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Illustrated by N.M. Kochergin

Translated from the Russian

by Louis Zellikoff

Designed by Yuri Kapylov

First printing 1957

the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Progress Publishers Moscow

Part One Part Two Part Three

PART ONE There they sold their golden grain
Counted carefully their gain
Now the telling of the tale begins And, with well-filled money bags,
Home again would turn their nags.
Past the woods and mountains steep, But, upon an evil day,
Past the rolling waters deep, Dire misfortune came their way-
You will find a hamlet pleasant Someone, 'twixt the dark and dawn,
Where once dwelt an aged peasant. Took to trampling down their corn;
Of his sons-and he had three, Never had such grief before
Th'eldest sharp was as could be; Come to visit at their door;
Second was nor dull nor bright, Day and night they sat and thought
But the third-a fool all right. How the villain could be caught,
Now, these brothers planted wheat, Till at last it dawned upon them
Brought it to the royal seat, That the way to solve the problem
By which token you may know And to save their crops from harm
That they hadn't far to go. Was, each night to guard their farm.
As the day drew near its close, (After bowing left and right):
Up the eldest brother rose "Why-I never slept all night!
And, with pitchfork, axe in hand, And I really wonder whether
Started out his watch to stand There was ever fouler weather!
Dark and stormy was the night, Cats and dogs it poured, no joking!
He was overcome with fright Feel my shirt-it's simply soaking!
And, of all his wits deprived, Oh, it was an awful night!
In the nearest haystack dived. But, then, everything's all right.
Slowly night gave way to day; " Father praised his son with pleasure,
Our brave watchman left his hay, Said: "Danilo, you're a treasure!
And, with water from the well, You have served me well, my son,
Soused himself-then, with a yell, I can only say, well done!
Pounded on the cottage door; You have proved that you're a man
And you should have heard him roar! And have not disgraced me, Dan!"
As next day drew near its close,
"Hey, you sleepy owls," cried he- Up the second brother rose
"Open up the door-it's me! And, with pitchfork, axe in hand,
I am soaked right to the skin! Also went his watch to stand.
Hurry, there, and let me in!" Such a fearful frost set in,
Quickly they the door unbarred That he shivered in his skin.
Letting in their sentry-guard. Teeth a-chatt'ring in his head,
Then they started questioning- Freezing, from his post he fled.
Had he noticed anything? All night long, bereft of sense,
First, in prayer he bent his head, He walked round his neighbour's fence,
Cleared his throat, and then he said What a dreadful night he passed!
But the morning came at last, I shall give you beans and peas,
Found him on the porch once more And some pictures, if you please."
Pounding on the cottage door.
"Hey, you sleepy owls," yelled he, At these words, Ivan climbed down,
"Let your brother in-it's me! Donned his coat of russet brown,
I am frozen, frozen quite- Pocketed a lump of bread
It was dreadful cold last night! And on sentry-go he sped.
" Quickly they the door unbarred
Letting in their sentry guard. Night fell and the white moon rose.
Then they started questioning- On his beat Ivan now goes,
Had he noticed anything? Looking sharply all around;
First, in prayer he bent his head, Then he sits upon the ground,
Through his teeth, he slowly said Munching slowly at his bread,
(After bowing left and right): Counts the bright stars overhead.
"Why, I never slept all night! Suddenly, a neigh resounded-
And I really wonder whether To his feet our sentry bounded;
There was ever colder weather! Peering round with shaded eyes,
It was cold, I'd have you know- In the field a mare he spies.
I kept running to and fro- Now, this mare, I'd have you know,
Wasn't it a chilly night! Whiter was than whitest snow,
But, then, everything's all right. Silken mane in ringlets streaming
" And his father said with pleasure: To the ground, all golden gleaming.
"You, Gavrilo, are a treasure." "Oh, ho ho-so this is it!
You're the rogue-but wait a bit!
Evening once again drew near, I don't like such nasty jokes
Now the third should don his gear, Played on honest farming folks!
But he never turned a hair, Trifling never was my line
Sitting on the oven there, And I'll jump upon your spine,
Singing with his foolish might: Nasty little plague," said he
"0, you eyes, as black as night!" And, approaching stealthily,
Then to coax and beg Ivan Seized her tail as in a vice,
Both the elder sons began; Mounted on her in a trice,
Bade him go and guard the grain; Landed on her with a smack,
They grew hoarse-but all in vain. Back to front and front to back.
Father finally said: "Here, But the mare, whose blood was hot,
You just listen, Vanya dear, Started bucking on the spot.
Go on watch, and if you do,
This is what I'll do for you:
Eyes ablaze with angry glow, As have ne'er been seen, I swear;
Like an arrow from its bow And a third I promise you,
Over hills and valleys sped, Only twelve hands high, with two
Over streams and gullies fled, Little humps upon his back-
On her haunches rearing, prancing, Ears-a yard long; eyes-coal-black;
"Neath the forest branches dancing, If you wish, why, sell the two,
All her wiles and strength in vain But, Ivan, whate'er you do,
Plying, to be free again. Part not with the little steed,
But-she found her match at last- Though you be in direst need,
To her tail Ivan stuck fast. Nor for gold, nor silken raiment,
Finally, she said to him, Nor for lucky charm in payment.
Spent, and trembling in each limb: Faithful friend to you he'll be,
"Since you sat me, Where you go, on land or sea;
I confess I am yours now to possess; He'll find shade from summer's heat,
Find a place for me to rest, Keep you warm in snow and sleet,
Care for me as you know best, Find your food in time of need,
But-remember this my warning: Quench your thirst with cooling mead,
That for three days, every morning, Afterwards, you'll set me free,
You must let me out to graze. Let me roam at liberty."
At the end of these three days,
Two such handsome steeds I'll bear
Now, Ivan thought this all right, I stared on in stark surprise
Found her shelter for the night As that devil, with his tail,
In an empty shepherd's shack; Whipped the wheat as with a flail.
O'er its door he hung a sack; You know, joking's not my line-
Then he homeward made his way So I jumped right on his spine.
With the early light of day, He led me a dance, look you-
Singing merrily: "Heigh-ho, Nearly broke my head in two.
Vanya would a-wooing go." But I'm not a fool-not quite-
See him near his home once more, Like a vice, I held him tight.
Knocking at the cottage door, How that cunning rascal tried!
Calling out with might and main, Finally, he begged and cried:
'Spare my life this once, please do!
Till the rafters rang again. For twelve months, I promise you
You'd have sworn, to hear him shout, Not to break a single law,
That a fire had broken out. Christian folks to plague no more.'
Up his brothers from their beds I believed him on the spot-
Jumped in fright, and scratched their Off the devil's back I got."
heads, And Ivan then said no more-
Stammering: "Who knocks so loud?" Yawned and soon began to snore,
"Me, the Fool," came answer proud. While his brothers, though they tried
So they opened up the door, Not to, laughed until they cried,
Let him in, and roundly swore Laughing at that booby's joke-
At Ivan-how did he dare You'd have thought that they would
Give his brothers such a scare? choke!
But Ivan, with heedless air, Father, too, could not refrain-
Climbed up on the oven, where, Laughed, and cried, and laughed again,
Lying down in all his clothes, Though it is a sin, they say,
He related, at repose, For old men to laugh that way.
His adventures-while, amazed,
Open-mouthed, his hearers gazed. Since that night, I cannot say
"Well, I didn't sleep all night, How much time had passed away-
Counting all the stars so bright. For of this I heard no word
Possibly, the moon was there, Nor from man, nor beast, nor bird.
Though I really wouldn't swear- What is this to you or me
Satan suddenly appeared, Whether one year passed, or three?
Bristling whiskers, bushy beard, Time can't be recalled, once fled-
Cat-like face and saucer eyes; Let me tell my tale instead.
Well, Danilo-(I should say-
This was on a holiday) Thrice they fell, and thrice they rose,
Tipsy, reeled along the track Bruised their eyes and tore their clothes
Leading to that shepherd's shack. Ere they reached the shepherd's shack,
There he saw a handsome pair- Rubbing one another's back.
Steeds, with manes of golden hair, Here, two chargers met their gaze-
And beside them, in its stall, Snorting, ruby eyes ablaze,
Stood a horse, so queer and small, Silken tails in ringlets streaming,
Golden in the shadows gleaming;
Two humps on his little back; And their hoofs, of diamonds made,
Ears a yard long; eyes-coal-black. Were with monster pearls inlaid.
All the fumes immediately Yes, it cannot be denied-
Left Danilo's head, and he Horses fit for tsars to ride.
Murmured: "Hm! At last it's clear And they nearly burst from spleen
Why that fool is sleeping here! As they stared upon this scene;
" Breathless bursting home, Danilo Th'eldest, gaping, scratched his head-
Cried excitedly: "Gavrilo, "Where'd he get them from?" he said.
Come and see that lovely pair "This just proves the ancient rule-
Our young fool has hidden there- Fortune favours but the fool.
Steeds, with manes of golden hair- Though you'd rack your brains, you'd
No one saw their likes, I swear. never
" Fast as legs could carry, Dan, Raise a ruble, though you're clever.
Barefoot, with Gavrilo ran, Say, Gavrilo-let's go down,
Through the fields, as though on wings, Sunday, to the fair in town,
Heedless of the nettle stings.
Sell them to the Boyards there; Slowly, Time crept on its way,
We will share the takings square- Hour by hour and day by day;
And, with money, you'll agree Sunday came and found them dressed
We can have a merry spree, For the town, in all their best;
Once we set our pockets jingling, There they meant to sell their ware,
While not e'en the slightest inkling Find out, at the harbour there,
Of his horses' whereabout What strange ships had put to port,
Will he have, that foolish lout. And what linens merchants sought;
Let him seek them high and low- Had Saltan his flag unfurled
Strike the bargain, brother-so!" To enslave the Christian world?
Said and done-and here, each brother See them at their icons praying,
Crossed himself and kissed the other; Then, for Father's blessing staying,
They went home in glee together After which, in secret, they
Chatting, in the highest feather, Took the steeds and stole away.
Of the steeds, their future feast,
And that little wonder beast.

