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Applied Animal Science 35:596–605
© 2019 American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists. All rights reserved.


Invited Review: Why cows die in US dairy herds

C. S. McConnel1* and F. B. Garry2
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman 99164; and 2Department of
Clinical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins 80523


Purpose: Over the past several decades there has been The reason for writing this review has to do with num-
an appreciable, persistent, and concerning rise in dairy bers, and it is the culmination of over 15 yr of research
cow mortality. The purpose of this review was to inte- into dairy cow mortality by the authors. Our initial inves-
grate epidemiological, pathophysiological, and historical tigations were instigated by Colorado dairy farmers who
perspectives to improve our understanding of why dairy questioned why they were seeing incremental increases
cows die and what can be done about it. in the number of dead cows on their farms. Those farm-
Sources: Refereed scientific journal articles, USDA re- ers were not the first to ask why cows die in their dairy
ports, and conference proceedings available in online data- herds, but they were at the forefront of a wave of national
bases were consulted in this review. and international inquiries into increasing dairy cow mor-
Synthesis: Explorations of causes of dairy cow death tality. Numerous investigations have been published on
frequently have focused on associations between mortal- this important topic over recent years, including a recent
ity and population characteristics, management, and literature review that thoroughly evaluated numbers and
environmental factors. These studies often suggest that trends from countries with modern dairy production sys-
intensification of the dairy industry may influence high tems (Compton et al., 2017). The purpose of the current
on-farm dairy cattle mortality. Other studies have focused review is to expand the conversation by looking beyond
on pathophysiologic descriptions of specific deaths, along- the numbers and into what the numbers tell us, through
side the utility of incorporating postmortem evaluations a blend of historical perspective, relevant literature, and
into on-farm management. Although it is most certainly personal insight into our present understanding of why
useful to establish broad associations between population cows die in US dairy herds.
characteristics or specific disease entities and higher death Summary studies of dairy cow removal have been in the
rates, mitigation strategies must be based on an under- literature for decades (Seath, 1940; Asdell, 1951; O’Bleness
standing of why those associations or diseases are present and Van Vleck, 1962). Seath used Kansas Cow Testing As-
in the first place. sociation data from 1930 to 1935, for 37 herds representing
Conclusion and Applications: A multitude of factors 1,883 cows, to demonstrate that death losses represented
and complexities act in concert to influence why cows die 2.0% of the total dairy cow inventory (Seath, 1940). More
in US dairy herds. Understanding differences related to expansive DHIA data from 1932 to 1949, for 17 states rep-
why cows die requires insight into the impacts of environ- resenting 2,792,188 cows, demonstrated that 1.1% of the
ment, operational practices, economic concerns, and ani- total cows on test died (Asdell, 1951). Death losses over
mal interactions on overall performance. Although there those years were remarkably uniform with yearly levels
are practical suggestions for addressing dairy cow mortal- ranging from 0.9 to 1.2%. With such low percentages of re-
ity such as incorporating postmortem examinations and moval rates, these reports did not seek to analyze reasons
standardized nomenclature, questioning why dairy cows for death. It seems safe to say that when removals and
die is part of a larger discussion regarding the welfare of death losses are very low, there is little stimulus to pursue
animals in modern agricultural systems. causation, and occasional losses are expected as part of
normal herd management.
Key words: dairy, mortality, intensification, welfare Our studies of dairy cow mortality began in 2004 be-
cause some producers in Colorado were recording annual
death losses of 8 to 10% of their lactating cow inventory,
representing approximately a third of all cows perma-
nently removed from the herd in a year. Further inquiry
and evaluation of DHIA records from the western United
States suggested that this level of adult cow mortality was
The authors declare no conflict of interest. common. Danish researchers published a literature review
*Corresponding author: cmcconnel@​wsu​.edu of dairy cow mortality covering the years from 1965 to
McConnel and Garry: Mortality in US dairies 597

2006, which showed upward trends in modern dairy mor- or normal level of mortality in dairy cow production. No
tality levels both in the United States and internationally evidence suggests that there is any one factor that has led
(Thomsen and Houe, 2006). Their review demonstrated a to the rise in mortality and that could be reversed to lower
paucity of studies of underlying causes of dairy cow death death rates. Rather, numerous factors apparently act in
over a 40-yr time of gradually increasing losses. Of the 19 concert to result in variable and rising rates of death on
studies in their review, 2 included data after 2000, 6 were given farms. If we are to understand why cows die in US
from the United States, only 10 incorporated informa- dairy herds, we need to put a name to the numbers.
