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 1. In Partial Completions Of My Cape Management of Business 2012/2013

ExaminationNAME: Anu MaharajSCHOOL: Upper Level Educational InstitutionSUBJECT:
Management Of BusinessTEACHERS NAME: Mrs. Meera SinghCENTRE NUMBER:TITLE:
 2. Table of contentsTopic
……..1Project Aims and objective…………………………………….………….
.....................................................6-9Aim and objectives
ofbusiness…………………………………...........................................................10Analysis of
business aims and objectives……………...……………………………......….....11-
.............................................................15Analysis of
17Recommendation of
 3. Motivation
.............21Functional organizational structure…………………………………………………....
Acknowledgement Firstly I would like to give thanks to the almighty god for givingme the
strength, guidance, knowledge and understanding that Ineeded to complete my internal -
assessment for without him nothingis possible. Secondly special thanks for my management
of business teacher,Misses Meera Singh for her guidelines and time she willfully spendwith
me into the successful completion into this task.
 4. Project Aims and objectiveThe triumphant completion of this internal assessment involves
theconsummation, of achieving the following objective;  To successfully achieve objective
and guideline inaugurate for cape standard regarding the internal assessment.  To
scrutinize the operation and activity of business entities and the perseverance of business
knowledge in a practical environment.  To further develop one competence towards
acquiring managerial and leader ship skills.
 5. Methodology employedThis internal assessment required meritorious and
comprehensiveinformation from Setal Fabrication and Construction LimitedCompany which
was gathered through the following researchtechniques.Primary research – this was
regulated using the followinginstruments:  Questionnaire – A questionnaire is a research
instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering
information from respondents. The questionnaire provided the investigator with the benefits
of obtaining quantitative and qualitative information from the business of setal fabrication and
construction limited.
 6.  Interview- An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the
interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the
interviewee. The interview provided the benefit of direct interaction and instantaneous
feedback.  Secondary research- Secondary research (also known as desk research)
involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research rather than primary
research, where data is collected from. the following avenues is where information was
obtained ; Textbook Library Internet Business website Pass students/family The owner of
setal fabrication and construction limited.These secondary sources of data provided me with
a foundation tomake this assessment empirical and encompassing.
 7. Introduction/ description of the businessThe private limited company of Setal Fabrication
and ConstructionLimited Company was established in 1967 and situated in AbidhRoad,
Felicity has grown from being a sole trader business. A privatelimited company is which the
liability of the members or subscribersof the company is limited to what they have invested or
guaranteedto the company. Limited companies may be limited by shares or byguarantee.
The target market of Setal Fabrication and ConstructionLimited is the citizens of Trinidad and
Tobago. This is so becauseSetal Fabrication and Construction Limited are investing
theircurrency in Trinidad and Tobago in order to bring aboutdevelopment. Setal Fabrication
and Construction Limited deals with
 8. the building and construction of buildings by developing thestructure for any building.
Some objectives of the business are: To have profit maximization. To ensure that customers
are satisfy. To develop the country. To become a multinational business. To acquire more
large scale internal and external growth. To be the largest private construction firm in the
country. The reportThis internal assessment seeks to gauge and interpret three (3)
majoraspects within a business operation. These categories incorporate anunderstanding of
the business and it use of aim and objective,corporate culture and motivation of workers.The
business operates to achieve the following goals: To have profit maximization- profit
maximization is the (short run) process by which a firm determines the price and output level
that returns the greatest profit. This will be determined when the total profit in a competitive
 9. market reaches its maximum point where marginal revenueequals marginal cost.To
ensure that customers are satisfy- measure of how productsand services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customerexpectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as the
number ofcustomers, or percentage of total customers, whose reportedexperience with a
firm, its products, or its services (ratings)exceeds specified satisfaction goals.( stated by the
businessdictionary.To develop the country- this is where all goods and services liewithin the
country so that only the country benefits from it.This causes the country to save money
rather than having toimport goods the country can produce on its own.To become a
multinational business- Setal Fabrication andConstruction Limited wants to have their main
headquarters inTrinidad and Tobago and wants to open clones of the business inother
countries. This will help the business to acquire moreprofit and are able to provide goods
and services to a widermarket of people satisfying more individuals.To acquire more large
scale internal and external growth-internal growth is a strategy to develop the base or
 10. of the business itself. In other words, many businesses willreinvest in employee
development, departmental restructuring,or enhanced product offerings in the hopes of
providing abroader base on which to provide services/products tocustomers. Internal growth
does not produce immediaterevenue increases and may actually require an input ofrevenue
to be paid off over time, but internal growth promisesthe potential for future returns on
investment where byExternal growth strategies develop actual company size andasset
worth. External strategies focus on strategic mergers oracquisitions, increasing the number
of mutual relationshipsthrough third parties, and may even include franchising thebusiness
model. The larger the number of business partnersand/or franchisees, the greater the net
worth of the companyand throughput of cash. These reason external growth strategiestend
to produce immediate return on investment.To be the largest private construction firm in the
country- SetalFabrication and Construction Limited wants to compete withother firms in order
to become bigger, better and more reliablethan other large firms. The reason for the
business desiring tobecome larger is so that the owner can raise more profit tosupport his
family and to become more larger so that he can
 11. perform more community work such as charity, sponsorship and family days.Also the
corporate culture of the business is the beliefs and behaviorsthat determine how a companys
employees and managementinteract and handle outside business transactions. Often,
corporateculture is implied, not expressly defined, and develops organicallyover time from
the cumulative traits of the people the companyhires. A companys culture will be reflected in
its dress code, businesshours, office setup, employee benefits, turnover, hiring decisions
andtreatment of clients, client satisfaction and every other aspect ofoperations.In addition
motivation of workers are well illustrated at setalfabrication and construction limited. Some of
these motivationalpractices are listed below; Proper sanitize and clean area to work in- this is
where the worker are able to work in an area that is not hazardous or harmful to his/her