Night her shadows softly spread, What foul devil stole you? Who?
And Ivan set out for bed Plague on him, the dirty dog!
. Through the village he went, swinging, May he perish in a bog!
Munching at his crust, and singing; When he to the next world goes,
Through the meadow now he skips, May he trip and break his nose!
With his hands upon his hips; Oh, my horses black as night,
In the shack, upon his toes, With your golden manes so bright!"
Like a very lord, he goes. Humpback neighed and shook his head:
Everything was in its place- "Do not fret, Ivan," he said.
But the steeds-of them no trace! "Yes, your loss is great, I know-
Only tiny humpback, neighing, But I'll help you in your woe.
Fawned around his feet, a-playing, Blame the devil for his deeds-
Flapping both ears left and right, Your two brothers stole those steeds.
Prancing gaily in delight. Dry your tears, Ivan-make haste-
At this sight, Ivan wept sore, We have not much time to waste.
As he leaned against the door. Mount my back-when I say: 'Go,'
"Oh, my horses black as night, Hold to me for all you know.
With your golden manes so bright! Though I'm small-that's true, of course,
Did not I look after you? I'm as good as any horse.
Once I get into my pace He stood on his feet and shivered
Any demon I'll outrace." Shook his mane and, with a neigh,
Like an arrow sped away.
Saying this, he stretched out flat, Only dust clouds marked the course
On his back Ivan then sat, Of the rider and the horse.
Grabbed his ears and held them tight, On they flew, as quick as thought-
Shouting out with all his might; In a trice, the thieves were caught.
Little humpback's sinews quivered,

Seeing him, his brothers stared, We can hardly make ends meet.
Scratched their heads, confused and Quit-rent's always overdue,
scared; The police, they fleece us too.
Wrathfully, Ivan exclaimed: So, Gavrilo, here, and I
"Brothers, are you not ashamed! All last night ne'er closed an eye
Though you're clev'rer than Ivan, Talking of our sorry plight
Still, Ivan's an honest man. And of how to put things right;
I did not rob you-not I!" So, to meet our many needs,
Th'eldest, squirming, made reply: We resolved to sell your steeds
"We are both to blame, For a thousand at the fair-
I fear, But, dear brother-listen here- Not a ruble less, I swear;
And, consider if you please And, in gratitude to you,
That we lead no life of ease; Bring you back a gift or two-
Though we sow a lot of wheat, High-heeled boots of finest leather,
And a cap, with bells and feather. Something's burning-yes, a fire!
Then-the old man's frail and ailing- Just the thing that we require!
He can work no more-he's failing, Listen, now, Vanyusha dear,
Yet must dodder out his span- Go and fetch some embers here-
Come, you're not a fool, Ivan." For it really slipped my mind,
"If that's so," Ivan said, "well, And I left my flint behind."
I suppose you'd better sell To himself says brother Dan:
My two golden-crested horses- "May you break your neck, young man!"
Take me with you-let's join forces. Says Gavrilo, "Do I care?
" If thoughts could, their thoughts would Lord knows what is burning there.
kill- If a highwayman besets him,
But, perforce, they feigned goodwill. We for ever can forget him."
Soon the sky grew overcast,
Colder, colder blew the blast, So our fool, who knew no care,
So they called a bivouac Climbed upon his horse right there,
So as not to lose the track, Twined its mane around his wrist,
In a wood; the steeds were made Urged it on with heel and fist,
Fast beneath its leafy shade; Shouting out with all his might.
There they made themselves at ease, Up his horse rose out of sight.
Ate and drank beneath the trees, Then Gavrilo cried in fright:
After which, in happy mood, "Saints be with us all this night!
Each made merry as he could. Save us, Lord, from evil sin-
Soon, Danilo saw a light Say-what devil's under him?'
In the darkness of the night; Brighter, brighter shone the light,
Nudged Gavrilo on the sly, Swifter, swifter was their flight
Cunningly, he winked an eye, Till they halted where it lay-
Pointed where the light was burning, There, the field was bright as day,
Coughed a muffled cough of warning, Lit by wondrous brilliant rays-
After which he scratched his head. Cold and smokeless in their blaze!
"My-how dark it is," he said. Here, Ivan in stark surprise,
"If the moon would show her face Stared and said: "Why, bless my eyes!
Even for a little space, Look-there's light in plenty there-
How much better it would be- But no smoke or heat-I swear
Why, the blindest owl can see Now, this is a'curious light."
More than us-but stay-look there-
Can you see it? I declare
Quoth his horse: "Yes, you're quite right. That, without the Mayor's permission,
And you very well may stare! Nothing could be bought or sold,
That's a Fire-Bird's feather there! Nor for barter, nor for gold.
But, Ivan, for your own sake, As the church-bells called for prayer,
Touch it not, for in its wake On his palfrey rode the Mayor;
Many sorrows, many woes Spurred and belted, furs on shoulders,
Follow everywhere it goes." Guarded by a hundred soldiers,
Growled our fool: "You're telling me- Near him, bearded and sedate,
Woes and sorrows-we shall see!" Rode a crier in full state,
So he wrapped it up with care Golden trumpet gaily sounding,
In a rag to hide the glare, Voice stentorian resounding:
Hid it in his hat, and then "Oyez, honest merchants there,
Galloped swiftly back again; Open up and sell your ware!
Tied his horse fast to a tree, And you watchmen-stay you near,
To his brothers then said he: Guard their stalls-keep eye and ear
"When I got there, all I found, Sharp, maintaining strictest order,
Was a burnt stump on the ground; Keep from riots and disorder;
I blew hard to raise a spark, See no rogue, however sly,
Nearly burst there in the dark. Fools good folk with honeyed lie.
And I puffed and puffed-in vain, " Then the merchants loudly call,
For it wouldn't burn again!" As each opens up his stall:
Both his brothers laughed all night "Honest masters-come this way!
At Ivan, in sheer delight. See what wares we have today!
He, however, merely crept Oh, come buy! Come buy! come buy!
'Neath the wain and snoring, slept Our goods always satisfy!"
Till the dawning of the day, Buyers flock like flies round honey,
When to town they drove away, Choose their goods and pay their money;
Halting at the Hostlers' Fair, As the coins change hands and chink,
Opposite the Palace there. Merchants to the watchmen wink.

Now, there was an old tradition

Meanwhile, with his guards, the Mayor Flowing tails, all golden gleaming.
Halted at the Hostlers' Fair, Here the old man stroked his beard
Where he saw a crowd so great, And his anger disappeared.
That it blocked up every gate, "Wondrous is God's world," quoth he.
Surging like a stormy sea, "Countless are its marvels-see!"
Shouting, laughing lustily. And his guards bowed to the ground
Here, the Mayor, who wished to see Dumbstruck by his speech profound.
What aroused such jollity, Then the Mayor gave out strict orders
Gave his troops an order to 'Gainst all tumults and disorders,
Clear the way and let him through. That those steeds, on no condition,
"Hey, you ragamuffins there- Might be sold without permission;
Make way! Make way for the Mayor!" Set a guard, and off to Court
Shouted his bewhiskered soldiers, Raced to hand in his report.
Cracking whips on backs and shoulders.
Doffing hats, the crowd in pain, Straightway to the Tsar went he.
Stepped aside and made a lane. "Pardon, Gracious Majesty!"
Cried the Mayor, as he fell prone
Then the Mayor rode in the Fair, Breathlessly before the throne.
Saw two chargers standing there- "Be not angry with your slave-
Handsome horses, black as night, Suffer me to speak, I crave."
Silken manes in ringlets bright
Golden in the sunlight streaming,
"Speak," vouchsafed the Tsar. Were with monster pearls inlaid."
"Commence, Cried the Tsar excitedly:
But be sure your words make sense." "We shall have to go and see-
"I shall try, Your Majesty, And, if they are all you say,
I am Lord Mayor here, you see, We shall buy those two today.
I would give my life for you ..." Ho! My coach !"-he clapped his hands-
"Yes-we know-we know 'tis true." Lo !-his coach all ready stands-
"Sire, I rode to Hostlers' Fair Donned his robes and crown with care
With my guard today, and there And in haste drove to the fair,
I beheld a crowd, so great, Followed by his Guard of State.
That it blocked up every gate;
So I told my men that they When he stopped outside the gate,
Break the crowd and clear the way- All the people straightaway
Which they did, Your Majesty. Kneeled and wildly cheered: "Hurray!"
In I rode-what did I see In reply, the Tsar smiled brightly,
When I got inside the Fair? Bowed, and.from his coach sprang
I saw two such chargers there- lightly…
Handsome horses, black as night, Charmed by those two steeds, the Tsar
Silken manes in ringlets bright, Gazed at them from near and far,
Golden in the sunlight streaming, Praised and praised them once again,
Flowing tails, all golden gleaming, Softly stroked each golden mane,
And their hoofs, of diamonds made, Gently patted each steed's spine,
Felt their necks, so sleek and fine.

