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Year: 2021-22
Batch No. 19


Undertaken by:
Enrollment No.: 17E1AAARM40P034
V Year B.Arch (A)



Aayojan School of Architecture

ISI-4, RIICO Institutional Block,
Sitapura, Jaipur-302022

The study titled “Vertical Green Habitat” is hereby approved as an original

work of Ekansh Sharma, enrolment no. 17E1AAARM40P034 on the approved
subject carried out and presented in manner satisfactory to warrant its
acceptance as per the standard laid down by the university. This report has
been submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of
Architecture degree from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.

It is to be understood that the undersigned does not necessarily endorse or

approve any statement made, any opinion expressed or conclusion drawn
therein, but approves the study only for the purpose it has been submitted.

…December .2021





Pg -2

I, Ekansh Sharma, here by solemnly declare that the research work

undertaken by me, titled ‘Vertical Green Habitat’ is my original work and
wherever I have incorporated any information in the form of photographs,
text, data, maps, drawings, etc. from different sources, has been duly
acknowledged in my report.

This dissertation has been completed under the supervision of the guide
allotted to me by the school. Further, whenever and wherever my work shall
be presented or published it will be jointly authored with my guide.

Ekansh Sharma
V Year B.Arch (A)
Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur


This is to certify that the research titled, Vertical Green Habitat is a bonafide
work by Ekansh Sharma of Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur. This
research work has been completed under my guidance and supervision in a
satisfactory manner. This report has been submitted in partial fulfillment of
award of BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE degree from Rajasthan Technical
University, Kota.

This research work fulfills the requirements relating to the nature and standard
laid down by the Rajasthan Technical University.

Prof. Anubhav Mittal

Aayojan School of Architecture,Jaipur

Pg -3

This report has been an essential growth in the learning

curve of my architecture education. I am grateful to my
college, Aayojan School of Architecture for enabling me
take up this assigment.

I am thankful to Prof. K.S. Mahajani (Principal, Aayojan School of

Architecture, Jaipur) for providing a conducive college environment and the
proficient faculties who made this dissertation a fruitful learning process.

I thank, Prof. N.S. Rathore (Dean Academics, Aayojan School of Architecture,

Jaipur) for his able advice and valuable time.

I would like to express my deep gratitute and thank towards, Dissertation

coordinator and my guide Prof. Anubhav Mittal for his continued guidance,
encouragement, Patience and support throughout this project.

I would also like to thank my parents without whom not only this year, but my
entire architecture education would not been possible. I thank my sister for
her constant support and encouragement.

Ekansh Sharma
V Year B.Arch. (A)
Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur

Pg -4

In a context of urban greening, vertical plantings offer a great potential to

enhance urban biodiversity but it is unclear whether they act as exclusive
habitats or components of urban corridors. Thus, understanding the
ecological value and functioning of each system becomes critical to
integrate nature into urban design and planning at the city scale. This
chapter reviews studies on green walls’ biodiversity, examining the flora and
fauna of different vertical planting systems and the main drivers for the
establishment of communities. Perspectives for research and design are also
presented to understand and explore new techniques for enhancing
biodiversity on green walls and within cities.

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Page No.
Approval i
Declaration ii
Certificate ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
Contents v-vi
List of illustrations
List of tables viii


1.1 Background of the study 2
1.2 Criteria of selection
1.3 Hypothesis
1.4 Aim
1.5 Objectives
1.6 Scope
1.7 Methodology


2.1 The Definition and Typology of Vertical Green Systems
2.2 The Advantages of Vertical Green Systems
2.3 Types of Vertical Garden


3.1 Need of Sustainable Approach in India
4.1 Newton Suites, Singapore 36
4.2 CH2 Council House, Melbourne
4.3 Vertical Garden at Trio, Camperdown
Pg -6
4.4 One PNC Plaza, USA
4.5 Questionnaire results using chart and Graphs 37


5.1 Design Recommendations
5.2 Conclusion


Pg -7

The use of plants on building surfaces has a long history, stretching back at
least to the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Larson, Matthes, Kelly,
Lundholm & Gerrath, 2004). Incorporation of vegetation on the surfaces of
"green buildings" has a more recent pedigree, revolving around the
functional benefits of plants to building performance.
Over the last few
decades, a substantial body of literature has highlighted the importance of
the natural environment for human well-being and health. In the urban
environment where, space is particularly costly, the abundance of plants can
be increased by growing them vertically as ‘green walls’, rather than
Although green walls ecology is a rapidly growing science, large gaps remain
in our knowledge as only few studies have investigated their ecosystem
services, focusing mainly on their thermal values.