health. They are motivated to work because they feel a sense of care coming from the
manager. Proper working equipments- this is where equipments within the business are
always well kept and „up to mark‟. This motivates them because with proper working
equipments they will be able to perform at a quick and easy rate which shows them that they
are very productive and makes them know a
 12. sense of accomplishment whereby with abnormal equipmentworkers bay get annoyed in
doing their job which lowers theirmotivation level also it makes them feel as though they
didn‟taccomplish anything for a honest day work.Fringe benefits- this is where employees
get the benefits whichcommonly include health insurance, group term life
coverage,education reimbursement, childcare and assistancereimbursement, cafeteria
plans, employee discounts, personaluse of a company owned vehicle and other similar
benefits. Thiswill be beneficial because workers feel as though they areimportant to the
business so they make every attempt in gettingtheir job done.A fixed amount of vacation
period for each worker- this iswhere workers of the business are gives a certain amount
ofvacation period that cannot be altered. This will be motivatethe workers because they know
that within their vacation theywon‟t have to work nor their vacation period wont not
bereduces.Time if with snacks and beverages- this is where workers aregiven a resting
period for which snacks and beverages will begiven to them at a free price. This motivated
workers becausethey get a feel of comfort and belonging in the business becausethe
manager provides them with refreshments, this will even
 13. motivate them to work even harder to accomplish their objectives. Aim and objectives of
the businessObjectives- are guidelines to the business.Aims- refer to the central purpose of
vision of a business. WithinSetal Fabrication and Construction Limited the following long-
termtactical goals are for visionary aims: Profit gain Growth and expansion Increase market
 14. Setal fabrication also uses the mission strategic direction providedsome direction to the
business. Mission statement for the business isto provide customers with a building that is
“build for perfection,”and will last a dozen life times.In Setal Fabrication and Construction
Limited there is also evidenceof direction and motivation through short-term flexible
objectiveincluding the following: Diversification of services and products. Promotions to
achieve short-term profiteering. Increase consumer awareness. Analysis of business aims
and objectivesThe following long-term tactical goals are for visionary aims: Profit gain- this
is the additional income gain by a firm from the goods and services provided for the
consumers. At setal fabrication and construction limited, the business provides a service to
its customers, thus after completion of a project, Setal Fabrication and Construction Limited
collects a large sum of additional revenue which is known as profit, Setal Fabrication and
Construction Limited also sells extra material (scrap) that remains after the project so that he
can make extra profit which
 15. is used to distribute to his workers as a bonus for completing a project. Growth and
expansion- growth is defined as the increasing capacity to satisfy the wants of the members
of society. This is where the business improves their goods and services so that customers
can get a greater satisfaction. The benefit of customer‟s satisfaction to a business is that
when customers are satisfied they often return to the business from where they acquired
their satisfaction causing the business not to lose any customers. Also this helps with
advertising because when consumers get satisfaction they often tend to discuss to their
fellow men about the quality service received at the business. Expansion is a business
strategy in which growth is obtained by increasing the number of stores in which customers
can buy a companys products and services. Unlike relocation, business expansion entails
opening up new stores in different physical locations while still maintaining the current
business locations. (Stated by the business dictionary). This will be beneficial to the business
because the business will be earning more profits and can get access to more customers
from the location where they open the new branch.
 16.  Increase market shares- this business assumption identifies the concept that larger
firms will be capable of satisfying a larger number of customers than smaller firms. The
concept is that the business of Setal Fabrication and Construction Limited should increase
their market shares so that they would be able to satisfy a larger or greater quantity of the
county‟s population hence the business will make a huge profit gain from this because they
are now satisfying a large amount of individuals. Diversification of services and products-
Diversification is a form of corporate strategy for a company. It seeks to increase profitability
through greater sales volume obtained from new products and new markets. This is where a
business has mobility in the factors of production; hence can create new products to be sold
to customers so that consumers can experience new products. This will be beneficial to the
business because this allows customers not to get bored of the same product but rather gain
awareness for the product. Also Setal Fabrication and Construction Limited can improve their
services by not only building the frame for the buildings but completing the info structure for
the building. Promotion to achieve short term profiteering- Profiteering is disproportionately
large or grossly unfair profit, generated
 17. often through manipulation of prices, abuse of dominant position, or by exploiting a bad
or unusual situation such as temporary scarcity. There is usually no governmental control
over profiteering unless it involves illegal means.(stated by the business dictionary) 
Increase consumer awareness- The understanding by an individual of their rights as a
consumer concerning available products and services being marketed and sold. The concept
involves four categories including safety, choice, information, and the right to be heard. This
will help the consumer decide or know about the goods and services sold to them so that
they can express their own satisfaction about the product. RecommendationSetal Fabrication
and Construction Limited should create otherbranches of the business around the country so
that customers canhave easy access to the company, this will be an advantage becausethe
business can now reach a greater amount of the countrypopulation.Also Setal Fabrication
and Construction Limited can also advertisetheir services to arise customer‟s awareness
about the service
 18. provided. Thos will be beneficial because the business is now reachinga wider span of
individuals. Corporate cultureCorporate culture refers to the seeded values of companys
values andcustoms; professional atmosphere in large corporations andorganizations
reflected by dress codes of conduct and by the uniquestyle and policies of the corporation or
organization, organizationalculture.
 19. The culture of Setal Fabrication and Construction Limited is aconservative culture; this is
a culture that involves the managerconduction his business and its decision after much
analysis andthought. This may bring about less risk within the business that maybe fatal to
the business which could cause problems within thebusiness organization.The worker of the
business enjoys the task culture of the businessbecause more efficient and little risk decision
is made becauseworkers are working under strict conditions where as they are
givenobjectives which they must do without any distraction of otheremployees. This ensures
that workers keep their jobs because if therewas to be a bad decision made by an employee,
it could cause theemployee to lose his/her job hence if the bad decision is made by
themanager, employees are not accountable because they was followinginstructions.
