. contain huge number of data about different
diseases and therapy modalities. In
development of Medical Expert systems the
The tools mostly used for developing intelligent rule of human experts is crucial. The teams of
systems are, BABYLON, GEST (Generic such experts are developing expert system
considering the changes in medicine. Several


modes of work are available. Consultation ENGINEERING: It uses fuzzy logic method that
mode is used in cases when the diagnosis and the engine enables this system operation. This
treatment is uncertain. system was developed to help the first year
engineering students. It will also monitor the
HELP (Health Evaluation through Logical student progress and have the ability to make
Processes): The HELP system is a complete decisions about the step in training.
knowledge based hospital information system.
It supports not routine application of an HIS ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT: The most
including ADT, order entry change capture, successful application of artificial intelligence
pharmacy, radiology, nursing documentation, (AI) is the development of Decision Support
IVC monitoring but also support a robust System (DSS). The expert system acts as a
decision support function. The Peris appends an consultant or advisor in decision making.
interpretative comment to chemical pathology Nowadays, there have been numbers of expert
reports, while the Puff system diagnoses the systems application on environmental
results of pulmonary functions tests. management domain including those which are
still in the development process as well as some
EDUCATION: Expert system had been used in newly potential proposal system.
Education including computer animation,
computer science, engineering, language and CONCLUSION
business study. The proposed session on
intelligent and expert systems in education will An expert system is a computer application that
create important opportunities to the solves complicated problems that would require
educational developers and experts to discuss extensive human expertise. Expert systems also
important challenges, issues and developments use human knowledge to solve problems that
of AI application in teaching/learning for normally would require human intelligence. By
various levels of courses in classroom based as combining input with existing data and the
well as Web-based educational system. Expert logical rules, the expert system will arrive at a
system is also used in lecture to make learning conclusion.
productive and efficient without increasing the
staff members. Contributors: Opera Group

Coordinator: Fr. Maria Arockia Raj

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Knowledge Management Technology

Knowledge is the hierarchy of data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Tacit and explicit knowledge influences
overarching representations. Tacit knowledge is when the individual can understand but not able to explain to others;
conversely, explicit is that which can be shared with others on what has been learnt with others. In order to share the
knowledge with others the efficient way is deploying KM systems. KM systems have two focuses: 1. Techno-centric for
sharing knowledge and creation, 2. Organizational focus is about how it can be designed and ecological is focus on
the identity, knowledge and environmental factors of a natural ecosystem. The technologies of KM are: Semantic
technology, Information technology, Communication technology, Collaborative technology and Ontology. KM is
applied in Semantic web, Social network, Information management and Human computer interaction system. This
paper points out that knowledge management system is pivotal factor for sharing knowledge in organizational and
domain level environment.

It is comfortable with the concepts of

organizational behavior/culture, processes and
Knowledge management (KM) focus on marketing and collaborative technology.
organizational objectives such as improved
Business planners and executives analyze the
performance, competitive advantage,
results of predictive models to design
innovation, sharing of lessons learned,
promotional strategies that maximize profits,
integration and continuous important of the
marketing, product and sales so that every
organization. The main focus is on sharing of
department can access other department.
knowledge. There are two types of knowledge.
One is tacit knowledge that an individual may
not be share of such particular tasks with
others. The other one is explicit knowledge that Ontology is to produce an organization of
needs to convert tacit knowledge into explicit corporate documents that can be readily shared
knowledge which can be shared with others. either of a corporate taxonomy or corporate


In 1999, the term, „Personal Knowledge

Management was first introduced. In 2002,
knowledge creation, application, cognitive,
social and organizational learning came into
use. Web 2.0 made its debut in 2007 and in
2008, Davenport outlined the future of
knowledge management.

KNOWLEDGE MANAGER thesaurus or both. It is the set of things that can

be dealt within a particular domain together with
Knowledge manager is a role and destination their relationships.
that has gained over the decade. It involves the
creation and maintenance of knowledge TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS
repositories of knowledge sharing, reusing,
Data mining: Knowledge discovery data mining
learning, collaboration and innovation.
literature for a systematic study of different
Knowledge manager has varied ranging from
techniques, have well understood data.
information sciences to business management.


Semantic web: Semantic technology has the BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS

potential to drive 2-3 order of magnitude
improvement in capabilities and life cycle. Some of the benefits of KM are achieving
shorter new product development cycle;
KM CAPABILITIES facilitating and managing innovation and
Capability General Goals organizational learning; increasing network
Level connection between internet and external
individuals; managing intellectual capital
Level1: Knowledge sharing is not
Possible discouraged. There is a general
intellectual assets in the work force; and
willingness to share people who solving intractable or wicked problems.
understand the value of sharing.
The meaning of knowledge assets CONCLUSION
is understood.
K now ledge ma nage ment focu s on
Level2: The culture encourages the
Encourage sharing of knowledge assets. They organizational objectives such as improved
are stored/ tracked in some performance, competitive advantage,
fashion. innovation, sharing of lessons learned,
Level3: Enable The sharing of knowledge assets integration and continuous important of the
is practical. System tools enable organization. The main focus in KM is on
KM activities exist. sharing all kinds of knowledge.
Level4: Manage Training is available; KM related
activities are part of work flow. Contributors: Flock Group
System/tools for supporting KM
capabilities and benefits are Coordinator: Leo Anbarasan
assessed. Leadership provides a
KM strategy.