Green walls (GW) refer to vertical greening systems i.e. to vegetation growing
on or against vertical surfaces. They can be found outdoors or indoors, in
urban or rural areas. It can be any type of vertical surface, from building
facades to freestanding structure, either incorporated into new builds or
easily retrofitted to existing building surfaces. By taking advantage of the
vertical dimension, they are unique ecosystems that are not easily compared
to those in the horizontal realm. They can vary considerably in construction,
plants can be rooted into the ground, in the wall itself, off the ground in
several types of growing media (mineral or organic), or in an inert medium
acting only as a rooting element (i.e. soilless).

Pg -8
Cable Facade at MFO
Park, Switzerland

Source: Jakob rope systems

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History of Vertical Garden
Natural Vertical Gardens are naturally occurring vegetation growing on
vertical surfaces such as how vegetation is found on waterfalls, riverbanks,
seeping rocks, cliffs, caves, and slopes. On the other hand, manmade
Vertical Gardens (sometimes referred to as living walls, green facades, or
vertical vegetation) are plants that either partially or fully cover a building
façade or other vertical structure. The author Patrick Blanc said, “The Vertical
Garden allows man to re-create a living system very similar to natural
environments. It’s a way to add nature to places where man once removed
it. Thanks to botanical knowledge, it’s possible to display natural-looking plant
landscapes even though they are man-made.” (Blanc, 2008) as quoted in
(Olson, 2007). The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the greatest
achievements of vertical gardening in the ancient times. Also, it was
considered to be one of the original Seven Wonders of the World. The
Chaldean King, Nebuchadnezzar, built the gardens around 600 BC. He is
reported to have constructed the gardens to please his wife, Amytis, who
was homesick and was longing for the forest, mountains, and fragrant plants
of her gardens back home in Persia. It was an immense project because he

had to import new plants that

were not native to the area. Nebuchadnezzar planted many levels in the
garden to replicate her gardens of her homeland. Unfortunately, due to
earthquakes the gardens were destroyed around the end of the 2nd century
BC (Lambertini, 2007). They used a simple irrigation system (chain pump) that
transported water by using buckets to higher levels of the garden to water
the plants.

During the ancient use of verticality, the training of vines and plants to climb
along tree branches were a common practice. However, it was not long

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before manmade structures based on pillars or columns were introduced,
such as: pergolas, arbors, or arches as depicted on the walls of the Villa of
Fannius Sinistor in Pompeii. These architectural designs were used to replace
the need of natural supports. Although this technique is out dated, it is still
used today in some areas of the Mediterranean (Lambertini, 2007).The 15th
century manuscripts, Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry by the Lambourg
Brothers, shows that trellises (arbor, bower, and gazebo) were used around
the 15th century in Paris. Over time they transformed from natural structures
(willows and wickers) to artificial ones made from wood and Iron. These new
structures were specifically designed to sustain a variety of decorative plants,
and thus, becoming more sophisticated in design. However, in the garden of
Versailles these structures became an important part of the architectural
design because they were no longer used to houseplants, but more for their
visual appeal. The first vertical garden in Canada was introduced at the
Canada Life Centre -Environmental Room in downtown Toronto in 1994.
Today, with the rapid growth of industrial cities, where fifty percent of the
world`s population dwell, plants can provide better air quality, in the mean
time Sustaining the well being of the environments, human health and the
psychological aspect. As urban areas become more crowded than ever,
many city centre today are finding areas for plants in order to transform the
CO2 produced by cars and building heating into oxygen and carbon
hydrates(Lambertini, A., & Ciampi, M., 2007). However, in an urban context,
the solutions often require a large area of unoccupied land. The concept of
vertical garden provides the best solution.

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Need of the study:

1) To study, how plants are used in architecture, and how creative

process is the navigating tool for developing a green wall.
2) To learn about How and Why vegetation is brought indoors?
3) How is there a disconnection between inside a building wall and the
4) The focus was set on green façades and living walls, as the two main
green wall types; and on the study of birds, shelled molluscs, spiders and
insects for a diverse range of animal taxa.
5) The study concerns the spontaneous species diversity on walls and the
influences of wall factors and the adjacent environment.

Hypothesis Statement:

Within urban environment with high-rise buildings and structures, walls

represent the most common vertical spaces. Conventionally, such spaces
are viewed as abiotic areas, where spontaneous flora is neglected.


The aims is to clarify the best possible ways of integrating and installing
vertical green systems into high-rise building projects as well as understanding
how they should be operated and maintained on longer term.


The primary objective was to answer the questions:

1) Discovering various types of vertical green systems utilized in high-rise


Pg -12
2) Understanding how vertical green systems can be integrated into
the design of high rise buildings.

3) Listing important criteria and guidelines to be considered in the

design of high-rise buildings with vertical green systems.