After he had gazed his fill, So, there's nothing else to do,
He turned round with right goodwill, But to come along with me.
Saying: "My good people, who I shall issue a decree,
Owns these handsome chargers two? Make you Master of my Horse,
Who's the master?" Here, Ivan, Like a lord, you'll live, of course;
Arms akimbo, like a Pan*, (Pan-Gentleman - You'll have raiment of the best,
Tr.) Gold brocade upon your chest;
Pushed his brothers both aside, On my royal word-you'll see!
Puffed his cheeks and proudly cried: Are you willing?" "Well, I'll be ...
"Tsar, these steeds belong to me, In the Palace I shall live!
I'm their owner, too, you see." And to me, the Tsar will give
"Will you sell them to me, say?" Handsome raiment of the best,
"No, I'm swapping them today." Gold brocade upon my chest!
"What will you be taking, then?" Like a lord, I'll live in clover,
"Twice five caps-and that makes ten, Rule the Royal Stables over!
Full of silver-that's my price!" I, a ploughboy, now will be
So the coins were in a trice Voivode to His Majesty!
Counted out-the Tsar, in pleasure, Well, I never! Your commission,
Gave five rubles for good measure- I accept, Tsar, on condition-
Generous a tsar was he ! That you never treat me rough,
Ten grey grooms in livery, Always let me sleep enough-
Trimmed with gold and silver slashes, Or you'll see no more of me!"
Each with gaily coloured sashes,
Each with saffian whip in hand, Whistling to his horses, he
Took the horses' bridles, and Sauntered through the city, singing,
Led them to the Royal Palace, Carelessly his mittens swinging,
But the steeds, in play, or malice, Followed by his steeds a-prancing
Tripped their grooms and straightway ran, And his humpbacked horse a-dancing
Bridles broken, to Ivan. To the rhythm of his song,
Back the Tsar drove to Ivan, And the marvel of the throng.
Said to him: "Look here, my man, As for his two brothers, they
Now, my grooms can't hold those two-
Stowed the silver safe away And was taken for a sprite;
In their belts; then, in high feather, How he lost his feather bright;
Had a drink or two together How he laid the Fire-Bird's snare;
And rode home in glee; once there, How he stole the Tsar-Maid fair;
Shared the money fair and square; How he found her ring for her,
Married, 'mid much joy and laughter, How he was her messenger;
Lived and prospered ever after. How the Sun, at his request,
And the rest of all their days Gave the Monster Whale his rest;
Spoke of their Ivan with praise. One more deed, but not the least,
How he thirty ships released;
Let us now forget those two How, when boiled in cauldrons, he
And, good people, Christians true, Came out handsome as could be.
I'll amuse you if I can In a word, how our young man
With the deeds of our Ivan. Ended up as Tsar Ivan.
How he ruled the stables over,
Living like a lord in clover,

Of Ivan and of his deeds,
Of the tiny fallow bay
Tales, you know, are quickly spun, Talking horse, so wise and gay.
Deeds are sooner said than done. Goats are grazing on the seas,
Hills are overgrown with trees;
Golden bridle, loosely swinging,
Onñå again my tale proceeds See the stallion sunward winging-
Far below him, forests glide; Feigned to be Ivan's best friend,
Thunder-clouds, on every side, Masked his feelings to this end,
Race across the sky and dash, Thinking-"Wait, you dirty lout,
Hurling lightning as they crash. Time will come, I'll turn you out."
Wait-this is the prelude to
What I shall be telling you. So, the chamberlain began
Have you heard of Buyan Island As weeks passed, to watch Ivan;
Floating on the ocean wild, and And he noticed that he never
Of the maiden wondrous fair Fed or groomed those steeds, or ever
Sleeping in a casket there? Took them out for exercise;
Forest beasts with gentle tread Yet those steeds, to his surprise,
Guard her grave, while overhead Always were, whene'er paraded,
Nightingales their music pour. Brushed and burnished, manes a-braided.
Wait, my friends, a little more- Tails, in flowing ringlets streaming,
Now my prelude's said and done, Glossy coats, like satin gleaming,
And my story is begun. Mangers-always full of wheat
Which, it seemed, grew at their feet.
Well, good friends and Christians true, And huge tubs, he could have sworn,
Fellow-countrymen-look you- Were fresh-filled with mead each morn.
Our young fellow made his way "Now, whatever can this mean?"
To the Palace that fine day. Sighed the chamberlain in spleen-
He is Master of the Horse "Can it be, a goblin sprite
And he doesn't pine, of course, Comes and plays his pranks at night?
For his brothers and his dad. Watch him-that's what I shall do.
And, indeed, why should our lad, And it should be easy to
Living in the Royal Court, Spin a story in a flash
Waste on them a single thought? And to settle that fool's hash.
He has garments gay in plenty I shall tell the Tsar, of course,
And possesses five and twenty That the Master of the Horse
Chests, all full of caps and shoes Is a wicked infidel,
Out of which to pick and choose. And a sorcerer as well;
All he does is eat his fill, That Old Nick his soul has taken,
Slake his thirst, and sleep at will. That he has God's Church forsaken,
Bows before the Cross of Rome,
Now, the chamberlain began, During Lent, eats meat at home."
As weeks passed, to watch Ivan ...
You should know, that he had been So, the former Chief of Horse
(Till Ivan came on the scene) (Yes, the chamberlain, of course)
Master of the Royal Horse- That same evening hid away
His was noble blood, of course- In a stall, beneath some hay.
So, no wonder that he bore
Malice towards Ivan, and swore Blackest midnight came at last,
That he'd die, but soon or late Pit-a-pat, his heart beat fast;
Drive the upstart from the gate. Lying there, with bated breath,
But the rogue, his good time biding He peeped out, as still as death,
And his double-dealing hiding, Waiting for that sprite-when hark!
Loud the door creaked in the dark,
And the horses pawed the ground
As the sprite, without a sound,
Entered-though he looked, of course,
Like the Master of the Horse;
First he barred the door; then he
Took his hat off carefully,
And from it he slowly took
Out his kerchief, which he shook
Till the Fire-Bird's feather blazed;
While the chamberlain, amazed,
Nearly screamed there in the hay,
Almost gave himself away.
Unsuspectingly, the sprite
In a corn-bin placed the light,
After which, with tender care,
He commenced to groom the pair;
Braided their fine manes so long,
While he sang a merry song;
Meanwhile, crouching there and
Hair all bristling, skin a-shivering,
Stared the chamberlain in fright
At the joker of the night.

He could not believe his eyes- Sure the sprite was in disguise!
It nor horns nor whiskers wore- "Speak, without exaggeration
Twas a handsome lad he saw! And without prevarication."
Hair with ribbons gaily dressed, Yawned the Tsar. "If you tell fibs,
Gold brocade upon his chest; Know, the knout will count your ribs."
Saffian boots right to his knees- Gathering his courage, he
This was Vanya, if you please! Said: "God bless Your Majesty!
Now, what could this mean? On the Holy Cross, forsooth,
Our spy Stared again and rubbed his eye I am telling you the truth.
And he growled out finally: All the Court knows it is true-
"Oh, so that is it! I see! That Ivan conceals from you
Very well! I'll tell the Tsar That which can't be bought or sold
What a smart young man you are! Nor for silver, nor for gold-
Just you wait until tomorrow- It's a Fire-Bird's feather, see,
You'll remember me with sorrow!" Which he hides, Your Majesty."
But Ivan, quite unaware "What! A Fire-Bird's!
Of the evil lurking there, And he dare,
Gaily sings his little song, Cursed varlet, such a rare ...
As he braids those manes so long. Oh, the villain-wait and see
After he had groomed each steed, What a whipping there will be!"
Filled each tub with cooling mead, "That's not all," the chamberlain
And the bins with choicest corn, Whispered, as he bowed again.
He let out a sleepy yawn,
Wrapped the feather up once more, (* Yeruslan-a valiant Knight,
Laid himself upon the floor; endowed with fabulous strength,
By his horses made his bed and hero of Russian folklore)
With his hat beneath his head.
"Were it but the feather, he
With the dawn, the chamberlain Might retain it, Majesty-
Stretched his limbs to ease the strain But, he boasts, as I have heard,
And, on hearing our Ivan That, did you but say the word,
Snoring loud as Yeruslan*, He could bring the Bird of Fire
Rose, and on his tip-toes crept To your Royal Chamber, Sire."
Cautiously to where he slept, And the spy, with servile tread,
Snatched the feather from his hat On all fours approached the bed,
Then he vanished-just like that! Dropped the treasure-and once more
Banged his head upon the floor.
As the Tsar woke with a snore, Long the Tsar, enchanted, gazed,
There he stood, right at the door; Chortled, stroked his beard, amazed;
Bowing low, until his head Bit the feather's tip, then he
Hit the floor, he whined and said: Placed it under lock and key,
"To confess, 0 Majesty, houted in impatience and,
I have dared to come to thee! As confirming his command,
Be not angry with thy slave- Waved his sceptre in the air:
Suffer me to speak, I crave." "Hey! You! Fetch me that fool there!"
All the lords-in-waiting ran When I'm sleeping in my bed."
Instantly to fetch Ivan; But the lords-in-waiting said:
But, colliding near the door, "Up! The Tsar sent us to say
Fell and sprawled upon the floor, That you come without delay!"
While the Tsar in huge delight "Oh, the Tsar? Ah, well, then, wait-
Roared with laugher at the sight; I will dress and go there straight,"
So his lords, all quick to see Yawning answered our Ivan.
What so pleased His Majesty, So he put on his kaftan,
Winks exchanged as they once more Tied his girdle in its place,
Threw themselves upon the floor. Combed his hair and washed his face;
Whereupon, amused thereat, And strode forth in pompous pride,
He gave each a brand-new hat, Horse whip dangling by his side.
After which they once more ran
Hurrying, to fetch Ivan; When he reached His Majesty,
And without an accident Our Ivan bowed low, then he
This time, on their mission went. Hummed and hawed and puffed his chest,
When they reached the stables, they Said: "Why did you spoil my rest?"
Rushed inside without delay, Here, the Tsar jumped up in bed,
Fell upon our poor fool there, Left eye squinting, seeing red.
Kicked him, punched him, pulled his hair, "Silence," wrathfully roared he-
Fully half an hour, or more- "It is you must answer me!
All Ivan did, was to snore, By what law and what decree
Finally, a stable groom Have you from Our Majesty
Woke him with a stable broom. Hidden what is ours by right?
Jumping up, Ivan bawled out: Yes-the Fire-Bird's feather bright?
Am I not your lawful Tsar?
"Varlets-what are you about? Answer, heathen that you are!"
I shall teach you not to worry But Ivan made answer bold-
Me, you villains, in a hurry, Waved his hand and shouted:
"Hold! When did I give you my hat? I make hairs and heads to fly!
How could you discover that? That's what I am like, my man,
What-have you got second sight? So, let's not waste words, Ivan.
You can lock me up, all right, You have boasted, as I've heard,
You can have me beaten flat- That, did I but say the word,
I've no feather, and that's that!" You could bring the Bird of Fire
"You'll be flogged! Now answer me!" To the Chamber of your Sire.
"But I'm speaking plainly-see, Now, do not say 'No' to me-
I've no feather-and, how, pray, Do your best and bring one, see?"
Could such wonders come my way?" Up Ivan bounced like a ball:
Here the Tsar sprang to the floor, "Nothing of the sort at all,"
Shook the feather with a roar- Shouted he, and wiped his eye;
"What is this? Now will you dare "I that feather don't deny-
Stand and contradict me there?" But the talk about the bird
Here Ivan gave just one look, Is as false as it's absurd."
Like a storm-tossed leaf he shook, Wrathfully, the Tsar's beard shook:
Dropped his hat in sheer dismay. "What-me argue with you? Look!
"Ah, you don't know what to say," If you do not bring to me
Said the Tsar. "But wait, my man ..." That Fire-Bird, in sennights three,
"Mercy, mercy," cried Ivan, To my Royal Chamber, now,
Grovelling upon the floor, By my Royal Beard I vow,
At the Tsar's feet, sobbing sore- Hide yourself where e'er you please-
"Pardon me this once, please do Under ground, or under seas-
And I'll lie no more to you." I'll have you impaled, my man!
"You'll be pardoned for the nonce, Off, you scum!" In tears, Ivan
Seeing you have sinned but once," To the hayloft made his way
Said the Tsar. "But bear in mind Where his little humpback lay.
I'll not always be so kind.
Gracious, when I'm angry-why,