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Multimedia: Game Technology

Multimedia Technology is for the purpose of entertainment, presentations, advertising or public relation. The
multimedia production is carried out by professionals equipped with required skill and knowledge. The digital ‘show’
is expressed through combination of various media such as, text, image, sound, and video and so on. This paper
presents the five characteristics of Multimedia presentation namely, Multiple Media, Non-Linearity, Scope of
Interactivity, Integrity, and Digital Presentation. Multimedia is used for Home entertainment, Education purpose,
Industrial training, Information kiosks, corporate presentation, business tourism, travel industry, communication and
network, engineering application, retrieval system and so on. This paper presents devices for Multimedia Game


The most highly anticipated product is the
Multimedia plays a vital role all over the world.
generation of console was Sony‟s play station
It takes place in all the fields such as
had already been mega- hits and with Microsoft
entertainment, advertisement, business,
raising the ante with the Xbox 360, the world
education and so on. It has many applications in
was ready for Sony to take it head-on. The Play
many fields. 3D motion sensing technology is,
Station3 was first launched in Japan on
one of the multimedia technologies, which plays
November 11, 2006, and sold 81,639 systems
a vital role in the gaming area. Most of the video
within one day, according to media care.
games are being created under this technology.
Having this technology, many game developers
have been developing different kinds of video
games. Microsoft‟s core business has always been
software, while this was an out-and-out
EARLY VIDEO GAME CONSOLES hardware center. What‟s more, Sony enjoyed a
special spots in the hearts of all game
The first video game console for home usage
developers given that the play station 2 had
was Magnavox odyssey which was released on
quickly become the best popular console of all
May 24, 1972. However, as far as the public at
large is concerned the first „true console‟ was time. Microsoft has more ambitious plans with
Project Natal and adds out for the Xbox 360. It
Atari‟s „pong‟ created by founder Nolan
sounds like an exaggeration right now and
Bushnell who is known as the father of video
perhaps we are placing our expectation a bit
games. The next significant step forward for
high, but we dare say that this generation of
video game console came in 1983 with the
consoles will be remembered more for the
launch of the Nintendo entertainment system in
Project Natal.
Japan, which was subsequently taken to the US
and European markets on 1985 and 1986
respectively. The next video game company
released the first 16 bit console for Sega genesis Nintendo came out with the motion sensing wii.
in 1989. The company explains “wii sounds like „we‟,
which emphasis that the console is for
Today‟s popular video game consoles are, Sony everyone. WII was launched on September 14,
Play Station, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo 2006 and can easily be remembered by people
wii8, 3D motion sensing, Play station motion around the world no matter what language they
controller and Project natal. speak. Shaped like a wand, the Play Station
Motion Control technology is depending on the


play station eye, much like the wii depends on CONCLUSION

the sensor bar.
There are many areas of Multimedia Game
3D Motion Sension is centered on the idea of Technologies. One of the most applied areas is
using physical motion as means to control entertainment where video games technology is
virtual environments via high precision sensors. used. The player is captured based on player‟s
A sensor is used to detect the motion of the choices and 3D object virtual environment is
games and to translate it to the virtual created. In defense, using this technology the
environment which we have seen on screen and virtual environment is created with virtual
letting us manipulate it freely. Camera is used soldiers in it. The soldiers get good battle ready
for capturing the games motion. experience most useful in real time war. All this
is possible with 3D Motion sensing technology,
one of the popular technologies in multimedia.

Contributors: Netscape Navigator Group

Coordinator: Gilbert K.

Matric. Higher Secondary School
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Kottur, Athanavur, P.O.635 853, Yelagiri Hills, (Near
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BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Grid Computing
It is very difficult for a single system to perform certain complex calculations. Grid computing is a combination of
computer resources from multiple systems, applied to a common task which requires a great number of computer
processing cycles to process large amounts of data. Tools for Grid Computing are, Globus Toolkit which enables
programmers to develop grid applications. G-Eclipse is a framework which allows users and developers to access
arbitrary computer resources. Technologies relating to Grid computing are Cluster Computing, Peer to Peer
computing, Internet computing. This paper outlines few applications of Grid Computing namely, Earth Modeling,
Data Mining, Financial Modeling and Engineering. In short, Grid Computing is a service for sharing computer power
and data storage capacity over a network which includes dedicated servers to control and distribute, using optimal
level of computer resources.