Analysis of corporate cultureThe corporate culture of Setal Fabrication and Construction
Limitedallows the business to make strong secure business decision whichmaintains a
perfect reputation for the business. As a result of this thebusiness of Setal Fabrication and
Construction Limited hasmaintained a high average customer satisfaction because
 20. are assure that their service well be well tended and analyze toensure that there are no
existing faults that may happen during theproduction process.The following are benefits that
may arise from the business being aconservative culture: No customers are lost- this means
that when customers benefit from a great job, time and effort placed into doing the service
they paid for they would always put their efforts into the business Less cost of advertising
because customers do the advertising- this means when customers are satisfied they share
their satisfaction with friends, family etc. Business resources are managed adequately- this is
so because with a conservative culture the manager can come out with an efficient way to
execute an objective without wasting more than enough resources that can be used within
the objective. Less faults arise within the business- this is so because consideration is taken
for every decision made by the business which benefits the business finically and maintain a
reputation among other businesses.
 21. Recommendation of corporate cultureThe business of Setal Fabrication and Construction
Limited couldchange the corporate culture of the business from conservativeculture to
people culture because people culture involves themanager promoting a culture to motivate
workers true socializationand interaction. As a result of the manager interaction with
theworkers, workers feel a sense of belonging in the business
 22. encouraging them to be motivated and from this workers even workharder which
promotes the efficiency and productivity in thebusiness environment.Benefits of converting
the business from a conservative culture to apeople culture are: Workers are motivated- this
is so because of the interaction between workers and managers which make them feel
important within the business which is very beneficial because workers push their selves
harder to complete task within the business because of the effects of motivation. Less money
has to spend in motivating workers- because the workers are already motivated due to the
interaction and socialization they received from the manager at no cost. Greater productivity
within the business- this is so because a motivated worker works more efficient than a d-
motivated worker (workers become motivated because of people culture). Motivation of
workersAt Setal Fabrication and Construction Limited motivation is highlypromoted.
Motivation is where effective management will be capableof encouraging workers to place
greater efforts into theirperformance in an attempt towards productivity and job
 23. satisfaction. Some motivational practices that exist at SetalFabrication and Construction
Limited are: Recognition/Attention-When your employees accomplish something they have
achieved something. Pizza/Popcorn/Cookie Days- Every now and then pizza, popcorn, or
cookie days will help break up that everyday routine and help people stay motivated by
offering them snacks to relax. Time off -Implement contests that earn time off, People will
compete for 15 minutes or 1/2 hour off just as hard as they will for a cash award. Good
Working Environment- this is the environment in which employees work in. Fringe benefits-
this is where employees get the benefits which commonly include health insurance, group
term life coverage, education reimbursement, childcare and assistance reimbursement,
cafeteria plans, employee discounts, personal use of a company owned vehicle and other
similar benefits Recommendation motivationMotivation practices in which the business of
Setal Fabrication andConstruction Limited should use are:
 24. Career Path- employees need to know what is potentially aheadfor them, what
opportunities there ahead in life for them. Thiswill make the employee know that the
manager cares abouttheir future which inspires them to work harder for
thebusiness.Leadership Roles-this is where you give your employeesleadership roles to
reward their performance and also to helpyou identify future promotable people. Employees
may feel agreat superiority over others, which cause them to feel a highdegree of importance
in the business. This also makes theemployees feel a sense of trust from the manager which
makesan employee put all their potential into their job.Additional Responsibility- this concept
are employees in yourorganization who are begging for and can handle
additionalresponsibility, hence by giving them the additionalresponsibility they become
motivated.Piece rate – this is where employees get paid for the work theydo in a job. This
encourages a employee to work harder becausethey know the harder they work the more
money they receives. ReferencesManagement of Business Unit 1 – Siddique
Barkarr.Business Studies Lancaster: Causeway Press Limited 1993 – HallDave, Rob Janes
and Carlo Raffo.
 25. Business Studies Surrey: United Kingdom– Birchall, John andMorris, Giraham.Managing
People in Organizations– Jeremy Adams.Business Studies, United Kingdom– Hammond
Susan.Mastering Organizational Behavior – Richard PettingerBuilding a Dream: Good Walter
SWork and Organization Behavior – John BrattonBusiness dictionaryHow to Motivate
Workers in Tough Times by ERIN WHITEThe business
websitewww.Setal_Fabrication&construction_limitedSolvay Brussels school of
management.Human behavior patterns and motivation bookletBusiness culture by (Ross A.
Wirth, Ph. D. blogCompany culture by F. John RehOrganizational structure by
chron.comMethodology at business dictionary.comObjectives of a business- business
dictionary.comFunctional organizational structure Of Setal Fabrication and Construction
limited Board of directors
 26. Chief executive officer Managing directorAccounts (M) human resource (M) production
(M)administration sales payroll quality control transport filing room mailroom (M) Manager
 27. AppendixThe following pie chart shows the times in which the workers of
SetalFabrication and Construction report to work.
 28. Time Workers Report To Work 7:00 A.M 7:30 A.M 8:30 A.M 8:30-12:00 A.MAccording to
the diagram, it illustrated the time period in whichSetal Fabrication and Construction Limited
workers arrive to work.Illustrated above it shows that 40% of the workers report to work
at7:00AM also an average of 45% reach to work at 7:30AMthis meansthat 85% of the
workers reaches to work on time. Furthermore 10% ofworkers arrive at 8:30AM and 5% of
workers arrive between thehours of 8:30AM to 12:00 PM hence this 15% percent of workers
areoften late due to road issues or lack of motivation.