tion related to causes of death, and measures of mortality
ranged from 1 to 5%. MORTALITY BY THE NAMES
Over the course of the following decade, several addi-
tional studies have explored the issue of dairy cow mortal- We feel that quantitative and qualitative assessments
ity, including USDA National Animal Health Monitoring of mortality can improve our understanding of why cows
System (NAHMS) surveys that indicated a steady rise die and what can be done about it. Whereas the numbers
in adult cow mortality to an average of 5.6% in the most indicate that dairy cow mortality is cause for concern, the
recent Dairy 2014 study (USDA, 2018). More recently, answer to the question of why dairy cows die is buried
Compton et al. performed a systematic literature review within names. For the purposes of this review, we think
and meta-analysis of articles related to mortality and cull- that the most effective way to capture the importance and
ing that were published between 1989 and 2014 (Compton utility of names is through the use of an acronym: NAMES
et al., 2017). They estimated that both the annual inci- (Nomenclature Arranged, Modified, and Evaluated for So-
dence risk and incidence density of mortality of cows has lutions). We think that NAMES provides the bookends
increased significantly from 0.02 per cow and 2.32 per 100 for this discussion and can help simplify a complex set of
cow-years to 0.04 per cow and 3.75 per 100 cow-years, issues. Historical perspective is a good place to start.
an increase per decade of 0.02 per cow and 1.42 per 100 For years our understanding of the cause of death has
cow-years, respectively. Although those numbers may be been based on the philosophically enigmatic concept of an
difficult to appreciate in the context of dairy management, underlying cause of death. This holds true for human as
they speak to an appreciable and persistent rise in adult well as veterinary medicine. In fact, the difficulty in nam-
dairy cow mortality that concerns many in the industry. ing an underlying cause of death has proven controver-
Much of the recent conversation regarding dairy mortal- sial within the public health realm for well over a century
ity levels has focused on adult cow death, but calf and (Hamlin, 1995). Cause of death data began to be collected
heifer mortality rates can also be monitored using rou- in Great Britain in 1837 during the Industrial Revolution
tinely collected data (Santman-Berends et al., 2019). It is when the law required that death be registered by cause
estimated that over 8% of nulliparous heifers die (USDA, (Davis, 1997). A government official named Edwin Chad-
2018), although operation-level mortality rates can vary wick was interested in permanent sanitary reform and in-
greatly (Walker et al., 2012; Kertz et al., 2017). Estimates sisted that the most important factor underlying death
of the incidence risk of perinatal mortality (full-term birth was the disease. On the other hand, a medical statistician
to 2 d of age) vary from 0.03 to 0.09 and appear to have named William Farr took an interest in the causes of the
increased between 1990 and 2000 by an absolute 0.02 disease, which during that period was taken to include
(Compton et al., 2017). Furthermore, the incidence risk determinants such as diet, working conditions, and emo-
range of neonatal mortality (1 d of age to weaning) report- tional states. This philosophical debate eventually came
ed by Compton et al. varied between 0.05 and 0.11 in the to a head as an argument over whether starvation per se
2 decades from 1990, representing an important financial caused mortality in England and Wales. This was a politi-
loss to dairy farmers and reflecting challenges affecting the cally sensitive issue at the time following the enactment in
welfare status of this age group. 1834 of the Poor Law Amendment Act meant to benefit
This status quo is not desirable, and control programs disenfranchised poor through the development of support-
that effect change and reduce mortality can be valuable ive “workhouses” (Hamlin, 1995). Farr argued that the
to farmers. The rise in dairy cow mortality levels over effects of hunger manifest indirectly leading to a variety
the past several decades suggests that there are aspects of diseases (Farr, 1839). For his part and largely due to
of modern dairy systems that increase the risk of death his role in the social welfare policy of the day, Chadwick
(Pinedo et al., 2010; Shahid et al., 2015; Compton et al., viewed the “starvation” terminology as an embarrassment
2017). This is both an obvious financial concern and an and argued that it was inconsistent and misleading specu-
important animal welfare issue posing a reputational risk lation (Hamlin, 1995).
to the industry (Thomsen and Houe, 2006; Compton et The controversy between Farr and Chadwick is as rel-
al., 2017; Liang et al., 2017). Although the use of routinely evant today as it was in the 1830s and serves to dem-
collected data on cow and calf mortality may be a relevant onstrate a fundamental issue related to naming causes
indicator of animal welfare in dairy herds (Ortiz-Pelaez et of death. The impossibility of reducing complicated and
al., 2008; Thomsen and Houe, 2018), there is no standard varying sets of circumstances to a single named category is
by which to define what might be considered the natural clear, yet the necessity of distilling data into usable targets
598 Production and Management

is evident. We identify the causes we care about, and care Our answer to this conundrum has been to apply NAMES
about the causes we identify (Schulz, 2014). Consequently, to the face of the modern dairy industry.