 Cluster Computing
 Internet Computing
Grid Computing is a distributed high-
performance computing performed  Peer to Peer Computing
transparently across multiple administrative
domains. It provides a means for using Cluster Computing: Cluster is a collection of
distributed resources to solve complex computers connected to one another. These
problems. What distinguishes grid computing computers share resources with one another.
from conventional high-performance There will be a server, which controls all the
computing systems (such as cluster computing) hosts connected to it.
is that grids tend to be more loosely coupled,
heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed. Internet Computing: In Internet computing,
various systems are connected globally over the
GRID COMPUTING Vs PARALLEL Internet. They share information and data over
COMPUTING the network.

Grid computing is distinguished from parallel Peer to Peer Computing: In Peer to Peer
computing on one or more multiprocessors. computing, all systems are connected to one
Parallel computing is meant for locally another. When they need to share data or
“clustered” machines or large supercomputers. information, they go through each computer.


Globus Toolkit is a powerful framework for
building grids based on standard web services. Without standardization, grid computing
It is the most widely-used middleware for grids practitioners would need to acquire accounts at
and open source toolkit for building computing many different computer centers, managed by
grids. It provides a standard platform upon different organizations. Different security and
which other services are built and gives authentication protocols and accounting
directory services, security, and resource practices would have to be applied.
Virtualization: Individual resources such as
TECHNOLOGIES computers, disks, information sources, and


applications are pooled together and made Increased productivity, Efficient use of
available virtually. resources and storage, Cost-effectiveness,
Heterogeneous environments, Failure tolerance
Provisioning: When a request for a resource is and Transparency.
made, a specific resource is identified to fulfill
the request. The system determines how to meet CONCLUSION
the need and optimizes systems‟ performance.
Grid computing is an “enabling technology”
Middleware: Middleware eases grid users‟ that is rapidly gaining popularity in Science,
experience and provides them with the levels of Medicine, Engineering, Business and Financial
abstraction. It extends the Web‟s information applications. Nowadays, many software
and database management capabilities. And it vendors come with the grid computing toolkits
allows remote deployment of computational and middleware. Grid computing as an
resources. emerging IT architecture can deliver flexible
enterprise information systems that are most
Applications: Grid Computing is used in resilient and less expensive than traditional
various domains. They are: Real-time legacy system.
Communication, Medical Field, Earth Modeling
and Executive Science.
Contributors: Google Chrome Group
Coordinator: Prabhaharan K.
Grid computing benefits are Collaboration,

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Information Architecture
Information Architecture is all about organizing context and describing them clearly by providing a proper way for
people to get the exact information. Web technologies, such as HTML and XML, are most relied on for Information
architecture. Tools for Information Architecting are DITA Editors, Web Authoring tools, Database Infrastructure,
Prototyping, Concept Mapping, Sitemap and Modeling. In short, IA is used to organize the information in a structured
way so that it is easily discoverable by users. It helps the developers to analyze the problem of the user and build high
usability websites and applications.

business objectives, politics, culture,

technology, resources and constraints is
Information Architecture is used to describe the essential before considering development of
structure of a system, i.e. the way information the information architecture. Techniques for
is grouped, the navigation methods and understanding context include: Reading
terminology used within the system. It is most existing documentation, Mission statements,
commonly associated with websites and organization charts, and previous research
intranets, but it can be used in the context of and vision documents.
any information structures or computer
systems.  Content: Content is the core element of IA
as it is consumed by context and users. The
EVOLUTION OF IA most effective method for understanding the
quantity and quality of content (i.e.
In 1996 a couple of library scientists, Lou functionality and information) is to conduct
Rosenfeld and Peter Morville used the term a content inventory. Content inventories
Information Architecture to define the work, identify all of the proposed content for a
i.e. structuring large-scale websites and system.
intranets. For the World Wide Web they define
IA as: The structural design of an information  Users: Techniques for getting users
space to facilitate task completion and intuitive involved in the creation of IA include: card
access to content. sorting. Card sorting generates ideas about
how information could be grouped and
Information architecture is often described
using the following Venn diagram: There are five phrases involved in the process of
information architecture development.
 Context: Understanding an organization‟s
1. Research: The research phase begins with a
review of existing background materials and
meetings with the strategy team, and aims at
gaining a high-level understanding.

2. Strategy: Two kinds of strategies: Top-

down strategy defines the highest two or
three levels of the site's organization and
navigation structures; Bottom-up strategy


suggests candidate document types and a SOFTWARE TOOLS

rough metadata schema.
Microsoft Visio, SmartDraw, Information
3. Design: Design is creating detailed Architecture Workbench, DITA Editors:
blueprints, wireframes, and metadata ArborText, XMLmind, Syntext Serna;
schema that will be used by graphic Prototyping Software: Prototype Composer,
designers, programmers, content authors, Oversite.
and the production team. This phase is
typically where information architects do the CONCLUSION
most work.
Information architecture is an art and science of
4. Implementation: This phase involves organizing and labeling web sites, intranets,
organizing and tagging documents, testing online communities and software to support
and troubleshooting, and developing usability. Effective information architectures
documentation and training programs to enable people to quickly, easily and intuitively
ensure the information architecture can be find content. This avoids frustration and
maintained effectively over time. increases the chance that the user will return to
the system the next time they require similar
5. Administration: It is meant for the information.
continuous evaluation and improvement of
the site's information architecture. It also
Contributors: Apple Safari Group
requires monitoring site usage and users
feedback to improve the site through major Coordinator: James VM
or minor redesigns.