 1. An investigation into the Accounting and Financing of Courts Jamaica Limited.Name : Alex
EllisSchool : Oberlin HighTerritory : JamaicaRegistration # : 100086Teacher : Ms
ColemanCentre # : 100086Date : April 2011 1
 2. Content PageAcknowledgement 3Aims 4Introduction and Objectives 5Methodology
Employed 6Report 7 - 12Conclusions and Recommendations 13Bibliography 14Appendices
15 - 20 2
 3. This project is the fruit of concerted efforts. A project of this magnitude was effectively
compiled withthe assistance and contribution of a number of individuals; gratitude must be
extended to such persons. The researcher would like to thank God almighty for giving him
the health and strength he need tocomplete this Management of Business Internal
Assessment, so as to meet the requirements of the CaribbeanAdvanced Proficiency
Examination syllabus. The researcher would like to give credit to his teacher Miss Coleman
for the role she played inoutlining the task I am expected to perform. I would like to express
my warmest thanks to my friends at school who contributed significantly to myproject. Finally,
I would like to say thanks to the staff at the school’s computer labs that went beyond the
callof duty to ensure that the necessary resources were available and the attention was forth
coming so that myproject was completed efficiently. 3
 4. The aim of this research is to concentrate on the systematization of Courts Jamaica
Limited. The focusis on the Business Accounting and Finances- Module 3. The objectives of
the business are to provideaffordable furniture and appliances to the Jamaican people,
create values for their stockholders by providingquality goods and services, make huge
amounts of profit and sell large amounts of shares. This research wasdone in the context
grasping the business aspects of the business environment, including theoreticalknowledge
of these aspects from a practical standpoint of owning business. Also, this research gives me
achance to start my examinations with twenty percent (20%) of the available marks. 4
 5. This project is designed to thoroughly research a legal form of business. The project
involved therelevant information that will give students the general understanding of how
such a firm operates. Thecontents of the research seeks to give a comprehensive round up
of all the areas of the business, however,specific attention was focused in three broad areas
in the operation field. This project covers the areas that areincluded in the unit one
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) syllabus for Management ofBusiness.
This project will look specifically on Module three of the syllabus which deals with the
companyAccounting and Financing. The areas which will be covered are:  The business
source of finance  Criteria for seeking finance  Use of accounting information  Accounting
procedures and measures  Financial statement and analysis  Major concepts This project
also contains a chapter that looks at the business published accounts. The
informationplaced in this section was those obtain from the secondary source of data
collection 5
 6. In order to accurately obtain the relevant information needed to complete this project both
primary andsecondary methods of data collection were used. The primary mean of collecting
data involved the use ofquestionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of twenty questions, of
open and closed ended questions. Thequestionnaire was very simple to use and answered
all the questions the researcher needed to effectivelycompile his project, hence, the method
effective and widespread. A total of three questionnaires were issuedusing a random
sampling approach. Secondary means of data collection involved the use of textbooks,
newspapers and magazines. Thismethod of data collection also played an important role in
the effective compilation of my project. Thetextbook used in the data collection process,
contained the general information that corresponded with theCAPE syllabus, these
information provided a linkage between what is being thought and what it is actuallylike in
the business place. The information that the newspapers and magazines contained was vital
in effectivecompletion of the research. The published accounts of the firm were found in
these means of data collection.These two sources used in the data collection process were
sufficient to complete my research. The researcher during the research faced few problems
such as: limited amount to have athorough research on the topic, due to the fact the
researcher time had to be balanced out with other internalassessments. Another problem
faced by the researcher was that he did not have enough equipment to get theassessment
done on time. 6
 7. 7
 8. The Courts Jamaica Limited as the name suggested is a public limited company, that is to
say that thebusiness is privately owned by shareholders and its shares are listed on the
Jamaica Stock Exchange and theseshares are freely transferable of the company are
published on a yearly basis in the form of annual reports andare open to public scrutiny. This
means that the business has little privacy in its operation. It is domiciled inJamaica and also
a subsidiary of Courts Furnishers (Overseas) Limited which is incorporated in England
andwhich is seventy nine point nine percent (79.9%) of the company’s issued stock units. An
economic system is the framework design to allocate the scarce resources of a country.
Theresources of Jamaica are allocated through a mixed economic system; in this system
there is some private andsome public ownership of its economic resources. In this type of
economic system, Courts Jamaica Limited isforced to produce a wide range of quality
furniture and appliances at an affordable price to the Jamaicanconsumers, in order to
effectively compete on the local market. In this type of economy the company alsoforces
restrictions and laws, which may affect its operation. Courts Jamaica Limited and all other
businesses are faced with the problem of financing businessactivities. The company has the
need to finance its working capital and it’s the day to day finance, needed topay bills and
expenses and to build up stocks. Businesses also need to finance investments such as
specialprojects and expansions. Courts Jamaica Limited finance the needed to increase the
firm’s capital assets whenthe company undertakes expansion, the company on occasion pay
for research and development of newproducts. In general companies have a variety of
sources which it can finance from; these sources are normallyinternal or external sources.
The internal sources of finance include retained profit (is profit after tax that hasnot been
returned to owners), working capital and sale of asset. External sources include share
capital, loancapital such as mortgage; and debentures also bank overdraft and trade credit.
The diagram below shows thecompany sources of finances. 8
businesses activities through stockholders equity and profits retained. As a limited company
Courts issues shares, the capital raised from this venture is used to finance business
activities. If a company is trading profitability some of these profits will be taken in by the
government as corporate tax and some is nearly always paid out to shareholders this is
known as dividends. If any profits remain; this retained in the business and become a source
of finance for future activities this is known as capital reserve, which can also be used to
redeem shares. The profit retained by Courts is its first source of finance. Accounting act as
system, which process business data so that stakeholders can be provided with means
understanding how well an organization is performing. As it’s with Courts accounting
information is particular important to the company financial decision makings. The company
makes choices that are in its best financial interest. In recording accounting information
Courts use Profit and Loss account Statement of Cash flows and Statement of changes in
stockholders’ equity. When Courts Jamaica Limited is about to seek finance it has certain
criteria for selecting the source of financing these include; cost, use of funds and its financial
situation. The cost criterion deals with choosing sources which are less expensive both in
terms of interest and interest payments administrative costs. When undertaking heavy capital
expenditure the company normal funds this by the use of long term sources which is
normally an external source. 9
 10. The company’s accounting information is used by various groups and the company
financial statementshave to be published. The users of the company financial statements
include owners, employees, tax authority,competitors, management and government. The
need for the company financial information by the differentgroups are different where
employees use it when discussing wage bargains, managers when recording,analyzing and
controlling the company operations, owners for assessing performance, tax authorities to
showproof of income, competitors for analyzing the company stability and performance, and
the government forstatistics on companies. The company when recording its financial
information it has several accounting concepts which it has tofollow in order for the business
to reflect a true and fair view of its financial position. These concepts are theaccruals
concept, consistency concept, separate entity, money terms and historical cost. The accruals
conceptthat costs and revenues should be matched with the period in which they occur. The
consistency concept statesthat when one decision has been made about the treatment of a
transaction it should not be change. A businessis a legal person in its own right and has a
separate identity from that of the owners is what is outlined by theseparate entity concept.
