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In this short essay we will talk about the evolution of civil works over time, identifying which
have been the great works that have been done during the transcendence of human life, this
because it revolves around the needs that are presented to them. to human beings, in this way
humanity has managed to overcome or give solutions to their intellect to all through their
problems or needs, all this began when the human being saw the need to facilitate his life
either to make the journey of a path more pleasant, to cross rivers in a more practical and
easy way or to solve the large numbers of people who are located in one place (over

We will start talking about the first network of roads, which were located in China more than
2,200 years ago, in ancient Rome, the surveyors of the time looked for a way to make the
routes of the roads more straight, following this rule they managed to build large quantities
of roads which were designed to have a great durability of use since these trails or roads were
very crowded, the oldest path of the Romans was known as the Appian way which went from
the heart of Rome to the south of In the Italian peninsula, in this civil work, the Romans used
large rocks, arranging them like a puzzle, the roads were built in compressed earth with a
wall and a gutter on each side, a small layer of stone in mortar was located on the leveled
earth, followed by a layer of hard fill probably gravel and finished in several places with a
slab surface in stones.

Nowadays civil works have evolved so much in the road branch, that they have managed to
make long-distance roads and with a more modern and planned construction process, all this
has made these roadways more durable, more appropriate for the traffic of nowadays and
with a much cleaner design compared to the old tracks.
roads in ancient times Modern roads

Once humanity managed to give a solution to the problem of the roads and their long
journeys, they began to work on the distribution of water to families, the first to achieve this
distribution were the ancient Romans and for this they made use of gravity; Already in the
year 312 BC they built aqueducts and a series of canals descending from the hills to bring
water to the cities, Claudia water was one of the 11 aqueducts that distributed more water in
the cities of ancient Rome, day after day, these waters reached the homes of the great rich of
the time and people with fewer resources had to collect the water in vessels and transport
them to their homes. Today this problem of collecting and distributing water is not a problem
thanks to the technologies that have been developed in engineering, allowing the supply of
fresh water to the large cities and towns of our planet.

Aqueduct systems

After this comes a series of evolutionary stages where great advances are seen in civil
engineering and all its respective branches that make it up.
Another important part of the evolution of civil engineering was the construction of large
tunnels, which managed to connect different places that were not so easy to access. This
infrastructure has evolved on a large scale, nowadays it is what allows us to cross great
distances digging large and extensive tunnels through the great mountains without much
difficulty, railways were also built and in addition to this the human being began to develop
a structure that would allow them to cross places through which the tracks did not pass, this
structure were the bridges through this need to cross the rivers in an easy and safe way, it
was achieved over time that it did not form the roadblocks in their tracks achieving a great
advance of civil engineering infrastructure.

After this, another great advance in engineering was the creation of dams which was a very
important advance, since they allowed humans to obtain water energy using turbines that are
driven by the movement of water, driving civilization. to a new era.

1. It is important to recognize that the capacity of knowledge of the human being in the
face of the challenges implied by adaptability to the demands presented by the context
forces him to always seek answers, finding the best solution to favor the development
of human life and always surpass those difficulties presented by the medium

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