a question of utility exists regarding attempts to name a
cause that implies other important components and sur- Nomenclature
rounding circumstances. The nomenclature used to de-
Explorations of causes of dairy cow death have often
scribe causes of death is a function of the type of informa-
focused on associations between mortality and population
tion being sought. For his part, Farr pointed out that for
characteristics, management and environmental factors,
a given cause, several classifications may be appropriate,
and genetics. Common sense would suggest that higher
and specialists such as physicians and pathologists might
rates of common production diseases are related to in-
choose to name causes of death differently based on their
creased mortality (Norgaard et al., 1999; Thomsen et al.,
perspective and particular inquiry (Registrar General of
2007). This has been shown in that both the highest fre-
England and Wales, 1856). Questions related to responsi-
quency of health disorders and a large proportion of dairy
bility focus attention on some factors, whereas questions
cow deaths are associated with early lactation (Thomsen
of periodicity, preventability, or remediation focus atten-
et al., 2004; Miller et al., 2008, Pinedo et al., 2010). More
tion on others (Hamlin, 1995).
specifically, a high proportion of deaths has been shown to
The same challenges related to early efforts at naming
occur consistently during the first 15 to 30 d after calving
human causes of death also apply to explaining why dairy
with the highest proportion occurring during the first few
cows die. The societal changes that were ongoing during
days after calving (Milian-Suazo et al., 1988; Stevenson
the early period of Great Britain’s human cause of death
and Lean, 1998; Thomsen et al., 2004). Increases in herd
data collection are remarkably similar to changes within
size, average SCC, or the proportion of purchased cows
the dairy industry over the past few decades. The Indus-
have been shown to result in an increasing mortality risk
trial Revolution of 18th and 19th century Britain shifted
at the herd level (Norgaard et al., 1999; Smith et al., 2000;
populations from a primarily agrarian lifestyle to an in-
Thomsen et al., 2006; Pinedo et al., 2010; Alvåsen et al.,
creasingly diverse, mechanized, and urbanized setting.
2014; Shahid et al., 2015). Increasing herd size, treatment
Along with the Industrial Revolution’s shift in popula-
for disease, and genetic and seasonal differences also have
tion dynamics and work conditions came policy change
been associated with increasing calf mortality rates across
and Farr’s representation of hunger and deprivation as
age groups (Gulliksen et al., 2009; Bleul, 2011; Rabois-
an economic phenomenon. His struggle to describe causes
son et al., 2013; Windeyer et al., 2014; Gonzalez-Peña et
of death in meaningful terms was, in effect, a product of
al., 2019). Data suggest that Jersey and crossbred dairy
unintended consequences brought on by the industrializa-
cows have reduced mortality levels relative to purebred
tion of Britain’s society. Yet for Chadwick, it was simply
Holsteins (Miller et al., 2008; G. W. Rogers, Geno Global
not acceptable that the laws of political economy might
Ltd., New Market, TN, personal communication, 2009).
be found incompatible with the laws of health (Hamlin,
However, heritability estimates for calf and heifer mortal-
ity have been low (Pritchard et al., 2013; Gonzalez-Peña
In recent decades we see a very similar progression of
et al., 2019), and estimates suggest that only about 1% of
events playing out within the dairy industry. Mechaniza-
the variation in the likelihood that a cow will die during
tion and intensification have developed worldwide in re-
a lactation is genetic, implying that the decline in dairy
sponse to economic pressure (Norgaard et al., 1999). Ac-
cow survival is primarily the result of changes in herd
cording to NAHMS data, 25.9% of US dairy operations
management as opposed to genetic selection (Dechow and
had more than 100 cows in 2013 compared with 11.5% in
Goodling, 2008). Overall, studies such as these provide
1991 (USDA, 2018). Increased mechanization and techno-
a means for understanding populations at risk but only
logical development has led to a decline in the number of
illustrate broad principles related to manageable risk fac-
employee working hours per dairy cow (Agger and Alban,
tors, potential mitigation procedures, or specific patho-
1996; Larsen et al., 1996). As the average dairy herd size
logic outcomes. Perhaps most importantly, these studies
continues to increase, it is predicted that integrated sen-
often suggest that characteristics related to intensification
sors, robotics, and automation will replace much of the
of the dairy industry such as less human contact time
manual labor on farms (Britt et al., 2018). Unintended
and priority for the animals may be associated with high
consequences have accompanied this intensification, and
on-farm dairy cattle mortality (Alvåsen et al., 2014; Sant-
as death rates have climbed, the industry has struggled to
man-Berends et al., 2014).
come to terms with a clear approach for describing why
Other research has attempted to define individual occur-
cows are dying. Addressing unintended failings of the mod-
rences of death based on the final outcome. Rather than
ern dairy “workhouse” with all of its social and physical
looking at population levels of diseases and associated lev-
considerations can quickly muddy the waters separating
els of death, such studies have focused on the pathophysi-
professional concern from political unease. Dealing with
ologic or anatomic descriptions of specific deaths. Some of
detrimental, unintended consequences requires openly ac-
the earliest research into removals attempted to classify
cepting that the laws of the current dairy economy might
specific reasons for cow deaths based on available records
at times be found incompatible with the laws of health.
