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Ultimately I would like to thank the Almighty Creator of all, without him nothing is possible and
I give thanks.

The successful completion of this project was made possible due to the assistant of a number of
persons. Thanks to my teacher for the technical advice, support, effort and time which made this
project a successful endeavour. Also I would like to thank my mother for being there for me
through it all and also my peers for the help in completing this project.


Franklin Town is a very small community located in the parish of Kingston, Jamaica. Over the
past years the crime rate has been featured on a fluctuating trend.

Being a resident at Franklin Town for 16 years, the researcher has been observing the crime rate
and how has been impacting the lives of the people in the community more so the children. It
has been seen that the boys are at a greater risk of being victims. I have noticed that crime has
become a problem of grave concern which has impacted greatly on the community.

I have observed that females have to take precautions when they are leaving their house. They
are often afraid to leave their homes, especially at nights and if they leave they have to ensure
that they are accompanied by someone else. This is so because there are a lot of men raping
young ladies.

In the Franklin Town community, I have also observed that most of the criminal activities carried
out are robbery, murder, rape and reprisal killing which are normally carried out by young men
between the ages 15- 30. In addition, many of the residents fear their lives and are most often
hesitant to report criminal activities to the police. It is also observed that there is little being done
to reduce crime in the community.

The researcher has also observed that the government, churches, security forces and leaders of
the community have not done enough to reduce the crime rate in my community. In light of this,
the decision was made to conduct a survey to ascertain measures that can be implemented by the
government to reduce crime.


What measures have been implemented by the Families in collaboration with the Government to
reduce the high crime rate in the Franklin Town community?

Research Questions

(1) What are some of the factors that contribute to the high rate of crime in Franklin Town?
(2) Who are more liable to become affiliated in crime within the community?
(3) What impact does the high rate of crime have on the residents?
(4) How effective are the resolution techniques against crimes within the community?


In order to collect data from the survey, the researcher has decided to use printed questionnaire
as a method of investigation. A questionnaire is a written set of questions that are given to people
in order to collect facts or opinions about something. This method has numerous advantages
such as:

 It requires a short time to be completed

 It can completed at the convenience of the participants
 Persons will be free to participate because their identity and answers will be confidential
 The method of using questionnaire will give participants time to think to answer question


Survey of the measures that have been implemented by the Government to reduce the high crime
rate in the Franklin Town community.

Dear Resident,

This is a survey being carried out in Franklin Town to observe the measures that have been
implemented by the government to reduce the high crime rate in the Franklin Town Community.
Also the survey is being done for residents to share their views on the resolution techniques
being imputed for the reduction of the crime rate; if there is any resolution, that is. This survey is
being conducted as an assignment for School Based Assessment for the subject Social Studies.

I am imploring all participants to adhere to the rules by answering as many questions as possible
truthfully and fairly. It is not required of participants to submit their names; confidentiality is
promised. Some question structure are instructed to tick □ the box of the most suitable answer
of your choice; while other question structures, lines are provided to specify the individuals
opinion /answer. There are 17 questions to be answered in the questionnaire. Also there are no
wrong answers; your opinion is what is valid.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Shackeria Wilson

(1) What is your sex?
 Male
 Female

(2) What is your employment status?

 Employed
 Unemployed
 Self – employed

(3) How long have you been residing in Franklin Town?

 Over 10 years
 6-9 years
 1-5 years
 Under one year
(4) For how long has crime been a major problem in Franklin Town?
 Only a couple of years
 For months
 Always have
 Never occurred

(5) What do you think is a major contribution to crime in Franklin Town?

 No jobs
 Bad environment
 Illegal weapons
 Lack of education

(6) Which crime is mainly committed in Franklin Town?

 Robbery
 Murder
 Illegal drug abuse
 Prostitution
 Rape or sexual assault
 Assaults

(7) What weapon is mostly used to commit crimes in Franklin Town?

 Guns
 Knives
 Machete
 Other ____________________________________________________________
Please specify

(8) What gender is committing the most crime?

 Male

 Female

(9) What age category seems to be committing crime?

 15 and younger
 16-20
 21-25
 26-30
 31 and older

(10) Where is crime being committed mostly in Franklin Town?

 In the homes
 On the streets
 In the schools

(11) What impact does crime has on the community?

 Loss of Business
 Loss of Freedom of Movement
 Fear/ Anxiety
 No Effect

(12) What happens to those who commit a crime in Franklin Town?