Money terms indicates that when business transactions are being recorded it should
berecorded in a monetary value while historical cost stipulates that all assets are valued
according to theiroriginal cost rather than what they currently worth. Financial statements are
formal records of the financial activities of a business. A limited company set offinancial
statements includes a balance sheet (a summary at a point in time of business assets,
liabilities andcapital), income statement (shows the a business income after expenses and
tax from operating profit), cashflow statement (shows a company sources and uses of cash
in a trading period) and notes which explained thefigures in the other financial statements.
The financial statements of the company are structured in a particular manner and must
certain keyelements which they must consist. Each financial statement has its own purpose
as stated above where a briefdescription of their purpose where given. 10
 11. The balance of the company should contain the following: the company assets, its
liabilities and thecompany equities. The balance sheet should have the company name on it
the date for which it had beenprepared for and the currency which it being expressed in. The
assets should be listed first then followed bythe liabilities then equities. The income and cash
flow statement should enlist the revenues, the gains, expenses, profits or losses andthe
comprehensive income. They should also give the company name, the date for which it is
prepared for andthe currency which it is expressed in. Ratio analysis is done by comparing
and assessing a company performance by means of accounting data.The net profit margin
as a profitability ratio assesses how successful the management of a business has been
atearning profits for the business. The ratio compares the business net profits for the
business. The ratiocompares the business net profits for the business net profit with its sales.
Gross Profit Margin (%) = Gross Profit x 2,552,273 x 100 = 55.6% ` Sales Turnover
4,591,907 Courts Jamaica Limited gross margin is high; this gross profit is only fifty five point
six percent (55.6%)of its sales turnover. This is indicated by figure 2 in the appendices,
where it explains that sales is sixty fourpercent (64%) and gross profit is thirty six percent
(36%) given a ratio of 1.8:1, therefore for every one dollareighty cents ($1.80) of sales one
dollar ($1.00) goes to gross profit. This is a good sign since it will yield agood net profit
margin as indicated by figure 3 where the sales is eighty four percent (84%) and net profit
issixteen percent (16%), showing that there is a ratio of 5.1:1, therefore the company the
company makes onedollar profit from every five dollar ten cents. The profitability ratio
compares the profit of the business withsales, assets and capital employed. The gross profit
margin is a good indicator of how effectively managershave added value to the cost of goods
sold. Current Ratio (%) = Current Assets x 4,043,643 x 100 = 600.95% ` Current Liabilities
672,873 11
 12. Liquidity ratio assesses a business ability to pay its short-term debts. Current ratio, as a
current ratiocompared to current assets with current liabilities. Current ratio of Courts is 6:1
and the company high currentratio suggests that the company is able to pay off its creditors
six times. This is show in figure 1 in theappendices where it indicates that of the total current
assets and current liabilities, current assets total eightyfour percent (86%) while current
liabilities total fourteen percent (14%). This is a good ratio because abusiness current asset
should be at least two times its current liabilities and the company ratio is 6:1. 12
 13. Courts Jamaica Limited is a public listed company incorporated and resides in Jamaica.
It is asubsidiary of Courts Furnishers (Overseas) Limited which is incorporated in England
and which holds 79.9%of the company’s issued stock units. The ultimate holding company is
Courts PLC, which is also incorporatedin England. The principal activities of Courts Jamaica
Limited consist of the retailing and the hire purchasefinancing of furniture and appliances.
When Courts started its operations, furniture was being imported;however this has changed.
The change being referred to is a switch in 1965 to all locally manufacturedfurniture in the
company’s effort to assist in the development of the domestic furniture
manufacturingindustry. It could be concluded that Courts Jamaica Limited has various
sources of finance and has criteria forchoosing the source of funds. It could also be
concluded that the company follow some of the majoraccounting concepts and a lot of
different groups of people uses the company accounting information forvarious reasons. The
researcher would like to recommend that the company continue to using the accounting
conceptsit’s using now and adopt other principles was well as conventions. The recommends
that Courts JamaicaLimited increase on the availability of internal sources of fund so has to
reduce the cost associated withborrowing. 13
 14.  Hall, D., Jones, R., Raffo, C., Chambers, I., & Gray, D. (2004). Business Studies.
London: Pearson Education. Wood, F., & Sangster, A. (2008). Business Accounting 2.
London: Prentice Hall. 14
 15. 15
 16. Questionnaire1. What form of business does the company operate? ( ) Sole Trader ( )
Partnership ( ) Limited Company ( ) Corporation ( ) Cooperatives2. What is the objective of
your business?
___________ _____________________________________________________3. What
line of business is the firm engaged in? ______________________________________4.
Which management style is employed? ( ) Directive ( ) Paternalistic ( ) Constitutional ( )
Participative5. Is this management style effective? ( ) Yes ( ) No b). Explain your response.
________________________________________________________________6. What is
the span of control like in the organization?
_7. How is information communicated within the company? ( ) Vertical ( ) Horizontal8. Are
job descriptions issued to prospective employees? ( ) Yes ( ) No B) What do they include?
________________________________________________________________ 16
 17. 9. What are the factors of production employed by the business?
________________________________________________________________10. State
the scale of production – e.g. 50 sales per day, 1000 products made each week?
_11. Is the business labour or capital intensive?
_______________________________________12. Are there normally any production/sales
problems that this enterprise encounters? ( ) Yes ( ) No B). If so what are they?