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

Web Technology: Search Engine

This report explains the overall concepts of search engine and how it works. The report also presents the features of
Lucene search engine. The report highlights search types, categories of search engine, advantages and disadvantages
of search engines.

Crawl: It is used for crawling the web page or

documents. When a web crawler creeps any web
Web is a network of interconnected system, page or documents, the collections of related
where the searching contents are available in contents are brought together. Web search
the web page. Websites are collection of web engine works by storing information about
pages and web servers contains one or more many web pages. These pages are retrieved by a
websites. Search engine is a program, which is web crawler.
used to search the given term or contents. The
popular Search Engines of today are: Google, Index: Helps to retrieve the information as
Yahoo, BING, Baidu, AOL Search, Wikipedia quickly as possible. The index, which is built
and Lucene. from the information, is stored with the data and
the method by the information is indexed.
Search: Search engine uses various algorithms
Intranet Search: Search can be done within a to search the given term or content so the search
company or an organization. A group of people engine can search faster and get the exact search
who works in a company or an organization contents.
make use of the intranet search. It‟s helpful
only for the organization and company. Lucene Search Engine:

Lucene is a simple powerful search engine. This

Internet Search: Search can be done using
Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Wikipedia etc. we can is flexible when we compare with the other
make use of all the search engines for the search engines. There are some features for
using Lucene search engine. They are Search,
internet search.
Stop and Removal, and Stemming and Add New
Database Search: Searches are structured. So Index.
only the limited number of searches can be
made. Search: Lucene search engine searches fast
compare with the other search engines. When
CATEGORIES OF SEARCH ENGINES we compare Google, Yahoo with Lucene search
engine, Lucene search engine searches less than
The broad categories of search engine are, Web 0.3 seconds.
Search Engine, Database Search Engine, Mixed
Search Engine Stop Word Removal: Lucene engine has some
capabilities to remove the stop words like „an‟
Web Search Engine: The process of web and „the‟ and searches for the content in an
search engine contains three elements: Crawl, effective way.
Index and Search.


Stemming: It is the process of linguistic easily. Lucene search engine uses only 0.3
normalization in which the variant forms of a seconds to display the result.
word are reduces to a common form.
Search Engine does not search for the exact
Add New Index: When we compare Lucene term that the user wants to search for. It is very
with the other search engines, it is a flexible time consuming to follow-up all the links that
one. Lucene search engine has multiple indexes have been hit. Users will have to know the
whereas; the other search engines have only one search syntax; else they can't get exact answer.
index. It is possible with Lucene search engines
that when one user retrieves the data from an CONCLUSION
index at the same time, another user can updates
Search engine is a program, which accepts the
the data in index.
user requests and searches or compares it to the
Lucene Search Syntax: All the search engines indexer and displays the expected results. We
have search syntax to get the exact searching have many searching techniques using index,
term. Lucene search engine has the following but we go to web so that search engine makes
search syntax: Exact Search/Syntax or (phrase the search faster and to reduce the time in
or word), Boosting Term, Boolean Search, retrieving information over the web. Search
Range Search and Wild Characters Search. Engines are altering the way Web evolves and
information is shared and consumed.
Contributors: Amaya Group
Search Engine has the capability to search for Coordinator: Jayamary Christuraj
complex keyword. It searches the content
according to the search syntax. It uses stop word
removal, stemming so that term will be found

BOS.CON 2011 Technical Reports

System Software

Network is a collection of interconnected computers. Security is a measure or technique to protect

data from unauthorized users. It assures that our data are secured from being hacked or cracked
or accessed illegally. Network Security is securing network resources for unauthorized access,
misuse, modification of data or denial of the computer network and network-accessible resources.
Network Security enables to to protect vital (sensitive) information, while still allowing access to
those who need it, e.g. Bank account details, passwords for net banking, Credit card details. To
provide authentication and access control for resources; to avoid unauthorized access to sensitive
data like personal data; to reduce the vulnerabilities of attacks.