McConnel and Garry: Mortality in US dairies 599

or producer recollection. As such, the relative importance McConnel and Garry, 2017; USDA, 2018; Lombard et al.,
of dystocia, accidents, traumatic reticuloperitonitis, bloat, 2019). These broad categories may fail to provide the nec-
and hypocalcemia as underlying problems was speci- essary detail to elicit specific changes to management, but
fied (O’Bleness and Van Vleck, 1962; White and Nich- they do create useful groupings for ongoing assessments of
ols, 1965). However, capturing information regarding why deviations from the norm.
cows die can present a substantial challenge. Thomsen and Although it is most certainly useful to establish broad
Houe’s review of dairy cow mortality found that only 10 of associations between population characteristics and mor-
19 studies gave some information on causes of death, and tality, or between specific disease entities and higher death
none of the diagnoses were founded on necropsy examina- rates, mitigation strategies must be based on an under-
tion (Thomsen and Houe, 2006). Consequently, percep- standing of why those associations or diseases are pres-
tions based solely on antemortem histories have played a ent in the first place. For example, if a particular dairy
significant role in determining recorded causes of death has high rates of euthanasia associated with down cows
within much of the relevant historical literature. during the postpartum period, mitigation strategies would
More recent publications including several by the au- require an understanding of the occurrence of metabolic
thors of this review have explored the utility of and mo- diseases, birthing trauma, improper delivery techniques,
tivations for incorporating postmortem evaluations into or facility design failure. Therefore, once basic terminol-
on-farm management (McConnel et al., 2009; McConnel ogy is implemented consistently, additional layers of more
et al., 2010; Thomsen et al., 2012; Salopek et al., 2017; detailed nomenclature can be applied to help explore un-
McConnel et al., 2019). It is notable that necropsy exami- derlying dairy system complexity. Understanding the com-
nation is an infrequent occurrence on dairies in the United plexity within such a system demands the recognition of
States. The most recent NAHMS survey reported that those factors influencing particular outcomes as part of a
only 22% of dairies performed necropsies on cows, 11% of dairy’s evolving ecology. In other words, the devil is in the
dairies necropsied heifers, and <5% of dead cows or heif- details, and understanding why cows die requires more
ers were examined by necropsy (USDA, 2018). Thorough descriptors than broad categories can provide. The level
necropsy-based postmortem evaluations are an important of detail can take different forms as we and others have
component for defining the pathologic reasons underlying explored over the years (McConnel et al., 2009; McConnel
dairy cow deaths. A dead animal is a total economic loss et al., 2010; Thomsen et al., 2012; McConnel and Garry,
to a producer and incurs costs associated with euthanasia, 2017; Lombard et al., 2019; McConnel et al., 2019), but
disposal, and replacement; however, a thorough necropsy the gist of the matter is that few causes of death can be
examination may help offset those losses by providing neatly packaged into broader categories on their own and
valuable management information that may benefit the without additional detail. As a result, layers of informa-
herd. Nonetheless, the value of a postmortem evaluation is tion related to immediate, intermediate, and underlying
directly related to the accuracy, consistency, and mainte- significant issues or conditions such as disease processes,
nance of data collected and its application to operational facilities, employee interventions, and even weather should
management. become part of standard cause-of-death assessments. Re-
Regardless of the nature of the nomenclature applied cording such detail alongside other pertinent dynamic and
to causes of death, there is an argument to be made for concrete data including whether an animal died due to
establishing a reduced set of standardized categories for euthanasia or natural causes provides a breadth of nomen-
generic systems-level analyses of dairy calf and cow death clature that can be effectively arranged to provide context
(Compton et al., 2017; Santman-Berends et al., 2019). for the content (Thomsen and Sørensen, 2008).