Problem Statement:

The literature review on the precedents have proven that there is not many
high-rise buildings with integrated vertical green systems, and the ones that
exist are usually from cities with innovative technologies. Therefore, we can
assume that these systems are still not well known in many parts of the world.
Due to diminishing green spaces around the world, people are experiencing
physical and mental health problems and it is very likely that vertical green
systems will be looked upon as an appropriate sustainable solution for vertical
cities in the future.
These systems are also considered as an alternative for
reintroducing agriculture into cities with no fertile lands. Therefore, there is a
need to develop comprehensive criteria for future architects. Due to the
existing gap in the literature, this thesis will be beneficial to those wanting to
find inclusive information on vertical green systems and how they can be
applied to high rise buildings.

Scope & Limitation:

This research could give a basis for developing strategies for a cost effective
way of application of vertical gardens (by comparative analysis).

1) It could suggest about a better way for irrigation systems that

could lead to managing the scarcity of water availability.

2) This paper will discuss about the various construction methods for
vertical gardens.

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3) Discussion of the thermal aspects in terms of energy savings in the
building in the long run.


The methodology of the research is followed by the in-depth understanding

about the background of vertical landscaping and its applications in building
design thereby an intensive literature review to understand its feasibility with
respect to its design, construction, irrigation and maintenance. This shall result
in identifying the research gap of its application in Indian context. Further
through case studies, data collection and comparative analysis, exploring its
feasibility and finally concluding the study through recommendations and
formulation of design guidelines to implement vertical gardens in Indian

Pg -14

Since the beginning of time, in need to maintain their presence on earth,

mankind has dependably been in a persistent endeavour to adjust nature for
their own particular needs, for example, shelter and nourishment. The world
population has expanded because of the innovations of mankind. The
population expansion put more weight on urban communities and urban
regions where mankind started feeling segregated from nature.
Today, some
urban communities appear to be totally separated from nature; and in cities
cement and manufacturing plants rule. In any case, regardless of the current
separation from the green space, people prefer not to lose contact with
Albeit open parks help towards bringing down temperatures inside their
region, they are unequipped for thermally influencing the concentrated
structures where individuals live, work and spend the vast majority of their
lives. Thus, planting on building walls and facades has started being used as a
strategy for integrating green into high density urban areas, becoming part of
architectural design. The system where the nature is integrated inside the
vertical surface of a building is called vertical green system. A green wall is
characterized as a vertical component either incorporated within the exterior
of a building or as an unsupported structure that hosts vegetation and is
every often installed in soil or in an inorganic developing medium. This
chapter aims to explore these green building elements through a literature
review where their types, characteristics, and applications are looked at in
more depth.

2.1 The Definition and Typology of Vertical Green Systems

The vertical green system or vegetated walls or facades are characterized as
a system in which plants develop on a vertical surface, for example, building
exteriors in controlled temperatures with frequent maintenance. Climbing
plants are normally seen on building exteriors by appending themselves

Pg -15
specifically to vertical surfaces through the assistance of different instruments.
The main components of vertical green systems are thus:
 Plants
 Planting media
 Structures that support and append plants to the façade
 Irrigation system

Contingent upon the plant species, planting media, and support of structures
utilized, one can recognize various sorts of vertical green systems, which, for
the motivations behind this proposition, are extensively assembled into two
classifications: Façade-Supported Green Walls and Living Walls. Moreover,
from the case study analyses realized in the next chapter, more types can be
named such as Stepped Terraces and Cantilevering Tree Balconies. After an
extensive literature review, vertical green system can be partitioned into
these diverse classifications.

2.2 The Advantages of Vertical Green Systems

Depending on favourable circumstances relating to factors such as

geographic range and climate, building geometry, presentation and plant

Pg -16
species, green wall, or green façade systems, there may be various
advantages of vertical green systems. These advantages can be arranged
from urban scale to building scale.
1. Enhanced Biodiversity
Providing biodiversity and habitat Biodiversity is an important component of
the ecosystem. Implementation of vertical garden system in urban areas
create habitat for fauna and flora. So they help to increase biodiversity. The
more plant varieties are used in vertical gardens, the more bioderversity will
be increased.However, it should be considered that different plant species
require different habitat conditions. So plant species should be chosen

2. Increase Energy Efficiency

One of the energy efficient building design’s element is vertical garden.
Vertical garden systems can be used in the winter months for heating and
in the summer months for cooling. These systems improve thermal insulation
capacity through external temperature regulations.

3. Sound isolation and barring bad images

As a result of intensive migration from rural areas to the cities, increasing
urban population has brought with it the problem of noise pollution. Vertical
garden systems offers the best way to avoid the negative effects of noise
pollution. The growing media and plant species in vertical garden systems will

Pg -17
contribute to a reduction of sound levels that transmit through or reflect from
vertical garden system.