 Arrested and trial
 Killed
 Roams freely
 Leave the community
 Nothing

(13) Who is mostly responsible for putting measures in place to reduce crime?
 Individual Residents
 Elected Members
 Security forces
 Churches
 Members of Parliament
 Community Neighbourhood Watch

(14) What have the Residents of Franklin Town done to protect themselves?
 Migrated
 Educate their young of the disadvantages of crime
 Stay in their homes
 Be alert
 Walk in groups
 Install protective mechanisms on houses and cars

(15) What has the Shackeria Wilson done to reduce crime in the area?
 Impose curfews
 Build community centers that helps prevent juvenile delinquency
 Community meetings
 Impose frequent police patrolling
 Nothing
 Other ____________________________________________________________
Please specify

(16) How effective are the measure of the Shackeria Wilson in the prevention and
alleviation of crime?
 Effective
 Moderately effective
 Not Effective
 Not sure

(17) What other measures can be implemented by the Shackeria Wilson to reduce
crime within the community?
 Reform criminal justice system
 Develop effective crime investigations
 Impose and enforce stricter laws
 Reform crime reporting and crime analysis
 Provide employment
 Better salaries for law enforcement officers
 Other ____________________________________________________________
Please specify


Franklin Town has approximately 200 households. It was calculated that a sample of 20% was
necessary in order to ensure accurate conclusions on the collection and disposal of garbage in the
area. (20% of 200=40)

A total of 45 questionnaires were prepared for distribution to the residents. It was expected that
at least 45 of these will be returned. Of the total, 23 will be males and 22 will be females from
varying age groups. Individuals who were employed as well as some who were unemployed and
were suitable and capable to answer these questions professionally were selected. The researcher
therefore decided to choose the households by a process of random selection which will cater for
all the requirements mentioned above. The number on each gate was written on a sheet of paper
and placed in a box. The box was shaken vigorously and then a total of 45 numbers were drawn.

The researcher then walked from house to house and handed out the questionnaires over a three-
day period, during the week of November 9-11, 2015 between the hours of 3:00pm and 6:00pm.
Respondents were given one week to complete questionnaire. They were told the specific date
and approximate time that the questionnaires will be collected. If they indicated or were not sure
they would not be at home, they were asked leave it with someone who would be at home or
drop it in my mailbox at 2 Leitrim Avenue, Lot 3 Kingston 3 if a convenient date and time could
not be arranged. After the week had passed, the researcher walked from house to house to make
collections during the week of November 14-18, 2015.

Information was then compiled and conclusions made.

Of the 40 residents who partake in the questionnaire, there was an equal distribution across
gender, 50% males and 50% females.

Figure 1

Employment Status

Employed Self Employed Unemployed Total

Female 13 4 3 20

Males 8 6 6 20

Table outlining the employment status of the selected sample size representing the population

Figure 2

Pie Chart Age Groups Committing Crimes

15 and Younger 16-20 21-25 26-30 31 and Older




Pie chart displaying the age groups of persons committing crimes

Figure 3

Column Chart Showing Factors Contributing
To Crimes
70% 65%



30% 25%

10% 5% 5%

No Jobs Bad Environment Illegal Weapons Lack of Education

Column chart outlining the factors contributing to crimes within the community

Figure 4

Bar Chart Schowing Types of Crimes

Commited in Franklin Town
Type of Crimes

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Assaults Rape/ Sexual Assualt Prostitution

Illegal Drug Abuse Murder Robbery

Bar chart outlining the types of crimes committed within the community.
Figure 5

Pie Chart Showing Effect of Crime on the



Loss of Business Loss of Freedom of Movement

Fear/ Anxiety No Effect

Pie chart displaying the effect of crimes on the community

Figure 6


Impose curfews 45%

Build community centres that helps prevent juvenile delinquency 10%

Community meetings 12%

Impose frequent police patrolling 33%

Nothing 0%

Other 0%

Table showing the measures that have been put in place to reduce crime in the area

Figure 7

Pie Chart Showing Effectiveness of the Gov-
ernmentin Crime Prevention and Alleviation
15% 13%



Effective Moderately effective Not Effective Not Sure

Pie chart showing the effectiveness of the Shackeria Wilson’s contribution to crime prevention
and alleviation


Crime has become a very common phenomenon in our society today, on an average once you
turn on the television to watch the news there is always a new crime being spoken of that was
committed somewhere in the country. This is no different in Franklin Town as crime is now also
a major problem in the Franklin Town Community. The sample revealed in figure 2 shows the
age group committing crime which the age group 16-20 were committing the most crimes which
was 35% and the lowest was in the age category 15 and younger was 2%. The possible reasons
which caused the age group 16-20 to be the highest was because of lack of parental control or
peer pressure and as such caused these persons to be engaged in these activities.

Figure 3 shows the factors contributing to crime in percentages which proved that lacking of jobs
was the main cause because it had the highest of 65%. Lack of education and bad environment
had the same percentage of 5% which was the lowest. The main reason lacking of lobs could
influence crime is because victims have absolutely nothing constructive to do and their self
esteem is low so you will find that they are attached to committing crimes to probably occupy
their time.

