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SCHOOL: School of Excellence

TEACHER: Mrs. Steele

THEORY: Jamaica



The impact of
dancehall music
on youths in my
Statement of the Problem

What is the impact of dancehall music on youths in my community?

Research questions
1. Why do youths prefer dancehall music?
2. What impact does dancehall music have on our youths in my community?
3. How can we change the impact of dancehall music on our youths in my community?

Dancehall music has become a symbol of explicit sexual imagery and violence on our young

people, dancehall culture is commonly disparaged as a homophobic, homicidal. In today’s

society almost all of the Dancehall Artists are being arrested for criminal offenses. The most

recent of which is Vybz Kartel being charged with Murder in 2011. Despite this, it still remains

the popular music, even with adults, then why are we complaining?
The Vineyard Town Community has approximately over eight hundred (800) youth and it is a

community located in east St Andrew. There is a lot of youth from the lower to middle class that

lives in the community. Majority of these youth has access to a multimedia devices such as wifi

access which exposes to the type of music dancehalls artiste sings, this has brought to my

concern the demise of our youth as there is a general perception that there is direct correlation

between dancehall music and the misbehavior of young people.


A tick should be used in the appropriate box to indicate answer. Only one answer should be
given per question and in the cases where lines are provided you are required to write your

1. Gender : F M

2. Age : 14-15 16-17 18-21

3. Do you listen dancehall music : Yes No

4. Why do you listen to dancehall music: Its trendy Entertainment

Listening to it is the norm I don’t listen dancehall music


5. How did you first come across dancehall music: School Social network

Family Friends
Others _____________________________________________________________

6. Do you think dancehall music promotes negative messages: Yes No


7. If you reply to 6 above is yes, then what are some negative effects of dancehall



8. How is your academic performance: Average Underperforming Excelling

9. Do you think that the music you listen to impacts your behavior whether negatively or

positively: Yes No

10. a. Has dancehall music affected you are someone you know positively: Yes No


11. Do you view any dancehall artist as a role model: Yes No

12. ( Based on your answer in 9 above) Give reasons for your answer




13. What is your mood while listening to dancehall music and after




14. Do you listen any other genre of music: Yes No

15. If your answer is yes, does it feel the same as when you listen to dancehall music: Yes

Sometimes Never

16. Does the lyrics in dancehall music affects or influence you?

Yes No Sometimes
17. If your answer is yes, explain how and why?




18. How does your peers around you views dancehall music?

Negatively positively influential

19. Do you think the broadcasting commission is doing enough to prevent the negativity of

dancehall music playing on the media?

Yes No Not enough

20. What can broadcast commission do to reduce the lewdness of dancehall music on social


Band dancehall music from radio station?

Make it an offence to the public

None of the above



50% Tertiary

Fig 1, pie chart show the highest level of negativity dancehall music
has on youths in the community.
Fig 2, pie chart show what percentage of youths in the community that
believes that dancehall music is just a norm.



Percentatge of respondents 30





negativity posetivity norm
Respondents options

Fig 3, bar graph shows in what way dancehall music impact youths.
In what way have you been
affected by dancehall music Percentage
violent 40%
robbery 20%
Intimidation 40%

Table 1 Show In what way youth as been affected by dancehall music.

What time of the year does youth
in the community has more access Percentage
to dancehall music
During the Christmas season 35%
During the summer 50%
During the election period 5%
For the entire year 10%

Table 2 show what time of the year does youth in the community has
more access to dancehall music


The researcher of this School Based Assessment aim to discuss how
dancehall music impact the youths in the Vineyard Town community
and to also identify some possible solution to solve it.

According to Fig 1 the highest level of negativity dancehall has on

youths in the community. 50% of the respondent state that secondary is
their highest level of impact dancehall music has on youth, while 40%
state primary. The other 10% stated tertiary was their lowest level of

Fig 2, show a pie chart that explain what causes the norm of dancehall
music on youth in the community. 60% state that the lyrics is the causes
of norm of dancehall music has on youth in the community, while 30%
stated its just the vibes rather than lyrics. Others for the 10%.

Fig 3, show in what way dancehall music impacts youth in the

community. 40% of the respondent state that negative music impacts
them. Another 40% state positive music, have done a lot for the,. 20%
state it’s a norm to impact youths both negatively and positively.

In table 1, most of the youth have been affected by dancehall music in

the community through different ways.40% of the respondent stated
affect them the most, while 20% of the respondent state robbery rather
than shooting. Another 35% stated extortion and the other 5% state
intimidation as affect them the most.

Table 2 show What time of the year does youth in the community has
more access to dancehall music 35% of the youth stated Christmas
season. In the Christmas season where lewd music is most likely flared
up. Another 50% of the respondent stated summer, while 5% stated
during election period 10% state for the entire year.

The survey has reveal a number of finding some of these are:
 Dancehall music is an issue that affect many communities.50% of
the respondent state that lewd music contributes a lot to dancehall

 35% of the respondent state that during the Christmas lewd music
is most likely to be a flared up.
 There are many way in which one can be affected by dancehall
music. However, 40% state that violent music most affect youths.
 Dancehall music has the highest level of negativity on youths in
the community.

In the Vineyard Town community there has been numerous rate of
incident. In order to decrease crime and violence in the community
government and resident has to play their part to help alleviate the
problem that the resident are facing. In order to keep a safer and non-
violence environment the government should impose more police post to
help control crime and violence in the community. One of the most
important recommendation is to have police patrol more often in the
Resident should inform the government about the problem they are
facing with crime and violence in the community. The government
should also have education campaign to teach the resident that is
illiterate. They should also impose meeting with the resident so that they
will cooperate with them and help to minimize or alleviate crime and
violence in the community. The building of more police station in the
community will maybe help to alleviate the causes of crime and violence
in the community. Resident of the community does not feel safe because
there have been a lot of shooting and children cannot get to go to school
and adult cannot go to work.

The government of the country need to carry out some task that will help
to minimize the crime and violence in the community.

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