Historically, the least available dairy herd data comprised
records of disease and management events, and these were Arrange
subject to tremendous variability in the rigor and consis-
Maintaining accurate postmortem records can be dif-
tency of their recording (Kelton, 2006). It is easy to query
ficult and can limit the capacity to easily retrieve records
dairy farm records and accurately assess individual cow
that might provide valuable insight into historical death
production performance or reproductive interventions, but
patterns and guide future health planning and programs
the integrity of information about specific disease occur-
(White, 2005). However, we are confident that pathophys-
rence, treatment success, health at time of removal from
iologic, anatomic, and farm details can be documented
the herd, or cause of death is highly questionable. More re-
consistently in on-farm databases and have proposed
cent efforts have challenged precedent with an eye toward
methods for procuring and organizing relevant data and
enhancing data procurement and standardization (Giebel
associated nomenclature (McConnel et al., 2010; McCon-
et al., 2012a,b). Although most farmers and practitioners
nel and Garry, 2017; Lombard et al., 2019). Arrangements
with whom we have worked on assessments of mortality
of data can take many forms much like nomenclature may
tend to want individualized nomenclature to some degree,
be personalized to suit the needs of a given farm or prac-
a framework can be developed from standards employed
tice. The intent is to create a format for data acquisition
by the USDA NAHMS surveys, Thomsen and Houe, or the
and organization that allows broad categories to be parsed
authors of this review (Table 1; Thomsen and Houe, 2006;
600 Production and Management

into subcategories and contextual narratives. Meaningful septic metritis might be attributed to multifactorial tran-
data are useful data. sition period problems that speak to issues with close-up
In practice, this means that flowcharts, cause of death facilities, peripartum nutrition, or maternity pen manage-
statements, and mechanisms such as death certificates ment. Essentially, death is often less about the destination
with mortality codes may be warranted to document the (proximate pathology) than the journey (underlying risk
chain of events leading to death. For example, death due factors). Although there are no clear-cut rules for where
to respiratory disease may define the end point of a pro- that journey begins, truly understanding the reason a par-
gressive bacterial infection that resulted from delayed dis- ticular cow died from a particular disease requires addi-
ease recognition or failure of a particular antimicrobial tional information based on historical inquiry. Was the
treatment. Likewise, death resulting from septic metritis disease identified properly? Was it treated properly? Did
might describe the termination of a pathological sequence the cow respond as predicted? Were other disease prob-
initiated by dystocia. Most current dairy record systems lems also identified? Was the problem associated with a
define only the proximate or immediate biological cause of particular risk on the farm? Exposing this contextual nar-
death, and in most cases, this is done without the benefit rative requires a mindset that death losses are important
of necropsy analysis. Such record systems fail to acknowl- and need to be pursued, and it often depends on input
edge the underlying causes that may be amenable to miti- from assorted employees involved in health management
gation strategies and managed for improved outcomes. on a farm.
A more meaningful cause of death statement accounts Ultimately, the various details related to pertinent nec-
for nonbiologic inputs such as management and environ- ropsy findings, the chain of events that directly caused
mental factors that ultimately set a pathologic sequence in the death, and other significant issues or conditions that
motion within an at-risk population. Under such circum- contributed to the death should be recorded using a tool
stances a death resulting from respiratory disease might such as a death certificate (McConnel and Garry, 2017).
be linked to diagnostic failure and the need for additional Otherwise, the insights and potential benefits gained from
education of hospital personnel. Similarly, a death due to the postmortem inquiry are effectively lost. Information

Table 1. Broad cause of death categories for immature and mature cattle

NAHMS Dairy Thomsen and

Lombard et al.1   20142   NAHMS Death Loss3   Houe4   McConnel and Garry5
Accident   Calving problems   Calving-related problems   Accident   Calving trauma
Calving problem   Joint or navel   Digestive problems   Calving   Human error
Congenital defect   Lameness or injury   Lameness or injury   Digestive   Injury
Diarrhea   Other known   Mastitis   Locomotor   Miscellaneous
Joint or navel   Respiratory   Metabolic problems   Metabolic   Multifactorial transition
problems failure
Lameness or injury   Scours or diarrhea   Other diseases   Other known   Specific disease
Other digestive   Trauma   Other nonpredator   Udder or teat   Undetermined
Other known reason   Unknown causes   Poisoning   Unknown    
Perinatal death       Predator causes        
Respiratory       Respiratory problems        
Respiratory and       Theft        
Septicemia       Unknown nonpredator        
Stillbirth (dystocia)       Weather related        
Stillbirth (eutocia)                
Unknown reason                
Lombard et al. (2019).
USDA (2018). NAHMS = USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System.
USDA (2017).
Thomsen and Houe (2006).
McConnel and Garry (2017).