information that will help the attacker infiltrate

Malwares and Virus attacks: The most IP Session Hijacking: It is an attack whereby a
common kind of network security threats that user‟s session is taken over, being in the control
computers are exposed to, are the threat of of the attacker.
“Viruses”. It is important to know that a virus is
usually sent as a downloadable attachment Denial-of-Service: DoS attacks are the nasties,
which is in the form of an executable file. Once and difficult to address. It sends more requests
a person downloads a file and runs it, that‟s to the machine than it can handle. The attacker
when the problem starts. The moment the program simply makes a connection on some
executable file is “run” the computer gets service port and sends unnecessary packets to
affected by the network security threats and a the connected hosts. If a host is capable of
virus has now been downloaded by the user. processing 10 packets per second, the attacker
will try to send more than its capacity; so that
IP spoofing: A technique used to gain the performance of the host is reduced. Mostly
unauthorized access to computers, whereby the this type of attack is done towards the server.
intruder sends messages to a computer with an
IP address indicating that the message is ARP Spoofing: ARP spoofing, also known as
coming from a trusted host. To engage in IP ARP cache poisoning or ARP poison routing
spoofing, a hacker must first use a variety of (APR), is a technique used to attack a local-area
techniques to find an IP address of a trusted network (LAN). ARP spoofing may allow an
host and then modify the packet headers so that attacker to intercept data frames on a LAN,
it appears that the packets are coming from that modify the traffic, or stop the traffic altogether.
host. The attack can only be used on networks that
make use of the Address Resolution Protocol
Packet Sniffing and Sniffer: Packet sniffing is (ARP) and not another method of address
the act of capturing packets of data flowing resolution. The principle of ARP spoofing is to
across a computer network. The software or send fake, or spoofed, ARP messages onto a
device used to do this is called a packet sniffer. LAN. Generally, the aim is to associate the
Using a packet sniffer it is possible to capture attacker's MAC address with the IP address of
data like passwords, IP addresses, protocols another host (such as the default gateway).
being used on the network and other


NETWORK SECURITY TOOLS of functions that can resolve network problems.

Network Sniffer can list all of the network
Penetration Tools: A penetration test is a packets in real-time from multi network card
method of evaluating the security of a computer (Include Modem, ISDN, ADSL) and can also
system or network by simulating an attack from support capturing packets based on the
malicious outsiders and malicious insiders. The applications (SOCKET, TDI etc). You can
process involves an active analysis of the system observe all traffic of the application that you are
for any potential vulnerabilities that could result interested in.
from poor or improper system configuration,
both known and unknown hardware or software APPLICATION AREAS
flaws, and operational weaknesses in process or
technical countermeasures. Penetration tools are A home or small office may only require basic
used for testing the ability of network defenders security while large businesses may require
to successfully detect and respond to the attacks; high-maintenance and advanced software and
identifying vulnerabilities that may be difficult hardware to prevent malicious attacks from
or impossible to detect with automated network hacking and spamming. The school and college
or application vulnerability scanning software students are not always allowed to have access
to certain sites such as social networking sites,
Firewalls: A firewall is a device or set of pornography sites, sites that execute malware
devices designed to permit or deny network codes through ActiveX pages. Network security
transmissions based upon a set of rules and is is necessary here for protecting the network as
frequently used to protect networks from well students.
unauthorized access while permitting legitimate
communications to pass. A firewall can be CONCLUSION
either hardware or software firewall.
Though we try to protect our resources being
Intrusion Detection Systems: An intrusion accessed by unauthorized people, there are
detection system (IDS) is a device or software hackers or intruders always trying to access
application that monitors network and/or system others‟ data, and destroy or misuse them. They
activities for malicious activities or policy very often try to damage the network resources.
violations and produces reports to a Even though we don‟t do such things, we must
Management Station. know the possibilities of network attacks in
order to avoid network attacks.
Open SSH: It is a free version of the SSH
connectivity tools that technical user of the References
Internet relies on. Users of telnet, rlogin, and ftp Firewall (
may not realize that their password is center/firewalls/#7)
transmitted across the Internet unencrypted, but Packet sniffer (
it is. OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including manuals/prtg7/packet_sniffing_sensors.htm )
passwords) to effectively eliminate Network Security (
eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other Network_security)

Network Sniffer: It is a powerful network Contributors: Internet Explorer Group

analysis tool. It consists of a well-integrated set
Coordinator: Fr. Thaddeus



M.D. Adnan, Islamia College, Vaniymbadi
This presentation updates on Social Networking, its history, application, purpose and advantage and disadvantage.
There is a lot of way to describe social networking, but I choose a realistic method to describe it. Social networking
began in 1978 with the Bulletin Board System (BBS). The BBS was hosted on personal computers, requiring that
users dial in through the modem of the host computer, exchanging information over phone lines with others users.

Arunkumar C. and Koteeshvaran D.
Adhiparasakthi College, Kalavai
Green Computing is a recent trend towards designing, building, and operating computer systems to be energy
efficient. While programs such as Energy Star have been around since the early 1990s, recent concerns regarding
global climate change and the energy crisis have led to renewed interest in Green Computing. Data centers are
significant consumers of energy - both to power the computers as well as to provide the necessary cooling. This paper
proposes a new approach to reduce energy utilization in data centers. In particular, our approach relies on
consolidating services dynamically onto a subset of the available servers and temporarily shutting down servers in
order to conserve energy. We present initial work on a probabilistic service dispatch algorithm that aims at minimizing
the number of running servers such that they suffice for meeting the quality of service required by service-level
agreements. Given the estimated energy consumption and projected growth in data centers, the proposed effort has the
potential to positively impact energy consumption.