Hearing him, his humpback ran Said he, fawning round his knees.
Full of glee to meet Ivan; "Put your mind, Ivan, at ease,
But on seeing him in tears, Tell me what has happened, please-
Almost sobbed, and drooped his ears: Just confide in me, Ivan,
"Why, Ivanushka, so sad? I will help you if I can.
Tell me what's the matter, lad," Are you ill? If not, then who
Has upset you? Tell me, do." Say to him in language plain:
And Ivan, in bitter tears, 'Tsar, I need the best of grain,
As he kissed his humpback's ears, And two troughs; then, if you please,
Said: "The Tsar-Oh, have you heard? Wine-brought in from overseas;
Bids me bring a Fire-Bird! Tell them that they must make haste,
Oh, whatever shall I do?" For I have no time to waste-
In reply, his horse said: "True, I’ll be off at dawn of day.'"
Your misfortune's great, I know. So Ivan went straightaway,
But I'll help you in your woe. Told the Tsar in language plain:
You rejected my advice- "Tsar, I need the best of grain,
Now, you have to pay the price; And two troughs; then, if you please,
For remember, when you found Wine-brought in from overseas;
That bird's feather on the ground, Tell them, too, they must make haste-
I told you, for your own sake, For I have no time to waste-
Not to touch it; in its wake With the early dawn of day
Many sorrows, many woes I'll be going on my way."
Follow everywhere it goes.
Now, Ivan, you see that I, So the Tsar gave strict commands
When I warned you, told no lie. To fulfil Ivan's demands;
But, Ivan, 'twixt you and me- Called Ivan a brave young man,
This is easy as can be; Said: "God speed you" to Ivan.
Service lies ahead, my man.
Now, go to the Tsar, Ivan,

Dawn had scarce begun to peep, "Hey, my lad-stop snoring, do,

Humpback roused Ivan from sleep: Up! your duty's calling you!"
So Ivan got up and dressed And to hide yourself from sight,
Warmly for his royal quest; 'Neath the other trough sit tight.
Took the grain and took the wine, Make no sound, and mind you keep
Tightly tied the troughs with twine, Eyes and ears alert-don't sleep-
Put it all into a sack, You will see, at dawn of day,
Climbed upon his horse's back, Flocks of Fire-Birds come this way.
Chewing on a piece of bread, They will peck your grain, and chatter
To the rising sun he sped, In their language-but no matter-
Off to seek that Fire-Bird. Seize the nearest one, Ivan,
Hold it fast as fast you can;
Seven days they rode, I heard; When you have that Fire-Bird tight,
When the eighth day dawned, they stood Shout for me with all your might;
In a dark and dense green wood. I shall come without delay."
Here the humpback tossed his head: "Won't they burn my fingers, say?"
"You will see a glade," he said; To his horse exclaimed Ivan
"In the middle of this glade As he spread out his kaftan.
Stands a hill, of silver made. "Mittens I shall have to wear,
There it is that every morn They might be too hot to bear."
Fire-Birds flock before the dawn, Here, from sight his humpback swept;
Water from the stream to drink. With a grund, Ivan then crept
We will catch them there, I think." Underneath a trough, where he
With these words, he swiftly ran Lay as still as still could be.
To the glade, with our Ivan.
What a meadow met their sight- Suddenly, at dead of night,
Blades of grass, like emeralds bright! All the hill-side blazed with light,
And the breezes, as they blew, And it seemed as though 'twere day-
Scattered sparkles through the dew; Twas a flock of Fire-Birds-they
Flowers sweet of beauty rare Swooped upon the wine-soaked wheat,
Blossomed in the meadow there. Screamed and hopped on drunken feet.
In the middle of this glade While Ivan, from them well hidden
Rose a hill, of silver made, In his trough, as he was bidden,
Like an airy tower bright, Gazed on them in wonder and,
With its summit hid from sight. Waving wildly with his hand,
And the sun, with gentle blaze, Murmured: "goodness gracious me!
Gilds it with its summer rays What strange creatures do I see!
Till the peak in splendour bright Now, if I could catch them all,
Flashes like a beacon light. It would make a lovely haul!
Quite a half a hundred there!
Up the hill the humpback flew, They are beauties, I declare!
And he climbed a mile or two- Feet all red, upon my word!
Then he stopped and tossed his head, But their tails-they're just absurd!
Flapping both his ears, and said: Surely chickens never had
"Look-it's getting dark, Ivan, Tails like that, Ivan my lad!
You must watch as best you can; Then again-this blinding light!
Mix some wine and grain-enough, Father's stove is not so bright!"
But not more, to fill one trough; Our Ivan his long speech ended
And his heavy trough up-ended,
Grunting softly from the strain,
Crawled until he reached the grain.
Then the nearest bird he seized
By its shining tail-and sneezed;
"Oh, my little humpback dear,
Hurry fast-come, do you hear!
I have caught a Fire-Bird-see,"
Roared our fool most lustily.
Lo, the humpback stood beside him,
Saying: "Good-now quickly hide him
In your sack, and hold on tight,
For we haven't got all night."
But Ivan the Fool said: "Oh,
Let me scare them ere we go.
Look-they've had so much to eat
That they can't stand on their feet!"
Said Ivan, and then and there
With his sack he beat the air.
In a blinding blaze of light
Started up the flock in fright,
Wheeling in a ring of fire,
Soaring to the clouds, and higher.
While Ivan, with crazy laughter,
Waved his mittens, running after,
Yelling madly, just as though
He had swallowed soap, you know.
When the birds had gone from view, "Ups-a-daisy, dear," he cried.
Our Ivan, without ado, Blinded by the flood of light,
Made the royal treasure fast They all screened their eyes in fright,
And set off for home at last. And the Tsar, in accents dire,
Finally, they reached the Court, Shouted: "Gracious! We're on fire!
And the Tsar cried: "Have you brought Water-call the fire brigade!
Me the Fire-Bird? "-while he eyed What a fire this fool has made!"
His attendant by his side, Tears a-streaming from his eyes,
Who (the chamberlain, I mean) Our bird-catcher, laughing, cries:
Stood and bit his nails in spleen. "No, no-this is not a fire-
"Yes, of course," replied Ivan. It is but your Fire-Bird, Sire.
"Then, where is it, my young man?" It's a lovely plaything, see,
"Wait a minute, and you'll see! That I've brought Your Majesty!"
Bid them first, Your Majesty, Said the Tsar for all to hear:
Shut the chamber casement tight, "Vanya, friend, I love you, dear,
Draw the shades, keep out the light." And, in token of my joy,
All the lords-in-waiting ran, Be my Royal Groom, my boy!"
Closed the casement for Ivan.
Flinging down his sack with pride,
Then the former Chief of Horse- "There are five-so let us see-
(Yes, the chamberlain, of course) First, we have 'The Beaver Beast'»
Muttered to himself in hate: Then-'The Lady from the East';
"No, you ill-bred milksop-wait! Next-God help me-here you are-
You won't always prosper so, Yes, the third's about a Tsar;
Have such foolish luck-oh no! 'Prince Bobyl' is number four
I'll get you in trouble, yet! Then, you know, there's just one more,
Yes, I will, my little pet!" Number five-the last of all...
Which I simply can't recall."
Now, one evening, three weeks after, "Never mind, then"-"Wait a minute-"
Loud the kitchen rang with laughter, "Has it got a beauty in it?"
Palace cooks and servants sat "So it has. The fifth, I swear,
Round the table for a chat, Tells about the Tsar-Maid Fair.
Passing round the golden mead, So, my friends, just choose and say
While one "Yeruslan" did read; Which one shall I read today?"
"You should see," another said, "Of the Tsar-Maid," they replied,
"What a lovely book I read- "We are tired of tsars," they cried.
I just borrowed it today- So the servant, then and there,
Why, it takes your breath away! Started with a solemn air:
Actually, it's pretty small-
Only has five tales in all, "In a distant clime, my brothers,
But I'm sure that you have never Flows an ocean, like no others;
Heard of tales so strange and clever." And it washes foreign shores,
In one voice, they cried aloud: And it's sailed by blackamoors;
"Tell us, brother, don't be proud." From true Christian soil, however,
"Well then, make your choice," said he. Noblemen, nor peasants, never
Sailed those pagan waters-though "But be sure you do not lie."
Merchants who have sailed, and know, And the crafty chamberlain
Tell about a maiden fair Murmured, as he bowed again:
Living on that ocean there. "We sat round the kitchen fire,
She's no common maiden, see- Drinking to your health, 0 Sire;
Daughter to the moon is she, And we heard a story there
And she's sister to the sun; Of the wondrous Tsar-Maid Fair.
This fair maid, the stories run, And your groom got up and said,
In a scarlet dress arrayed, Swearing by your Royal Head,
Sails a boat-of gold it's made; That he knew this birdie-yes-
And she wields a silver oar, So he called her, I confess;
Steers that boat from shore to shore; And, 0 Sire, it's also true
Gusli in her hand, she sings That he bragged to catch her, too."
As she plucks its silver strings." And the chamberlain once more
At these words, the chamberlain Banged his head upon the floor.
Bounded up, as if insane; "Hey! my groom at once to me!"
To the Royal Chamber sped, Roared the Tsar impatiently.
Where he found the Tsar in bed; Satisfied, the chamberlain
Bowed his head, and with a bang Raised himself erect again,
Hit the floor, and whining sang: While the lords-in-waiting ran –
"To confess, 0 Majesty, Hastily to fetch Ivan.
I have dared to come to thee! In his nightshirt, straight from bed,
Be not angry with thy slave- To the Tsar Ivan was led.
Suffer me to speak, I crave!"
"Speak up," was the Tsar's reply,