McConnel and Garry: Mortality in US dairies 601

beyond necropsy findings may be readily available for only weather-related issues that provided useful insight into on-
a short time after a death. Observations made by dairy going areas of concern.
personnel, recollections of events or circumstances that Modifications may be years in the making as a dairy’s
may have influenced the outcome, and even information ecology and industry standards evolve. As an example at
gleaned from computer records are relatively quick and the national level, the national livestock health and man-
easy to gather at the time of death but can be virtu- agement monitoring program we now know as NAHMS
ally impossible to find later. This type of information can came about after several decades of modifications to sys-
be used to define “poor disease identification” or “delayed tems assessing the well-being of livestock in the United
treatment” or “poor facility management” as underlying States (Dargatz, 2009). Perhaps the most important take-
reasons for death. home message from the development of NAHMS studies
Although we feel that a death certificate is warranted has to do with the acquisition of stakeholder input. Objec-
for capturing this level of detail for a given death, there tives for each study are determined based on consultation
are several possibilities for recording such data within on- with a diverse group including livestock producers, veteri-
farm computer systems. In our experience, the most com- narians, members of allied industry groups, researchers,
mon practice is to structure the record system so that educators, and others (Hueston, 1990). A similar approach
sequences of letters or numbers serve as proxies for par- is warranted for on-farm mortality records with input and
ticular characteristics of interest such as target areas for oversight sought from various layers of management and
intervention; euthanasia versus death by natural causes; consultancy. Involving these varied stakeholders in discus-
and immediate, intermediate, and underlying causes of sions regarding why cows die initiates buy-in to the pro-
death. The point is that regardless of the methodology, cess of acquiring and modifying health records to better
data should be recorded strategically and arranged such inform health management decisions on a dairy. Imple-
that the continuum of events affecting certain outcomes menting such thorough data recording protocols should
can be effectively modified and ultimately evaluated. not require much more time and effort but is expected to
result in the accuracy and consistency needed for efficient
Modify summary and evaluation (Wenz and Giebel, 2012).
Modifications are dual purpose with regard to the ques-
tion of why cows die. On the one hand, as particular is-
sues influencing death are recognized on a given dairy, the Names and numbers provide the necessary information
management system clearly should be modified to rectify for on-farm evaluations. Mortality figures need to be pro-
underlying problems. On the other hand, any interventions duced frequently to detect deviations as soon as possible
will undoubtedly influence ongoing operations and may (Perrin et al., 2012; Torres et al., 2015), but this may
themselves lead to additional unintended consequences af- necessitate different preferred definitions for monitoring
fecting mortality frequency and causality. Consequently, versus communicating outcomes (Santman-Berends et al.,
as adjustments are made to the system or previously un- 2019). Annual mortality figures relative to average invento-
recognized challenges come to light, nomenclature and ar- ries tend to be preferred for communicating to the general
rangements within records should be modified accordingly. public and various stakeholders as they are intuitive and
Terminology potentially may be added or subtracted from unaffected by seasonal fluctuation. Quarterly assessments
categories to refine descriptions of specific pathologies and of mortality are less suitable for summary statements but
environmental impacts, and to direct future evaluations. provide seasonal insight and enable earlier detection of
Much like there is no normal level of mortality, we doubt deviations from the norm. Alternative measures include
that there is a correct number of descriptors for record- incidence density, incidence risk, or lactational mortality
ing why cows die. Our experience has been that a finite risk, which accounts for the increased risk of dying during
number of possibilities tends to capture the routine causes early lactation (Thomsen and Houe, 2006). Recently, we
of death, but discussions around additions (or subtrac- explored the use of a time-based summary measure that
tions) of terminology can generate worthwhile insight into incorporates the temporal effect of death into population
on-farm dynamics (McConnel and Garry, 2017). In fact, assessments of dairy cow health and well-being (McCon-
our initial attempts at capturing underlying, intermedi- nel et al., 2018). As with frequency measures, simple but
ate, and immediate causes of death were limited to those meaningful standardized nomenclature has been recom-
disease events previously listed within on-farm computer mended for capturing reasons attributed to mortality and
record systems. As we integrated death certificates with facilitating on-going communication regarding broad areas
cause of death statements into routine farm management, of concern. However, more nuanced descriptors of ana-
input from various employees, nutritionists, owners, and tomic and pathophysiologic outcomes provide necessary
veterinarians informed our choices of relevant terminology. insight when the number of cases within generic categories
Instead of simply identifying causality through the lens exceed expectations (Thomsen et al., 2012; McConnel et
of diagnosed disease states, modifications were made to al., 2019). As importantly, incorporating information re-
include terminology encompassing facilities, nutrition, and garding other significant ecological attributes influencing
602 Production and Management

the frequency and classification of deaths can help inform tion can simultaneously address all the issues of concern
management and drive meaningful change (McConnel and (Croney et al., 2018).