Elango G.
Arunai Engineering College, Thiruvannamalai
The Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet. Prevention
mechanisms are thwarted by the ability of attackers to forge or spoof the source addresses in IP packets. By employing
IP spoofing, attackers can evade detection and put a substantial burden on the destination network for policing attack
packets. In this paper, we propose an inter-domain packet filter (IDPF) architecture that can mitigate the level of IP
spoofing on the Internet. A key feature of our scheme is that it does not require global routing information. IDPFs are
constructed from the information implicit in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route updates and are deployed in
network border routers. We establish the conditions under which the IDPF framework correctly works in that it does
not discard packets with valid source addresses. Based on extensive simulation studies, we show that, even with partial
employment on the Internet, IDPFs can proactively limit the spoofing capability of attackers. In addition, they can
help localize the origin of an attack packet to a small number of candidate networks.


Manasa V.
Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, W. Tambaram, Chennai
Most of the information technology (IT) systems currently used by Japanese farmers are used for duties such as filing
tax records and traceability records to meet the requirement s of non-farmers in the government and distribution


industry. We focused on introducing the latest technologies such as sensors, wireless networks, and Cloud computing
to radically revise approaches to agriculture and conduct business feasibility studies to establish a hypothetical model
of Cloud services that make a genuine contribution to agriculture. We have conducted demonstration tests with the
cooperation of two Japanese farming corporations. This hypothetical model has much in common with on- site
operations such as medical /nursing care and maintenance besides agriculture, so we are working to develop it across a
broader range of fields. On the basis of t he knowledge acquired through actual agricultural operations and subsequent
analysis, we describe the affinity between agriculture and Cloud computing and discuss how the technologies used in
the demonstration test can be applied to other fields.

Gomathi R. and Lavanya K.S.
Arcot Sri Mahalakshmi Women's College, Villapakkam
Green Computing as the study and practice of the design, development, implementation, utilization and disposal
efficiently and effectively with low or zero impact on the environment whilst reducing operating costs. Organizations
use the Green Computing Lifecycle when designing and implementing green computing technologies. The stages in
the Lifecycle include Strategy, Design, Implementation, Operations and Continual Improvements. Green computing is
the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. The goals are similar to green chemistry; that is
reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote
recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Taking into consideration the popular use of
information technology industry, it has to lead a revolution of sorts by turning green in a manner no industry has ever
done before. It is worth emphasizing that this green technology should not be just about sound bytes to impress
activists but concrete action and organizational policy. Opportunities lie in green technology like never before in
history and organizations are seeing it as a way to create new profit centers while trying to help the environmental
cause. The plan towards green IT should include new electronic products and services with optimum efficiency and all
possible options towards energy savings. There are so many ways of implementation in Green Computing.
Teleconferencing and Telepresence technologies are often implemented in green computing initiatives. Companies are
now offering power supplies that enable you to scale the power you need so that you‟re pulling only the wattage
required for that particular activity.


I.S. Ajaz and N. Sasi Kumar
Dr. M.G.R. College of Arts and Science, Hosur
Cyber crime is a criminal activity committed on the internet. This is a broad term that describes everything from
electronic cracking to denial of service attacks that cause electronic commerce sites to lose money. This includes
anything from downloading illegal music files to stealing millions of dollars from online bank accounts. Cybercrime
also includes non-monetary offenses, such as creating and distributing viruses on other computers or posting
confidential business information on the Internet. It includes two categories, Crime in which the computer is a target,
Crime in which the computer is an instrument of crime. Cyber crime generally is understood to include traditional
activities such as fraud, theft or forgery whenever a computer is involved. It can also include a number of new crimes
like cyber stalking. Cyber crime in India is rapidly evolving from simple e-mail mischief, theft of information, e-mail
bombing to crashing servers, denial-of-service attacks, etc ... The new breed of crime, which is either perpetrated
using computers, or is otherwise related to them, is broadly termed as Cyber Crime. The preventions include firewalls,
safe surfing etc…to protect from cyber crime. Cyber crime is a rapidly growing and evolving area. Computer experts
will be constantly challenged to keep up with cyber crime techniques and tools.


Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Dharmapuri.
Green computing or green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. The field of green computing as
"the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated
subsystems such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems efficiently with
minimal or no impact on the environment. The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use
of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclability or
biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Research continues into key areas such as making the use of
computers as energy-efficient as possible, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer

M. Vedhapriya and R. Sivagami
D.K.M. College for Women, Vellore
With the rapid development of communication networks, it is expected that fourth generation mobile systems will be
launched within decades. Fourth generation (4G) mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless
technologies including GSM, wireless LAN and Bluetooth. This contrasts with third generation (3G), which merely
focuses on developing new standards and hardware. 4G systems will support comprehensive and personalized
services providing stable system performance and quality service. This paper gives the details about the need for
mobile communication and its development in various generations. In addition, the details about the working of 4G
mobile communication were given. Finally, it narrates how 4mobile communication will bring a new level of
connectivity and convenience in communication. 5G is a name used in some research papers and projects to denote the
next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the upcoming 4G standards Currently, 5G is not a
term officially used for any particular specification or in any official document yet made public by telecommunication
companies or standardization bodies such as 3GPP, WiMAX Forum or ITU-R. New standard releases beyond 4G are
in progress by standardization bodies.