________________________________________________________________13. What
are the business sources of capital? ( ) Loans ( ) Shares ( ) Retained Profit ( ) Dividend ( )
Other If other state
What kind of collateral is used by the business to secure loans and what are the terms of
________________________________________________________________15. How
profitable is the business and what contributes to this?
________________________________________________________________16. Does
the business provide employment to citizens? ( ) Yes ( ) No17. Do the working conditions for
employees meet the legal guidelines? Explain.
________________________________________________________________ 17
 18. 18. Explain the safety procedures followed, if any:
________________________________________________________________19. Are the
products of the business exported? ( ) Yes ( ) No20. How does the business help in the
development of the country?
________________________________________________________________ 18
 19. FIGURE 1FIGURE 2 19
 20. FIGURE 3 20


2013 Name: Alex Stewart Form: L6 Centre No.: 100082 Candidate No.: 1000821177
Territory: Jamaica School: Munro College
 2. Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .....................................................................................................................
................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................
.................. 4 Aims and
... 5 Lit
Review .......................................................................................................................................
............... 6
................ 10
Report ........................................................................................................................................
................. 12 Analysis and
Interpretation......................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................
.................. 17
................. 18
................. 19
................. 20
Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................
................. 20 Presentation Of
Data .................................................................................................................................. 24
 3. Acknowledgement The completion of this Internal Assessment would not have been
possible without the help of the Almighty God, who gave me the strength and health to
complete the assignment. Also my family and friends played a major role in assisting me in
obtaining the necessary research data for the project. And last but definitely not the least my
wonderful sociology teacher Ms. Collins, who aided her students‟ and guided us every step
of the way. I am extremely thankful.
 4. Introduction The central purpose of Human Resource Management (HRM) is to recruit,
train and utilize a business‟s personnel in the most productive manner to assist the
organization in the achievement of its objectives. This management function has developed
from, but is rather different to, the work of traditional „Personnel Departments‟. These
departments, historically, were responsible for recruiting, discipline and welfare of staff and
they tended to be bureaucratic, inflexible and reluctant to give any HR roles to any other
functional managers. Human resource management, however, focuses on planning the
workforce needs of the business; recruiting and selecting appropriate staff, using a variety of
techniques; appraising, training and developing staff at every stage of their careers and
measuring and monitoring staff performance. With the above knowledge, the researcher will
take on the purpose of isolating areas of weakness within the Human Resource Department
and attempt to remedy such faults, while exploring the topic of“ The importance of the
Human Resource Management within the „Waterloo Guest House‟ ”.
 5. Aims and Objectives To help with the investigation of this research, the researcher has
come up with a variety of aims and objectives which should make the interpretation of the
„importance of the Human Resource Department less hackling. These are the aims that were
created in order to assist in the interpretation.  To gain more knowledge as to how the
Human Resource Department operates in a business.  Identifying the main duties carried
out by the Human Resource Department of Waterloo Guest House.  Recommend
strategies to help improve the effectiveness of the Human Resource Department within
Waterloo Guest House. In having these aims, the following objectives were derived by the
researcher:  To assess the functions of the Human Resource Management at Waterloo
Guest House.  To elaborate on the managerial structure of the Human Resource
Department.  To identify the day-to-day activities of the Human Resource Department. 
To describe the HRM function at Waterloo Guest House.  To evaluate the effectiveness of
other departments at the Waterloo Guest House.  To make recommendations to improve
the HRM department at Waterloo Guest House.
 6. Lit Review The manager of this organization is actively involved in the day to day activities
of business. The management practices a variety of strategies to get his employees involved
in the activities of the business. Some of these strategies include;Motivation- In order for
someone to work effectively that person has to get encouragement that the work being done
by them is ok and they should continue or that the work being done is not good enough and
they should work harder. This process is known as motivation. Motivations are given
through; fringe benefits, incentives, and bonus.Controlling- For a manager to lead an
organization he/she has to be able to possess control over the workers of the organization.
This is very important to leaders as in distinguishes a leader from a regular
worker.Organizing- Leaders are expected to set standards and rules that persons below
them should follow in order to ensure the success of their organization. This would be
considered a form of organization because the leader sets standards that employees are
expected to live up to.Planning- A leader is someone who should always make preparations
for what will happen in the case of an incident in his/her company. Leaders should always
plan ahead so that they can be readily prepared for any unexpected occurrences in the
organization. EvaluatingLeaders should always be able to interpret the path in which the
business is headed and analyze it so that he/she can inform employees of what they are
expected to do, to help the organization on the path to success.Communication - For a team
to work effectively it is essential team members acquire communication skills and use
effective communication channels between one another e.g. using email, viral
communication, group meetings and so on. This will enable team members of the group to
work together and achieve the team's purpose and goals.
 7. The employees of this organization are encouraged to continue doing good work with
benefits that they receive from the organization. Some of these benefits are; incentives,
bonus and fringe benefits. Another form of motivation practiced by this organization is giving
employees the opportunity to aid in decision making, this is known as “participative” or
“democratic leadership style”.This type of style involves the leader including one or more
employees in on the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it).
However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a
sign of weakness; rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. Employees
of this department engage themselves into teams as they have proven that in doing this they
get more work done in a shorter period of time and it is of better quality that if they did it by
themselves. These employees carry out duties such as these in teams; the recruitment of
employees, interviewing suitable persons for a specific job, and allocation of employees. The
organization employees the formal channel of communication. This form of communication
includes; meetings, memos, and reports. This channel can either be vertical or horizontal.