"Listen," thus the Tsar began, "I have been informed, Ivan,
That just now, my lad, you said, And a tent of gold brocade,
Swearing by my Royal Head, And a dinner-service, made
That, did I but say the word, All of gold, from overseas;
You could bring another bird Sweetmeats, too, her taste to please.'"
For your Monarch-you did swear So Ivan with fearless tread
You could catch the Tsar-Maid Fair." Went back to the Tsar, and said:
"God save you from every harm," "For the Tsar-Maid's capture, Sire,
Cried the Tsar's groom in alarm. Two large cloths I will require,
"Really, only in a dream And a tent of gold brocade,
Could I say such things, I deem. And a dinner-service, made
But no matter what you say All of gold, from overseas;
You will not fool me this way!" Sweetmeats, too, her taste to please."
Wrathfully, the Tsar's beard shook: "Ah-at last you've found your head,"
"What-me argue with you? Yawned the Tsar, and from his bed
Look-If you do not bring to me Gave his lords most strict commands
That Tsar-Maid, in sennights three, To fulfil Ivan's demands.
To my Royal Chamber-now, Called Ivan a brave young man,
By my Royal Beard, I vow- Said: "God-speed to you, Ivan."
Hide yourself where e'er you please,
Under ground, or under seas- Dawn had scarce begun to peep,
I'll have you impaled, my man! Humpback roused Ivan from sleep:
Off, you scum!" In tears, Ivan "Hey, my lad, stop snoring, do,
To the hayloft made his way, Up! your duty's calling you."
Where his little humpback lay. So Ivan got up and dressed
Warmly for his royal quest;
"Why, Ivanushka, so sad? Took the tent of gold brocade,
What's the matter now, my lad?" Took the dinner-service, made
Little humpbacked horse enquired; All of gold, from overseas,
"Are you ill? or only tired? Sweetmeats, too, her taste to please.
What's the trouble? Tell me who Took the cloths, and everything
Has upset you? Tell me, do." Tied up tightly with a string,
And Ivan, in bitter tears, Put it all into a sack,
Kissed his little horse's ears Climbed upon his horse's back,
Sobbing: "Oh, my humpback dear, Chewing on a piece of bread,
I must bring the Tsar-Maid here. To the rising sun he sped,
Oh, whatever shall I do?" Off to seek the Tsar-Maid Fair.
In reply, his horse said: "True Seven days they rode, I swear;
Your misfortune's great, I know When the eighth day dawned, they stood
But I'll help you in your woe. In a dark and dense green wood,
You rejected my advice- Here the humpback stopped, and said:
Now, you have to pay the price; "See-the ocean lies ahead-
But, Ivan, 'twixt you and me, There it is, the whole year round,
This is easy as can be. This Tsar-Maiden can be found;
Service lies ahead, my man; Only twice a year, not more,
Now, go to the Tsar, Ivan, Does she spend the day on shore;
Say: To catch the Tsar-Maid, Sire, And, tomorrow, I've a notion,
Two large cloths I shall require,
We shall see her on the ocean."

Then he galloped fast once more Leaving our Ivan behind;

Till they reached the ocean shore; And Ivan, as he was told,
In the distance, they could see Hid behind the tent of gold,
One white wave roll languidly. There he pierced the gold brocade,
Then Ivan dismounted. "Here," So that he could watch the Maid.
Said the humpback in his ear,
"Pitch your tent of gold brocade, As the noonday sun shone clear,
Lay the cloth, and service, made To the shore the Maid drew near;
All of gold from overseas, Gusli in her hand, she went
And the sweets her taste to please. Straight inside the golden tent.
Hide behind the tent, and see "Hm! So that's the Tsar-Maid Fair,
That you don't act foolishly. " Breathed the groom-"! do declare
Yonder-see, the boat is nearing, All those tales were simply lies
With the Tsar-Maid in it, steering. When they praised her to the skies;
She'll walk in the tent-but you She is not the least bit pretty-
Let her be, what e'er you do; Pale and skinny, more's the pity;
Let her walk inside the tent, And her chicken legs, so thin!
Eat and drink to heart's content. Why-it really is a sin!
When you hear her Gusli play, Let who wills, take her to wife-
Rush inside without delay, 1 would not, to save my life."
Seize the Tsar-Maid-hold her tight, Here the Tsar-Maid plucked a string,
Shout for me with all your might. And so sweetly did she sing
You won't need to call me twice- That Ivan, quite unaware,
I'll be with you in a trice, Drooped his sleepy head right there,
And we'll go-but mind you keep Closed his eyes in slumber deep,
All your wits awake-don't sleep; Lulled by her sweet voice to sleep.
For if you but let her go,
You'll be in for lots of woe. Slowly sank the sun from sight.
" Then he flew off, like the wind, Suddenly, he woke in fright;
By him, furiously neighing, Felt as sleepy as before.
Stood his horse and kicked him, saying; "No, you nasty little cheat,"
"Sleep, my lad, sleep till tomorrow- Growled Ivan, upon his feet-
Sleep, and wake to grief and sorrow- "This time you won't get away
You will be impaled, not I!" You will not fool me today."
Here Ivan began to cry, And, unmoved by her sweet song,
Sobbing on his horse's mane, Seized her by her tresses long...
Saying: "I won't sleep again- "Help me, help me, Humpback dear,
Pardon me this once, please do!" Hurry to me, do you hear!"
"Well, the Lord will pardon you," In a flash, his horse stood there-
Said his humpback in reply- Saying: "Well done, I declare!
"Maybe all's not lost; we'll try Mount me quickly, now, Ivan,
And perhaps we'll mend things yet- Hold her tight as tight you can."
But-no sleeping-don't forget!
For again, at break of day, At the Palace gates, at last
That Fair Maid will steer this way; They arrived; the Tsar ran fast
She will go into the tent, To the Fair Tsar-Maiden and
On your honeyed mead intent; Led her by her lily hand
Only-mind what I have said, 'Neath a silken canopy
Otherwise, you'll lose your head." To his royal throne; then he
Fondly gazing in her eyes
Humpback disappeared once more, Said, with honeyed voice, and sighs:
And Ivan searched on the shore "Peerless, beautiful princess-
For some flints and rusty nails Be my bride! Agree-say yes!
From the wrecks of stranded sails, When I first saw you, desire
To arouse him, should once more Burned within my breast like fire!
He, by chance, begin to snore. Oh! Your lovely eyes so bright-
They will haunt me day and night!
It was early morning when They will torture me by day
That Tsar-Maiden came again, And at nights, drive sleep away!
Beached her boat once more and sped, Say but one sweet word to me
By the fragrant odours led, Everything is ready, see-
To the dainties which were laid And tomorrow, oh my life,
In the tent of gold brocade ... We'll be wedded man and wife,
And again she plucked a string, And live happy as the May.'
And so sweetly did she sing
That Ivanushka once more
She, however, turned away Go down to the ocean blue;
From the Tsar, with scornful eye, From its bottom, you must bring
And refused to make reply. Me the Tsar-Maid's signet-ring.
But this only added fire If you execute this task,
To his passionate desire- I will give you all you ask."
Kneeling, he her fingers pressed, "But I've only just got back,
Tenderly her hands caressed, And my joints are fit to crack;
And repeated foolishly: Now you've found another quest!
"Say but one sweet word to me! Can't I even have a rest?"
Wherein have I grieved you, pray? "Sirrah! dare you tell me tarry?
Is my love so hateful, say?" Can't you see I want to marry?"
"Lack-a-day, and woe is me," Raged the Tsar, and with a roar
Said the Tsar-Maid mournfully- Stamped his foot upon the floor.
"If you love me truly, bring "No more arguments, I say-
Me in three days' time, my ring Now, be off without delay!"
Lying in the ocean bed- As Ivan turned round to go,
Only then can we be wed." The Tsarevna called out: "Oh,
Eagerly the Tsar roared: "Hey! Listen-visit, on your way,
Fetch Ivan at once, I say!" My green mansions, and convey
And excited, almost ran Greetings to my mother dear-
Off himself to fetch Ivan! Say, her daughter-do you hear-
Asks, why she conceals her rays
When Ivan appeared, the Tsar These three nights and these three days;
Turned to him and murmured: "Ah! Why my handsome brother shrouds
Vanya-here's a job for you- His bright face in gloomy clouds,
Never sending rays of love "He must. send me off, of course,
From the misty heights above? On a journey to the sea-
Don't forget my message, now." Only gave three days to me-
As Ivan made his last bow, And some cursed signet-ring
"I will not forget," he said, From the sea bed I must bring!
"If it doesn't slip my head; For that skinny Tsar-Maid,
But please tell me who's your brother? I Have to travel to the sky-
Also, tell me who's your mother? Give her compliments and love
I don't know them, I confess." To the Sun and Moon above.
In reply, the fair princess And besides, there are a few
Said: "The Moon-she is my mother, Questions I must ask them, too.
And the Sun-he is my brother." " Said his horse: "Twixt you and me,
"See you're back in time, my man!" This is easy as can be;
Called the bridegroom to Ivan, Service, brother, lies ahead!
Who retired and made his way Now, you just go off to bed.
To his humpback in the hay. Early in the morning, we
Will be travelling to the sea."
"Why, Ivanushka, so sad? In the morning, fresh from rest,
What's the matter now, my lad?" Our Ivan, now warmly dressed,
Said his humpback with a neigh. Put three onions in his pack,
"Help me, little humpback, pray, Climbed upon his horse's back
For the Tsar now wants to wed And sped on his distant quest...
That there skinny girl, he said. Brothers-let me have a rest!
And," Ivan said to his horse,