4. Increase amount of green space in the cities

The speed of construction is increasing due to urban population. Urban green
spaces which offer recreational facilities to the people in urban areas are
decreasing day by day. The destruction of green areas in the horizontal plan
created the idea of invention of vertical gardens. So, urban areas could be
gained green areas again.

5.Bringing rainwater to the ecological cycle

Drip irrigation system is usually used in vertical garden systems. This system
transports the nutrient materials and water to the plants. The aim of irrigation
system is to reach these materials to the root zone of the plants properly. Also
vertical garden system allows rainwater to be used by plants.
6. Protect Structures
Vertical garsystems protect structures from external effects.They can extent
the life of the structure with two different functions as follows:
Protect structures from temperature changes.
Protect structures from rain.
High temperature changes may show expansion or contraction in the face of
structures depending on the material used. Such movement can cause

Pg -18
cracks in buildings. As a result, construction of the building would be
7.Adding aesthetic and economic value to the structures
In our daily lives, we spend most of our ti

me in the area were built with gray walls is quite far from the aesthetic
concept. Vertical garden systems are involved in the aesthetic value of the

landscape to which they apply.

8. Air quality Improvement

Vertical gardens are effective methods for improving the indoor and outdoor
air quality. Vertical garden systems provide an increase in the amount of
green space in the urban areas. Plants in the system can absorb exhaust gas,
airborne dust and CO2.

2.3 Types of Vertical Garden

Vertical Gardens are classified into two main types: Green facades and living
1. Green Facade

Green Facade refers to the climbing plants that are encouraged to grow up
and along the walls of buildings rm a vegatation covering, roots are
contained in a substrate at the base of the wall or planted in natural ground.
Green facades are subdivided into direct and indirect green facade.
 Direct Green Facade
In direct green facade climbing plants uses facade material as support to
grow and plants to be rooted in a substrate at the base of the wall. The

Pg -19
limitation of this system is that it damages the wall structure and facade

 Indirect Green Facade

In indirect green facade climbing plants grow on light weight metal trellises
that are fixed onto the building’s walls, with a cavity between the plants and
the wall structure for waterproofing and wall maintenance purposes.
There are of following 3 types:
a.) Modular Trellis panel system:
The building block of this modular system is a rigid, light weiht, three
dimentional panel made from a powder coated galvanized and

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welded steel wire that supports plants with both a face grid and a
panel depth.

b.) Grid systems:

Grids are employed on green facades that are designed to support
faster growing climbing plants with denser foliage. This system use high
tensile steel cables, anchors and supplementary equipment.

c.) Wire-rope net systems

Wire-nets are often used to support slower growing plants that need
the added support these systems provide at closer intervals.

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2. Living walls
Living wall refers to a wall that incorporates vegatation into its structure or
onto its surface, and which does not require the plants to be rooted in a
substrate at the base of the wall as with green facades. Living walls need
more protection than green facades because of its diversity and density of
vegetation. It is categorised into three types:

 Flower Pot system

In the system plants are placed inside flowerpots and then flowerpots are
mounted to the carrier profile at the bottom layer. Drip irrigation is used and
system also carried nutrient to the plants. A small amount of peat and soil can
be used to avoid increasing weight of the system.

 Modular Living Walls

Modular systems consist of square or rectangular panels that hold growing
media to support plant material Modular system solutions can be applied on
every surface and in every climate. They are vey resistant to strong winds and
rain. This system consits of five basic parts:
 Panels made from stainless steel,
 Soiless material ensuring plant growth,

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 Plants specially cultivated to be resistant to the effects of atmospheric
 A computerized vertical irrigation system with temperature and
moisture sensors,
 Wall frame assembly (the frame can be made from wood or stainless

 Vegetated mat Wall

The ‘Mur Vegetal’ is a unique form of green wall pioneered by Patrick Blanc.
It is composed of two layers of felt which are attached with the aid of
fasteners. The plants require access to light, carbon dioxide and mineral-
enriched water.The construction possesses an automatic plant water
moisurizing system regulated by a moisture meter. The roots develop not in a

Pg -23
capacitive but on a flat surface, unlike many other soiless cultivation systems
where the roots frow inside a capacity filled with certain substances (for e.g.
peat, mineral cotton, coconut fiber, or polystryne mixtures). The weight of the
whole vertical installation is very significant. Thinner materials like felt are not
deformed by changes of temperature. Micro-fissures between fibres can
expand in freezing conditions without changes to its general structure. This is
because fibres are non- structural woven materials. The durability of the
material is strengthened with polypropylene foil placed between the fabric
and PVC sheets.