Garry, 2017; Thomsen and Houe, 2018). We believe that putting NAMES to the face of the mod-
Regardless of the names and numbers chosen to docu- ern dairy industry starts with accepting that dairy cow
ment and evaluate mortality, definitions of parameters mortality poses a wicked problem. Without going into ex-
should be comprehensible to farmers and dairy personnel cessive detail, it is worth acknowledging that wicked prob-
to maximize understanding of underlying challenges and lems were described by Horst Rittel in response to the
to increase compliance when subsequent actions have to be limitations of the corporate linear “systems approach” of
taken (Santman-Berends et al., 2019). Information about design and planning that focused primarily on efficiency
the effect of production practices on mortality in the gen- (Rittel and Webber, 1973). The dairy industry has adopt-
eral population of cows can help identify at-risk individu- ed a similar approach with attendant limitations through
als for more individualized attention. Data extracted from the integration of standardized protocols streamlining rou-
postmortem reports can help unravel the underlying caus- tine management. Wicked problems are distinguished by
al factors contributing to multifactorial disease problems 6 primary characteristics (Rittel and Webber, 1973; Conk-
(Kuker et al., 2018). Evaluations of changes in produc- lin, 2006). For the purposes of this discussion, we have
tion practices and health outcomes can provide important framed those characteristics as follows (McConnel, 2010):
insight into the success of educational programs and the (1) Understanding why cows die and resolving associated
achievement of milestones. Eventually, comparisons over problems are concomitant to each other. (2) No definitive
time may signal when there is a need to modify disease “The Problem” exists, and no definitive “The Solution” ex-
control efforts or production practices locally, regionally, ists either. Dairy cows will continue to die. The issue is un-
or nationally (Dargatz, 2009). derstanding what is acceptable in terms of frequency and
Ultimately, many epidemiological and practical con- causality. (3) Solutions to wicked problems are not right
siderations must be taken into account when evaluating or wrong. Assessments of proposed solutions vary and de-
why cows die. Advantages and disadvantages of various pend on stakeholders’ independent values and goals. (4)
mortality parameters should be evaluated on their own Every wicked problem is essentially unique. Dairy farms
merit within a given dairy ecology (Santman-Berends et are composed of so many novel factors and conditions, all
al., 2019). Relevant performance figures are identified, and embedded within a dynamic ecosystem, that the problem
frequency measures are calculated and compared across of addressing reasons for mortality will necessarily require
time, in space, and among animal groupings to identify individualized solutions. (5) Dairy systems are complex
patterns, clues, and plausible reasons for underlying bio- and every implemented solution has unintended, often ir-
logical outcomes. With this knowledge, subsequent diag- reversible, consequences that evolve over an extended peri-
nostic testing and other examinations, and investigations od of time. (6) Wicked problems have no given alternative
into relevant on-farm activities can be focused and actions solutions. A host of potential solutions arises, but some
prioritized based on those most likely to make the greatest solutions may never even be considered. With regard to
difference in addressing underlying problems. In the end, reasons for dairy cow death, no criteria exist by which to
the resolution of most herd issues influencing why cows die determine that all solutions to underlying issues have been
resides with the action of the farmer, and potential solu- identified and explored.
tions are based on tackling causal factors through mutual Given these characteristics of a wicked problem as a func-
understanding and prioritized actions (More et al., 2017). tion of why cows die, we suggest that engaging the prob-
lem requires exploring dairy system complexity. Although
Solutions it is most certainly useful to establish associations between
population characteristics and mortality, or between spe-
Unfortunately, there is no single answer or solution to
cific disease entities and higher death rates, mitigation
the question of why cows die in US dairy herds. Over the
strategies must be based on understanding why those as-
years, one of the most challenging aspects of our inquiries
sociations or diseases are present in the first place. The
into why cows die has been the revolving door of proposed
numerous interacting factors within an individual dairy
solutions and temporary fixes. Plausible solutions may
farm community comprise a complex network of connec-
mitigate death due to one problem, but of course, cows
tions. These connections form a system that is inherently
continue to die at higher than acceptable levels as new
altered through any process that attempts to break it into
challenges arise that require novel interventions. As we
its component parts or even subject it to analysis. The
have pointed out previously, names and numbers provide
whole is always different from the sum of its parts and is a
the framework for addressing those challenges associated
product of evolution. Cause is intertwined with effect, and
with dairy cow mortality; however, solutions are rarely
the sheer number of connections means that predictive
straightforward and often enmeshed with attempts at un-
rules may not apply. A constant shift in the farm com-
derstanding the problems. In fact, this last point describes
munity’s dynamic occurs, influencing interactions among
the problem–solution space characterized by a “wicked
factors (cows, people, nutrition, facilities, weather, and so
problem,” for which it is unlikely that any proposed solu-
McConnel and Garry: Mortality in US dairies 603

on) and even within factors (emotional or physical varia- nomic concerns of producers, and ethical debates over the
tions in workers, or biologic fluctuations within cattle). use of animals for food production (Croney et al., 2018).