Till yesterday, Makar used to follow the plough.

But look at him today-he's a Voivode now!

Ta-ra-n-ra, ta-ra-rai, 'Leave the lads alone,' she said,

And at nights just stay in bed.'"
All the horses ran away;
Now my prelude's said and done,
But the peasants, at long last,
And my story is begun.
Caught them all and bound them fast.
Master Raven, croak, croak, croak,
Well, Ivan rode off to bring
Blows his trumpet on an oak
Back the Tsar-Maid's signet-ring;
And amuses Christian true,
And his horse flew like the wind,
Singing: "Now folks, listen, do-
Leaving miles and leagues behind-
Once a peasant and his wife
Twenty thousand leagues, ere night,
Led a very merry life.
Covered in a single flight.
He was always blithe and gay,
She was merry as the May;
Near the sea, he loudly neighed
When he danced and when she sang,
Saying: "We will reach a glade
Then with mirth the village rang."
In a minute, maybe more,
This is but the prelude, friends,
Leading to the ocean shore,
And my tale starts when it ends.
Where, with monster head and tail,
Hark to what the house-fly's singing
Lies the Monster-Marvel Whale.
As upon our gates it's swinging:
These ten years he lies in pain,
"What's the price for news today?
Ignorant of how to gain
News-fresh news-what will you pay?
Pardon, to this very day.
Have you heard? The new-wed wife
He will humbly beg and pray
Got the beating of her life
That you pardon for him gain
From her husband's mother-who
When we reach the Sun's domain.
Tied her to the oven, too;
Promise him, Ivan, and see
Trussed her up, secure and neat,
Took her shoes from off her feet.
That you do so faithfully!"

When they reached the glade, they flew

Straight towards the ocean blue;
There, across it, lay the whale-
Monster head and monster tail;
He was all one mass of holes,
From his ribs grew stakes and poles;
On his tail-a forest black;
And a village on his back;
Peasants on his lip drove ploughs,
Children danced between his brows;
Oak-trees on his huge jaws grew,
Maidens there sought mushrooms, too.
Clatter, clatter, clatter, clack, While the whale, with bitter cries,
Rode the humpback o'er his back, Begged Ivan, between his sighs:
While the Monster-Marvel Whale "Please have pity on poor me-
Eyed them as he swished his tail, These ten years I'm suffering, see-
Opening his huge jaws wide Do this favour for me, do,
As most bitterly he sighed: I will serve you some day too!"
"May God speed you, gentles two- "Yes, yes, Monster Whale, all right!'
Whither bound, and whence are you?" Yelled Ivan with all his might.
"We're the Tsar-Maid's envoys, see- Then his horse, with one leap bore
From the capital are we," Vanya to the other shore,
Little humpbacked horse replied- Leaving clouds of dust behind
"Eastward, to the Sun, we ride, As he flew on like the wind.
To his residence of gold."
"Fathers, may I make so bold," Near or far, or high or low,
Said the whale, "to beg of you, How they travelled, I don't know-
When you reach the heavens blue, Nor did anybody say
Ask the Sun, how long must I If they saw them on the way;
Suffer this disgrace, and why? Tales, you know, are quickly spun,
For what sins, let him explain, Deeds are sooner said than done;
Must I bear this grief and pain?" Only, brothers, I did hear
"Yes, yes, Monster Whale, all right," (Indirectly, though, I fear)
Yelled Ivan with all his might, That the humpback came to where
Earth meets sky; and it is there,
Peasant maidens, spinning flax,
Use the clouds as distaff racks.

Bidding Mother Earth good-bye,

Vanya rode up to the sky;
Like a prince, he proudly flew
Through the skies, his hat askew.
"What a wonder-Oh, I say,"
Mused Ivan aloud, as they
Rode the cloudy meadows blue-
"Though our country's pretty, too,
But compared with this blue sky,
It's not worth a button-why,
Our old Earth down there is so
Black and muddy, as you know;
Here, the soil is bright and blue,
And how brilliant it is, too!
But, my horse, what can that be
In the East, up yonder, see-
Gleaming like the dawn up there ?
That must be, I do declare,
Nothing but the sun's chief city,
But-how high up, more's the pity!"
"That's the Tsar-Maid's tower you see,
Our Tsaritsa's that's to be,"
Neighed the humpback in his ear:
"Every night the Sun sleeps here,
And, here every day, the Moon
Comes to take her rest at noon."

Palace portals met their sight, All its pillars made of gold,
Crowned in crystal, gleaming bright; Twisted cunningly, and scrolled
On each pillar shone a star; She has got a silver tongue.
Round the palace, near and far, It's not easy to recall
Fragrant gardens, fair to see, Every word that she let fall."
Spread in verdant brilliancy. "Which Tsaritsa-who is she?"
Birds of paradise were singing "Why, the Tsar-Maid, don't you see?"
In their golden cages, swinging "What-our Tsar-Maid ?-you don't say
'Mong the silver branches there. It was you stole her away?"
Mansions rose there, tall and fair. With a gasp cried Moon Moonovich.
Stars upon the palace spire, And Ivanushka Petrovich
Burning with a holy fire, Answered: "Why, yes-surely Ma'am-
Formed a Christian Cross, whose rays I'm the Royal Groom, I am.
Set the heavens all ablaze. And our Tsar gave me just three
Weeks to find and fetch her, see?
Through the portals then they rode Otherwise, you see, he said,
And Ivan, dismounting, strode I would lose my curly head."
To the palace, with bare head. Here the Moon in glad surprise
There he saw the Moon, and said: Hugged Ivan and dried her eyes.
"Greetings, gracious Moon Moonovich, "Okh, Ivanushka Petrovich,"
I'm Ivanushka Petrovich Murmured gracious Moon Moonovich,
And from countries far away "You have brought such news today
Greetings I bring you today." That I don't know what to say;
"Take a seat, Ivan Petrovich," When we lost our dear Princess,
Murmured gracious Moon Moonovich, How we mourned, you'll never guess;
"Tell me now, and let me know, That's the reason why, you see,
Why you left the Earth below I've been grieving bitterly
For our realms so bright and blue; These three nights and these three days,
From what people, land are you? In dark clouds concealed my rays;
How you found your way, confess- All this time I mourned and wept,
Tell me all the truth, no less!" Never ate a crumb, nor slept-
"From a land on Earth I come, This is why her brother shrouds
From a realm of Christiandom," His bright face in gloomy clouds;
Sitting down, Ivan replied. Why he sends no warming rays
"I have crossed the ocean wide Down to Earth these many days,
My Tsaritsa's will to do- Shedding many a bitter tear,
In your palace, bow to you- Mourning for his sister dear.
Then repeat these words-now hear: Let me know, though-is she well-
Tell my darling mother dear Is she homesick for us, tell?"
That her daughter down below, "She'd be pretty, I would say,
On the Earth, desires to know But she's wasting right away;
Why, for these three nights and days, She's as skinny as can be
She conceals from her her rays; Only skin and bones, you see-
Why my handsome brother shrouds When she's married, though, no doubt
His bright face in gloomy clouds, She'll improve and get quite stout,
Never sending rays of love For the Tsar will wed her soon."
From his misty heights above?-' "What? The villain!" screamed the Moon-
This is all-I think-though young, "Why-he's eighty, if a day,
And he wants to wed with May!
I declare, upon my life,
She will never be his wife;
See what that old nasty toad
Wants-to reap, who never sowed.
Why, he's greedy as he's vain!"