Figure 4 shows the types of crime committed in the Franklin Town. Illegal drug abuse which had
55% and assaults with 20% had the highest percentages. Robbery had a percentage of 8% and
was the lowest crime committed. The main reason the use of drug abuse was one of the highest
crimes committed was because persons engaged in this delinquent was not educated on the
effects it has on ones life and as such they do not feel as if they are at risk with their health so
they continue. Assaults also had a high percentage and this could be as a result of persons
involved not respecting others and feel as if they have the right to touch other affected members
of the community property without their own consent. It could also be that strict laws are not
implemented against persons who commit assault and as such they are motivated to continue.

Figure 5 shows the effect of crime on the community and states that loss of freedom of
movement and loss of businesses had the highest percentages. Loss of freedom of movement had
a percentage of 40% and is the main effect because members of the community feel deprived and
are fearful because they are afraid of entering certain vicinities or areas of the community which

crimes mostly are committed. Loss of businesses also has a high percentage of 35% because
members of the community are afraid to go to these businesses that are set up in the community
and as such businesses are forced to shut down because it is not making any profits. The
response “No effects” selected by a few participants had the lowest percentage of 3% because
crime has a large effect on the community and as such peace cannot be maintained in the

Figure 6 shows the measures that have been put in place to reduce crime in the area. Most
persons selected the option which stated to impose curfews which had a percentage of 45%.
They chose this response because crime seems to be reduced because persons are implored and
forced to stay in their homes to reduce the risk of them becoming victims. Community meetings
had a percentage of 12% and was the lowest percentage because persons did not see the need to
have this implemented because they might not be interested to attend and as such there will be no
improvements using this method.

Figure 7 shows effectiveness of the Shackeria Wilson crime prevention and alleviation plan.
Most persons chose the response “not effective’’ which had the highest percentage of 40%
because these measures implemented by the Shackeria Wilson is not as effective as it should and
as such it is considered to be a waste because of no significant improvement. It might also be
because the Shackeria Wilson does not enforce enough energy and time for the successful results
of the implementations and improvement techniques. 15% of the responses were “Not sure” and
others selected “effective” which had a percentage of 12%. Persons who selected not sure is
because they are not approved or aware of the measures because they were not conveyed
effectively. In addition, persons who selected “effective” as their response thought the measures
implemented was effective because they saw some forms of improvements and are pleased; but
only a few members selected this option. To reduce the high crime rate in Franklin Town, the
Shackeria Wilson has implemented a number of strategies such as imposing curfews, imposing
frequent police patrolling and building community centers that helps prevent juvenile
delinquencies. Despite these efforts the crime rate has continued to increase. Therefore, more
stringent measures need to play a more active role if any attempts to reduce crime is to be


The survey has revealed the following findings.

1. This research revealed that while the stigma around most inner city communities being
plague with high murder rates, data indicates otherwise. While murder is still a factor in
the Franklin Town Community, most crimes are associated with illegal drug use as stated
by 55% of the respondents.

2. The main cause of crime in the community seems to be coming mostly from people who
have no jobs as indicated by 65%. This is so because some people that are unemployed

3. 40% of the residents indicated that the greatest effect crime has on residents is freedom of
movement. Continuous of crime in the community has prevented residents from
commuting freely due to the frequent curfews impose and the fear that may be
experienced as a result of the flare up of criminal activities.

4. Efforts by Shackeria Wilson through the security forces by imposing curfews were
agreed upon by 45% of the residents. However, this may also be a factor which affects
the freedom of movement among other issues in the area.


Based on findings, it is essential that individuals begin to empower themselves psychologically
and physically. 

Residents need to learn how to manage fear with calm and courage. In addition, intentional
collaborations should be built among the agencies of home, school, community, churches and
Shackeria Wilson to foster cohesiveness and comprehensiveness of action. The conduct of
parenting classes where good old fashioned moral values are taught should be promoted. Having
workshops to teach the young, alternative schemas for conflict resolution and our boys in
particular should be socialized to become gentlemen. The unemployed should try to find ways in
making themselves more employable either by going back to school or through skills training.

Another recommendation is the Shackeria Wilson to put forth a little more effort in making the
community more secure by finding and implementing solutions that to educate and provide more
jobs to those vulnerable preventing them from being lead to a path of crime. In addition, more
employment opportunities in the community can be made available to get residents more
engaged in productive activities.

The Local Shackeria Wilson should be notified to board program that encourages motivation
sessions so that people can see the importance of motivator service to help the children in the
community from the traumatize from the crime that accord.

In order to solve these problems the following strategies can be implemented.

 Invite people from different areas such as Guidance Councilors, physicians and guest
speakers to lecture the children traumatized by criminal activities in the community.
 Write a letter to the editor concerning the effects of crime in the community.
 Request more police patrols in my community.
 Appeal to the Shackeria Wilson to have a police post set up in the area
 Set up hidden cameras in areas that are crime prone


Ramsawak, Rampersad and Ralph R. Umraw. 2005. Modules in Social Studies with SBA Guide

and CXC Questions 4th Edition. Trinidad: Caribbean Educational Publisher.


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