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EXPERIMENT 1: PRE-LABORATORY Measuring Techniques and Calculations nome oro Asles Zewlde __ dee _tolatlgada— Pre-Laboratory Review Questions and Exercises DUE BEFORE LAB BEGINS 1. What precautions do we have to follow in this experiment? Masue me aunel sempuntue g miigyd ia AEM AML Psion J tememene 7% PO Sabai, wResy % CaiUlnhns Garey, fo Debate AeA Cals Define the terms precision and accuracy. Fon hl ge pn Rewtaeg! Te aeeutat 4 A measurement is Wad Cisse Why does one calibrate a thermomelé? ne res : SA exper wer Segura’ atti MOE ET sedition sac FTariperasive = rainy 2904 coir ~ Be pane ~ Aol dents ~Press uve - Dew'n, et aati lee an nae ae ae tee Srepe gots > deste Caltel) 9-18 db vee Geass Unaey} Toe = 0:38 neice cacae oae in eae az ete Jase - Olo- gu Qed eng Calculate the boiling point of water ifthe atmospheric pressure is 630 mm Hg. —Malecuiar weer AYOLVIORVI-Aad CHEM 1411 Experimest | Measueng Techniques and Catesavons, AEN > a ° m < Py ° r=) < et ws 0 oa ‘Calculate the density ofa rectangular solid, which has a mass of 2571 g, It is 2.30 em long, 4.01 ‘cm wide, and 1.82 em high, Ve Desocm KY oem x bBd om Ve 1b 98506 Cm Dens! te > By D- os. . Ar 1 sdglee Fa tie cos ‘\10-mL pipette delérs 198, 1001, 9.97, and 1008 mL in an experiment, Calculate the mean value and the average deviation from the mean, 8.24 40-01 + F459 F103 > 49-4 Ae be Ke Arua og mumbes Ex'St ‘aaa Seen > 4rd o« \olhOF amie wo Memvaveliss Seale pevintow » uw ear hae Devin On Bigg = 1eWADG hie Opone serie ett Sie oe DakIn Gans Seer LVaes 7 Fi Davies. a? = FO “lo. 1405 ~ ca Pre Deron a Me oe @ avi © Gh nice Aide umes a BE es ol $05 +0005 40-607 0-605 o 8 wens sahair o> 39375 WEBI ssreg Techques and caelatins | CHEN 84) Eseries EXPERIMENT 1: POST-LABORATORY Measuring Techniques and Calculations sane Yodoasss 22 woe pac tot Lda Post-Laboratory Questions and Exercises DUE AFTER COMPLETING LAB. 1. Complete the following table. “Temperature mero Volume Pico. 2. What is the purpose of repetition in measurements? = To mst reauts Tear oe presige art aces Grn Wwe Fegan 3. Calculate the atmospheric pressure ifthe boiling point of water is 81 °C. fre APPLE pressure fs = 049 mmo pe a- Cy cer)) AYOLVAOAVT-1SOd 4. A perfect cube of aluminum metal was found to weigh 20.00 g. The density of aluminum is 2.70 ‘g/mL. What are the dimensions ofthe cube? lor 92.99 = Yor =I eV> Fut v arse arc — Dimensions 1.45 ¥ 19S Xe OT 5. Using the appropriate table in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, report the density of cach ofthe following substances: 2)Copper metal 8) 2-Prapanal Isprepyl alco!) c) Acetic ac (tom vinegar 3-365? 089 88 Sn) }+ 08S S)on) CHEM 1411 Baperien 1 | Measuring Techniques and Cateuations. ES HY Mh . sUbboY LABOR JAL FOR eit ny EDITION > HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHEMISTRY FACULTY ‘A AWAUGRGENH oO ———————— ES VO ——————————— LL SSeS ee Mh na Sa ———— _———— SS mM bluedoor | TMM 25341567 LODO P OPN OOP EPH OPM LOLA LN LLL LLL LLL KK

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