Vikram and Dinesh
Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur
Network security involves all activities that organizations, enterprises, and institutions undertake to protect the value
and ongoing usability of assets and the integrity and continuity of operations. An effective network security strategy
requires identifying threats and then choosing the most effective set of tools to combat them. Many network security
threats today are spread over the Internet. The most common include: Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, Spyware
and adware, Zero-day attacks, also called zero-hour attacks, Hacker attacks, Denial of service attacks, Data
interception and theft and Identity theft. Network security components often include: Anti-virus and anti-spyware,
Firewall, to block unauthorized access to your network, Intrusion prevention systems (IPS), to identify fast-spreading
threats, such as zero-day or zero-hour attacks and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), to provide secure remote access.

THE NEXT GENERATION COMPUTERS - P-ISM Minimalist Personal Networking Pen

T. Deepa and V. Dharani Shree
Excel College of Engineering for Women
The P-ISM "pen-style personal networking gadget package" from NEC Corporation is minimalist personal networking
pen that enables an enhanced portable and interactive computing environment which is ease to handle and use than the
Laptops and the PDAs. The whole set is also connected to the Internet through the cellular phone function. This


personal gadget in a minimalist pen style enables the ultimate ubiquitous computing. It can project a virtual keyboard
for use with PDAs and other handheld devices. It'll provide you with a glowing red set of QWERTY- Key Board that
enables the user to enter the input with the help of the reflection of the light from the surface of the virtual keyboard.
The P-ISM can still do "hand-writing data input functions", but it also includes a very small projector, a camera
scanner, and a personal ID key "with cashless pass function". The P-ISM usually consists of set of Pen-like devices
that can be mounted on the desk and it can display the virtual keyboard and projects the display on the screen or wall
with a help of In-built Projector comes along with the Pen-like device. P-ISM is a gadget package including five
functions which is being develop and under research by the NEC Corporation which will visualize the connection
between the latest technology and the human, in the form of a pen. Like the Fly Pentop Computer, which is actually a
prototype of a real, full-featured computer comprised entirely of transmogrified pens? These are the forthcoming
miniature computers that mainly use the Bluetooth Technology to transfer the data across the various Pens – like


Sheeba Banu A. S. and Priyadharsini S.
Marudhar Kesari Jain College for Women, Vaniyambadi
Intelligent robots are capable of handling complex tasks that includes recognition of vocal commands, logical
inference, autonomous navigation and manipulation, etc. To accomplish intelligent behaviors, researchers have
proposed a number of control software architectures such as tripod schematic control architecture (TSCA). Customer
needed to increase production from 2 to 6 pieces per minute. Secondary objectives were to reduce changeover times
and to have the ability to handle a growing product mix. In addition there was a desire for a single, programmable
human-machine interface (HMI) capable of being used on all the equipment. Two EPSON TT8550 SCARA Robots
were selected for the complex motion tasks such as palletizing, screw driving and precision assembly; pneumatic
devices were used for simple pick and place operations. Prior experience with EPSON robots had proven the
reliability and robustness of the robots. To achieve real-time performance for robot's navigation, we have implemented
software components in the reactive layer of TSCA on RTAI (Real-Time Application Interface) for our intelligent
robot. In this article, we present our structures of the reactive layer components. Real-time performance of the
designed reactive control layer is demonstrated via experimental results.


Sr. K. Stella and M. Rajeshwari
Gonzaga Arts and Science College for Women
The role of ICT in the public sector has change dramatically over the past decade. The evolution of e-governance
started with governments putting information into portals. E-governance strategies has changed in last 10 years with
the new trends like some governments adopting private public partnership (PPP) arrangements-governance has
evolved to the point where governments are not only providing information directly to citizens, businesses and other
taxes etc.Trust is a key factor for e-government projects. Any ICT infrastructure must be secure because citizen and
business transactions contain significant confidential information. Secure network and identity authentication and
verification technology must be place together with privacy laws and governance to ensure privacy and confidentiality
is Protected Network and information security is a major concern involved in implementing e-governance projects.
Problems in ICT like hacking, virus, spamming, invasion, privacy issues can evolve from lack of security measures.
Governments need to provide secure access to information, applications and services via networks. We discuss about
various security needs of electronic systems like e-governance and e-commerce. We would discuss about various
security mechanisms to address various threats. There are many security related issues when we talk about e-
governance. E-governance projects handle sensitive and important data. In e-governance there is a tradeoff between
security availability. Security rules are too harsh or too soft and tuning is as per the demand is necessary. We will also
consider various options that can lead to better and secured e-governance.