Felt does not decompose because it is made of acrylic fibres. Of all the
elements of the vertical garden, only felt has influence on the plants biology.
In its fibres, the roots can grow and become rooted, and absorb water and
nutrients. In reality, this fabric can be compared to a thin layer of algae and
moss growing on rocks and three trunks. Different species of plants in the
vertical garden grow into the fabric just like they would grow into beds of
moss on a rocky surface.
In order to facilitate plant installation, the fabric
consists of two layers fixed (with stainless steel fasteners) to an durable PVC
construction with a layer of polyurethane foil. In the first layer, vertical
openings 5 cm to 10 cm wide are cut, depending on the dimentions of the
plants. Soil is removed from the plants and their roots are places between
both layers.

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Fabric is able to evenly distribute water and nutrients in its entire surface. The
entire exchange between plant roots, water and air occurs in the irrigation
fabric. In the fabric, an interaction occurs between microorganisms and
plants; this enables the roots to absorb more water and mineral salts.

Pg -25

3.1. Need of Sustainable Approach in India

India has rich traditions and history in holistic strategies for buildings and
construction. Despite this the sustainable buildings agenda currently receives
limited attention in India. While there are some local initiatives promoting
sustainable buildings which include research, pilot or advocacy projects,
there is no coordinated approach to address the wider sustainable buildings
agenda in India.

India, the seventh largest country in the world, is a leading economy and
home to over one billion people living in various climatic zones. The country’s
economy has been growing at a fast pace ever since the process of
economic reforms started in 1991. Construction plays a very important role in
its economy contributing on an average 6.5%1 of the GDP. Commercial and
residential sectors continue to be a major market for the construction
industry. The sectors consume a lot of energy throughout the life cycle of
buildings thus becoming a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the spiralling urban growth, the number of buildings, energy

consumption and the resultant carbon emissions is on a rise in the country. As
per the 17th Electrical Power Survey (EPS) of the Central Electricity Authority,

Pg -26
the electricity demand is likely to increase by 39.7% in 2011-12 as compared
to 2006-07, by another 43.7% in 2016-17 as compared to 2011-12 and by yet
another 37.5% in 2021-22 as compared to 2016-17. With a near consistent 8%
rise in annual energy consumption in the residential and commercial sectors,
building energy consumption has seen a increase from 14% in the 1970s to
nearly 33% in 2004-05. Electricity use in both residential and commercial
sectors is primarily for lighting, space conditioning, refrigeration, appliances
and water heating.

The rural residential sector continues to rely heavily on traditional non-

commercial fuels such as fuel wood and dung. As per 2001 Census of India,
only 43.5% of rural households have an electricity connection and more than
85% of electrified rural households use itfor lighting purpose only.

Energy consumption in Indian buildings is expected to increase substantially

due to economic growth, construction growth and human development. The
demand for energy to run appliances such as TVs, air conditioning and
heating units, refrigerators and mobile phone chargers will increase
substantially as living standards rise in India.

Also the growth in commercial sector and the shift from rural to urban living
will continue to take place. This will result in a substantial increase in resultant
emissions from the buildings sector alone and need concerted efforts to bring
down the energy consumption by buildings through various measures.


Sustainable is a buzz word, however, defining sustainability in buildings is a

complex concept. There have been various popular definitions of sustainable
buildings. USGBC (United States Green Building Council), one of the pioneers
in propagating green buildings across the globe state, “The term ‘green
building’ is synonymous with ‘high performance building’, ‘sustainable design
and construction’ as well as other terms that refer to a holistic approach to

Pg -27
design and construction…..Green building design strives to balance
environmental responsibility, resource efficiency, occupant comfort and well-
being, and community sensitivity” (LEED-NC Version 2.1 Reference Guide).
TERI, a not-for profit organisation working in the field of sustainable
development defines it as, “A Green building is designed, constructed and
operated to minimize the total environmental impacts while enhancing user
comfort and productivity” (GRIHA, 2008).

Some of the key attributes of Sustainable buildings are as under:

 Consideration of sustainability aspects in all phases of building design and
 Planning
 Consideration of sustainability aspects during construction and
production of
 Building materials.
 Use of healthy and environmentally friendly building materials and
 Use of efficient systems
 Use of constructions and systems which are easy to maintain and service
 Safeguarding of high functionality, flexibility and adaptability
 Safeguarding of health and comfort of users, occupiers and visitors
 High aesthetic and urban design quality; high public acceptance
 Appropriate location with good access to public transportation services
 Networks

In a nutshell, sustainable buildings use less energy and water, generate less
greenhouse gases, use materials more efficiently, and produce less waste
than the conventional buildings over their entire life cycle

The country has a number of policy initiatives to mainstream energy

efficiency and green buildings as control and regulatory instruments,
including appliance standards, mandatory labeling and certification, energy
efficiency obligations, and utility DSM(Demand side management) programs;

Pg -28
economic and market-based instruments; fiscal instruments and incentives;
support, information and voluntary action. Some of these are briefly
explained in the following section:

 Energy Conservation Building Code 2007 The Energy Conservation Act

2001 provides for the establishment of state energy conservation
agencies to plan and execute programs. The Act led to the formation of
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) that formulated the Energy
Conservation Building Code (ECBC). It targets building energy efficiency
and was introduced in the year 2007. This is the nation’s first building
energy code and aims to have a major impact on energy- efficiency in
buildings. It is a voluntary code for all buildings with a connected load of
500 kW and most likely to become a mandatory code. It covers minimum
requirements for building envelope performance as well as for
mechanical systems and equipment, including heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) system, interior and exterior lighting system,
service hot water, electrical power and motors in order to achieve energy
efficiency in different climatic zones of India.

 The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has initiated several programs
focusing on the utilisation of renewable energy sources in buildings.

 Sustainable Habitat Mission under the National Action Plan on Climate

Change National Action Plan on Climate change was launched by the
honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh on June 30, 2008. It
encompasses a broad and extensive range of measures, and focuses on
eight missions, which will be pursued as key components of the strategy
for sustainable development. These include missions on solar energy,
enhanced energy efficiency, sustainable habitat, conserving water,
sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem, creating a “Green India,”
sustainable agriculture and, finally, establishing a strategic knowledge
platform for climate change. For the

Pg -29
habitat mission, the strategies proposed aim at promoting efficiency
residential and commercial sector through various measures such as,
change in building bye laws, capacity building, research and
development in new technologies, education and awareness, etc.,
management of municipal solid wastes, and promotion of urban public


 Traditional farming requires huge inputs to sustain it, from water to
potentially hazardous pesticides to fertilizers. After food is grown by
conventional agricultural methods, it must be stored, refrigerated, and
transported to the urban centers where it will be consumed, making
traditional farming highly pollution-producing. Vertical Urban Agriculture
has the potential to solve this problem and could lead to urban and
environmental renewal on a fantastic scale for India’s cities.

 Of India’s 2.94 million km2 of land mass, approximately 1.1 million km2 is
given to agricultural production. Vertical Urban Agriculture equates 1
indoor acre with 10 outdoor acres of production capacity. We could
potentially reduce India’s agricultural land to 110,000 km2 and increase
forest cover to a maximum of 1.7 million km2. Increasing forest cover
leads to healing the Earth and undoing the damage that years of
agricultural production have wrought on the land. Forest cover is a great
asset to exports, because forest-based industries like wood, paper, etc.,
can earn India significant foreign exchange. Forested land can also
attract tourism. From a development perspective, forested land supports
the poorest of the poor and can become part of an integral strategy for
rebalancing India’s skewed wealth distribution. We cannot deny that
forests are good for the Earth, and, as India’s per capita energy
consumption rises, increasing its forest cover could have significant
environmental benefits.

Pg -30
 In India, especially, we will most likely face an acute water crisis. In the
southern Indian states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, large proposals
– including the Australian- and Singapore- financed Odyssey Science
City, to be built over 65,000 acres at a cost exceeding $10 billion – have
hit a road block where water supply is concerned.


Pg -31

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Pg -33
Comparative Analysis of selected Case Studies

4.1. Newton Suites, Singapore

Newton Suites is a 118-unit residential building designed to show that

environmentally sustainable design and high-rise luxury are compatible. The
36-story apartment tower’s exterior uses sunshading elements, protruding
balconies, and expansive windows to manage the sun’s light and energy
potential, while vertical green walls and communal gardens bring lush
greenery to the skies. The S$23.5 million project uses passive cooling
techniques to combine outdoor and indoor living space in a high-rise
building, offering a model for other tropical cities.

The main goals behind the design of Newton Suites high rise, was to
incorporate concepts such as orientation, maximizing views, solving
environmental issues and including multiple scales of green space that begin
to help answer the question of how one can design a modern and
sustainable tropical high rise residential tower within a tropical climate.

Newton Suites incorporates sustainable architectural systems by using a

variety of landscaped open air spaces that becomes one of the primary
design elements. At every four floors on the southeast facade there are
covered communal green spaces which contain large scale vegetation.

Pg -34
These vegetated spaces were designed to allow the users to use the spaces
for multiple purposes. These spaces also allow air flow to passively cool the

Residential units are stacked 4 per floor with habitable balconies treated as
outdoor living rooms orientated towards views of the nature reserve and city
centre.Landscape is used as a material – rooftop planting, skygardens and
green walls were incorporated into the design from the very beginning.

Pg -35
Most available horizontal and vertical surfaces are landscaped; creating an
area of landscaping that is 130% (110% planted) of the total site. Trees cover
the carpark, project from the skygardens at every 4 levels and crown the
building at the penthouse roof decks. The above ground carpark uses far less
energy than an underground carpark and is fully enclosed with creepers,
absorbing exhaust emissions.