This method of communication is effective as it:  Is a quick and easy way to send and
receive messages in the organization.  Builds confidence within employees so that they
can express themselves freely.  Builds a relationship among workers. This method of
communication also has its negative side such as:  It might only allow one-way vertical
downward communication.  It often has to be planned in advance.  Written records of
conversations are kept. In every organization the Human Resource Management plays a
dual role in the form of strategic and administrative performances. The strategic function lies
in ensuring that a company‟s
 8. employees (its human resources) abide by the company‟s rules, but also are happy in
their jobs. This can mean contrasting roles such as monitoring personal calls and emails,
and being a point of contact for any problems. The administrative function of the HRM office
is concerned with ensuring that their employees‟ benefits are awarded. This can include
vacation and sick leaves benefits, uniforms, health and safety, and canteens. The researcher
through thus researcher has noticed that the HRM office at The Waterloo Guest House takes
great pride in carrying out these functions. From the uniformed staff at the house to the well-
disciplined and well pleased employees.The questionnaires used in this research were
aimed directly at gathering information as to what the main functions of the Human Resource
Management at the Waterloo Guest House are. Previously stated The Waterloo Guest
House didn‟t start out as a guest house. It was home to Dr. Frank Ferdinand who occupied it
until 1972 when Stewart‟s daughter Mrs. Carolyn Allen returned to Jamaica from the USA.
She from her personal savings converted the estate from a house into a great house. After
this took place the establishment started to survive from the money it earned collecting rent
from persons who rest there. Financial statements are summaries of monetary data about an
enterprise. The Waterloo Guest House engages in the preparation of some of the most
common financial statements including the balance sheet, the income statement, the
statement of changes of financial position and the statement of retained earnings. In the
preparation of financial statements company‟s must adhere to set guidelines provided by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) founded on April 1, 2001 is the successor
of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) founded in June 1973 in
London. It is responsible for developing the International Financial Reporting Standards.
 9. The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are standards and interpretations
adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The business is one that
holds in their hands the life of many so the manager found it suitable for him to insure the
business so that he can cover whatever damage is done on the properly of the organization.
 10. Methodology The researcher investigated the Waterloo Guest House to find out how
important it is to have a Human Resource Department as well as to find the effectiveness of
having this department in an organization. Through-out this entire project the researcher
gained his information using a number of primary and secondary sources. Some of the
primary sources that were used employed include: overt observation and questionnaires,
while some of the secondary sources employed included: the internet, books, and records
from the statement. The research instrument used by the researcher is questionnaire. The
researcher chose questionnaires because they guarantee the confidentiality and it may
reach a large mass in a short period. The questionnaires were administered to the
respondents directly by the researcher and they were assured that confidentiality would be a
major importance of the researcher in dealing with their response. They were also
encouraged not to correspond with each other during the exercise and were asked for their
full co-operation as well as to be honest in giving their response. In choosing the
respondents employed random sampling was used to assist the researcher in choosing a
sample population from the population for him to investigate. The researcher during his visit
to the business managed to observe methods by which persons in the Human Resource
Management of the business carry out their functions. The employees of the Human
Resource Management department were aware that they were being observed, so therefore
the researcher is unaware if the participants weren‟t just pretending. The investigation
consists of six (6) employees from the organization. From which (3) three were males and (3)
three were females. The members of this sample are all members with
 11. over two (2) years work experience in the Human Resource Department of Waterloo
Guest House, so they should be able to answer some of the questions being raised by the
researcher. The researcher chose this organization because of its close proximity to the
researchers‟ home. The questionnaires were administered to the population on the 23rd of
November 2011 and they were collected on 27th of November 2011. The questionnaires
were left with the population for approximately 24hrs. The researcher returned to the
organization to collect the responses of the population about 2hrs after the 24hrs given to
them expired.
 12. Report The researcher investigated “The importance of Human Resource Department in
Waterloo Guest House”. This is an organization that is located in Black River. This
organization is one that is located across from the Black River water front, it carries a
wonderful view of the water and it beautifully decorated with flowers and lilies.The house was
built in 1819, built mainly from materials imported from England and named after the battle of
Waterloo. It was originally owned by the Shakespeare family (who were believed to be
related to the great bard). The Shakespeare's sold the property to John Leyden, an English
racehorse breeder. Leyden bought the first car to Jamaica and in 1893 made Waterloo the
first home in Jamaica to be supplied with electricity. He then went on to wire the whole town
with electricity, making Black River the only town in Jamaica with domestic electricity.
However, when the family's fortunes changed the electricity plant had to close. The town
then went without electricity until 1936.In 1940 the house was sold to Dr. Frank Ferdinand.
Dr. Ferdinand's wife established a school (the "Black River High School") which was
operational between 1945 and 1960, producing many great scholars. Waterloo was
converted in to a guest house in 1972 when Stewart's daughter, Mrs. Carolyn Allen returned
to Jamaica from the USA. The original building contains six bedrooms but a new wing,
housing 16 rooms was added in 1992. The mission statement of this organization states that
the organization endures to serve and satisfy the needs of customers and also to ensure that
the employees of the organization are satisfied with their working conditions.The Human
Resource Management department at The Waterloo Guest house indulges in a variety of
activities which are beneficial to the improvement of Black River and its surrounding
communities. This organization sponsors a variety of youth programs such as; under 21
football competitions, junior girls‟ netball competitions, walk-a-thons and Marathons and
swimming competitions just to name a few. The business being investigated is a partnership
 13. operates under the private sector. The private sector is that part of the economy that is
owned and controlled by private individuals. The business operates in Jamaica which
employs a mixed economic system. This economic system is one in which there is a
combination of a free market and a planned economy. In this system the government and
the forces of demand and supply allocate the resources of the economy. A public sector and
a private sector co-exist within the economy where some enterprises are owned by the state
and some are privately owned. Some of the main objectives of this business are to: 
Provide a safe haven for persons visiting Black River.  Maximize profits to the fullest. In this
business there are persons who are ranked higher than others and in order for the person at
the lower rank to communicate with those high above them they will have to first consult with
their superiors. This is an illustration of how this process occurs. Manager Supervisor HR
Officer Chefs Fig 1. Maids Administration Receptionist Accounts clerks
 14. As the figure above illustrates the chefs and the maids in this company have to consult
the human resource officer in order for their opinions to reach the manager but before it
reaches the manager the human resource officer has to report to the supervisor who will in
return report to the manager.