Here Ivan spoke up again: Thirty ships, one day, he swallowed

"Please do not deny this boon As their ocean course they followed.
For the whale, 0 gracious Moon- If he sets them free again
O'er the ocean down below God will take away his pain,
Lies a Monster Whale, you know- All his wounds
He is all one mass of holes, He will assuage
From his ribs stick stakes and poles And reward him with old age."
And, poor thing, he begged me to
Speak for him when I saw you- Here Ivan rose from his chair,
Why has he deserved this pain, Said: "Farewell" with courtly air,
And how can he pardon gain? Thrice he kissed the bright Moon's face,
Will he get his freedom soon?" Clasping her in warm embrace.
In reply, the lustrous Moon Said: "Well, Ivanushka Petrovich,"
"He bears this punishment, Murmured gracious Moon Moonovich,
For, without the Lord's consent, "Many, many thanks to you
From my son and from me, too; Fled from off that Monster Whale;
Put my daughter's mind at ease And, by noon, you could not find
With my blessing, Vanya, please; Anybody left behind.
Tell my daughter that I say: Twas as though Mamai's fierce horde
'Mother's with you night and day- Had swept the land with fire and sword.
Cease from grieving-sigh no more- O'er its tail the humpback sped,
Soon will end your sorrow sore, Reached and bent down to its head,
For you'll never never wed Shouted loud as loud could be:
Any greybeard, toothless head, "Listen, Monster Whale, to me!
But a young and handsome man.' All this is your punishment-
God be with you, now, Ivan." For, without the Lord's consent,
Bowing low as best he knew, Thirty ships, one day, you swallowed
Vanya climbed his humpback true, As their ocean course they followed;
Whistled like a noble knight If you set them free again
Then rode back with all his might. He will take away your pain,
All your wounds he will assuage,
Next day, our Ivan once more And reward you with old age."
Came up to the ocean shore; And, when his long speech was said,
Clatter, clatter, clatter, clack Bit his bridle, tossed his head,
Rode he over that whale's back, Gave one leap-and lo, once more
While the Monster-Marvel Whale Stood upon the distant shore.
Sighed and slowly waved his tail,
Saying: "Sires-about my boon? Then the Monster Whale turned round,
Will I get my freedom soon?" Like a mighty heaving mound;
But the humpback merely said: Threshed the ocean with his tail,
"Wait, 0 Whale," and ran ahead And a fleet of thirty sail
To the village market-place One by one cast from his jaws,
Where he called the populace; Sails and sailors, boats and oars.
Tossed his coal-black mane and head,
Snorted thrice, and loudly said: Such a din here rent the deep
"Heed my words, 0 Christians true- That the Sea-King woke from sleep.
Mark what I am telling you- Brazen guns in broadsides flashed,
If you wish to keep away Trumpets blared and cymbals crashed,
From a briny grave today, And the chaplain with his choir
Get you gone this minute, now; Held a Mass amid the fire.
Wonders will take place, I vow, White sails were unfurled at last,
For the Monster Whale will turn Flags flew gaily from each mast;
And the sea will seethe and churn." And the sailors sang this song
Here the peasants, great and small, As they rowed their ships along:
Christians true-they one and all "O'er the billows, o'er the sea,
Hurried off to home and farm, O'er the ocean wide and free,
Crying out in wild alarm; At the bottom of the world,
Gathered all their carts, and placed Fly our ships with sails unfurled."
All their goods on them in haste
And, with many a woeful wail,
All the ships sailed out of view, "Ere the sun sets, you must bring
Hidden by the billows blue, Me the Fair Tsar-Maiden's ring
While the Monster-Marvel Whale It is hidden in a chest;
Threshed the waters with his tail, Who fulfils this my behest
Opened up his jaws so wide, Will receive a title-he
Lifted up his voice, and cried: Privy Counsellor will be;
"Tell me, friends, what can I do But, if I am not obeyed,
In return, or give to you? On my word-I'll have you flayed."
Coloured sea-shells, do you wish? At these words, the sturgeons bowed
Would you care for golden fish? And withdrew in order proud.
Lovely pearls? Oh-anything
You may ask for, I will bring." In another hour or so,
"No, 0 Whale-fish," said Ivan- Two white sturgeons, swimming slow,
"We don't need them; if you can, Humbly bending head and tail,
We would rather have you bring Thus addressed the Monster whale:
Us the Tsar-Maid's signet-ring "Be not wrathful, 0 great Tsar!
From the bottom of the sea, All the oceans, near and far,
For our Tsar's bride that's to be." We have searched and ploughed-but we
"Certainly-for friends like you Of that ring no sign could see.
There is nothing I won't do; Of your subjects, but one fish-
Ere the sun sets, I will bring That's the perch-can do your wish;
You the lovely Maiden's ring," He's at home in all the seas,
Said the whale, and sank like lead He will find that ring with ease;
To the very ocean bed. But, perhaps it was in spite,
That he left his home last night."
There, the Monster-Marvel Whale "Have him found and brought to me
Raised his voice and thumped his tail, To my cabin, instantly."
Called the tribe of sturgeons, and Thundered wrathfully the whale
Thus delivered his command: Wiggling whiskers, fins and tail.
Bowing low, the sturgeons raced
To the county Court in haste;
There they had a Royal Writ
Drawn up instantly-to wit:
That the brawling perch, when caught,
To His Majesty be brought;
It was penned in copper-plate
By the bream, in duplicate;
And the sheat-fish (Counsellor)
Signed without the least demur;
Then the lobster and the eel
Sealed it with the Royal Seal,
Called a pair of dolphins, who
Were forthwith commissioned to
Institute a thorough search
For that vagrant brawling perch;
And, when they had found the same,
Seize him, in the Royal Name,
And immediately to hale
Him before the Royal Whale.
Here the dolphins bowed assent
And to seek the perch they went.

So they searched an hour, or more,

All the seas from shore to shore;
All the lakes they searched, and they
Searched each river, creek and bay
For the perch-but all in vain,
And, chagrined, turned back again,
Almost shedding tears for shame ...

Suddenly, from somewhere came

Unexpectedly, a cry
(From a little pond nearby);
To the pond they turned, and they
Dived below without delay;
There, the perch in furious war
With a little carp they saw;
"Hist-the devil take you now,"
Roared the runners-"What a row!
One might think from your loud cries
You were fighting for a prize!"
"Who asked you to interfere?"
Cried the perch, who showed no fear,
"I'm no joker-for two pins
I would rip you with my fins."
"Oh, you brawling vagabond, Hauling him by gills and fins
You, of squabbling always fond- To the whale, for his black sins.
You would only gad about,
Rascal you, and fight and shout! "Traitor's son-what does this mean?
Home and you just don't agree! You are late-where have you been?"
But-why argue with you-see- Wrathfully roared out the whale,
Here's the Tsar's ukase that you And the perch, all meek and pale,
Come to him without ado." Begged for pardon on his fins
Then they dragged the vagabond And confessed to all his sins.
By his whiskers, through the pond, "Well, I'll pardon you this time
To the whale; the perch-fish, he If you expiate your crime
Yelled and struggled furiously: And fulfil my Royal Wish,"
"Brothers-let me give him one Said the monarch of the fish.
Little punch, and I'll be done!
Why, that carp-fish, publicly, "I shall only be too proud,"
Yesterday insulted me, On his fins, the perch squealed loud.
Called me names, and cursed me, too- "You are always in and out
Let me get at him, please do. Of the oceans-and no doubt,
" Long and loud he shouted, till, Saw the Tsar-Maid's ring?" "Yea, yea!
Willy-nilly, he grew still; I can find it straightaway."
While the dolphins swam with him "Well, be off with you, and see
Through the seas, in silence grim, That you bring it instantly."
Then the perch, with humble tail, To the Tsar; while I shall go
Bowed and left the Royal Whale; Home, and take a rest below.
Railed the servants to their face, My poor eyes, they just can't keep
Tried to kiss a pretty dace, Open-they're so full of sleep ..."
Punched a dozen sprats in play, And the sturgeons, then and there,
Ere he went upon his way, Swam off to the Tsar with care,
After which, he fearlessly While the brawling vagabond
Dived into the slimy sea Made his way toward the pond
And, from out the ocean-bed, (Whence he had been hauled away
Dug a casket with his head Somewhat earlier that day)
Weighing no less than a ton. Back to fight the carp, may be-
"This is easier said than done," I can't say-no fish told me.
Cried the perch; he gave a shout But-forget him, if you can,
For the herrings to come out. Let's return to our Ivan.
Though the herrings did their best,
Pushed and crowded round the chest, Calm reigned on the ocean, and
Squeaking, squealing, high and low, Humming mournful, on the sand,
"Yo heave ho!" and "Yo, ho ho!" Vanya sat with great concern,
All their efforts were in vain- Waiting for the whale's return;
They grew hoarse from cries and strain, On the beach, by Vanya's side,
While that casket still stuck fast Slept his humpback true and tried.
Till the perch cried out at last: Evening shadows fell apace,
"You're real herrings, yes indeed! And the Sun had run his race,
Vodka? Knouts is what you need! Tinged the heavens with the blaze
Then, in dudgeon, quickly made Of his slowly dying rays;
Off to seek the sturgeons' aid. But-no token of the whale.
All the sturgeons flocked around "May you rot from head to tail,
And, without a single sound, Nasty boaster," cried Ivan-
Raised the little jewel box "You deceiving Sea-shaitan !-
Stuck fast in the mud and rocks. Promised faithfully you'd bring,
"Well, you fellows-just take care," Ere night fell, the Tsar-Maid's ring;
Said the perch-"and now, repair See-the Sun has almost set
And you haven't brought it yet,
Liar ..." Here, the ocean surged,
And the Monster Whale emerged;
"For the kindness you did me,
I have kept my promise-see-"
Quoth he to our Vanya, and
Plumped the casket on the sand,
So, the shore rocked to and fro.
"Now I've paid my debt, I'll go,
But should you need me anew,
Call me, and I'll come to you;
I'll remember till I die
What you've done for me-good-bye!"
More than this, he did not say,
Gave one splash and swam away.