The environmental elements added to liveable apartments and extensive

communal areas combine to make a unique tropical building that achieves
both Singapore's national vision for a green city and an improved living
environment for the inhabitants.

Pg -36
2. CH2 Council House, Melbourne

The Council House 2 (CH2) office building was designed in collaboration with
City of Melbourne to be a holistic system with its occupants as participants.
The design follows a model that promotes a more interactive role between
the city and nature, in which all parties depend on each other.

Architects: DesignInc
Area: 12500 m²
Manufacturers: George Fethers, Nullarbor Timber, Glass
Consultant Team: Hansen & Yuncken, Marshall Day Acoustics,
Advanced Environmental Concepts, Bonacci Group, Lincolne Scott, Donald
Cant Watts Corke

Client: City of Melbourne

Constructions Value: $51M
Project Team: Rob Adams, Mick Pearce, Stephen Webb, Chris
Thorne, Jean-Claude Bertoni, Vi Vuong, Aldona Pajdak

The City of Melbourne aims to achieve zero emissions for the municipality by
2020. A major contribution to this strategy is the reduction in energy
consumption of commercial buildings by 50%. CH2 was piloted in an effort to
provide a working example for the local development market. The brief

Pg -37
required a building that as far as possible relied on passive energy systems
while producing a

premium grade


Pg -38
4.3.Verticle Garden at Trio, Camperdown

Patrick Blanc completed his vertical garden for the northern facade of Trio
North, part of Frasers Property’s Trio apartment development situated in the
inner western Sydney suburb of Camperdown, in mid 2010. Blanc’s vertical
garden comprises 4528 native plants and over 70 species, including from the
Acacia, Allocasuarina, Carex, Correa, Dianella, Goodenia, Grevillea,
Lomandra, Poa, Themeda and Viola genera.

You can observe many of these species growing wild on maritime cliffs or
along the cliffs and rocky slopes in mountainous areas, making this project a
kind of ‘Botanical Vertical Garden’,” argues Blanc. Blanc’s vertical garden at
Trio continues the artist-botanist’s longstanding practice of integrating nature
into the unused vertical spaces of urban architecture.

 Design Stretegies
This is the largest and tallest green wall of the world existing at the time of
completion in 2009. North-façade is vegetated with mat living wall system for
aesthetic purpose. Sun-thriving plants located at the top of facade; and
more delicate plants are located lower down. 11 irrigation system lines run
across the facade at 3 meter intervals in height. Auto watering system runs 6

Pg -39
times each day in a month, and harvested storm water is collected on
location of the site.

 Plant Species
The vertical garden was intended to withstand regular conditions. Plants that
flourish in full introduction to daylight, for example, Acacia and Poa, were
chosen for the highest point of the divider though fragile plants, requiring
more hydration, for example, Goodenia and Viola, were decided for the

 Maintenance
In order to overcome the troubles of working with an l6-storey-high vertical
garden and guarantee fruitful support, the plant provider was required to
design a swing stage that could scale the wall, taking into consideration
progressing maintenance. Week by week maintenance is performed by
means of visual examination starting from the earliest stage visits to the
control space to mind the system's pumps and channels. Month to month

Pg -40
support is important to beware of plant wellbeing, treat irritations and
infections, and prune plants where required.

 Irrigation System:
All plants are inundated through a dripper-water system from rain water
gathered from the site. The material utilized inside the structure is sturdy
reused plastic Eleven lines keep running over the divider at three meter
interims, in which every line runs six times each day which is controlled by a
mechanized dribble irrigation system. Fathered irrigation system gathers
water from the site into a devoted, 36,000-liter underground tank that re-
utilizes water and compost, accordingly lessening water utilize altogether. The
rest of the water unused by the plants and not dissipated in the process is
reused back to the tank to be utilized once more.

Pg -41
4.4. One PNC Plaza – Pittsburgh, USA

The PNC Financial Services Group realized "greening' around its base camp
offices in Pittsburgh in 2009. The PNC Green Wall was hence a first endeavour
at connoting the organization's dedication to maintainability. The Green Wall
on One PNC Plaza is a living' notice for other manageable activities the
organization has embraced. The Tower at PNC Plaza, which is a more
considerable activity that is intending to surpass LED Platinum, the US Green
Building Council's most astounding accreditation level. Advancements, for
example, geothermal wells, sun based fireplaces, and water
gathering/reusing frameworks are being utilized in the new tower.

 Design Strategies
A Green wall is introduced on a clear solid wall where the plants came from
off-site in hot zone, then introduced vertically on location. Different

Pg -42
blossoming plants give seasonal varieties. System reconstructed from a
stainless-steel board.