 15. Analysis and Interpretation The researcher through this research learnt that Waterloo
Guest House is one that is actively involved in recreational activities that take place in and
around the community of Black River through the Human Resource Management Office. The
researcher also managed to attain knowledge that the guest house operates in a private
sector under a mixed economy.The mission statement of any organization is very important
as it express in words the business‟s vision of what the company is and what it is to become.
The mission statement of the Waterloo Guest House does exactly this as their mission
states: “To be aresting bed away from home for travelersthrough an Efficient, Satisfied Team
that delivers quality living conditions for guest, thereby Maximizing Value for the benefit of
Our Clients, Shareholders and Employees.”In this mission statement, it is clear that the
purposes of The Waterloo Guest House is to create an environment in which persons
travelling can come to relax and still feel at home, and maximize profits for the benefit of the
clients, shareholders and employees. The members of the Human Resource Management
team are able to keep the objectives of the business alive because the mission statement of
the company is a constant reminder to them as to what their roles are. The Human Resource
Management at the Waterloo Guest House plays a credential role in maintaining their public
appearance. Members of the organization made in known to the researcher that the
manager of the organization engages in activities that assist the employees in doing effective
and efficient work. It was also gathered that the employees of this organization get evaluated
every four months.Democratic leadership style encourages workers participation in decision
making. The workers participation may lead to better final decisions as staff has much to
contribute and can offer valuable work experience to new situations. Their higher order
needs are also met due to
 16. this style of leadership. Workers should feel more committed to ensuring that decisions
they have influenced are put into effect successfully. However, employing this leadership
style can be time consuming, also, on occasions, quick decision making will be required and
this may cause some form of conflict.Effective team work and team management is very
important to any organization. The Waterloo Guest House believes that team work and a
strong team management is vital in achieving the entity‟s objective.From the information
received the researcher understand that the HRM office at The Waterloo Guest house plays
an effective role in ensuring that the business remains functional over the years and also
gains maximum profit and give customer satisfaction from its daily routines.
 17. Conclusion From the information collected the researcher has found it fit to conclude that
the business is one that plays a vital role in and around the community of Black River
through the Human Resource Management Office and is one that has made their name
around the world because they meet customer satisfactory standards. The researcher also
came to the conclusion that the organizations‟ management style is very effective which
hence has led to the generating of many customers to the company which is the major cause
of the high income earning. The researcher also came to the conclusion that through this
management style the employees of this organization are satisfied and thus work to the best
of their abilities. In closing the researcher, wishes to outline that the Human Resource
Management at the Waterloo Guest House is very important as it builds a solid foundation on
which the company‟s years of success lies.
 18. Recommendation The researcher will recommend that The Waterloo Guest House
continues to prepare its financial statements in accordance with the International Financial
Reporting Standards and the rules stipulated by the International Accounting Standards
Board. The researcher will also recommend that they continue to use their current form of
leadership, as it has benefited them throughout the years, and has allowed them to grow and
become the leader that they are. The researcher will also recommend that they keep their
current mission statement and business objectives as it has made them into a very dynamic
get-away hotspot that they currently are. The researcher wishes to inform the company that
the use of the Human Resource Management is very effective in that it has helped the
company in becoming where it is currently. In an attempt to increase the effectiveness of the
HRM department the researcher will also recommend that the Head Of Department (HOD)
keep regular and current records of the work done by the department itself in order to
compile sensible reports on regular intervals.
 19. References/Bibliography Waterloo Guest House financial statement(fiscal year 2008-
2009) Stimpson, P. Singh, K. (2007)
Management of Business for Cape, Unit 1, Cambridge University Press Pg. 178,194
S.Finisterre and L.Payne and J.Reid (2004)Office Administration for CXC. Pg.158
 20. Appendices Questionnaire From the research at hand the researcher came up with a
number of questions to administer to the sample population. These questions are set solely
to find out what the functions of the Human Resource Department are. Some of these
questions are: This is not a test so there are no reasons to share answers or cheat. Please
tick an answer where [ ] are provided. 1. To what gender do you belong? [ ] Male [ ] Female
2. How long have you been an employee of this organization? [ ] 3-5 months [ ] 6-12 months
[ ] 1-2 years [ ] Over two years 3. What is the Human Resource Department?
______________________________________. 4. Is there a Human Resource
Management at the Waterloo Guest House? Yes [ ] No [ ]
 21. 5. What are the functions of the Human Resource Department?
______________________________________. 6. Why is it important to have a Human
Resource Department at Waterloo Guest House?
______________________________________. 7. Does the Human Resource Department
help to motivate employees? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8. If yes, explain how the department does this.
______________________________________. 9. Is the Human Resource Department
allowed to employ? [ ] Yes [ ] No 10. How often does this department update its‟ system? [ ]
Daily [ ] Weekly [ ] Monthly [ ] Annually
 22. 11. How has the Human Resource Management Department contributed to the running
of the Waterloo Guest House?
12. Is teamwork an important factor to management? [ ] Yes [ ] No 13. What are the types of
teams is management involved in?
14. Has this led to the growth of the company? [ ] Yes [ ] No 15. Why do you prepare
financial statements?
16. Do you utilize Accounting Standards? If yes, in what ways?
17. Do you keep abreast of changes in the international Accounting Standards? [ ] Yes
 23. [ ] No 18. What are some of International Standards your company uses?
 24. Presentation Of Data Graph showing effectiveness of the HRM 23% 32% 23% 24%
Recruiting Interviewing Allocating Assessing Fig 1. The figure above illustrates how
effectively the Human Resource Management Office of the Waterloo Guest House performs
its functions. The diagram shows that the department performs most of its functions equally
but pays a somewhat special bit of attention to the recruiting sector but is very effective in
what it does.
 25. Graph showing the period of time that respondents have been employed 45% 40% 35%
30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 3-5 months 6-12 months 1-2 years Over two years The
figure above illustrates in percentage how many long the respondents have been working in
the Human Resource department of Waterloo Guest House.
 26. Graph showing growth of income in the business $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000
$700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 1993-1995 1996-
1997 1998-2001 2002-2004 Fig 3. This diagram shows how the Human Resource
Management department has helped to generate income at the Waterloo Guest House.

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