Admittedly, the previous paragraphs are a bit dense and There is increasing concern that “industrialized” farming
heavy on philosophy. But the reality is that a weakness insufficiently focuses on quality of life issues, and there is
in establishing why cows die and proffering meaningful an argument to be made for a clearly articulated vision
solutions to underlying problems has to do with the real- of enhanced care and compassion to alleviate public con-
ity that death is factual, but causes of death often rely on cerns (Croney and Anthony, 2011). To that end, Britt et
opinion and are as much a matter of philosophy as fact al. argue that in the future dairy cows will have improved
(Heasman et al., 1962). Addressing issues influencing why health and longevity driven by ongoing improvements in
cows die requires accepting this reality as a component genomic selection and dairy farm facilities (Britt et al.,
of the complexity and evolving ecology of dairies. The 2018). Continued integration of the dairy farming sector is
crux of the matter is that managing such systems predicted to lead to more specialization in managing cattle
requires flexible interventions based on simple ac- of different ages and stages of production, and on-farm
tions that can themselves evolve into complex and and remote sensors, robotics, and automation are expect-
desirable behaviors (Snowden, 2001). We believe those ed to improve the prediction of complex events such as
simple actions begin by incorporating NAMES into dairy death (Borchers et al., 2017). In other words, options for
mortality management to build a shared understanding of addressing animal welfare concerns such as dairy cow mor-
the problem and facilitate dialog and learning within the tality include (1) engineering the animals themselves to
co-evolutionary dairy community. better fit their environments, or (2) engineering their en-
vironments to better fit the animals (Croney et al., 2018).
APPLICATIONS That brings us back full circle to the controversy between
Farr and Chadwick and the reality that the laws of the
So, why do cows die in US dairy herds? Of course, the current dairy economy might at times be found incom-
answer is that it depends on a multitude of factors and patible with the laws of health. Not only are innovations
complexities. The more relevant questions are what are unlikely to provide engineering solutions that fully address
you going to do about mortality in your herd, and how all of the issues underlying why cows die, but some of the
do we as an industry manage associated troublesome wel- innovations that promise to improve welfare will face re-
fare implications? On the one hand, there are practical sistance from producers due to start-up costs and previous
suggestions for addressing dairy cow mortality on a day- investments in widely used, current designs. Even so, Britt
by-day basis. These include the following: (1) Implement et al. conclude that understanding differences in herd-level
euthanasia guidelines to facilitate humane and timely on- outcomes related to productivity, animal well-being, and
farm euthanasia decisions. (2) Incorporate postmortem economic viability will require additional insight into the
examinations into mortality oversight, targeting those impacts of environment, operational practices, and animal
deaths that lie outside of obvious instances such as trau- interactions on overall performance. They point out that
matic accidents. (3) Use digital photos of necropsies to this will require novel ways of capturing data that are not
document and disseminate information through on-farm collected routinely, and implementing consistent standard
group messenger applications for smartphones or tablets. operating protocols for monitoring and recording health
(4) Incorporate farm employees into the diagnostic and and disease events (Britt et al., 2018). We agree and be-
record-keeping process to stimulate interest in the prob- lieve that understanding and addressing why cows die in
lem. (5) Take the time to record aspects influencing a US dairy herds begins and ends with NAMES (Nomen-
death beyond anatomical and pathophysiological descrip- clature Arranged, Modified, and Evaluated for Solutions).
tors. (6) Standardize health event nomenclature in simple
and consistent terms using a coding system tailored to an ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
individual farm’s challenges. (7) Summarize and evaluate
data to detect deviations from the norm. In other words, Our investigations into dairy cow mortality and reasons
components of a program for decreasing dairy mortality for why cows die have been a work in progress for over 15
include educating and engaging workers within the sys- yr. There are numerous dairy personnel and veterinary
tem, monitoring processes governing animal husbandry, colleagues to whom we owe a debt of gratitude for helping
analyzing outcomes to identify trends, and establishing frame the discussion and move things forward. This review
accountability. Taking such measures can provide over- in particular is dedicated to our late mentor, friend, and
sight and direction with the flexibility to tackle problems colleague, Dave Van Metre, who was unparalleled in his
as they arise. ability to distill the complexities of veterinary medicine
On the other hand, dairy cow mortality is part of a larger and herd health into meaningful and memorable practical
discussion regarding the welfare of animals in agricultural applications. This work was partially funded by the USDA
systems. This discussion simultaneously addresses scien- National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch project
tific controversies over how to define “animal welfare,” eco- 1016366.
604 Production and Management

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