Humpback horse jumped up, awake,

Gave his mane and tail a shake,
At Ivanushka he glanced,
Turned a somersault, and pranced:
"Whale Whaleovich! Marvellous!
You have paid your debt to us!
Thank you, Monster Whale," called out
Little humpback with a shout.
"Now, Ivan, do not delay-
Let's be going on our way-
Three days have already passed
And tomorrow is our last.
Our old man will die of sorrow
If we don't get back tomorrow."
Said Ivan: "I've done my best,
But I cannot raise that chest-
I'd be very happy to,
But it's more than I can do-
Though I tried three times to lift it,
Yet I couldn't even shift it;
It must hold at least a score,
Or a hundred fiends, or more."
Here his horse, without a sound,
Raised the casket from the ground
To his neck, with one light kick,
And then said: "Now, mount me, quick-
Time is nearly up, you know,
And we still have far to go."
Horse and rider, tired and worn, "Why can you not be my wife?
Reached the palace gates at dawn, Why?-I love you more than life;
And the Tsar ran out to meet him- And, forgive my boldness, do,
"Where's my ring?" was all his greeting. I just want to marry you.
Vanya got off from his horse If you don't... at dawn tomorrow
Proudly answered: "Here, of course I shall die of grief and sorrow!
And, a little casket, too. 0, Tsaritsa-pity me!"
Call the guards, though, for-look you, But the Tsar-Maid said, said she:
Yes, it may seem small, but yet "Only look-you're old and grey-
It could crush the fiend, I'll bet." I'm but fifteen and a day-
So the guards were called, and they We can't marry-if we do,
Took the jewel box away; All the tsars will laugh at you,
Then the Tsar, he forthwith sped Saying-there goes youth with age.'
To the Tsar-Maid, and he said But the Tsar replied in rage:
In a sweet and tender voice: "Mock me? Only let them dare-
"Dear, your ring is found-rejoice! They won't laugh again, I swear!
Now, permit me to repeat I shall put them all to flight-
There's no obstacle, my sweet, Kith and kin to death I'll smite!"
To prevent us, 0 my life, "Even then," the Tsar-Maid said,
From becoming man and wife "You and I cannot be wed.
In the morning; but, my dear, I won't marry you-remember
Come and see, your ring is here. Roses don't bloom in December;
" "Yes, I know, I know," she said- I am beautiful-let's see-
"Still-we cannot yet be wed." What can you boast of to me?"
Quoth the Tsar: "I may be old Will be young and handsome too!"
Yet I am both gay and bold.
All the Tsar did was to say
When I dress myself a bit That his groom come straightaway.
Everybody will admit "Are you sending me once more,"
That I'm handsome as can be. Cried Ivan, "off to the shore?
But-what need of this?" said he, No, Your Majesty-not if I can help it-
"If but you and I be wed." I'm still stiff, As it is-no, I won't go!"
But the Tsar-Maid merely said: "No," the Tsar said-"No, no, no-
"Never, never in my life Listen, now-tomorrow morn
Will I ever be the wife On the palace court-yard lawn,
Of an old, old man like you, I will have three cauldrons filled:
Grey haired, ugly, toothless, too!" One will have cold water, chilled,
Frowning, as he scratched his head, In the second cauldron-pot
Here the old Tsar only said: There'll be water, boiling hot;
"Now, whatever shall I do? While with milk I'll fill the last,
How I want to marry you! Heating it till it boils fast.
Yet the only thing you say You, Ivan, must do your best-
Is, for ever Nay and Nay!" These three cauldrons you must test-
But again the Tsar-Maid said: First bathe in the milk, my son,
"Grey hairs I shall never wed! Then the waters, one by one."
You regain your youth anew, "Listen to his blarney," said
And I'll gladly marry you." Vanya, and he shook his head-
"0, Tsaritsa, dear-look here- "Chickens, pigs, and turkeys-yes-
One can't be reborn, I fear, People scald them, I confess;
Only God works wonders, see." I'm no pig or turkey, though,
Then the Tsar-Maid said, said she: Nor a chicken, as you know.
"If you have no fear of pain, Now, a cold bath-why that's quite
You will soon be young again. Diff'rent and, I'll say, all right;
Listen-early in the morn, As to being boiled alive-
On the palace court-yard lawn, You can't tempt me-don't you strive;
You must have three cauldrons ready, But-enough, Your Majesty-
Two-on fires burning steady; Don't you make a fool of me."
Now, the first one must be filled Wrathfully, the Tsar's beard shook-
To the brim, with water chilled; "What-me argue with you? Look!
While the next-with water hot- If my bidding be not done
Have it boiled there on the spot; With the rising of the sun,
Then, with milk fill up the last, I will have you drawn and quartered,
Heat it, till the milk boils fast; Tortured on the wheels and slaughtered!
If you wish to marry me, Off with you, you wretched plague, you!"
Young and handsome wish to be,
First you must your robes divest, Shivering as with the ague,
Plunge into the milk, undressed; Vanya to the hayloft crept,
Next, in boiling water; then, Where his little humpback slept.
In the water cold-and when "Why, Ivanushka, so sad?
You emerge-believe me, you Why so downcast, then, my lad?
Has our bridegroom found another
Task for you, my little brother?"
Said his horse; Ivan, in tears,
Kissed his little horse's ears,
Held his neck in close embrace
As the tears rolled down his face.
"Woe is me, my horse," sobbed he,
"He will be the death of me;
Now I've got to bathe, undressed,
In three cauldrons, for a test;
In the first, there's water, chilled;
Next, with boiling water's filled;
In the third-milk, scathing hot."
"Yes that is a task you've got,"
Said his horse. "For this, you need
All my friendship, yes, indeed;
Your misfortunes are the price
Of refusing my advice;
Thank that evil feather for
All your woes and sorrows sore.
But, God bless you-do not cry-
We will manage, you and I.
I would sooner perish, than
Leave you in the lurch, Ivan.
Listen, lad-tomorrow morn,
When you strip there on the lawn,
Say: 'Your Gracious Majesty!
Please to send my horse to me
So that I can say good-bye
To my horse before I die.'
Now, I know he will agree
And he'll send a groom for me
I will wave my tail about,
In each cauldron, dip my snout;
Then I'll squirt upon you, twice,
Whistle long and loudly thrice;
You-be sure to look alive,
In the milk then quickly dive,
Then-in waters hot and cold
Dive, just as you have been told.
Now, my lad, go, say your prayers,
Sleep in peace, forget your cares."
Dawn had scarce begun to peep, So as not to see him bare.
Humpback roused Ivan from sleep: To the cauldrons Vanya sped,
"Hey, my lad, stop snoring, do! Peered inside, and scratched his head.
Up ! Your duty's calling you !"
So Vanyusha scratched his head, While the Tsar said: "Now, Ivan-
Yawned, and scrambled out of bed, Come on-do your duty, man!"
Crossed himself and said a prayer, Said Ivan: "Your Majesty,
Sauntered to the court-yard, where, Please to send my horse to me
Near the cauldrons, in a row, So that I can say good-bye
Sat the servants, high and low- To my horse, before I die."
Princes, dukes, and lords and pages, Pondering o'er this request,
Cooks and coachmen, fools and sages- Graciously he acquiesced,
Sat and whispered with a smile And the Tsar was pleased to send
And discussed Ivan, the while For Vanyusha's faithful friend,
Logs were fed on to the fire And Ivan then said adieu
So that it should not expire. To his humpbacked horse so true.

Then the portals opened wide Humpback waved his tail about,
And the Tsar, with his young bride, In each cauldron dipped his snout,
Came to watch there, with the rest, Then he squirted on him twice,
How Ivan would stand the test. Whistled long and loudly thrice;
And the Tsar called out: "Ivan, Vanya gave his horse one look,
Now, undress yourself, my man- Then a deep, long breath he took,
Dive, and bathe without delay After which, as he was told,
In those cauldrons there, I say!" In each cauldron dived, full bold.
Vanya stripped-no word said he, In and out he dived, and when
And the young Tsaritsa, she He emerged-no words nor pen
Veiled herself right then and there Could describe him-he was so
Handsome, I should have you know.
Then he dried himself, and dressed,
To the Tsar-Maid bowed his best,
Glanced around with haughty air,
No prince handsomer, you'd swear.

"What a wonder-did you ever?"

Cried the crowd, and-"Well I never!"
Hastily the Tsar undressed,
Twice and thrice he crossed his breast,
Dived into the cauldron pot
And was boiled there on the spot!
Here the Tsar-Maid stood up, and
Called for silence with her hand;
Then, unveiling her fair face,
Thus addressed the populace:
"Listen, now! The Tsar is dead-
Will you have me in his stead?
Am I pleasing in your eyes?
Speak! If so, then recognise
As the lord of all the land,
My beloved husband"-and,
Pointing to Ivan, she placed
Her fair arm around his waist.
"We are willing!" all replied- And all night the drunken throng
"We would die for you!" they cried- Shouted out in merry song:
"For the sake of your sweet eyes, "Long live Tsar Ivan!" they cried,
Tsar Ivan we'll recognise." "And the Fair Tsar-Maid, his bride!"
In the palace, mirth held sway,
Hand in hand, the Royal pair- Wines like water flowed that day,
Tsar, and young Tsaritsa fair- And before the groaning boards
To the holy altar sped, Princes drank with Dukes and Lords.
And in God's church they were wed. Twas a pleasure! I was there,
Mead and wine I drank, I swear;
Cannons from the castle flashed, Though my whiskers bathed in wine,
Trumpets blared and cymbals crashed; Nothing passed these lips of mine.
From the cellars, then and there,
Casks were rolled with vintage rare.
The End

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