K. Srinath and R. Vetrivel
Sri Vidya Mandir Arts and Science College
In this world of science and technology robotics is one of the booms to the world. Recently, there has been increasing
interest in the emerging field of robotics. Today‟s robots are mechanical arms controlled by computers that are
programmed to perform a range of handling activities. They are establishing themselves in manufacturing automation
systems to produce a range of goods with great precision. The emerging era of robots calls for different types of skills.
Entering non-industrial areas, the first fledgling robots for domestic use are coming off the production lines. Robots
are being used in hazardous places, such as outer space or under the sea. Technical advances are gradually endowing
robots with properties that actually increase their similarity to humans. In this paper we are going to present an idea of
robotics and its applications in various fields that we come across. With their computational and agile skills robots
perform tasks that are difficult or hazardous to humans. One area where robots are beginning to excel in, and which
causes less controversial debate on their usefulness, is as explorers.. Intelligent robots are capable of handling complex
tasks that includes recognition of vocal commands, logical inference, autonomous navigation and manipulation, etc.
Real-time performance of the designed reactive control layer is demonstrated via experimental results.

S.R.L. Vigneshwararao, S. Nagajothi
Muthurangam Govt. Arts College, Vellore
Green computing refers to environmentally sustainable computing or . The goals of green computing are similar to
green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and
promote the recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Research continues into key areas
such as making the use of computers as energy-efficient as possible, and designing algorithms and systems for
efficiency-related computer technologies.

Performance Analysis for Instantiating New VMs on Shared Infrastructures

R.Sennakesavan, C. Periyasamy
B.E-C.S.E., Anna University of Technology, Trichy
With Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud economics getting increasingly complex and dynamic, resource cost can
vary greatly over short periods of time. Therefore, the critical issue is the ability to deploy, boot and terminate VMs
very quickly, which enables cloud users to exploit elasticity to find the optimal trade-off between the computational
needs (numbers of resources, usage time) and budget constraints. With datacenters growing rapidly and configurations
becoming heterogeneous, it is important to enable efficient concurrent deployment and snapshotting that are at the
same time hypervisor independent and ensure a maximum compatibility with different configurations. Here it is also
possible to deploy new VMs with cost-free manner using shared common pool from local disks of computing nodes.
This paper presents the performance analysis for instantiating new virtual machines for lazy transfer scheme that avoid
full broadcast of virtual images during multi-deployments on shared IaaS clouds. The performance is based on size of
chunks which are shared through a distributed versioning storage service for getting better average time and
completion time of booting and read access operations of VM instances. Total network traffic time is processed for
controlling the extra streaming VM instant chunks on the shared common pool.


- Thangaraj

- Joan Britto S.


The winner is a part of solution;

The loser is a part of the problem.

The winner always has a plan;

The loser always has an excuse.

- Consal Mary A. The winner says; Let me do it for you;

The loser says, “That is not my job.”

The winner sees a green near every sand trap;

The loser sees a stand trap near every green.

The winner makes commitments;

The loser makes promises.

Fish’n Water The winner says, “It may be difficult”

Fish and water are best friends. The loser says, “It is impossible”.
Fish said (to water), “you can‟t see my tears; The winner has dreams; the loser has schemes.
because I am in you.”
Water replied, “I can feel your tears; The winner says, “I must do something;
because you are in me”.
The loser says, “Something must be done”.
- Anonymous The winner is the part of the team;

The loser is a part from the team.

The winner sees the gain; loser the sees the pain.

- Anonymous





Antony Samy A., Singapore

David Kumar, Yercaud
Leema Gracy T., Chennai
BIIT Batch-2004
BIIT Batch-2005

Mr Paulraj Rathinasamy
BIIT Batch-2007 Mr Remigius Devasagayam, USA
Jacob Rajesh, Chennai
Saritha Mary D., Chennai
Mr Felix R
Sasi M., Chennai Mr Moses P.A.
Mr Alwar J.
Mr Chandrasekar S.
Anand Kumar M., Chennai
Margaret Kanickya, Chennai CHENNAI WELL WISHERS
Anthony Raj Y., Chennai Mr Praveen George
Vinoth Xavier A, Chennai
Arul Amala Raj J., Chennai Mr Edwin Soundersingh
Lakshmanan P., Chennai Mr Mani K.C.
Dr Bennet Benjamin
Madalai Muthu J., Chennai Mr Ponnurangam C.
Susil Kumar Nagara, Chennai Mr Ramamurthy
Mr Giri (Hotel)
Sunil T., Chennai Ms Vennila
Athisayaraj, Chennai Br. Sam
Mr Jayaraman
George Joseph, Yelagiri Hills Dr Arumugam
Mathan Y., Chennai Mr Archudan
Preethi Diana, Chennai BOSCO SOFT TECH (P) LTD, Chennai

Pratheeba C., Bangalore

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