 Green Wall System Overview

Pre-developed into the modules and all parts that made up the system were
spot welded. The first framework was mounted with a stainless steel sectioning
and board framework secured specifically into One PNC Plaza's
strengthened solid brick work. The green wall had 602 boards, every
measuring 610 millimetres high x 610 millimetres wide x 102 millimetres
profound, with 24 plants in every. A thick soil-less planting medium was utilized
inside a 102 millimetre high x 152 millimetre wide x 102 millimetre profound
aluminium cell, inside every board.

Pg -43
 Plant Species
Concerns, for example, support of the wall, and in addition style, were entire
deciding elements in creating criteria for the plant sorts and also the last
appearance of the 11 Living Wall. The plants were chosen for their capacity
to flourish in Pittsburgh's atmosphere and to make an outline which fluctuates
in surface and shading with the evolving seasons, Approximately 14,448
plants in eight plants Sped, are used in the wall. The plants incorporate Carex
variegated, Heuchera Purple Varietle, Ajuga, Brass Button, Lysimachima
numm, Euonymus, Sedum, and Fern.

Pg -44
 Irrigation System
In the first framework, the watering of the plants on the wall was done
through a 6.4 millimetre dribble line separated each 610 millimetre skyline
count. Each of these lines is laid on the highest point of each of the 610 by
610 millimetre boards. There was a little bended section at either end at the
highest point of every board, where the trickle line was installed.

At the point when the framework was initiated, the water dribbled starting
with one cell then onto the next, through nine water system zones, and was
planned to guarantee that there was insignificant keep running off starting
with one board then onto the next; anticipating overwatering of boards that
are lower in the design. The wall weighed around 24 tons when completely
watered and was managed through an inside controlled framework. Amid a
normal week, just IS minutes of watering time were required to keep up the


Pg -45
4.5 Questionnaire and Survey Results:

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Pg -47
4.6 Summary
4.5.1. Comparison among various vertical garden systems

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Pg -49
Pg -52
5.2. Conclusion

5.2.1 Conclusion
This study classifies vertical garden into main types that is Green Facade and
living walls. These systems offer option of external wall materials, besides of
tiles, cements and stones. When selecting plant varieties and support
materials, the different attributes of geographical situations, settlements,
environments and building materials should be taken into considerations.

The Green Living Wall has tremendous benifits, both tangible and intangible.
Water savings: 40-50% by smart irrigation, Energy Savings: 30-40% by cooling
effect inside, Enhances Biodiversity, Enhances Property Value, Enables Health
and Well-being, etc.

It has been considered that the most relevant parameter for comparision
could be the registered reduction on the building’s external wall surface
temperature (°C) due to the effect of the green facade, because it is the first
and most direct effect arising from the presence of sunscreen. It can be
stated that the higher the foliage thickness, the higher the reduction of the
surface temperatures.

People desire to be surrounded by nature even if for economic reasons, they

are forced to live in cramped, large agglomerations. An efficient way of
improviing the quality of life is the introduction of plant- life through vertical

5.2.2. Future Scope

With environmental issues being at their highest in dense urban areas, taking
into consideration the importance of greenery In such areas, the utilization of
bare facades to create green spaces is an effective solution for tackling
many issues.

Pg -53
By 2050, India’s population is expected to exceed 300 million and nearly 80%
of the population will reside in urban areas. People are taking initiatives to
help in curbing pollution and in beatifying the city. But all these efforts are at
a very initial stage, so more awareness is needed among people to promote
vertical gardens.

Vertical gardens can be a useful and innovative solution, as densely packed

urban areas lack space. With the implementation of Vertical gardens, an
urban web can experience numerous advantages related to environmental,
economic, ecological, psychological, social and aesthetic aspects.

5.3 Glossary
Vertical garden: A vertical garden is a technique used to grow plants on a
vertically suspended panel by using hydroponics.

Green wall: A green wall is a wall with plants growing in a layer of soil on its

Living wall: a wall covered with plants that are growing in containers or on
special material attached to the wall, often used when there is not much
space to grow things on the ground.

Facade: the front wall of a large building that you see from the outside.
5.4 Bibliography

Web references

Pg -54

Research Papers
1. Vertical greenery systems: from plants to trees with self‑growing
2. Adams, W.M. (2006). The Future of Sustainability: Re-thinking Environment
and Development in the Twenty-first Century.
3.Afrin, S. (2009). Green skyscraper: integration of plants into skyscrapers.
Master’s Thesis, KTH- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
4.AREFI, I., & KEIVANIZADEH, E. (2015). Reviewing The Green Walls And Their
Effects On The Formation Of Sustainable Architecture.

1.The Vertical Garden: From Nature to the City-Patrick Blanc
2.Mori Building: The Making of Vertical Garden Cities- Minoru Mori

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